Protecting Children From Media

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Protecting Children From Media

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Protecting Children From Media

For his 10th birthday, Greg was given a handheld videogame system. His parents allowed him to pick any two games. They knew the games might contain violence, because there was a violence rating sign posted on the games, but rationalized that they were only games and other kids play them. Greg would quickly finish dinner and run up to his room to play his games.

His parents were pleased to observe that Greg enjoyed their present so much. After a week, his parents noticed that he wasn’t turning off the videogames at bedtime, and had begun turning homework in late. He was up so late playing that he would not get up for school without argument. His parents decided that enough was enough and took the video games away. Greg threw temper tantrums and persuaded his parents to buy him a computer after convincing them that it was necessary to keep up at school. Greg soon returned to the same pattern of behavior where he spent long hours and late nights at the computer. This time, his parents felt a false sense of security that he was doing his homework. One day, his curious parents decided to scan the computer history to see what Web sites Greg was browsing. To their horror, they discovered that Greg was spending many hours online playing interactive, sometimes violently graphic, games on the Internet. He was also chatting with other “gamers”. Before confronting Greg about his behavior, his mother and father agreed to investigate what types of intervention strategies might be available within their community. They have come to you, a behavioral consultant, for advice.

Click to Read the Kaiser Family Foundation Study: Generation M2. Media in the Lives of 8- to 18- Year Olds.

Describe the issue of exposure to videogame violence in today’s society as related to Greg’s situation. Explore issues such as:

  1. Prevalence (e.g., age, gender, racial diversity, etc.)
  2. Given Greg’s developmental level, what are possible dangers of exposure to media violence? Be sure to address this in the context of his cognitive and socioemotional development.
  3. Risk and protective factors, including predisposition to violence (e.g., are all children who play violent videogames likely to become more aggressive? What protective factors might mitigate the possible outcomes for Greg?
  4. Discuss the possible outcomes if Greg’s behavior continues unchecked.
  5. Discuss types of intervention strategies you would expect his parents to find at a community level, such as in community centers, schools, and social service agencies, to assist children like Greg who are at risk due to ongoing exposure to media violence.
  6. What would be a good plan to recommend to Greg’s parents?
  7. Compare the dangers of exposure to videogame violence with other forms of violence. What are similarities and differences between videogame violence exposure and the other type of violence you chose to compare?
  8. What are the costs of videogame violence to the family and the community and society at large and the other form of violence you chose for comparison?

By Wednesday, July 26, 2017, format your paper in APA (6th edition) style, using information you learned in your textbook and from the Kaiser Family Foundation Study to support your response.  Your paper should be between 4 and 5 pages in length. Include a cover page, abstract, and reference list, which should cite any information used from your assigned textbook, Kaiser Family Foundation reference, and other sources such as online course content.(Protecting Children From Media)

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Discuss issues such as prevalence (i.e., age, gender, and racial differences).
Discuss dangers of media violence in the context of Greg’s developmental level.
Discuss risk and protective factors, including predisposition to violence.
Discuss possible outcomes of continued exposure to videogame violence.
Discuss the intervention strategies/services his parents could find at the community level.
Recommend an intervention strategy for Greg.
Compare videogame violence to another form of violence.
Discuss societal costs of videogame and other form of violence chosen for comparison.
Style (4 points): Tone, audience, and word choice

Organization (12 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion

Usage and Mechanics
(12 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure

APA Elements (16 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style



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Operation Management business and finance

Operation Management business and finance

(Operation Management business and finance)

Question description

Project Initiating Assignment D


An important stage in Project Initiation involves making some decisions about your project, developing a description of your project, and listing some important information about your project, all of which are included in something called a project charter. This is as rather substantial document, and will take some time to develop. It should be professional in appearance, and cover the areas discussed below.

You have been asked to identify and select a project from several potential options. To do this you will need to:

1.You now need to decide which project to choose. The inventory and analysis you did for Assignments 1 and 2 should help you to make this decision.

2.Develop your project charter. Typical parts of a project charter might include:

– Project Name

– Project Sponsor

– Assigned Project Manager (You may want to designate some initial roles for your group members)

– Project Team Members (and their role in the project)

– Statement of purpose (i.e. overarching goals, including what project you are focusing on)

– Statement of objectives (i.e. specific high level project deliverables)

– Stakeholders (who they are, and what they expect from the project)

– A basic statement of how the team will approach the work

– Authorized project resources (i.e. people, budget – in your case budget may be based on hours, and you can assign a base rate to all of your work)

– Equipment and Technology you are going to use

– Basic project timeline (which can be substantially refined in the project plan to follow)

The items listed above are the minimum contents that should be in your project charter.  I suggest you use a Project Charter template. You can find the one from the textbook at the textbook author’s website.

Deliverables(Operation Management business and finance)

·This deliverable should contain:

  • An opening paragraph telling what the document contains

b. The major elements of the project charter, as described above.

c. In an appendix, include:

  • Assignments 1 & 2 as appendices.

·Upload your Project Charter to the Assignment 4 Dropbox (see the Assignment Dropboxes link in the navigation menu on the left).

Note: The grade for this assignment is based on both content and professional appearance (title page, table of content, headings, format) of the submitted document.

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Case Study: Ethics And Multicultural Issues

Case Study: Ethics And Multicultural Issues

(Case Study: Ethics And Multicultural Issues)

Create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 12 slides that could be given in a professional context. The presentation will analyze a simulated case study and demonstrate the use of professional guidelines and tools to work out a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma related to a cultural conflict as well as analyze the usefulness of those guidelines and tools.

Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Ethics and multiculturalism are intimately related. Whatever your specialization or career goals, in order to behavior ethically, one must be multiculturally sensitive and maintain multicultural competence as part of lifelong learning.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply ethical principles and standards to ethical dilemmas.
    • Ethical Concerns: Apply ethical standards to ethical concerns pertaining to the case scenario.
  • Competency 2: Employ models of ethical reasoning and ethical decision making.
    • Ethical Theories: Analyze ethical theories and justify application of one theory in an attempt to resolve the ethical dilemma in the case scenario.
    • Ethical Decision Making: Apply steps in an ethical decision-making model to an ethical dilemma in the case scenario.
    • Solution: Design a viable solution for an ethical problem.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate multicultural influences on ethics for psychologists.
    • Case Overview: Create a scenario (based on one’s psychology specialization) that presents a cultural conflict and ethical dilemma.
    • Best Practices: Analyze how best practices cited in scholarly research articles could help a cultural conflict.
  • Competency 4: Analyze multicultural issues in psychology and the importance of multicultural competency in the profession.
    • Cultural Difference: Analyze how cultural differences could contribute to a conflict.
    • Biases: Describe one’s past or present biases toward others of different cultures.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
    • Communication: Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization, following APA style standards.

    (Case Study: Ethics And Multicultural Issues)


  • Create a case involving an ethical dilemma and cultural conflict(s) that could occur in your psychology specialization. It is recommended that you base the case study for this assessment on the one you developed in Assessment 2, with revisions in response to the feedback you received from faculty. However, you may create an entirely new case study that meets the criteria for this assessment. Again, while your case will be fictional, it must be entirely believable and realistic based on your psychology specialization.
  • Download and use the Combined Case Study Template, linked in Required Resources. Do not submit a paper for this assessment. Papers will not be graded. You will complete this assessment by replacing all language that is enclosed with brackets […] in the PowerPoint with your own words. As in the previous assessments, you may enhance the design of the presentation to make it more effective. Again, links to tips for using PowerPoint and designing effective presentations are provided in Suggested Resources.

The Presentation

  1. Title slide: On the first slide of the PowerPoint:
    • Enter a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words that concisely communicates the heart of the case study. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.
    • Enter your name, and a job title and organization that would fit with your case study.
  2. Case Study Overview slides: Provide the briefest possible narrative description of the professional conflict in the case. Additional supporting details and references can be added on the notes section of the slide. The overview should include:
    • The professional setting of the case, based on your psychology specialization.
    • The relationship that exists between you and the other individual(s), agency/business, or institution involved. Some possible examples may be:
      • Professor—Student.
      • Therapist—Patient.
      • Colleague—Colleague.
      • Consultant—Business.
      • Clinical Supervisor—Student intern.
      • Administrative Supervisor—Employee.
    • A very brief summation of an ethical dilemma involving cultural conflicts.
  3. Cultural Differences slides: On the table provided, list side by side the main cultural identities from the Hays model, relevant to the conflict in the case, of yourself and another individual, agency/business, or institution in the case.
    • If more than one individual, agency/business, or institution is involved in the case, make a copy of this slide for each one, to compare yourself to all others involved.
    • In the notes section:
      • Identify common concerns with each cultural identity. Be careful to avoid using stereotypes.
      • Analyze how cultural differences contributed to the conflict in this case.
  4. Relevant Biases: Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.
    • Note: This slide may be reused from Assessment 2, but if you received suggestions for improving it, be sure to revise it.
  5. Ethical Concerns slides: Bullet point the three or more ethical concerns in the case and apply one or more ethical standard to each concern. Additional supporting details and references can be added in the notes section.
  6. Comparison of Ethical Theories slides: In the first row of the table provided, enter the names of two ethical theories that you think would be the most appropriate for the situations in the case. In the following rows, enter comparisons of relevant features of the two theories. In the notes section, evaluate which theory provides a more functional framework for your case and explain why. (Note that ethical theories and ethical decision-making models are two different things. Please make sure that you are applying, comparing, and contrasting two ethical theories).(Case Study: Ethics And Multicultural Issues)
  7. Ethical Decision-Making Model slides:
    • Identify each step in the model. Under each step of the model, apply it to your case.
    • Incorporate multicultural issues presented in the case study within the selected ethical decision-making model.
    • Add copies of this slide as needed, and combine steps on the slides as necessary or appropriate. In the notes section, write out supporting narrative details for your bullet points. (Note that ethical theories and ethical decision-making models are two different things. Please make sure that are applying the steps of the ethical decision-making model to your case).
  8. Best Practices When Working With [Cultural Identity] slide:
    • Identify a best practice for working with a cultural identity in this case and cite the source below. Citation requirements: You must cite best practices from at least three scholarly research articles. You may cite reputable source from Web sites, books, textbooks, and suggested resources as well, but these will not count toward the three required scholarly research references.
    • Analyze, briefly, how the best practice could help you navigate this particular relationship and conflict.
    • Describe, in the notes section, the best practice in more detail, and elaborate as needed on your analysis of how the best practice could help you navigate the relationship and conflict.
    • Note: This slide may be reused from Assessment 2, but if you received suggestions for improving it, be sure to revise it.
  9. Proposed Resolution slide: Use bullet points to summarize your proposed resolution to the ethical dilemmas in the case. In the notes section, write out supporting narrative details for your bullet points.
  10. References slides: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.

