Annotated Bibliography for the Article Review Final Paper

Annotated Bibliography for the Article Review Final Paper

(Annotated Bibliography for the Article Review Final Paper)

This week, you will research and create an annotated bibliography of five peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last 10 years and relate to the article you selected in Week Two for your Article Review. The peer-reviewed articles you select should be researched in the Ashford University Library and represent a variety of viewpoints on the subject matter. They may support or refute the information presented in your chosen article for review. Each of the peer-reviewed articles must include a complete reference that is correctly formatted in APA style as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center and an annotation of five to six well-developed sentences in your own words that summarize the source and describe its applicability to your selected topic. Please note that no sections from the abstracts of the articles should be included in your annotation.

In your annotation for each peer-reviewed article, analyze psychology as a science as it is presented in the article and explain how it relates to this particular topic. Assess the professional roles presented in the article and describe how they relate to the roles as presented in the article you have chosen for review. Explain any psychological theoretical perspectives presented in the article and how they either support or refute the information provided in the review article. Evaluate contemporary applications of psychology as they are described in the article and compare these to the descriptions within the article for review.

For more in-depth assistance with your annotated bibliography, please visit the Ashford Writing Center located under the Learning Resources tab in the left-hand navigation panel of your online course.(Annotated Bibliography for the Article Review Final Paper)

The Annotated Bibliography:

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources.
  • Must provide a well-developed summary for each source used.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Evaluating Interdisciplinary Collaboration Skills

Evaluating Interdisciplinary Collaboration Skills

(Evaluating Interdisciplinary Collaboration Skills)

The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.—Vince LombardiCollaboration is a critical component of quality improvement. It is also a central tenet of your endeavors as a scholar-practitioner in this Walden University Master’s program. To succeed in your role as a nurse leader-manager, it is important to engage in ongoing development of collaborative skills and to help foster a culture that values collaboration.In Weeks 1 and 2 of this course, you analyzed your strengths and considered how to leverage these strengths for effective leadership. In a similar vein, this week you evaluate your strengths and areas for growth with regard to interdisciplinary collaboration.

To prepare:Review the competencies described in the Interprofessional Education Collaborative report and in Chapter 9 of the Hickey and Brosnan text.

As you reflect on the competency statements outlined for each domain, think about which ones reflect your strengths. Which competency statements point to areas for growth?Consider the benefit of working with interdisciplinary teams for addressing quality improvement initiatives.Conduct a search of the literature and select at least one article that illustrates the benefits of interprofessional collaboration for nurse leader-managers as it relates to improving quality.(Evaluating Interdisciplinary Collaboration Skills)

Required ReadingsHickey, J. V., & Brosnan, C. A. (2017). Evaluation  of health care quality in for DNPs (2nd  ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.Chapter 11, “Health Care Teams” (pp. 227-264)This chapter focuses on the function of teams within health care with particular focus on methods of evaluation.Bainbridge, L., Nasmith, L., Orchard, C., & Wood, V. (2010). Competencies for interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 24(1), 6–11. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. The authors of this article put forth a competency framework for interprofessional collaboration that can be used by various stakeholders. The framework consists of six competencies and the authors also provide detailed descriptions of the associated skills each competency requires.Braithwaite, J., Westbrook, M., Nugus, P., Greenfield, D., Travaglia, J. Runciman, W. … Westbrook, J. (2012). A four-year, systems-wide intervention promoting interprofessional collaboration. BMC Health Services Research, 12(1), 99–106.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article examines strategies and challenges of working to improve interprofessional collaboration. The benefits of this type of teaming are also discussed.Petri, L. (2010). Concept analysis of interdisciplinary collaboration. Nursing Forum, 45(2), 73–82.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This literature review explores the meaning of interdisciplinary collaboration and identifies important antecedents and attributes of the process

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Strategic HR Management Unit 3

Strategic HR Management Unit 3

(Strategic HR Management Unit 3)

Question description

Unit 3 assignment

Read the Discussion Case at the end of Chapter 7 regarding County General Hospital and write a 2-3 page APA style paper addressing the questions found in the Rubric below

One of the most difficult obstacles encountered by the hospital is finding and retaining qualified nurses. The annual turnover rate among nurses is nearly 100 percent. A few of the nurses are long-term employees who are either committed to County General or attached to the community. Employment patterns suggest that many of the nurses who are hired stay for only about six months. In fact, County General often appears to be a quick stop between graduation from college and a better job.

