Financing Health Services

Financing Health Services (4-6 Pages APA Format)

(Financing Health Services)

Title: Strategies for Optimal Financing of Health Services

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, effective financing is paramount to ensure the accessibility, quality, and sustainability of health services. This brief explores key strategies for financing health services within the framework of the United States healthcare system.

One critical strategy involves the promotion of public-private partnerships (PPPs). Collaborations between governmental bodies and private healthcare entities can optimize resource utilization, enhance service efficiency, and introduce innovations. PPPs offer a platform for shared responsibilities, mitigating financial burdens on either sector and fostering a more resilient healthcare ecosystem.

Transitioning from traditional fee-for-service models to value-based payment structures is another crucial approach. Value-based payment models prioritize patient outcomes, encouraging healthcare providers to focus on preventive care, coordinated treatments, and patient satisfaction. This shift aligns financial incentives with the delivery of high-quality care, ultimately improving the overall health of populations.

Comprehensive health insurance programs play a pivotal role in achieving universal coverage. By reducing financial barriers to healthcare access, these programs ensure that individuals receive the necessary financial support for medical services, promoting equity and inclusivity within the healthcare system.

Furthermore, leveraging technology for financial efficiency is imperative. Integration of electronic health records, telemedicine, and digital billing systems streamlines administrative processes, reduces errors, and lowers operational costs. Technological advancements contribute to optimizing financial resources, enhancing overall service delivery, and improving the patient experience.

Despite these strategies, challenges such as budget constraints and resistance to change persist. Mitigation involves stakeholder engagement, thorough financial analyses, and gradual transitions, allowing for adjustments and fostering acceptance. In conclusion, a dynamic and multifaceted approach to healthcare financing, incorporating public-private collaborations, value-based models, health insurance, and technological integration, is essential for the ongoing enhancement of health services in the United States.(Financing Health Services)


The complexity of financing in health care is one of the primary characteristics of medical care delivery in the United States” (Shi & Singh, 2012, p. 129). There are numerous reimbursement methods (e.g., capitation, fee-for-service, package pricing, etc.) that are used by health care organizations and providers to get paid for the health care services that they provide. Building upon your Individual Project from Unit 1, write a 3-5 page paper not including a title page and reference page that contains the following:

  • Summarize 3 different reimbursement methods that are used by health care providers and organizations.
  • Choose which method(s) will work best for the health care facility that you have proposed to be developed, and explain why you chose that method(s).
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the reimbursement method(s) that you chose.
  • Discuss the impact that the method(s) may have on the financial operations of the facility that you chose.

Note: You should include a minimum of 3 references, properly cited in APA format.

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Epidemiology Essay

Epidemiology Essay

(Epidemiology Essay)

Read each article carefully. Re-read your chosen set and ask, “How are these articles similar?” “What do they have in common?” “How are they different?” “How are they not alike?”  Make some written notes about each article in your chosen set.  Compose a basic outline for your paper, including paragraphs for  Introduction (ending in a thesis statement, one sentence that lays out what your paper will do), Background, Multiple body paragraphs containing the bulk of your information, Conclusion.

In writing your paper, follow these guidelines. 1) Begin your paper by introducing the problem being investigated. 2) Give a detailed description of the study (why it was done, who conducted it, who the subjects were, what the results showed, and what the authors concluded from the results). 3) After describing the article, you must use critical thinking to analyze it. Critical thinking about epidemiological studies involves determining whether the evidence gathered and described by the authors is appropriate to answer the questions they are trying to answer and whether this evidence supports the conclusions eventually drawn by the authors. This is where you compare and contrast one study to the other study of the set you have chosen. 4) The last portion of the paper should state your conclusions regarding your analysis.

You must include  at least   two  references showing where you derived your information and those references should be cited with-in the text of your paper.  You will also probably want to cite some information from your textbook. (Epidemiology Essay)

After putting your paper together, you will want to condense/summarize the most important information into an abstract, which is a brief/short summary of the paper.

Your completed paper should be 5-7 double-spaced pages in length (including title page, abstract, and reference page) and  conform to the APA standard format. 

