Psychology notes

Psychology notes

(Psychology notes)

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Introduction (Psychology notes)

As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.(Psychology notes)

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.(Psychology notes)

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.(Psychology notes)

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accuracy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

Screenshot (119).png(Psychology notes)

The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.(Psychology notes)

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.(Psychology notes)

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.(Psychology notes)

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.Screenshot (111).png

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (118).png

There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.

Dr. Joe Nickell

Screenshot (121).png(Psychology notes)

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.

Screenshot (123).png(Psychology notes)

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.Screenshot (124).png


From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.

Work cited(Psychology notes)

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources.(Psychology notes)


Case Study: Calveta Dining Service(Psychology notes)

After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).(Psychology notes)

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.(Psychology notes)

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.(Psychology notes)

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:

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Introduction(Psychology notes)

As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.(Psychology notes)

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.(Psychology notes)

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.(Psychology notes)

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accuracy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

Screenshot (119).png

The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.(Psychology notes)

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.(Psychology notes)

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.Screenshot (111).png

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (118).png

There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.

Dr. Joe Nickell

Screenshot (121).png(Psychology notes)

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (123).png

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.Screenshot (124).pngidth=”624″ height=”351″ />(Psychology notes)

<strong>Conclusion(Psychology notes)

From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.

Work cited

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources.

(Psychology notes)

Case Study: Calveta Dining Service

After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.(Psychology notes)

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?(Psychology notes)

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?(Psychology notes)

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,(Psychology notes)


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:

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Introduction(Psychology notes)

As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.(Psychology notes)

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.(Psychology notes)

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.(Psychology notes)

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accuracy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.(Psychology notes)

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

Screenshot (119).png />(Psychology notes)

The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.(Psychology notes)

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.(Psychology notes)

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.Screenshot (111).png

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (118).png

There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.

Dr. Joe Nickell

Screenshot (121).png />(Psychology notes)

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (123).png

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.Screenshot (124).png

Conclusion(Psychology notes)

From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.(Psychology notes)

Work cited

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources.



Study: Calveta Dining Service(Psychology notes)After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.(Psychology notes)

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.(Psychology notes)

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:

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Date:(Psychology notes)


As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.(Psychology notes)

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.(Psychology notes)

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.(Psychology notes)

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accuracy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

Screenshot (119).png

The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.(Psychology notes)

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.(Psychology notes)(Psychology notes)

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.Screenshot (111).png

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.

Screenshot (118).png

There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.

Dr. Joe Nickell

c=”” alt=”Screenshot (121).png” width=”624″ height=”351″ />(Psychology notes)

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (123).png

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.Screenshot (124).png


From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.

Work cited

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources.


Case Study: Calveta Dining Service

After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:

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Instructor’s Name:



As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accuracy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

Screenshot (119).png

The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.Screenshot (111).png

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.

Screenshot (118).png

There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.

Dr. Joe Nickell

Screenshot (121).png

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.

c=”” alt=”Screenshot (123).png” width=”624″ height=”351″ />(Psychology notes)

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.c=”” alt=”Screenshot (124).png” width=”624″ height=”351″ />(Psychology notes)


From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.

Work cited

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

<p>Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources. 

Case Study: Calveta Dining Service(Psychology notes)

After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.(Psychology notes)

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,(Psychology notes)


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:

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Student’s Name

Instructor’s Name:


Introduction(Psychology notes)

As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.(Psychology notes)

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.(Psychology notes)

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.(Psychology notes)

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accuracy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

c=”” alt=”Screenshot (119).png” width=”745″ height=”430″ />(Psychology notes)

The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.(Psychology notes)

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.Screenshot (111).png

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (118).png

There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.(Psychology notes)

Dr. Joe Nickell

Screenshot (121).png

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (123).png

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.Screenshot (124).png

Conclusion(Psychology notes)

From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.

Work cited

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources.(Psychology notes)


Case Study: Calveta Dining Service

After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.(Psychology notes)

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.(Psychology notes)

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.(Psychology notes)

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,(Psychology notes)


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:


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As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.(Psychology notes)

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.(Psychology notes)

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accuracy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.(Psychology notes)

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

c=”” alt=”Screenshot (119).png” width=”745″ height=”430″ />(Psychology notes)

The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.(Psychology notes)

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.c=”” alt=”Screenshot (111).png” width=”689″ height=”423″ />(Psychology notes)

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (118).png

There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.(Psychology notes)

Dr. Joe Nickell

Screenshot (121).png

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (123).png

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.c=”” alt=”Screenshot (124).png” width=”624″ height=”351″ />(Psychology notes)


From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.(Psychology notes)

Work cited

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources.(Psychology notes)


Case Study: Calveta Dining Service

After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.(Psychology notes)

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.(Psychology notes)

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,(Psychology notes)


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:


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As media have become a primary source for public information , media credibility has received increased scrutiny, with the majority of online information results are compared to television and newspaper Gaziano & McGrath(1986). In this postmodern world many are exposed to a bunch of information which might and may not be reliable as more credible sources become harder to distinguish from less credible sources Andie(1997). There are many ways in which one will be able to distinguish between credible and unreliable information. There many factors to check in before concluding if an information is credible this includes checking if the information has got an author this is so because when an article is authored obviously there is a little credibility although this is not the basis for credibility since the author might not be qualified. Other factors  to consider include publisher, accuracy and objective, timeliness, footnotes and bibliographies and sponsorship. Therefore by going through any online information in a website one should ensure the following factors are present so that to prove the credibility of the information provided in that website. This paper will therefore try to look at how credible an online information source is and some of the factors to look at in ensuring the information provided is credible.

Credibility of Online Information

It can be challenging to exactly know if the information one is exposed to is credible but there are factors that one can look at to ensure the credibility of an information. Nowadays traditional new provides age subjected to some regulations that ensure they present information that is credible but with the internet’s free and unregulated information providers of these platforms have created a dire situation to those who seek and trust the internet as source of information. This are the few tips that one should have look at when checking for information in a website.(Psychology notes)

One should ensure that a website provides the author of the information. The fact that the author is willing to back up the information indicates that the information is credible. Not only should one check the name of the author but also one should be able to check for the credentials , this should be done by running a number of research on the name of the author in order to identify his credentials , this include occupation, years of experience, position or education. This credentials if provided on the website are much easier but if they are not provided on that particular website then one should make an effort of ensuring that he/she finds them. One should also research and find out if the author is qualified to write about that particular topic, by looking at his/her credentials one will find out the area of specialization and through this one can see this. There are many factors that the author can look at in the author to ensure credibility, this include a link to a homepage should be provided and contact information for example email address.(Psychology notes)

The other consideration that one will look at when looking at the credibility of an online information is the date or timeline. The date of any information is very crucial. This is so because when the date is provided the website gives the readers the opportunity to make decisions about whether that particular information is recent enough to fulfill their purposes. One should be very careful when the page was created and its recent updates, there should be an indication concerning the last time the website was updated. If for instance an article cites a study done  10 years ago, it brings into question the reliability of the information. Outdated information and broken links will indicate that the page is not well maintained and therefore the information might be false.

The other important factor to check is the domain of the website. In determining the credibility of the website one will try to look at the purpose of the website which can be learned from the ending of the site’s address since every website usually ends with Top Level Domain for example,, the .com enables one to realize that it is a commercial website. This can therefore be used by any business person or any other entity. Most of the business sites usually have the websites I order to market their products and therefore when one is visiting the websites one should be able to look at the biasness of the information provided since they are eager for anybody who visits their website to have some interests of their products and services. Also a domain that ends with, .eddo, is an educational website and therefore in these websites one should ensure that citations are provided in any writing to ensure credibility.

One should also look at the purpose of the website, that is the information provided in the website a fact, try digging deeper to find out if the opinions provided by the writer are based on facts. One should also ask him/herself if the author’s point of view is objective and impartial, meaning that the information provided should not be subject to biasness for example if the website is providing information about the government the information should be displayed in such a way that it looks like it is criticizing the government but should provide facts about the government. There are many other factors that one should check when investigating the credibility of the information among them is the accur(Psychology notes)acy of the information provided, that is are the sources provided factual, can one verify any of the information provided and is the information free from grammatical and typing errors.

The purpose of the information should also be clear Georgetown University Library (2017). The purpose of the information should be clear is it to teach, is to explain or enlighten or sell a product. When one is capable of knowing the reason behind a page’s creation then one will be able to judge its contents.

Researching the Credibility of Information

Dr. David M. Jacobs, historian

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The above links have got very different URL ending with different domain. The first link is Wikipedia which ends with .org. The link might provide concrete information about David M Jacobs. The other link is the Amazon and ends with .com. This domain indicates that website is provided for commercial purposes. To my assumptions this website might be biased. This is so because business websites that are trying to sell products will do everything in order to capture the interests of potential customers and therefore in ensuring that they capture the interest of potential customers they will try to provide information that will show their products are the best. There are also links that end with the meaning that they belong to organizations.

From the above links there are sources which are completely unfamiliar for is Greg Sandow which aims at reviewing David Jacob’s book the “the threat”. This source has a domain of .com. Reviewing is for educative purposes and therefore this means that it is for educative purpose or rather enlighten and the domain should be .eddo. Though the source is unfamiliar but it provides basis for knowing if the information provided is credible. This is so because it provides the name of the author.(Psychology notes)

Wikipedia provides informational background of David Michael Jacobs as a retired Associate Professor of History at Temple University. The site has provided an extensive information concerning Jacobs including his career, multiple occupations such as ufology and also criticism of his work. The website seems to meet the requirements of a credible information source like the purpose, the purpose of the information here is to  enlighten one about Jacobs. Ranging from his early life to his achievements. Wikipedia has got a series of sources that are credible too and one can clearly use the information. The problem with the information provided is that it does not have a specific author. It is clear from the domain provided that the site is an organization since it ends with .org but on the other hand there are many organizations that provide the name and the contact of the  user. Therefore this questions the credibility of the information, this is so because without the name of the author then it means that the information provided might be written by even a student, for example Donald (1998), carried out a deep evaluation on medically oriented internet sites, MEDLINE and Grateful Med and there were more than 70million searches that occurred in these websites.(Psychology notes)

According to his research where he used questioners to get  who responded to the questions of the about that 30% of the respondent were either students or from the general public and this therefore raises the red flag on why the information provided on Wikipedia lacks an author whom they sponsor.Screenshot (111).png

Let us now compare other websites that provide information about Jacobs and see if they are more credible as compared to Wikipedia. The Amazon website provides information about Jacobs but it has got a domain ending and therefore thus means that the website is based on commercial purposes. One think about the website is that is provides a clear description of the products on the website. The website also provides  information about the publisher which is very credible. Amazon is an American electronic commerce but it started as a book store but later on diversified to sell electronics. Amazon has got various retail websites for the United States, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, China and Japan among others and from the domain of the URL provided it is clear that the website is meant for business purposes and clearly in the website the books of Jacob’s are being advertised. Therefore this shows that the website providing the information about Jacob’s books is very true since the company is well known in most countries. The other thing that makes the information provided in the website more credible is due to the fact that the website provides contact information at the end. This is very useful since one is able to trace the original location of the website and acquire specific information for clarification. The website aims at marketing the products, mainly the books written by Jacobs and there is one thing is for sure there is no biasness in the way the books are marketed. There are many websites that seem to very bias when marketing their books but on the other hand this specific website gives information based on what customers who had already bought the book had to say about the book. Therefore the website seems to be very impartial. The screenshot below gives the contact information of the Amazon source.

