Integrative Literature Review

Integrative Literature Review

(Integrative Literature Review)

Pathbuilder is being used for this assignment. Please be certain to complete the “Survey Acknowledgement Quiz” this week in order to submit the Integrative Literature Review. You will not be allowed to submit your Final Paper until you have completed the quiz this week.

The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains should be chosen from previous coursework in this program. In this paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.

The result of a successful integrative literature review may be a significant contribution to a particular body of knowledge and, consequently, to research and practice. Therefore, before writing this literature review, substantive new research must be conducted via the Internet and within the Ashford University Library for each of the four chosen domains. A minimum of six sources must be included for each of the four domains. Although content from literature reviews completed in prior courses within this program may be included, it may not constitute the total research for the individual domains addressed within this assignment. No more than four sources from previous literature reviews completed in this program may be utilized for this integrative review.

The headings listed below must be used within the paper to delineate the sections of content. These sections include the following: a clear introduction that provides a general review and organizes the research in a meaningful way; a discussion in which the evidence is presented through analysis, critique, and synthesis; and a conclusion in which the discussion is drawn together in a meaningful way, the claims of the introduction are brought to a logical closure, and new research is proposed.


  • Provide a conceptual framework for the review.
  • Describe how the review will be organized. The questions below may be used to guide this section.
    • What are the guiding theories within the domains?
    • How are the domains connected?
    • Are there competing points of view across the domains?
    • Why is the integration of these domains important?
    • What is the history of these domains?
    • What are the related theories or findings?
  • Describe how the literature was identified, analyzed, and synthesized.
  • How and why was the literature chosen?
  • What is your claim or thesis statement?

Discussion(Integrative Literature Review)

  • Provide the analysis, critique, and synthesis for the review.


  • Examine the main ideas and relationships presented in the literature across the four domains.
  • Integrate concepts from the four different content domains within the larger field of psychology.
  • What claim(s) can be made in the introduction?
  • What evidence supports the claim(s) made in the introduction?


  • Evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the chosen research findings.
  • How well does the literature represent the issues across the four domains?
  • Identify the strengths and the key contributions of the literature.
  • What, if any, deficiencies exist within the literature?
  • Have the authors omitted any key points and/or arguments?
  • What, if any, inaccuracies have been identified in the literature?
  • What evidence runs contrary to the claims proposed in the introduction, and how might these be reconciled with the claims presented?
  • Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might influence the reliability and/or generalizability of the chosen findings.
  • Did the ethical issues influence the outcomes of the research?
  • Were ethical considerations different across the domains?


  • Integrate existing ideas with new ideas to create new knowledge and new perspectives.
  • Describe the research that has previously been done across these domains, as well as any controversies or alternate opinions that currently exist.
  • Relate the evidence presented to the major conclusions being made.
  • Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to posit new relationships and perspectives on the topics within the domains.

Conclusion(Integrative Literature Review)

  • Provide a conclusion and present potential future considerations.
  • State your final conclusion(s).
  • Synthesize the findings described in the discussion into a succinct summary.
  • What questions remain?
  • What are the possible implications of your argument for existing theories and for everyday life?
  • Are there novel theories and/or testable hypothesizes for future research?
  • What do the overarching implications of the studies show?
  • Where should the research go from this point to further the understanding of these domains and the greater study of psychology?

Attention Students: The Masters of Arts in Psychology program is utilizing the Pathbrite portfolio tool as a repository for student scholarly work in the form of signature assignments completed within the program. After receiving feedback for this Integrative Literature Review, please implement any changes recommended by the instructor, go to Pathbrite (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and upload the revised Integrative Literature Review to the portfolio. (Use the Pathbrite Quick-Start Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to create an account if you do not already have one.) The upload of signature assignments will take place after completing each course. Be certain to upload revised signature assignments throughout the program as the portfolio and its contents will be used in other courses and may be used by individual students as a professional resource tool. See the Pathbrite (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. website for information and further instructions on using this portfolio tool.

The Integrative Literature Review(Integrative Literature Review)

  • Must be 20 to 30 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least 24 peer-reviewed sources, including a minimum of 20 from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference list that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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Athletes and Anabolic Steroids

Athletes and Anabolic Steroids

(Athletes and Anabolic Steroids)

I. Watch the following video on epigenetics.

In what ways is your health impacted by Genetics?