Other Requirements

  • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Format: Use the Combined Case Study Template provided in the Required Resources. Use current APA style and formatting guidelines as applicable to this assessment.
  • Resources: 10 scholarly research articles that can include those used in previous assessments.
  • Length of PowerPoint: A minimum of 12 slides.
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Lending Institutions Health Care and Human Capital writing

Lending Institutions Health Care and Human Capital writing

(Lending Institutions Health Care and Human Capital writing)

Question description

Assignment 2: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital
Due Week 9 and worth 200 points

Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9.

Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you:

  1. Explore whether or not funding from international lending institutions like the World Bank and the IMF are helping or hindering the social, economic, or political development of the country that you have selected. Support your response with examples.
  2. Discuss, with examples, at least four (4) substantive ways in which a healthy population strengthens the economy of the country that you have selected.
  3. Ascertain the degree to which the leadership of your chosen country has used foreign aid to improve its health care system. Support your response with concrete examples.
  4. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and other nonacademic websites do not qualify as academic resources. Approval of resources is at the instructor’s discretion. Resources must also be within the last seven (7) years.

When referencing the selected resources, please use the following format:

  • Webtext Format:
    • Name of the author. Name of title. Retrieved from website url.
      • Example:

Soomo. Understanding Development [Webtext]. Retrieved from

  • Lecture Format:
    • Name of the Author. Name of the lecture [lecture type]. Retrieved from lecture url.
      • Example:

Strayer University. (2013). Understanding Development [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from /bbcswebdav/institution/SOC/300/1136/Week1/lecture/story.html.

  • Internet Resources:
    • Author’s Name. (Date of publication). Title of the resource. Retrieved from website url.
      • Example:

Wuestewald, Eric. (2014). Portraits of people living on a dollar a day. Retrieved from Institutions Health Care and Human Capital writing)

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine how human capital is used and what effect gender disparity has on these decisions.
  • Determine what role health plays in developing economies.
  • Examine the role that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank play in transfers and the conditions they set to effect this funding.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in sociology of developing countries.
  • Write clearly and concisely about sociology of developing countries using proper writing mechanics.
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human behavior Psychology Homework

human behavior Psychology Homework

(human behavior Psychology Homework)

In this module, you learned that human behavior is multifaceted. The dimensions that make up a person were explored from a biopsychosocial perspective. You also learned about the theoretical approaches used to describe cognition and emotion and the concept of self from a human services perspective.

In this assignment, you will explore how human dimensions influence behavior, specifically focusing on the psychological dimensions, including cognition and emotion. You will consider how the use of diagnostic labels can influence the behavior of an individual seeking services as well as the behavior of others in the individual’s environment. Understanding these interpersonal and environmental influences will help you further understand the maladaptive and adaptive human behaviors.
Using your textbook, the kaplan University online library resources, and the Internet, explore these concepts and respond to the following questions:
  • Define and discuss how personal, environmental, and time dimensions influence an individual’s perception and the current functioning of human behavior. Why is understanding human behavior so important?
  • Discuss the use of diagnostic labels (for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and alcohol dependence) for mental health disorders to explain an individual’s behavior from a person-in-environment perspective. What are the positive and negative implications of using such labels? Discuss at least two positive implications and two negative implications.
  • Discuss the differences between cognition and emotion, and compare and contrast any two theories of cognition or any two theories of emotion. Which theory of emotion or cognition do you most closely align with? Why?
Submission Details:
  • By Saturday, September 2, 2017, post your responses to this Discussion Area in a minimum of 300 words. Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the kaplan University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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Selecting Theorists: Immersive Exploration

Selecting Theorists: Immersive Exploration

(Selecting Theorists: Immersive Exploration)


Question description

This Assignment addresses this course outcome:

MN502-2: Explain how theoretical frameworks influence advance.


The purpose of this Assignment is to explore how a theorist explicates his or her philosophy and thoughts behind a theoretical field. As in other fields of study, nursing has a plethora of theorists and theories. These theorists have developed their paradigm over time enriching it with research and dialogue with other theorists.


You are going to explore how a theorist of your choice created his or her theory. Did it develop as an acorn becoming a mighty oak over the decades? Did it arrive as a burst of light like the big bang as some believe created our universe? Was it developed from a blueprint like a spaceship where thousands of scholars worked together to create a rocket to the moon? In point of fact, how is a theory developed? This is what we are exploring.

You will pick a theorist who interests you, it does not have to be a nurse theorist. You may also choose from other disciplines such as: behavioral, leadership, business, education, technology.

You will become the theorist immersing yourself in the writings from the earliest mentioned to the most current.

As you read, look at how you (taking on the persona of the theorist) developed the theory.

In the first stage, theorizing occurs. This is where you, as the theorist, identify the concepts of what nursing is and is not. Perhaps you questioned what concepts were guiding those in nursing practice and then started to question your role. You started asking yourself, “Where am I in nursing, and where the profession is going? Is there some overarching concept that guides the professional in his or her practice?” This is where you recognize that a theory is needed.

In the second stage, syntax is developed. This is where you will define the terms. Look for changing definitions of terms. Consider, for example, Jean Watson. She starts by defining the word “caring.” Within the last ten years she has refined her terminology changing the term caring to caritas. This demonstrates a growth and maturation from decades of research she and other scholars did to produce the theory of caring.

The third stage is theory testing. Defined as the phenomena behind the theory that are exposed through research. The definitions of terms are refined. The theorists and other researchers consider whether this theory helps answer questions that arise in practice. This is where your theory is used in by a widening group of researchers. For example, graduate nursing students request the tool you developed while testing your theory.