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There is this one source that seems unfamiliar to me but on the other hand the source provides the name of the author who is Greg Sandow. Greg Sandow is an American music and critic and a graduate from Harvard University. Therefore in writing the review of the book written by David Jacobs Greg qualifies to be a critic as he as a degree of the same from Harvard University. Therefore this means that the source is credible although it lacked contact information and citations.(Psychology notes)

Dr. Joe Nickell

Screenshot (121).png

The above are the links which pop out when searching for Joe Nickell. The second link with the URL seems to unfamiliar. Most of the links provided ends with the domain ,.org meaning that the websites are mainly owned by organizations. From the look of things there are sources that appear to reliable for example the second  link seems to present a reliable source. In this second source it seems like it is Nickell himself who is trying to explain himself. To prove that it is the official website of Nickell there is a patent right provided at the end of the article indicating Nickell’s name. The information appears to very credible since it has got an outright purpose this is providing enlighten about Nickell and his prowess when it comes to security matters or dealing with criminals. The information provided clearly lists the target audience which is the general public. Nickell’s here provides how is capable of dealing with crime activities and preventing them from happening. The source has got objectives, to make any visitor understand who Nickell is and what he does. The most important think about the website that makes it credible enough is due to the fact that there are contacts provided and the name of the author himself is provided. Te content is also very appropriate as it shows how exactly Nickell carries on his investigative activities. To support the(Psychology notes) credibility of the website is the fact that there is an in depth understanding of the related issues that shows the author’s familiarity with the subject. Below is the screenshot of the website.

Screenshot (122).png

There are other sources that try to provide information about Nickell which to whose credibility is good. This is the mail online company in the UK. The first thing about the source that makes it credible is that it has got a timeline or the date which is very important. The date is very recent which implies that the information provided is reliable and not outdated. The website also provides contact information at the end which is something good. Mail Online which appears to have the authority of the article is a renown company based in the United Kingdom and therefore there is no doubt that the credibility of the information provided is not questionable. The information presents facts and one can easily verify the information in independent sources and it is also free from grammatical , spelling and typographical errors. The website has got almost all the factors that are required to enhance the credibility of the information. This ranges from the author, the date published, the purpose of the article which is very clear and finally is the contacts available.(Psychology notes)

Screenshot (123).png

Wikipedia is the website whereby the credibility of the information is questionable. The website provides a really good and extensive research concerning Nickell. The purpose is very correct since there is very extensive history about Nickel. In the website it might appear that almost all the requirements for a website are met , since even the citations are very credible. The only problem with the website is that there is nobody to stand behind the information and defend it in case of anything. Therefore a website without an author is not qualified to provide credible information despite the fact that it meets all other requirements that are needed for a website to be credible. When it comes to timeline the website is very keen since it updates the contents provided therefore meaning that the reliability  of the information is not questionable since it means that information provided is current which suits the needs of the user and also conversant with current events.c=”” alt=”Screenshot (124).png” width=”624″ height=”351″ />(Psychology notes)


From the above essay it is evident that there are  some websites which provide credible information and there are others whose credibility is questionable. There are others which are more credible while others are less credible. There are a number of factors which should be  considered when checking the credibility of any website and this includes the author, that is it is important to know the person behind the writing and if he/she is qualified in the specific area he/she is writing about. The other thing to consider in a website is the purpose, that is the motive behind the writing and if really the opinions presented are factual. There are also many other factors to check which includes the domain, the domain gives one a hint on what he/she is going to get in that particular website, for example a website with the domain .com, means the website is meant for commercial purposes, a domain with .eddo means the information provided is based on education. The other factors that one should also consider include the timeline, objective and impartiality. From the above essay, the identification of credible websites has been based on these factors, this is there are  websites such as Wikipedia which has almost all the qualities that are required for the website to be credible but it lacks a concrete information about the author of the articles provided. Therefore for any website to be  credible and proves that the information provided is true is should be capable of providing all the qualities discussed in the paper and the author and when providing the author I t should not just be a name but a  qualified personnel.(Psychology notes)

Work cited

Andie, T.1997. Why web warriors might worry. Columbia journalism Review, 36(2), 35-39.

Gaziano, C, & Mc Grath, k.1986. Measuring the concept of credibilility.journalism quarterly, 

Donald, a, Lindenberg, B, & Humphreys, L.1998.Medicine and health on the Internet: The  good, the bad, and the ugly, journal of American Medical Association.

Georgetown University Library (2017).Evaluating Internet Sources.


Case Study: Calveta Dining Service

After reading the case, describe the major problems or challenges that Calveta is facing. What information within the case led you to these conclusions?

Calveta is facing both internal challenges and external threats as it endeavors to maintain its culture, customer loyalty, their reputation of quality food service, cost–control model, grow its revenue, and venture into other segments. For instance, Frank ,the chief executive officer , had struggled for two years to come up with perfect strategy that could help double the company’s revenue in five years while keeping the company’s culture and reputation for quality food service .But all was unfruitful .He considered extending their business beyond the senior living facilities(SLF) segment , particularly, into the hospital segment , which had been dominated by the several wealthy competitors and even expressed fears that many hospitals would be closed down after the 2008-2009 recession. Also, he was torn between the option of Calveta venturing into education, and acquisition of Facility Service Solution (FSS).(Psychology notes)

Worth noting, Calveta frequently rotated its employees from one account to another and elevated successful food service directors into regional or corporate management .Though, Calveta had higher retention rate than its competitors, 40% more, its lost contracts were typically because of frequent changes of management at the SLF. For example, one of the Calveta’s signature accounts in New Jersey defected to another service provider because it was dissatisfied with quality of food and service that resulted from such management changes. Seaside Common Senior Living Center put across that in every new manager’s break-in period , quality slipped – the service was less efficient and new managers we not sure of what they doing and assures to shift to another service provider if their account manager is changed. Frank was puzzled by the fact that the vice president of account management had not effectively dealt with such kind of attritions or defections, which had worsened over the years.

In addition, considering Calveta’s aggressive growth, it may be difficult to maintain its culture. In fact, the communication from top to down has become difficult due Calveta’s organizational structure and the fast spread or growth of the company. Jenifer, the chief operating officer, proposes that it is better to maintain the company’s culture than spread rapidly.

On the side of the external threats, Calveta faces high competition from large companies. In particular, Calveta has only a total revenue of $2.0 billion and 10% of the market share .Large competitors have a bigger market and more than five times Calveta’s total revenue. Culinair, Robertson, and Pinehurst have total revenues of $22.00 billion, $20.4 billion and $13,1 billion respectively. In fact, these service provider in the food market have the financial ability to implement business strategies and to venture into many segments. Calveta does not have the financial strength to effectively compete in the industry by venturing into many segments and rapidly gain a bigger market share.(Psychology notes)

The case discusses “Antonio’s Way” at great length. How could Calveta use these values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources?

Calveta can maintain its aggressive growth as well as preserve the core values to help them improve their staffing, training, and development of their human resources. Firstly, they should implement the new organizational structure .Frank should gather more insights and inputs by rigorously discussing with the top management .He should improve the structure he outlined. Emphasize should laid on how to best enhance communication as soon as possible. The company should evaluate its internal communications. Calveta should adopt briefing system and therefore, information would be relayed through the ranks of the organization.

On the side of human resource policies, there is need to curb the frequent changes of the account managers that are assigned to signature accounts. Though, Calveta view a promotion as moving to a larger account, the company should, however, commence linking performance to pay rise instead of account size. In this regard, facilities should maintain same employees and as a result the retention rate will increase.

Does Calveta’s approach to operations provide them a sustainable competitive advantage?

Yes. Calveta is fourth ranked in the SLF food market .It has only 10% of the market share and a total revenue of $2 billion .The large competitors are Culinair (with total revenue of $22.00 billion),Robertson(with revenue of $20.4 billion), and Pinehurst( with revenue of $13,1 billion).In 2008,Calveta had posted a revenue growth of 52 % in the last three years which was greatly above the industry above .Notably , the company has very low customer attrition rate or very few lost contracts .In addition , it has no debt since its operations are financed by its own cash flows. The combination of these aspects of Calveta’s operating approach provides a sustainable competitive advantage. Calveta’s culture and values offer competitive advantage as the company can venture into new market and face the high competition from its large and global competitors,(Psychology notes)


Heskett J. & Girardi R. (2001). Calveta Dining Services, Inc: A Recipe for Growth? Retrieved from:


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Annotated Bibliography Psychology Homework Help

Annotated Bibliography Psychology Homework Help

Question description (Annotated Bibliography Psychology Homework Help)

Shanok, A. F., & Miller, L. (2007). Stepping up to motherhood among inner-city teens. Psychology Of Women Quarterly31(3), 252-261. doi:10.1111/j.1471-6402.2007.00368.x

Bhandari, S., Bullock, L. C., Bair-Merritt, M., Rose, L., Marcantonio, K., Campbell, J. C., & Sharps, P. (2012). Pregnant women experiencing IPV: Impact of supportive and non-supportive relationships with their mothers and other supportive adults on perinatal depression: A mixed methods analysis. Issues In Mental Health Nursing33(12), 827-837. doi:10.3109/01612840.2012.712628

The above two articles needed to be annotated which includes

·  A summary

  • What is the topic of the source?
  • What actions did the author perform within the study and why?
  • What were the methods of the author?
  • What was the theoretical basis for the study?
  • What were the conclusions of the study? (Annotated Bibliography Psychology Homework Help)

·  An analysis

In your critique/analysis, you will want to answer some or all of the following questions (taken from the

  • Was the research question well framed and significant?
  • How well did the authors relate the research question to the existing body of knowledge?
  • Did the article make an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge?
  • Was the theoretical framework for the study adequate and appropriate?
  • Has the researcher communicated clearly and fully?
  • Was the research method appropriate?
  • Is there a better way to find answers to the research question?
  • Was the sample size sufficient?
  • Were there adequate controls for researcher bias?
  • Is the research replicable?
  • What were the limitations in this study?
  • How generalizable are the findings?
  • Are the conclusions justified by the results?
  • Did the writer take into account differing social and cultural contexts?

