Abnormal Psychology Final

Abnormal Psychology Final

(Abnormal Psychology Final)



I will need help with my final assignment for my Abnormal Psychology class. If you think you can help please let me know. The assignment is posted below….


In the Final Project for this course, due by Day 5 of Week 11, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding, and apply and critically evaluate the major concepts presented in this course.

For the Final Project, you will select a person for whom you will complete a diagnostic battery. The person and his or her history should be connected to some legal issue, be it criminal, civil, or juvenile. The person can be a public figure or a fictional character from a book, a movie, or a TV show who is related to the legal process. As you progress through the reading and assignments in the remaining weeks, think about how you might want to develop your Final Project. The Learning Resources, the Discussions, and the Application Assignments all will assist you in completing each section of the Final Project.(Abnormal Psychology Final)

Your Final Project will contain the following sections:

  • Introduction of the person or the character you are diagnosing
  • Background of the person and presenting information, including the legal issue he or she has encountered
  • Data collection methods (testing, interviews, observation, etc.)
  • Diagnosis
  • Related psychosocial and family issues
  • Related career and vocational issues
  • Proposed treatment and intervention options
  • Continuing assessment and proposed follow-up
  • Potential legal and ethical issues

Your Final Project must demonstrate both breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate to graduate-level scholarship. It must follow APA Publication Manual guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. The project should be 8–10 pages in length (double-spaced), not including the title page, the abstract, and references.(Abnormal Psychology Final)

Be sure to support your Final Project with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.

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Developmental Disorders

Developmental Disorders

(Developmental Disorders)

You have learned that the conceptualization of autism spectrum disorders as diagnoses has evolved, with the current DSM conceptualizing one neurological disorder with common characteristics, which are presented on a wide continuum, rather than separate disorders such as Asperger’s disorder or autistic disorder.

Developmental disorders encompass a diverse group of conditions affecting an individual’s physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors, forming a spectrum with varying severity. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) manifests as persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, impacting academic and social functioning. Intellectual Disability (ID) involves limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors, hindering learning and daily activities.

Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) result in academic challenges despite average intelligence. Communication Disorders, including speech sound disorders and language disorders, affect language comprehension and expression. Motor Disorders, such as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), involve difficulties with motor skills and coordination.

Genetic conditions like Down Syndrome, caused by an extra chromosome 21, lead to intellectual disabilities, distinctive facial features, and potential health issues. Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder predominantly affecting females, results in severe cognitive and physical impairments.(Developmental Disorders)

Tourette Syndrome involves repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) arise from prenatal alcohol exposure, causing various physical, cognitive, and behavioral challenges.

Early identification and intervention are pivotal for developmental disorders. Diagnosis often involves a comprehensive assessment by professionals, including educators, psychologists, and healthcare providers. Tailored interventions, addressing individual strengths and challenges, aim to enhance functioning and quality of life.

Educational strategies, behavioral interventions, and therapeutic approaches, such as speech or occupational therapy, form key components of support. Collaborative efforts involving parents, educators, and healthcare professionals are crucial for a holistic approach to care.(Developmental Disorders)

Understanding the unique characteristics of each developmental disorder promotes inclusivity and fosters a supportive environment. Ongoing research contributes to evolving interventions, improving outcomes for individuals with developmental disorders. By embracing a multidisciplinary perspective, society can empower those affected to navigate challenges, unlock their potential, and lead fulfilling lives.

Watch the video It’s a Different World. You may use the link provided or locate the video in the AUO library.

  • Describe the symptoms or characteristics of autism spectrum disorder you saw illustrated in the video that you learned about in your readings.
  • You have learned that autism is a spectrum disorder, with some children functioning at the lower end, requiring a lot of support, and others at the higher end, needing minimal support.

Describe strengths and challenges that were noted for the children in the video?

  • Explain why it is important for a clinician to evaluate strengths and challenges in order to work with children, families, and educators.
  • Drawing on your readings, the video, and any other peer-reviewed sources you find relevant, explain whether research supports separate disorders (e.g., Asperger’s disorder, autistic disorder) or one disorder with a continuum of severity.(Developmental Disorders)

Write a paper that is a minimum of 3 pages, not including a cover page and reference list. Format your paper using APA standards, to citation of sources, including in-text citations and full references.

Persaud, R. (Director). (2008). It’s a different world. [Motion Picture]. United States: Filmmaker’s Library.

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Short Answer Questions

Short Answer Questions

(Short Answer Questions)

APA Format. 200 word minimum per question.


1.  Jane is trying to decide whether she should marry Jim.  She sits down with a piece of paper and makes a list of all the positive aspects about marrying Jim, and then a list of all the negative aspects.  After looking at both lists, she can see that the good things outweigh the bad.  So, she calls Jim up and says, “OK, let’s set a date for the wedding!”  Jane’s way of making up her mind is an example of:

a.         felicific calculus

b.         distinctiveness decision making

c.          decisional framing

d.         the contrast effect

Why is this the best answer?

2.  In an experiment by Kenrick and Gutierres, male college students were asked to evaluate a potential blind date before or after watching the television show “Charlie’s Angels” (which features three glamorous actresses).  How did those who gave their ratings of the blind date after the viewing the show compare to subjects who rated the blind date before watching the show.  To what factor was this difference attributed?

