Professional Development Power Point

Professional Development Power Point

(Professional Development Power Point)

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 8–10 slides that explains why an understanding of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) and spirituality is important for members of health care teams; examines the ethical, legal, and financial principles related to CAM and spirituality; and describes how these forms of health care can impact plans of action.



Your organization has seen an increase in the number of individuals using complimentary alternative medicine (CAM), traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality. In addition to your work on the interdisciplinary team, you have been asked by your organization to prepare and deliver an educational session on CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality that can be used by all health care teams. How will you complete this task?

You should focus on these concepts as they pertain to your population (from the Windshield Survey assessment), but also in a broader sense. Use the Capella library and the Internet to look for recent research articles or information on these topics to use as supporting resources in your assessment.


For this assessment, prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  • Identify the topics you will cover in your educational plan.
  • Provide a list of resources your audience can use to further their understanding of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM).
  • Explain why it is important for nurses and members of other health care teams to develop an understanding of CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
  • Examine any ethical, legal, and economic principles related to CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
  • Describe how these forms of health care can affect a plan of action for individuals and populations.

Your presentation should include a slide with the title of your educational session, a slide with the topics that will be covered (your agenda), and a reference slide at the end. Use the notes section of each slide to provide additional information on each topic, along with supporting references. References and in-text citations must adhere to APA guidelines.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title slide and reference slide. The completed assessment should be 8–10 slides in length, not including the title slide and reference slide.
  • Reference at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Use current APA format for references.
  • Be creative!
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Assessment Methods

Assessment Methods

(Assessment Methods)

Self-Monitoring: Influencing Effective Behavior Change in Your Clients,” article below

Select a health behavior other than exercise. Write a 1,200 word paper including the following:

Develop your own self-monitoring scale for this health behavior.

Explain how you would use this scale as an assessment tool in a behavioral health intervention.

Summarize three current behavioral assessment techniques. Include a minimum of three scholarly references.

Use article below Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Self-Monitoring: Influencing Effective Behavior Change in Your Clients by Melissa Burgard, B.S., and Kara I. Gallagher, Ph.D., FACSM

Learning Objective To understand how to effectively use self-monitoring to assist clients with behavior change and improve client outcomes.

Key words: Behavior Change, Self-Monitoring, Weight Loss, Feedback, Clients.

Behavior change is a difficult process. As a health/ fitness professional, assisting clients with behavior change can be particularly challenging because client interaction is often limited. Many times, these meetings are not sufficient to target both eating and exercise behaviors and address the many barriers clients face. Because many health behaviors need to be targeted outside of these meetings, finding ways to track progress also is necessary to successfully provide clients with appropriate feedback and direction.

Thus, teaching clients to self-monitor is an effective strategy for targeting both eating and exercise behavior change. Self-monitoring allows you to review your clients’ current eating and exercise behaviors, identify what needs to be modified so clients can reach their personal health/fitness goals, and provide feedback. By definition, self-monitoring is ‘‘the systematic observation and recording of target behavior’’(Assessment Methods)

(1) and has been described as the most effective technique and the ‘‘cornerstone’’ of behavioral treatments for weight loss

(2). Self-monitoring increases a client’s self-awareness, and this has been shown to positively influence eating and exercise behaviors

(3). Several weight loss studies have shown that the more consistent participants were at self-monitoring and the more self-monitoring diaries were completed, the greater was the weight loss

(4–6). In a review of studies, D.S. Kirschenbaum, Ph.D., determined that consistency is best defined as recording at least 75% of eating and exercise behaviors

(7). This relationship also has been found in high-risk situations. In a study examining weight change during the holiday season, only the most consistent self-monitors lost weight

(8).Although self-monitoring is considered to be a valuable tool for behavior change, it does require the consideration of several factors to be applied and used appropriately with your clients. Teaching your client to effectively and consistently self-monitor is a process that is dependent upon the client’s personality, goals, and knowledge regarding his or her behavior. Taking individual differences into account, your goal as the health/fitness professional should be to ‘‘help clients be the best self-monitors they can be’’

(8).As a guide, you can use the following ‘‘Four Ps of Self-Monitoring’’ to determine the best self-monitoring fit for your clients.

Purpose of Self-Monitoring It is helpful to explain the benefits of self-monitoring to your clients so they understand the value and importance it has in promoting behavior change. Self-monitoring can lead to self-awareness regarding behaviors and can help the client regulate behavior more effectively by avoiding and coping with situations that often lead to failure. Self-monitoring records can help identify the specific nature of these situations by answering questions of how, what, when, where, and why. For example, self-monitoring can provide information regarding specific details of client behavior such as:(Assessment Methods)

How many calories do they eat? How much activity do they perform? What type of foods do they eat? What foods do they tend to overeat? What time of day are they most likely to exercise? What types of exercise do they enjoy? When do they eat the majority of their calories? When are they most likely to miss a planned exercise session? Where do they make poor food choices? Where do they have opportunities for exercise? Why do they miss exercise sessions? Why do they want to lose weight or begin an exercise program? By addressing the specific details of clients’ behaviors that occur outside of in-person sessions, you can better assist them with recognizing patterns of behavior that may impact progress.