·  An application

  • How is this source different than others in the same field or on the same topic?
  • How does this source inform your future research?
  • Does this article fill a gap in the literature?
  • How would you be able to apply this method to your area of focus or project psychology child and adolescent development?
  • Is the article universal?
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Response 1: Parent-child relationship Impact on Romantic Relationships

Response 1: Parent-child relationship Impact on Romantic Relationships

The quality of a romantic relationship can be affected by factors from a plethora of sources.  One of these factors is the parent-child relationship in the context of characteristics a child inherits that help catalyze tendencies in romantic relationships.  According to Meyer, Jones, Rorer, and Maxwell (2015), anxious avoidant, secure, anxious resistant, and disorganized attachment styles are considered to be “precursors to adult relating.” The article goes on to report that the anxious avoidant child tends to be dismissive, anxious resistant style is preoccupied, disorganized style is fearful, and finally the secure child remains secure in adult romantic relationships (Meyer et al., 2015). Children who are securely attached typically display the capacity for positive relationships because the securely attached child has a sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and an arsenal of skills that aid in self-regulation needed in healthy romantic relationships (Kochendorfer, & Kerns, 2017). On the other hand, Meyer et al. (2015), adds an anxiety component to the other attachment styles.  Anxiety is the idea of perception and how an individual feels they are perceived in a relationship, be it romantic, friendly, business etc.  With that being said, an example of how anxiety can affect romantic relationships would be an individual being emotionally unavailable because of factors such as fear, avoidance and anxiety (Meyers et al., 2015). When it comes to intervening factors both biological and behavioral factors come into play. An example used by Thompson (2016), highlights that a child born with a genetic polymorphism that has been linked to impulsive behavior can prompt a child to orient towards a more insecure attachment even if the parents did their part in the context of the parent-child relationship. According to Thompson (2016), the parent-child relationship must be sustained, and interventions in parent-child relationship maintenance that are likely to affect romantic relationships in the long run would be factors such as peer relationships, or even a traumatic event. (Response 1: Parent-child relationship Impact on Romantic Relationships)


Kochendorfer, L. B., & Kerns, K. A. (2017). Perceptions of parent-child attachment relationships and friendship qualities: Predictors of romantic relationship involvement and quality in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, (5), 1009. doi:10.1007/s10964-017-0645-0

Meyer, D. D., Jones, M., Rorer, A., & Maxwell, K. (2015). Examining the associations among attachment, affective state, and romantic relationship quality. The Family Journal, 23(1), 18–25.

Thompson, R. A. (2016). Early attachment and later development: Reframing the questions. In J. Cassidy & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications (3rd ed., pp. 330–348). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

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Computer Science Capstone Project

Computer Science Capstone Project

Question description (Computer Science Capstone Project)

For Unit 5, you will submit a final expository essay that blends the viewpoints from Units 3 and 4.

Specifically, you will bring together the writing techniques that you have learned throughout the course to compose an expository paper. Exposition is a type of discourse that is used to explain, describe, or inform. In an expository essay, the purpose is to give readers a balanced account of a subject with a neutral, objective tone (usually third-person point of view or voice) and offer the opportunity to incorporate a combination of writing techniques.

Your final capstone project will involve integrating both viewpoints of your selected question topic that you worked with in Units 3 and 4. Your expository essay will present both sides of your controversial issue to explain, describe, and inform your audience using an unemotive, neutral, and objective writing style through the use of third-person voice and APA 6th edition format. (Computer Science Capstone Project)

For this final assignment, you will complete the following:

  • Step 1: Using the thesis statement, outline, and essay that you developed in Unit 3, revise your content. Be sure to incorporate any instructor feedback and suggestions.
  • Step 2: Based on the instructor feedback that you received from Unit 4 (opposing view draft), revise your content.
  • Step 3: Integrate elements from Steps 1 and 2 to create an expository paper that reflects your knowledge of both perspectives of your topic question. You will write a balanced account of your chosen topic using an unemotive, neutral, and objective writing style (third-person voice). Be sure to include an updated introduction, an updated thesis statement, clear and logical transitions between supporting paragraphs (based on both sides of the topic question), supporting paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
  • Step 4:Your final submission should include the following elements:
    • Title page
    • Abstract
    • Introduction
    • Body
    • Conclusion

Your submission should range between 750 and 1,200 words and contain proper APA formatting in addition to the title and abstract pages. Observe APA formatting for margins, spacing, font style, size, running head, and page numbers. For assistance with APA format, including citations and references, revisit your intellipath nodes on APA, read Chapter 3 of your textbook, and review APA materials provided in the AIU Library and Learning Lab. Visit the APA Web site for detailed free tutorials.

Please note: Citations and references are not required for this assignment. However, if you use quotes or paraphrase ideas that are not your own, be sure to provide in text citations and the aligned references.

This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided here.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. (Computer Science Capstone Project)


American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Learning APA style. Retrieved from


Please submit your assignment.

Grading Rubric:

Content Demonstrates mastery of rhetorical mode and uses it to deliver appropriate, detailed, and pertinent content structured in a logical pattern. Mastery of thesis statement, supporting topics, and expository essay writing skills. 50%
Critical Thinking Demonstrates critical analysis of topic with the use of relevant, insightful, and logical subpoints. 25%
Format and Presentation Follows APA 6th edition format and presentation requirements as listed for the assignment. Demonstrates effective college-level syntax, word choice, correct grammar, and mechanics. 25%
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Applied Social Psychology Literature Review

Applied Social Psychology Literature Review

Throughout this course, you have been exploring the ways in which social psychological principles can be applied to various careers. This week, you will create a literature review of articles that cover some of the main topics of applied social psychology. You should frame your review as if you were explaining the purpose of the field to someone who does not know about social psychology. To do this, you will write a literature review that contains five articles, each of which focuses on a different theory. Two of the five articles can be from the literature review for your case study that you wrote last week; however, they each must cover different theories. The other three articles should pertain to different theories that have been discussed throughout the course or that will be discussed in Week Six.

Remember, even though these articles are not necessarily related, the literature review must still have a thesis statement (e.g., Applied social psychology is a field that is important because it is relevant to…) and a conclusion that reinforces your claim. Since you are allowed to use your review of two articles from your previous literature review, please ensure you make any necessary modifications to your analysis so that they match the thesis statement and conclusion of this literature review.

The literature review must be five to seven pages in length, not including title and reference pages. All of the articles that you use must be recent (published within the past 10 years). You should also cite other material (e.g., seminal works about the theories) as appropriate to help you contextualize and explain the articles that you are discussing. Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


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Comparing Frameworks For Analyzing Organizations In Nursing

Comparing Frameworks for Analyzing Organizations

Avedis Donabedian’s work generated a pivotal means of assessing organizational performance relative to structure, process, and outcomes. However, it is clearly not sufficient to view health care quality merely in terms of outcomes—the structures and processes that facilitate these outcomes are equally as important. (Comparing Frameworks for Analyzing Organizations)

In this Discussion, you consider multiple frameworks that can be used to analyze an organization. As you proceed, consider how these frameworks allow you to examine the interplay of interdependent and related parts and processes that comprise the systems within an organization, as well as the arrangements or structures that connect these parts.

To prepare:

  • Investigate and reflect on the systems and structures of an organization with which you are familiar. Consider the following:
    • What is the reporting structure?
    • Who holds formal and informal authority?
    • How many layers of management are there between the frontline and the highest office-holders of the organization?
    • How are interdisciplinary teams organized?
    • How is communication facilitated?
    • How well integrated is decision making among clinical personnel and administrative professionals?
    • How are particular service lines organized?
    • Which departments, groups, and/or individuals within the organization are responsible for monitoring matters related to performance, such as quality and finances?
  • Select two of the following frameworks:
    • Learning organizations, presented in the Elkin, Haina, and Cone article
    • Complex adaptive systems (CAS), presented in the Nesse, Kutcher, Wood, and Rummans article
    • Clinical microsystems, presented in the Sabino, Friel, Deitrick, and Sales-Lopez article
    • Good to great, presented in the Geller article
    • The 5 Ps, presented in the ASHP Foundation article
  • Review the Learning Resources for each of the frameworks that you selected. Also conduct additional research to strengthen your understanding of how to use each framework to assess an organization.
  • Compare the two frameworks. How could each framework be used to identify opportunities to improve performance? In particular, how would you use each of these frameworks to analyze the organization that you have selected? (Comparing Frameworks for Analyzing Organizations)

By Day 3

Post an analysis of the systems and structures of the organization you selected, sharing specific examples. Explain insights that you gained by comparing the two frameworks, and how each can be used to assess an organization, identify a need for improvement, and, ultimately, enhance the performance of an organization.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.


Required Readings

Hickey, J. V., & Brosnan, C. A. (2017). Evaluation  of health care quality in for DNPs (2nd  ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Chapter 1, “Evaluation and DNPs: The Mandate for Evaluation” (pp. 3-36)
Chapter 3, “Conceptual Models for Evaluation in Advanced Nursing Practice” (pp. 61-86)
Chapter 6, “Evaluating Organizations and Systems” (pp. 127-142)Chapter 1 defines microsystem, mesosystem, and macrosystem and notes that evaluation can focus on one of these levels or all three. Chapter 5 examines the evaluation of organizations and systems.

Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Mikhail, O., & Shabot, M. M. (2013). Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations, Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Chapter 2, “Understanding the Healthcare Organization” (pp. 31–43)Although this chapter focuses on hospitals, the authors provide information about strategic planning and organizational structure that is applicable in many health care settings. The authors examine financial and quality issues as key aspects of performance measurement.