In what ways is your health impacted by environment?

How does epigenetics change how we pass information from generation to generation?

Does this information make you think differently about passing information to your children?

II. Read the following article regarding anabolic steroid below use by athletes. Then work with a partner/small group to build a five-minute presentation that answers the following questions. Presentations can be video-based, PowerPoint, skit—it’s up to you.

If working alone, create your presentation so that it can be shared with other students online.

  • Which major glands are      influenced by performance enhancing drugs?
  • Why are steroids not allowed in      professional sports? Should they be? Use at least two pieces of evidence      to back your opinion.
  • What advice would you give an      athlete who was considering using PEDs?

Athletes and Anabolic Steroids(Athletes and Anabolic Steroids)

Although it is against most laws to do so, many professional athletes and body builders use anabolic steroid drugs to improve their athletic performance and physique. Anabolic steroid drugs mimic the effects of the body’s own steroid hormones, like testosterone and its derivatives. These drugs have the potential to provide a competitive edge by increasing muscle mass, strength, and endurance, although not all users may experience these results. Moreover, use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) does not come without risks. Anabolic steroid use has been linked with a wide variety of potentially negative outcomes, ranging in severity  from largely cosmetic (acne) to life threatening (heart attack). Furthermore, use of these substances can result in profound changes in mood and can increase aggressive behavior (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2001). Baseball player Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod)  has been at the center of a media storm regarding his use of illegal PEDs. Rodriguez’s performance on the field was unparalleled while using the drugs; his success played a large role in negotiating a contract that made him the highest paid player in professional  baseball. Although Rodriguez maintains that he has not used PEDs for the several years, he received a substantial suspension in 2013 that, if upheld, will cost him more than 20 million dollars in earnings (Gaines, 2013).(Athletes and Anabolic Steroids)

III.  Search “perceptual illusions” and “optical illusions.” Choose two illusions from each category. Using the text as a guide, describe the error that causes each image to be an illusion.

IV. The Gestalt principles of organization explain how we make sense of the world.

For this activity you will need to apply the principles to the real world.

Using your phone’s camera, the internet or magazines, find (or stage) an example for each of the five principles:

  1. Figure ground
  2. Closure
  3. Similarity
  4. Proximity
  5. Continuity

Compile your pictures of each example and provide a brief statement of how it is an example of the principle.(Athletes and Anabolic Steroids)

V. Synesthesia is a rare condition where a person’s senses are linked. Watch the following video and post your answer in the discussion board.

Do you know anybody with this condition?
How might this condition interfere with a person’s life?
If you could ask a person with Synthesis a question about their condition, what would you ask?

VI. This activity can be done either individually or with small groups.
If working in a group, assign a parenting style to each group: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or uninvolved.
If working alone, select one of the parenting styles above.
Discuss and record how a parent with that style would react to the situations listed:
Parenting style: ___________
For each of the following, describe how the assigned parenting style would react to that situation.
Your 7 year old takes a five dollar bill from mom’s purse.
Your 13 year old is discovered smoking cigarettes.
Your 15 year old thinks she should have a later curfew on weekends.
Your 16 year old daughter is dating a 20-year-old boy.
Your 17 year old son is caught having sex with his girlfriend in his bedroom.
Your 6 year old is in trouble at school for beating up another child.
Your 16 year old took your car out without permission.
Your 4 year old colors all over the wall.

VII. Read the following vignette taken from the OpenStax Psychology LifeSpan Development chapter:


As you now know, women who use drugs or alcohol during pregnancy can cause serious lifelong harm to their child. Some people have advocated mandatory screenings for women who are pregnant and have a history of drug abuse, and if the women continue using, to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate them (Figdor & Kaeser, 1998). This policy was tried in Charleston, South Carolina, as recently as 20 years ago. The policy was called the Interagency Policy on Management of Substance Abuse During Pregnancy and had disastrous results.