Personalized Approach What to Monitor Once you have explained to the client the underlying purpose and benefits of self-monitoring, the next step is to decide with the client what behaviors to monitor in order to best reach their health/fitness goals. It is essential to keep in mind that this should not be a one-size-fits-all approach. Take a personalized approach to tracking client behavior that is based upon personality, environment, and individual characteristics and goals. For example, for clients who wish to lose weight, monitoring both eating and exercise information is the best way to determine if they are on track. For other clients, eating behaviors may be related to stressful situations, and thus, feelings of stress may be an additional variable you may want to monitor to assist with weight loss.(Assessment Methods)

Collecting baseline data is an important component of self-monitoring because it provides you with an understanding of what your clients are currently doing, which behaviors require minor modification, and which behaviors you may need to target more heavily. More information is helpful, but it is not necessary to have clients heavily self-monitor at the beginning of a program. Rather, collecting a typical weekday and a typical weekend day of information may be sufficient to capture a snapshot of current behaviors. Once this information is collected, it is beneficial to discuss these initial self-monitoring records with your clients. This will allow you to identify what areas or behaviors they find to be most troublesome and to gain greater insight into how they believe these behaviors can be changed.

Amount of Detail Some clients may prefer to keep highly detailed self-monitoring records that include, for example, date, time, place, mood, description of food, quantity of food, calories, grams of fat, and hunger level (Figure 1). Others will simply want to record whether they made healthy eating choices at each meal. In determining the amount of detail your clients should use, pay careful attention to clients’ attitudes regarding monitoring, personalities, and time constraints. For some, more will be better, and this will provide you with ample information to offer feedback and direction; others may become overwhelmed and disheartened by trying to attend to too many variables.

There are pros and cons to having clients provide a large amount of detail regarding behaviors. For example, although measuring body weight can tell you whether a client is on track, it does not provide you with information regarding the behaviors that may influence that weight. Conversely, having clients keep detailed self-monitoring records may offer too much information, thus making it more difficult to focus on the most crucial behaviors that need to be targeted for change.(Assessment Methods)

Persistence The frequency and consistency with which clients selfmonitor also may be a factor in the success of behavior change. If clients only self-monitor once a month, this is not likely to provide enough information for you to assess progress or for them to make positive behavior changes. The self-monitoring process should be frequent and consistent enough to provide valuable information yet not so cumbersome that clients become overwhelmed. Because self-monitoring is a skill that may need to be developed, your role is to encourage and guide your clients as they become more consistent with this behavior.

When determining the appropriate amount of self-monitoring for your clients, consider the following points: Will daily self-monitoring be beneficial? Will self-monitoring three times per week be adequate? What format will be most convenient for your clients?

Accurate Recording Encourage your clients to be accurate in their selfmonitoring efforts. Some clients may record only the healthy behaviors and fail to include the less healthy behaviors. For example, they may omit the handful of M&Ms they grabbed from a candy dish at work or forget to record the amount of salad dressing they used at lunch. One way to increase accuracy is to have clients carry a self-monitoring tool with them so they can record information immediately. For example, if a client is eating on the run and does not have time to sit down and record what they eat, they can use a small notebook to jot down this information. Alternatively, they can record this information on a small handheld voice recorder. This tool can be especially useful for monitoring exercise behaviors when a client may not have time to record information in writing. Although immediate recording may not always be possible, encourage your clients to record information as soon as they can after the behavior occurs.(Assessment Methods)

Positive Reinforcement Encourage your clients to positively reinforce themselves for effective self-monitoring. If clients have achieved their self-monitoring goals for the week or have improved upon their consistency, they should recognize and reward their efforts. This recognition and reward can take many forms and should be based on individual preference. Some clients may appreciate verbal recognition, while others may prefer a more tangible reward such as purchasing new workout gear. The important aspect is that the recognition and reward are commensurate with the effort the client has put forth. The importance of positively reinforcing clients cannot be overstated. Recognizing successful self-monitoring efforts will not only increase the likelihood of continued success but also will foster a positive client/trainer relationship.

A Tool for Health/Fitness Professionals Self-Monitoring Tools In addition to the benefits that self-monitoring can provide your clients, self-monitoring also can be a useful tool for you. The information gathered from your clients’ self-monitoring records can provide you with valuable insight into areas that may need to be targeted for change. For example, if a client consistently misses morning workouts, it may be helpful to explore whether these missed workouts are related to lack of time, dislike of morning exercise, or some other factor.