Elkin, G., Zhang, H., & Cone, M. (2011). The acceptance of Senge’s learning organisation model among managers in China: An interview study. International Journal of Management, 28(4), 354–364.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article outlines the five disciplines that Senge argued could be found in a learning organization. The authors also discuss the worldview that is inherent in business organizations in China and explain how this relates to Senge’s theory.

Geller, E. S. (2006). From good to great in safety: What does it take to be world class? Professional Safety, 51(6), 35–40.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Geller reviews and applies Collin’s foundational Good to Great theory from its focus on financial success to safety.

Nesse, R. E., Kutcher, G., Wood, D., & Rummans, T. (2010). Framing change for high-value healthcare systems. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 32(1), 23–28.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article explores how to implement change in complex adaptive systems (CAS) such as health care. The authors purport that an understanding of the principles of change management in CAS is critical for success.

(Comparing Frameworks for Analyzing Organizations)

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Describe the advantages and disadvantages of one drug to treat urinary tract infections

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of one drug to treat urinary tract infections

Please read my post followed by my professor’s response and answer her question regarding UTI. Should you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask. Thanks! (Describe the advantages and disadvantages of one drug to treat urinary tract infections)

Also, this has to be a minimum of one paragraph, referenced with two citations less than 5 Years old, and no plagiarism.

Weekly Post: The human body is prone to many diseases and infections. Human beings should care for their body to avoid the acquisition of diseases and infections. For instance the urinary tract infection which mainly occur in females and affect the bladder and the urethra. The infection is majorly caused by a bacteria known as Escherichia coli. The bacteria is majorly found in the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment to the urinary tract infection is by the use of antibiotics (Foxman, 2013).

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of one drug to treat urinary tract infections.

The antibiotics that treat the urinary tract infections have many advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that, they fight infections and preserve lives. They also cure, preserve lives and don’t affect the normal body cells. The antibiotics also have many disadvantages in that they have side effects and may make the body to function abnormally (Nicolle, 2012).

The antibiotics also kill healthy bacteria that are useful to the body and hence make the body weak. The antibodies help and also harm the body so they are not fully safe for human consumption.


In treatment of infection, the drugs provided should be taken according to the doctor’s prescription to avoid any inconveniences. Misuse of this drugs may cause great damage and may lead to death. The drugs should be used correctly to enable quick recovery.


Foxman, B. (2013). Urinary tract infection. In Women and Health (Second Edition) (pp. 553-564).

Nicolle, L. E. (2012). Urinary tract infections. Encyclopedia of Intensive Care Medicine, 2359-2364.

Professors response:  Please give me an example of a drug you would use for UTI and why would you choose it ?


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PSYC325 Midterm Exam

PSYC325 Midterm Exam

Answer this test’s questions in a minimum of two substantive paragraphs totaling 300 words, completely and fully for full credit. Source credits and the required Reference list attached at the end of each answer do no count toward its word length.  Answers are to be based on the course textbook and outside academic sources (excluding other course textbooks, encyclopedias such as Encarte and Wikipedia, and type websites that synthesize source information for users, magazines, news websites, blogs, etc.). (PSYC325 Midterm Exam)



Course Materials:

Pinel, J. (2014).  Biopsychology (9th edition). Pearson Publishing.



Describe the recent finds on the “Nature-Nurture Controversy.” How does evolutionary theory (evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology) and the study of genetics fit in to this discussion? What are the implications for the biopsychologist? And finally, is there a controversy at all?






Describe the process of action potential conduction and neurotransmission from one neuron to another, both electrically (including saltatory conduction) and chemically. Describe how a cell fires an action potential and be sure to address which structures are involved in neurotransmission. Discuss reuptake and enzymatic degradation (breakdown) in the context of the appropriate neurotransmitters. (PSYC325 Midterm Exam)




Trace in detail the structure and function of the visual system from the physical stimuli (light waves), to the structure of the eye and through the corresponding brain structures until it is processed as visual information. You will need to compare photoreceptors in darkness to photoreceptors receiving light and describe how light energy is transduced into neural signals. Describe how the trichromatic and opponent-process theory explain how light of different wavelengths is converted into color information.




Discuss some of the methodological approaches that can be used to examine the influence of multiple genes on behavior. Then discuss what transgenic animals are and how they are produced. (PSYC325 Midterm Exam)




What is the medial forebrain bundle? Discuss the evidence for and against its involvement in reward. In addition, review the evidence showing that the brain’s dopamine pathways are critically involved in pleasure and reward.




What is the monoamine theory of depression? What evidence supports this hypothesis as a cause of affective disorder? It generally takes 2-3 weeks of chronic treatment before an antidepressant begins to have a clinical benefit, yet the drug’s pharmacological effect (for example, its inhibition of MOA, or reuptake) is immediate. What synaptic mechanisms may underlie this time lag?


Critically evaluate the roles of the lateral hypothalamus and ventromedial hypothalamus in hunger and satiety. What other brain sites are known to be involved in eating behavior? How can this be explained in terms of a homeostatic model? What evidence shows that non- homeostatic mechanisms also contribute to feeding?




How is the brain capable of “seeing” a spectrum of fine color when the eye contains only three different types of color detectors? What evidence supports the existence of dorsal (“where is it?”) and ventral (“what is it?”) visual systems in the cerebral cortex?




Describe the main structures of the brain stem, the midbrain, and forebrain, including the basal ganglia, the limbic system and the cerebral cortex. What functions and behaviors are these regions known to control?


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FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam

FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam

Question 1 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

Which of the following statements describes phase 4 of the action potential of cells in the sinoatrial (SA) node?


A. Potassium permeability is allowing the cell membrane to remain depolarized, and Ca2+ channel opens moving Ca2+ back into the cell.

B. The cells are capable of responding to a greater than normal stimulus before the resting membrane potential is reached.

C. A slow depolarization occurs when Na+ is transported out of the cell and K+ moves back in, resulting in resting membrane potential.

D. The fast sodium channels in the cellular membranes close, causing an abrupt decrease in intracellular positivity.

Question 2

A 31-year-old woman with a congenital heart defect reports episodes of light-headedness and syncope, with occasional palpitations. A resting electrocardiogram reveals sinus bradycardia, and she is suspected to have sick sinus syndrome. Which of the following diagnostic methods is the best choice to investigate the suspicion? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. Signal-averaged ECG

B. Holter monitoring

C. Electrophysiologic study

D. Exercise stress testing

Question 3

A patient has been diagnosed with anemia. The physician suspects an immune hemolytic anemia and orders a Coombs test. The patient asks the nurse what this test will tell the doctor. The nurse replies,


A. “They are looking for the presence of antibody or complement on the surface of the RBC.”

B. “They will wash your RBCs and then mix the cells with a reagent to see if they clump together.”

C. “They will look at your RBCs under a microscope to see if they have an irregular shape (poikilocytosis).”

D. “They will be looking to see if you have enough ferritin in your blood.”

Question 4

Of the following list of patients, who would likely benefit the most from hyperbaric oxygen therapy?


A. A football player who has torn a meniscus in his knee for the third time this year

B. A patient who developed a fistula between her bowel and vagina following cervical cancer surgery

C. A school-aged child who fell on gravel and has terrible road rash

D. A trauma patient who developed Clostridium spp., an anaerobic bacterial infection in his femur

Question 5

A 71-year-old male patient with a history of myocardial infarction (MI) and peripheral vascular disease (PVD) has been advised by his family physician to begin taking 81 mg aspirin once daily. Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of the underlying rationale for the physician’s suggestion?


A. Aspirin inhibits the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin and consequent platelet plug formation.

B. Platelet aggregation can be precluded through inhibition of prostaglandin production by aspirin.

C. Aspirin can reduce unwanted platelet adhesion by inhibiting TXA2 synthesis.

D. Aspirin helps to inhibit ADP action and minimizes platelet plug formation.

Question 6 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

Which of the following assessments and laboratory findings would be most closely associated with acute leukemia?


A. Increased serum potassium and sodium levels

B. Increased blood urea nitrogen and bone pain

C. High blast cell counts and fever

D. Decreased oxygen partial pressure and weight loss

Question 7

A 55-year-old male who is beginning to take a statin drug for his hypercholesterolemia is discussing cholesterol and its role in health and illness with his physician. Which of the following aspects of hyperlipidemia would the physician most likely take into account when teaching the patient?


A. Hyperlipidemia is a consequence of diet and lifestyle rather than genetics.

B. The goal of medical treatment is to eliminate cholesterol from the vascular system.

C. Cholesterol is a metabolic waste product that the liver is responsible for clearing.

D. HDL cholesterol is often characterized as being beneficial to health.

Question 8

A 6-year-old girl with a diagnosis of Marfan syndrome is being assessed at a community health clinic. Which of the following assessments would be the health care professional’s lowest priority?


A. A musculoskeletal assessment

B. A test of the child’s visual acuity

C. Tests of kidney function

D. Cardiovascular assessment

Question 9

In the ICU setting, a patient transported from surgery following open heart bypass grafting will likely have his core temperature measured by a/an


A. esophageal flexible thermometer monitoring aorta distention.

B. rectal tube inserted to prevent evacuation from bowels while recovering from anesthesia.

C. pulmonary artery catheter being used to measure cardiac output.

D. temperature probe taped behind his ear.

Question 10

The son of an 80-year-old man has noticed that in recent weeks his father has become incontinent of urine for the first time in his life. The man is later diagnosed with transient urinary incontinence, a condition that is most often attributable to


A. medications.

B. detrusor instability.

C. decrease in bladder and sphincter tone.

D. bladder outlet obstruction.

Question 11

A health educator is teaching a group of colleagues about the physiology of thermoregulation. Which of the following statements is most accurate?


A. “Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) exerts a direct fever-producing effect on the hypothalamus.”

B. “Endogenous pyrogens induce host cells to produce exogenous pyrogens.”

C. “PGE2 induces Kupffer cells to initiate a fever response via hepatic sinusoids.”

D. “Arachidonic acid induces cytokines to act on the temperature regulation center.”

Question 12

A patient experiencing immotile cilia syndrome should be frequently assessed by the nurse for which priority complication? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. Epistaxis resulting from loss of cilia in the nasal passageway

B. Sterility caused by inability of the sperm to swim downstream

C. Bronchiectasis due to interferences with clearance of inhaled bacteria along the respiratory tract

D. Inability to hear soft sounds related to kinocilium on the hair cells in the inner ear

Question 13

The unique clinical presentation of a 3-month-old infant in the emergency department leads the care team to suspect botulism. Which of the following assessment questions posed to the parents is likely to be most useful in the differential diagnosis?


