Diagnostic Skill Application II

Diagnostic Skill Application II

(Diagnostic Skill Application II)

Please can you do this Unit 9 Assignment 1 & Discussion 1? $50.00 Due (Friday) 6/01/2018.


· Diagnostic Skill Application II

For this assignment, you are provided with four video case studies (linked in the Resources). Review the cases of Julio and Kimi, and choose either Reese or Daneer for the third case.

Review these two videos:

· The Case of Julio:
Julio is a 36-year-old single gay male. He is of Cuban descent. He was born and raised in Florida by his parents with his two sisters. He attended community college but did not follow through with his plan to obtain a four-year degree, because his poor test taking skills created barriers. He currently works for a sales promotion company, where he is tasked with creating ads for local businesses. He enjoys the more social aspects of his job, but tracking the details is challenging and has caused him to lose jobs in the past. He has been dating his partner, Justin, for five years. Justin feels it is time for them to commit and build a future. Justin is frustrated that Julio refuses to plan the wedding and tends to blame Julio’s family. While Julio’s parents hold some traditional religious values, they would welcome Justin into the family but are respectfully waiting for Julio to make his plans known. Justin is as overwhelmed by the details at home as he is at work.

· The Case of Kimi:
Kimi is a 48-year-old female currently separated from her husband, Robert, of 16 years. They have no children, which was consistent with Kimi’s desire to focus on her career as a sales manager. She told Robert a pregnancy would wreck her efforts to maintain her body. His desire to have a family was a goal he decided he needed to pursue with someone else. He left Kimi six months ago for a much younger woman and filed for divorce. Kimi began having issues with food during high school when she was on the dance team and felt self-conscious wearing the form-fitting uniform. During college, she sought treatment because her roommate became alarmed by her issues around eating. She never told her parents about this and felt it was behind her. Her parents are Danish and value privacy. They always expected Kimi to be independent. Her lack of communication about her private life did not concern them. They are troubled by Robert’s behavior and consider his conspicuous infidelity as a poor reflection upon their family. Kimi has moved in with her parents while she and Robert are selling the house, which has upended the balance in their relationship.

For a third case, choose one of these videos:

· The Case of Reese:
Reese is a 44-year-old married African American female. Her parents live in another state, and she is their only child. Her father is a retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel who was stationed both in the United States and overseas while Reese was growing up. She entered the Air Force as soon as she graduated high school at age 17 and has achieved the rank of Chief Master Sergeant. She has been married 15 years to John, and they recently discovered she is pregnant. The unexpected pregnancy has been quite disorienting for someone who has planned and structured major decision her entire life. Reese is fiercely loyal to her extended family and frequently travels to help her parents care for her aunts, uncles, and cousins whenever they experience hardships. Her efforts are not always appreciated, because she offers very specific guidance and is easily frustrated by their lack of follow through.

· The Case of Daneer:
Daneer is a 50-year-old male. He emigrated to the United States from Serbia with his parents and older brother when he was four years old. Daneer and his brother were harshly disciplined by their parents when they failed to follow family rules or did not live up to their standards. It was not unusual for his parents to refuse to speak to the boys for days when their grades were low. Daneer’s parents are practicing Muslims, but Daneer rejected their faith when he reached adulthood. His relationship with his parents and brother are strained by his tendency to alternate between being a doting son and lashing out when they rebuke his lifestyle. They disapprove of his life choices that are inconsistent with their religious beliefs. Daneer was briefly married in his 20s, but his wife left him after six months and filed an order of protection. He was briefly hospitalized after a serious suicide attempt shortly after his marriage ended. He has worked several jobs as a waiter and often quits before he is fired due to conflicts with other staff.

Download the Unit 9 Assignment Template. Use it to complete your assignment.

Instructions(Diagnostic Skill Application II)

For each case, you will complete a diagnostic analysis you select from the list of assessment tools provided late in this assignment. Each case requires the following information to be addressed:

· Describe presenting concerns and relevant history.

· Explain what information is still needed to make a differential diagnosis and evaluate how at least one assessment tool, which is listed in the List of Assessment Tools resource, will aid in obtaining that information. The Differential Diagnosis Decision Tree may be helpful to guide this process.

· Present DSM-5 and ICD-10 codes including relevant V and Z codes. Assume that the client has presented for treatment with their partner or parents.

· Provide a descriptive rationale for the DSM diagnosis that best fits the information provided, including relevant ICD codes. This should be written in a narrative form using complete sentences. Support your rationale with scholarly sources. Optional readings found in the course syllabus may be particularly relevant.