By examining self-monitoring records, you also may be able to identify patterns of behavior that may be contributing to a lack of success. This information can help you modify your approach and develop strategies to better assist your clients in reaching their health/fitness goals. Self-monitoring is an effective tool for facilitating behavior change. The information gathered from selfmonitoring records allows you to tailor interventions to target specific behaviors that are crucial to your clients’ success. By teaching your clients to self-monitor, you can empower them to take an active role in their behavior change process and provide them with the skills they need to maintain positive behavior changes long term.

References(Assessment Methods)

  1. Baumeister RF. Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle? Psychol Bull. 2002;128: 247–66.
  2. Kirschenbaum DS, Gillis R, Smith GP. The Psychology of Weight Control. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 1982.
  3. Burke LE, Choo J, Music E, Warziski M, Styn M, Kim Y, Sevick MA. PREFER study: A randomized clinical trial testing treatment preference and two dietary options in behavioral weight management—Rationale, design and baseline characteristics. Contemp Clin Trials. 2006;27:34–48.
  4. Boutelle KN, Kirschenbaum DS. Further support for consistent self-monitoring as a vital component of successful weight control. Obes Res. 1998;6:219–24.
  5. Linde JA, Jeffery RW, French SA, Pronk NP, Boyle RG. Self-weighing in weight gain prevention and weight loss trials. Ann Behav Med. 2005;30:210–6.
  6. McGuire MT, Wing RR, Klem ML, Lang W, Hill JO. What predicts weight regain in a group of successful weight losers? J Consult Clin Psychol. 1999;67:177–85.
  7. Kirschenbaum DS. Self-regulatory failure: A review with clinical implications. Clin Psychol Rev. 1987; 7:77–104.
  8. Wing RR, Hill JO. Successful weight loss maintenance. Annu Rev Nutr. 2001;21:323–41.

15ACSM’S HEALTH & FITNESS JOURNALA JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 VOL. 10, NO. 1 Copyr ight © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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The Problem: The Case Of The Troubling Inquiry

The Problem: The Case of the Troubling Inquiry

(The Problem: The Case Of The Troubling Inquiry)

At lunch one day a friend, who is an excellent mid-level scientist in the company in which you work, tells you she wants to talk with you about a problem. She has a suspicion that she is being paid less that her male colleagues and wants your help. You have just been doing some research and know that the women scientists are in fact being paid less than the men with comparable experience and comparable education in the field. The hiring practice had been to bring people in at the lowest possible salary. You know that the research shows that because women tend to be more tentative about salary, they don’t ask for top dollar. You have just completed a salary survey in your company and know that women scientists are currently being paid 10% less then men with the same credentials in many cases. Your preliminary work indicates that to bring the women into parity with the men will cost approximately $37,500 per quarter.

Here is the assignment:

(The Problem: The Case Of The Troubling Inquiry)

Worksheet 5: For this part of the Assignment, you are asked to Be Reflective, asyou consider both how you made the decision as well as your response to theAssignment. In this segment you consider how you corrected for personal bias and your own blind spots—hubris—and have attended to the common good.This part of the Assignment must have citations and references. Use the questions as headings for each section, and write no more than a paragraph on each.

● Discuss whether or not the ethical analysis made sense. As you considered the section in the Baird text that described the process that those from the deontological school of thought use for ethical analysis, what were the strengths and weaknesses of this process? What were the problems with the process?What are the sticking points?

● Did you like the results? Did you like the reasons for taking the action, the rationale that is part of the deontological school of thought? Do you get a sense that you would follow these results or the rationale in real life? Why or why not?

● What insights do you have about this problem that you would like to share with others? What information would you appreciate from them?

● How would adding the world of emotion and conscience help clarify your decision, as described on the first page of Chapter 7 of the Baird text? Ethical maturity is often defined as not only being responsible but also considering others in the decision. Why is considering others important in the particular problem you were asked to resolve?

● Consider the spiritual perspective—spirituality being defined as that which gives life and work meaning and purpose. As you begin to see yourself in light of the community, how can you (and others in the organization) begin to discipline your desires so you can live fully in the present with faith and trust, avoiding self-righteousness and self-deception?

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Psychology Service Project

Psychology Service Project

(Psychology Service Project)

Need project done


attachment is the essay template and a quzz in section 5 to be completed based on the data in that section.


Pleaase view the attachement


The service project we will pretend is a non profit organization in East NY, Brooklyn. East NY community is riddened with crime violence and drugs. The non profit is a youth organization that provides an outlet for youths ages 10 to 18 to come together to movivate each other. They offer counseling and other recreational activites to foster positive growth.





