Milestone 2 assessment

Milestone 2 assessment

(Milestone 2 assessment)

Question description


1. Welcome to the Milestone 2 tutorial.

2. This tutorial reviews Milestone 2, your assessment and diagnosis paper. For Milestone 2, you will write an APA paper where you will complete your community assessment, and diagnose one community health nursing problem based on this data. You can find APA resources in your resource folder in your course.

3. Download the Milestone 2 guidelines from Doc Sharing, and follow the directions carefully. Use the headings outlined on these guidelines as first level headings in your paper. There is an APA template in resources that you can use to help with APA formatting.

4. Begin Milestone 2 with an introductory paragraph. Start your paper with an interesting sentence that grabs the attention of the reader. Provide an introduction to your paper, and be sure to include the purpose of your paper related to assessing and diagnosing a community health problem.

Follow this up in Section 2 with a second paragraph that describes your community in a little more detail. Include your community’s name and state. Discuss whether it is rural, suburban, or urban. Describe a few interesting facts about your area.

Next, in the demographic data section, discuss a range of demographic data for your community. Demographic data includes the general statistics that describe the community. This data is found in the U.S. Census Bureau reports (similar to the first part of your Week 2 discussion). Compare your demographic information to state or national statistics.

In the Epidemiological data section, include a range of information about disease rates, health behaviors, or public health problems in your area. This information can be found from your local health department records (on their website), the county health rankings website, or other records, such as those from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Do not use Wikipedia. Most .com websites are not considered scholarly resources. Use this data to paint a picture of your community. Compare your community data to state or national data. Be sure to include statistics that support the problem that you will be discussing later in the paper.

5. The windshield survey section includes a summary of the relevant parts of your windshield survey that was completed for the first Milestone. Be sure to include information about what you observed related to the problem you identify.

Now that you’ve collected the assessment data, you can diagnose the problem and discuss that in the next section. Be sure this is a nursing problem that you consider to be a priority concern. Provide the rationale for your choice, and relate your choice to one of the healthy people numbered objectives, not just a healthy people goal. Be sure that the data you collected and your windshield survey validates this problem. Also, discuss the findings of two scholarly journal articles related to the problem you chose. These articles may discuss factors that contribute to the problem you uncovered, but should not focus on interventions.

The summary section provides a paragraph about your paper and should include a restatement of what you discovered and a statement about the problem. This should also include the population at risk for the problem and the factors that contribute to this problem. Do not include new information in the summary. End with a conclusion statement.

Finally, include a reference page for the complete APA reference of any source you cited in the paper. See the APA documents in resources for help. As always, use the grading rubric to self-grade your paper before submitting it.

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Comparing foundational document & quot

Comparing a "foundational document" from a selected profession to the gospels

(Comparing foundational document & quot)

Question description

D.3.3. Research Paper. The research paper will be 8-10 pages (2000-2500 words). The paper will compare a foundational document from the “selected profession” chosen by the student with the materials presented in the textbook and class regarding that same topic.. Thus, the paper will be a comparison of one reality with another. The paper will demonstrate: (a) the student has grasped information and insights of Rel 214-01, especially the understanding of a “foundational document” and its subsequent interpretation. (b) the student can read and understand new material and (c) the student can compare and contrast what he/she learned in the course with information found outside of the course.

Questions to research about the foundational document of your “selected” profession (find answers in your research of professional sources – journals, web sites, mission statements, history books about the profession, etc):

When was it written?

Compare with the analysis of the four gospels – how do we know when they were written? e.g. subject matter, other events in history, literary forms, etc.

What are the historical events that influenced the foundation of the profession. Cite sources for your description of historical events – industrialization, wars, migration, advances in technology, etc. Compare to historical events that influenced the gospels – e.g. Roman roads, wars, destruction of the Temple in 70 a.d., etc.(Comparing foundational document & quot)

What is the cultural context?

Compare with chapters on Greco-Roman background and Jewish background of Jesus.

Compare professional journal findings with textbook analysis.

Cite your sources, put quotation marks around direct quotations.

What is the mainstream interpretation of the foundational document, i.e. what do most people in the field think that it means? Find this in professional journals, not Wikipedia.

What are the reformers’ interpretations of the foundational document?

What sources do the reformers use – language, history, consequences, future expectations? Compare with sources for the gospels.