· Describe indications or contraindications that help determine whether a medication consultation is appropriate, and provide rationale with support from scholarly sources.

List of Assessments and Supporting Resources

· Derogatis, L. R. (1977). Symptom Checklist-90–Revised. Psyctests, doi:10.1037/t01210-000

o Grande, T. L., Newmeyer, M. D., Underwood, L. A., & Williams, C. R. (2014). Path analysis of the SCL-90-R: Exploring use in outpatient assessment. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 47(4), 271–290.

· Hain, S., Schermelleh-Engel, K., Freitag, C., Louwen, F., & Oddo, S. (2016). Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory—Short form. Psyctests, doi:10.1037/t58367-000

o Hain, S., Schermelleh-Engel, K., Freitag, C., Louwen, F., & Oddo, S. (2016). Development of a short form of the Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory (PSDI-6): Initial validation in a sample of pregnant women. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 32(4), 283–290.

o Review this source toto be able to interpret the Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory—Short form.

· Henderson, K. A., Buchholz, A., Perkins, J., Norwood, S., Obeid, N., Spettigue, W., & Feder, S. (2010). Eating disorders symptoms severity scale. Psyctests. doi:10.1037/t10209-00

o Henderson, K. A., Buchholz, A., Perkins, J., Norwood, S., Obeid, N., Spettigue, W., & Feder, S. (2010). Eating disorder symptom severity scale: A new clinician rated measure. Eating Disorders, 18(4), 333–346.

o Review this source to be able to interpret the Eating Disorder Symptom Severity Scale.

· Kessler, R. C., Adler, L., Ames, M., Demler, O., Faraone, S., Hiripi, E., & Walters, E. E. (2005). Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist. Psyctests. doi:10.1037/t03454-000

o Leithead, L., & Freeborn, D. (2013). A practical guide for diagnosing adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 9(10), 688–694.

o Review this source to be able to interpret the ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist.

Submission Requirements

· Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate level scholarship.

· APA formatting: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to the current APA style and formatting.

· Number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.

· Length of paper: 7–9 typed double-spaced pages. Abstract and Table of Content pages are not necessary.

· Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Turnitin(Diagnostic Skill Application II)


· Diagnostic Skill Application II Scoring Guide.

· Eating Disorders Symptoms Severity Scale.

· Unit 9 Assignment Template [DOC].

· Path Analysis of the SCL-90-R: Exploring Use in Outpatient Assessment.

· Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Symptom Checklist.

· Eating disorder symptom severity scale: A new clinician rated measure..

· Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory.

· Development of a Short Form of the Personality Styles and Disorder Inventory (PSDI-6): Initial Validation in a Sample of Pregnant Women.

· Symptom Checklist-90–Revised.

· American Psychiatric Association.

· The Case of Daneer | Transcript.

· A Practical Guide for Diagnosing Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

· APA Style and Format.

· Differential Diagnosis by the Trees.

· The Case of Kimi | Transcript.

· The Case of Julio | Transcript.

· The Case of Reese | Transcript.

· Writing Feedback Tool.

[u09d1] Unit 9 Discussion 1

UNIT 9 Discussion 1 (Diagnostic Skill Application II)

Exploring the Etiology of Schizophrenia

In their book Divided Minds, identical twins Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner describe a close childhood relationship, apart from typical sibling rivalries. Carolyn often felt she had to prove that she was as intelligent and creative as Pamela. As they entered their teenage years, however, the twins grew apart. Pamela’s increasingly bizarre behaviors became an embarrassment to Carolyn. By the time the twins were college students at Brown University, Pamela was becoming more and more reclusive. Eventually, Pamela had a psychotic episode, although it was years before she was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Carolyn went on to graduate from Brown and then from Harvard Medical School. She is now a practicing psychiatrist. Pamela lives nearby, doing her artwork when she can but constantly battling to keep her schizophrenia under control with medications and therapy. The twins once again are very close emotionally.

Address the following using headings to match content in each bullet point:

· Drawing from the unit readings and your understanding of the etiology of schizophrenia, how might you explain why Pamela developed schizophrenia but Carolyn did not?

Support your ideas with references to the course texts, articles from this learning unit, articles from the Optional Readings, or articles from peer-reviewed journals that you locate in the Capella University Library.