(Psychology Service Project)

What WILL YOU BE DOING FOR YOUR SERVICE PROJECT?  For this assignment you will be required to serve a MINIMUM of 4 hours of community service at an agency of your choosing. You will be responsible for getting contact information including the name, title, phone number and email address for the SUPERVISOR or agency CONTACT PERSON for your project.  After completing the service you will be required to give that information in the 1st question on your essay, so we can contact your supervisor/contact person if we have questions about your project. In writing your essay, you must answer in complete thoughts and complete sentences.  Each question will be worth a certain amount of points totaling 100 points for this assignment.


how WILL YOU find out about places to volunteer?  You will find a HANDOUT with contact information for various organizations in the SERVICE PROJECT FOLDER entitled “VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVICE PROJECT”.  

A few examples of places you might be interested in that you will find on your list include:

·         Snack pack for kids or KID’S Cafe

·         High Plains Food Bank, AC FOOD PANTRY,  or your local food bank

·         Faith City mission or City Church or Salvation Army

·         Family Support Services or Catholic Family Services

·         Evelyn Rivers Projects (Sunshine House supports AC students and Christmas Project supports children)

·         Dove Creek Equine Rescue or Amarillo Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

·         Harrington Cancer Center (kids unit) or Hope & Healing Place or Ronald McDonald House



how WILL YOU BE GRADED ON THIS PROJECT:  This essay will be worth 100 points or equal to an exam towards your final grade.  Your essay will be graded according to the rubric that is shown on the last pages of this document!  Below, you will find all the questions for your essay.  As well, you will find a TEMPLATE in the SERVICE PROJECT FOLDER, which you will USE to complete your essay.  Be sure you take time to notice what you will be graded on.  See Appendix 1.

EDITING YOUR WORK: Good ideas require excellent writing to be understood! Please take time to EDIT your work carefully as you will be graded on your grammar and writing mechanics for the 5 part essay, along with the organization of your thought and the “knowledge you posses” related to the data and graphs on poverty, as well as the questions being asked about your project.  Write in complete sentences, remember punctuation and capitalization and proper grammar count!  JUST A NOTE: “I” is a proper noun and should BE CAPITALIZED! This is NOT A TEXT MESSAGE TO YOUR FRIENDS! It’s a COLLEGE-LEVEL WRITING ASSIGNMENT!

(Psychology Service Project)

Prior to UPLOADING your essay in the SERVICE PROJECT ESSAY DROP BOX, please be sure you edit it well, read it out loud to catch errors in your grammar and spelling, along with focusing your ideas to be clear and sharp.  After your final edit, SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT as a WORD file or a RICH TEXT FORMAT file on your computer in a location you can find it.  Your document should have either a .doc or .docx extension or a .rtf extension at the end of the file name. Then go to the DROP BOX, select BROWSE and retrieve your file. When you upload it, you should be able to see it in the TEXT BOX if it’s a WORD file.  If it’s a RTF file, you should see a box indicating the file is there.

            CITING SOURCES:  A part of your grade will be over proper citing of sources for this project.  Remember, in the items that are required to have a bibliography/reference section, be sure you cite your source with the authors name, date of publication and that title of the source, and publisher along with any pages you used, or, if your source is an online source include the title , any author, date, and the web address stating “Retrieved from”.

For example:  Myers, D. (2014) Exploring Psychology (9th Edition).  Worth, pages 35-39.     OR

Henslin, J. (2016).  Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach.  Core Concepts (6th Edition). Pearson, page 102.

For an online source (particularly those related to your agency history) you will have a citation that looks like this:

High Plains Food Bank: About The Agency.   Retrieved May 21, 2016 from

As well, be sure you cite your sources in the body of your text: For example:

The purpose of the High Plains Food Bank is to help “food insecure” families get the nutrition they need in the 29 counties of the Texas Panhandle (High Plains Food Bank: About, May 21, 2016).

Or: Myers (2014, p. 375) tells us that people must have their basic needs met before they can accomplish higher order goals.  This idea is put forth in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1970), which shows that needs like hunger and thirst must be met before people will go after personal goals like building self-esteem and attaining an educational degree.


HINT: IF YOU LOOK IN YOUR REFERENCE SECTION OF YOUR TEXTBOOK, you will find the proper FORMAT for any REFERENCE that you are using for this essay!

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Searching and Analysis Literature.

Systematic Reviews: Searching and Analysis of Literature.

Systematic Reviews: Searching and Analysis of the Literature. COMPLETE PART I THROUGH PART IV

This Assignment expands upon the work you have been conducting for this week’s Discussion.) you will conduct a search for literature on your selected practice problem. A Literature Review Matrix template will be used to identify gaps in the literature.

To prepare:

Consider the practice problem you addressed in this week’s Discussion. (You may select a new issue if necessary, but it is not recommended): Practice problem chosen: Health literacy and self-care activities, self-efficacy, and health related outcome of patients with type 2 Diabetes.