Both Articles links

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Childrens Ward Consultant Essay

Childrens Ward Consultant Essay

(Childrens Ward Consultant Essay)

Question description

You are a consultant in a children’s ward for a long-term care hospital facility geared towards ages 3 to 10 years old. The facility directors ask you to construct an indoor/outdoor play center and activity schedule to allow those in early and middle childhood to maintain and develop their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth while recovering from their injuries/illnesses.

Justify for the facility’s stakeholders the use and placement for each piece of play equipment, toy, and furniture. Make it clear when and why you would need to divide some of the space to separate children in early childhood from those in middle childhood. Be sure to specify:

  1. How does each piece of play equipment, toy, and furniture contribute to the four types of development (e.g., fine-motor movement helps physical growth)?
  2. How does each piece facilitate social-emotional bonds of children with their families?
  3. How does each piece improve coping and adjustment to long-term care?

Paper Requirements:(Childrens Ward Consultant Essay)

  • Your paper should be seven- to nine-pages (not including the required title or reference pages) and double spaced.
  • The paper should be based on references to scholarly materials (rather than on introductory textbooks, popular website writings, or musings, for example). To that, your paper should synthesize current, relevant research on your topic from at least five scholarly sources. Cite and reference these sources according to APA style.
  • Include an introduction that provides a clear statement of your position on the topic, a body that discusses the implications of possible solutions for the project under consideration, and a conclusion regarding how best to manage the issue (i.e., your informed opinion on the issues raised).
  • Format your entire paper according to APA guidelines.

The paper must demonstrate what you have learned about current issues related to human development. Your paper is expected to have depth and offer a thoughtful analysis on the topic. The most common mistakes in writing an essay are (a) simply summarizing the topic and not analyzing it or discussing your views and (b) failing to relate the subject to the broader context of restorative justice, as discussed in class and as found in the readings.

Adequately including the broader contexts includes, for example, considering how your research might yield a different approach to restorative justice in the United States.

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Bible (New Testament)

Bible (New Testament)

(Bible (New Testament))

The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible, following the Old Testament. It is a collection of religious texts that primarily focus on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The New Testament is divided into several books, including the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Pauline and General Epistles, and Revelation.

The New Testament is the second major division of the Christian biblical canon, following the Old Testament. It contains 27 books, which are divided into four main categories: the Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles (letters), and the Book of Revelation.

Please answer these 5 questions. Answers have to be minimum of 2 pages per each question. 12 point font and double space. At least 4 biblical reference has to be made per question.

Please turn in the exam by Tuesday 12th. Any late exams will be deducted by letter grade.

Cheating will result in automatic failure.

1. Which book and chapter discuss the kenosis passage. Please discuss what kenosis means according to the scripture. How can this be applied to our own lives?

2. How are Colossians and Philemon similar and related. Most of all, what kind of message does these two books give Christians today?

3. What is the main message of the book of Romans? Who were the main theologians that were influence by the book of Romans throughout church history? Why is the book of Romans relevant to today’s culture?

4. Which two passages describe the qualifications of elders (book and chapter)? Which passage describes the qualifications of deacons? Then discuss what the qualifications are and name one deacon that was executed for his faith.

5. Please discuss the seven churches in the book of revelation. Please discuss about the positive and negatives concerning the seven churches. Which church was most praised by God? Which church would you like to belong and why?

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Psychology Of Human Sexuality

FINAL PAPER FOR Psychology Of Human Sexuality

(Psychology Of Human Sexuality)

  1. Depending on your chosen site and the length of your observation, the paper should be no more than six pages pages.Observations that demonstrate critical thinking and analysis include components such as
    1. identification of assumptions regarding setting
    2. accurate assessment of behaviors
    3. presentation of corollary positions and perspectives
    4. development of conclusions based on behaviors observed
    5. discussion of potential or actual implications of behaviorsv
    6. listing of consequences resulting from specific behaviors
    7. posing of critical questions regarding problems or issues that could result from behaviors observed.


(Psychology Of Human Sexuality)

EXCELLENT (34-33 Points) – Good location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, 4-6 pages, double-spaced, extraordinarily well written, organized and easy to read, free of errors, supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page, appropriate spelling, written above and beyond what was requested.

