Exploring the Significance of Sampling

Exploring the Significance of Sampling: Variables, Hypotheses, and Errors

Assessment Instructions

(Exploring the Significance of Sampling)

Answer the questions below, following the Submission Requirements as specified at the end of the assessment. To calculate t when needed, refer to the T-Table for Assessment 3 document linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading.

Assessment Concepts
Question Topic
Question 1 Independent Variables (IVs) and Dependent Variables (DVs)
Question 2 Hypotheses
Question 3 Errors and Significance: Type 1 and Type 2 Error
Question 4 Errors and Significance: Type 1 and Type 2 Error
Question 5 Hypothesis Testing and the z Score
Question 6 Standard Error of the Mean
Question 7 Central Limit Theorem
Question 8 Normal Deviate Z Test
Question 9 One Sample t Test
Question 10 SPSS: One Sample t Test
Question 11 Confidence Intervals

Question 1

A researcher randomly assigns a group of adults to one of two diet plans (Diet Plan A or Diet Plan B). The researcher then measures the amount of weight loss each participant experiences in a two-week period. What are the IV and the DV in this study?

Question 2

(Exploring the Significance of Sampling)

A researcher is studying whether the amount of weight loss differs in participants who follow Diet Plan A versus those who follow Diet Plan B. Write the following:

  • A directional research hypothesis.
  • A nondirectional research hypothesis.
  • The null hypothesis.

Question 3

In the general population, it is an established fact that men weigh, on average, more than women. For your study, you randomly sample 100 men and 100 women, recording each participant’s weight, and you find no significant difference in weight based on gender. What type of error is this (Type 1 or Type 2), given that a difference really does exist in the population? Explain your answer.

Question 4

In general, men and women do not differ on IQ. However, as part of your study, you found that women scored significantly higher than men on IQ. Given that you found a difference in your study where none exists in the general population, identify the error (Type 1 or Type 2) and explain your answer.

Question 5

Joan is 72 inches tall. The average (mean) height for adult women is 65 inches, and the standard deviation is 3.5 inches. Complete the following:

  • State the null hypothesis.
  • State the alternative hypothesis.
  • State the percentage of women of which Joan is taller, compared to the population (Hint: think z score and area under the normal curve).
  • State whether or not you expect to reject the null hypothesis, given Joan’s height as compared to the population mean. Explain your answer.

Question 6

College students in a large psychology class take a final exam. The mean exam score is 85, and the standard deviation is 5. Using the formula for σM , identify the standard error of the mean (σM) under the following conditions:

  • The sample size is 25.
  • The sample size is 16.
  • The sample size is 20.

Question 7

As part of a large research study, you administer a new test to 20,000 adults. Before you record or analyze the data, can you assume that the sampling distribution of the mean for this test will be normally distributed? Why or why not?

Question 8

The average (mean) height for adult women is 65 inches, and the standard deviation is 3.5 inches. Given the women you know, you think this number is low, so you record the heights of 25 of your female friends. The average height of your 25 friends is 66.84 inches. If your friends are just a representative sample of adult females, what is the probability that your friends are so tall?

Portion of the Normal Curve Table
z Area z Area z Area z Area
1.92 .9726 2.27 .9884 2.62 .9956 2.97 .9985
1.93 .9732 2.28 .9887 2.63 .9957 2.98 .9986
1.94 .9738 2.29 .9890 2.64 .9959 2.99 .9986

Question 9

The average (mean) height for adult women is 65 inches, and the standard deviation is 3.5 inches. Given the women you know, you think this number is low, so you record the heights of 9 of your female friends. Below are their heights in inches:

65, 67, 62, 67, 59, 68, 69, 70, 67.

Complete the following:(Exploring the Significance of Sampling)

  1. State the nondirectional hypothesis.
  2. State the critical t for α = .05 (two tails).
  3. Calculate t. Show your work.
  4. Answer if the height of your nine friends is significantly different than the population mean. Explain.

Remember, you must show all your work to receive credit.

Question 10

Complete the following steps:

  1. Open the SPSS file assessment3a.sav linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading.
  2. At the top of the screen, click on Analyze, select Compare Means, then select One-Sample t Test.
  3. Click on Height, then click on the arrow to send it over to the right side of the table. In the small box labeled Test Value, enter 65.
  4. Click OK, and copy and paste the output to your Word document.
  5. Compare your SPSS output to your hand calculations from question 9. Are they the same?