Review the guidelines in the Literature Review Matrix, included in the Learning Resources.


Formulate a research question around your issue as indicated in Part I. Then

complete Part II, III, IV of the Matrix, identifying the resources you will use, search terms and criteria, and Boolean search strings.

Using the Walden Library, locate 10 articles related to your research question. At least one article must be a systematic review.


All of the articles should be primary sources.

Actual Assignment:

Complete Part I and Part II of the Literature Review Matrix template.

Review the information on empiricism presented in Chapter 1 of Theoretical 

Basis for Nursing and Chapter 6 in The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence as you consider your response to Part IV.

Complete Part III of the Literature Review Matrix.

In your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature, note the appropriate use of the theoretical frameworks.

Complete Part IV addressing the influence of empiricism on quantitative methodology.


McEwin, M., & Wills, E.M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing. (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Chapter 10, “Introduction to Middle Range Nursing Theories”

Chapter 11, “Overview of Selected Middle Range Nursing Theories”

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Chapter 3, “Introduction to Quantitative Research”

Chapter 4, “Introduction to Qualitative Research”

Chapter 6 guides nurses through the process of identifying research objectives, developing research questions, and creating research hypotheses.

Chapter 7 examines the process of preparing for a literature review to support research efforts.

Chapter 13, “Outcomes Research”

Moran, K., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. (2017). The doctor of nursing practice scholarly project: A framework for success (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Review Chapter 6, “Developing the Scholarly Project”

Armola, R., Bourgault, A., Halm, M., Board, R., Bucher, L., Harrington, L., & … Medina, J. (2009). AACN levels of evidence: What’s new? Critical Care Nurse, 29(4), 70–73. doi: 10.4037/ccn2009969

Elkins, M. Y. (2010). Using PICO and the brief report to answer clinical questions. Nursing, 40(4), 59–60. doi: 10.1097/01.NURSE.0000369871.07714.39

Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009). Chapter 6: Evaluation of middle-range theories. Evaluating Research for Evidence-Based Nursing. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F. A. Davis.

DeSanto-Madeya, S., & Fawcett, J. (2009). Toward Understanding and Measuring Adaptation Level in the Context of the Roy Adaptation Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 22(4), 355–359.

Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B., Stillwell, S., & Williamson, K. (2010). Critical appraisal of the evidence: Part I an introduction to gathering, evaluating, and recording the evidence… fifth in a series. American Journal of Nursing, 110(7), 47–52. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000383935.22721.9c

Fineout-Overholt, E., Melnyk, B., Stillwell, S., & Williamson, K. (2010). Critical appraisal of the evidence: Part III the process of synthesis: Seeing similarities and differences across the body of evidence. American Journal of Nursing, 110(11), 43–51. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000390523.99066.b5

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Week Six – Correlations Exercises

Week Six – Correlations Exercises

(Week Six – Correlations Exercises)

Correlations are used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. A correlation between two variables is known as a bivariate correlation. In this module the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation will be used when running a correlation matrix. The Pearson correlation coefficient ranges from a value of -1.0 to 1.0. A correlation coefficient is never above 1.0 or below -1.0. A perfect positive correlation is 1.0 and a perfect negative correlation is -1.0. The size of the coefficient determines the strength of the relationship and the sign (i.e., + or -) determines the direction of the relationship. The closer the value is to zero the weaker the relationship and the closer the value is to 1.0 or -1.0 the stronger the relationship. A correlation coefficient of zero indicates no relationship between the variables.

A scatterplot is used to depict the relationship between two variables. The general shape of the collection of points indicates whether the correlation is positive or negative. A positive relationship will have the data points group into a cluster from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner of the graph. A negative relationship will be depicted by points clustering in the lower right hand corner to the upper left hand corner of the graph. When the two variables are not related the points on the scatterplot will be scattered in a random fashion.

Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a correlation matrix using the following variables: Number of visits to the doctor in the past 12 months (docvisit), body mass index (bmi), Physical Health component subscale (sf12phys) and Mental Health component subscale (sf12ment). Run means and descriptives for each variable as well as the correlation matrix.

Follow these steps using SPSS:

1.Click Analyze, then correlate, then bivariate.

2.Select each variable and move them into the box labeled “Variables.”

3.Be sure the Pearson and two-tailed box is checked.

4.Click on the options tab (upper right corner) and check “means and standard deviations.” The exclude cases pairwise should also be checked. Click continue.

5.Click OK

To run descriptives for docvisit, bmi, sf12phys and sf12ment do the following in SPSS: 

1.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives.

2.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (docvisit) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click bmi and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12phys and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click sf12ment and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box.

3.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation.

4.Click continue and then click OK.

Assignment: Answer the following questions about the correlation matrix.