GOOD (32-29 Points) – Good location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, 4-6 pages, double-spaced, well written, organized and easy to read, free of errors, supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page, written above and beyond what was requested.

ABOVE AVERAGE (28-24 Points) – Adequate description of location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, requirement for pages missing, double-spaced, well written, organized and easy to read, free of errors, missing required supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page,

AVERAGE (23-19 Points) – Adequate but does not have significant detail in description of location and observation, setting, emotional climate, and demographics clearly stated, description of specific behaviors observed that were related to sexuality, cover sheet, page numbers, requirement for pages missing, double-spaced, not easy to read, writing errors, missing required supporting cited sources throughout paper (5-6), concluded what happened in the observation, your opinion of what happened, citation in conclusion, reference page,

BELOW AVERAGE (18-14 Points) – Poorly written, may have significant errors, missing required cited sources, cover sheet, required number of pages and page numbers.

ZERO (13 and below) – Missing most of requirement for paper or failure to submit paper.





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Implementation IOM Future Of Nursing Report

Implementation The IOM Future Of Nursing Report

(Implementation Of The IOM Future Of Nursing Report)

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Future of Nursing report, released in 2010, serves as a comprehensive guide for transforming the nursing profession to meet the evolving healthcare landscape. The report’s recommendations focus on education, practice, leadership, and workforce policy to enhance the role of nurses in providing patient-centered care. The implementation of these recommendations has had a significant impact on nursing and healthcare.

In education, the IOM report calls for increasing the proportion of nurses with a bachelor’s degree to 80% by 2020. Many nursing programs have responded by creating pathways for registered nurses to attain higher education, promoting lifelong learning and professional development. Additionally, initiatives to foster academic-practice partnerships have strengthened the integration of theory and practice in nursing education.

The report emphasizes the importance of nurses’ leadership in healthcare. Efforts have been made to prepare nurses for leadership roles through leadership development programs and mentorship opportunities. Nurses are increasingly taking on leadership positions in various healthcare settings, influencing policy decisions and contributing to interdisciplinary collaboration.

Regarding practice, the IOM report advocates for nurses to work to the full extent of their education and training. Advanced practice nurses have gained greater recognition and autonomy in various states, expanding their roles in primary care and specialty areas. This has improved access to care, particularly in underserved communities, and contributed to more efficient and effective healthcare delivery.

Workforce policies have also seen changes to align with the IOM recommendations. States have revised scope of practice regulations, allowing nurses to practice to the full extent of their education and training. Additionally, efforts to create a more diverse and culturally competent nursing workforce have been undertaken to better address the needs of diverse patient populations.

In summary, the implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing report has led to transformative changes in nursing education, practice, leadership, and workforce policies. These changes aim to enhance the nursing profession’s ability to meet the complex and evolving demands of the healthcare system, ultimately improving patient outcomes and the overall quality of care.(Implementation Of The IOM Future Of Nursing Report)

In a paper of 1,250 words:
  1. Discuss the work of the Robert      Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and      the Institute of Medicine research that led to the IOM report,      “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”
  2. Identify the importance of the      IOM “Future of Nursing” report related to nursing practice, nursing      education and nursing workforce development.
  3. What is the role of state-based      action coalitions and how do they advance goals of the Future of Nursing:      Campaign for Action?

Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by Maryland action coalition. In what ways do these initiatives advance the nursing profession? What barriers to advancement currently exist in your state? (Maryland State). How can nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers?

A minimum of three scholarly references are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

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Nursing Health Promotion/Discussion

Nursing Health Promotion/Discussion/Wk3/Reply

(Nursing Health Promotion/Discussion)

Topic 1: Child and Adolescent Health Risks


Obesity is not exclusive to adults. Each day, more and more children are finding themselves at risk for overweight and obesity. Childhood obesity often accompanies many of the obesity-related conditions adults affected by obesity often experience, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and more. Recent data shows that up to 80 percent of children affected by obesity will continue to be affected by obesity into adulthood (Lobstein, et all, 2015). Obesity impacts children in a variety of ways. First and foremost, a child’s health is impacted as they have now opened themselves up to a wide variety of health issues – issues that most of us didn’t experience until middle-age. In addition to health implications, there’s also one other area that children face which can be very serious – weight bias and bullying. Kids impacted by obesity often find themselves the target of bullying. This bullying can take place in the classroom, in your neighborhood and even in your own home. It is very important to recognize this type of behavior and address it quickly (Lobstein, et all, 2015). The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), a nonprofit dedicated to educating and advocating for those affected by obesity, provides valuable resources on weight bullying.