The fourth and last stage is evaluation. This is where philosophical debate occurs as the concepts are applied through evidenced based practice in the act of providing nursing care.

Assignment Details

For this Assignment, you are going to write an article for a nursing journal explaining how you developed your theory through the four stages (theorizing, syntax, theory testing, and evaluation). Your paper must be 3 to 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • Minimum requirement of at least 5 sources of support
  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition
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Peer Response (Vulnerable Population)

Peer Response (Vulnerable Population)

(Peer Response (Vulnerable Population))

Vulnerable populations in healthcare refer to groups of people who are at a higher risk for poor health outcomes due to various factors such as socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, age, disability, or chronic medical conditions. Providing effective care for vulnerable populations is a critical aspect of nursing practice.

One vulnerable population that deserves attention is the elderly, especially those living in long-term care facilities. The aging population faces unique challenges such as multiple chronic conditions, cognitive decline, and social isolation. Addressing their healthcare needs requires a holistic approach, considering physical, mental, and social aspects.

A study by Smith et al. (2019) emphasizes the importance of person-centered care for older adults in long-term care settings. The authors argue that tailoring care to individual preferences and needs improves overall well-being. This aligns with the nursing profession’s commitment to providing patient-centered care, emphasizing dignity, respect, and collaboration.

In addition to the elderly, other vulnerable populations include children, individuals with mental health disorders, refugees, and those with limited access to healthcare resources. Each group presents unique challenges, requiring nurses to be culturally competent, compassionate, and advocate for equitable healthcare services.

Nursing interventions for vulnerable populations extend beyond traditional healthcare settings. Community outreach programs, health education initiatives, and collaborations with social services are essential components of comprehensive care. As nurses, our role involves not only treating illnesses but also addressing the social determinants of health that impact vulnerable populations.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing the needs of vulnerable populations are central to nursing practice. By incorporating evidence-based practices and maintaining a patient-centered approach, nurses contribute to improving health outcomes and promoting health equity among these populations.

Reference: Smith, M., Buck, H. G., Riegel, B., & American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; and Council on Clinical Cardiology. (2019). A nursing perspective on heart failure in older adults. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 34(2), 98–104.

Provide peer response to the following discussion which requires  one reference from a peer-reviewed NURSING journal less than 5 y/o. Response has to be in APA format.

Discussion One:

According to de Chesnay and Anderson (2015), a vulnerable population is, generally speaking, a group of individuals who have an increased risk of developing physical, social, or psychological health problems (de Chesnay & Anderson, 2015, p. 3). This could be the case either due to genetic predispositions, life events, or any other circumstances that can influence a patient’s socioeconomic, physical, or psychological status.

De Chesnay and Anderson (2015) state that there are some major factors by which the vulnerable populations can be identified: ethnicity, immigration status, age, gender, and socioeconomic status, but there are many other factors that should be taken into consideration (de Chesnay & Anderson, 2015, p. 4). Based on these factors, high-risk population groups can be identified and assessed.

One of the vulnerable population groups are the elderly. As Oster and Oster (2015) mention cellular changes occur as part of the aging process, and therefore, the body fluids and bone mass decrease (Oster & Oster, 2015, p. 445). This puts the elderly at increased risk for injuries and prolongs or hinders the

healing process after injuries or surgical interventions.

Other changes that contribute to an increased risk for physical, psychological, or social health problems are age-related confusion and depression. Oftentimes elderly people live alone after the loss of a spouse. They might not leave the house at all due to their depression and therefore, show signs of from malnutrition, a lack of hygiene, or medication non-compliance. Many times the psychological changes go hand in hand with the physiological ones.

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

• Paranoid Schizophrenia

After clicking a disorder, click the Diagnostic Overview tab in the left column. This will cover the major diagnostic features of the disorder. After that, click the DSM-5 Features tab. You can then go though the Case History, Interview, and Treatment sections on the website. Finally, in the Assessment section, you can complete an optional multiple-choice quiz. You have to write a case report for each case study.

The format for the sample report is as follows:

Your Name

Instructor’s Name

Class/Section Number


• Outline the major symptoms of this disorder.

• Briefly outline the client’s background (age, race, occupations, etc.).

• Describe any factors in the client’s background that might predispose him or her to this disorder.


• Describe any symptoms that you have observed that support the diagnosis. You can include direct quotes or behaviors that you may have observed.

• Describe any symptoms or behaviors that are inconsistent with the diagnosis.

• Provide any information that you have about the development of this disorder.


• Did you observe any evidence of general medical conditions that might contribute to the development of this disorder?

• Did you observe any evidence of psychosocial and environmental problems that might contribute to this disorder?

• As per your observations, what is the client’s overall level of safety regarding potential harm to self or others (suicidality or homicidality)?

• What cross-cultural issues, if any, affect the differential diagnosis?

Therapeutic Intervention

• In your opinion, what are the appropriate short-term goals of this intervention?

• In your opinion, what are the appropriate long-term goals of this intervention?

• Which therapeutic strategy seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?

• Which therapeutic modality seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?

APA format(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

Diagnostic overview

Schizophrenia is the most debilitating form of mental illness . This disorder which can come on quite suddenly distorts a person thoughts , perceptions and mood, and leaves them unable to meet the ordinary demands of life .

There is no single test to determine who suffers from schizophrenia. Instead the diagnoses is made when a person expresses a collection set of symptoms. The symptoms can be divided into three categories. One positive symptoms two negative symptoms and three social dysfunction.

One positive sentence

Positive symptoms include overt behaviors that are unusual and that interferes with the persons ability to interact in a daily life. The Two most common types of positive symptoms include delusional and hallucinations. It is essential to understand the difference between these two.