3.  From Article #13 in Readings About the Social Animal, in demonstrating the “region-ß paradox,” what do Gilbert and his colleagues suggest about people’s willingness to endure painful medical procedures?(Short Answer Questions)

4.  It’s New Year’s Eve, and you’ve been invited to a large party where there will be lots of people you’ve never met before.  When you arrive, the person hosting the party hands you a blue party hat to wear and you put it on.  As you mingle through the crowd, you notice that some people are wearing blue hats like yours, and other people are wearing green party hats.  By the end of the evening, you realize you have spent most of your time with people wearing blue hats.  Somehow, they just seemed to be nicer people-they even dance better than those other people wearing green hats.  Moreover, a guy with a green hat bumped into you at one point during the evening and spilled your drink!  Given your knowledge of social cognition (and despite the somewhat far-fetched nature of this scenario), how could you explain your perceptions and judgments?

5.  How do cognitive biases involving the self contribute to the goal of maintaining and enhancing our view of ourselves?  Of what value are such biases, and what are the potential consequences of not having them?  Describe two self-biases, providing research evidence that demonstrates their effects.

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conducting a study to investigate a community problem

conducting a study to investigate a community problem

(conducting a study to investigate a community problem)

Question description

Final Paper

Imagine that you are a researcher and are conducting a study to investigate a community problem. Using behavioral research principles, select a macro systems problem to investigate (there are many suggested in the textbook, e.g. domestic violence, homophobia, sexual abuse, delinquent gangs) and design a study to solve this community problem.

The purpose of your Final Paper is to solve this community problem.

The Final Paper should be eight- to- ten pages (excluding title and reference pages) that includes the following components:
(Please note that for the purposes of offering instruction, examples have been given below about a research study involving the use of financial reward programs to combat truancy. Please make sure that you create a study that does not investigate the same content.) (conducting a study to investigate a community problem)

  1. Introduction – This section should include a brief summary of the community problem that will be addressed, as well as the approach that will be used to investigate and solve the problem.
  2. Statement of the problem – The purpose of this section is to specify the main research question (e.g., Does enrollment in a financial reward program reduce truancy?) and define the community problem in more depth (e.g., truancy), analyzing why it is a problem. In addition, you will explain the problem-solving method you plan to employ (e.g., enrollment in a financial reward program) and state your main hypothesis. (e.g., Enrollment in a financial reward program is expected to reduce student truancy in the short term, but its long-term effects are difficult to predict.)
  3. Literature Review – In this section, research findings pertaining to both the community problem and problem solving method need to be illustrated. (e.g., Relevant articles may include those on the prevalence of truancy, the impact of truancy, previous methods used to combat truancy, and the benefits of financial reward programs.)
  4. Methodology – Explain how your Final Paper will investigate the problem. How will the study be designed? How many participants will be involved in the study and how will they be recruited? (e.g., Four classes at a local high school will be given the opportunity to participate in the research study. Two of these classes will be enrolled in the financial reward program.) How will data be collected? (e.g., Truancy data will be collected on all of the participants for the six months preceding the reward program, for the duration of the program, and for the six months after completion of the reward program.) What statistics will be used to evaluate the data? (e.g., Inferential statistics will be conducted to compare the truancy levels of the group of students participating in the program with those of the group of students who are not participating in the program.)  Ethical considerations should be discussed to ensure that no unethical research is suggested.
  5. Conclusions – This section should contain concluding remarks about any potential problems that might be encountered in conducting this research study. It should also include speculations on the potential results of the study.

(conducting a study to investigate a community problem)

Writing the Final PaperThe Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
    6. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
    7. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
    8. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
    9. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library.
    10. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    11. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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Healthy Sexuality discussion

Healthy Sexuality discussion

(Healthy Sexuality discussion)


The purpose of this assignment is to research one of the topics you have covered in this course. You will collect 10 scholarly research articles written within the last  10 years on a particular topic related to sex and sexuality (i.e. pornography, extramarital affair, teen pregnancy, homosexuality, etc.).(Healthy Sexuality discussion)

Healthy sexuality is a broad and positive concept that encompasses various aspects of sexual well-being, relationships, and attitudes towards one’s own sexuality. It involves a holistic and respectful approach to sexual health, encompassing physical, emotional, and social aspects. Here are some key elements of healthy sexuality:

  1. Communication: Open and honest communication is crucial in any sexual relationship. This involves expressing desires, boundaries, and concerns, as well as actively listening to your partner. Clear communication fosters understanding and helps build trust.
  2. Consent: Consent is a fundamental aspect of healthy sexuality. All sexual activities should be consensual, meaning that all involved parties willingly and enthusiastically agree to participate. Consent is ongoing and can be withdrawn at any time.
  3. Respect: Healthy sexuality involves mutual respect between partners. This includes respecting each other’s boundaries, values, and autonomy. It’s essential to create an environment where both partners feel safe and valued.
  4. Education: Being informed about sexual health, anatomy, and contraception is vital for making responsible and informed decisions. Knowledge empowers individuals to take control of their sexual health and well-being.
  5. Safer Sex Practices: Practicing safe sex, including the use of condoms and other barrier methods, helps protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.
  6. Emotional Well-being: Healthy sexuality is closely linked to emotional well-being. Positive emotional connections, intimacy, and a sense of security contribute to a satisfying and healthy sexual relationship.
  7. Self-Awareness: Understanding and accepting one’s own desires, boundaries, and preferences is crucial. This self-awareness can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic sexual experience.
  8. Body Positivity: Embracing body positivity involves accepting and appreciating one’s own body as well as respecting and appreciating the bodies of others. This contributes to a positive self-image and can enhance sexual confidence.
  9. Regular Health Check-ups: Regular health check-ups, including screenings for STIs, are important for maintaining sexual health. Being proactive about one’s health and seeking medical advice when needed is a responsible aspect of healthy sexuality.
  10. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing and respecting diverse cultural perspectives on sexuality is important. Cultural sensitivity helps create an inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with different backgrounds and beliefs.