Over the last decades, food has become more affordable to larger numbers of people as the price of food has decreased substantially relative to income and the concept of ‘food’ has changed from a means of nourishment to a marker of lifestyle and a source of pleasure. Clearly, increases in physical activity are not likely to offset an energy rich, poor nutritive diet. It takes between 1–2 hours of extremely vigorous activity to counteract a single large-sized (i.e., >=785 kcal) children’s meal at a fast food restaurant (Lobstein, et all, 2015). Frequent consumption of such a diet can hardly be counteracted by the average child or adult.

It has been hypothesized that a steady decline in physical activity among all age groups has heavily contributed to rising rates of obesity all around the world. Physical activity strongly influenced weight gain in a study of monozygotic twins (Rivera, et all, 2014). Numerous studies have shown that sedentary behaviors like watching television and playing computer games are associated with increased prevalence of obesity. Furthermore, parents report that they prefer having their children watch television at home rather than play outside unattended because parents are then able to complete their chores while keeping an eye on their children (Rivera, et all, 2014). In addition, increased proportions of children who are being driven to school and low participation rates in sports and physical education, particularly among adolescent girls, are also associated with increased obesity prevalence.

Almost all public health researchers and clinicians agree that prevention could be the key strategy for controlling the current epidemic of obesity. Prevention may include primary prevention of overweight or obesity itself, secondary prevention or avoidance of weight regains following weight loss, and prevention of further weight increases in obese individuals unable to lose weight (Rivera, et all, 2014). Until now, most approaches have focused on changing the behavior of individuals on diet and exercise and it seems that these strategies have had little impact on the growing increase of the obesity epidemic.

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Synthesizing Psychology’s Diverse Realms

Synthesizing Psychology’s Diverse Realms

(Synthesizing Psychology’s Diverse Realms)

The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology

The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains should be chosen from previous coursework in this program. In this paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.

The result of a successful integrative literature review may be a significant contribution to a particular body of knowledge and, consequently, to research and practice. Therefore, before writing this literature review, substantive new research must be conducted via the Internet and within the Ashford University Library for each of the four chosen domains. A minimum of six sources must be included for each of the four domains. Although content from literature reviews completed in prior courses within this program may be included, it may not constitute the total research for the individual domains addressed within this assignment. No more than four sources from previous literature reviews completed in this program may be utilized for this integrative review.

The headings listed below must be used within the paper to delineate the sections of content. These sections include the following: a clear introduction that provides a general review and organizes the research in a meaningful way; a discussion in which the evidence is presented through analysis, critique, and synthesis; and a conclusion in which the discussion is drawn together in a meaningful way, the claims of the introduction are brought to a logical closure, and new research is proposed.


· Provide a conceptual framework for the review.

· Describe how the review will be organized. The questions below may be used to guide this section.

o What are the guiding theories within the domains?

o How are the domains connected?

o Are there competing points of view across the domains?

o Why is the integration of these domains important?

o What is the history of these domains?

o What are the related theories or findings?

· Describe how the literature was identified, analyzed, and synthesized.

· How and why was the literature chosen?

· What is your claim or thesis statement?

Discussion(Synthesizing Psychology’s Diverse Realms)

· Provide the analysis, critique, and synthesis for the review.


· Examine the main ideas and relationships presented in the literature across the four domains.

· Integrate concepts from the four different content domains within the larger field of psychology.

· What claim(s) can be made in the introduction?

· What evidence supports the claim(s) made in the introduction?


· Evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the chosen research findings.

· How well does the literature represent the issues across the four domains?

· Identify the strengths and the key contributions of the literature.

· What, if any, deficiencies exist within the literature?

