Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans

(Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans)

Question description

In this Discussion, you critique a series of poorly constructed evaluation methodology plans, identify areas of weakness, and recommend how they can be improved.

The following scenarios will be used for this Discussion:

Scenario #1: Agnes, the nurse informaticist at a small rural hospital, has been asked to develop an evaluation plan to determine the success of an upcoming training program for the launch of a new computerized nursing documentation system. Agnes has developed the following methodology plan:

“I will speak to participants immediately after the training program to determine the success of the training. They will be asked about the instructor, if the training was a good time length, if there were enough breaks, and if the training location was comfortable. After the implementation, I will ask the physicians and nurses if they like using the new nursing documentation system and how much time it saves them weekly.”

Scenario #2: Maria, a nurse informaticist in a large surgical center, has been asked to develop an evaluation of the implementation of a new Operating Room Management System (ORMS) that includes scheduling, case cart management, and surgical case documentation. Maria has developed the following evaluation methodology plan:

“I will conduct a 30-minute interview with each nurse in the surgical ward to determine his or her impressions of the new ORMS. I will ask them to specify how they log into the system, to detail how often they use it each day, to describe what types of information they utilize, and to provide a detailed list of issues they encounter. I will have the nurses rank 50 different characteristics of the ORMS on a 1 to 100 scale. In addition, I will ask each surgeon to document his or her impressions of the case documentation functions.”

Scenario # 3: The CEO of the hospital system in a major metropolitan area is a brusque, hard-to-please individual. Carl, a newly hired nurse informaticist, has been tasked with developing an evaluation to correspond with the implementation of a health analytic system that the CEO has hand-picked. Carl has developed the following evaluation methodology plan:

“I will arrange one morning where groups of three nurses at a time will have a 15-minute, face-to face meeting with the CEO to both answer his questions and discuss their experiences using the new health analytic system tool. By having this candid dialogue, but without structured questions or parameters, a good overall understanding of the value of the analytic system should be obtained.”(Critique of Evaluation Methodology Plans)

To prepare:

  • Review the three evaluation methodology plans outlined within the scenarios above.
  • Critique each plan. Is it concrete? Is it specific? What are the strengths? Weaknesses?
  • Based on this week’s Learning Resources, recommend at least two changes that would strengthen each plan.
  • Research the Walden Library to find an example in the literature of an evaluation study that has a strong evaluation methodology plan, and assess why you believe it to be strong.
  • Consider your own PICO question and the elements that would need to be included in the methodology plan to adequately answer this question.


Post a brief critique of each of the evaluation methodology plans. Describe how each could be strengthened. Briefly summarize the evaluation study you identified in the Walden Library (include the reference in proper APA format), and explain the elements that made you conclude it has a strong methodology component. Describe how you can utilize what you have observed in both the poor and the strong methodology evaluation plans to ensure that you develop an appropriate methodology to answer your PICO question. Outline specific elements that would need to be clearly identified in your evaluation methodology, and explain why they are important to include.

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WEEK 5 -QD-3Question In APA Format

WEEK 5 -QD-3Question In APA Format

(WEEK 5 -QD-3Question In APA Format)

The American Psychological Association (APA) format is a widely used style for writing and formatting academic papers, particularly in the social sciences. The APA format provides guidelines for various aspects of a paper, including general formatting, citations, and references.

In terms of general formatting, papers in APA style should have 1-inch margins on all sides, be double-spaced throughout, and use a legible font such as Times New Roman or Arial in 12-point size. The title page should include a running head, a shortened version of the paper’s title, and a page number in the header. The title itself should be centered in bold and title case, followed by the author’s name and institutional affiliation if applicable. The abstract, a concise summary of the paper, is placed on a separate page with the heading “Abstract” centered at the top.

For citations within the text, APA follows an author-date format. When referencing a source, include the author’s last name and the publication year, and for direct quotes, provide the page number as well. The references page, located at the end of the paper, lists all sources cited in alphabetical order by the authors’ last names. Each entry has a hanging indent.