A delusion is a firmly held beliefs that is not grounded in real life. There are many types of delusions for example when a person vastly overestimate his or her importance we would say that he suffers from a delusion of grandeur. If a person believe that a group of people are conspiring to kill him we say he has a delusion of persecution there are many others .

In contrast to Dilution a hallucination is perceptional error in which the person sees or hears something hey doesn’t exist.for example if a person sees a vision that no one else sees , we say that he is experiencing a visual hallucinations. If a person hears imaginary voice perhaps threading her we say hat she is suffering an auditory hallucination.

About 70% of schizophrenics experience some type of hallucination and typically these hallucinations appropriate to a person culture and belief system.

Another positive symptoms include a person expressing disturbance thinking and language. And these situations a person since this may be dramatically correct but their over all statements are in coherent and logical. To illustrate disturbance communications try to follow peters flow logic

Negative symptoms

Many people with schizophrenic also expressed so called negative symptoms. Negative symptoms are characterized by the Abence of behaviors which are seen in normal individuals.

The most , common negative symptoms is an emotional flattering where the individual shows a little reaction to his surroundings.Pepole with negative symptoms will seldom speak express few spontaneous actions and fail to interact with other people.

Researchers have identify several subtypes of schizophrenic.

When a person promote symptoms is bizarre motor behavior the person is saying to suffer from Catatonic schizophrenic.

When he prominent symptoms include delusion and hallucinations in which the person is being persecuted, they are said to suffer from paranoid schizophrenic.

Finally when the symptoms are mixed or three is not a single prominent symptoms the person is said to suffer from undifferentiated schizophrenia.

This module explore the case of who suffers from paranoid schizophrenic. Schizophrenic is a complex this order in research still doesn’t know it’s root causes. Current research supports the diathesis stress mold.

According to this module genetic and biological factors predispose certain individuals towards expressing schizophrenia.

Interns environmental stress determines which individuals actually express the disorder we will look at both of these factors.

Biological causes

an ambience of research indicate that genetic factors predispose certain individuals to express schizophrenia. In brief the more closely you are genetically related to someone who expresss schizophrenia the more likely you are to express this disorder yourself.

For example with unrelated person the chances are only 1% that you will share their diagnosis of schizophrenic.

If your siblings express schizophrenia then you have a 9% chance that you will express it as well . And if your identical twin expresses schizophrenia the chances are 50% that you will express it as well.

In light of this evidence for genetic involve me the next question is how do DNA alter our biological and thereby predispose some individuals to express schizophrenia?

One possibility has to do with brain size. Cortical atrophy theory suggest that an underlying pathology causes the deterioration of specific brain areas which in turn produces the schizophrenic symptoms. Researchers have no debt that people with schizophrenia have brains that are smaller than normal and have brains with enlarge ventricles.


Look up criteria

Look up demographics and details

What are treatment strategy

Case report

Your name

Instructor’s name

Class/Section number

Diagnosis has been given to this client?

Background information

Please outline the major symptoms of this disorder.

Briefly outlined the clients back row age race occupation Excedrin

Please describe any fractions in the clients background that might predispose him or her to this this order.


Please describe any symptoms that you have observed which supports that diagnosis. You can include direct questions or any other Behaviors you may have observed.

Please describe any symptoms or observations that are inconsistent with the diagnosis.

Describe any information you observed about the development of this disorder.


Did you observe any evidence of any Axis 3 issues (General medical conditions) that might contribute to this disorder?

Did you observe any evidence of an Axis 4 issue(psychosocial and environmental problems) that might contribute to this dis order ?

Transcripts(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

Valerie white female she’s around late 30 . has been diagnosed with schizophrenic paranoid type in this section we will explore her background and her symptoms Valerie told me that her childhood was pretty normal she told me that she always felt like a social outcast but that she was good at her school work and she reminded remain close to her parents.

She went to college where she did pretty well she dated Lil and she married to her mid-20s afterwords she went on to grad school Valerie problem started when she was about 28 years old her mayor was unstable and about the same time she began experiencing delusional that people were plotting against her. Overtime these delusions grow more complex and disturbing and on limited she became highly agitated eventually her husband had her involuntary committed to a psychiatric ward.

In the interview Valerie describe the Terror she felt inside the asylum. she believes that she was being imprisoned and the doctors were performed experiments on her .the profound delusional state it Presented for many months.Eventually however the medication reduced Valeries psychotic symptoms and she was released from the hospital. Unfortunately the medications proceeded significant side effects and frequently Valerie won’t refuse to take them. Whenever she did so her symptoms work got worse and she’s each time she would be institutionalized.

During her illness Valerie has expressed a range of delusions including

delusions of Persecution- that people were plotting to hurt she and her family

delusions of reference -the television programs were secretly referring to her and delusions of Grandeur-that her actions could help to save the world.

After more than eight years Valerie said she’s finally excepted her diagnosis and she have subsided. She has been able to hold a steady job and she lives with her parents. In the scheme of things Valerie has shown a remarkable recovery although she said she still considers herself mentally ill as long as she stays on her medication she is able to live a quiet normal life. Once had dreams of traveling and earning her PhD now she seemed content just to live day today going to work and returning to her home she also said that she has no particular interest in becoming involved in an intimate relationships.