· Have the authors omitted any key points and/or arguments?

· What, if any, inaccuracies have been identified in the literature?

· What evidence runs contrary to the claims proposed in the introduction, and how might these be reconciled with the claims presented?

· Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might influence the reliability and/or generalizability of the chosen findings.

· Did the ethical issues influence the outcomes of the research?

· Were ethical considerations different across the domains?


· Integrate existing ideas with new ideas to create new knowledge and new perspectives.

· Describe the research that has previously been done across these domains, as well as any controversies or alternate opinions that currently exist.

· Relate the evidence presented to the major conclusions being made.

· Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to posit new relationships and perspectives on the topics within the domains.

Conclusion(Synthesizing Psychology’s Diverse Realms)

· Provide a conclusion and present potential future considerations.

· State your final conclusion(s).

· Synthesize the findings described in the discussion into a succinct summary.

· What questions remain?

· What are the possible implications of your argument for existing theories and for everyday life?

· Are there novel theories and/or testable hypothesizes for future research?

· What do the overarching implications of the studies show?

· Where should the research go from this point to further the understanding of these domains and the greater study of psychology?

Attention Students: The Masters of Arts in Psychology program is utilizing the Pathbrite portfolio tool as a repository for student scholarly work in the form of signature assignments completed within the program. After receiving feedback for this Integrative Literature Review, please implement any changes recommended by the instructor, go to Pathbrite (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and upload the revised Integrative Literature Review to the portfolio. (Use the Pathbrite Quick-Start Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to create an account if you do not already have one.) The upload of signature assignments will take place after completing each course. Be certain to upload revised signature assignments throughout the program as the portfolio and its contents will be used in other courses and may be used by individual students as a professional resource tool. See the Pathbrite (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. website for information and further instructions on using this portfolio tool.(Synthesizing Psychology’s Diverse Realms)

The Integrative Literature Review

· Must be 20 to 30 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined

· Must include a separate title page with the following:

o Title of paper

o Student’s name

o Course name and number

o Instructor’s name

o Date submitted

· Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

· Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

· Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

· Must use at least 24 peer-reviewed sources, including a minimum of 20

· Must document all sources in APA style

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Positive Psychology Applied To Institutions

Positive Psychology Applied To Institutions

(Positive Psychology Applied To Institutions)

Write a 4–6-page assessment in which you apply principles of positive psychology to a setting of your choice.


Suggested Resources

The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

Capella Resources

Click the links provided to view the following resources:


Library Resources

The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

Course Library Guide(Positive Psychology Applied To Institutions)

A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the PSYC-FP4110 – Positive Psychology Library Guide to help direct your research.

Assessment Instructions

Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the sequence in which they are presented. You will need to complete Assessments 1–3 before beginning Assessment 4.

For this assessment, apply principles of positive psychology to a setting of your choice from the list below. Choose a setting for which you have a personal or professional interest, as this will strengthen the relevance of this assessment for you.

  • Character Strengths in the Workplace.
  • Positive Workplaces.
  • Character Strengths and Mental health.
  • Primary Prevention and Enhancement in Mental Health.
  • Family-Centered Positive Psychology.
  • Character Strengths in Positive Education.
  • Positive Schools.
  • Character Strengths and Health and Wellness.

Write a 4–6-page paper in which you provide the following. Use the APA Paper Template, available in the Resources, to properly format your assignment. Use the headings outlined below to organize your paper.(Positive Psychology Applied To Institutions)

  • Introduction – Write a description of the specific environment you are discussing and why you believe positive psychology principles could be of use in it. Include details of who is in the environment, where it is, and what people are doing in that setting.
  • Applications of Positive Psychology – Write a detailed explanation of principles (for example, positivity, happiness, well-being) and concepts (for example, character strengths, flourishing, flow, gratitude) from positive psychology that are most relevant to the selected environment, and explain why.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of Positive Psychology Applications in this Setting – Write an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses (advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons) involved in the application of positive psychology principles and concepts in this setting.
  • Research Supporting the Application of Positive Psychology in the Setting – Cite and apply scholarly research that supports the application of the positive psychology principles and concepts in this setting.
  • Conclusion – Write a conclusion in which you summarize how the use of positive psychology principles and concepts in this setting may affect your current and future work life, health, education, or family.