Question 11

Based on the SPSS output from Question 10 above, and the test value (population mean) of 65, calculate the 95 percent confidence interval.

Submission Requirements

  • Submit all answers in one Word document (do not submit multiple files).
  • Show your work for questions that require calculations.
  • Ensure your answer to each problem is clearly visible (you may want to highlight your answer or use a different font color to set it apart).
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State Laws And Adolescent Confidential Health Care

State Laws And Adolescent Confidential Health Care

(State Laws And Adolescent Confidential Health Care)

Will need minimum of 150 words for each response, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: (1 reference for each response within years 2015-2018) with intext citations.


An adolescent’s concerns about privacy can prevent them from seeking primary health care, especially for specific sensitive health care services such as STI screening and family planning issues. Those with privacy concerns are also less likely to talk openly with a health care clinician about important health issues, such as substance use, mental health, and risky sex. Recognizing that confidentiality is critical to high-quality care for adolescent women, professional health care organizations have adopted policy statements and practice guidelines that support the provision of confidential services.

Discuss these guidelines and the laws in your state that address adolescent confidential health care.

Peer Response 1

(State Laws And Adolescent Confidential Health Care)

This is a great discussion topic, because I have often thought about adolescent care and confidentiality, but have never gotten the chance to thoroughly investigate the topic. I have worked with adult populations and therefore it has never been a big issue in my professional career. We all know that adolescent brains are not fully developed and they require teaching, support and valid resources when they encounter problems in their lives. This is why laws were enacted to allow adolescents to see a provider confidentially and seek medical help from a professional without the repercussions from their parents who may disapprove of their actions or situation.

In my state of Idaho, mental health services are confidential for adolescents after the age of 14 and cannot be shared with the parents without written consent of the adolescent unless they need to disclose information in order to bill insurance, carry out a treatment plan or prevent harm to the child or others or if they are ordered to by a court of law (Children’s Mental Health Services, 2018). Therefore, the clinician does have quite a bit of wiggle room in the statue because a majority of mental health issues can result in harm to the child or others. Either way, it’s good to understand that the age of 14 is the deciding factor. After 18 though, it is all confidential and no parents have rights to the individual’s medical records.


As for medical information. Every state allows adolescents to be seen, screened and treated for sexually transmitted infections and diseases without release of information to the parents. This law was passed as research was conducted that indicated that adolescents were MUCH less likely to seek medical help for STD’s if they knew their parents would find out. Therefore, in an attempt to decrease the prevalence of STD’s, no parental consent or notification is necessary (Bornstein, 2000). Even though confidentiality is attempted in this population with sensitive sexual or reproductive issues, obstacles to patient privacy remain. Overall, from what I can find, the provider in Idaho has the discretion to notify parents of any medical information of an adolescent.

Peer Response 2

(State Laws And Adolescent Confidential Health Care)

When it comes to healthcare, Patient’s confidentiality is paramount, a sensitive issue, and is part of the law in many states.  When caring for adolescent patients, care is not any different.  If a minor is seeking care and fears his or her information would be disclosed to their parents, it might prevent them from seeking preventative care such as contraceptives, pregnancy testing, sexually transmitted infection testing, or even psychological help if needed.  Unless, the provider suspects neglect or abuse, confidentially should always be provided to adolescents.  Judgement by the provider regarding the best medical interest and safety of the patient should prevail (AAFP, 2013).

In the state of Florida, the Florida Legislature (2017) there are some cases a minor could consent for their own care without a parent’s consent.  For example, if the minor is not married and pregnant or a mother, she could consent for herself and for her child; if the minor is seventeen years-old he could consent for blood donation; also, contraceptives and services of a nonsurgical nature; confidential medical services and counselling related to substance abuse and mental health outpatient counselling and treatment to minors, that does not need medications and other somatic treatments or less than two outpatient visits.

Healthcare providers must be familiar with their federal and state laws related to adolescent consent and confidentiality.  Respecting adolescent patient’s rights and privacy is essential, but as a provider encouraging the adolescent seeking care to talk to their parents regarding their health could promote better communication between child and parents.  In some facilities, the provider may make a verbal contract with the parents and teenager regarding confidentiality.  This would assure the patient that any information obtain during the visit will remain in strict confidence unless the provider thinks it could pose a danger to the patient or if the patient themselves want to share the information with their parents.