It’s essential to note that healthy sexuality is a personal and subjective concept, and individuals may have different preferences and values. Open communication, mutual respect, and ongoing consent are key principles that underpin a positive and healthy sexual experience.

(Healthy Sexuality discussion)

Articles should come from scholarly research sources. You will then write and submit a 10-page paper with the following 3 main sections relevant to these articles:

1. Article Summaries: Summarize the main points of the selected articles.

2. Compare and contrast the information presented in the articles with the content presented in class.

3. Explain how a therapist may use this information on your topic to help a client define healthy sexuality and how having that understanding can help the client make wise decisions in their relationships.

Papers will be written in current APA format and should include a title page, abstract, and reference page which are not part of the 10 body pages of the paper.

The paper should be a minimum of 10 pages of content (this does not include title page, abstract, or reference page).

Course Textbook to be used as a reference.

Balswick, J., & Balswick, J. (2008). Authentic human sexuality: An integrated Christian approach (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. ISBN: 978-0-8308-2883-8.

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influence of Purpose on Curriculum

influence of Purpose on Curriculum

(influence of Purpose on Curriculum)

Question description

Submit an initial substantive post of 250 words (about 1 page length) to question .Use headings for each main key point to clearly communicate to the reader the topic under discussion and leave no room for guessing. Your headings need to be Bold and aligned center-page.At least 2 References and in text citations should conform to the APA format(6th ed.)Typically, the discussion question for each week asks you to respond to several (2-4) key point (multidimensional question) and rarely is a one-dimensional question.Please use a heading for each major part of the main/initial post. For example your headers for the first week discussion #1 could be “Curriculum in my Own Words”, “Influence of Purpose on Curriculum”.Your headings should follow APA format such as be Bold and center page.

Discussion Question1:In three sentences define curriculum in your own words (no quotations or paraphrasing). Discuss the influence of the purpose of an educational encounter on the definition of curriculum.(influence of Purpose on Curriculum)

All responses need to be supported by a minimum of 2 scholarlyresource (text or peer reviewed journal). In-text citation and reference must adhere to APA format (6th ed.).Next response to the posting below should be approximately 100 words (about 1/2 page length) and include 2 References and in text citations should conform to the APA format (6th ed).

Jurado’s Response 1

Curriculum in My Words

Curriculum is the information and material that is presented as a means to facilitate learning. It is content that is disseminated in a course and is a pathway for meeting goals and objectives. It guides our direction in which we educate and meet learning expectations.

Influence of Educational Encounter

Curriculum is developed to meet the needs of all learners in all cultures. Curriculum is a planned process that provides pathways to a favorable learning environment. Curriculum is designed to meet the benchmarks of education and aligns with the goals and objectives presented in a learning environment (Herrington, & Schneidereith, 2017). As the educator becomes comfortable and fluent with educational presentations the assessments help with meeting the goals. As the educator grows in the profession there will be opportunities to change and adapt to all arrays of learning. The educator will often find that the group of learners were not engaged or just may not have responded to that form of teaching and changes may be needed. The educators that are closed minded and not willing to make way for change will likely have issues meeting the goals and objectives.

When developing curriculum it is best that the material is presented to peers that are able to give feedback to the approach as well as the material that the educator is presenting (Al-Shdayfat, Hasna, Al-Smairan, Lewando-Hundt, & Shudayfat, 2016). Finding an approach that meets the needs of many different learners will allow for a positive outlook on both process and meeting of goals. The educator that acquires adaptive skills will have successful relationships and encounters with students.

Reference(influence of Purpose on Curriculum)

Al-Shdayfat, N., Hasna, F., Al-Smairan, M., Lewando-Hundt, G., & Shuayfat, T. (2016). Importance of Integrating a cultural module in the community nursing curriculum. British Journal of Community Nursing, 21(1), 44-49.

Herrington, A., & Shhneidereith, T. (2017). Scaffolding and Sequencing Core COncepts to Develop a Simulation- Integrated . doi:Nursing Curriculum. Nurse Educator, 42(4), 204-207. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000358.

Next response to the posting below should be approximately 100 words (about 1/2 page length) and include 2 References and in text citations should conform to the APA format (6th ed).

Felicia ‘s Response 2   (influence of Purpose on Curriculum)

Definition of Curriculum

Curriculum is the development of courses or classes in which learners take to learn a desired process or subject in a educational facility or environment. The curriculum is developed to include various teaching strategies in order to develop the skills and knowledge of the learners to improve outcomes. It will involve learning experiences which can be incorporated into various education programs or classes.

Influence of Educational Encounter

The purpose of the influence of the educational encounter on the definition of the curriculum began with the beginning of education. Educators have developed curriculum based on the needs of their learners, making adjustments as needed to include information which is important. It is important as nursing education is influenced by the many changes to the profession, that as stated by Kantar & Alexander, (2012, p.444), “that instructional leaders are compelled to focus attention on educating nurses to be good decision makers and problem solvers, competent, information literate and safe in practice. It is important to develop nurses with skills to provide safe patient care, while addressing judgement as major curriculum outcome, and as stated by Kantar & Alexander, (2012), critical thinking skills are not well integrated in the content and assessment approaches of nursing curriculum are transferred through various models such as Tanner’s or Posner’s Models. According to Kantar and Alexander, (2012), Tanner’s Model is the role of knowledge and experience in nurses’ thinking practice which influence judgement, and Posner’s Model provides informed about curriculum’s dimensions. It is important for the educator to develop and decide on how to choose and design curriculum based on their learners style, skills, and knowledge, environment, and their desired outcomes. According to Simmonds, Foster, & Surek, (2009), developing a education curriculum is challenging and skills can be developing with teaching tools and continuing educational training to assist with support.