Be sure to include supportive evidence from scholarly articles and to cite all scholarly sources where appropriate. Your writing should be scholarly and professional, using proper APA formatting and style.(Positive Psychology Applied To Institutions)

Additional Requirements
  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Your paper should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
  • Length: Your paper should be 4–6 typed and double-spaced pages, not including cover sheet and reference page.
  • References: Your paper should include 1–2 properly cited scholarly resources.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.(Positive Psychology Applied To Institutions)

 Scoring Guide

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting. Does not address the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting. Addresses the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting but does not analyze. Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting. Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of positive psychology applications within a specific setting; makes recommendations for future considerations.
Support analysis of positive psychology applications with scholarly sources or examples. Does not identify relevant scholarly sources. Identifies relevant scholarly sources but does not use them to support the analysis. Supports analysis of positive psychology applications with scholarly sources. Supports analysis of positive psychology applications with scholarly sources; incorporates real-world examples to strengthen the analysis or illustrate a point.
Explain the relevant applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting. Does not explain applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting. Explains applications of principles and concepts, but the explanation lacks relevance to a specific setting. Explains the relevant applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting. Explains the relevant applications of principles and concepts within a specific setting; identifies assumptions on which relevancy is based.
Describe potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment. Does not identify potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment. Describes potential uses of positive psychology principles but not in relation to a specific environment. Describes potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment. Describes potential uses of positive psychology principles in a specific environment; identifies areas for further inquiry.
Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. Writing does not support a central idea and does not use correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional. Writing supports an idea but is inconsistent and contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing coherently supports a central idea with few errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Writing is coherent, using evidence to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics, as expected of a psychology professional.
Successfully implement APA style. Does not apply proper APA formatting and style. Written communication is adequate but has some APA errors and inconsistencies. Successfully implements APA style with only minor errors in format. Applies scholarly writing skills and uses proper APA formatting and style in the body of the paper and references list.
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Ethical and spiritual discussion respond


(Ethical and spiritual discussion respond)

Question description

please respond to the discussions with reference

Discussion 1

Spiritual care to me means acknowledging and addressing a patient’s spiritual worries, doubts, and questions. According to Shelly & Miller (2006, p264) “Spiritual care means putting people in touch with God through compassionate presence, active listening, witness, prayer, Bible reading and partnering with the body of Christ (the church community and the clergy). It is never coercive or rude.” “Christian spiritual care means facilitating a person’s relationship with God through Jesus Christ” (Shelly & Miller, 2006, p264). I have mixed feelings about witnessing to my patients because I am worried about being ‘coercive or rude’, and have seen witnessing done badly more often than not. I cringe at how some people come off. I have prayed with my patients, a Christian prayer to God, for guidance, wisdom, and peace. In a secular society, I watch what I say. I have asked leading questions about patient’s beliefs and if they believe in God/Jesus, then I will talk relatively openly to them, but if they do not, I do not witness to them.

According to Shelly & Miller (2006, p265), a compassionate presence means “we meet patients where they are, provide the assistance needed at the moment and constantly nudge them toward the goals God intends for them. Compassion means to feel with another person.” I can agree with this. I can give nudges, and comments, but not a lecture which only serves to turn them off. I like the example Shelly & Miller (2006) give about the angel coming along side of Elijah and helping him get back on his feet again so he could go on. That’s one of the reasons I went into nursing and how I would like to be remembered.(Ethical and spiritual discussion respond)

I wholeheartedly agree with active listening; “active listening includes hearing what a person is not saying as well as the actual thoughts and feelings articulated.” (Shelly & Miller, 2006, p266). I try to do this with everyone I come into contact with, not just in the nursing field. “After careful, active listening, there are times when a word of witness is appropriate and helpful.” (Shelly & Miller, 2006, p267). I fail at witnessing because I don’t know when it is ‘appropriate and helpful’.