Ultimately as a healthcare provider, it is important to protect patient’s privacy and confidentiality but, at the same time, we must be aware that in all states, a person needing emergency medical treatment they may be treated without consent if securing a consent would delay treatment and places the patient’s life or health at risk (Olson and Middleman, 2018).  Patient care should not be delayed under any circumstances that will pose harm to the patient or cause death.

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Milestone 2 Overview, health and medicine

Milestone 2 Overview, health and medicine

(Milestone 2 Overview, health and medicine )

Question description

1.Welcome to the Milestone 2 tutorial.

2. This tutorial reviews Milestone 2, your assessment and diagnosis paper. For Milestone 2, you will write an APA paper where you will complete your community assessment, and diagnose one community health nursing problem based on this data. You can find APA resources in your resource folder in your course.

3. Use the headings outlined on these guidelines as first level headings in your paper. There is an APA template in resources that you can use to help with APA formatting.

4. Begin Milestone 2 with an introductory paragraph. Start your paper with an interesting sentence that grabs the attention of the reader. Provide an introduction to your paper, and be sure to include the purpose of your paper related to assessing and diagnosing a community health problem.

Follow this up in Section 2 with a second paragraph that describes your community in a little more detail. Include your community’s name and state. Discuss whether it is rural, suburban, or urban. Describe a few interesting facts about your area.(Milestone 2 Overview, health and medicine )

Next, in the demographic data section, discuss a range of demographic data for your community. Demographic data includes the general statistics that describe the community. This data is found in the U.S. Census Bureau reports (similar to the first part of your Week 2 discussion). Compare your demographic information to state or national statistics.

In the Epidemiological data section, include a range of information about disease rates, health behaviors, or public health problems in your area. This information can be found from your local health department records (on their website), the county health rankings website, or other records, such as those from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Do not use Wikipedia. Most .com websites are not considered scholarly resources. Use this data to paint a picture of your community. Compare your community data to state or national data. Be sure to include statistics that support the problem that you will be discussing later in the paper.

5. The windshield survey section includes a summary of the relevant parts of your windshield survey that was completed for the first Milestone. Be sure to include information about what you observed related to the problem you identify.

Now that you’ve collected the assessment data, you can diagnose the problem and discuss that in the next section. Be sure this is a nursing problem that you consider to be a priority concern. Provide the rationale for your choice, and relate your choice to one of the healthy people numbered objectives, not just a healthy people goal. Be sure that the data you collected and your windshield survey validates this problem. Also, discuss the findings of two scholarly journal articles related to the problem you chose. These articles may discuss factors that contribute to the problem you uncovered, but should not focus on interventions.(Milestone 2 Overview, health and medicine )

The summary section provides a paragraph about your paper and should include a restatement of what you discovered and a statement about the problem. This should also include the population at risk for the problem and the factors that contribute to this problem. Do not include new information in the summary. End with a conclusion statement.

Finally, include a reference page for the complete APA reference of any source you cited in the paper. See the APA documents in resources for help. As always, use the grading rubric to self-grade your paper before submitting it.

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Importance of Understanding Employees’ Needs

Importance of Understanding Employees’ Needs

(Importance of Understanding Employees’ Needs)

For this assignment you will be stepping into the role of “expert”. You are one, of many, training specialists in your company and have been asked to submit a proposal for a training module for managers on how to meet the learning needs of their departmental employees.

The title of your proposed training will be “The Importance of Understanding Your Employees’/Learners’ Needs” and it will include two parts: the written portion and the “pitch”, which will be submitted as a screencast presentation that includes audio and visuals.

Part One:  The Written Assignment

For the written portion of your final assignment, you will research and critically explain five topics (areas of content) in learning that you think would be important to teach others. These components will be aligned with the course content and the following Learning Theories:

•Behaviorism – repetition, reinforcement (feedback), association, and classical and operant conditioning

•Cognitivism – assimilation, accommodation, the information processing model, and intellectual stimulation

•Constructivism – scaffolding, metacognition, problem-solving and inquiry-based learning

•Humanism – holism, personal agency, individualization, and motivation

The five learning perspectives/principles you decide to focus on is up to you. In week four you submitted seven ideas to your instructor. Be sure to read this feedback to accurately choose the five you will use in the final.(Importance of Understanding Employees’ Needs)

The second requirement of the written assignment includes explaining five strategies that you would use if you were to teach/train the assigned managers. For example, you may want to use scaffolding or the use of rewards. Fully explain why you will use each of the strategies you choose and how they support the assigned employee group <https://ashford.instructure.com/courses/11816/files/2172549/download?wrap=1>

In week four you submitted seven ideas. Be sure to look at your instructor feedback and choose the strategies that you feel would be the most important.