The Interagency Policy applied to patients attending the obstetrics clinic at MUSC, which primarily serves patients who are indigent or on Medicaid. It did not apply to private obstetrical patients. The policy required patient education about the harmful effects of substance abuse during pregnancy. . . . [A] statement also warned patients that protection of unborn and newborn children from the harms of illegal drug abuse could involve the Charleston police, the Solicitor of the Ninth Judicial Court, and the Protective Services Division of the Department of Social Services (DSS) (Jos, Marshall, & Perlmutter, 1995, pp. 120–121).

Answer the following questions and provide feedback for other student responses.

Should legal action be taken against women who are pregnant and using drugs? Why or why not?

VIII. As many points in time, we have all decided to “sit this one out” and not make a decision one way or the other. For instance, maybe you didn’t vote in the last election. Or maybe you told the woman in the parking lot that you “didn’t really see what happened” with the man who rear-ended her.(Athletes and Anabolic Steroids)

When you decide not to decide, you are still making a choice and morally responsible for the consequences. 

In groups discuss whether or not you agree with the above. Identify a specific example and be ready to discuss your position.

Individually, identify a moral dilemma that you have had and decided not to decide. Write 1-2 paragraphs that explores the following questions: Have the consequences of that decision affected you in any way? Will that experience change how you approach a similar situation in the future?

VIIII. Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg (1927–87) posed moral dilemmas to people of all ages to determine their stage of moral development. One of his best known moral dilemmas is the Heinz dilemma. Read the following vignette taken from the OpenStax Psychology LifeSpan Development chapter.(Athletes and Anabolic Steroids)

In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000, which is half the cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said: “No, I discovered the drug, and I’m going to make money from it.” So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal the drug-for his wife. Should the husband have done that?) Kohlberg, 1969, p. 379

Was the husband right or wrong? Provide your reasoning. Be sure to respond to at least one other student’s response.

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Conceptual Approaches To Learning

Conceptual Approaches to Learning

(Conceptual Approaches To Learning)

Submit a 3-4 page paper (excluding the coversheet and reference page) discussing the conceptual differences and similarities between cognitive, behavioral, and neuroscience approaches to learning.

  • Describe the four components of learning as they appear in each approach.
  • Concentrate on the different areas that each approach emphasizes or deems most important in the learning process.
  • Provide an example of real-life learning from the lens of a cognitive approach.

The paper should have a minimum of one reference in addition to the textbook.

Point Value of this Assignment: 8
This Discussion Question aligns with the following weekly outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4
This Discussion Question aligns with the following course outcomes: 2, 4, 5

NEW Assignment Type: Please click here to review instructions on how to submit your assignment. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Grading Criteria

Content Criteria Total: 4

Content includes the analysis and differences between cognitive, behavioral, and neuroscience as it pertains to learning.

Content includes the four components of learning.

Content includes a real-life learning experience from the cognitive approach and at least one outside reference, in addition to the textbook.

Key elements of the assignment are covered.

Writing and Organization CriteriaTotal: 2

The central theme/purpose of the paper is clear.

The structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion.

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.

Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.

The paper uses words and language that are inclusive, clear, and unambiguous.

Spelling is correct.(Conceptual Approaches To Learning)

Research Criteria Total: 1

The paper includes a summary and analysis of research materials that are relevant to the assignment, e.g. scholarly journals, professional articles, legal documents, government documents, legal decisions, media clips, software, measurement instruments websites, personal communication, etc.

Professional/scholarly journals are peer reviewed and focus on the profession/application of psychology (located on Proquest, EBSCOHost, PsycNET, etc.). Non-scholarly articles include newspapers, periodicals, secular magazines, etc, and are not peer reviewed. Websites not approved include and

Research focuses on the most current information (past five to ten years) except when citing seminal works (e.g. Freud, Erickson, etc.).

Paper includes the appropriate number of references required by the assignment.

When appropriate, the paper addresses ethical considerations in research.

Style Criteria Total: 1(Conceptual Approaches To Learning)

The paper is in the appropriate APA format used by the institution/program (e.g. the 6th edition).

The paper is double-spaced and in the appropriate length required by the assignment

The paper includes an APA style cover page.

The paper includes an Abstract that is formatted to support the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper properly uses headings, font styles, and white space as outlined in the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

The paper addresses the topic of the paper with critical thought.

The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition) guidelines.

The paper includes a References Page that is completed according to the appropriate version of APA Publication Manual (e.g. 6th edition).