References    (influence of Purpose on Curriculum)

Kantar, L. & Alexander, R. (2012). Integration of clinical judgement in the nursing curriculum: Challenges and perspectives. Journal of Nursing Education. Vol. 51., pp. 444-453. DOI: 3928/01484834-20120615-03

Simmonds, K., Foster, AM., & Zurek, M. (2009). From the outside in: A unique model for stimulating curricula reform in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education. Vol. 48., pp583-587. DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20090917-02

Please include references for each section not all on 1 page.

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Discuss Carl`S Post

Discuss Carl`S Post

(Discuss Carl`S Post)

  1. Highlight the relevant information from the patient’s history you will use to inform your conceptualization of the patient’s problems and diagnosis.
  2. Mr. Smith has Anxiety about his future. He is guarded when talking about his family and childhood, he was diagnosed with adjustment disorder with anxiety. Mr. Smith is an only child and had limited contact with his father due to his fathers job and remained with his mother essentially most of the time. Mr. Smith’s mother worked at his elementary school and latter transferred to his high school once he transitioned to high school. Mr. Smiths father died a year ago and he has been avoiding his mother since she moved to San Diego, California. Mr. Smith does not speak much about his mother, she had anger issues when he was growing up and made robust outbursts. Mr. Smith is originally from Canada, does well socially and worked as a psychology technician for 14 years. Mr. Smith quit his job as a psychology technician because he became bored with it and has not been to work in a few weeks. He drinks socially, is a part of a college fraternity but has recently lost a lot of weight and continues to be suspicious and closed off to his friends.
  3. Provide an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and presenting problems within the context of a theoretical orientation that seems to be most appropriate for the situation. Be sure to indicate which theory you are using for your evaluation and provide a justification for your choice. To get the most out of this assignment, you are encouraged to use the same theoretical orientation from which you chose to write your Week Two Initial Assessment discussion’s guided response(Discuss Carl`S Post)
  4. Mr. Smith’s symptoms appear to be that he tells his doctor that all is well for the most part but he lives quite a different story. He is anxious about his future, he has lost a lot of weight and he has adjustment disorder. The doctor used a Humanistic theoretical orientation by talking to Mr. Smith and by going against the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Ethics by hiring a private investigator to find out about Mr. Smith’s mother. The reason that I will continue using the Humanistic theoretical orientation is because I believe it is important for me to talk to Mr. Smith to get him to speak about his Mother and his childhood. This area appears to be an area that Mr. Smith is not sharing with the Doctor and his friends. It appears that Mr. Smith shields himself from having to discuss his childhood or his mother. Mr. Smith appears to avoid his mother as well.
  5. Provide a diagnosis for the patient based on one of the diagnostic manuals available (e.g.,DSM-5,Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, etc.). Justify your choice of this diagnostic manual.
  6. According to the DSM 5, I believe that Mr. Smith is suffering from Anxiety Disorder due to another Medical Condition (First, M.B., 2013). I believe the mental disorder’s that Mr. Smith is suffering from is a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as Adjustment Disorder. The reason that I believe that Mr. Smith is suffering from PTSD is because people who suffer from PTSD avoid people and things that remind them of the situation that led to their PTSD. Mr. Smith appears to be avoiding his mother. Mr. Smith’s mother may not have been the person who caused him to have PTSD but she could remind him of the person. I believe that Mr. Smith has adjustment disorder but it is associated with the presence of his mother.(Discuss Carl`S Post)
  7. Describe at least one evidence-based and one non-evidence-based treatment option for this diagnosis. Compare the benefits and costs of these treatment options.
  8. One evidence-based treatment for PTSD is Written Exposure Therapy (WET) (AUSTERN, D., 2017). This treatment requires a person to write out their issues as well as situations that they believe will assist them in their crisis. I believe that this is a good method to use in order to assist a person suffering from PTSD related issues. The primary non-evidence based treatment option for PTSD is dialogue. Talking to other people in similar situations tends to assist people who are suffering from PTSD. The benefits and cost of dialogue is minimal. The cost of WET is minimal as well.
  9. Based on specific theoretical and historical perspectives, provide questions for your colleagues seeking their thoughts and feedback.
  10. How would you approach a situation where a gentleman avoids his mother in adulthood?
  11. What would cause a person to act one way around their friends and describe a different way of life to their doctor?
  12. Pose appropriate questions that may help refine the diagnostic impression of this patient.
  13. Does verbal abuse cause PTSD?
  14. What mental condition causes avoidance?
  15. V/R
    Carl D. Nelson Jr.(Discuss Carl`S Post)
    AUSTERN, D. (2017). Beyond Binary Thinking: Providing Best Practice Treatment to Veterans with PTSD. PCSP: Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy. 2017, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p165-172. 8p. , Database: Academic Search CompleteLinks to an external site.
    First, M. B. (Ed.). (2013) DSM-5: Handbook of Differential Diagnosis. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.
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Diagnostic Case Reports

  Diagnostic Case Reports

(Diagnostic Case Reports)

There, you will see twelve different disorders listed. For this module, view the following disorders:

· Borderline Personality Disorder

· Substance Use

After clicking a disorder, click the Diagnostic Overview tab in the left column. This will cover the major diagnostic features of the disorder. After that, click the DSM-5 Features tab. You can then go though the Case History, Interview, and Treatment sections on the website. Finally, in the Assessment section, you can complete an optional multiple-choice quiz. You have to write a case report for each case study. You should use the format provided on the web page. There is a sample report that you can also view by clicking the link in the upper-right corner.