Required content elements of the written assignment:

1Must begin with an introduction paragraph that includes an overall summary of the purpose of the assignment.

2Five areas of learning psychology content must be explained fully and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the included content and its importance in understanding learners’ needs. As you explain your learning perspectives/principles, critically and elaborately justify why you have chosen them based on your learner group.

3Five strategies, for which you would use to successfully train the learner group, must be fully developed, including the rationales for how these strategies might be used, based on critical thought. Discussion of the specific needs these managers may have to fully benefit from your training module should also be included.

4A conclusion paragraph or section that fully summarizes the information within the paper and also includes the time frame that you predict it will take to complete the training (i.e. two weeks, one year, etc.) Substantiate this time frame with creative and critical thoughts about how your learners will best retain the information you want to teach them.

5Apply basic research methods and gather resources that will support your content.

Required technical elements of your written assignment:(Importance of Understanding Employees’ Needs)

•Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length, excluding title page and references, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

•Must include a title page with the following:

◦Title of presentation

◦Student’s name

◦Course name and number

◦Instructor’s name

◦Date submitted

◦URL link to your screencast

•Must use at least four scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library.

•Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

•Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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Current Counseling Abilities

Current Counseling Abilities

Assignment 3: Current Counseling Abilities

Practicing your skill is a great learning experience for you. This course is intended to be a safe place for you, the student, to look at yourself and see what your baseline abilities are with respect to the foundational counseling skills to be acquired in this course.Now that you have experienced and viewed your unique style of communicating and being present with a client, reflect on what you saw, felt, and heard. Review your transcript ad summary as much as you need to. Don’t judge yourself harshly during this assignment. Simply observe where you are today, with the expectation of expanding and making progress with your counseling skills throughout the course.By analyzing your transcripts and feedback, you will be able to experience your style and reflect on your strengths and area for development.Reflect on the following:Did you listen well? How can you tell?Did you successfully engage the client? How do you know? What positive or negative feedback did you receive from the client?Did you offer advice?How did you stay focused on the client?What proportion of time did you talk compared with the amount of time the client athlete talked?What, if anything, did you disclose too much of yourself rather than listening to your client?Were there any surprises?Identify some things you feel you did well, as well as things you think you need to work on as a counselor-in-training.Use your text as a guide and reference.Create a two- to three-page self-reflection paper in Microsoft Word to respond to the points above. Draw some conclusions about your performance.Cite appropriate sources, such as the text, which were helpful to you in identifying your style.Name the file SP6104_M2_A3_lastname_firstinitial.doc. Submit it to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.Select one Module 2 Assignment 2 of another student and also review this reflection assignment and critique their performance with respect to the criteria given above in the Discussion Area through the end of the module. Do not respond to the same student if their assignment has already been selected. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsAssessed whether you listened well during the interview.8Analyzed and clearly explained how you offered advice or stayed focused on the client.8Assessed how you disclosed too much of yourself.8Shared any surprises from the interview.4Identified specific strengths and weaknesses of current style and goals for improvement.8Reviewed the transcript and the self-reflection of one other student according to the stated criteria.8Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.4Total:48

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The Importance of Physician-Patient Communication

The Importance of Physician-Patient Communication

(The Importance of Physician-Patient Communication)

Question description

Cite your sources using the correct APA format on a separate page.  Must have less than 25% on turnitin!!!

When writing in this class, I ask that you use headings within your writings that correspond with the rubric that I am grading from. For example, if the Weekly Discussion has four sections to respond to, then please use these four headings in your post and put your responses under each heading.  Or if your paper has six rubric sections to answer about, then have six headings in your paper and put the information below these headings.

I have found that it makes it easier for the both of us and it improves my student’s grades exponentially.  Also, less is missed because you can see if you have completed each and every section of the rubric and I will know where to find your answers that correspond.

The Importance of Physician-Patient Communication(The Importance of Physician-Patient Communication)

Patient and physician communication is the key to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. For many patients, talking to a physician can be an intimidating process. Effective communication can be reduced by the limited time that patients often have to express their health concerns with their health provider.

Explain how miscommunication in physician-patient interaction might impact recovery of a patient. Justify your answer.