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Acute Joint Inflammation

Unit 5 Case Study: Acute Joint Inflammation

(Acute Joint Inflammation)

Joint inflammation, also known as arthritis, is a condition characterized by the swelling, pain, and stiffness of one or more joints. It can result from various causes, including autoimmune disorders, infections, injuries, or wear-and-tear over time. Common types include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. Symptoms often involve pain, tenderness, warmth, and limited range of motion in the affected joint. Diagnosis typically involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests. Treatment varies based on the underlying cause and may include medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, or in severe cases, surgery. Early intervention is crucial for effective management.


Mr. Y is a 47 year old, mixed race [Asian/African ethnicity], male patient who presented to your office with severe right great toe pain.  Onset of the pain was 2 days ago.  Mr. Y denies any known trauma to his right foot or his great toe on that foot.  His right great toe is red and became so swollen in the last day that he cannot put on his shoe.

Mr. Y has a history of hypertension for which he is taking HCTZ 25mg daily, Metopralol 50 mg twice daily, and Lisinopril 10 mg daily.  He denies any other medical problems.

Results of the lab tests that were ordered:

Sed rate – 93; Glucose, random – 117 mg/dl; Hgb – 13.4 gm/dl; WBC – 8200/ccm with normal diff; Serum uric acid – 10.9 mg/dl; Serum creatinine – 1.2 mg/dl

Assignment Questions(Acute Joint Inflammation)

  1. Based on presenting symptoms and lab findings, what is most likely diagnosis that will be made for Mr. Y?
  2. What is the anticipated pharmacologic plan for managing Mr. Y’s acute pain?  Provide a justification for the plan including a citation from a peer-reviewed source.
  3. What is the anticipated pharmacologic plan for long-term management of Mr. Y’s diagnosis?  Provide a justification for the plan including a citation from a peer-reviewed source.
  4. Identify the key elements of the education plan that would be appropriate for the patient about the acute and chronic pharmacologic plans you identified above.


  • Prepare and submit a 3-4 page paper [total] in length (not including APA format).
  • Answer all the questions above.
  • Support your position with examples.
  • Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.
  • Submit the following documents to the Submit Assignments/Assessments area:
    • Case Study: Acute Joint Inflammation
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Avoiding Counselor Impairment

Discussion 2: Avoiding Counselor Impairment

(Avoiding Counselor Impairment)


Discussion 2: Avoiding Counselor Impairment

Burnout is a major concern for clinical mental health counseling professionals and it can lead to both professional and personal issues for counselors. It can start with counselors taking on trauma, stress, and an unrealistic belief that they alone are responsible for their clients’ wellness. There are numerous factors in a counselor’s work that might lead to burnout including: secondary stress and vicarious trauma, expanded roles and responsibilities, poor supervision, and lack of the specific tools necessary to perform the job.(Avoiding Counselor Impairment)

Counseling, by its very nature, is stressful work. This stress, if not monitored and addressed, can lead to counselor impairment. The profession acknowledges this by ethically obligating counselors to be mindful not only of their own states of mind, but their colleagues’ health as well.

For this Discussion, review the Counselor Impairment media and consider ethics related to counselor impairment. Examine signs of counselor impairment and the potential impact this may have on clients.

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the codes of ethics related to counselor impairment. Then explain at least two signs of counselor impairment. Finally, propose a scenario using one of the signs of counselor impairment you identified that elicited a negative effect on client treatment. Suggest a solution for remedying the situation and justify your solution.

Be sure to use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response.

Required Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


  • Remley, T. P., Jr., & Herlihy, B. (2016). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 7, “Competence, Assessment, and Diagnosis” (pp. 154-187)
    • Chapter 8, “Malpractice and Resolving Legal and Ethical Challenges” (pp. 188-201)
    • Chapter 15, “Supervision and Consultation” (pp. 358-379)
  • By the numbers: Counselor impairment. (2005). Counseling Today, 48(4), 3.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Everall, R. D., & Paulson, B. L. (2004). Burnout and secondary traumatic stress impact on ethical behaviourCanadian Journal of Counseling, 38(1), 25–35.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Lawson, G. (2007). Counselor wellness and impairment: A national survey. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 46(1), 20–34.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Magnuson, S., Black, L. L., & Norem, K. (2004). Supervising school counselors and interns: Resources for site supervisors. Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research, 32(2), 4–15.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Wilcoxon, S. A., Norem, K., & Magnuson, S. (2005). Supervisees’ contributions to lousy supervision outcomes. Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research, 33(2), 31–49.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Wilkerson, K. (2006). Impaired students: Applying the therapeutic process model to graduate training programs. Counselor Education & Supervision, 45(3), 207–217.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Clinical mental health counseling: Counselor impairment [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.