A. “Is there any mold in your home that you know of?”

B. “Is there any family history of neuromuscular diseases?”

C. “Has your baby ever been directly exposed to any chemical cleaning products?”

D. “Have you ever given your child any honey or honey-containing products?”

Question 14

In the context of a workshop on rheumatoid arthritis, a clinical educator is teaching a group of nurses about autoimmune diseases. Which of the following statements by an attendee would the educator most likely want to follow up with further teaching?


A. “Often the problem can be traced to antigens that sensitize T cells without the need for presentation.”

B. “In some cases, the body attacks its own cells that are chemically similar to those of infectious organisms.”

C. “Introduction of a foreign antigen can sometimes induce a cascade of immune response that is not self-limiting”

D. “Sometimes when the body’s own cells are released after a long time, they are interpreted as being foreign.”

Question 15

Which of the following pregnant women has most likely encountered the greatest increase in the risk that her child will have a fetal anomaly?


A. A woman with diagnoses of syphilis and cirrhosis of the liver

B. A woman who has herpes simplex and who has recently recovered from endocarditis

C. A woman with chronic obstructive pulmonary syndrome and tuberculosis

D. A woman with diagnoses of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and peripheral neuropathy

Question 16

In which of the following individuals would a clinician most suspect multiple myeloma as a diagnosis?


A. A 70-year-old woman whose blood work reveals large numbers of immature granulocytes

B. A 68-year-old former coal miner who has white cell levels exponentially higher than normal ranges

C. A 40-year-old man who has had three broken bones over the past 6 months and whose serum calcium and creatinine levels are elevated

D. An 81-year-old male resident of a long-term care home who has an uncommon bacterial pneumonia and who is unable to produce a fever

Question 17

A group of novice nursing students are learning how to manually measure a client’s blood pressure using a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. Which of the following statements by students would the instructor most likely need to correct?


A. “If my client’s arm is too big for the cuff, I’m going to get a BP reading that’s artificially low.”

B. “I’ll inflate the cuff around 30 mm Hg above the point at which I can’t palpate the client’s pulse.”

C. “The accuracy of the whole process depends on my ability to clearly hear the Korotkoff sounds with the bell of my stethoscope.”

D. “With practice, my measurement of clients’ blood pressures with this method will be more accurate than with automated machines.”

Question 18

A physician is explaining to a 40-year-old male patient the importance of completing his course of antibiotics for the treatment of tuberculosis. The physician explains the damage that could occur to lung tissue by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Which of the following phenomena would underlie the physician’s explanation?


A. Tissue destruction results from neutrophil deactivation.

B. Macrophages form a capsule around the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, resulting in immune granulomas.

C. Neutrophils are ineffective against the Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens.

D. Nonspecific macrophage activity leads to pulmonary tissue destruction and resulting hemoptysis.

Question 19

0 out of 1 points

A student makes the statement to a colleague, “Blood plasma is essentially just a carrier for the formed elements like red blood cells and white blood cells.”What would be the most accurate response to this statement?


A. “Not really. Plasma also contributes to the processes of protein synthesis and hematopoiesis.”

B. “Actually, plasma is integral to the proper function of the liver and maintenance of acid–base balance.”

C. “Actually, plasma plays a significant role in nutrient and waste transport.”

D. “That’s not really true. Plasma is crucial in the immune and inflammatory responses.”

Question 20 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A number of clients have presented to the emergency department in the last 32 hours with complaints that are preliminarily indicative of myocardial infarction. Which of the following clients is least likely to have an ST-segment myocardial infarction (STEMI)?


A. A 70-year-old woman who is complaining of shortness of breath and vague chest discomfort

B. A 66-year-old man who has presented with fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and cool, moist skin

C. A 71-year-old man who has moist skin, fever, and chest pain that is excruciating when he moves but relieved when at rest

D. A 43-year-old man who woke up with substernal pain that is radiating to his neck and jaw

Question 21

In which of the following situations would blood most likely rapidly relocate from central circulation to the lower extremities?


A. A client does isotonic exercises in a wheelchair.

B. A client reclines from a sitting to supine position.

C. A client is helped out of bed and stands up.

D. A client undergoes a stress test on a treadmill.

Question 22

When talking about the various types of granulocytes, which granule contains heparin, an anticoagulant?


A. Lymphocytes

B. Neutrophils

C. Eosinophils

D. Basophils

Question 23

A nurse is providing care for a 44-year-old male client who is admitted with a diagnosis of fever of unknown origin (FUO). Which of the following characteristics of the client’s history is most likely to have a bearing on his current diagnosis?


A. The client is cachexic and an African American.

B. The client is malnourished, hypomagnesemic, and hypocalcemic.

C. The client is HIV positive and homeless.

D. The client is receiving intravenous normal saline with 20 mEq KCl.

Question 24

As part of a screening program for prostate cancer, men at a senior citizens’ center are having their blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measured.Which of the following statements would best characterize a high positive predictive value but a low negative predictive value for this screening test?


A. All of the men who had low PSA levels were cancer-free; several men who had high levels also remained free of prostate cancer.

B.Men who had low PSA levels also displayed false-positive results for prostate cancer; men with high levels were often falsely diagnosed with prostate cancer.

C. The test displayed low sensitivity but high specificity.

D. All of the men who had high PSA levels developed prostate cancer; several men who had low PSA levels also developed prostate cancer.

Question 25

When looking at a granulocyte under a microscope, the anatomy student would describe it as a cell


A. having a kidney-shaped nucleus.

B. having no nuclei.

C. lacking granules.

D. shaped like a sphere with multilobar nuclei.

Question 26

The cardiologist just informed a patient that he has a reentry circuit in the electrical conduction system in his heart. This arrhythmia is called Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. After the physician has left the room, the patient asks the nurse to explain this to him. Which of the following statements most accurately describes what is happening?


A. “You must have a large clot in one of your arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the special conduction cells in your heart.”

B.“There is an extra, abnormal electrical pathway in the heart that leads to impulses traveling around the heart very quickly, in a circular pattern, causing the heart to beat too fast.”

C. “This means that the SA node (which is the beginning of your heart’s electrical system) has been damaged and is no longer functioning normal.”

D. “For some reason, your electrical system is not on full charge, so they will have to put in new leads and a pacemaker to make it work better.”

Question 27

In the ED, a homeless patient is brought in with severe hypothermia. The police officers also state that they found a “bottle of booze” on the sidewalk next to him. This puts the nurse on high alert since alcohol contributes to hypothermia by


A. causing the person to have less fat on his body.

B. interfering with the appetite center in the brain causing the person to not respond to hunger pains.

C. increasing his basal metabolic rate, so he will run out of ATP faster than expected.

D. dulling the mental awareness that impairs judgment to seek shelter.

Question 28

Which of the following glycoproteins is responsible for treating such diseases as bone marrow failure following chemotherapy and hematopoietic neoplasms such as leukemia? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. Growth factors and cytokines

B. Natural killer cells and granulocytes

C. Neutrophils and eosinophils

D. T lymphocytes and natural killer cells

Question 29

A professor is teaching a group of students about the role of mitochondria within the cell. Which of the following statements is true of mitochondria? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. They are the site of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production.

B. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited patrilineally.

C. The number of mitochondria in a cell is equal to the number of nuclei.

D. They are replicated within the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

Question 30

A nurse practitioner is providing care for a client with low levels of the plasma protein gamma globulin. The nurse would recognize that the client is at risk of developing which of the following health problems?


A. Infections

B. Jaundice

C. Blood clots

D. Anemia

Question 31 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A 63-year-old woman has begun a diet that purports to minimize the quantity and effects of free radicals in her body. What physiological processes could best underlie her care provider’s teaching about her new diet?


A. Free radicals increase cytokine expression and adhesion molecule levels, resulting in increased inflammation.

B. Free radicals contribute to atherosclerosis and decreased immune response.

C. Free radicals act as direct mediators in the inflammatory process.

D. Free radicals inhibit the inflammatory response, limiting preadaptive response to infection.

Question 32

A male client of a nurse practitioner has an autosomal dominant disorder. The client and his partner are considering starting a family. Which of the following statements indicates the client has an adequate understanding of the genetic basis of this health problem?


A. “I know that a single mutant allele is to blame for the health problem.”

B. “I know that new genetic mutations won’t occur between generations.”

C. “I know there’s no way of accurately determining the chance that my child will inherit the disease.”

D. “My children who don’t have the disease still run the risk of passing it on to their children.”

Question 33

In which of the following hospital patients would the care team most realistically anticipate finding normal cholesterol levels?


A. A 44-year-old male admitted for hyperglycemia and with a history of diabetic neuropathy

B. A 51-year-old male with a diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke and consequent unilateral weakness

C. A 77-year-old female admitted for rheumatoid arthritis exacerbation who is receiving hormone replacement therapy and with a history of hypothyroidism

D. A morbidly obese 50-year-old female who is taking diuretics and a beta-blocker to treat her hypertension

Question 34

As of November 1, 2012, there were a total of 10 confirmed cases of Hantavirus infection in people who were recent visitors (mid-June to end of August, 2012) to Yosemite National Park. Three visitors with confirmed cases died. Health officials believe that 9 out of the 10 people with Hantavirus were exposed while staying in Curry Village in the Signature Tent Cabins. This is an example of


A. the low rate of morbidity one can expect while traveling to Yosemite National Park.

B. the prevalence of Hantavirus one can anticipate if he or she is going to vacation in Yosemite National Park.

C. what the anticipated mortality rate would be if a family of five were planning to vacation in Yosemite National Park.

D. the incidence of people who are at risk for developing Hantavirus while staying in Yosemite National Park.

Question 35

A 1-year-old child who has experienced low platelet counts and bacterial susceptibility has been admitted to a pediatric medical unit of a hospital for treatment of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. The nurse who has admitted the child to the unit would anticipate which of the following short-term and longer-term treatment plans?

Answers: (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A. Neutropenic precautions; fresh frozen plasma transfusions; treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms

B. Transfusion of clotting factors XII and XIII and serum albumin; splenectomy

C. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment; thyroidectomy

D. Treatment of eczema; management of bleeding; bone marrow transplant

Question 36

A 60-year-old woman is suspected of having non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Which of the following aspects of her condition would help to rule out Hodgkin lymphoma?