Many who leave acknowledge that they were contacted by another hospital that offered them more money. Exit interviews with nurses who are leaving similarly suggest that low pay is a concern. Another concern is the lack of social atmosphere for young nurses. Nurses just finishing college, who are usually not married, complain that the community does not provide them enough oppor- tunity to meet and socialize with others their age.(Strategic HR Management Unit 3)

Hospital administrators are afraid that paying higher wages will cause finan- cial disaster. Big insurance companies and Medicaid make it difficult for them to increase the amount they charge patients. However, the lack of stability in the nursing staff has caused some noticeable problems. Nurses sometimes appear to be ignorant of important hospital procedures. Doctors also com- plain that they spend a great deal of time training nurses to perform proce- dures, only to see those nurses take their new skills someplace else.


1. What is the HR strategy pursued by County General (chose one of the four HR strategies outlined in Chapter 2 of your text)? Differentiation or cost reduction? Internal or external labor orientation? Describe the reasons for your selection.

2. Turnover is high at almost every facility where nurses are employed. What programs do you suggest County General implement to decrease turnover? Suggest at least two programs and be specific.

3. What benefits would the various stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees, management, and the community) gain by reducing turnover?

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Week 6 – Final Assignment

Week 6 – Final Assignment

(Week 6 – Final Assignment)

Psychological assessment guides are created by psychology professionals to provide the public with accurate and authoritative information appropriate for their current needs. Information available to the public about psychological testing and assessment varies widely depending on the professional creating it, the purpose of the assessment, and the intended audience. When professionals effectively educate the public on the howwhat, and why behind assessments and the strengths and limitations of commonly used instruments, potential clients are in a better position to be informed users of assessment products and services. The Assessment Guides developed in this course will be designed to provide the lay public with accurate and culturally relevant information to aid them in making informed decisions about psychological testing. Students will develop their Guides with the goal of educating readers to be informed participants in the assessment process.(Week 6 – Final Assignment)

There is no required template for the development of the Assessment Guide. Students are encouraged to be creative while maintaining the professional appearance of their work. The Guide must be reader-friendly (sixth- to ninth-grade reading level) and easy to navigate, and it must include a combination of text, images, and graphics to engage readers in the information provided. Throughout their Guides, students will provide useful examples and definitions as well as questions readers should ask their practitioners. To ensure accuracy, students are expected to use only scholarly and peer-reviewed sources for the information in the development of their Guides.

Students will begin their Guides with a general overview of assessment, reasons for assessment referrals, and the importance of the role of each individual in the process. Within each of the remaining sections, students will describe the types of assessments that their readers may encounter, the purposes of each type of assessment, the different skills and abilities the instruments measure, the most valid and reliable uses of the measures, and limitations of the measures. A brief section will be included to describe the assessment process, the types of professionals who conduct the assessments, and what to expect during the assessment meetings.

The Assessment Guide must include the following sections:

Table of Contents (Portrait orientation must be used for the page layout of this section.)
In this one-page section, students must list the following subsections and categories of assessments.

  • Introduction and Overview
  • Tests of Intelligence
  • Tests of Achievement
  • Tests of Ability
  • Neuropsychological Testing
  • Personality Testing
  • Industrial, Occupational, and Career Assessment
  • Forensic Assessment
  • Special Topics (student’s choice)
  • References

Section 1: Introduction and Overview (Portrait or landscape orientation may be used for the page layout of this section.)
Students will begin their Guides with a general overview of assessment. In this two-page section, students will briefly address the major aspects of the assessment process. Students are encouraged to develop creative titles for these topics that effectively communicate the meanings to the intended audience.(Week 6 – Final Assignment)

  • Definition of a Test (e.g., What is a Test?)
  • Briefly define psychological assessment.
  • Types of Tests
  • Identify the major categories of psychological assessment.
  • Reliability and Validity
  • Briefly define the concepts of reliability and validity as they apply to psychological assessment.
  • Role of testing and assessment in the diagnostic process
  • Briefly explain role of assessment in diagnosis.
  • Professionals Who Administer Tests
  • Briefly describe the types of professionals involved in various assessment processes.
  • Culture and Testing
  • Briefly describe issues of cultural diversity as it applies to psychological assessment.