Examples of citations include:

  • Book: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Publisher.
  • Journal Article: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume(issue), page range. DOI or URL
  • Website: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of webpage. Website Name. URL

These guidelines ensure consistency and clarity in academic writing, facilitating proper attribution of sources and aiding readers in locating the referenced materials. It’s crucial for researchers and students to familiarize themselves with the APA format to meet academic standards and enhance the credibility of their work. Regular updates to the APA manual should be consulted for any changes or additional guidelines.(WEEK 5 -QD-3Question In APA Format)


Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full-page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization. In your flyer, include:

  1. The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision.
  2. Potential advantages of membership in the organization.
  3. Provide resource information for new members, including contact information, membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (i.e., what other members or other organizations are saying about the selected organization).
  4. Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion.

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Toy Impacts: Culture & Behavior

Toy Impacts: Culture & Behavior

(Toy Impacts: Culture & Behavior)

Write a one-paragraph summary of the main findings from these articles, as they relate to the bulleted topics and issues.

Step 1: In your Learning Team, read and discuss the Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings.

As you discuss these articles, pay special attention to the following topics and issues:

  • Cultural influences on toys

Write a one-paragraph summary of the main findings from these articles, as they relate to the bulleted topics and issues.


Step 2: Within your Learning Team, investigate popular toys on the market today. You can use the internet or visit a toy store to do this research. See if you can find toys that fall into the four categories above: those that may promote aggression; those that may promote pro-social behavior; those that seem to encourage or discourage gender stereotyping; and those that seem to encourage or discourage cultural differences and/or stereotyping. Identify and investigate a minimum of four toys; one from each category. Discuss your observations about these four categories. Use the questions below as guidance for your team’s analysis of the toys.(Toy Impacts: Culture & Behavior)

  • How do toys influence behavior, self-concept, and identity?
  • What did you observe concerning positive and negative gender stereotyping?
  • How has your research on toys and gender influenced your views on the relative influences of environment and heredity on gender and identity development in children?
  • From your review of the literature and your examination of actual toys on the market, do you believe that some toys may increase the likelihood of aggressive behavior in children?  Under what circumstances might this occur?  Explain.
  • How has your research on toys and aggression influenced your views on the relative influences of environment and heredity on aggressive behavior in children?
  • Do any of the toys that you have examined promote stereotypes? Do any discourage stereotypes? Explain.
  • Do any of the toys reflect or indicate cultural and ethnic stereotypes? What effect can you see this having on the development of self-concept and identity?
  • How do toys that promote pro-social behavior benefit development during childhood?

Create a 2-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of your findings including detailed speakers notes. Your presentation should summarize the four or more toys you investigated and present your findings on how toys influence development.  Conclude your presentation with a discussion of the following:

  • After evaluating toys, what would you advise parents concerning how toys can influence the development of their children? What would you want them to be aware of and why?
  • Have your views about the relative influences of heredity and environment on human development changed in any way?  For example, are there things you once attributed to heredity that you now believe to be more strongly influenced by the environment, or vice versa?


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Personal Financial Plan

Personal Financial Plan

(Personal Financial Plan)

rank your goals in order of importance

Question description

Assignment: Personal Financial Plan (8–12 pages)

Develop a personal financial plan detailing the financial goals that you and/or your family have developed. This is a staged project.

Stage 1: Analyze your personal financial situation using appropriate financial tools.

Stage 2: Identify short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. Rank your goals in order of importance as they relate to the financial resources available and expected. Estimate the financial commitment for each goal.

Stage 3: Consider all factors we have covered in class, including budgeting, time value of money, asset protection, debt/credit, savings, investing, and estate planning.

Incorporate the first two stages to complete the development of the financial plan. This is the capstone assignment of this class, so careful preparation is needed to illustrate concept understanding and application.

The personal financial plan is worth 30 percent of your final grade. All papers must adhere to APA Style Guide; see UMUC’s Writing Center for more information. For your convenience; writing resources and tutorials are available under Course Resources in our online classroom.


Word process using a standard font with font size 12.

All four margins should be set at one inch.

Title page includes student name, instructor’s name, course number, assignment topic and date.

While paper length is a graded component – the body of assignment for full credit will be a minimum of 8 pages in length not to exceed 12 pages.

Page ordering of Assignment: title page, body of assignment & works cited sheet.

When necessary provide a Works Cited Sheet. Any material quoted, referenced or paraphrased must be adequately cited. Refer to theAPA style manual for guidelines on citation. For your convenience; writing resources and tutorials are available under Course Resources in our online classroom.

Your paper will be submitted through the Classroom using a dropbox entitled “Personal Financial Plan” located under the Assignments tab.