A. The lymph nodes involved are located in a large number of locations in the lymphatic system.

B. The woman complains of recent debilitating fatigue.

C. Her neoplasm originates in secondary lymphoid structures.

D. The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells has been confirmed.

Question 37

An 81-year-old female client of a long-term care facility has a history of congestive heart failure. The nurse practitioner caring for the client has positioned her sitting up at an angle in bed and is observing her jugular venous distention. Why is jugular venous distention a useful indicator for the assessment of the client’s condition?


A. Peripheral dilation is associated with decreased stroke volume and ejection fraction.

B. Increased cardiac demand causes engorgement of systemic blood vessels, of which the jugular vein is one of the largest.

C. Blood backs up into the jugular vein because there are no valves at the point of entry into the heart.

D. Heart valves are not capable of preventing backflow in cases of atrial congestion.

Question 38

A nurse who works on a pediatric cardiology unit of a hospital is providing care for an infant with a diagnosis of tetralogy of Fallot. Which of the following pathophysiologic results should the nurse anticipate?

Answers: (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A. Blood outflow into the pulmonary circulation is restricted by pulmonic valve stenosis.

B. There is a break in the normal wall between the right and left atria that results in compromised oxygenation.

C. The aortic valve is stenotic, resulting in increased afterload.

D. The right ventricle is atrophic as a consequence of impaired myocardial blood supply.

Question 39

Which of the following hypertensive individuals is most likely to have his or her high blood pressure diagnosed as secondary rather than essential?


A. A 40-year-old smoker who eats excessive amounts of salt and saturated fats

B. A 69-year-old woman with a diagnosis of cardiometabolic syndrome

C. An African American man who leads a sedentary lifestyle

D. A 51-year-old male who has been diagnosed with glomerulonephritis

Question 40 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A 72-year-old female has been told by her physician that she has a new heart murmur that requires her to go visit a cardiologist. Upon examination, the cardiologist informs the patient that she has aortic stenosis. After the cardiologist has left the room, the patient asks, “What caused this [aortic stenosis] to happen now?” The clinic nurse responds,


A.“Aortic stenosis is commonly seen in elderly patients.Basically, there is a blockage in the valve that is causing blood to pool, causing decreased velocity of flow.”

B.“Because of the high amount of energy it takes to push blood through the aortic valve to the body, your valve is just had to work too hard and it is weakening.”

C.“This is caused by a tear in one of the papillary muscles attached to the valve. They can do a procedure where they thread a catheter into the heart and reattach the muscle ends.”

D. “Heart murmurs result from tumultuous flow through a diseased heart valve that is too narrow and stiff. This flow causes a vibration called a murmur.” (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

Question 41

Which of the following patients is most likely to have impairments to the wound-healing process? A patient with


A. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

B. congenital heart defects and anemia.

C. poorly controlled blood sugars with small blood vessel disease.

D. a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and consequent impaired mobility.

Question 42 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

The geriatrician providing care for a 74-year-old man with diagnosis of Parkinson disease has recently changed the client’s medication regimen. What is the most likely focus of the pharmacologic treatment of the man’s health problem?


A. Increasing the functional ability of the underactive dopaminergic system

B. Maximizing acetylcholine release from synaptic vesicles at neuromuscular junctions

C. Preventing axonal degradation of motor neurons

D. Preventing demyelination of the efferent cerebellar pathways

Question 43

A 4-year-old boy presents with a chronic cough and swollen lymph nodes. His records show that he has been given antibiotics several times in the past year with limited success, most recently for a liver abscess, and that he also has a recurring fungal skin condition. Which of the following is his most likely diagnosis?


A. Selective IgA deficiency

B. Ataxia–telangiectasia

C. A deficiency in IgG2 subclass antibodies

D. Chronic granulomatous disease

Question 44

A nurse is teaching a client with a recent diagnosis of diabetes about the roles that glucose and insulin play in the disease pathology and the fact that glucose must enter the body cell in order to provide energy for the client. The nurse knows that which of the following processes allows glucose to enter body cells?

Answers: (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A. Active transport

B. Diffusion

C. Osmosis

D. Facilitated diffusion

Question 45

Two health care workers are comparing the etiology and incidence of multifactorial inheritance disorders and single-gene disorders. Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between the two types of genetic disorders?


A. “A couple with a child with a multifactorial disorder has a higher risk of having another with the same disorder.”

B. “Multifactorial disorders are more likely to involve multiple organs.”

C. “Multifactorial disorders and single-gene disorders can both be predicted quite accurately.”

D. “Multifactorial disorders manifest themselves at birth.”

Question 46

A 44-year-old female who is on her feet for the duration of her entire work week has developed varicose veins in her legs. What teaching point would her care provider be most justified in emphasizing to the woman?


A. “Your varicose veins are likely a consequence of an existing cardiac problem.”

B. “Once you have varicose veins, there’s little that can be done to reverse them.”

C. “The use of blood thinner medications will likely relieve the backflow that is causing your varicose veins.”

D. “If you’re able to stay off your feet and wear tight stockings, normal vein tone can be reestablished.”

Question 47

At 4 AM, the hemodynamic monitor for a critically ill client in the intensive care unit indicates that the client’s mean arterial pressure is at the low end of the normal range; at 6 AM, the client’s MAP has fallen definitively below normal. The client is at risk for


A. left ventricular hypertrophy.

B. pulmonary hypertension.

C. organ damage and hypovolemic shock.

D. orthostatic hypotension.

Question 48

A baseball player was hit in the head with a bat during practice. In the emergency department, the physician tells the family that he has a “coup”injury. How will the nurse explain this to the family so they can understand?


A. “It’s like squeezing an orange so tight that the juice runs out of the top.”

B. “Your son has a huge laceration inside his brain where the bat hit his skull.”

C. “Your son has a contusion of the brain at the site where the bat hit his head.”

D. “When the bat hit his head, his neck jerked backward causing injury to the spine.”

Question 49

Which of the following individuals is likely to have the best prognosis for recovery from his or her insult to the peripheral nervous system? An adult


A. who had nerves transected during surgery to remove a tumor from the mandible.

B. who developed rhabdomyolysis and ischemic injury after a tourniquet application.

C. who suffered a bone-depth laceration to the shoulder during a knife attack.

D. who had his forearm partially crushed by gears during an industrial accident.

Question 50

A woman gives birth to a small infant with a malformed skull. The infant grows abnormally slowly and shows signs of substantial cognitive and intellectual deficits. The child also has facial abnormalities that become more striking as it develops. What might you expect to find in the mother’s pregnancy history?


A. Active herpes simplex infection

B. Chronic alcohol use

C. Chronic cocaine use

D. Folic acid deficiency

Question 51

A teenager, exposed to West Nile virus a few weeks ago while camping with friends, is admitted with headache, fever, and nuchal rigidity. The teenager is also displaying some lethargy and disorientation. The nurse knows which of the following medical diagnoses listed below may be associated with these clinical manifestations?


A. Spinal infection

B. Encephalitis

C. Lyme disease

D. Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Question 52

The homecare nurse is making a home visit to a 51-year-old female client with a long-standing diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. The nurse knows that the muscle wasting and weakness associated with the disease process are ultimately manifested as a failure of what normal process in muscle tissue?


A. The contraction of fascicles within myofibrils

B. The contraction of the epimysium

C. The surrounding of fascicles by perimysium

D. Thick myosin and thin actin filaments sliding over each other

Question 53

A 24-year-old woman presents with fever and painful, swollen cervical lymph nodes. Her blood work indicates neutrophilia with a shift to the left. She most likely has


A. a mild viral infection.

B. a severe fungal infection.

C. a mild parasitic infection.

D. a severe bacterial infection.

Question 54

The nurse knows that which of the following treatment plans listed below is most likely to be prescribed after a computed tomography (CT) scan of the head reveals a new-onset aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage?


A. Monitoring in the ICU for signs and symptoms of cerebral insult

B. Stat administration of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)

C. Administration of a diuretic such as mannitol to reduce cerebral edema and ICP

D. Craniotomy and clipping of the affected vessel

Question 55

A 40-year-old woman who experiences severe seasonal allergies has been referred by her family physician to an allergist for weekly allergy injections. The woman is confused as to why repeated exposure to substances that set off her allergies would ultimately benefit her. Which of the following phenomena best captures the rationale for allergy desensitization therapy?


A. Injections of allergens simulate production of IgG, combining with the antigens to prevent activation of IgE antibodies.

B. Repeated exposure stimulates adrenal production of epinephrine, mitigating the allergic response.

C. Allergens in large, regular quantities overwhelm the IgE antibodies that mediate the allergic response.

D. Repeated exposure to offending allergens binds the basophils and mast cells that mediate the allergic response.

Question 56

Two nursing students are attempting to differentiate between the presentations of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Which of the students’ following statements best captures an aspect of the two health problems?


A. “Both diseases can result from inadequate production of thrombopoietin by megakaryocytes.”

B. “Both of them involve low platelet counts, but in TTP, there can be more, not less, hemostasis.

C. “TTP can be treated with plasmapheresis, but ITP is best addressed with transfusion of fresh frozen plasma.”

D. “ITP can be either inherited or acquired, and if it’s acquired, it involves an enzyme deficiency.”

Question 57

A 37-year-old male with HIV who has recently become symptomatic has begun highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Among the numerous medications that the man now regularly takes are several that inhibit the change of HIV RNA to DNA in a CD4+ cell. Which of the following classes of medications addresses this component of the HIV replication cycle?


A. Protease inhibitors

B. Entry inhibitors

C. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

D. Integrase inhibitors

Question 58

A male international business traveler has returned from a trip to Indonesia. While there, he hired a prostitute for companionship and engaged in unprotected sex on more than one occasion. Unbeknownst to him, this prostitute harbored the hepatitis C virus. Upon return to the United States, he exhibited no symptoms and returned to his usual activities. During this period of no outward symptoms, the man would be classified as being in


A. the clinical disease stage of hepatitis C.

B. the preclinical stage of disease.

C. the chronic phase of hepatitis C.

D. remission and unlikely to develop hepatitis C.

Question 59

A group of nursing students were studying for their pathophysiology exam by quizzing each other about disorders of WBCs and lymphoid tissue. When asked what the first chromosomal abnormality that identified cancer was, one student correctly answered


A. Philadelphia.

B. interleukin cells.

C. BRCA-1.


Question 60

A school nurse is teaching high school students about HIV and AIDS in the context of the school’s sexual health curriculum. Which of the students’ following statements would the nurse most likely want to correct or clarify?


