Psychology Testing Intuition

Psychology Testing Intuition

(Psychology Testing Intuition)

Assignment 3: LAB: Testing Intuition

By the due date, complete the following experiment and post your results to the Submissions Area on the next page. Download the chart needed for this experiment entitled PSY1010_Wk1_Chart. Make five copies of these charts to record your results.

First, answer this intuitive problem

Suppose that I place a $100 bill in one of three envelopes, which are labeled A, B, and C. You are told that if you can correctly guess which envelope contains the $100 bill, you can keep it. You can’t see the bill through the envelope, so you are entirely guessing. Let’s say that you say it’s in the envelope marked B. You are told that it’s definitely not in the envelope marked C, and I offer to let you switch to envelope A, or to stay with envelope B. (Assume that I am telling the truth, that the bill is indeed not in envelope C.) What should you do? Stay or switch? What would be your rationale for doing what you decide to do?(Psychology Testing Intuition)

Second, collect some data

Set up your own version of this demonstration as an experiment. Make 5 copies of the chart, PSY101_Wk1_Chart, to record your results. After completing your results and forming your conclusion, be sure to include the charts as an attachment with your response. You will find that this chart includes: Correct answer, Participant’s choice, Stay/Switch, Win/Lose.

Decide in advance which letter will be the correct choice for each of the 10 trials: A, B, or C. List the correct answer under the column heading “correct answer,” and make sure that your subject can’t see your list.

Select five friends/family members to serve as your subjects. You will test each subject away from any other potential subjects.

Tell your subject that he or she is to guess which letter you are thinking of on each trial. When the subject makes his or her guess, write it down under the column heading “Participant’s choice.” Then, tell the subject which letter is definitely notthe correct answer (always eliminate something other than the letter the subject has chosen and, of course, don’t eliminate the correct answer). If he or she has chosen the correct letter, that’s okay! Just eliminate one of the other two letters. Then ask the subject if he or she wants to stay with the letter he or she chose, or switch to the other letter. Record under the “Stay/Switch” column whether the subject decided to stay with his or her original choice or switch to the other option. Next, record whether the subject was right or wrong under the “Win/Lose” heading. Don’t tell your subject what the correct answer was if he or she loses because he or she will be looking for your “random” pattern. Just say “win” or “lose” and ask for his or her next guess.(Psychology Testing Intuition)

Once you have collected data from all 5 subjects, tally up the percentage of wins when the subjects stayed and the percentage of wins when they switched. To do that, count up how many times each subject stayed, and use that as the denominator. (You’ll be collapsing the data for all five subjects together, so count how many times, all together, they stayed.) Then, count up how many times the subjects won when they stayed and use that as the numerator. So, if your subjects stayed a total of 20 times and won a total of 5 times when they stayed, you would find that staying led to 5/20 wins or 25% of the time they won when they stayed.

Do the same procedure for switches. Count up how many times they switched and use that number as the denominator, then count up how many times they won when they switched, and divide. Compare the percentages for the wins when they stayed versus the wins when they switched.(Psychology Testing Intuition)

  1. What do the results of the experiment reflect?
  2. Do these percentages conform to your rationale that you provided earlier?
  3. Does this demonstration make a case for the need for collecting data in psychology, rather than relying on our intuition? Explain your answers and incorporate your data results into your conclusion.
  4. Write a summary discussing the importance of empirical research.
  5. Include your charts (data collection) as an appendix at the end of your paper.
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LASA 2 Reducing Intergroup Conflict

LASA 2 Reducing Intergroup Conflict

(LASA 2 Reducing Intergroup Conflict)

Part 1

Research suggests a number of strategies to reduce intergroup conflict. To further explore these strategies, in addition to readings in your text, read the following article paying particular attention to pages 588 to 593. Hewstone, M., Rubin, M., & Willis, H. (2002). Intergroup bias. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 575-604.


You are a counselor in a detention center for delinquent adolescent boys. Your current project is to devise a way to reduce intergroup conflict that has been escalating between the boys at the center, many of whom were active in local gangs.


    • Discuss in detail the concepts that lead to the intergroup conflict, such as stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. How have these attitudes and behaviors created and perpetuated the ongoing conflict?