Response Guidelines

Respond to the initial discussion post of one other learner. What reactions do you have to the ideas the learner has presented? Include examples from your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

· Identify the main symptoms observed in persons who are experiencing psychological disorder.

· Use language appropriate for a counseling professional.

· Cite and reference resources, giving appropriate credit for another’s work.


· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

· Capella University Library.

· Masters in Counseling – Research Guide.


[Unit and Assignment Title]

[Learner Name]



[Professor Name]

(Diagnostic Skill Application II)

Unit and Assignment Title

Review paper guidelines on page requirements and number of sources required.  Unless citing a classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published within the past 5 years.  Optional articles in the course syllabus can be located by entering the title of the article in the search tool Summon found on the main page of the Capella Library. When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to read your paper aloud to yourself.  Please submit your papers to turnitin to avoid plagiarism and improve the originality in your writing. Also, remember as a Capella learner you have FREE access through iGuide to personal tutoring services with Smarthinking.com.

Presenting Concerns: Case of Kimi

Provide a description of the most relevant symptoms that seem to be causing Kimi the most distress or danger because they deviate from normal and represent dysfunction. Include how these symptoms fit within a systemic or mental health focused view of psychopathology. The Distinguished criterion is, “Evaluates presenting symptoms, issues, and relevant history, for three clients and supported by relevant sources.”.  This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph with citations to support your evaluation.

Differential Diagnosis: Case of Kimi

Explain how you moved through the process of selecting the diagnoses that are possibilities that need to be considered. This may include the decision trees, but may also include a wider review of DSM diagnoses.  The Distinguished criterion is, “Explains the methods used for differential diagnosis in three case studies supported by scholarly sources.”. This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph.

Evalaution of Assessment Results: Case of Kimi

You are encourage to consider the List of Assessment Tools at the end of this docment described in the optional articles listed. Review the assessments carefully noting the nature of the data being generated and how it will be interpreted for the client. You may also select assessment tools from Section III of the DSM.  The Distinguished criterion is “Evaluates the use of assessment results to diagnose developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders for three case studies supported by scholarly sources”.

DSM and ICD Diagnosis: Case of Kimi

Address the Distinguished criterion, “Applies the current DSM and ICD to the diagnosis of a focus client seen in family counseling and an additional family member, and providing support for diagnostic choices”.   Assume Kimi has presented for treatment with her parents. List the code for both the current DSM and ICD. A chart listing ICD codes that correspond to DSM can be found at the APA website. After you list the diagnosis and applicable V or Z codes that provide a context, explain how you came to decide the diagnosis is appropriate in a paragraph.(Diagnostic Skill Application II)

Medication Referral/Consultation: Case of Kimi

Address the Distinguished criterion, “Describes the indications and contraindictions of psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation supported by scholarly literature”. Describe whether a referral for a medication consultation is appropriate for Kimi and include what would be the specific indications (potential benefits) amd contraindications (risks). This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph citing scholarly sources.

Presenting Concerns: Case of Julio

Provide a description of the most relevant symptoms that seem to be causing Julio the most distress or danger because they deviate from normal and represent dysfunction. Include how these symptoms fit within a systemic or mental health focused view of psychopathology. The Distinguished criterion is, “Evaluates presenting symptoms, issues, and relevant history, for three clients and supported by relevant sources.”.  This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph with citations to support your evaluation.

Differential Diagnosis: Case of Julio

Explain how you moved through the process of selecting the diagnoses that are possibilities that need to be considered. This may include the decision trees, but may also include a wider review of DSM diagnoses. The Distinguished criterion is, “Explains the methods used for differential diagnosis in three case studies supported by scholarly sources.”. This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph.

Evalaution of Assessment Results: Case of Julio

You are encourage to consider the List of Assessment Tools at the end of this docment described in the optional articles listed. Review the assessments carefully noting the nature of the data being generated and how it will be interpreted for the client. You may also select assessment tools from Section III of the DSM. The Distinguished criterion is “Evaluates the use of assessment results to diagnose developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders for three case studies supported by scholarly sources”.

DSM and ICD Diagnosis: Case of Julio

Address the Distinguished criterion, “Applies the current DSM and ICD to the diagnosis of a focus client seen in family counseling and an additional family member, and providing support for diagnostic choices”.   Assume Julio has presented for treatment with his partner, Justin. List the code for both the current DSM and ICD. A chart listing ICD codes that correspond to DSM can be found at the APA website. After you list the diagnosis and applicable V or Z codes that provide a context, explain how you came to decide the diagnosis is appropriate in a paragraph.