I agree with the aspect of Christian community. “Partnering with the body of Christ—the church community and the clergy—is another important aspect of spiritual care (Shelly & Miller, 2006, p274). But this is mixed because sometimes it is just a cop out, as it is easier to just call the clergy than talk to the patient myself. I also will call clergy from other religions to give support for the patient according to their own beliefs.

Reference(Ethical and spiritual discussion respond)

Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing (2 nd ed.). Downers Grove, Il. Inter Varsity Press. Retrieved from

Discussion 2

All human beings experience deep, existential concerns that are intensified when we suffer. Questions such as, ‘why do I exist?’, ‘why am I ill?’, ‘will I die?’, and ‘what will happen to me when I die?’ are all examples of the concerns that connect us. Illness can drive us to make our lives meaningful, develop coping strategies, and experience hope. When we support others whose needs are finding meaning, purpose, and hope, we are providing spiritual care.

Shelly and Miller (2006) beautifully, and succinctly state that the definition of spiritual care is ‘giving hope to the hopeless’ (p. 262). Matthew 9: 2-8 tells us about Jesus healing a paralyzed man. Christ first addressed this man’s depression, saying, ‘Son, be of good cheer’ (King James Version). Jesus is giving this man spiritual care before anything else. He did not heal his paralysis first, he healed his depression first; he spoke kind words to him, and then told him his sins were forgiven. Christ addressed this man’s spiritual needs first, thus giving him hope. If God addresses our spiritual needs first, before physical needs, why don’t we? Shelly and Miller (2006) go on to explain that nurses who provide good spiritual care facilitate the ‘restoration of an individual’s relationship with God’ (p. 295).

This truth led me to consider what it means to provide spiritual care to patients who do not believe in God. Does it mean if I provide good spiritual care, it will help lead them to the Lord? Does it mean that I cannot hope to provide good spiritual care to an atheist? How do I support someone who is looking for meaning, purpose, and hope, if they don’t believe in God? If spirituality is the feeling of deep connection we have towards one another, and with the universe in general, then we all are spiritual, whether we believe in God or not. However, my Christian worldview leads me to understand that a sense of interconnectedness cannot exist without God. How can we be connected, if there is nothing that connects us? I think the provision of spiritual care for an atheist would have to include an assessment of the nature of what it is that gives them hope, comfort, meaning, and purpose.

I agree with Shelly and Miller (2006) that spiritual care means putting people in touch with God, by providing a supportive, compassionate presence. As an example, the nurse theorist, Jean Watson, explains that helping a patient with their toileting needs is a sacred act ( Who or what is it that facilitates that compassionate, supportive presence, if not God?

Reference(Ethical and spiritual discussion respond)

Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing (2 nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic. Retrieved from

Discussion 3

Spiritual care to me means ministering to a patients mind and spirit. It does not necessarily have to exist in conjunction with medical care. I feel like we can provide spiritual care to our friends and family in need. When one of my friends or family members “acts out” or is angry, I try to be calm and use a combination of empathy, compassion, and active listening to help them. In regards to my patients, they all deserve spiritual care. Regardless of their sin, we are to accept them as human beings made from God. I have found that using techniques that were mentioned in the readings, I can provide spiritual care to my patients. By having a compassionate presence, we are letting our patients know that we are feeling with them. By staying with them and holding their hand or listening to their fears, we let them share their most private emotions with us. That is how I feel about my prayers to God. There are times when I just need him to hear me. As God’s children, and as nurses, we can be there to listen to the scared patient before surgery or facing a terminal illness. Being an active listener also encourages spiritual care. Patients in the hospital are being given a lot of verbal and written information about their illness. They usually don’t feel comfortable asking questions because they know that doctors and nurses are busy. By giving a patient active listening time, they can express their concerns. Regardless of religious preference, the power of prayer is amazing. I feel as though it is like a “time-out” before a procedure. It is a time to bless the hands of the medical staff, the patient, and the family. A moment of prayer stops the hands of time for a moment and focuses on the spiritual needs of the patient.