The format for the sample report is as follows:

Your Name
Instructor’s Name
Class/Section Number

Background(Diagnostic Case Reports)

· Outline the major symptoms of this disorder.

· Briefly outline the client’s background (age, race, occupations, etc.).

· Describe any factors in the client’s background that might predispose him or her to this disorder.


· Describe any symptoms that you have observed that support the diagnosis. You can include direct quotes or behaviors that you may have observed.

· Describe any symptoms or behaviors that are inconsistent with the diagnosis.

· Provide any information that you have about the development of this disorder.


· Did you observe any evidence of general medical conditions that might contribute to the development of this disorder?

· Did you observe any evidence of psychosocial and environmental problems that might contribute to this disorder?

· As per your observations, what is the client’s overall level of safety regarding the potential harm to self or others (suicidality or homicidality)?

· What cross-cultural issues, if any, affect the differential diagnosis?

Therapeutic Intervention (Diagnostic Case Reports)

· In your opinion, what are the appropriate short-term goals of this intervention?

· In your opinion, what are the appropriate long-term goals of this intervention?

· Which therapeutic strategy seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?

· Which therapeutic modality seems the most appropriate in this case? Why?

Described the major symptoms of each disorder, outlined each person’s background, and described any factors in the person’s background that might predispose him or her to their disorder.

20Diagnostic Case Reports)

Described any symptoms that were observed that support each diagnosis and any symptoms or behaviors that are inconsistent with each diagnosis and provided relevant information from the case history about the development of each disorder


Described any evidence of psychosocial or medical issues that might have contributed to each disorder, identified any safety concerns regarding suicidality or homicidality, and discussed any cross-cultural issues affecting the differential diagnosis.


Discussed appropriate short-term and long-term goals of each intervention, discussed the most appropriate therapeutic strategy and therapeutic modality for each case, and presented appropriate reasoning for your selection.



100(Diagnostic Case Reports)

Summary  of task Diagnosis overview borderline personality disorder consists of a set of emotional and behavioral traits including impulse of anger and self -destructiveness that create distress from the the individual and for the people around them. Personality disorders are Rico Carty differently than other disorders discussed in this series. I am therefore before discussing Porelin specifically we will explore the concept of person out this order is in general.Our Personality consists of characters patterns of thinking feeling believing and believe behaving. Interns a person is said to have a personality disorder when their doubts and behaviors create long-term difficulties for themselves or for those around them. Teachers orders are usually expressed by early adulthood and seem to produce any and personal styles that is rigid and inflexible.Personality disorders can be divided into three clusters. The first cluster include personalities that are odd or eccentric. The individual might express on usual speed habits and inappropriate or flat emotions . This cluster includes paranoid personality disorder , schizoid personality disorder  , and schizophrenia personality disorder. The second cluster includes personality that are  highly anxious or Fearful . These individuals have very little confidence and they may either be dependent on others or avoid interaction with other people all together. This cluster and close avoidant personality is ordered to pay his personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.The third clustering clothes personalities that are highly dramatic and erratic.Diagnostic Case Reports)

These individuals might be especially manipulative  aggressive or impulse . This cluster include antisocial personality disorder narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder which is the focus of this module.Borderline personality disorder usually consist of a wide collection of sometimes vaguely defined symptoms. For example people with borderline personality disorder experiences bouts of extreme anger, depression and anxiety. In turns they sometimes cope with  these emotions by engaging in impulsive behavior , such as reckless driving indiscriminate sex or self mutilating behavior.They also may have vacillation  self images. For example one day they might see themselves as politically liberal but the next day build them selves as controversial. Even their sexual identity might be thrown into question by the almost Ceaseless process of shifting. One week they Maye regard themselves as homosexual the next as heterosexual. The frequent vacillation can contribute to increasing self doubt and decrease self confidence. As you might imagine these behaviors patterns lead to a stable relationships. People with borderline personality disorder will often clean two new France while others misinterpreting  an innocuous action as a sign of potential abandonment . In turn , they can suddenly switch from idolizing a friend to despising them. This is known ass splitting.The cause of borderline personality disorder are not well understood. Psychological research shows that the impulsive behavior seems in seeing if people with personality disorders are correlated with the low serotonin level. How to research suggest that physiological deficits reduce the person ability to regulate their emotions. Interns this leads to a multitude of interpersonal complication to make it even more difficult for these individuals to develop adaptive and interpersonal skillsPsychoanalytic research’s believe that  the symptoms of borderline personality disorder results from poor care giving during childhood . Specifically , they believe that the individuals parents encourage the child to be overly dependent on them and thereby inhibited the Chile’s individuation . Therefore as an adult the individual is overly sensitive to the judgment of others. Furthermore when they perceive themselves as billing to achieve their goals they participate self -Mutilation as a mean of self punishment. Borderline is a controversial diagnosis. Some researchers point out that it is this disproportionately diagnosed in women and hence they assert it in a form of discrimination. Others argue that the diagnosis is significantly over diagnosed and that now the diagnosis is assigned to people who are simply unpleasant or aggressive.