Keep an electronic copy of your work.

Assignments will be graded according to the following rubric:

Personal Financial Plan Grading Rubric(Personal Financial Plan)


____ points


____ points

Minimum Effort

____ points

Points Earned
Cover Page Contains graphic/illustration, name of project, your name, course name, and semester; creativity is evident Contains name of project, your name, course name, and semester Contains some of the following: name of project, your name, course name, and semester
Table of Contents Heading, sections clearly labeled with leaders and page numbers Heading, sections labeled with page numbers Missing sections, not clear
Career Planning Describe life situation providing details related to marital status, children, occupation, and income. Investigate career. Determine annual salary. If married, provide spouse’s. Describe life situation providing details related to marital status, children, occupation, and income. Provide annual salary. If married, provide spouse’s. Identify marital status, children, occupation, and income. Determine annual salary. If married, provide spouse’s.
Financial Goals Clearly written; contains at least two short-term financial goals and three long-term financial goals Clearly written; contains at least one short-term goals and two short-term goals Goals are not clearly written, contains only one short-term and one long-term financial goal
Banking Services Well written, clearly explains services provided at various institutions (at least three), materials provided (from at least one), institution and services you will use are identified, justification is provided for choice of institution and services Well written, clearly explains services provided at various institutions (at least two), institution and services you will use are identified, justification is provided for choice of institution and services Well written, explains services provided at institution you will use, identifies services you will use, explanation is provided for choice of institution and services
Housing Decision Information and materials provided on investigation of housing options available, choice is explained in detail, sources of credit are explained and your selection is identified and explained in detail, monthly expenses related to your decisions are provided Information provided on investigation of housing options available, choice is explained in detail, sources of credit are explained and your selection is identified and explained in detail, monthly expenses related to your decisions are provided Housing options available are identified, choice is explained, sources of credit and your selection are identified, monthly expenses related to your decisions are provided
Automobile Information and materials provided on investigation of auto options available, choice is explained in detail, sources of credit are explained and your selection is identified and explained in detail, monthly expenses related to your decisions are provided Information provided on investigation of auto options available, choice is explained in detail, sources of credit are explained and your selection is identified and explained in detail, monthly expenses related to your decisions are provided Auto options available are identified, choice is explained, sources of credit and your selection are identified, monthly expenses related to your decisions are provided
Insurance Detailed description of types of insurance you need, materials provided, explanation of types and providers and why you made these choices, monthly expense related to your decisions are provided Description of types of insurance you need, explanation of types and providers and why you made these choices, monthly expense related to your decisions are provided Identify types of insurance you need, explain types and providers, monthly expense related to your decisions are provided
Investments Detailed explanation and investigation materials of different types of investments, justification for your selection of at least two types of investments, detailed explanation of expenses and risk associated with the investments selected Detailed explanation of different types of investments, justification for your selection of at least one type of investment, detailed explanation of expenses and risk associated with the investment you selected Explanation of different types of investments, justification for your selection of at least one type of investment, identify expenses and risk associated with the investment you selected
Monthly Budget Detailed monthly budget which includes income and expenses (reduce income for taxes using the following: 10%: $2,651 – $9,700, 15%: $9,701 – $30,800, 25%: $30,801 – $68,500, 28%: $68,501 – $148,700, 33%: $148,701 – $321,200, 35%: $321,201 and up), detailed explanation of whether budget will allow you to meet your financial goals (see above), explanation as to whether or not you had to make changes to have a zero or positive balance Detailed monthly budget which includes income and expenses (reduce income for taxes using the following: 10%: $2,651 – $9,700, 15%: $9,701 – $30,800, 25%: $30,801 – $68,500, 28%: $68,501 – $148,700, 33%: $148,701 – $321,200, 35%: $321,201 and up), detailed explanation of whether budget will allow you to meet your financial goals (see above) Monthly budget which includes income and expenses (reduce income for taxes using the following: 10%: $2,651 – $9,700, 15%: $9,701 – $30,800, 25%: $30,801 – $68,500, 28%: $68,501 – $148,700, 33%: $148,701 – $321,200, 35%: $321,201 and up), explanation of whether budget will allow you to meet your financial goals (see above)
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Ethical Practice in Forensic Situations

Ethical Practice in Forensic Situations

(Ethical Practice in Forensic Situations)

Ethical practice in forensic situations encompasses a complex interplay of legal, moral, and professional responsibilities that professionals in the field must navigate with diligence and integrity. Forensic settings, which involve the intersection of law, psychology, and justice, present unique challenges where adherence to ethical principles is paramount.