    • Discuss the different strategies to reduce intergroup conflict found in your text and the Hewstone article.


    • Looking back at the course discuss 2 to 3 additional concepts that could be applied in helping a person overcome these negative attitudes and behaviors.

(LASA 2 Reducing Intergroup Conflict)

  • Keeping these strategies and concepts in mind, what activities and/or programs can you create that will help these boys overcome this conflict and learn to work together, respect each other, and come to see each other’s differences as valuable. Briefly summarize each program/strategy in 2 to 3 sentences each in preparation for part 2 of this project.

Answer the above points in a 3- to 4-page paper. Your paper should be double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head, an abstract, and a reference page.


Part 2:

Create a 4- to 8-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title and reference slides) to present to the board of directors for the detention center that will cover the following:


    • A detailed outline of each of the 3 to 4 programs/strategies that you would like to put into place at the center.


  • Discuss for each program/strategy why you believe it will be effective within the context of your detention center.(LASA 2 Reducing Intergroup Conflict)

By Monday, September 20, 2015 deliver your assignment.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Discusses the concepts that lead to the intergroup conflict and how behaviors created and perpetuated the ongoing conflict.
Discusses the different strategies to reduce intergroup conflict and cites relevant resources for the text and the Hewstone article.
Discusses 2 to 3 additional concepts that could be applied to overcoming the negative attitudes and behaviors.
Develops and summarizes 3 to 4 activities and/or programs that can be implemented.
Create a 4- to 8-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title and reference slides) to present to the board of directors for the detention center that will cover the following:


  • A detailed outline of each of the 3 to 4 programs/strategies that you would like to put into place at the center. (40 points)
  • Discuss why you believe each program/strategy will be effective within the context of your detention center. (28 points)
Standard presentation components:

  • Organization (16 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion.
  • Style (8 points): Tone, audience, and word choice.
  • Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
  • APA Elements (24 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style.


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Treatment Interventions

Treatment Interventions

(Treatment Interventions)

Write a 750-1,000-word assignment that gives a general overview of  commonly used substance use disorder treatment approaches. In  addition, you are to select two common approaches and compare their  similarities and differences.

Include the following in your assignment:

  1. A brief description of common empirically researched substance    use disorder treatments listed in the topics readings such as (MI,    CBT, and SF). Include a minimum of two treatment descriptions.
  2. A discussion about the differences of each treatment  listed.
  3. A discussion about which method you would prefer to    use and why.
  4. A list of professionals who may be involved in    treatment, their role, and how you would coordinate treatment with  them.
  5. A minimum of two scholarly sources.

Consider using the following level-one APA headings in your paper to  help organize the content:

  1. Overview of Treatment Approaches to Addictions Counseling
  2. Treatment Differences
  3. Preferred Method and  Rationale
  4. Treatment Professionals

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA  Style Guide

MUST PASS TURN IT IN WITH LESS THAN 5%(Treatment Interventions)

Treatment interventions following a disaster aim to address the psychological impact on individuals, communities, and responders. These interventions encompass a range of approaches tailored to meet the diverse needs of those affected.

One common intervention is psychological first aid (PFA), which provides immediate support to individuals in the aftermath of a disaster. PFA focuses on promoting safety, calming individuals, providing practical assistance, and connecting them with social support networks. It aims to stabilize emotions, reduce distress, and foster coping mechanisms during the acute phase of the crisis.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is another effective intervention for managing post-disaster mental health challenges. CBT helps individuals identify and challenge maladaptive thoughts and beliefs related to the disaster, teaching coping skills to manage anxiety, depression, and trauma symptoms. By addressing cognitive distortions and implementing behavioral strategies, CBT can improve resilience and facilitate recovery.(Treatment Interventions)

Group interventions, such as support groups and psychoeducation workshops, offer a platform for individuals to share experiences, normalize their reactions, and receive guidance from mental health professionals. These interventions promote a sense of belonging, reduce isolation, and enhance social support networks, which are crucial for long-term recovery.

Trauma-focused therapies, such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), are specifically designed to address post-traumatic stress symptoms. These therapies help individuals process traumatic memories, reduce hyperarousal, and develop adaptive coping strategies to manage triggers and flashbacks.