Optional Resources

  • Day, S. X. (2007). Health, distressed or impaired: What affects counselor wellness? Counseling Today50(1), 39.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Lawson, G., Venart, E., Hazler, R. J., & Kottler, J. A. (2007). Toward a culture of counselor wellness. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development46(1), 5–19.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Neukrug, E., Milliken, T., & Walden, S. (2001). Ethical complaints made against credentialed counselors: An updated survey of state licensing boards. Counselor Education & Supervision, 41(1), 57–70.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Wilcoxon, S. A., & Magnuson, S. (2002). Concurrent academic and pre-licensure supervision: When supervision is not just supervision. Clinical Supervisor, 21(2), 55–66.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
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Healthcare Data Standardization

Case Study: Healthcare Data Standardization

(Healthcare Data Standardization)

Case Study

Read the following case study:

A small community hospital in the Midwest has used a homegrown information system for years. The system began in the early 1970s with a financial module. Over time, additional modules were added. A limited number of departments selected a commercial system and interfaces were used to integrate these into the overall functionality of the hospital information system. Except for physicians, most in-house clinical or care-related documentation is online. However, about 15% to 20% of this documentation is done by free text and is not effectively searchable. In addition, the screens, including the drop-down and default values, were built using terms selected by the in-house development team in consultation with clinical staff; thus there is no data dictionary or specific standard language. In the last few years, the hospital has purchased two outpatient clinics (obstetrics and mental health) and a number of local doctor practices. The clinics and doctors’ offices are now being converted to the hospital administrative systems. A few of the clinical applications that are tied directly to the administrative systems such as order entry and results reporting are also being installed.

A major change is being planned. A new chief information officer (CIO) was hired last year and she has appointed a chief medical information officer (CMIO) and a chief nursing information officer (CNIO). No other significant staff changes were made. With her team in place, one of the CIO’s first activities was to complete an inventory of all applications. Rather than continue to build, a decision was made to switch to a commercial vendor and the hospital selected a commercial system.

As a member of the clinical staff with informatics education, the CIO has requested that you develop a training and information presentation for the clinical staff that will:

· Identify two or more issues with the existing system

· Provide staff with appropriate “work-around” for using the existing system

· Provide an overview of two of the standard languages used within the new system including discipline or specialty, updating frequency, and available cross-maps

o One standard language should pertain only to nursing

o One standard language should be multidisciplinary.

· Obtain clinical staff input, using a five-question survey, of specific methods to support transition to the new system; questions should be open-ended.


PowerPoint Presentation


1. Review the case study.

2. Download the provided PowerPoint template to create a presentation that includes:

· Your name on the title slide of the presentation

· Identification of two or more issues with existing system

· Identification of “work-a-round” solutions when using existing system

· Overview of standard language used only in nursing

· Overview of multidisciplinary standard language

· Set of five (5) open-ended survey questions for staff input on transitioning to the new system

· Presentation is free of spelling and grammar errors.

2. Submit the Week 10 Assignment via Blackboard by clicking on the “Week 10 Assignment” link. Include the proper file naming convention:

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Health Disparities

As you think about the patients you currently serve or hope to work with in the future, it is important to be aware of the health disparities some populations experience.

In this assignment, you will examine health disparities for a population of your choice and then offer a community-based approach to improve patient outcomes.

When selecting your population, consider aspects of culture, geographical area, generational factors, and any other factors that might be considered outside the perspective of the majority population.

Describe the types of health disparities for this group, and then select one health care concern to focus on for the rest of the assignment. For example, the elderly might be your population and the health care concern could be heart disease.


•Specify the selected population.

•Identify the types of health disparities for this group and select one health care concern to focus on for this assignment.