Medication Referral/Consultation: Case of Julio

Address the Distinguished criterion, “Describes the indications and contraindictions of psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation supported by scholarly literature”. Describe whether a referral for a medication consultation is appropriate for Julio and include what would be the specific indications (potential benefits) amd contraindications (risks). This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph citing scholarly sources.

Presenting Concerns: Case of Reese or Daneer (Indicate selection in each heading)

Select either the case of Reese or Daneer for this section

Provide a description of the most relevant symptoms that seem to be causing the client the most distress or danger because they deviate from normal and represent dysfunction. Include how these symptoms fit within a systemic or mental health focused view of psychopathology. The Distinguished criterion is, “Evaluates presenting symptoms, issues, and relevant history, for three clients and supported by relevant sources.”.  This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph with citations to support your evaluation.

Differential Diagnosis: Case of 

Explain how you moved through the process of selecting the diagnoses that are possibilities that need to be considered. This may include the decision trees, but may also include a wider review of DSM diagnoses. The Distinguished criterion is, “Explains the methods used for differential diagnosis in three case studies supported by scholarly sources.”. This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph.

Evalaution of Assessment Results: Case of (Diagnostic Skill Application II)

You are encourage to consider the List of Assessment Tools at the end of this docment described in the optional articles listed. Review the assessments carefully noting the nature of the data being generated and how it will be interpreted for the client. You may also select assessment tools from Section III of the DSM. The Distinguished criterion is “Evaluates the use of assessment results to diagnose developmental, behavioral, and mental disorders for three case studies supported by scholarly sources”.

DSM and ICD Diagnosis: Case of 

Address the Distinguished criterion, “Applies the current DSM and ICD to the diagnosis of a focus client seen in family counseling and an additional family member, and providing support for diagnostic choices”.   Assume the client has presented for treatment with their family. List the code for both the current DSM and ICD. A chart listing ICD codes that correspond to DSM can be found at the APA website. After you list the diagnosis and applicable V or Z codes that provide a context, explain how you came to decide the diagnosis is appropriate in a paragraph.

Medication Referral/Consultation: Case of 

Address the Distinguished criterion, “Describes the indications and contraindictions of psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation supported by scholarly literature”. Describe whether a referral for a medication consultation is appropriate for the client and include what would be the specific indications (potential benefits) amd contraindications (risks). This should be presented in full sentences formatted in a paragraph citing scholarly sources.


Hamilton, E., & Carr, A. (2016). Systematic review of Self‐Report family assessment measures. Family Process, 55(1), 16-30. doi:16)10.1111/famp.12200

NOTE:  Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. The Capella Writing Center also has helpful tutorials.

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Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy:mental health

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy

(Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy:mental health)

Question description

(Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy:mental health)

Currently a supervisor at a mental health institute

Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”:


Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below:

  1. Personal and professional accountability
  2. Career planning
  3. Personal journey disciplines
  4. Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets

Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace.

Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Greetings Students,

I wanted to make sure that you understand the grading rubric and the need to address this on your final paper.

Do not forget to include the reference for the inventory tool itself since this is the main reference for this assignment. Use the nurse manager inventory tool to guide your summary of the document responses as they relate to you.

If you are not currently in a management position this is still a good assignment to find your strong points as well as areas to improve upon.

The nine tenants are often missed on the last assignment:

Utilizing a set of guidelines and tenants that facilitate reflective

practice; these may be individually developed or can be based on

specific models developed by others; below are the “Dimensions

of Leadership” developed by the Center for Nursing Leadership,

which offer an example of a set of guidelines/tenants that can be

used as a tool to guide personal reflection of an individual’s

leadership behaviors

1.(Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy:mental health)

Holding the truth – the presence of integrity as a key value

of leadership


Appreciation of ambiguity – learning to function comfortably

amid the ambiguity of our environments


Diversity as a vehicle to wholeness – the appreciation of

diversity in all its forms: race, gender, religion, sexual orientation,

generational, the dissenting voice, and differences of all kinds


Holding multiple perspectives without judgment – creating and

holding a space so that multiple perspectives are entertained

before decisions are rendered


Discovery of potential – the ability to search for and find the

potential in ourselves and in others


Quest for adventure towards knowing – creating a constant

state of learning for the self, as well as an organization


Knowing something of life – the use of reflective learning and

the translation of that learning to the work at hand


Nurturing the intellectual and emotional self – constantly

increasing one’s knowledge of the world and the development

of the emotional self


Keeping commitments to oneself – creating the balance that

regenerates and renews the spirit and body so that it can

continue to grow

Let me know if there is something that you need clarification on.