When you interview Valerie I think you will see that that her conversation is liner and coherent . This is a largely true of people with paranoid schizophrenia even doing their active phase. At the same time I am not sure how it comes across on video but I found her to be somewhat emotional muted. to me it was as if a piece of her is missing

I’m not sure if that this emotion is blotting is the result of the disorder or the medication. As you will see Valerie seems quite knowledgeable about her symptoms you should know however that she’s occasionally confuse the word Hallucination, delusional and illusion becareful to keep the definition of these words clear in your own mind.

Questions interview(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

Describe your life in the years before you got sick and where did you grow up in what did you study at school?

Well, att was born in New York City and my parents taught church school for our religion domination and we moved a lot because when you’re into that type of work you go where you’re called to go. So I lived in upstate New York Iowa Colorado Washington state I don’t know and then I went to college.

I went to Walla Walla college in Walla Walla Washington I enjoyed the psychological classes. I particularly like the sociology classes because they going to do groups and the family is a group and I was looking at things going on in my family is group and I was looking add things going on in my family ,and that kind of interested me . And so I actually went through two or three years of college and I really didn’t know what I wanted to do major and except I like behavior science and finally I came up to the end of the third year and I had to make a decision and I have a lot more credits in that. Paragraph I wanted to teach and the university. I wanted to finish college and maybe get a doctorate I like the idea of well I like the idea of working with students and with the young people that had fresh ideas and I just thought that was going to be my career that was going to be my life.(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

Do you have happy memories of your childhood?

Oh yeah when I was a kid we took a trip to Colorado which is one of the greatest things when my mother and father got interested in the mining history of Colorado and they get these books about these old mining towns in different legends and stories about the minors in the wild Wally times they had and we go visit these different cities where these different people had done things like we read about baby goat tabor ,and he tabor mine, the matchless and so we had to Gold and see all those sites. And we read about and we got to Rocky Mountain national Park and saw the beautiful mountains and it was real need vacation.(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

What events have you enjoyed in your life ? For instance , have you ever done any traveling?

Yeah in 1971 I went And travel to England that was my first introduction to college right out of high school aesthetic English literature there we had nine weeks of classes and we go to the classes three days a week and the other four days we’d get on the bus tour and go over England and see the different places we studied about. Like for example weed study Shakespeare and then we take a trip up to Stratford to the point Avon and watch the Royal Shakespeare players though the plane and Weed study about Bobby Burns and then we go out to Scotland and see Bobby Burns cottage. It was very interesting trip I really enjoy it , it was a high point of my life.

What did you do after college?

At the college I want to graduate school and I went to lomalinda university in Riverside California and the main reason I went there was because I got an assistant ship which pay half of my tuition. And at the time I was thinking in terms of teaching in a college or university. Because that’s basically about all I could do with sociology. And so I did my thesis on the study of alienation ministry wives. And I took a bunches of anthropology classes for my electives and I thoroughly enjoyed it .

Can you describe a little bit about your marriage?

I met my husband when I was at Walla Walla my last two years there. He was an engineer and we got married after I went down to Lomalinda and he help pay off my graduate school bill which was very nice. he was very affectionate and playful and we made some agreements like we had agreed we were going to have children and that I told him I didn’t especially like the southern California and I didn’t want to live there all my life and we agree that after I finished graduate school we would move out. Course later on in the marriage we didn’t go along with those two things he decide he liked California and I wanted to stay there and didn’t want children the marriage went sour after that .

Attention deficit hyperactivity

To completion up treatments and DSM 5

And demographics and details

Diagnostic overview(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

Look up what kind of treatments can be done .

During childhood we usually learn a variety of essential life lessons .we learn the basics such as how to read and write be we also learn how to control our impulses, focus our attention and interact with the people around us . For some children these lessons are quite typical. These children are impulsive their behavior seems disorganized and their attention leaves from one activity to the next. These children are often diagnosed as suffering from a tension deficit hypertension disorder also know as ADHD

ADHD consists of three types of symptoms . The first type of symptoms and fall problems with attention. Children with ADHD seems to ignore details they are easily distracted and fails to complete task. The second set of involves hyperactive behavior. The children are restless and are unable to sit quietly. The third set of symptoms involves excessive impulsivity. These children constantly interrupt and are unable to wait their turn .

ADHD has A variety of causes and provides a fascinating example for the interaction of biological culture and psychological factors.

Let’s first exam and biological factors. There is some evidence that a ADHD may be heritable. Children with a ADHD often have parents usually fathers who also warrant the diagnosis. Furthermore the brain of a ADHD Children differs from that of other children especially in the areas of the brain that regulates attention. One hypothesis is that these areas mature more slowly in some children’s resulting in the expression of ADHD .

Are fast paced the culture may also be a casual agent and may even account for the observed neurological differences. By way of analogy consider the human eye . At birth the eyeball seen here is cross-section is more or less round . however during development if a child is exposed toe tens I’ve close up work such as reading their eyeball will actually change its shape becoming more oblong . Intern this development a combination makes it easier for the individual to focus on nearby objects. The disadvantage to this accommodation of horse is that the reshape I will have more difficulty spoke didn’t sing oIntern intern this development a combination makes it easier for the individual to focus on nearby objects. The disadvantage to this accommodation of course is that the reshape eye will have more difficulty focusing on distant objects and the child may become near sighted.

To extend this metaphor when a child is exposed to a fast-paced world of Television Internet and video games areas of their brain may calibrate it’s attentional levels to accommodate to this rapid pace . This accommodation means that they are better able to cope with fast pace rapidly changing stimuli, but at the same time the child will have more difficulty focusing on stimuli that are less interesting or that require more sustained concentration.

ths hypothesis that some cultures promote ADHD is supported by the fact that ADHD is much more prevalent in the United States then other countries around the world.