Categories of Assessment (Portrait or landscape orientation may be used for the page layout of this section.)
For each of the following, students will create a two-page information sheet or pamphlet to be included in the Assessment Guide. For each category of assessment, students will include the required content listed in the PSY640 Content for Testing Pamphlets and Information Sheets. Be sure to reference the content requirements prior to completing each of the information sheets on the following categories of assessment.(Week 6 – Final Assignment)

  • Tests of Intelligence
  • Tests of Achievement
  • Tests of Ability
  • Neuropsychological Testing
  • Personality Testing
  • Industrial, Occupational, and Career Assessment
  • Forensic Assessment
  • Special Topics (Students will specify which topic they selected for this pamphlet or information sheet. Additional instructions are noted below.)

Special Topics (Student’s Choice)
In addition to the required seven categories of assessment listed above, students will develop an eighth information sheet or pamphlet that includes information targeted either at a specific population or about a specific issue related to psychological assessment not covered in one of the previous sections. Students may choose from one of the following categories:

  • Testing Preschool-Aged Children
  • Testing Elementary School-Aged Children
  • Testing Adolescents
  • Testing Geriatric Patients
  • Testing First Generation Immigrants
  • Testing in Rural Communities
  • Testing English Language Learners
  • Testing Individuals Who Are (Select one: Deaf, Blind, Quadriplegic)
  • Testing Individuals Who Are Incarcerated
  • Testing for Competency to Stand Trial
  • Testing in Child Custody Cases

References (Portrait orientation must be used for the page layout of this section.)
Include a separate reference section that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing CenterThe reference list must consist entirely of scholarly sources. For the purposes of this assignment, assessment manuals, the course textbook, chapters from graduate-level textbooks, chapters from professional books, and peer-reviewed journal articles may be used as resource material. A minimum of 16 unique scholarly sources including a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed articles published within the last 10 years from the Ashford University Library must be used within the Assessment Guide. The bulleted list of credible professional and/or educational online resources required for each assessment area will not count toward these totals.

Attention Students: The Masters of Arts in Psychology program is utilizing the Pathbrite portfolio tool as a repository for student scholarly work in the form of signature assignments completed within the program. After receiving feedback for this Assessment Guide, please implement any changes recommended by the instructor, go to Pathbrite and upload the revised Assessment Guide to the portfolio. (Use the Pathbrite Quick-Start Guide to create an account if you do not already have one.) The upload of signature assignments will take place after completing each course. Be certain to upload revised signature assignments throughout the program as the portfolio and its contents will be used in other courses and may be used by individual students as a professional resource tool. See the Pathbrite website for information and further instructions on using this portfolio tool.

The Assessment Guide(Week 6 – Final Assignment)

  • Must be 18 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of guide
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least 16 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed articles from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must incorporate at least three different methods of presenting information (e.g., text, graphics, images, original cartoons).

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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Nursing Assessment

Nursing Assessment

(Nursing Assessment)

1……..A patient is admitted to the unit. He is a diabetic on chronic hemodialysis. He has an Arteriovenous (A-V) graft, which is annulated each time he undergoes dialysis treatments. You notice an area on his graft arm that is red and warm to the touch. He states that he has had this on his arm for several weeks. He asked the dialysis staff about the area, but they told him to apply warm compresses to the site. The staff at the dialysis center continues to use the graft, but they are careful to avoid the area when they cannulate for his treatments. Now the patient presents with extreme low back pain, fever, nausea, and swelling of his lower extremities. On checking his fasting serum glucose, you notice that the reading is 159 (Normal fasting blood glucose range 64 to 110 mg/dl), and his white blood cell count is 36,000 (normal range is 4,500-10,000 white blood cells/mcl). He states that his sugars were normally well controlled, but in the past ten days he seems to be requiring more insulin.  (Nursing Assessment)

  • How would you proceed with this patient?
  • What could be the underlying problem?