According to you, which are the two most critical examples of miscommunication between physicians and female patients according to Sue Fisher (1984)? What are Eric Cassell’s (1985) criteria for effective communication? Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Cassell, E.J. (1985). Talking with patients, Vol. 2. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Fisher, S. (1984). Doctor–patient communication: A social and micro-political

Performance. Sociology of Health and Illness, 6, 1–27.

Managed Care(The Importance of Physician-Patient Communication)

Managed care is designed to help control health care costs. It regulates the costs of health care by capping the costs of certain procedures. Docs in a box are clinics that can rapidly see patients for lower costs.

What do you understand by the term “managed care”? What is the influence of managed care in regulating the medical profession?

Describe the term “Docs-in-a-Box” and its relation to cost containment and managed care. Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

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Psychology Of Criminal Behavior

Psychology Of Criminal Behavior

(Psychology Of Criminal Behavior)

Final Case Study


Explore, in depth, one well-known criminal case. You may select your own case, or select from one of the following on the attached list . Your case study should focus on the following:

  • Summarize the case, including a description of the offense(s), the investigation, and the outcome (such as the trial and sentencing).
  • Analyze the psychological history or path that took the criminal to commit his or her crime(s). Describe the psychological, behavioral, environmental, and cognitive factors that you believe led to the offender’s criminality. Consider the various theories we have discussed in class including the psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theory, the behaviorist/social learning theory, the cognitive/social cognitive theory, and the humanist and interactionist theories, and provide examples. The goal here is to provide an analysis of the psychological history or path that took the criminal to commit his or her crime(s). Explain the impact of social, psychological, and biological theories of aggression on your chosen criminal’s behavior.
  • Describe the crime typology. Did the offender have a personality disorder that might have played a role in the criminal behavior? If so, explain and provide examples and supporting references. Discuss the laws that are in place for protecting individuals with mental disorders.
  • Describe whether your case study was a homicide offender or sexual offender. Discuss the typology (i.e., single murderer, serial murderer, spree murderer, mass murderer, child molester, or rapist).
  • If applicable, discuss whether your offender was given a competence to stand trial evaluation, or was found to be not guilty by reason of insanity. Examine the ethical issues concerning evaluation and treatment of competence to stand trial and not guilty by reason of insanity cases.
  • Discuss the ethical issues surrounding the case.
  • Support the outcome of the case with your analysis or provide support of the alternative.
    (Psychology Of Criminal Behavior)

The paper must be eight to ten pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use five to eight scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, other than the textbook, to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

(Psychology Of Criminal Behavior)

Writing the Final Case Study
The Final Case Study:

  • Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use five to eight scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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Application of theory paper

Application of theory paper

(Application of theory paper)

Question description

Application of Theory Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize one strategy for the application of a specific nursing theory to resolving a problem or issue of nursing practice in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, a student will demonstrate the ability to:

(CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO1)

(CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing practice. (PO3, 7, 10)

(CO#4) Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice. (PO4, 7)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 6(Application of theory paper)

Total Points Possible:  325


Description of the Assignment: 


  1. Introduction to the paper includes a few general statements on the idea of nursing theory being applied to solve problems/issues in nursing practice, regardless of the specialty area of practice. For example, why would one pick a nursing theory to solve a practice problem? Would a grand, middle-range, or practice theory be best? Does the writer have any experience in using nursing theory this way? In addition, a brief one-paragraph summary of a specific nursing theory and information on the sections of the paper are provided. The selected nursing theory can be a grand theory, a middle-range theory, or a practice theory.
  2. Description of the problem/issue for which strategies will be developed. The problem to be resolved must be in nursing leadership, nursing education, nursing informatics, or health policy. Scholarly evidence (in the form of a literature review) supporting the issue is included. The problem/issue could be local to one’s specific practice setting. For example, the setting might be a nursing unit, a nursing-education program, an informatics department, or a health-policy unit of a consulting firm. The problem/issue needs to be something that a nursing theory can impact, whether it solves the actual problem/issue or enables people affected by the problem/issue to deal with it. It is best if the problem/issue is from real life – something the writer of the paper has dealt with or is currently engaged in.Some examples (these are fictitious examples)
    1. A nursing unit has experienced rapid turnover of professional staff, including several nurse managers. A new nurse manager from outside of the nursing unit is appointed.
    2. Informatics nurse specialists face a lot of resistance from all healthcare professionals to implementation of a computer-based order entry program. The implementation date will not be changed.
    3. A nurse educator is assigned to take over a large class of undergraduate nursing students, with a mix of young adults and adults returning for a second degree. The subject is difficult, students have not been doing well, and frustration and tempers are impeding group work.
    4. A health-policy nurse specialist works for a consulting firm that lobbies on behalf of many healthcare professions. Within the specialist’s work unit, there is much debate over the pros and cons of various policies being proposed for attention in the coming year.
  3. Applying concepts and principles from the selected theory, one strategy for resolving the identified issue is described in depthDetails on how the theory would be applied are included (consider: who, what, when, where, and how). Rationales for the strategy as well as evidence from scholarly literature are included. One ethical and/or legal aspect of the strategy is discussed. Expected outcome(s) from implementing the strategy are proposed.
  4. Concluding statements include new knowledge about applying nursing theory gained by writing the paper(Application of theory paper)