Karen(Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy:mental health)

Attached Files


(Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy:mental health)

Combining Nurse Leader With Advocacy 

Less than Satisfactory
80.0 %Content
30.0 %Identification of strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas listed. Provides strengths and/or weaknesses based on some of the listed content areas. Lists strengths and weaknesses based on each of the listed content areas, but does not draw on evidence from the given Web site. Lists strengths and weaknesses based on each of the listed content areas, and draws on evidence from the given Web site for some of the content areas. Lists strengths and weaknesses based on each of the listed content areas, and draws on evidence from the given Web site. Lists and analyzes strengths and weaknesses based on each of the listed content areas, and draws on evidence from the given Web site.
25.0 %Discussion of use of current leadership skills to advocate change in the workplace. Fails to mention either change in the workplace and/or personal skill set. Discusses one change that can be made in the workplace, without providing examples or evidence. Makes brief mention of personal skill set, but does not effectively demonstrate how it can be used to effect change. Discusses one change that can be made in the workplace, without providing examples or evidence. Evaluates how personal skill set can be used to effect change in workplace. Discusses one change that can be made in the workplace, while giving a clear and relevant example for why the change is necessary. Evaluates how personal skill set can be used to effect change in workplace. Discusses specific changes that can be made in the workplace are discussed, while giving clear and relevant examples for why changes are necessary. Evaluates how personal skill set can be used to effect change in workplace.
25.0 %Reflection on personal goal for leadership growth and development of implementation plan to reach goal. Pinpoints a goal for leadership growth, but does not provide a plan for attaining the goal. Pinpoints a goal for leadership growth, but the plan for attaining goal is not aligned to the final outcome. Provides a surface-level reflection on areas of growth. Pinpoints at least one specific goal for leadership growth, but provides an oversimplified plan for attaining goal. Reflects on areas for growth. Pinpoints at least one specific goal for leadership growth, and outlines a clear implementation plan to meet the goal. Provides a thoughtful reflection on areas for growth. Pinpoints at least one specific goal for leadership growth, and outlines a well-organized and realistic implementation plan to meet the goal.
15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness
5.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear. Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness
5.0 %Paragraph Development and Transitions Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs are established. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed. Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident. Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other. A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to purpose. There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.
15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness
5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
5.0 %Format
2.0 %Paper Format (1- inch margins; 12-point-font; double-spaced; Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier) Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.
5.0 %Format
3.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment) No reference page is included. No citations are used. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and GCU style is usually correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.
100 %Total Weightage

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program for Family Nurse practitioner

CEU program for Family Nurse practitioner

(program for Family Nurse practitioner)

Question description

  • Write substantive response of 200 words to the question below and include in-text citation. APA format.
  • References and citations should conform to the APA 6th edition.

The FNP must maintain his or her license to practice. In order to obtain and maintain your license, you must be certified. An important requirement for maintaining your license and certification is obtaining the specified ANCC Continuing Education Units (CEU). It is important for FNPs to keep up with continuing education. They must maintain at least 75 CEUs. Identify at least two approved ANCC CEU providers. Give an example of each CEU program. Discuss at least one other method of obtaining CEU credits than attending workshops, seminars, and conventions.

Part B.

Respond to other student’s responses with substantive comments. Substantive comments add to the discussion and provide your fellow students with information that will enhance the learning environment.The postings should be at least one paragraph (approximately 100 words) and include references.

Sandra’s Response

There is general agreement that nurses must acquire and maintain the specialized knowledge needed to provide highly skilled care and to demonstrate their competence to the public, their employers, their profession, and patients on an ongoing basis throughout their work lives. Nurses report that continuing nursing education is the third most vital component of nursing skill building. Nurses from states that mandate continuing nursing education, as well as those from states that do not, rank continuing nursing education just after their workplace experience and their basic nursing education in importance. Continuing education units are required by different professions as well as nursing to keep up with updated information regarding practice guidelines, laws, and research among other valuable pearls of knowledge that help the profession distinguish itself from others. Two approved ANCC CEU programs that I found are the AANP and NPACE.