Which image of Jesus would the founders or reformers be comparable to? – the Jesus is Matthew, Mark, Luke or John?

Compare both founders and reformers with the images of Jesus in the four chapters about Jesus.

(Comparing foundational document & quot)

How apocalyptic are the founders/reformers? Compare with Chapter 17 of Ehrman.

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Course Project – Business Problem

Course Project – Business Problem

(Course Project – Business Problem)

Question description

Your company, Rasmussen Consulting, was hired by MovieFlix, a company that provides subscription service for on-demand Internet streaming media and DVD-by-mail within the U.S. You are the consultant that Rasmussen has decided to assign the MovieFlix case to.

To begin your assignment you will need to select one of the business problems described in the “Capstone Project Introduction” page of Module 01. (the bus problem I chose is this: Marketing and Customer Loyalty – challenge to market to potential customers effectively and retain existing customers) You will complete this assignment in 2 parts. To complete your assignment, you will need to do the following:

Part I

  • Research your business issue. You will need to use a minimum of 4 credible sources for your research, with 2 being academic sources, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal.

In 2-3 pages, describe the problem that you’ve selected: Marketing and Customer Loyalty – challenge to market to potential customers effectively and retain existing customers

  • What is the problem?
  • Why is it a problem for businesses?
  • Why does this problem exist or what causes it?
  • What are some of the consequences if the problem goes unsolved?
  • Remember to use proper tone in your paper. You are speaking from a “consultant” point of view. Your audience is the Leadership Team at MovieFlix.
  • Make sure to write your paper utilizing proper APA formatting guidelines, and to include an APA formatted title page.

Part II

Now that you’ve shown MovieFlix that you’ve adequately researched their issue it’s time to write them a formal business letter to discuss next steps.

  • Write a formal business letter from your company (Rasmussen Consulting) to MovieFlix. For your letter, you will need to follow proper business formatting guidelines and use “block letter formatting.” Also, include an APA formatted title page
  • Your business letter needs to be a minimum of 2 pages in length and must include the following:
    • Let MovieFlix know that you have researched the issue and what your conclusions are for their company based on your research.
    • Discuss latest developments surrounding the issue.
    • Describe what the first steps will be in helping them to resolve their issue. Explain why it’s important that these be the first steps and what your role will be in helping them to implement these first steps.
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Academic Reference Need


(Academic Reference Need)

Do A Comment Base In These Answers. Please Write At Least 130 Words. Academic Reference Need. Please Write The Reference In Each Not Together Because Sometime I Confuse. Thanks

Comment 1

Navigating through unique cultures as well as religious needs of patients is an unnerving process. Some actions or wording stated can offend the patient or their family by not knowing their needs or beliefs. When it comes to the patient Sue Li, most practitioners would automatically start with the assumption that she is from Asia (Purnell, 2012). The first question she will be asked is if she is a citizen of the country? If her response were “no” then her nationality would be requested, however, if it were yes the questioning will proceed (Galanti, 2014). The next question will be if she is fluent in English? If not if she would like any translator? If she is not being escorted by one. This will be followed her explanation of her condition in full detail. It is important not to judge the patient due to their difference in culture. The medical procedure that will be given will be explained in full detail to the patient and asked if she will be comfortable with the process. If not the nurse must respect her decision.(Academic Reference Need)

Abuse screen is a tool that nurses can use to evaluate if patient is victim of abuse the screening question will be performed to assess how recent how serious family abuse was.

In the case of abuse, she will be encouraged to express her problems. Asians are not encouraged to speak family matters to outsiders; the nurse will have to use various techniques to ensure the patient feels accommodated (Paniagua, 2013). By giving personal experience can be one method as it reduces the amount of shame and guilt. If abuse is confirmed by interview, she will fill the abuse assessment screen and the proper authorities contacted to deal with the matter (Paniagua, 2013). The patient, on the other hand, will be separated from the abuser and taken for further treatment and assessment. Nurse may offer different resources and therapy group for Li and provide a safety plan to prevent further harm.