Diagnosis features for borderline personality disorderDSM5 list numerous traits of people with borderline this order these traits can be divided into five categories1Emotional traits 2behavior traits 3Traits involving identity 4Traits involved relationship5Trait under conditions of stress(Diagnostic Case Reports)
Case history Becky has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. My conversation with Patty was one of the most compelling every billing interview I have ever conducted. At the time of the interview Becky was 24 years old and she was in rolled in one of my university classes. When she heard about this project she approached me and volunteered to participate. She explained that she wanted to overcome that this order and she thought they practicing in these interviews and being forthright with her problems would help her move towards recovery.As you will see Becky is a bright and ambitious  women. At the same time she is deeply trouble. As an adolescent she remember getting into a vicious fight with her family and friends. She spiraled in and out of relationships first analyzing a person and then scorning them. She was raised in a mourner church well she wants found great meaning in faith she now renounces it.Becky has very little sense of who she is and believes that her Personna is a fraud. For example she currently works in a customer relationships for a loan Corporation. She is quite good at her work and she receive compliments and promotions, but she somehow she believes that she is not really legitimate. Even when people like and it might hurt she feels disingenuous and believes that she has somehow fooled them . As you’ll see Becky expresses serious self doubt it internal conflict. In turn she sometime direct this anger towards herself in the form of self-mutilation. Be forewarned that some of description of this self -mutilation can be pretty disturbing, to be frank there was something disturbing about the interview. I remember feeling both disturbed by what Becky had to say and concerned on her behalf.Interestingly the crew reacted differently. The director perceived Becky as contrived it and insincere. She believe Becky enjoyed manipulating people. I do not agree but I will leave it to you to decide for yourself Becky is currently living with her father and while she inmates that this is less than ideal she knows that it is better than living alone. Although she has problems dealing with people she is most self injury us when she lives alone.Interview with Becky Child hood Do you think there was anything out about you when you were a child?Becky‘s response: I was so desperate for my mom to teach and like one on me not her me Napoca seeing on her that I told her that I was Sexually molested by these six grade boys , and I was in the second grade and that never happened and I knew it was wrong what I was saying what I was doing I knew I was doing it for attention .Diagnostic Case Reports)