First and foremost, forensic professionals must prioritize the well-being and rights of all individuals involved, including clients, victims, and society at large. This necessitates a commitment to fairness, impartiality, and respect for the dignity and autonomy of each person. Upholding confidentiality and privacy rights is crucial, balancing the need for information with the duty to protect sensitive data and maintain trust.

In forensic evaluations, such as assessments of competency to stand trial or mental state at the time of an offense, ethical practitioners strive for accuracy, objectivity, and transparency. They use validated assessment tools, employ culturally sensitive approaches, and refrain from bias or prejudice in their findings. Additionally, they communicate the limitations and uncertainties of their evaluations honestly, avoiding overreach or exaggeration of their conclusions.

Ethical practice also entails safeguarding against conflicts of interest or undue influence that could compromise professional judgment or integrity. Forensic professionals must maintain independence and avoid any actions or relationships that could undermine their impartiality or credibility. This includes refraining from dual roles that may create conflicting obligations or perceptions of bias.

Furthermore, ethical conduct in forensic situations requires ongoing competence and professional development. Practitioners must stay abreast of advancements in their field, adhere to relevant professional standards and guidelines, and seek consultation or supervision when faced with challenging ethical dilemmas. They should also be mindful of the potential impact of their work on diverse individuals and communities, striving to mitigate harm and promote social justice.

Ultimately, ethical practice in forensic situations demands a commitment to upholding the principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and respect for autonomy. By adhering to these principles, forensic professionals can fulfill their responsibilities with integrity and contribute to the fair and equitable administration of justice while promoting the well-being of those they serve.(Ethical Practice in Forensic Situations)

Multiple Demands

Review the board of psychology code of conduct for your state, the APA ethics code, and Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists (the last two items are linked in Resources).

·  Describe any forensic practice issues addressed in your state code.

·  Compare how your state addresses these issues to how they are addressed in the other two documents.

·  Are the standards for your state consistent with those established in the APA ethics code and Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists?

o  If not, can they be reconciled?

o  How?

·  Describe your state requirements of experts licensed in another jurisdiction who seek to testify in your state.

·  Compare this to the requirements of another state of your choice. Access this information by calling other state boards of psychology or by viewing their Web sites.

Ethical Practice in Forensic Situations

Sections IV-E and V of the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists discuss issues of confidentiality and informed consent in forensic practice.

·  Compare and contrast how these issues are treated in the specialty guidelines to their treatment in the APA ethics code and your state board rules.

·  Comment on how one of the following considerations might affect issues of confidentiality and informed consent:

o  The Fifth Amendment rights of the accused.

o  Hearsay provided against the accused.

o  Proper delivery of Miranda warnings.

o  The right to counsel of the accused.

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Psychology Dicussion Board

Psychology Dicussion Board

(Psychology Dicussion Board)

Title: “Exploring the Dynamics of Human Behavior”

In this Psychology Discussion Board, our journey delves into the multifaceted world of human behavior, traversing various theories that illuminate the intricacies of the mind. As we navigate through this terrain, we discover the invaluable role of nursing theories, particularly those emphasizing a holistic approach.

The foundation of our discourse is the recognition that theories in nursing serve as invaluable guides in the everyday practices of nurses. By adopting a theoretical framework, nurses gain a comprehensive understanding of patients, their illnesses, and the contextual factors influencing their well-being. This structured approach not only facilitates goal setting but also ensures that care is tailored to the individual needs of each patient.

Madeleine Leininger’s Cultural Care and Diversity Theory emerges as a cornerstone in this exploration, underlining the significance of cultural competence in contemporary healthcare. As the world undergoes rapid changes, understanding diverse cultural perspectives becomes imperative for delivering quality care. Leininger’s principles, rooted in cultural sensitivity, pave the way for a more inclusive and effective nursing practice.

Furthermore, the class discussion unfolds a panorama of nursing theorists, with a spotlight on Betty Neuman and Margaret Newman. Their experiences living with family members facing chronic diseases imbue their theories with a profound understanding of the challenges patients and their families endure. This resonates personally for many, as we share stories of our own connections to chronic illness and the impact on our chosen career paths.