•Distinguish factors that create health disparities for this population. ◦Why does this group have health disparities?

•Describe the identified health concern for this population as well as the pharmacological treatment for the condition.

•Describe and discuss how the cultural values, socio-economic status, and traditional beliefs and practices impact the acceptance of pharmacological treatment for this identified health concern.

•Offer at least one strategy for a community-based approach to improve the current pharmacological treatment regimens for this population.

◦What types of community outreach programs could be consulted to effectively reach your target population?

◦Are there education, access, or other issues that community programs could help address?

•Discuss why you believe this strategy would be effective. Support your rationale with references from at least three resources, at least two of which must be from resources not required for this course.

Additional Requirements

•Length of paper: 3–4 pages, not including title page and reference page.

•References: At least three resources, two of which must be from resources not required for this course.

•Formatting: Follow proper APA style and formatting

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linear programming problem

linear programming problem , English homework help

(linear programming problem)

Question description

Below refers to the full instructions for your project.

For this assignment, submit 1-2 full paragraphs, covering a thorough description of your topic. An answer to this question is required for submission: What do you want to know, and why do you want to know it? Include any questions you have for me in your topic assignment, and be sure to follow the writing guidelines. Make it easy on yourself. Here, you’ll want, to begin with an idea. Try and have as narrow a topic as possible. Please feel free to see (or email) me to try and narrow this down. One sure-fire way to pick a good topic is to review your syllabus. What looks interesting to you? What jumps out at you? What do you want to know more about? You may write about any topic that relates to the course themes.

Incremental Research Paper Guidelines

In this course, we’ll be going through a research paper writing process enabling you to take steps toward the final project over the course of the term. The following are incremental assignment directions you will follow. Research can be daunting and rewarding at the same time, and this class enables us all to work closely together in a group and pairs throughout the term.

  1. In the beginning: Choose a topic easily narrowed down to fit within the confines set forth herein. The final paper should be a minimum of eight pages or a maximum of ten pages in length ¾ Strictly follow the required writing guidelines in the syllabus. I am here to assist you with the process along the way.
  2. References Page: A works cited page, also known as the bibliography page, is required for some of your increment assignments. Your incremental papers should contain bibliographies-in-progress, reflecting any additions to or subtractions from your research findings pertinent to your subject (separate from the annotations). Always double-check with me about your sources if you’re uncertain about their legitimacy. For the most part, academic journal articles and most books are admissible as academic – texts like TimeUSA Today or Cosmopolitan may or may not be advisable, but always check with me first. Remember to cite accordingly, including information garnered from class lectures, television and radio programs and other media sources. Please use the latest edition of Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), MLA (Modern Languages Association) or APA (American Psychological Association). Copies of the Style Guides located at the BC Library and Media Center in the reference section as well as online. Please use caution when garnering information taken from sources more than ten years old.
  3. Suggested steps involved in writing a research paper:(linear programming problem)
  • Find a subject.
  • Do preliminary research on the subject.
  • Ask yourself why this research is important to you. You may want to sit back after you’ve looked at your thesis or research question and ask, “So what?” Try to think about why the issue is important. This is a good way to narrow down the topic and decide if the topic is one you want to pursue. Being stuck with a topic you’ve got no passion about is a terrible experience – trust me on that!
  • Prepare a preliminary bibliography that you will revise and return to often. Note down the most interesting reads so that you can use those readings for your Annotated Bibliography.
  • Take notes from appropriate sources (for some learners, it is helpful to use note cards).
  • Begin to construct a brief draft that explicitly describes your topic, thesis statement, and relevancy. This piece should be seen as a guide to the rest of the research and writing process.
  • Begin your Annotated Bibliography to accompany some of your increments (see schedule for details). Keep it going, and add to it according to the syllabus directions. Remember that you can always turn in more annotations than is outlined in the syllabus.
  • Write the first
  • Revise the draft. Make sure there is a clear, strong introduction that maps out the problem/issue you are looking at and tells the reader what your intentions are for the remainder of the paper. Be sure to have a strong conclusion, perhaps discussing options for further research.
  • Insert your in-text citations at the Revision stage.
  • Finalize the research paper.
  1. A research paper receiving an “A” as a final grade will be free of mechanical errors. It is advisable to have someone else proofread the paper before submitting it. Grades are based on content, presentation, and the ability to follow the guidelines outlined in these instructions.
  2. Please review your concluding paragraph(s) carefully. A good conclusion restates the thesis while summarizing your main points. If the thesis and conclusion are consistent, not only with each other but also the main points, you will have clearly and competently presented your research and arguments.(linear programming problem)