Comment 2

For a proper healthcare delivery in any setup, cultural competency of a nurse is an important factor (Jarvis, 2016). The nurse should clearly understand the cultural beliefs and the type of family setting that the patient was raised in for him to provide the best care to Ms. Li.  Most Asian American families have strong cultural beliefs and this can substantially influence the decision-making process by the patient. Other Asian American families have washed away their strong beliefs and hence their approach to healthcare might be more Americanized or westernized. This background information is important for a nurse since it helps in a proper interview to make an assessment.(Academic Reference Need)

Asian communities are family oriented and like coexisting peacefully as a group as opposed to emphasizing individuality. This coexistence is a protection against the hardships of life and a major source of identity (Jarvis, 2016). Inner strength and stamina and respect to the family are important values for the Asian children. These important values are enforced by their parents, who expect the child to strictly follow the rules and only speak when it is necessary. Given this background, therefore, Asians maybe not willing to acknowledge strong pain, emotion, and grief because of their cultural values and family.

Asian cultures can be described as high context cultures in which communication through non-verbal cues is very common and important (McCulloch, 2014). Hence, the pitch, intonation, eye contact, word stress, “gesture, body language, and silence are as vital as the spoken words in a conversation. By being sensitive to the other person’s mood and being polite in conversation, Asian families expect to be understood mutually and their non-verbal communication. With this knowledge, the nurse should consider these facts when interviewing Ms. Li.(Academic Reference Need)

Abuse Assessment Screen is a short domestic violence screening tool nurses can use in their healthcare settings. The tool is formatted such that no one feels singled out. Follow up question are asked if any of the questions are answered with a yes. These follow-up questions will be designed to assess how serious and how recent the family abuse was. Essentially, nurses have mandated reporters in their clinical setup.

If abuse is detected during the interview, the nurse should report it and document a detailed description of the nature of abuse as recounted by the patient. However, the nurse should take particular care to give the full the details of the abuser (McCulloch, 2014).  Ms. Li needs to have therapy services, support, and protection to help her recover and to keep her away from such an abusive environment. The nurse can offer different resources and information concerning who Ms. Li can talk to assist her with the issue. Furthermore, if nurses are uncertain about requirements for their local reporting, they may also talk to their local domestic violence coalitions for further clarification.

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Life in the Universe Term Paper

Life in the Universe Term Paper, science homework help

(Life in the Universe Term Paper)

Question description

Term Paper Due on the Last Day of Class (No exceptions – sorry, really no exceptions).

The term paper question changes every year— yep, you guessed it, a plagiarism check…sigh—so please to organize your paper around the question below.

You MUST use the assigned topic and format for your paper or you risk getting a 0.

Term Paper Topic:

A Ten Year Plan for Finding Life in the Universe

You have just been named the director of a world consortium charged with finding extraterrestrial life as quickly as possible. You proposal must convince scientists and non-scientists alike, so it needs to be both accurate and clear. Your plan should address the following issues:

1. Where should we focus our search? Choose one or more locations and argue why these are the best places to search for life. Use evidence from current research to make your argument.

2. What types of organisms should we look for? Choose one or more organisms and argue why these are the most promising life forms to search for in the location(s) you have selected. Use evidence from current research to make your argument.

A successful paper be at least 2500 words and will include:

  • A coherent scientific argument that uses scientifically valid articles (from the Internet or journals) – and many of the main concepts used in the textbook, articles, and assignments. These concepts might include: metabolism, respiration, reproduction, habitability zones, extremophiles, methods of searching for extrasolar planets, carbon-based life, universal solvents, planetary atmospheres, or many other concepts that are key to the search for life. Your paper should demonstrate your understanding of these concepts, not just the awareness of the terminology.
  • A clear organization and correct grammar to provide a readable and intelligent paper. It should be easy and pleasurable to read. This should include an introduction, conclusion, and appropriate headers to help make clarify your argument.
  • Individuality and creativity to show how you have digested and interpreted the information, and to show me it is your OWN work. Papers that read like a bunch of cut and paste text without any personality will be poorly graded.
  • A complete and consistent set of citations and references in APA, IEEE, or similar academic format. I don’t care which format you use, but be consistent and thorough.
  • Pride in your work. If you don’t love it, I won’t love it.

You MUST do original work. I will be very strict on anything that is copied from the Internet or another student’s paper – it is plagiarism. Don’t go there.

This paper is worth 33% of your course grade.

One more time…sorry….a VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Any paper that does not follow this format will not be graded and will be given a 0. If the paper is in the form of a previous course’s paper assignment, you will be failed for the course and all materials will be submitted to the Dean of Science for full disciplinary action for plagiarism. No questions asked – take this as your warning.