  • The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)- The CE Opportunities Calendar provided on the website features hundreds of current AANP-accredited programs, listed by date, with city, state and contact information for each activity. It also includes an updated listing of AANP-Approved Providers of continuing education for NPs.
  • The Nurse Practitioner Associates for Continuing Education (NPACE)– Founded in 1980, Is a non-profit organization based in the United States that provides continuing education to Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Practice Clinicians. This organization puts together seminars annually around the United States with qualified guest speakers that have been in the field for numerous years and that have experience in public speaking, research, and a multitude of specialties.

For those seeking CEU credits but are limited in traveling there are online webinars available, audiovisual programs, and monographs. In addition, online CE courses in a variety of specialty focuses and topics are available through the AACN. Moreover, there are always many opportunities to obtaining CE through publications and Journals as well.


The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2018) Retrieved from https://www.aanp.org/education/continuing-education-ce/ce-opportunities

The Nurse Practitioner Association for Continuing Education (2018) Retrieved from http://npace.org/online-ce/

Whitehead, T. D., & Lacey-Haun, L. (2008). Evolution of accreditation in continuing nursing education in america. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(11), 493-9; quiz 500-1, 516. Retrieved from https://prx-herzing.lirn.net/login?url=https://sea…

Stephen’s Response

The American Nurses Credentialing Center approves CE providers to issue continuing education to nurse practitioners in order for them to meet the 75 CE requirement of their license. The ANCC website makes finding approved providers easy. Two providers of CE that were generated by the website were The American Academy of CME and the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (ANCC, 2018). The first one is a not for profit medical education company and offers CE classes like “CME Challenge An Interactive Session to Test Your Compliance Radar” and “Survey Says…Making Wise Choices About Compliance Today to Avoid Accreditor’s Regret Tomorrow (AACME, 2018).” The second is a professional nurses education that has multiple programs in research and patient education as well as CE offerings. An example of a course from this group is “pulmonary Hypertension Management (AAHFN, 2018). Other then workshops, seminars, and conventions, the NP can earn CE from the comfort of their own home. A number of organizations offer online multimedia CE that is text or video based. Examples of these organizations are the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Practice Education Associates, and the Nurse Practitioner Association for Continuing Education (Decapua, 2016).


AACME. (2018, January 4). AACME partners in education. Retrieved from https://www.academycme.org/

AAHFN. (2018, February 17). American Association of Heart Failure Nurses. Retrieved from https://www.aahfn.org/default.aspx.

ANCC. (2018, January 1). Find an accredited organization or program. Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org/organizational-programs/accreditation/find-an-accredited-organization/.

Decapua, M. (206, February 15). 6 great sources for NP continuing education. Retrieved from https://www.healthecareers.com/article/education/6…

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Reflections on Being Mortal

Reflections on Being Mortal: Atul Gawande’s Exploration

(Reflections on Being Mortal )

Atul Gawande’s “Being Mortal” is a poignant exploration of the human condition in the face of mortality. Through insightful reflections, Gawande delves into the intricate dynamics of aging, illness, and death, challenging conventional perspectives on healthcare and end-of-life care.

One of Gawande’s central themes is the tension between medical intervention and quality of life. He argues that modern medicine often prioritizes prolonging life at all costs, neglecting the individual’s preferences and desires for a dignified existence. Gawande advocates for a shift towards patient-centered care, where the emphasis is placed on enhancing the patient’s autonomy and well-being, even in the final stages of life.

Gawande’s exploration extends beyond the medical realm to encompass broader societal attitudes towards aging and death. He highlights the cultural taboo surrounding mortality, which often leads to a reluctance to engage in crucial discussions about end-of-life preferences. By bringing these conversations to the forefront, Gawande encourages readers to confront their mortality with courage and openness, fostering a deeper understanding of the human experience.

Moreover, Gawande reflects on the importance of redefining success in elder care, moving away from institutionalized settings towards environments that promote independence and autonomy. He emphasizes the significance of maintaining one’s sense of identity and purpose, even in the face of physical decline.

Through poignant anecdotes and thought-provoking insights, Gawande challenges readers to reconsider their perceptions of aging and mortality. He reminds us that being mortal is not a failure but an inherent aspect of the human condition, deserving of acceptance and reverence. Ultimately, “Being Mortal” serves as a profound meditation on what it means to live well and die with dignity, urging us to embrace our mortality with grace and compassion.

Being Mortal- Atul Gawande Book Report (2000 WORDS!!)