Finally other teachers her point out that individual children -rearing practice may be contributing to the increased of ADHA . Children with ADHD are more likely to come from single-parent families families with inexperience parents and families who spend comparatively little time interacting with the child. It is interesting to note that ADHD is diagnosed in boys three times more often than in girls .

Look up DAM 5 features for ADHD

Case History(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

At the time Dave’s was 16 years old and a high school south more. And my respects Davis seem like a lot of boys his age. He is energetic he loves girls sports video games and he is a bit rebellious. Underneath it all I sensed a kid with a really good heart.

All that said David is also incredibly hyperactive . At first I thought he was nervous about being on camera but even when the camera was off he was consistently moving and fidgeting frankly our entire crew said that they became nervous just being around him.

David said that he has been hyperactive for as long as he can remember it. In elementary school his teachers complained to his mother and he has been on and off of Wellbutrin and Ritalin. The segment was filmed during then summer however when his mother allows him to be medication free.

The ADHD severely affects David’s life. he is unable to focus his attention for more than a few minutes and his hyperactive has resulted to him being ostracized by his peers. He says that he finds it nearly impossible to study explaining that the words just jump around the page. A number of his teachers seem to have given up on him. Dave it also has problems with expressing good judgment. Now some of this may be typical of a 16 year old American boy but with Dave in the situation seems even more acute. For example when we ask him to hit the punching bag he got very excited punching it to the point where he tore the skin off his knuckles.

David is aware that he is somewhat different than other kids his age and probably feels a little bit embarrassed about it. He believes that he is intelligent and he becomes flush straight it when he is unable to focus his attention. David loves playing sports and he is a very good competitor But he doesn’t have a lot of finesse.

He seems disappointed that he is not a more talented athlete. He also loves playing video games in place for at least a couple hours every day.

Most of the time David lives with his mother and his home life is an important part of the story. I spoke with his mother and it’s clear that she loves her son very much. It is also clear that she is a bit overwhelmed. She is a single mom and has little quiet time with David. She often ask him to help around the house but he use the claims to forget his test. Now she allows him to spend his free time watching television or playing video games and she really did man’s much from him. For example when David was doing poorly in math rather than seeking additional tutoring she encouraged him to except the feeling great. I don’t want to give you the impression that I am blaming her for David’s condition. Not at all but it seemed to me that she was an important part of a system of reinforcement enables his unfocused behavior.

The medication have help David to focus and to some extent he has been doing better at school. David has mixed feelings about the medication however he says that the pills help him to focus and help him accomplish some of his mothers goals but at the same time he’s complaining that the pills make him hazy and non-social

Interview with daved(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

What do you do you at school?

Uh I play basi usually play video games that’s only well unsully towards the end of the well right when I get to the end of the well right when I get home I usually right when I get to the end of the well right when I get home I usually tight when the thing first thing I do ,I come in turn on the Video game and play it for a couple of hours.

And then I’ll call one of my friends I can’t usually I don’t go nowhere when I lived in town are used to I didn’t play video games much because I’d walk around and hang out with all my friends but now I live out of town in the country there’s not much very much for me to do so I usually pay video games unless I am outside working with my dad or I go with my girlfriend.

Does your attention deficit disorder interfere with your ability to go do chores around the house ?

Most kids you know they get home and they do their chores or whatever. They clean the house you know because their mom they they just that their mom is going to tell them what right when you get home you’re supposed to clean the house or whatever and you know question and like I know that’s in my mind but when I get home I just don’t I don’t think about it I don’t do it until my mom says you need to do this or you need to do that and I be like OK and all then I’ll go do it.

And then like teachers for incident. They told me I need to do that or I need to do that I I didn’t do it. I won’t do it until they tell me because well I know but I just don’t really like no it doesn’t click until they tell me and then I can do it.

Can you think of a situation where your attention deficit disorder does not interfere with you ?

Tendo I can do Nintendo that my mom said I’m so good in the Nintendo because because I don’t know like little distractions you know ? how I make sh—well I make distractions when I’m like at school. And like I don’t can’t learn without em or something like that.Are i’ll make like little noise that you know like just all these crazy noises and talking to myself. I dream-day a lot.

But in video games or you know just PlayStation or Nintendo or whatever you playing that has its own distractions. And I could pay attention to every single little thing that on the TV. I mean if you —— this one kid plays the Nintendo, I mean he walking around he’ll get lost in all the mazes or whatever? I know exactly where I am I just remember where are the turns are and just where—I just remember it I don’t know why,I just remember everything in the whole game .

Case report(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

Your name

Instructor’s name

Class/Section number

Diagnosis has been given to this client?

Background information

Please outline the major symptoms of this disorder.

Briefly outlined the clients back row age race occupation Excedrin

Please describe any fractions in the clients background that might predispose him or her to this this order.


Please describe any symptoms that you have observed which supports that diagnosis. You can include direct questions or any other Behaviors you may have observed.

Please describe any symptoms or observations that are inconsistent with the diagnosis.

Describe any information you observed about the development of this disorder.


Did you observe any evidence of any Axis 3 issues (General medical conditions) that might contribute to this disorder?

Did you observe any evidence of an Axis 4 issue(psychosocial and environmental problems) that might contribute to this dis order ?

Based on your observation what is the clients overall functioning Axis5 ? 1-100 scal we are higher numbers indicate higher functioning.

Therapeutic intervention(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD))

In your opinion what are the appropriate short term goals for this intervention?

In your opinion what are the appropriate long term goals for this intervention?