Format and Special Instructions

  1. Paper length: 6 pages minimum; 8 pages maximum, excluding title page and reference page. Points will be deducted for not meeting these requirements.
  2. The textbook required for this course may not be used as a reference for this assignment.
  3. A minimum of 3 scholarly references are used. References must be current – no older than 5 years, unless a valid rationale is provided. Consult with the course instructor about using an older source.
  4. Title page, body of paper, and reference page(s) must be in APA format as presented in the 6th edition of the manual
  5. Ideas and information from readings and other sources must be cited and cited correctly.
  6. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing as presented in the 6th edition of the APA manual
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Psychological Treatment Plan

Psychological Treatment Plan

(Psychological Treatment Plan)

It is recommended that students review the e-book The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner (Jongsma, Peterson, & Bruce, 2014) for additional assistance in completing this assignment.

Clinical and counseling psychologists utilize treatment plans to document a client’s progress toward short- and long-term goals. The content within psychological treatment plans varies depending on the clinical setting. The clinician’s theoretical orientation, evidenced-based practices, and the client’s needs are taken into account when developing and implementing a treatment plan. Typically, the client’s presenting problem(s), behaviorally defined symptom(s), goals, objectives, and interventions determined by the clinician are included within a treatment plan.

To understand the treatment planning process, students will assume the role of a clinical or counseling psychologist and develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on the same case study utilized for Case study 18: Julia A minimum of five peer-reviewed resources must be used to support the recommendations made within the plan. The Psychological Treatment Plan must include the headings and content outlined below.

Behaviorally Defined Symptoms

Define the client’s presenting problem(s) and provide a diagnostic impression.

Identify how the problem(s) is/are evidenced in the client’s behavior.

List the client’s cognitive and behavioral symptoms.

Long-Term Goal(Psychological Treatment Plan)

Generate a long-term treatment goal that represents the desired outcome for the client.

This goal should be broad and does not need to be measureable.

Short-Term Objectives

Generate a minimum of three short-term objectives for attaining the long-term goal.

Each objective should be stated in behaviorally measureable language. Subjective or vague objectives are not acceptable. For example, it should be stated that the objective will be accomplished by a specific date or that a specific symptom will be reduced by a certain percentage.


Identify at least one intervention for achieving each of the short-term objectives.

Compare a minimum of three evidence-based theoretical orientations from which appropriate interventions can be selected for the client.

Explain the connection between the theoretical orientation and corresponding intervention selected.

Provide a rationale for the integration of multiple theoretical orientations within this treatment plan.

Identify two to three treatment modalities (e.g., individual, couple, family, group, etc.) that would be appropriate for use with the client.

It is a best practice to include outside providers (e.g., psychiatrists, medical doctors, nutritionists, social workers, holistic practitioners, etc.) in the intervention planning process to build a support network that will assist the client in the achievement of treatment goals.(Psychological Treatment Plan)


List the anticipated outcomes of each proposed treatment intervention based on scholarly literature.

Be sure to take into account the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, external stressors, and cultural factors (e.g., gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in the evaluation.

Provide an assessment of the efficacy of evidence-based intervention options.


Analyze and describe potential ethical dilemmas that may arise while implementing this treatment plan.

Cite specific ethical principles and any applicable law(s) for resolving the ethical dilemma(s).

The Psychological Treatment Plan

Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Week 6 – Final Project

Psychological Treatment Plan

It is recommended that students review the e-book The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner(Jongsma, Peterson, & Bruce, 2014) for additional assistance in completing this assignment.