2……..This patient presents with an AV graft that is red and warm to touch.  He probably has cellulitis.  Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that can be staphylococcal or streptococcal in nature (Eden, 2014).  It is often marked by a reddened skin area that is warm-hot to touch.  For this patient, his WBC is already elevated at 36,000,  and he now presents with nausea and vomiting, fever, back pain, and lower extremity swelling. What started out as a local infection has now probably spread and become more systemic.  I would get a set of vital signs first. It is known that he is febrile; an accurate temperature would be important to know how high it is. It may require an antipyretic, like Tylenol or Ibuprofen. An elevated heart rate would be a normal finding for one with a fever. A low blood pressure would be an indicator of how aggressive the medical staff should respond. This patient could be on the verge of becoming septic; this would need to be ruled out. Additional labs would need to be drawn: Lactic acid ( used as an indicator for sepsis), blood cultures x 2 sets, chemistry panel, with magnesium and phosphorus. This is a renal patient; a baseline evaluation of his renal function and electrolytes would need to be established. A CBC has already been done.  This patient would definitely need antibiotics; once the blood cultures are drawn he could be started on a broad spectrum antibiotic.  Along with the vital signs, I would get a weight on the patient.  This is a renal patient who is presenting with edema to his legs. This could be due to his poor renal function, or it could be due to some other underlying cause. I probably would start the patient on a “gentle” rehydration bolus of IV fluids. Again, this is a renal patient. If this patient has not been feeling well, his oral intake may have been poor and he could have become dehydrated. This patient also complains of pain. A pain assessment would be performed. This patient would also be given analgesic for his pain as well as an anti-emetic for his nausea. Another consideration would be to place a vascular catheter to use until the AV graft could be further assessed for infection. A nephrologist or vascular surgeon would need to be consulted for that. Lastly, this patient’s blood sugars would need to be monitored and treated. It is normal response for a diabetic’s blood sugar to rise during an illness; consequently, his insulin requirements may increase as well.

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quantitative analysis with a memo to management.

quantitative analysis with a memo to management.

(quantitative analysis with a memo to management.)

Question description

FinalFinal Final Submission: Submission:Submission:Submission: Submission:Submission:Submission: Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis Quantitative Analysis With a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management ith a Memo to Management
In In Module SevenModule SevenModule SevenModule SevenModule SevenModule SevenModule Seven Module SevenModule SevenModule SevenModule Seven, submit your quantitative analysis with a memo to management. submit your quantitative analysis with a memo to management. ssubmit your quantitative analysis with a memo to management. submit your quantitative analysis with a memo to management. analysis with a memo to management. submit your quantitative analysis with a memo to management. submit your quantitative analysis with a memo to management. 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Memo to Management: Quantitative Analysis of Sales Performance (quantitative analysis with a memo to management.)

Date: February 25, 2024

To: [Manager/Management Team]

From: [Your Name, Your Position]

Subject: Quantitative Analysis of Sales Performance

I am writing to present a comprehensive quantitative analysis of our recent sales performance, aiming to provide insights into key metrics and trends. This analysis is instrumental in understanding the current state of our sales efforts and identifying areas for improvement.

Sales Overview:

Sales Revenue:

Over the past quarter, our sales revenue has experienced a 15% decline compared to the same period last year. While this is concerning, it’s crucial to delve into the underlying factors contributing to this decline.

Product-wise Analysis:

Breaking down the sales data by product category, we observe a significant drop in the sales of our flagship product, Product A, which historically has been a major revenue driver. The sales of Product A have declined by 20%, primarily due to increased competition and shifts in consumer preferences.

Geographic Analysis:

Analyzing sales performance across different regions, we note that our sales in Region X have seen a sharp decline of 25%. This dip is attributed to intensified competition and a lack of targeted marketing strategies in that specific area.

Customer Acquisition and Retention:

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC):

Our current CAC has increased by 10%, indicating higher expenses associated with acquiring new customers. This might be attributed to increased advertising costs and the need for more aggressive marketing campaigns to stand out in the market.

Customer Retention Rate:

While our customer retention rate has remained steady at 75%, there’s an opportunity to enhance loyalty programs and customer engagement strategies to ensure sustained business from existing customers.

Sales Team Performance:

Individual Sales Rep Performance:

Analyzing individual sales rep performance, it’s evident that certain team members have consistently outperformed others. Recognizing and sharing the best practices of high-performing team members could positively impact the overall team’s performance.(quantitative analysis with a memo to management.)

Sales Funnel Analysis:

A detailed examination of our sales funnel highlights a bottleneck in the conversion from leads to actual sales. Identifying and addressing this bottleneck could significantly impact our overall sales performance.