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health and medicine Final Presentation

he U.S. healthcare system Final Presentation, health and medicine homework help

(health and medicine Final Presentation)

Question description

Final Presentation For your Final Presentation you will be presenting on the U.S. healthcare system. Imagine you are a community health director educating a group of new healthcare professionals on the U.S. healthcare system. You have been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation, which includes the elements listed below: Note: You will be using Part 1 from week three for the first section of the Final Presentation. Please make sure to correct issues and address any recommendations from your instructor’s Week 3 Assignment feedback. Introduction: Include a title slide. Next, include an introductory slide where you introduce yourself and explain what you are about to present. Part I: The U.S. Healthcare System – Define the U.S. healthcare system by addressing the items below:

•Describe the history of the U.S. health care system. Include at least three of the revolutionary factors (e.g., teacher’s union in Dallas, Texas; the American Medical Association; Civil War, and the First Marine Hospital, etc.). Chapter two in our textbook discusses the evolution of our system and is a good resource for this part of your presentation.(health and medicine homework help)

•Identify at least one major development from each of the following: financial, legal, ethical, regulatory, and social [i.e., consumer demand]) that transformed the system into what it is today. You may want to revisit the health care timelines available in your course textbook.

•Differentiate the stakeholders and their roles (i.e., health care professionals, clients [patients], government, colleges, and health care agencies. ◦Include the positive and negative contributions of how they affect our health care system. Part II: The Cost of the U.S. Healthcare System

•Describe the costs and how they are set (i.e., reimbursement methods, managed care organizations, Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance).

•Explain how technology has affected costs (e.g., EHR, medical research, equipment improvements like MRI, mammography, etc.) and delivery of quality care (e.g., personalized medicine, mobile services like ePrescribing, disease registries, etc.). Part III: The United States Versus Other Health Care Systems—an International Perspective

•Contrast the U.S. health care system with at least one other (e.g., Canada’s universal health care vs. U.S. healthcare or South Africa vs. U.S. health care, etc.). ◦Include at least one positive aspect from the other country’s health care system that you would like to see added to the U.S. healthcare system. Explain why you would like to see this in our system. Part IV: Reforms and Improvements(health and medicine homework help)

•Describe any potential reforms and improvements that are currently being discussed at either the local, state, or federal level. Your work must be based upon scholarly research, not media commentary. ◦Examples could include the following:

◾Federal modifications (i.e., Medicare reform, repealing PPACA, universal type system, etc.)

◾State modifications(i.e., Medicaid reform, income tax credits, etc.)

◾Increased consumer controls Note: The PPACA is not an appropriate reform or improvement to be described here because it is already law and not a future improvement. However, if there is a proposal to amend or eliminate, then you can include that potential reform. Conclusion: Future of the U.S. healthcare system

•Explain what you believe the U.S. healthcare system will look like in the next 10 years. Give at least two recommendations for change.(health and medicine Final Presentation)

•Address access to care, quality of care, and cost of care including an example of each in your vision of our future healthcare system. Creating the Final Presentation The Final Presentation must: •Be 15 to 20 slides, which includes Part 1, (excludes the title slide and reference slides) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

•Be presented using Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation. You have a choice of one of the following options for adding the narrative to your presentation. Option 1 is using voice or Option 2 is adding speaker notes to each slide. ◦Option 1: Recording your voice on each slide. You can view the tutorial using this link: adding and recording voice to each slide.You can also click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement and Privacy Policy. If you choose this option, you must include your APA formatted citation in the speaker note section of the PPT as well.(health and medicine Final Presentation)

◾Note: if you use the voice option, make sure your recordings are clear and concise. It is also important to know that adding voice narrations that are too lengthy and adding graphics may cause your PPT file to be very large (megabytes). You may have trouble loading it to Waypoint. Revisions may be necessary if this occurs. ◦Option 2: Using speaker notes for each slide in the PPT. You can review the tutorial using this link: adding speaker notes to your presentation. You can also click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement , and the Privacy Policy.