Amidst the variety of nursing theories, including Martha Rogers’s Unitary Being, Jean Watson’s Human Caring Theory, and Margarete Newman’s Health as Expanding Consciousness, the discussion acknowledges the diverse interpretations and struggles in assimilating these theories into practical care. Despite the challenges, the consensus is that continuous learning and adaptation are vital for providing the best possible care for our patients.

The narrative takes a poignant turn as a participant shares a personal connection to pediatric nephrology, highlighting the transformative power of holistic nursing approaches. The heartfelt testimony reinforces the notion that compassionate and holistic care can significantly impact patients’ lives, drawing attention to the enduring relevance of nursing theories.

As we approach the conclusion of this enlightening discourse, the shared quote from Paulo Coelho serves as a guiding light for aspiring nurses. It encapsulates the essence of growth, acknowledging imperfections while maintaining an unwavering commitment to learning and evolving—a sentiment that resonates with every aspiring healthcare professional in our diverse and dynamic community.(Psychology Dicussion Board)


Coelho, P., & Costa, M. J. (2014). Warrior of the light: A manual. New York: Thorsons, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Smith, M.C. & Parker M.E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.


In order to complete this assignment, you need to have read the Group Discussion Board Forum 1 Instructions, the Star Trek episode synopsis found in the Module/Week 3 Reading & Study folder, and chapter 3 of the Hasker textbook. You also need to have viewed the video presentation “The Mind/Body Problem” and the PointeCast presentation “Proposed Solutions to the Mind/Body Problem.” If you have not done so, stop now to read and view that material.

For your thread: After reading the synopsis (or viewing the episode), write a substantive response (at least 350 words) and post it in the forum. Your thread must address the first question below. You may also address several of the other questions, but the bulk of your response must be on the first question and relating the story to chapter 3 of the Hasker textbook as well as both the video presentation “The Mind/Body Problem” and the PointeCast presentation “Proposed Solutions to the Mind/Body Problem.” Any quotes from sources must be cited and will not count towards your word count.

From your reading of Hasker, and using the categories he uses, what view of the mind/body problem do you think is exhibited by Picard? By Maddox? Support your answer.

Maddox lists 3 criteria for a being to be sentient: intelligence, self-awareness, and consciousness. Are these adequate? Can you think of other properties or characteristics a being needs to have in order to be considered a “person”? What might they be?

Do you think that artificial intelligence to the level as it is presented in the story will someday be possible? Why or why not?

Do you think Maddox is right when he claims that Picard is being “irrational and emotional” in his view of Data?

Do you agree with the JAG officer’s final ruling? Why or why not?

If A.I. does become possible, will we have obligations to treat machines “ethically”?

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Research And Ethics In Psychology

Research And Ethics In Psychology

(Research and Ethics in Psychology)

Developmental psychology attempts to understand cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development throughout the lifespan. In order to understand, for example, how maternal stress during pregnancy might impact the child later in life, pregnant women and children could be studied. Vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women, newborns, children, cognitively impaired individuals, incarcerated individuals, or older adults, require additional consideration and protection when planning to conduct research with them.


When conducting research in the field of human development, particularly with vulnerable populations, it is important to keep in mind that a unique set of ethical considerations should be taken into account. These populations need extra care to ensure their rights because some individuals may lack the mental capacity to give informed consent, may have decreased free will, or may be vulnerable in terms of their physical or mental welfare. As you approach this Discussion, keep in mind how ethical considerations might have affected the type of research that could be conducted.


For this Discussion, you will examine the role of ethics in developmental psychology research as it relates to vulnerable populations.


To prepare for this Discussion:


Review the example of a Discussion post and response found in this week’s Learning Resources as well as the Discussion Rubric to understand the Discussion’s expectations.

Review the Learning Resources related to ethics and research in the field of developmental psychology

Choose a population from the following:


Women who are pregnant

Geriatric individuals

Individuals with cognitive disabilities


By Day 4


Based on the population you selected, post an explanation of the role of ethics in developmental psychology research with attention to the characteristics of this vulnerable population. Be specific in your post and use the Learning Resources to support your post. Use proper APA format and citations to support your explanation.