Which therapeutic strategies seems most appropriate in this case? Why?

Which therapeutic Modality seems most appropriate in this case? Why?

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Enhancing Drug Safety in Pharmacology

Enhancing Drug Safety in Pharmacology

(Enhancing Drug Safety in Pharmacology)

In the realm of pharmacology, ensuring drug safety is paramount to prevent adverse drug reactions and medication errors. A systems pharmacology modelling approach emerges as a robust strategy in this endeavor. Bohomol (2014) emphasizes the significance of this approach, suggesting that it facilitates proper monitoring of drugs from dispensation to utilization in healthcare facilities. Pharmacists play a pivotal role in pharmacovigilance, not only in dispensing medications but also in counseling patients about potential medication errors, thereby upholding drug safety and ensuring quality patient care.

Furthermore, Scott (2013) delineates the systematic process involved in this approach, which begins with accurate prescription processing, followed by the collection and integration of a patient’s drug history. Subsequently, pharmacists monitor the patient’s drug utilization and provide guidance on managing issues related to polypharmacism. By adhering to these steps, the likelihood of medication errors and adverse effects due to incorrect prescriptions is significantly reduced. Moreover, the integration of advanced nurses in drug administration further enhances patient safety, as their adherence to the systems modelling approach minimizes the probability of medication errors, fostering greater trust and reliability from patients.

In conclusion, adopting a systems pharmacology modelling approach is instrumental in enhancing drug safety in pharmacology. Through systematic processes and vigilant monitoring, this approach mitigates medication errors and adverse drug reactions, ultimately ensuring improved healthcare outcomes and patient well-being.(Enhancing Drug Safety in Pharmacology)

Please use apa format. Answered to one peer with two paragraphs. Each paragraph should be supported with evidenced based peer reviewed journals.


Drug Safety Approach in Pharmacology Pharmacologists are key players in activities related to detection, prevention and in understanding possible drug related problems. A systems pharmacology modelling approach is recommended in ensuring drug safety. The system prevents issues of adverse drug reaction through proper monitoring of drugs as they are dispensed to hospitals and other health facilities (Bohomol, 2014). A pharmacist’s role in pharmacovigilance goes beyond dispensing drugs to creating an environment that has reduced medication errors. They are responsible for counselling patients of possible medication errors therefore ensuring drug safety and quality care of the patients. A strategy that looks into main causes of medication errors is important when developing a strategic approach in ensuring drug safety in the field of pharmacology. The systems modelling approach comprises of a series of steps that ensure that the patient gets the right medication without compromising their health (Scott, 2013). The first step in ensuring drug safety is by processing the right prescriptions as instructed by the physician. Second step is collecting and integrating patient’s drug history. Thirdly, the pharmacists monitors patient’s drug utilization. Lastly, the patients need to be advised on how to conduct issues related to polypharmacism. The suggested approach intends to reduce errors in medication and adverse effects related to improper medications. Advanced nurses are responsible for administering drugs and the model suggests that they will be able to deliver quality care to patients. Reduced incidents of medication errors implies that there is improved health safety and care from the nurses. The probability of giving the wrong medication by the nurse is thereby minimal hence an increased reliability of the nurse from the patients. References Bohomol, E. (2014). Medication errors: descriptive study of medication classes and high-alert medication. Escola Anna Nery – Revista De Enfermagem, 18(2), 2-7. Scott, W. (2013). Introducing Pharmacology for Nursing and Healthcare. Nursing Standard, 27(48), 28-28.

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Summarize Research into one (two MAX) paragraph(s)

Summarize Research into one (two MAX) paragraph(s)

(Summarize Research into one (two MAX) paragraph(s))

Question descriptionREAD ME: need to have my current research summarized into one (two tops) VERY concise paragraph(s). I have attached my current rough draft of research.

For this assignment, you are asked to summarize your research findings into a condensed passage and submit it for publication in a public setting (no passwords or registration required to view your passage). While we hesitate to use the word “publication,” knowing that it might seem utterly terrifying to some, this should be a low-stakes way to get your thoughts out to the world to ponder. Additionally, doing this will provide you with another way you can present your ideas to others.

Below, you will find instruction noting where you might submit your entry for publication. If you have tried any of these before, pick a different option, as long as it entails *open publication for public viewing,* so you are doing something you have never done before.

Summarize the main points and conclusion of your Research Project in a minimum of one (1) concise paragraph. Publishers appreciate conciseness. Do NOT submit your entire Research Project. You may include one small visual, if appropriate for your publication environment.

Here are a few suggestions for you to consider for publication of your passage:

  • Contribute your passage to a Wikipedia page related to your research topic. Just find an entry you feel relatively confident adding to, and go for it. Instructions on how to edit an entry are located on the main page of Wikipedia.
  • Add a comment to an “active” blog dealing with the topic of your Research Project. Share a few of your research findings, and you may want to include some final thoughts about your research issues.
  • Submit your passage as part of a letter to the editor of a magazine or a local newspaper, for example, as you deem appropriate. Many publications have details on how to submit on their sites.

After you submit your entry for *open publication for public viewing,* post the following information for this Discussion assignment:

  • Identify where you submitted your work (name of organization).
  • Post the actual passage you submitted for publication. Again, do NOT submit your entire Research Project.
  • If you submitted to an online source, include a complete internet address that will take us directly to your entry (not to a home page, in other words), so we can view your entry easily.

And don’t worry if you don’t actually get published or if your Wiki addition gets changed, for example. This almost always happens to everyone at least a few times. The real success is taking that step to “go out on a limb” and put yourself “out there.”

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