1.What is the strongest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables)

2.What is the weakest correlation in the matrix? (Provide correlation value and names of variables)

3.How many original correlations are present on the matrix?

4.What does the entry of 1.00 indicate on the diagonal of the matrix?

5.Indicate the strength and direction of the relationship between body mass index and physical health component subscale?

6.Which variable is most strongly correlated with body mass index? What is the correlational coefficient? What is the sample size for this relationship?

7.What is the mean and standard deviation for bmi and doctor visits?

Part II(Week Six – Correlations Exercises)

Using Polit2SetB dataset, create a scatterplot using the following variables: x-axis = body mass index (bmi) and the y-axis = weight-pounds (weight).

Follow these steps in SPSS:

1.Click Graphs, then click on Legacy Dialogs, then click “Scatter/Dot”.

2.Click “Simple Scatter” and then click “Define.”

3.Click on weight-pounds and move it to the Y-axis box and then click on body mass index and move it to the x-axis box.

4.Click OK.

To run descriptives for bmi and weight do the following in SPSS:

5.Click Analyze then click Descriptives Statistics, then Descriptives.

6.Click the first continuous variable you wish to obtain descriptives for (body mass index) and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box. Then click weight-pounds and then click on the arrow button and move it into the Variables box.

7.Click the Options button in the upper right corner. Click mean and standard deviation.

8.Click continue and then click OK.


1.What is the mean and standard deviation for weight and bmi?

2.Describe the strength and direction of the relationship between weight and bmi?

3.Describe the scatterplot? What information does it provide to a researcher?

References 3 references required(Week Six – Correlations Exercises)


Required Media

Walden University. (n.d.). Correlations. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from

Required Readings

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Chapter 23, “Using Statistics to Examine Relationships”

Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research

Chapter 4, “Bivariate Description: Crosstabulation, Risk Indexes, and Correlation” (pp. 59–61 and 68–78)

Chapter 9, “Correlation and Simple Regression” (pp. 197–209)

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Strategic Needs Assessment Framework

Strategic Needs Assessment Framework

(Strategic Needs Assessment Framework)

When you are engaged in program planning, a needs assessment helps to determine the actuality and details of a specific problem. It also addresses how the target population views the problem—which is critical since their perspective and motivation to change are essential for the success of the program.
In this week’s video, the necessity of appraising a community’s assets as well as its challenges is evident as Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron and Dr. Rebecca Lee discuss needs assessments. What additional insights have you gleaned from the Learning Resources that you intend to apply to your program?
For this Discussion, you develop a framework for completing a needs assessment for your program. To do this effectively, it is essential to begin with the program and the population you have identified and then develop an appropriate approach for conducting a needs assessment. This also leads to consideration of the types of data needed and the data collection methods to be used.

To prepare:

  • Consider      aspects of your problem and population (breast cancer in African American women      in the USA) as you review the information on needs assessment presented in      the Learning Resources.
  • How      would you conduct a needs assessment? What considerations would influence      your decision making about this process?
  • What      would be the most efficient and effective methods for collecting data?      What challenges could be encountered?

By tomorrow Wednesday 12/19/18 2 pm, write a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with at least 3 references from the list of required readings below. Include all headers as numbered below:

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) Discuss how you would conduct a needs assessment for your selected problem and the target population. Why is this approach appropriate for the problem you have identified? Support your response with evidence from the literature.

2) Describe your proposed data collection methods and evaluate any challenges you might encounter.

Required Readings

Assessment and Planning in Health Programs

Chapter 1, “Assessment for Developing Programs and Interventions: The Big Picture”

Chapter 1 notes the importance of looking not just at needs but also the assets associated with the target population and environment; that is, assessing what needs to be addressed given the assets that are present.

Chapter 3, “Data Collection Strategies for Needs Assessments and Evaluations”

In Chapter 3, the authors examine data collection, a key element of needs assessments. They also indicate that it is wise to plan ahead and consider data collection strategies for evaluation at the same time.

Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: An effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Chapter 4, “Needs Assessment: Theoretical Considerations”

Chapter 5, “Needs Assessment: Approaches to Measurement”

These two chapters provide foundational information as well as guidance for conducting a needs assessment as part of program planning.