Incremental Assignments (1-4 are 25 points; Final Paper is 125 points):

  1. Research topic descriptionFor this assignment, submit 1-2 full paragraphs, covering a thorough description of your topic. An answer to this question is required for submission: What do you want to know, and why do you want to know it? Include any questions you have for me in your topic assignment, and be sure to follow the writing guidelines. Make it easy on yourself. Here, you’ll want, to begin with an idea. Try and have as narrow a topic as possible. Please feel free to see (or email) me to try and narrow this down. One sure-fire way to pick a good topic is to review your syllabus. What looks interesting to you? What jumps out at you? What do you want to know more about? You may write about any topic that relates to the course themes.
  2. Research Proposal, Two Annotated Bibliographies, Working Bibliography
    Your Research Proposal demonstrates a firm grasp on your topic and research question/s. If you are passionate about the subject, this will not be difficult. Your proposal should be 1-2 full pages. Remember that cover pages and bibliographies do not count as pages due for your text (in this case, your Proposal). I want to know the following:
  3. Brief, yet explicit description of your topic. Remember to keep it focused. Your final paper is not to be more than ten pages (again, not including your working and annotated bibliographies). You may find that you simply restate your Topic, but most students have had to narrow the scope since the topic was submitted.
  4. How does your topic tie in with course content? What concepts and readings apply?
  5. What research have you done at this point?
  6. What further research do you intend on doing to complete the assignment?
  7. Finally, include an attached working bibliography of at least five sources; two of which must range from scholarly books and journals, specialized encyclopedias, government documents, relevant websites (that you check out for legitimacy). Start to think about which reading materials you want to use for your annotations.
  8. Choose any two of your resources and include as an Annotated Bibliography.
  • What’s an annotated bibliography (Links to an external site.)?
    An annotated bibliography is simply a regular bibliographic reference with some additional information about the reading. What you liked, what’s useful, interesting page numbers to remember, etc.
  1. As always, include any relevant questions for me.
  1. First Draft
    Part A: Draft Submitted to Assigned Reading Partner via email (copy me in email).
    Part B: Feedback Submitted to both me and your partner(s) via email.
    Your first draft should closely resemble your final paper. In other words, do not turn in a brief extended Your first draft should be free of spelling and grammatical errors easily remedied in the spell/grammar check of Microsoft Word, and a solid proofread. You should have a clear and concise thesis statement, and include it in no later than your second paragraph. For clarity, please identify your thesis statement or clear topic by underlining it.
    The body of your paper should lay out your argument, and include detailed descriptions of your topic. In addition to your main question, it is very likely you will come up with a myriad of other questions applicable to your paper and main theoretical question. This is fine, just be sure any additional questions do not divert the focus of your original question. Remember that your bibliography will not count as a total number of pages due.Part A: You will be assigned Reading Partners (or groups, depending on the number of students in class) by me in the early part of the term. In one assignment, you’ll submit to your Partner(s) your draft for feedback. You’ll be given a form for this.(linear programming problem)Part B: Submit the form to your partner(s) and to me.
  2. Final Paper, Two Additional Annotated Bibliographies, and Final Bibliography
    Your final paper will reflect any significant changes you made in your first and revised drafts. I will be grading on content, clarity of the subject, and flow (i.e., free of spelling and grammatical errors). Again, please do not hesitate to contact me for help. I am here to guide you through this process to make it as productive as possible. For your final bibliography, you will need to have at least ten sources, no less than seven of which are peer reviewed, scholarly articles. A total of four must be annotated.

annotated bibliography

Required Writing Guidelines:(linear programming problem)