Psychopharmacological interventions may also be utilized to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric disorders following a disaster. Antidepressants, anxiolytics, and mood stabilizers may be prescribed under the supervision of a psychiatrist to address acute distress and stabilize mood.

It’s essential for treatment interventions to be culturally sensitive, accessible, and sustainable, considering the unique needs and resources of the affected population. Collaborative efforts involving mental health professionals, community leaders, and disaster response agencies are key to delivering comprehensive and effective interventions that promote resilience and facilitate recovery.(Treatment Interventions)


  1. Hobfoll, S. E., Watson, P., Bell, C. C., Bryant, R. A., Brymer, M. J., Friedman, M. J., … & Ursano, R. J. (2007). Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma intervention: Empirical evidence. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 70(4), 283-315.
  2. National Institute of Mental Health. (2021). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Retrieved from
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Psychology Of Disaster

Psychology Of Disaster

(Psychology Of Disaster)

300 words with references (no plagiarism)

To date, the effects of disaster events have been introduced through our course materials as well as the ways to interact with survivors of these disaster events. At particular risk for negative reaction in disaster situations, natural or man-made, are children and adolescents. Dependent upon the child’s/adolescent’s stage of development, responses to disaster events can vary significantly. Our course materials provide excellent guidance for those charged with aiding children and adolescents in disaster events.

  • After review of the course materials, share your understanding of assessing and providing appropriate disaster behavioral health care for children and adolescents.
  • Outlining how the process differs from that of disaster behavioral health with typical adult populations, note any significant factors you feel contribute to or hinder the recovery process with children and adolescents.

The psychology of disaster encompasses the study of human behavior, cognition, and emotional responses in the face of catastrophic events. Understanding these psychological dynamics is crucial for effective disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.

One prominent aspect of the psychology of disaster is the concept of stress and coping mechanisms. Disasters often trigger intense stress reactions, including fear, anxiety, and a sense of helplessness. Individuals may employ various coping strategies to manage these emotions, such as seeking social support, engaging in problem-solving, or using religious/spiritual beliefs for comfort. However, prolonged exposure to stressors can lead to maladaptive coping behaviors and psychological disorders.(Psychology Of Disaster)

Another key component is the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility. In emergency situations, individuals may hesitate to take action or offer assistance due to the presence of others, assuming that someone else will intervene. This diffusion of responsibility can hinder rescue efforts and exacerbate the impact of the disaster.

Furthermore, disasters can disrupt social cohesion and community bonds while also fostering altruism and prosocial behavior. On one hand, people may experience a breakdown of trust and cooperation, leading to conflicts over limited resources. On the other hand, communities often come together in solidarity to support one another, demonstrating resilience and collective strength in the face of adversity.

Additionally, the psychology of risk perception plays a crucial role in disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies. Individuals may underestimate or overestimate the likelihood and severity of potential hazards, influencing their decisions regarding preventive actions and emergency preparedness.(Psychology Of Disaster)


  1. Norris, F. H., Friedman, M. J., Watson, P. J., Byrne, C. M., Diaz, E., & Kaniasty, K. (2002). 60,000 disaster victims speak: Part I. An empirical review of the empirical literature, 1981-2001. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 65(3), 207-239.
  2. Pfefferbaum, B., & North, C. S. (2020). Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic. New England Journal of Medicine, 383(6), 510-512.
  3. Quarantelli, E. L. (2005). What is a disaster? Perspectives on disaster. Routledge.
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Hep C And Baby Boomers Peer Response profile

Hep C And Baby Boomers Peer Response profile

(Hep C And Baby Boomers Peer Response profile)

No plagiarism please.

Will need minimum of 150 words for each response, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: (1 reference for each response within years 2015-2018) with intext citations.


Both the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that all “baby boomers” – people born from 1945 through 1965 – get a hepatitis C test.