Burrows, T., Hutchesson, M., Chai, L,K., Rollow, M., Skinner, G., & Collins, C. (2015). Nutrition interventions for prevention and management of childhood obesity: What do parents want from an eHealth program? Nutrients, 7, 10469–10479 doi:10.3390/nu7125546

Derguy, C., Michel, G., M’Bailara, K., Roux, S., & Bouvard, M. (2015). Assessing needs in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A crucial preliminary step to target relevant issues for support programs. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 40(2), 156–166

Millard, T., McDonald, K., Elliott, J., Slavin, S., Rowell, S., & Girdler, S. (2014). Informing the development of an online self-management program for men living with HIV: a needs assessment. BMC Public Health, 14, 1209 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-1209

Springer, A. E. & Evans, A.E. (2016). Assessing environmental assets for health promotion program planning: a practical framework for health promotion practitioners. Health Promotion Perspectives, 6(3), 111–118 doi: 10.15171/hpp.2016.19

Required Media (Strategic Needs Assessment Framework)

Laureate Education (Producer). (2011). Design and evaluation of programs and projects [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

“Needs Assessment” (featuring Dr. Rebecca Lee, Shiniche Thomas, and Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron)

You may view this course video by clicking the link or on the course DVD, which contains the same content. Once you’ve opened the link, click on the appropriate media piece.

In this week’s videos, Dr. Rebecca Lee and Dr. Donna Shambley-Ebron discuss needs assessments. Then, Dr. Rebecca Lee demonstrates a windshield assessment along with Seven Hills community resident Shiniche Thomas.

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Psychological assignment help

Psychological assignment help

(Psychological assignment help)

Prior to beginning this discussion, read the following required articles:

“Organizational Learning in Target Setting”

“Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations: An Integrative Framework”

“Improving Organizational Learning Through Leadership Training”

“Systematic Professional Development Training and Its Impact on Teachers’ Attitudes Toward ELLs: SIOP and Guided Coaching”

“Review of Organizational Resilience: How Learning Sustains Organizations in Crisis, Disaster, and Breakdowns”

For this discussion, you will be focusing on your self-development and your learning experiences in the context of the workplace. In your initial post, apply basic research methods and the alignment of content within research to the questions below by making connections between your personal experiences and the content from the readings. You might also utilize other peer-reviewed articles of interest to you to support your assertions and conclusions. Analyze how your personal development in the learning and cognition domains have matured and developed through your formative years and work experiences. Your writing should not simply answer each question; a fully developed personal analysis of your own growth and learning processes should be concise and well organized in a manner that exhibits your improved writing ability and reflects APA style format.

In addition to answering the questions below, include an introduction and conclusion to your post.

What types of training and education have you received in the workplace?

What do you do now that differs from your past educational learning experiences?

How have your life experiences affected your learning?

Have events in your life influenced your beliefs and how you assert yourself in the learning process?

How do you see yourself as a life-long learner?

Next, consider how organizational learning and culture affect you personally and apply skeptical inquiry to the resolution of problems related to your own learning and cognition. How might you adjust your current strategies? Finally, apply ethical principles and professional standards of learning and cognition psychology that you have learned about to teaching or counseling others in the workplace. What implications should you consider when working with others?

This discussion should be approximately 500 words in length and should establish your understanding of the content, apply appropriate methods of ethical practices, and exhibit appropriate scaffolding of personal experience to the week’s content.

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Mock Individual Assessment

Assignment 2: Mock Individual Assessment (Rough Draft)

(Mock Individual Assessment (Rough Draft))



Create a mock forensic assessment report based on a patient in a selected vignette. Provide your diagnostic impressions based on the DSM-5 criteria. Name the file M4_A2_LastName_LASA_Draft.doc and submit the paper to the M4 Assignment 2 Dropbox.


Your instructor will provide feedback by critiquing the rough draft so that you can make corrections and additions to your final submission due in M5 Assignment 2 LASA.

For this assignment you are to:

    • Improve your interview and referral questions for the case vignette you selected in M1 Assignment 3.

Use the case vignette you selected in M1 Assignment 3 for this assignment.

Next, create and document a set of mock interview questions and potential referral questions to ask your client and yourself. You can determine the questions in relation to the case vignette that you choose.

You might also want to consider some of the example referral questions listed below.

Analyze all the information provided in the case vignette and begin to formulate a hypothesis as to why the individual needs referral.

Example Referral Questions:

      • As a forensic mental health professional, what factors need to be considered in your psychological testing for the forensic assessment report?
      • What behavioral observations do you make about the client by reading the case vignette?
      • What are your assessment options in working with the client?
      • What standards and accepted psychological tests might you apply to your client in forensic settings? Select from the instruments you researched in M3 Assignment 2 RA.
      • How will you recognize and evaluate your client’s offender behaviors associated with malingering and deception?
      • What theoretical orientation do you want to use in this case for your treatment recommendations?
      • What is the case scenario you have selected?
      • What is the reason for referral?
      • What is the purpose of the forensic assessment and report?
      • What is the nature of the problem presented in your selected case vignette?
      • What is the context in which the forensic assessment report will be used?
      • What is the background of your client? What are the symptoms displayed by your client and the significance they have in this case?
      • What is the mental status of your client? Be sure to elaborate on every major component addressed in the mental status examination.
      • What interview type and approach did you use with your client?
      • What tests are appropriate to use in your forensic assessment report? Identify one intelligence test, one objective personality test, and one projective test.
      • What collateral information will you use in the process of the evaluation?
      • How will you present your impressions of the client?
    • Write a Forensic Mental Health Professional Individual Assessment Report.