◾Speaker notes are the typed notes that appear below the slide that complement the presentation slides. Whereas the slides will have short bulleted items, the speaker notes will be more detailed. They are essentially what the presenter would say during the presentation to explain each of the bulleted points on the slide. Therefore, it is important that the speaker notes are concise and detailed when explaining the bullet points. ◦It is recommended that PowerPoint Slides contain no more than five bullet points and should not contain more than 5 – 7 words each. Do not type paragraphs or long sentences on the slide. The information that explains each bullet point is conveyed via speaker notes or by recording your voice to each slide. ◦It is required that the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation include the use of a voice or speaker notes. If you choose to use the voice capabilities within PowerPoint, you must include your citations in the speaker notes for each slide.(health and medicine Final Presentation)

•Be visually engaging. For assistance with designing the visuals for your presentation, view the video Don McMillan: Life after death by PowerPoint (click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement or the Privacy Policy) or the PowerPoint Best Practices tool. •Include a title slide with the following: ◦Title of the presentation ◦Student name ◦Course name and number ◦Instructor name ◦Date submitted

•Address the sections in the order outlined above (Introduction, Part I, II, III, and IV).

•Present the issues with critical thought.

•Use at least two scholarly sources (none of which should be media commentary, at least one should be from the Ashford University Library).

•Document all sources in APA format (including graphics, charts and pictures that may be used within the presentation). Wikimedia Commons is a recommended source for creative commons images (to view the privacy policy, click here).

•Include a separate reference slide formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. If you are unable to access the technology for this assignment due to a documented accommodations on file with the Office of Access and Wellness, inform your instructor as soon as possible. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Defining Professional Counselors

Defining Professional Counselors Homework Question

(Defining Professional Counselors)

Of the 238 participants, 204 responded to the question, “What is your definition of a professional counselor?” As expected, given the broad nature of the question, participants defined counselors in a variety of ways. In our analysis of the responses, three categories emerged: (a) counseling tasks and services provided, (b) counselor training and credentials, and (c) wellness and developmental focus. A description of each category is provided next, with the most commonly cited categories noted first. One interesting finding in the open-ended responses was that the majority (97%, ? = 197) of participants described professional counselors in general terms, with only seven people describing counselors as defined by their specialization. Three participants defined professional counselors as school counselors, and four defined them as mental health counselors.

Counseling tasks and services provided. This category emerged from the most frequently cited responses, in which participants (78%, n = 1 59) defined professional counselors by what they do on a daily basis and by the services they provide clients. One respondent wrote, “[A professional counselor] offers a variety of counseling and counseling-related services (e.g., psychoeducation, consultation, advising, coaching, advocacy) … to assist clients with personal and professional growth.” Another counselor summed up the responses of a number of participants by writing,

A professional counselor is a clinician who can demonstrate proficient knowledge and skill of those mental health, psychological, and human development issues that commonly occur in counseling through the competent display of cognitive, affective, behavioral, or systematic intervention strategies that address wellness, personal growth, [and/or] career development, as well as pathology.

The focus in this category was on providing a variety of counseling services to clients to help facilitate change in their lives. As one participant noted, “A professional counselor works with individuals, groups, families, and couples to help them identify and address any issues that may be interfering with or impairing their functioning.”

Counselor training and credentials. In this category, participants (49%, n = 1 00) defined professional counselors by their training and credentials, citing the importance of master’s-level training in an accredited program, earning the NCC credential and/or state licensure as well as other relevant state credentials, maintaining involvement in professional organizations, and participating in continuing education. As one respondent noted, “A professional counselor is an individual who has completed a graduate degree in counseling and has obtained state and/or national certification/licensure.” Within this category, a subset of participants specifically noted part of being a counseling professional was following a counseling code of ethics. For example, one respondent wrote, “A counselor [is someone] who has achieved a set standard of testing, clinical hours, and supervision. A professional adheres to ethical standards and continues with ongoing education.”

Wellness and developmental focus. The next category to emerge (12%, n = 25) defined professional counselors as using a wellness and developmental focus in their work with clients as opposed to using a medical or pathology-focused approach. As one respondent wrote, a counselor is “a helping professional with a wellness orientation whose connection with another allows that person to achieve greater selfunderstanding and adjustment to bio-psycho-social developmental milestones.” Another noted, “[Counselors] complete interventions to promote wellness and restoration of optimal levels of functioning.”