Clinical and counseling psychologists utilize treatment plans to document a client’s progress toward short- and long-term goals. The content within psychological treatment plans varies depending on the clinical setting. The clinician’s theoretical orientation, evidenced-based practices, and the client’s needs are taken into account when developing and implementing a treatment plan. Typically, the client’s presenting problem(s), behaviorally defined symptom(s), goals, objectives, and interventions determined by the clinician are included within a treatment plan.

To understand the treatment planning process, students will assume the role of a clinical or counseling psychologist and develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on the same case study utilized for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in PSY645. A minimum of five peer-reviewed resources must be used to support the recommendations made within the plan. The Psychological Treatment Plan must include the headings and content outlined below.

Behaviorally Defined Symptoms

  • Define the client’s presenting problem(s) and provide a diagnostic impression.
  • Identify how the problem(s) is/are evidenced in the client’s behavior.
  • List the client’s cognitive and behavioral symptoms.

Long-Term Goal

  • Generate a long-term treatment goal that represents the desired outcome for the client.
    • This goal should be broad and does not need to be measureable.

Short-Term Objectives

  • Generate a minimum of three short-term objectives for attaining the long-term goal.
    • Each objective should be stated in behaviorally measureable language. Subjective or vague objectives are not acceptable. For example, it should be stated that the objective will be accomplished by a specific date or that a specific symptom will be reduced by a certain percentage.


  • Identify at least one intervention for achieving each of the short-term objectives.
  • Compare a minimum of three evidence-based theoretical orientations from which appropriate interventions can be selected for the client.
  • Explain the connection between the theoretical orientation and corresponding intervention selected.
  • Provide a rationale for the integration of multiple theoretical orientations within this treatment plan.
  • Identify two to three treatment modalities (e.g., individual, couple, family, group, etc.) that would be appropriate for use with the client.

It is a best practice to include outside providers (e.g., psychiatrists, medical doctors, nutritionists, social workers, holistic practitioners, etc.) in the intervention planning process to build a support network that will assist the client in the achievement of treatment goals.(Psychological Treatment Plan)


  • List the anticipated outcomes of each proposed treatment intervention based on scholarly literature.
    • Be sure to take into account the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, external stressors, and cultural factors (e.g., gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in the evaluation.
  • Provide an assessment of the efficacy of evidence-based intervention options.


  • Analyze and describe potential ethical dilemmas that may arise while implementing this treatment plan.
  • Cite specific ethical principles and any applicable law(s) for resolving the ethical dilemma(s).

The Psychological Treatment Plan

  • Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Week 6 – Final Project

Psychological Treatment Plan

It is recommended that students review the e-book The Complete Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner(Jongsma, Peterson, & Bruce, 2014) for additional assistance in completing this assignment.

Clinical and counseling psychologists utilize treatment plans to document a client’s progress toward short- and long-term goals. The content within psychological treatment plans varies depending on the clinical setting. The clinician’s theoretical orientation, evidenced-based practices, and the client’s needs are taken into account when developing and implementing a treatment plan. Typically, the client’s presenting problem(s), behaviorally defined symptom(s), goals, objectives, and interventions determined by the clinician are included within a treatment plan.

To understand the treatment planning process, students will assume the role of a clinical or counseling psychologist and develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on the same case study utilized for the Psychiatric Diagnosis assignment in PSY645. A minimum of five peer-reviewed resources must be used to support the recommendations made within the plan. The Psychological Treatment Plan must include the headings and content outlined below.

Behaviorally Defined Symptoms

  • Define the client’s presenting problem(s) and provide a diagnostic impression.
  • Identify how the problem(s) is/are evidenced in the client’s behavior.
  • List the client’s cognitive and behavioral symptoms.

Long-Term Goal

  • Generate a long-term treatment goal that represents the desired outcome for the client.
    • This goal should be broad and does not need to be measureable.

Short-Term Objectives

  • Generate a minimum of three short-term objectives for attaining the long-term goal.
    • Each objective should be stated in behaviorally measureable language. Subjective or vague objectives are not acceptable. For example, it should be stated that the objective will be accomplished by a specific date or that a specific symptom will be reduced by a certain percentage.