Use the Forensic Mental Health Professional Individual Assessment Report template (you can download the template from this link).

Evaluate and interpret the information provided to you in the case vignette that you have selected in M1 Assignment 3. Synthesize the information you collected to create a Forensic Mental Health Professional Individual Assessment Report. Your findings should be in a report format.(Mock Individual Assessment (Rough Draft))

In a 10- to 12-page report, include only the following components:

      • Reason for Referral: Explain the objective of your case vignette analysis, clearly bringing out the aspects or reasons that motivated you to carry out the study.
      • Presentation: Create mock interview data and collateral information (you are to identify the questions to ask in the interview). Provide a synopsis of the interview. Provide data to support the mental status of your client, based on your forensic assessment report and the mental status components you have identified.
      • Current Life Situation and Background Information: Explain the problem provided in your selected case vignette using the interview and mental status data. How does the data relate to the background of your client and your behavioral observations?
      • Objective Testing: Identify the assessment instruments you would recommend to evaluate the client and explain the rationale for your recommendations. Describe the objective tests you have selected and their use. How did you apply these tests to your selected case vignette? Based on your study, what is your analysis of the symptoms displayed by your client? What ethical and multicultural issues do you need to address? You will apply what you have learned from M3 Assignment 2 RA into this section.
      • Provide your diagnostic impressions based on DSM-5 criteria. What is your principal diagnosis? What is your secondary diagnosis? Are there other conditions that may be the focus of clinical attention to consider?
      • Conclusion and Recommendations: What is your hypothesis based on the mental status examination, the interview, personality tests, and symptoms analysis? Explain your hypothesis and substantiate it, using instances from your case study. Discuss your results with conclusions and recommendations.

The final Forensic Mental Health Professional Individual Assessment Report should contain all the assigned components and the corresponding information.

Your final deliverables for this module are:

  • Selected case vignette
  • List of interview/referral questions
  • Assessment template
  • Final assessment report

Your report should be approximately of 12–15 pages.


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A Discussion And A Project

A Discussion And A Project

(A Discussion And A Project)

Unit 6:This assignment is also in 2 parts- A discussion & a project

Due 09/04/17

What does Dilthey mean when he uses the metaphor “blind window”? What is Dilthey’s view of personal bias in interpreting written text?

Due 09/04/17

Discuss the difficulties in employing hermeneutics as a scientific tool. Is this approach to interpreting text and action too vague and subjective, or does its subjective starting point offer certain advantages within psychological inquiry?


Individual Project

Topic: Hermeneutics

Original Research 10 Strategic Points Draft

Due Date: Sep 11, 2017


In the prospectus, proposal and dissertation there are ten key or strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the research is doable, valuable, and credible. These points, which provide a guide or vision for the research. The ten strategic points emerge from researching literature on a topic, which is based on or aligned with, the defined need in the literature as well as the researcher’s personal passion, future career purpose, and degree area. You have practiced identifying the ten points in published studies, the next required skill is to define the ten points for an original as yet conducted research study. In this assignment, you will consider a potential gap in the literature that is emerging from your ongoing reading in your field of interest including the two specific articles you selected for the previous assignment, and you will draft the 10 Strategic Points for a potential dissertation research study based on that identified gap.

General Requirements:(A Discussion And A Project)

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Important note: Successful completion of this assignment does not indicate that this topic and the related 10 Strategic Points have been approved for use as your dissertation research study topic.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.


Consider a potential gap in the literature that is emerging from your ongoing reading in your field of interest including no less than five specific research studies. Using the information from those research studies, state the potential gap that you identified and describe how it emerged from the studies you read.

Based on that identified gap, draft the 10 Strategic Points for a potential dissertation research study.



1. Hermeneutics and Psychology: A Review and Dialectical Model

Sandage, S. J., Cook, K. V., Hill, P. C., Strawn, B. D., & Reimer, K. S. (2008). Hermeneutics and psychology: A review and dialectical model. Review of General Psychology, 12(4), 344-364. doi:10.1037/1089-2680.12.4.344(A Discussion And A Project)


2. Inquiry in the Pragmatic and Hermeneutic Traditions

Polkinghorne, D. E. (2000). Inquiry in the pragmatic and hermeneutic traditions. Theory and Psychology, 10(4), 453-479.


3. The Rise of Hermeneutics

Dilthey, W., & Jameson, F. (1972). The rise of hermeneutics. New Literary History, 3(2), 229-244.


4. Three Forms of Hermeneutics

Mooij, A. (2013). Three forms of hermeneutics. In Psychiatry as a human science (pp. 93-122). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Boom.



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