  1. Strategic Marketing Initiatives: Develop targeted marketing campaigns, especially in Region X, to counter the impact of increased competition. Consider product positioning and differentiation strategies to regain market share for Product A.
  2. Customer Engagement Programs: Enhance existing customer engagement programs and loyalty initiatives to boost customer retention. A satisfied customer is not only a repeat customer but also a potential advocate for our brand.
  3. Sales Training and Development: Invest in targeted training programs for the sales team, focusing on the identified best practices of high-performing individuals. This can elevate the overall performance of the team and address specific challenges in the sales funnel.
  4. Cost Optimization: Evaluate current advertising and marketing expenses to identify potential areas for cost optimization. This could involve revisiting marketing channels, negotiating better deals with vendors, or exploring more cost-effective advertising strategies.
  5. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Continue to leverage data analytics for real-time insights into market trends, customer behavior, and sales performance. This will enable more informed decision-making and agile responses to market dynamics.

In conclusion, this quantitative analysis serves as a roadmap for refining our sales strategy. By implementing these recommendations, we can address the challenges highlighted in the analysis and work towards a more robust and sustainable sales performance.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to discussing these insights further.


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

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Media And Crime Log—Entry II

Media And Crime Log Entry II

(Media And Crime Log Entry II)

Choose a great article or news story to use and provide a link that will direct me to what you will have chosen






Media and Crime Log—Entry II


In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to add to your media and crime log by applying theories presented in this course to media portrayals of crime. The American public is fascinated with crime and therefore, there is no shortage of media depictions of crimes and criminals. In this assignment, you will use the scholarly knowledge to analyze how the media portrays crime.


You are familiar with biological, psychological, and sociological theories of crime. You will write a log entry applying psychological theories of criminal behavior to analyze articles or news stories. In this assignment

Research newspaper or magazine articles related to crime using the print or on-line news media.


Select two articles or news stories and apply at least two theories from the biological, psychological, and/or sociological perspectives to each article or news story.

Write an analysis of each article or news story addressing the following:

  • What is the purpose of the story as you perceive it?
  • How is crime or criminal justice portrayed?
  • What feelings or reactions are evoked in you by the article?
  • How would you explain the reported criminal behavior using the two theories you selected? Explain your choice of theory.

Give complete citation for the selected article and include a digital copy. {A link to the article or news story that you choose and used}

Write a 3 full pages log entry in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Selected two articles or news stories appropriate for the assignment demonstrating in-depth research. 16

Described the purpose of the article and portrayal of crime or criminal justice.


Analyzed the feelings or reactions evoked in you by the article.

Applied biological, psychological, and/or sociological theories to explain the crime described in each article. 32

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.



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Legal and Technical Writing and Presentation help

Legal and Technical Writing and Presentation help

(Legal and Technical Writing and Presentation help)

Question description

Throughout this course, you will be working on developing several components of the procedures manual and supporting documents, such as a brochure, a proposal to a potential project sponsor to develop the procedures manual, and PowerPoint training. Additional information and the deliverables for each Individual Project will be provided in the assignment description for this project.

In this first Individual Project, you are asked to develop the outline of the sections that will be included in the procedures manual as well as a draft of a proposal to submit to both your instructor and a potential project sponsor. The other information you will include is a high-level description of the business process or set of procedures and the intended audience for the manual.

You will also be setting up the foundation of the procedures manual documentation outline that you will add to each week.

Project Selection (Legal and Technical Writing and Presentation help)

The first step will be to select a process or set of procedures for which a manual does not exist today. You will then outline the sections of the manual. This project will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines:

  • Nontrivial:The selected business process or set of procedures should reflect a real-life application.
  • Domain knowledge:Students will be applying knowledge of this process or set of procedures to determine the contents of the manual.

Select a process or set of procedures that fit these requirements, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Keep in mind that this is a draft of a proposal that you could later send to a project sponsor. Approval should be sought within the first few days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given for project approval.


Your first task in this process will be to select a process or set of procedures to use as the basis of your procedures manual. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project deliverable.(Legal and Technical Writing and Presentation help)

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Title Page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Your name
    • Date
  • Project Proposal
    • Write a brief description of the process or set of procedures.
    • Material can be taken from the approved proposal submitted to your instructor, and this will serve as the draft for the proposal you will be submitting to a potential project sponsor in the next IP assignment.
    • Be sure that this project is approved by the instructor.
  • Procedures Manual Outline (Legal and Technical Writing and Presentation help)
    • Outline each of the sections that will be included in the final procedures manual.
    • In 1–2 sentences, describe what types of content will go in each section.
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understanding of how to make important decisions memo

understanding of how to make important decisions memo

(understanding of how to make important decisions memo)

Question description

You have just been promoted from front-line supervisor to be one of the firm’s senior managers. During your business education, you learned that the primary role of a manager is to make good decisions. As a supervisor, you had frequently been making routine decisions, but you realize that decision making for the overall company can and will have far greater impact on the company and its employees.