We were created by God with a physical body and our own spirit. As medical treatments nurture our physical body, spiritual care through love and compassion nurture our spirits. I believe that if a person’s spiritual being is in peace, they can handle just about anything their physical needs are. I always thank my patients for allowing me to be a part of their care. I am present for some of the most private, emotional times in people’s lives. They trust and look to us for guidance and to help keep them calm. We can help extend the spiritual care beyond the hospital setting by reaching out to their community resources such as a pastor, church, or prayer group.

Discussion 4

I believe spiritual care encompasses caring for the individual holistically – mind body and soul/spirit. It means to aspire to provide care which will inspire hope to enable the patient/client to cope with an illness, trauma, or life change; being cognizant of the variant ways in which one may choose to seek a devout relationship with a higher power/God/Deity by displaying respect and appreciation for that presence regardless of one’s own religion. I feel as though my view is in accordance with the nursing Florence Nightingale implemented – without excluding or abandoning good actions, secular nursing seems best to be observed, as it leaves out the biases, to include diversified cultures and practices in an effort to execute for what nurses are meant – provision of a caring relationship that facilitates health and healing (Shelly and Miller, 2006).(Ethical and spiritual discussion respond)


Shelly and Miller. (2006). Nusing – Practice of Care. In J. Shelly & A. Miller, Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing, Second Edition (pp. 231 – 287). Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press.

Discussion 5

All people are made in the image of God, whether or not their beliefs tell them that is true, and therefore, all have value and are loved by God. Spiritual care is approaching every patient with that first thought in mind and providing them with care that goes beyond the task at hand. All of God’s children have a need to be connected with Him (to fill that God shaped hole in our hearts) and that can be accomplished in many ways. Allowing the love of God to shine through us is key. Whatever spiritual care you perform, the goal should be to show the love of Jesus. Shelly and Miller (2006) list spiritual interventions that can fall into the categories of compassionate presence, active listening, witness, prayer, scripture and Christian community. I agree with how they discuss spiritual care. I would be cautious in the area of witness and prayer unless that nurse is particularly gifted in discerning the appropriate time and patient while offering truth and hope with a huge helping of grace and love. Maybe I feel that way because of my area of practice in the ED and trauma world are most always fast paced and we don’t usually have time to build that kind of foundation. The other interventions can be easily incorporated into a fast paced ED, including offering to have the chaplain or their personal clergy contacted opening the opportunity for payer and witness.


Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to care A Christian worldview for nursing (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Discussion 6

Have you ever wondered why faith is listed first then hope and last love? A human does need to have faith in something greater than themselves. Hope is needed for the future and it takes love of others to reach out and care for those around us. Spiritual care is learning what the patient believes or the worldview held as truth and then respecting the view held by the patient. The nurse respects and responds to the patient at their level of need. The nurse does not have the answer but is available to listen, guide, and support the patient at whatever stage they are in.

Personally, I like several things in this week’s literature such as, spiritual care given in a spirit of gentleness and humility is usually well received (Shelley, 2006). This is because it is not judgmental in nature but can open the door for conversation. To be able to care for a patient without judgment no matter how their worldview differs from the one held by the nurse is true Christianity.(Ethical and spiritual discussion respond)

This has been a touchy subject with me after working in a hospital that was attempting to be politically correct after 9/11. The problem began when they okayed for the Muslim nurses to wear their head wraps but sent out a notice that any nurses who wore a crucifix would have to remove it or be sent home. This was a hospital that had a Catholic priest rounding on a regular basis, fixed fish every Friday along with performing Ash Wednesday. The thought was that the crucifix was offensive to the other faiths and we instructed that nurses were not allowed to pray with any patients. The nurses’ autonomy was being restricted, beneficence was being taken away by holding one religious view greater than another.

Is there a difference or an accord with the description of spiritual care?

A difference or harmony is according to the nurse giving care. If the nurse is combative, negative, pushy, or strongly opinionated this is destructive to the nurse patient relationship. This type of attitude will be detrimental to the healing process since it interferes with the mindset of the patient along with causing conflict with the worldview held as truth to the patient. Each patient is a different situation but each patient only wants someone to listen to their story. The nurses’ responsibility is to be careful not to try to give answers but to only be a receptive listener. The nurse should never be Job’s friends that only spoke death.


Shelley, J. &. (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing. Downers Grove: IVP Academic.

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