A. “Lots more heterosexual people get HIV these days than they used to.”

B. “Drugs for AIDS reduce the virus in your body, but they don’t get rid of it.”

C. “They have to take a blood sample from you in order to test you for AIDS.”

D. “Condoms provide really good protection from AIDS.”

Question 61

A nurse on a neurology unit is assessing a female brain-injured client. The client is unresponsive to speech, and her pupils are dilated and do not react to light.She is breathing regularly, but her respiratory rate is 45 breaths/minute. In response to a noxious stimulus, her arms and legs extend rigidly. What is her level of impairment?


A. Delirium

B. Coma

C. Vegetative state

D. Brain death

Question 62

Following a motor vehicle accident 3 months prior, a 20-year-old female who has been in a coma since her accident has now had her condition declared a persistent vegetative state. How can her care providers most accurately explain an aspect of her situation to her parents?


A. “Your daughter has lost all her cognitive functions as well as all her basic reflexes.”

B. “Your daughter’s condition is an unfortunate combination with total loss of consciousness but continuation of all other normal brain functions.”

C. “Though she still goes through a cycle of sleeping and waking, her condition is unlikely to change.”

D. “If you or the care team notices any spontaneous eye opening, then we will change our treatment plan.”

Question 63

Which of the following patients would be considered to be in the latent period of HIV infection?


A. A 33-year-old heroin drug abuser who has numerous enlarged lymph nodes in his axilla and cervical neck region for the past 4 months

B. A 24-year-old college student who has developed a chronic cough that will not go away, even after taking two courses of antibiotics.

C. A 45-year-old alcohol abuser who is complaining of excessive vomiting of blood that started 2 weeks ago

D. A 16-year-old prostitute who has open sores on her labia that drain purulent secretions

Question 64

When discussing the sequence of clot dissolution, the science instructor will talk about which item that begins the process?


A. Plasminogen

B. α-plasmin inhibitor

C. Dabigatran

D. Platelets

Question 65

A 30-year-old male’s blood work and biopsies indicate that he has proliferating osteoclasts that are producing large amounts of IgG. What is the man’s most likely diagnosis?


A. Multiple myeloma

B. Acute lymphocytic leukemia

C. Hodgkin lymphoma

D. Acute myelogenous leukemia

Question 66

A client with a gastrointestinal bleed secondary to alcohol abuse and a hemoglobin level of 5.8 g/dL has been ordered a transfusion of packed red blood cells. The client possesses type B antibodies but lacks type D antigens on his red cells. Transfusion of which of the following blood types would be least likely to produce a transfusion reaction?


A. A+

B. B–

C. A–

D. B+

Question 67

A nurse is providing care for a 17-year-old boy who has experienced recurrent sinus and chest infections throughout his life and presently has enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes. Blood work indicated normal levels of B cells and free immunoglobulins but a lack of differentiation into normal plasma cells. The boy is currently receiving intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy. What is the boy’s most likely diagnosis?


A. X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia

B. Transient hypoglobulinemia

C. Common variable immunodeficiency

D. IgG subclass deficiency

Question 68

A patient diagnosed with H pylori asks the nurse, “How an infection can occur in the stomach since it is an acid environment?” The nurse responds,


A. “This parasite secretes an enzyme called coagulase, which protects the pathogen from the antibodies.”

B. “H. pylori produces an enzyme called urease that converts gastric juices into ammonia, which neutralizes the acidic stomach environment.”

C. “H. pylori is a virus and is still being researched as to how it is able to survive in the stomach acids.”

D. “We have many infectious agents that can live in an acidic environment with a pH more than 8.0.”

Question 69

The family members of an elderly patient are wondering why his “blood counts” are not rising after his last GI bleed. They state, “He has always bounced back after one of these episodes, but this time it isn’t happening. Do you know why?”The nurse will respond based on which of the following pathophysiological principles?


A. “Everything slows down when you get older. You just have to wait and see what happens.”

B. “Due to stress, the red blood cells of older adults are not replaced as promptly as younger people.”

C. “Don’t worry about it. We can always give him more blood.”

D. “The doctor may start looking for another cause of his anemia, maybe cancer of the bone.”

Question 70 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A 14-year-old boy is participating in his school’s track meet; the outdoor temperature is 99°F, and a teacher has found the boy sitting restless in the shade and disoriented to time. The teacher notes that the student has dry skin in spite of the high temperature and the fact that he has recently completed a running event. The teacher calls for the school nurse, who will recognize which of the following potential diagnoses and anticipated hospital treatments?


A. Heat exhaustion, likely treated with oral rehydration with cool water

B. Heat stroke, likely treated with rehydration by intravenous hypotonic solution

C. Heat stroke, likely treated with submersion in cold water

D. Heat exhaustion, likely treated with rest, shelter from the sun, and salt tablets

Question 71

A 40-year-old male who has been HIV positive for 6 years is experiencing a new increase in his viral load along with a corresponding decrease in his CD4+ count. Which of the following aspects of his immune system is likely to remain most intact?


A. Activation of B lymphocytes

B. Phagocytic function of monocytes and macrophages

C. Orchestration of natural killer cells as part of cell-mediated immunity

D. Presentation of major histocompatibility molecules on body cells

Question 72

The nurse practitioner working in an overnight sleep lab is assessing and diagnosing patients with sleep apnea. During this diagnostic procedure, the nurse notes that a patient’s blood pressure is 162/97. The nurse explains this connection to the patient based on which of the following pathophysiological principles?


A. When airways are obstructed, the body will retain extracellular fluid so that this fluid can be shifted to intravascular space to increase volume.

B. During apneic periods, the patient experiences hypoxemia that stimulates chemoreceptors to induce vasoconstriction.

C. When the patient starts to snore, his epiglottis is closed over the trachea.

D. When the airway is obstructed, specialized cells located in the back of the throat send signals to the kidney to increase pulse rate. (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

Question 73

A female dental assistant has developed signs and symptoms of a latex sensitivity and is undergoing allergy testing as well as blood work. Which of the following components of the assistant’s blood work would most likely be the focus of her health care provider’s analysis? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. Analysis of class II MHC antigens

B. Serum IgE immunoassays

C. Serum CD8+ levels

D. Serum B-lymphocyte levels

Question 74

Which of the following clients’ signs and symptoms would allow a clinician to be most justified in ruling out stroke as a cause? An adult


A. has vomited and complained of a severe headache.

B. states that his left arm and leg are numb, and gait is consequently unsteady.

C. has had a gradual onset of weakness, headache, and visual disturbances over the last 2 days.

D. has experienced a sudden loss of balance and slurred speech.

Question 75

As part of the diagnostic workup for a male client with a complex history of cardiovascular disease, the care team has identified the need for a record of the electrical activity of his heart, insight into the metabolism of his myocardium, and physical measurements and imaging of his heart. Which of the following series of tests is most likely to provide the needed data for his diagnosis and care?


A. Cardiac catheterization, cardiac CT, exercise stress testing

B. Ambulatory ECG, cardiac MRI, echocardiogram

C. Serum creatinine levels, chest auscultation, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

D. Echocardiogram, PET scan, ECG

Question 76

Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of the process of hematopoiesis?


A. Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) produce cytokines that activate progenitor cells.

B. Various subtypes of pluripotent stem cells eventually differentiate into the cellular components of blood.

C. Progenitor cells differentiate into precursor cells.

D. Self-replicating precursor cells differentiate into specific CSFs.

Question 77

A 54-year-old man with a long-standing diagnosis of essential hypertension is meeting with his physician. The patient’s physician would anticipate that which of the following phenomena is most likely occurring? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. Epinephrine from his adrenal gland is initiating the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system.

B. Vasopressin is exerting an effect on his chemoreceptors and baroreceptors resulting in vasoconstriction.

C. The patient’s juxtaglomerular cells are releasing aldosterone as a result of sympathetic stimulation.

D. The conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II in his lungs causes increases in blood pressure and sodium reabsorption.

Question 78

A 44-year-old female patient presents to the emergency department with abnormal bleeding and abdominal pain that is later attributed to gallbladder disease.Which of the following diagnoses would the medical team be most justified in suspecting as a cause of the patient’s bleeding?


A. Hemophilia B

B. Vitamin K deficiency

C. Idiopathic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

D. Excess calcium

Question 79

Members of an AIDS support group who have more advanced cases are sharing some of their recent health problems with a member who has just been diagnosed. Which of the member’s statements is most accurate?

Answers: (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A. “The eradication of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) has helped extend the life expectancy of a lot of persons living with AIDS.”

B. “As people with HIV live longer, most of us are eventually succumbing to the cancers that are associated with HIV.”

C. “One of the scariest things out there now is the huge increase in drug-resistant tuberculosis.”

D. “Those of us with HIV are so much more prone to loss of vision and hearing.”

Question 80

A hospital laboratory technologist is analyzing the complete blood count (CBC) of a patient. Which of the following statements best reflects an aspect of the platelets that would constitute part of the CBC?


A. The α-granules of platelets contribute primarily to vasoconstriction.

B. New platelets are released from the bone marrow into circulation.

C. Platelets originate with granulocyte colony–forming units (CFU).

D. The half-life of a platelet is typically around 8 to 12 days.

Question 81

Which of the following patients has an absolute neutrophil count that is critically low and that the standard of care would recommend they be placed on neutropenic precautions?


A. A 75-year-old renal failure patient receiving Epogen for anemia with hemoglobin level of 9.7.

B. A 37-year-old patient with leukemia being treated with chemotherapy with ANC of 400

C. A patient on long-term steroids for rheumatoid arthritis with WBC of 7000

D. A 65-year-old prostate cancer patient receiving radiation therapy with neutrophil count of 2000

Question 82

A medical student is working with a 61-year-old male client in the hospital who has presented with a new onset of atrial fibrillation. Which of the following courses of treatment will the student most likely expect the attending physician to initiate?


A. Diuretics, total bed rest, and cardioversion if necessary

B. Anticoagulants and beta-blockers to control rate

C. Immediate cardioversion followed by surgery to correct the atrial defect

D. Antihypertensives and constant cardiac monitoring in a high acuity unit

Question 83

A physiotherapist is measuring the lying, sitting, and standing blood pressure of a patient who has been admitted to hospital following a syncopal episode and recent falls. Which of the following facts about the patient best relates to these health problems?