Your boss, the chief executive officer (CEO), realizes that you do not have much practice in this higher level, decision-making process and has asked you to write a memo describing your understanding of how to make important decisions.

Your memo should address the following questions:

  • Describe at least 3 criteria that would determine whether the manager is making good decisions. What should be done to better assure that you are making a good decision?
  • In the realm of decision making, what are assumptions? Rather than use a dictionary definition, cite several specific assumptions that would go with any real-life decision you have made or have seen made at a company at which you have worked.
  • Given the importance of proper assumptions, your boss asked you to assess the accuracy of certain business assumptions and what could you do to test or confirm the credibility of them. The following were major assumptions for each firm:
    • An automobile manufacturer’s assumption that the demand for SUVs would continue because gas prices would continue to rise
    • An airline’s assumption that there was a need for an airline that provided no added amenities

READING ASSIGNMENT (understanding of how to make important decisions memo)

MGMT499 Library Research guide located in the Library and accessed via the “Research Guides” tab…

MUSE for Unit 3 located in the Course Resources tab:

  • Unit 3: Monitoring Performance
  • Unit 3: Setting Fair Standards
  • Unit 3: Quality Overview
  • Unit 3: Measuring Performance
  • Unit 3: Strategies to Improve Performance
  • Unit 3: Production Decisions
  • Unit 3: Pricing Decisions
  • Unit 3: Input & Output Decisions

Assignment Objectives

Assess leadership, interpersonal skills, and earned values with emphasis on the area of concentration

Construct performance baselines and manage and measure performance (understanding of how to make important decisions memo)

  • Assess effective negotiation skills for the appropriate level of support
  • Assess general leadership skills with emphasis on the area of concentration
  • Assess leadership, interpersonal skills, and earned values with emphasis on the area of concentration
  • Construct a final report or project that synthesizes knowledge gained from the span of this program
  • Construct and manage successfully conceptualized business ventures
  • Construct performance baselines and manage and measure performance
  • Evaluate the management practices in an organization
  • Rank decisions based on various management strategies
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A-Plus Writer

A-Plus Writer

(A-Plus Writer)

Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”:

In assessing my personal and professional accountability, I find that one of my strengths lies in my commitment to meeting deadlines and fulfilling responsibilities. I have a strong sense of duty and take ownership of my actions, which ensures that I deliver on my promises both in my personal and professional life. However, a weakness I’ve identified is a tendency to sometimes take on too much, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed. This highlights a need to better prioritize tasks and set realistic expectations to maintain accountability without compromising well-being.

In terms of career planning, I recognize my strength in setting long-term goals and creating strategic plans to achieve them. I have a clear vision of where I want to go professionally and take deliberate steps to move in that direction. However, I acknowledge a weakness in adapting to unexpected changes in the career landscape. To address this, I am working on enhancing my flexibility and resilience, recognizing that adaptability is a crucial skill in today’s dynamic work environment.

Regarding personal journey disciplines, I have identified self-motivation as a significant strength. I am driven to continuously learn and improve, seeking opportunities for personal and professional development. On the flip side, a weakness is a tendency to be overly self-critical. I am learning to embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and to be more compassionate towards myself during challenging times.

Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets reveal my strength in regularly engaging in self-reflection to enhance my performance. I value feedback and use it constructively to refine my skills. However, a weakness is at times not seeking feedback proactively. I recognize the importance of actively seeking input to gain different perspectives and refine my approach.

In conclusion, this self-reflection has been instrumental in understanding my strengths and weaknesses across personal and professional accountability, career planning, personal journey disciplines, and reflective practice. It serves as a roadmap for further personal and professional development, emphasizing the importance of building on strengths while addressing areas that require improvement.(A-Plus Writer)

Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below:

  1. Personal and professional accountability
  2. Career planning
  3. Personal journey disciplines
  4. Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets

Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace.

Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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