I was hungry for the response she gave me for my whole life I’ve told Phillips like that you know well Phillips is kind of a common way of putting it but you know either you know I’m going in to be tested for cancer or you know I mean I haven’t done it since high school but just this the stories so that I would get her attention. Or with Sean the guy I was in love with their high school I told him that this guy was harassing me when Att worked at Wendy’s just something to get that caring and go get that attention that I need it or wanted . What were you like when you were in high school?Well I was desperate to be alone I grew up Mormon and we stopped or when I was 15 so by the time I was at school I should say we had just moved and I was brand new and high school and I’ve met up with a group of friends that went to a Baptist church so I started going to youth group with them and septic Christ and went through the whole rigmarole going to youth Bible every day Wednesday and going to church every Sunday read in the Bible listen to Christian music And at that point I wasn’t really being my true self but I had a sense of being whole a sesame of belonging having people care about me wanted to do things to take care of them. Knowing that there are better things in life. What do you think is the main cause of your mental problem?Well we can start at the one on the Avenue learn to therapy is that the root of colors of everything and that my mother she grew up in as an abused child married then she was both my mother and father were brought up more me Mary when she was 19 she had got back from his mission so he was 23 she get pregnant with me on her honeymoon she have five kids in six years with some one who didn’t deal with anything and so my mom turned to me to be a confident or of some sort. If she’d get frustrated I was the one that she would take it out on whether it be mentally or physically and just everything about her I was there to reassure her that she was doing a good job that she was a good person but yes I understood about yours and dadsex life that it’s too bad that type of thing you know I remember being five years old and sitting on the toilet next to my mom while she is putting on her make up and telling me about how her  and her father had molested and had sex with two of her sisters and she was very graphic and detail in at five years old I do not realize really think I needed to know that you know question I could be five or six it was kind of fuzzy about the time but so she was just always very  manipulating and parents aren’t perfect I don’t want to be like her but I know in a lot of ways I am.What therapy most effective Open and honesty if miss understood address right away .(Diagnostic Case Reports)
Substance Abuse Summery taskA psychoactive drug is a substance that alter our thoughts feelings and behaviors. A very wide variety of substance have psychoactive priorities including B alcohol marijuana cocaine tobacco and heroin. For the more by definition all of these medications prescribed to treat psychological disorders including lithium right now and antidepressant medication also psychoactive drugs.Psycho active drugs very dramatically in terms of their potential benefit dangerous side effects. In general there is an effort to allow relatively being excepted such as U to remain illegal well dangerous substance such as cocaine and heroin are made illegal. Finally when a substance is dangerous but can’t be beneficial when used judicious it is restrictive and only available up on recommendation of a position.Unfortunately the pattern of legalization is uneven. For example tobacco alcohol two of the most popular psychoactive drugs we may legally and spite of a long history of addiction and lethal outcome.Almost everyone has ingested a psychoactive substance at sometime in their life. For psychologists the question is when does this use become pathology? As you would expect there is no easy answer in this issue has been the debated for decades . the imprecise term addiction is used less often has been replaced by languages that focus on the effect of drugs use of individuals life.  currently the diagnosis and stactical manual identifies four types of conditions related to the use of drugs(Diagnostic Case Reports)
What’s the DSM 5 criteria for substance abuse The person experiencing drugs Tolerate as evidence by the need for increased amount of drugs achieve intoxication   diminished intoxication after imbibing  the same amount of drugsThe person experience drug withdrawal Expand with drawl symptoms typically up the substance the use of related drugs to avoid symptoms of withdrawalThe person takes the substance in does that are larger than that attended amount and over a long time them intended.The person has made multiple unsuccessful efforts to quit.The person spends a great deal of time occurring using and recovering from the substance. the person giving up social and professional opportunities to become the substitutes. The person continues to use the drugs in spite of negative side effects and consequences.Case history When Bobby was 16 year old she was living on the street she was a heroin addict and her life revolved around selling her body buying drugs and satisfying and overwhelmingly opiate addiction. When Bobby with nine years old her life was already challenging her mom was mostly absent and Bobby M is that she was desperate for positive attention. In about this time she was sexually abused by men in her household in spite of this she desperately wanted to think of herself as a good girl.I live begin to crumble when she was about 12 years old she feel with an older crowd of kids and began smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol at 13 she started smoking marijuana and ran away from home. And this course of the next three years she experimented with a variety of hallucinogens amphetamines and  barbiturates. Impact her own mother introduced her to HAIR and Bobby’s live quickly spare out of her control and remains cell for the next 10 years.at this time of this interview Bobby had been sober for about 10 years she currently in the squally with her five-year-old son and her boyfriend in a small suburban house. Although she is drug-free she still considers herself and attic amid she is afraid that she might result using drugs for the more she’s deal where is the scars of her previous life. One Bobby junk so I asked her about the track marks on her arm she explains that she was scratched by a cat. She also carries emotional scars when I first met her Bobby seem warm friendly and outgoing a charm and no more me in many respects all of that is true. But I spoke to her gradually it also became clear she is a damaged person. I am not trying to be mean or unkind here and I invite you to watch the video and come to your own conclusion. But it seem to me that she seems happy she is also deeply fighting. While she seems strong willed she will she is also terribly fragile. Bobby is working hard to maintain a normal life for her small family. She has a part-time job and is learning to cope with the special challenges of living HIV. In spite of her many challenges she is determined to live a happy life and for filling life.(Diagnostic Case Reports)
Interview Bobby is white and works as waitressMe:what were you like as a child Bobby :And I 9 years old I always knew I wanted attention I wanted to mama my life my mom was in and out of my life . Sexual abuse started at 9  I don’t say anything did think any one would listen .Me: what happen as you got older?Bobby :As I got older I stated to act out more drinking acting out more being promiscuous . I knew it was wrong but I was doing them anyway . I wanted my dad to pay attention to me I Convince myself an early age that that didn’t love me. And he and so he didn’t show it like I show it to my son by the kisses and the hugs a lot of times it was a smack across the face or a knee in the stomach he wasn’t there. So I was trying to get  other people outside to you know boys  the bad girls to pay attention.Me :was your mother a role model for you ? Everybody kept telling me I was like my mom you look just like your mom you’re just you’re just like your mom and that was hard. Because my mom I know the feeling of everybody around me didn’t like my mom. And was very angry with her. And so it was just like I feel bad that message up oh I’m a bad horrible person I must be hurting so many people.
Treatment suggested(Diagnostic Case Reports)

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sex trafficking bluebook citations

sex trafficking bluebook citations

sex trafficking bluebook citations

Question description

Below is the approved research proposal. Below that is the instructions for the research paper.

Sex Trafficking

Sex trafficking is a crime in which women, men, and children are forcefully involved in commercial sex acts. In the United States, a child or a minor under the age of 18 years engaged in commercial sex is considered a sex trafficking victim under the U.S laws. Sex traffickers often take advantage of the indigenous population who dwell in abject poverty as well as economically marginalized population and exploit them sexually. Most of the commercial sex victims lack the knowledge of their rights and access to basic amenities such as education and thus become more vulnerable to sex trafficking. Many at times, individuals from the vulnerable communities are given false promises of a job offer in overseas countries but end up being sold to perform commercial sex activities. Some sex traffickers operate in known dating companies and agencies that deal with global dating services. These traffickers often recruit young women and girls with a false promise of job offers as models, nannies, dancers, and waitresses. These women end up being exploited sexually through forced commercial sex.

Thesis Statement

Sex trafficking is a modern-day slavery that has to be handled on a cooperative international level to combat and bring those responsible into the book and make a progressive change.

Why this topic is important

Sex trafficking has become one of the fast growing forms of criminal enterprise not only in the United States but also within a global scope. As a result of abject poverty that is striking most population around the globe, many sex traffickers have seen an opportunity to take advantage of the vulnerable population and lure them into commercial sex activity. Addressing this topic will, therefore, advance the knowledge regarding the techniques that sex traffickers use and the vulnerable population. On the same note, addressing this topic will shed light on the issue of sex trafficking within a global scope and the various actions that can be taken through international cooperation against the perpetrators of this heinous crime.

How I will defend my thesis

In addressing this topic, I will defend my thesis statement with evidence from published resources that are accessible both through the internet and the school library. Sex trafficking is a well-researched topic and several scholars have written many articles on the growing trend, how it is perpetrated and the various actions that can be taken both locally and within an international level to combat the crime. In this case, I will use peer-reviewed sources to back my arguments on the issue of sex trafficking and its corresponding ramification. I will utilize JSTOR digital library to search and locate relevant sources relating to the sex trafficking within a global scope.