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Life Exploration and Analysis

Life Exploration and Analysis

(Life Exploration and Analysis)

Module 3 Question

For this Discussion, please address each of the following:

Pleasant Life: Design a beautiful day for yourself. Think about activities that you would find highly enjoyable and those that are important to you. Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to carry out your plan.  Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a pleasant life can benefit our psychological well-being.

Good Life: Decide on some unpleasant or tedious task that you must do. Think about how you can accomplish it in a more invigorating way. Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to help you transform the unpleasant task into a pleasant one.  Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a good life can benefit our psychological well-being.

Meaningful Life: Plan the “perfect” surprise for someone who needs it.  Think about what is important to that person and how you can help them.  Describe what you would do, how you would do it, and your individual positive traits and strengths you have to carry out your plan. Finally, explain why you think Martin Seligman believed that taking the time to lead a meaningful life can benefit our psychological well-being

Module 4

For each of the following life events, rate yourself on the following scale: Very Stressed; A Little Stressed; Not Stressed:

1. You just remembered that you have a big project / paper due tomorrow by 5:00.

2. You are driving to work or school and you are running a bit late.  The car in front of you is driving 5 mph under the speed limit and you are having trouble getting around him.

3. You just found out that you are going to be a parent.

4. You accidently dropped your cell phone in the toilet, and it is out of commission for at least a day or two, maybe longer.

Now, get with 4 other people and have them participate in the same activity while you log the results.

In the Discussion, tell about your findings.  Did you find that some people are stressed in a situation that others are not stressed in?  Did you discover that some people are more stressed than others in general, or that some are stressed in some situations but not in others?  What do you think the purpose of this activity is?  How do your findings relate to what you learned about in this module?  What is the most valuable lesson you learned in this module?

Module 5(Life Exploration and Analysis)

For this Discussion, you are to create a want ad for a romantic relationship or an online dating service profile.  Don’t worry, especially if you are currently in a relationship, this is for educational purposes only, and is not a true matchmaking activity.   The idea is to think about what you learned in this module about the important traits people look for in romantic relationships.  Creativity and appropriate humor are acceptable and encouraged, as long as you follow directions and address relevance to module concepts.

For your Discussion post / dating profile, you should start by describing your personal qualities, your interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes, then describe the qualities of those you would seek (if this were real.)   After completing your profile, discuss the relevance of the concepts you learned about in this module such as proximity, familiarity, attractiveness, matching hypothesis, attitudinal similarity, exchange processes, and shared activities in relationships.

First of all, think about this question.  Which is correct?

A. Girls

B. Gals

C. Ladies

D. Women

Now, watch the following NBC Learn Video: Women Air Force Service Pilots Train or War Efforts

What would your reaction be today if the evening news anchor referred to women in the Air Force as “girl pilots” and made the following comments? “The Air Force wants to get some muscles on those pretty little arms” and “The little blond on the right, with her hair bleached by the sun, you or I might judge by other standards….”

This video was produced in 1943.  How have references to women changed over the years?  How has society changed its views concerning gender roles?   What examples can you think of where you or someone you know use the term “girls” when referring to grown females?   How is that okay?  Or is it not okay?  What, if any other issues concerning gender issues come to mind?


(Life Exploration and Analysis)

First of all, think about this question.  Which is correct?

A. Girls

B. Gals

C. Ladies

D. Women

Now, watch the following NBC Learn Video: Women Air Force Service Pilots Train or War Efforts

What would your reaction be today if the evening news anchor referred to women in the Air Force as “girl pilots” and made the following comments? “The Air Force wants to get some muscles on those pretty little arms” and “The little blond on the right, with her hair bleached by the sun, you or I might judge by other standards….”

This video was produced in 1943.  How have references to women changed over the years?  How has society changed its views concerning gender roles?   What examples can you think of where you or someone you know use the term “girls” when referring to grown females?   How is that okay?  Or is it not okay?  What, if any other issues concerning gender issues come to mind?

module 8

(Life Exploration and Analysis)

First of all, think about this question.  Which is correct?

A. Girls

B. Gals

C. Ladies

D. Women

Now, watch the following NBC Learn Video: Women Air Force Service Pilots Train or War Efforts

What would your reaction be today if the evening news anchor referred to women in the Air Force as “girl pilots” and made the following comments? “The Air Force wants to get some muscles on those pretty little arms” and “The little blond on the right, with her hair bleached by the sun, you or I might judge by other standards….”