  1. The first paragraph should have- the      title of the book capitalized, the author, the publisher and date of      publication – somewhere in it.
  2. When using words directly from the      book even if is just a few words such as “ a myriad of specialists” (p.71)[ in the book Final Exam] use the      quotes.
  3. The book your are reading is a NON- FICTION BOOK NOT NOVEL so do not      say “ this novel…”; and the title of book gets underlined throughout the      paper..
  4. When you are paraphrasing a chapter or      parts of the chapter, always identify it – such as- In chapter 1,      “Resurrectionist”, Chen brings out the point that …-then at the end of      that paraphrasing you should put the pages you have summed up (pp.1-34).
  5. If words seem like common words to you      but the author has them in italics, you should as well; if they are      particular words that the author uses to stress a point, even if they are      common words, put them in quotes – ex. Pinter says that “industrial      mechanics for tweets” (p.45) are more common now than twenty years ago.
  6. When using direct quotes, always make      sure to have the page numbers following the quote.
  7. Make sure you let the reader know      whose ideas you are using. If it is the author’s from the book, cite the      pages ( as stated before); if more than 3 words from the text are used in      a row, put them in quotes and cite the pages;even when you are disagreeing      with the author and use specific paraphrased points from the book, cite      the pages.
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Week 5 Final Paper

Week 5 Final Paper

(Week 5 Final Paper)

Final Argument Paper

This final assignment is designed to involve all of the main skills that you have learned during this course. In particular, your paper should demonstrate the ability to construct a deductively valid or inductively strong argument, clearly and accurately explain your reasoning, use high-quality academic sources to support the premises of your argument, fairly and honestly evaluate contrary arguments and objections, and identify fallacies and biases that occur within the arguments or objections presented.


You will continue to build on the arguments that you are presented in your previous two papers. In particular,, you will present a final improved version of your argument for your thesis that you begin for the Week One Assignment and fully address the objection that you developed for your Week Three Assignment. You will need to research a minimum of three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. (For further information about discovering and including scholarly research, take a look at the FindIt@AU Tutorial instructional resource.)

(Week 5 Final Paper)

Write: in your paper


  • Explain the topic you are addressing and your position on it. Provide a preview of your paper and a statement of your thesis in your opening paragraph. [Approximately 100 words]
  • Present your main argument for your thesis in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line. Clearly indicate whether your argument is intended to be inductive or deductive. Follow up the presentation of your argument by clarifying the meaning of any premises that could use some explanation. [About 150 words]
    • If your argument is deductive, then it shouldbevalid(in the strict logical sense of the word); if it is inductive, then it should bestrong. Make sure to avoid committing logical fallacies within your argument (e.g., begging the question). Additionally, the premises should be true, to the best of your knowledge. If one of your premises has a pretty obvious counter-example, then you should either fix the argument so that it does not have this flaw, or later, in your paper (steps three through five) you should address the apparent counter-example (showing that it does not really refute the truth of your premise). Arguments that are not valid, not very strong, commit fallacies, or that have counter-examples that are not adequately addressed will not receive full credit.
  • Provide supporting evidence for the premises of your argument. [Approximately 350 words]
    • Pay special attention to those premises that could be seen as controversial. Evidence may include academic research sources, supporting arguments (arguments whose conclusions are premises of the main argument), or other ways of demonstrating the truth of those premises. This section should include at least one scholarly research source.
  • Explain a strong objectionto your argument. [Approximately 250 words]
    • Study what people on the other side of this question think about your reasoning and present the best possible objection that someone could have to your argument. Do not commit the straw man fallacy here. Reference at least one scholarlyresearch source. See the “Practicing Effective Criticism” section of Chapter 9 of the course text for more information.
  • Defend your argument against the objection. [Approximately 200 words]
    • Once you have presented the objection, indicate clearly how you might respond to it. It is acceptable to admit that reasonable people might disagree with you or that there might be an area in which your argument could be further strengthened, but you should do your best to explain why your argument is sound or cogent despite the objections.
  • Provide an appropriate conclusion. [Approximately 75 words]


For further instruction on how to create arguments, see the How to Construct a Valid DeductiveArgument and Tips for Creating an Inductively Strong Argument documents as well as the Contructing Valid Arguments Video. For an example of a completed Final Paper, see the Annotated Example The Ethics of Elephants in Circuses. Let your instructor know if you have questions about how to complete this paper.


The Final Argument Paper(Week 5 Final Paper)


  • Must be 1,100 to 1,400 words in length, double-spaced, (not including the title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
    • The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (for more information about how to create an APA reference list see the Ashford Writing Center APA References List webpage).
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.