Peer Post. I need Peer Response for this post:

#1(Hep C And Baby Boomers Peer Response profile)

Hepatitis C is a virus that affects the liver, in overtime this can lead to serious Health problems including the need for a liver transplant. Some people who contracts the hepatitis C virus are able to clear it from their system, but other people can have serious complications. These complications include chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, liver cancer and even a failure where a transplant would be needed to save your life. Recommendations from the centers for disease control and prevent parentheses CDC and parentheses, are for people born from 1945 to 1965 to become tested for the hepatitis C virus. It is believed that some baby boomers that have become infected during a period of time where in infection control and universal precautions were not set in place yet within the healthcare field (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2016).
Symptoms of hepatitis C can include fever tiredness, upset stomach, nausea and vomiting, dark urine, Gray stool, joint pain, and yellow skin and eyes. Some people do not know they have been infected with hepatitis C, as it is also known as a silent virus. This is why it is extremely important for people especially born between 1945 and 1965 to be tested. Not only should baby boomers be tested, but also people who have received blood donations or organs before 1992, IV drug users, chronic liver disease and HIV or AIDS patients, exposure to hepatitis C or patient on hemodialysis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Over the last few years there have been many advances for the medical treatment of hepatitis C. Some of these medications will treat the disease completely. And if some people aren’t aware that they have the virus, this is all the more reason to get tested.
One of the important guidelines changes regarding the treatment of hepatitis C is that treatment should be recommended to all patients, not just patients with advanced disease (American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases , 2017) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016).

#2(Hep C And Baby Boomers Peer Response profile)

Hepatitis is a viral illness. There are five different types: A-E. This discussion board will be focused on Hepatitis C (HCV). There are six different forms of Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is primarily spread through IV blood and drug use. General Hepatitis symptoms include fatigue, decreased appetite, fever, nausea, RUQ pain, jaundice, liver enlargement, tenderness to the upper abdomen and itching. Hepatitis C can be confirmed through blood work. There will be antibodies to HCV noted with a second or third generation enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Youngkin, Davis, Schadewald & Juve, 2013).
Hepatitis C Guidelines
Baby Boomers are five times more likely to contract Hepatitis C. It is important for this group to get tested as they are likely to not know that they are infected. It is common for people to live for decades with Hepatitis C and not have symptoms. Getting tested and then treated is crucial because this virus can cause liver damage, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver cancer and liver transplants. The CDC recommends that all Baby Boomers, those born between 1945-1965, be tested for Hepatitis C and then treated if indicated (CDC, 2018).
Hepatitis C Risks
Like other illnesses, there are risk factors for Hepatitis C. Some of these include previous sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, Hepatitis B, more than one sexual partners, blood transfusion history, and IV drug use (Youngkin, Davis, Schadewald & Juve, 2013). It is now known that the most common contraction of Hepatitis C is through blood transfusions that were done in the 1970’s-1980’s. 8-10% of those transfused contracted Hepatis C. Therefore, baby boomers are at an increased risk of Hepatitis C. It was not until the 1990’s that more effective screening was performed before blood transfusions. This lowered the contraction rate to 5%. After 1993, the contraction rate was further reduced to <1%. Tattoos, piercings, needle sticks and acupuncture continue to be a risk factor to Hepatitis C (C. Everett Koop Institute, 2018).
Hepatitis C Ramifications When Not Treated
Individuals that are infected with Hepatitis C can have negative effects if not tested and treated. If not treated, Hepatitis C can cause liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer. Ultimately death can occur. Those infected may not know that they are infected, and they have a risk of infecting others (CDC, 2018).

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improvement and leadership for advanced nurse practitioners

improvement and leadership for advanced nurse practitioners

(improvement and leadership for advanced nurse practitioners)

Question description

This week you will be assigned to a group and be given a domain to develop/discuss applying all or some of the 7 core competencies. Group members need to assume AP roles (clinical and non-clinical) either by volunteering or being assigned by the group leader. A group leader must be decided and may be a nurse manager/nurse administrator, CNS, NP (maybe more than one and from different specialties), NI, and NE.CNLs and RNs may be also be part of the group scenario. All members are expected to demonstrate leadership knowledge and skills, but also must be willing to follow.Each group will demonstrate the core competencies and principals of transformational leadership in the group work. (See rubric).To ensure understanding of leadership styles, each group member will discover their own professional leadership style by an individual self-assessment online.Assignments and responsibilities should be equally assumed by group members.(improvement and leadership for advanced nurse practitioners)