This video was produced in 1943.  How have references to women changed over the years?  How has society changed its views concerning gender roles?   What examples can you think of where you or someone you know use the term “girls” when referring to grown females?   How is that okay?  Or is it not okay?  What, if any other issues concerning gender issues come to mind?

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Counselor Ethical Boundaries And Practices

Counselor Ethical Boundaries And Practices

(Counselor Ethical Boundaries And Practices)

Topic 8: Benchmark – Counselor Ethical Boundaries and Practices Assignment Guidelines

Directions: Follow the directions below to write a paper of 1,500-1,750 words on counselor ethical boundaries and practices.

Provide a thoughtful response to each of the following four sections, including specific, concrete examples to illustrate your ideas. Use the section headings provided below to separate each section of your paper.

Your final deliverable should be one cohesive paper with headings addressing all four sections along with an introduction and conclusion.

Section 1: Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships

1. How would you determine if a boundary-crossing or dual relationship is ethical and appropriate? What criteria would you consider when making your decision?

2. Present examples of how you would apply this criteria to at least four counseling situations in which you believe the dual relationship issues are complex and ambiguous. One of your examples should address the issues of physical attraction between clients and counselors.

Section 2: Professional Collaboration in Counseling: Working with a Multidisciplinary Team

1. How would you work collaboratively within your scope of practice with other mental health professionals to ensure quality client care?

2. Who would you expect to work with as part of a multidisciplinary team and what would the role of each person on the team be, including yourself?  Refer to Section D (Relationships With Other Professionals) of the ACA Code of Ethics and any other relevant sources.(Counselor Ethical Boundaries And Practices)

Section 3: Relationships with Supervisors and Colleagues

1. According to the ACA Code of Ethics, what is the role of clinical supervisors and what are their primary responsibilities? Refer to Section F (Supervision, Training, and Teaching) of the ACA Code of Ethics and any other relevant sources.

2. Describe the ethical issues involved in the supervisor-counselor relationship. How is this relationship similar to the counselor-client relationship? How is it different?

3. Occasionally, counselors will observe unethical behavior in their colleagues. Describe an unethical behavior that one might see and identify an ethical decision making model that would address the unethical behavior.

Section 4: Development of Your Thinking about Ethics

1.  Clearly describe what you consider to be the most important developments in your thinking about ethical practice that have occurred during this course. This may include areas in which you have clarified your views and beliefs, modified your thinking on a given issue, gained new insights, or acquired a new perspective. It may include issues whose complexity you now appreciate more fully or difficult issues that you now understand you must grapple with as a counselor. Be sure that you include specific examples to illustrate general statements. This is the only section in which your personal experience has been required. Therefore, you are allowed to use first person in this section only.

Include at least six scholarly resources in addition to the textbook in your paper.

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Quantitative Mini Proposal

Quantitative Mini Proposal

(Quantitative Mini Proposal)

Investigate the effects of a four-week mindfulness meditation program on stress reduction in 100 college students. Hypothesize that participation leads to a significant stress decrease. Assess individual practice frequency’s correlation with stress reduction. This study aims to inform effective stress management interventions within academic settings.

Research Question:  To what affect does depression correlates to facebook among adults?

  • Mini-literature review. Include a review of three recent empirical sources (required) and one non-empirical source (optional).
  • Research question. This specific question should be written in a way that it could be answered through quantitative data; this is the question that will be answered by the proposed study.
  • Research design. Identify the research design for the proposed study. Choose from correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, time-series, and survey.
  • Sampling plan. Describe your proposed sampling strategy, including the population from which the sample would come and how many participants you would include.
  • Data collection plan. Identify data that you would collect in your study and describe any instruments that you would use. Explain how you would collect the quantitative data that would answer your research question.
  • Data analysis plan. Explain how you would analyze the data that you collected.
  • Ethical and cultural concerns. Identify ethical and cultural concerns that may be present in the proposed study.
  • Alternative considerations. Describe how the problem that you investigated might be addressed by using a mixed methods approach. Explain whether you believe that would be a stronger approach or not, in this particular situation.

Submission Requirements

  • Length: 4 pages, not counting cover page and reference page
  • ****Number of references: Minimum of three peer-reviewed empirical journal articles that are no more than seven years old.
  • APA Style: Include a reference page in the current APA style at the end of your paper.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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