  • Twelve-point sized Times font, double-spaced
  • 1” margins all around
  • APA Citations where appropriate – credit must be given even where any ideas presented in the paper are not your own (see notes below about avoiding plagiarism)
  • Title pages and bibliographies do not count as pages due
  • Student information is at the top left of the page, single spaced
  • There are no extra spaces between paragraphs.
  • Paragraphs contain no less than four sentences.
  • Magazines, newspapers, journals, and books are italicized. Movie titles, article titles, song titles, etc. are “in quotation marks.” Quotes inside of a quotation use ‘single quotation marks.’
  • Avoid the universal “we”, “our”, “us” – ask yourself: Can I speak for everyone? If you cannot, do not write it. Also, avoid phrasing such as “nowadays…” and “since the beginning of time.” Be accurate. Know what you’re writing and why.
  • Do not ever use Wikipedia, CliffNotes, or other such encyclopedic references. Wikipedia is not peer-reviewed and therefore unreliable. Do your own research. If you’re going to research online (which is encouraged and totally legit), make sure you understand what you’re looking for. Do a deep dive into the internet to find your stuff.
  • Be sure that no more than 20% of your papers are outside sources. You must be providing your own analysis while you draw from material presented to you in class.
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assignment week-4 – Nursing Final Project

assignment week-4 – Nursing Final Project

assignment week-4 – Nursing Final Project

Question description

Assignment 2: Final Project ( due date Sunday-10/02)

Overview/Description: The final assignment will synthesize what you have discovered about the different advanced practice roles and scope of practice found in the master of nursing curriculum: NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator. You will review all roles and then examine the specialty for which you were admitted, focusing on the scope of practice, core competencies, certification requirements, and legal aspects of practice for that specific role. You will also identify the practice environment and population you will be working with, as well as peers and colleagues. In addition, you will discuss your future leadership role and participation in professional organizations.

Your paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role. The paper should be 10–12 pages excluding the title and reference, and APA format is required.


  • Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:
    • Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research.
  • Selected Advanced Practice Role:
    • Examine regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.
    • Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.
    • Identify required competencies, including certification requirements for your selected role.
    • Predict the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.
  • Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role:
  • Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role
  • Visit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ( and identify a health policy issue. Conduct a review of literature and address the following:
    • Describe the current policy and what needs to change; justify your conclusions with citations from the literature.
    • Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.
    • Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.

Predict the effect on healthcare quality if the change in policy is implemented.


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Annotated Bibliography: Attention And Memory

Annotated Bibliography Chose Our Focus: Attention And Memory

(Annotated Bibliography: Attention And Memory)

Choosing Your Focus

Prior to beginning this assignment, please review all the required  readings from the first three weeks as well as the articles you used in  your Week 2 Discipline-Based Literature Review. During this course, you  have been developing your knowledge in the area of learning and  cognition. In the Week 2 assignment, there was special focus on six  topics that influence a wide variety of disciplines in psychology and  other fields. In the final week of this course, you will develop a  Learning and Cognition Handbook based on these topics.

This week, you will write an extensive review and annotated bibliography on one of the six main course topics below:

  • Traditional learning theories: Operant and classical conditioning
  • Traditional learning theories: Behaviorism and social learning theory
  • Attention and memory
  • Decision-Making
  • Language acquisition
  • Organizational and lifelong learning

The topic you choose should be based on the area in which you would  most like to develop your knowledge. Your choice should also consider  your current interests in psychology and support your future career  goals.

As you prepare this assignment, keep in mind that it is designed to  assist you with beginning the process of drafting your Learning and  Cognition Handbook, which is due in Week 6. It is recommended that your  paper be checked in Grammarly (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and through Turnitin (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. prior to submission.

Include the following components in your review:

Introduction: Explain your motivation focusing on your chosen topic and describe how this topic aligns with your future career goals.

Research: Research five Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. in the Ashford University Library focusing on your chosen topic, and provide an annotated bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  These articles must provide sufficient information so that they will  support your work in the Learning and Cognition Handbook. (See the  instructions in Week 6 for further clarification.) Provide a complete  reference for each of the five articles. Beneath each reference, provide  an annotation that explains the theoretical perspectives, historical  trends, and/or empirical research within the article that describe and  define your chosen construct.

Conclusion: Provide a concluding paragraph that  synthesizes the cognitive learning principles and theories found within  the articles as they relate to your chosen construct.

The Choosing Your Focus paper

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