How to Become a Better Leader

In conclusive remarks, search and agree upon a quotation from a library article related to leadership in an advanced nursing role and include with how it applied to your clinical decision/management issue of your assigned domain. Leadership journals from SOU Library areThe Journal of Nursing Scholarship or Nursing Leadership Forum or the American Journal of Nursing, Journal of Nursing Administration, Nursing Administration Quarterly, Nursing Management or Health Care Management Review (quality improvement and leadership for advanced nurse practitioners)

Health Systems: Daniel, a DNP prepared ED NP identified that patients seen in the ED for various reasons had undiagnosed HTN. He observed that the patient’s chief compliant was well addressed but the HTN was not. He has approached the hospital system about the problem and suggested an outpatient clinic adjacent to the ED to address the HTN and other coincidentally found problems. What AP roles, core competencies and support are needed to make this happen?

Leadership style is autocractic

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Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination

Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination

(Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination)

Ending a client relationship can be just as difficult as ending a personal relationship. In fact, while much of the literature addresses when to terminate, a more significant topic is the feelings that surround termination. Depending on the client and the length of treatment, saying goodbye can be hard for both of you. As a result, you should prepare for termination and the feelings surrounding this step of the GIM process early in the client-social worker relationship.

While you generally anticipate that successful treatment will lead to the eventual termination of the client relationship, there are a variety of other reasons for why this relationship might come to an end. There might be a set number of sessions the client’s insurance will allow, or maybe the end of your internship is quickly approaching. Maybe termination results from the unexpected, like a new job, an illness, or the client leaves without notice. Regardless of the cause, you and your client must be prepared for the end of your working relationship. Not discussing termination can result in uncomfortable feelings, including anger and disappointment for the client. As the social worker, you might feel disappointed about not being able to see the treatment through to completion. Even when termination is a planned event, clients might respond with anger, increased silence, missed sessions, or early termination. If they feel positive about this next step, they might express feelings of satisfaction and pride, with an appropriate amount of sadness about losing this relationship. While you are involved in a purely working relationship, you may be surprised at how many emotions or what types of emotions might surface for both of you when terminating the relationship.

For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider potentially positive and negative feelings that you, as a social worker, and the client might feel regarding the termination of a therapeutic relationship. Then, think about how you might assist the client with the potential negative feelings. Finally, reflect on how you might help yourself with your own potentially negative feelings.(Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination)

By Day 4

Post a brief description of two potential positive and two potential negative feelings that both you, as the social worker, and the client might feel, regarding the termination of a therapeutic relationship. Then, explain a skill you might use to assist a client with the potential negative feelings. Finally, explain how you might help yourself with your own potentially negative feelings.

Support your posts and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references. (Discussion 2: Management of Planned and Unplanned Termination)

300-400 WORDS…..


Kirst-Ashman, K. K., &  Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018). Understanding generalist practice (8th  ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 8, “Evaluation, Termination, and Follow-Up in Generalist Practice” (pp. 307-348)
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Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project

Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project

(Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project)

Part 1


Select one of the following scenarios based on your particular field of interest in psychology:


·         Industrial/Organizational Psychology:

o   A few months ago, the upper management at a large corporation decided they wanted to make major changes in the organization. Leadership is concerned that employees may be resistant to the change, and they want to find out if there is a change management method that would help employees accept change more effectively and keep employee satisfaction high. Two methods they have considered are the ADKAR Framework and the Prosci Change Management Methodology. The company wants to implement a small change in two departments before they make any major organization changes and would like to test the methods. The corporation uses the Devine Company to measure employee satisfaction with an anonymous survey.

·         Applied Psychology: 

o   A large medical facility is experiencing too many missed appointments in its primary and specialty care clinics. The facility has noticed that not all patients respond well to reminder calls regarding follow-up appointments. Some patients do not answer calls and do not seem to respond to voice mail requesting they call the facility. The result is that many follow up appointments are missed. Management has read articles that people respond very well to text messages and would like to see which method provides the least amount of missed appointments. Missed appointments are tracked in the facility database on a monthly basis.