Berk, L. E. (2014). Development through the lifespan (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

  • Chapter 1, “History, Theory, and Research Strategies” (beginning of chapter to “Scientific Beginnings”; and “Studying Development” to end of chapter)

American Psychological Association (2010b). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

  • “Ethical and Legal Standards in Publishing” (p. 11)
  • “Ensuring the Accuracy of Scientific Knowledge” (pp. 12–16)
  • “Protecting the Rights and Welfare of Research Participants” (pp. 16–18)

Fisher, C. B., & Vacanti-Shova, K. (2012). The responsible conduct of psychological research: An overview of ethical principles, APA Ethics Code standards, and federal regulations. In S. J. Knapp, M. C. Gottlieb, M. M. Handelsman, L. D. VandeCreek, S. J. Knapp, M. C. Gottlieb, … L. D. VandeCreek (Eds.), APA handbook of ethics in psychology, Vol 2: Practice, teaching, and research (pp. 335–369). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.


Pinker, S. (2004). Why nature and nurture won’t go away. Daedalus, 133(4), 5–17.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.


Meyer, D., Wood, S., & Stanley, B. (2013). Nurture is nature: Integrating brain development, systems theory, and attachment theory. The Family Journal, 21(2), 162–169. doi:10.1177/1066480712466808

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.


Vaillancourt, T., Hymel, S., & McDougall, P. (2013). The biological underpinnings of peer victimization: Understanding why and how the effects of bullying can last a lifetime. Theory Into Practice, 52(4), 241–248. doi:10.1080/00405841.2013.829726

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.


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Patient Education (Pharm).

Patient Education (Pharm).

(Patient Education (Pharm).)

Please READ the COMPETENCES at the end.

Create a one-page patient education tool that explains usage of a medication and factors that can affect outcomes.

Then, write 2–3 pages in which you explain how the tool promotes patient safety and quality outcomes, and adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence.

Assessment Instructions

Imagine your supervisor has asked you to develop a patient education tool for new medication starts in your current area of practice. This tool needs to provide important information to the patient, yet be concise enough to require no more than one page.


Review the suggested list of possible topics in Part 1 of the Requirements and then search the Internet for supporting resources. You will need to provide support for the information you choose to include in the patient education tool.


Complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of this assessment. You may submit both parts in one document or submit them as separate documents. Be sure you complete both parts!

Submit a total of 4–5 pages. Write no more than one page for Part 1. Write 2–3 pages, plus a separate reference page, for Part 2.

Part 1: Patient Education Tool(Patient Education (Pharm).)

Complete the following:

1. Choose one of the following topics as the basis for your patient education tool:

o Antibiotics (Amoxil/Amoxicillin) for pediatric ear infections.

o Statin therapy (Zocor/Simvastatin) for a newly diagnosed patient with hypercholesterolemia.

o Antihypertensive (ACE inhibitors/Lisinopril/Zestril) for a patient who was discovered to have hypertension at a health screening at work.

o Drugs for treating gastric acidity (Proton pump inhibitors/antacids/H2 blockers) for a patient complaining of chronic indigestion and heartburn.

o Ear drops or eye drops (or both) for an elderly patient.

o Any newly released medication for a patient in your area of practice. This might be a new drug for diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis or a new antibiotic.

2. Include the following in your patient education tool:

o Explain appropriate use of the medication.

o Identify specific factors (age, access, culture, and so on) that may affect the efficacy of the medication.

o Describe possible chemical interactions, side effects, or other negative reactions patients need to be aware of.

o Explain correct handling, storage, and disposal of the medication.

o Include any other information you feel would be beneficial and promote patient safety and quality outcomes.

You may format Part 1, the patient education tool, any way you wish, but be sure it is logical and understandable by the typical patient who would use it. Feel free to include pictures or diagrams to reinforce the information.

Part 2: Evidence-Based Practice

Provide evidence for the information you included in the patient education tool:

· Explain how the information in the patient education tool promotes patient safety and quality outcomes.

· Explain how the patient education tool adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence. In other words, is the tool appropriate for all cultures, genders, ages, et cetera; or could it be easily adapted for specific needs?

Format Part 2 according to APA guidelines. This is not a document you would provide to a patient but, for this assessment, it will provide faculty with the academic and professional principles necessary to evaluate your work.(Patient Education (Pharm).)

Additional Requirements

· At least 2 current scholarly or professional resources.