References (sex trafficking bluebook citations )

Alexis A. Aronowitz, Human trafficking: a reference handbook (2017).

Annie Evalyn. McMurray, Sex trafficking: a cumulative study (2016).

Cristina Jean. Shepherd, Sex trafficking: the Egyptian governments international legal obligations to trafficking victims and the new anti-trafficking legislation(2009).

Domestic minor sex trafficking: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C, (2010).

Jeff V. Higgins & Christopher M. Brady, Child sex trafficking in the United States(2012).

Marie Segrave, Sanja Milivojevic & Sharon Pickering, Sex trafficking: international context and response (2014).

Marie Therese Segrave, Sanja Milivojevic & Sharon Pickering, Sex trafficking and modern slavery: the absence of evidence (2018).

Instructions:(sex trafficking bluebook citations )

Attach your paper to the assignment and once you submit, a Turnitin report will be generated.


In this class, you are writing a paper to focus on an International Law topic of your choice and to help you prepare for the Capstone.

In order to help you prepare for your Capstone, here is very specific guidance for your paper in this class (this is the only guidance you will follow):

1. Your paper will be 10 full pages, including footnotes. Not 9, not 11. Why 10 pages, you ask? It is actually harder to write a 10 page paper than it is to write a 15 or 20 page paper. You must be clear and avoid the filler that is often contained in longer papers. What is filler? Filler is extra “stuff” that just fills pages but adds little or no value to your paper.

2. Introduction (10%): Your introduction will not be longer than two pages.

3. Thesis Statement: (10%): Immediately after your introduction, you must present a clear thesis statement. In simplistic terms, a thesis statement is the main point of your paper that tells the reader what you intend to argue later in your paper. Word your thesis statement, as follows: “My thesis statement is . . . .” The thesis statement should not be longer than two sentences, and normally one is sufficient.

4. Road Map (5%): Immediately after your thesis statement, you must provide a clear road map to let the reader know where you are going with your paper. Word your road map, as follows: “My paper will first briefly explore . . . , followed by . . . . Finally I will defend my thesis by . . . .“ Your road map should be only a few sentences, but it must be clear.

5. Background (10%): Next, provide a brief but clear background of your topic. This may only be one page or less.

6. Argument/Defending Your Thesis (50%): Now you are at the meat of the paper, defending your thesis statement. This must be at least five full pages, and you must use your research to defend your thesis. This is the hardest part of your paper, and this is where you need to focus your time and energy. Why? This is where students fail in their Capstone theses (I don’t mean literally fail, but they lose a lot of points). Students either present poor arguments or they present no arguments at all. You will present clear arguments, supported by your research, to defend your thesis. Last three points in this area — (1) Conclusory statements must be supported with your research; (2) Do not use provoking language which amounts to merely an opinion, such as: “Those who support capital punishment are idiots.” (This actually came from a student); and (3) You need to fill in glaring gaps. For example, one student’s entire thesis argued that the separation of church and state clause in the Constitution was misinterpreted by the Supreme Court and that religion should be in schools, government, etc. The glaring gap was, given the student’s arguments, what did the separation clause mean? This was not addressed.

7. Conclusion (5%): Conclude your paper in one page or less.

Finally, a few other points: (sex trafficking bluebook citations )

1. Grade: The grading rubric for each section of your paper is highlighted above (in yellow). As you can see, 50% of your paper is the argument section, which is why I say it is your main focus.

2. References/Proper Use of The Bluebook (10%): You must use a minimum of 7 scholarly references that will be footnoted (per The Bluebook) on the page where you use the reference. You may use a reference more than once, but it still only counts as 1 of the 7. Scholarly references are not Wikipedia, blogs, or crazy websites.

3. Formatting: Double space your paper and use a 12 point, Times New Roman font. No title page, no endnotes, and no bibliography/reference page. You will be using Bluebook footnotes only. Please make sure to put your name and student id at the top of your paper.

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Select and then define a significant issue faced by the justice system, describe the scope and consequences of the issue, and discuss society’s responses to the issue (including public policies and other less formal responses). Papers should also present a clearly reasoned alternative, supported by scholarly research.

While the following example can be modified to suit your needs, this outline is likely to result in a high-quality Final Paper:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. What is the problem? Be sure to narrow your problem enough to allow a focused examination.
  4. What are the individual and social implications of this problem? Discussion of implications should be supported by accurate research data.
  5. What do the experts say about the problem?
  6. What have we, as a society, done about this problem? Consider public policies and other, less formal responses.
  7. How are public policies and other, less formal responses working?
  8. Describe an alternative solution to the problem.
  9. Discuss why the alternative is, or can be, an effective response to the problem. Remember to consider negative consequences of the alternative response.
  10. Conclude with your thoughts about your chosen social problem. This is a good place to include personal opinions, assuming you wish to share them in a research paper.
  11. References


In short, define a problem, discuss the response, and provide alternative responses to the problem. For example, your problem could be drug use/abuse, with a focus on prescription drug abuse among teenagers. Your description of the problems should be fact based, relying on expert opinion. Your alternative response can be an adjustment of current policy or a new direction. For example, your may propose longer prison sentences, or legalization of all drugs. Be creative, although suggestions must be supported by scholarly research.

The paper must be eight to ten pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly resources, at least three of which can be found in the Ashford Online Library, to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar. Please visit the Academic Research section on your course homepage (accessible through the Student Responsibilities and Policies tab on the left navigation toolbar) to review what types of materials are not acceptable for academic, university-level research.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly resources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford Online Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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