·         General Psychology: 

o   Clinicians at a small clinic have been introduced to a new method to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their clients for veterans. Research indicates that virtual reality (VR) is a highly effective treatment option for patients with PTSD. Currently, the clinic uses only cognitive processing therapy (CPT) with their patients suffering from PTSD. The clinicians would like to find out whether VR therapy has different results from CPT therapy. The measure used by the clinic to measure PTSD symptoms is the Combat Exposure Scale. Both therapies need to be applied for a minimum of 12 weeks to be effective.(Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project)


Write a 525- to 750-word paper that addresses the following for your chosen scenario:


·         Clearly define the problem or issue you are addressing. Provide a brief background of any research you have found that might affect your research hypothesis.

·         Create a research hypothesis based on the information provided in each scenario. You have been given a data set (Excel document) with two sets of interval data (just the numbers, as you must decide what they represent, such as method A results or method B results). This means you are going to test one thing against another, such as which method works best (step 1 of the steps to hypothesis testing). State the null and research hypotheses. Explain whether these hypotheses require a one-tailed test or two-tailed test, and explain your rationale.

·         Describe the sample you will use. Sample size will be 30 for each group, which are provided in your data set. Explain what type of sampling you selected.

·         Do you think you would also collect some descriptive data, such as gender, age, or shift? Why do you think it makes sense to collect descriptive data?


Format your paper according to APA guidelines.(Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project)




You have a hypothesis that two drugs have different effects on lowering anxiety. You would have anxiety scores for drug A and anxiety scores for drug B (all after 4 weeks of treatment) to run inferential analysis for after 4 weeks.


·         Null hypothesis is H0: drug A = drug B

·         Research hypothesis is H1: drug A ≠ drug B

·         Dependent variable: Anxiety score changed after treatment.

·         Independent variable: drug treatment


Because you did not state a direction in your hypotheses (better than or worse than), this will be a two-tailed test. You are looking for differences in either direction. You would set your alpha level of .05 and have a sample for each group of 30 people that were volunteers for the study.



Part 2

(Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project)

Analyze the data from Part 1 using Microsoft® Excel® software.

Write a 700- to 875-word paper that includes the following information:


·         Describe what method you are using to compare groups.

·         Copy and paste the output into a Microsoft® Word document, and also answer the following questions:

o   What is the significance level of the comparison?

o   What was the alpha level you identified in Week 3?

o   What was the means and variance for each variable?

o   What was the test statistic?

o   What was the critical value for both the one- and two-tailed test?

o   Was your test one-tailed or two-tailed?

o   Were you able to reject the null hypothesis? In other words, did you prove there was a difference?


·         Talk about what these results mean in everyday language and in context to your chosen scenario.

·         Make a recommendation based on the findings.

(Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project)

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Example of Output You Would Use to Answer These Questions


Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
          Variable 1        Variable 2
Mean 4.875 8
Variance 5.267857143 18.28571429
Observations 8 8
Pooled variance 11.77678571
Hypothesized mean difference 0
df 14
t stat -1.821237697
P(T <= t) one-tail 0.045002328
t Critical one-tail 1.761310136
P(T <= t) two-tail 0.090004655
t Critical two-tail 2.144786688


(Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project)

Part 3


Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation using the information you gathered and submitted in Weeks 3 & 4. Include the following:


·         Describe the problem, and provide some brief background about the situation.

·         Explain the research hypothesis.

·         Describe your sample and your sampling method.

·         Explain the four steps of the research process you followed, and define the critical value and the test statistic your analysis provided.

·         Provide the main finding of the study. What did you prove or fail to prove?

·         Provide recommendations based on your findings.

(Psychology 315 Inferential Research And Statistics Project)


Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

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Strategies For Decision Making

Strategies For Decision Making

(Strategies For Decision Making)

Strategies for Decision Making – Week 1 Assignment

The Nature of Arguments

Critical thinking makes use of arguments. In this week’s lesson, you gained an overview of what arguments are and what it means for something to be a good or bad argument. In your week one assignment, you will be writing a five paragraph essay in which you explain and illustrate the nature of the critical thinking process.

Paragraph one should answer the following questions:

·  What is an argument?

·  What are some indicators of an argument?

·  What is an example of an argument?

Your example does not have to be detailed. It can be a single sentence or two. It can be informal – there’s no need to make a premise-by-premise argument. Make sure your argument contains a rational inference, otherwise it isn’t an argument.