A. The patient has a history of acute and chronic renal failure.

B. The patient’s cardiac ejection fraction was 40% during his last echocardiogram.

C. The patient is male and has a history of hypertension.

D. The client is 89 years old and takes a diuretic medication for his congestive heart failure.

Question 84

Which of the following procedures reduces the potential for infection primarily by addressing the portal of entry?


A. Wearing gloves when contact with blood or body fluids is anticipated

B. Wiping down common areas with buffered bleach on a regular basis

C. Isolating patients who have antibiotic-resistant infections

D. Disposing of soiled clothing and bed linens in a dedicated receptacle

Question 85

0 out of 1 points

A 70-year-old woman with ongoing severe atrial fibrillation is scheduled for defibrillation. What is an aspect of the rationale and physiology of defibrillation treatment?


A. Defibrillation can be achieved using either a transcutaneous or transvenous pacemaker.

B. Interruption of disorganized impulses by the current allows the AV node to readopt its normal pacemaker role.

C. Defibrillation must be coincided with the R wave of the ECG in order to be successful.

D. The goal is to depolarize the entire heart during the passage of current.

Question 86

In the ICU, the nurse hears an emergency cardiac monitor go off. The nurse looks at the telemetry and notices the patient has gone into ventricular tachycardia.The nurse will likely assess for signs/symptoms of


A. increasing cardiac index by correlating the volume of blood pumped by the heart with an individual’s body surface area.

B. decreasing cardiac output due to less ventricular filling time.

C. development of hypertension with BP 190/98.

D. oxygen deprivation with O2 saturation decreasing to approximately 90%.

Question 87

An agricultural worker is picking fruit on a day when the air temperature is 106°F. Which of the following processes will most likely be occurring while he works?


A. Conduction of heat from the air will be heating his skin surface and raising his core temperature.

B. His autonomic nervous system will be stimulating him to sweat.

C. Blood volume at his skin surface will be increasing to dissipate heat.

D. Radiation from his skin surfaces will be dissipating heat into the environment.

Question 88 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A 22-year-old female college student is shocked to receive a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. What are the etiology and most likely treatment for her health problem?


A. A decline in functioning acetylcholine receptors; treatment with corticosteroids and intravenous immunoglobulins

B. Cerebellar lesions; surgical and immunosuppressive treatment

C. Excess acetylcholinesterase production; treatment with thymectomy

D. Autoimmune destruction of skeletal muscle cells; treatment with intensive physical therapy and anabolic steroids

Question 89

A student asks the instructor about the origins of different tissues and their cellular origins during the process of development. Which of the instructor’s following statements best describes the process of cell differentiation?


A. “A fertilized ovum undergoes a series of divisions, yielding many different cell types.”

B. “A single stem cell differentiates into approximately 200 different types of cells.”

C. “Cells differentiate into necessary body cells peaking after conception and ceasing near the time of birth.”

D. “Cells of the hematopoietic system produce the appropriate body cells that are required at each stage of development.”

Question 90

A physician is providing care for several patients on a medical unit of a hospital. In which of the following patient situations would the physician most likelyrule out hypertension as a contributing factor? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. A 66-year-old woman with poorly controlled angina and consequent limited activity tolerance

B. A 61-year-old man who has a heart valve infection and recurrent fever

C. An 81-year-old woman who has had an ischemic stroke and has consequent one-sided weakness

D. A 44-year-old man awaiting a kidney transplant who requires hemodialysis three times per week

Question 91

A geriatric clinical nurse educator is teaching the other members of the health care team about the incidence, prevalence, and course of depression among older adults. Which of the following statements is most likely to appear in the physician’s teaching?


A. “Bronchodilators and antiplatelet medications have been correlated with depression in the elderly.”

B. “Many older adults lack the symptoms of sleep disturbances and lack of concentration that suggest depression in younger adults.”

C. “Even though suicide rates are lower among older adults than younger adults, depression needs to be diagnosed and treated early.”

D. “Though they are certainly not synonymous, depression can be an indicator of dementia.”

Question 92

The nurse working in the ICU knows that chronic elevation of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure will result in the patient displaying which of the following clinical manifestations?


A. Petechia and spontaneous bleeding

B. Dyspnea and crackles in bilateral lung bases

C. Muscle cramping and cyanosis in the feet

D. Chest pain and intermittent ventricular tachycardia

Question 93

A 51-year-old patient with a history of alcohol abuse and liver disease has low serum levels of albumin and presents with ascites (excess fluid in his peritoneal space) and jaundice. A health care professional would recognize that which of the following processes is most likely underlying his health problems?


A. Insufficient albumin is causing insufficient absorption of fluid into the capillaries.

B. Low albumin contributing to an inability to counter gravitational effects.

C. Low albumin is contributing to excess hydrostatic pressure and inappropriate fluid distribution.

D. Low albumin is inducing hypertension and increased filtration of fluid into interstitial spaces.

Question 94 (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A community health nurse is teaching a group of recent graduates about the large variety of factors that influence an individual’s health or lack thereof. The nurse is referring to the Healthy People 2020 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as a teaching example. Of the following aspects discussed, which would be considered a determinant of health that is outside the focus of this report?


A.The client has a diverse background by being of Asian and Native American descent and practices various alternative therapies to minimize effects of stress.

B. The client has a family history of cardiovascular disease related to hypercholesterolemia and remains noncompliant with the treatment regime.

C. The client lives in an affluent, clean, suburban community with access to many health care facilities.

D. The client has a good career with exceptional preventative health care benefits.

Question 95

The clinical educator of a hospital medical unit has the mandate of establishing evidence-based practice guidelines for the nursing care on the unit. Which of the following statements most accurately captures a guiding principle of the nurse’s task?

Answers: (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A. Evidence-based practice guidelines will be rooted in research rather than nurses’ subjective practice preferences and experiences.

B. Guidelines are synonymous with systematic research reviews.

C. The need for continuity and standardization of guidelines will mean that they will be fixed rather than changeable.

D. The guidelines will combine individual expertise with external systematic evidence.

Question 96

A nurse who provides care in a geriatric subacute medicine unit of a hospital has noted that a large number of patients receive ?-adrenergic blocking medications such as metoprolol. Which of the following statements best conveys an aspect of the use of beta-blockers? (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)


A. They counteract arrhythmias and tachycardias by increasing vagal stimulation.

B. They can be used to treat supraventricular arrhythmias and decrease automaticity by depressing phase 4 of the action potential.

C. They decrease myocardial oxygen demand by blocking the release of intracellular calcium ions.

D. They inhibit the potassium current and repolarization, extending the action potential and refractoriness. (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

Question 97

Which of the following teaching points would be most appropriate for a group of older adults who are concerned about their cardiac health?


A. “The plaque that builds up in your heart vessels obstructs the normal flow of blood and can even break loose and lodge itself in a vessel.”

B. “Infections of any sort are often a signal that plaque disruption is in danger of occurring.”

C. “The impaired function of the lungs that accompanies pneumonia or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a precursor to plaque disruption.”

D. “People with plaque in their arteries experience attacks of blood flow disruption at seemingly random times.” (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

Question 98

A 40-year-old male client is shocked to receive a diagnosis of mature B-cell lymphoma and is doing research on his diagnosis on the Internet. Which of the following statements that he reads on various Web sites is most reliable?


A. “Like most forms of Hodgkin lymphoma, mature B-cell lymphoma often requires radiation treatment.”

B. “Doctors are able to diagnose mature B-cell lymphoma by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells.”

C. “The lymph nodes are usually affected, and often the spleen and bone marrow.”

D. “Unlike many other lymphomas, mature B-cell lymphoma is often self-limiting, and treatment is focused on symptoms.”

Question 99

Which of the following processes would most likely be considered an anomaly during the cellular phase of inflammation?

Answers: (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

A. Platelet aggregation

B. Vasoconstriction

C. Migration of phagocytic white cells

D. Macrophage activity

Question 100

A geriatrician has ordered an echocardiogram and stress test for an 80-year-old male client in an effort to gauge the client’s cardiovascular health status.Which of the following changes would the physician most likely identify as an anomaly that is not an expected age-related change?


A. Increased resting, supine heart rate

B. Low maximal heart rate and cardiac output

C. Increased left ventricular wall thickness

D. Delayed left ventricular filling (FNU Pathophysiology Mid Term Exam)

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Research Designs – 11

Research Designs – 11

Question description (Research Designs – 11)

Analyze the differences and merits of the phenomenological proposed studies presented Below . Which design do you think would answer the question better? Explain your rationale in the response

  • Develop a brief study description (no more than three paragraphs) using a phenomenological design to answer the question: How do nursing students cope with stress? Include a brief discussion of how trustworthiness, confirmability, credibility, and consistency would be assured.

Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life and you can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts (Cleveland Clinic 2018). Even positive life changes such as a promotion, a new home, or the birth of a child produce stress. The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. It can be positive, keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger, or it can be negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between stressors. As a result, the person becomes overworked, and stress-related tension builds. The stress response, also known as the “fight or flight response”, is activated in case of an emergency. However, this response can become chronically activated during prolonged periods of stress. Prolonged activation of the stress response can cause both physical and emotional wear and tear on the body (Cleveland Clinic 2018). (Research Designs – 11)

When nursing students practice health care, both in practice laboratory and in their experiences with patients, they may experience both positive and negative forms of stress (Radames, et. al, 2018). How they perceive stress is as important as how they cope with it. A phenomenological study designed to answer the question: How do nursing students cope with stress? seeks to gain knowledge and develop an understanding of the various causes of stress and how the nursing students manage it. This method consists of interviewing both current and former nursing students to gain various perspectives on factors that cause stress and how they perceive them at the different stages of their nursing studies. Other data such as age, gender, lifestyle, and socio-economic factors can also help to paint a broad picture of identifying stressors. Obtaining a broad depth of perspective and experiences is essential to understanding the various coping mechanisms and methods used to alleviate stress by the students.

Trustworthiness, confirmability, credibility and consistency can be assured through the use of consistent interview methods and data collection. Accurate, extensive documentation and the use of interview responses can ensure the absence of any bias on the research findings. The subject of stress on nursing students is not new to the research field and findings can be used in future research. (Research Designs – 11)

Radamés, B., Jorge Vinícius Cestari, F., Carina, B., Pedrolo, E., Stela Adami, V., & Maria de Fátima, M. (2018). Stress of nursing

students in clinical simulation: a randomized clinical trial. Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 71(3), 967-974.


Rebar, C. R., & Gersch, C. J. (2015). Understanding research for evidence-based practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer


What Is Stress? Symptoms, Signs & More | Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved


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