  • Identify at least one intervention for achieving each of the short-term objectives.
  • Compare a minimum of three evidence-based theoretical orientations from which appropriate interventions can be selected for the client.
  • Explain the connection between the theoretical orientation and corresponding intervention selected.
  • Provide a rationale for the integration of multiple theoretical orientations within this treatment plan.
  • Identify two to three treatment modalities (e.g., individual, couple, family, group, etc.) that would be appropriate for use with the client.

It is a best practice to include outside providers (e.g., psychiatrists, medical doctors, nutritionists, social workers, holistic practitioners, etc.) in the intervention planning process to build a support network that will assist the client in the achievement of treatment goals.


  • List the anticipated outcomes of each proposed treatment intervention based on scholarly literature.
    • Be sure to take into account the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, external stressors, and cultural factors (e.g., gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in the evaluation.
  • Provide an assessment of the efficacy of evidence-based intervention options.


  • Analyze and describe potential ethical dilemmas that may arise while implementing this treatment plan.
  • Cite specific ethical principles and any applicable law(s) for resolving the ethical dilemma(s).

The Psychological Treatment Plan

  • Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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Psychology Testing Intuition

Psychology Testing Intuition

(Psychology Testing Intuition)

Assignment 3: LAB: Testing Intuition

By the due date, complete the following experiment and post your results to the Submissions Area on the next page. Download the chart needed for this experiment entitled PSY1010_Wk1_Chart. Make five copies of these charts to record your results.

First, answer this intuitive problem

Suppose that I place a $100 bill in one of three envelopes, which are labeled A, B, and C. You are told that if you can correctly guess which envelope contains the $100 bill, you can keep it. You can’t see the bill through the envelope, so you are entirely guessing. Let’s say that you say it’s in the envelope marked B. You are told that it’s definitely not in the envelope marked C, and I offer to let you switch to envelope A, or to stay with envelope B. (Assume that I am telling the truth, that the bill is indeed not in envelope C.) What should you do? Stay or switch? What would be your rationale for doing what you decide to do?(Psychology Testing Intuition)

Second, collect some data

Set up your own version of this demonstration as an experiment. Make 5 copies of the chart, PSY101_Wk1_Chart, to record your results. After completing your results and forming your conclusion, be sure to include the charts as an attachment with your response. You will find that this chart includes: Correct answer, Participant’s choice, Stay/Switch, Win/Lose.

Decide in advance which letter will be the correct choice for each of the 10 trials: A, B, or C. List the correct answer under the column heading “correct answer,” and make sure that your subject can’t see your list.

Select five friends/family members to serve as your subjects. You will test each subject away from any other potential subjects.

Tell your subject that he or she is to guess which letter you are thinking of on each trial. When the subject makes his or her guess, write it down under the column heading “Participant’s choice.” Then, tell the subject which letter is definitely notthe correct answer (always eliminate something other than the letter the subject has chosen and, of course, don’t eliminate the correct answer). If he or she has chosen the correct letter, that’s okay! Just eliminate one of the other two letters. Then ask the subject if he or she wants to stay with the letter he or she chose, or switch to the other letter. Record under the “Stay/Switch” column whether the subject decided to stay with his or her original choice or switch to the other option. Next, record whether the subject was right or wrong under the “Win/Lose” heading. Don’t tell your subject what the correct answer was if he or she loses because he or she will be looking for your “random” pattern. Just say “win” or “lose” and ask for his or her next guess.(Psychology Testing Intuition)

Once you have collected data from all 5 subjects, tally up the percentage of wins when the subjects stayed and the percentage of wins when they switched. To do that, count up how many times each subject stayed, and use that as the denominator. (You’ll be collapsing the data for all five subjects together, so count how many times, all together, they stayed.) Then, count up how many times the subjects won when they stayed and use that as the numerator. So, if your subjects stayed a total of 20 times and won a total of 5 times when they stayed, you would find that staying led to 5/20 wins or 25% of the time they won when they stayed.

Do the same procedure for switches. Count up how many times they switched and use that number as the denominator, then count up how many times they won when they switched, and divide. Compare the percentages for the wins when they stayed versus the wins when they switched.(Psychology Testing Intuition)

  1. What do the results of the experiment reflect?
  2. Do these percentages conform to your rationale that you provided earlier?
  3. Does this demonstration make a case for the need for collecting data in psychology, rather than relying on our intuition? Explain your answers and incorporate your data results into your conclusion.
  4. Write a summary discussing the importance of empirical research.
  5. Include your charts (data collection) as an appendix at the end of your paper.
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