Paragraph two should explain the meaning of cogent reasoning. In this paragraph, be sure to reference the three criteria for cogent reasoning.

Paragraph three should explain the difference between deductive valid and inductively strong arguments.

Paragraph four should explain the role of background beliefs, worldviews, and philosophies to the critical thinking process. Be sure to give examples of what some background beliefs might be.

Finally, in paragraph five, write about a time in which you used a rational argument to persuade someone. What was the argument about? What evidence did you utilize in order to make your case? (Strategies For Decision Making)

Your completed assignment should be written primarily in first person and should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.

Your assignment should adhere to the stated page length requirement for the week and use APA style formatting including a title page and reference section. You should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-spaced lines, and one inch margins. A description of APA style and the APA template can be found under the Assignments link in the left hand navigation menu of the course

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Understanding A Constructivist-Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934)

Understanding A Constructivist-Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934)

(Understanding A Constructivist-Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934))

Over the past weeks, you have been introduced to Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism in relationship to learning psychology. To further expand your knowledge and understanding of Constructivism and its theoretical components/principles, in this paper you will research and write about one of the prominent constructivists listed below based on the first letter of your last name. Please look over the list to find the constructivist who corresponds with the first letter of your last name:

Last name begins with K-O: Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934)

To successfully accomplish this assignment:

First, create the following headings and subheadings in your paper to indicate the organization of your information.  (Note: The bullets will not be included in your paper and are included here only for organizational purposes.)

Introduction- The introduction is based on the principle of introducing the topic of the paper. A good introduction explains what you will be addressing. In this paper it will specifically, in a broad way, clarify each area (below) that you will be discussing. Often, writer’s write this last to make sure nothing is forgotten.

Researcher’s Biography/Background (Vygotsky’s Biography)- Under this heading you will provide the important historical perspectives of your subject’s life and work and how these influenced his/her work in this field. Information on the subject’s personal and professional background should be logically presented.

Researcher’s Theoretical Perspectives– Under this heading you will describe the theoretical perspectives and other major concepts pioneered or promoted by your subject.

Experiments and Findings- Under this subheading you will provide a thorough summary of at least two empirical research projects your subject performed including the empirical findings of the research.(Understanding A Constructivist-Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934))

Historical Trends- Under this subheading you will provide information on the trends which lead to your subject’s line of research.

Notable Characteristics- Under this subheading you will provide information about the cognitivist and his/her line of research and how it exemplifies the cognitivist constructs.

Conclusion- This can be hard to write because the writer thinks everything has already been said. However, this is where the writer leaves behind an impression about the writer and what he/she wrote about. The reader often remembers the last part of what has been read, so consider how you want someone reading your paper to remember about what you wrote.

Next, apply basic research methods in psychology to your paper by accessing the Ashford University Library and researching at least three appropriate peer-reviewed articles about your assigned researcher. Write key words under each heading to help you remember what you have read. Be sure to use these sources to support your statements within the paper. Cite your sources according to APA style, but do not directly quote them within your paper.

Now you will put it all together, by using the key words to help you write about what you learned. Try not to, at first, use the sources directly. Try to remember what you can and just write about what you learned to avoid plagiarism issues.(Understanding A Constructivist-Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934))

After you have accomplished this, go back to your sources adding in the citations of where you learned the information and clarifying points. Read your paper aloud to make sure it makes sense. It is not unusual after writing a paper that our mind will actually fill in the blanks of missed information, but the reader cannot do this, so reading it aloud is helpful.

Make corrections and continue to edit and clean up your paper.

Add your references. Make sure what you include is applied within your paper as well. Do not use quotes if possible.

Writing the “Understanding a Constructivist” Paper

The paper:(Understanding A Constructivist-Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934))

Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Note: Please do not use a template

Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

Must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. To assist you, view this great tutorial provided by the Ashford University Library which will show you how to find scholarly articles and how to assess the scholarly quality of the resource.(Understanding A Constructivist-Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934))

Must not use quoted material. Please synthesize what you learn about the researcher.

Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. If you are unsure how to create an APA style reference page, please visit the Citation and Reference page on the Ashford Writing Center website.

Must be submitted to the Grammarly tool within the course prior to submission.

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