· For Part 2 only:

o Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced font.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

· Competency 1: Apply practice guidelines and standards of evidence-based practice related to pharmacology for safe and effective nursing practice. 

o Explain the appropriate use of a medication.

o Explain how a patient education tool promotes patient safety related to pharmacology.

· Competency 2: Explain the relationship between quality patient outcomes, patient safety, and the appropriate use of pharmacology and psychopharmacology.

o Identify specific factors that may affect the efficacy of a medication.

o Describe possible chemical reactions, side effects, or other negative reactions a patient may experience from a medication.

o Explain correct handling, storage, and disposal of a medication.

· Competency 3: Apply the principles and practices of cultural competence with regard to pharmacological interventions.

o Explain how a patient education tool adheres to the principles and practices of cultural competence.

· Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.

o Write content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

o Correctly format paper, citations, and references using current APA style.

nces using current APA style.

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Analyzing Psychological Disorders

Psychology 240 Week 9 Final Project Analyzing Psychological Disorders

(Analyzing Psychological Disorders)

Exploring Psychological Disorders: A comprehensive final project delving into various psychological disorders, their diagnostic criteria, and therapeutic interventions. Drawing on diverse theories and case studies, the analysis illuminates the nuanced facets of mental health, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities and treatment modalities within the field of psychology.

You are interviewing for a psychologist position with a top company. After your face-to-face interview with the team, they have provided you with two additional assignments—Part A and Part B below, which will complete the interview process:

•    Part A: A psychologist understands how biology can affect psychological activities and disorders. In your interview, you are asked about your understanding of the causes and treatment(s) of schizophrenia. In your reply, discuss the following:

o    Areas of the brain affected
o    Causal factors
o    Associated symptoms
o    The neural basis
o    Appropriate drug therapies

•    Part B: Part B of the interview consists of interpreting some case studies from a biopsychologist’s perspective. You are given four different case studies of disorders and have the option of choosing two out of the four case studies to analyze.

•    Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in APA format containing the following:

o    Introduction
o    Part A of the interview process.
o    Part B of the interview process:

•    Choose two of the four case studies presented in Appendix A.

•    Discuss your understanding of the problem presented in each of the two case studies from the perspective of a biopsychologist.

•    Include each problem’s relation to the nature-nurture issue and any relevant portions of the Basics to Biopsychology text.

•    Use a minimum of five outside resources, including at least 3 peer-reviewed articles.

•    Apply any helpful drug interventions or solutions.

•    Discuss the positive or negative aspects of these drug interventions or solutions.

o    Conclusion

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Developing An Intervention And Determining The Impact

Developing An Intervention And Determining The Impact

Assignment 3: Developing an Intervention and Determining the Impact

Designing a targeted intervention for a specific issue, this project involves careful planning, implementation, and evaluation. By employing evidence-based strategies, it aims to assess and measure the impact of the intervention, providing insights into its effectiveness and contributing to the field’s knowledge on practical solutions for positive outcomes.

Sections 3 and 4 of Major Assessment 7: Using an Epidemiological Approach to Critically Analyze a Population Health Problem

Measures of effect are especially important for quantifying health problems. As a DNP-prepared nurse engaged in advanced practice, understanding how to interpret the statistical data in research studies enables you to better present your own findings as well as to determine appropriate interventions based on the data.

This week, you will begin Assignment 3, Sections 3 and 4 of the Major Assessment 7 paper. For Section 3, you will outline an intervention for your population to address the health problem based on the research literature. As you review the literature, it is essential to critically evaluate each study, including the statistical analysis and outcomes. To further enhance your analysis, select a causal model that applies to your selected population health problem, and consider it in terms of measurement of effect. Utilize this model as you continue to evaluate the literature that supports your proposed intervention (Section 3 of your paper).

Review the Major Assessment Overview. Then, begin developing Section 3 and Section 4.

By Wednesday 04/18/2018 3pm, write a 5 to 6-page paper in APA format with at least 7 scholarly references or more. Include the level one headings as numbered below:

Section 3: The Intervention

1) An outline of an intervention you would implement to address the population health problem with your selected population based on the results of the study in Section 2 (Note: If you selected a descriptive study design, you are still required to outline an intervention that might be developed based on future research.)

2) A review of the literature that supports this intervention (Search for scholarly articles which can support the intervention above in question 1. Minimum of 5 articles to review please).

Section 4: The Impact

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