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LASA 2 Critiquing An Article

Assignment 1: LASA 2—Critiquing An Article

(LASA 2 Critiquing An Article)

In Module 4 Assignment 2, you were asked to provide your impressions of Peter Singer’s article “America’s Shame.” Now, you will compose a researched response to this article. This assignment allows you to assess and defend the reasonableness of your personal beliefs through critical assessment of Singer’s arguments and the presentation of your own, original arguments about the subject using the tools of evaluation you have learned throughout the course.

Assignment Overview:

For this assignment, assume that you have been asked to present a PowerPoint presentation at your local community center about the topics of world poverty and education. You have decided to use Peter Singer’s article as the starting point of your presentation. As you craft your presentation you will need to:

  • Present the major claims of Singer.
  • Present your own original argument offering thoughtful solutions to real-world problems.
  • Back up your argument with outside research.


Here is the link to the article by Singer: “America’s Shame” from The Chronicle of Higher Education. 55(27), B6–B10. (EBSCO AN 37137370).

Assignment Details:

  • Develop a 12–15-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • Include two additional slides—one for the title and the other for a References page.
  • Bullet points are acceptable, but use complete sentences throughout the presentation.

Be sure to include the following:

  • Describe the portions of Singer’s article you seek to engage/critique.
  • Clearly state your own argument/thesis in response.
    • Remember, the nature of the stance is not important; you can agree or disagree with any point Singer makes in the article. The important thing is for you to construct a stance that clearly engages Singer’s position. Include properly cited examples from the article.
    • As you advance your own thesis, be sure to include your position on how to address the problems that Singer discusses in his article. Again, you may agree or disagree with Singer; however, be sure to offer your own solutions to the issue of world poverty, as discussed by Singer.
  • Support your argument with the use of original research.
    • Use at least three credible, academic resources to support your positions.
    • These should be sources other than Singer’s “America’s Shame” article.
  • Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Name your file LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.ppt.and submit it to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox by Week 5, Day 5.

You may use this Presentation Design Checklist to help you create an effective and visually appealing presentation.

Use this APA Citation Helper as a guide for citing your sources.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Summarize portions of Singer’s article that you wish to engage/critique.
Utilize tools of evaluation to create an original argument that engages Singer’s text in a way that is productive and advances your own thesis.
Apply research to engage Singer through the effective use of supportive evidence.
Presentation Components:
Organization (16)
Style (8)
Usage and Mechanics (16)
APA Elements (20)
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Nursing Healthcare Wk1/Dis/Resp

Nursing Healthcare Wk1/Dis/Resp


Nursing Healthcare Wk1/Dis/Resp I transferred from the pediatric floor to the med surg floor. When I worked on peds it was very rare that we would ever have more than 5 patients and they would usually call another nurse in. I know that babies and children’s conditions can be more severe at times because of how quickly they can decline, but I feel that on the med surg floor we should also have no more than 5 patients due to the actual work load each one requires. The average day on the med surg floor you will be taking care of 6 patients and 7 at times. This is a challenge to me because during the day time is when all the commotion is going on. It’s when doctors, therapists, and everyone comes and it’s also when you are typically passing the most meds. I think the patient load they give all of us nurses is neither fair nor safe.

How can you adequately care for that many people and please all of them?

This is where patient satisfaction begins to fall because one of the patients will be calling you needing something but you are stuck with another patent and also have 10 other things you need to be doing at the same time. You want to be there for each patient as soon as they need you but it is nearly impossible. You want to provide the best quality of care possible. Every nurse plays a pivotal role in the measurement of quality (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, & O’Grady, 2016 ). The only way to overcome these challenges is one for the hospital to hire more nurses which has not happened yet or two to hopefully have co-workers who do try to help you in overwhelming times. I am thankful to say that I do have co-workers who will step in and help when the moment gets crazy.

I believe my career could only continue to improve by advocating for my patients and myself. It is important to always take time to be concerned and listen to what your patients are feeling and telling you. As the patients advocate you are the most important key to their quality of health while they are in the hospital.

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Obesity in Older Adults Teaching Project

Obesity in Older Adults Teaching Project

(Obesity in Older Adults Teaching Project)

Question description

This assignment is meant to be teaching older adults about a topic of interest. I chose obesity in older adults and was approved to do the project on this topicI also prefer a PowerPoint as it may be easier to do, with around 15-20 detailed slides. Here are the specific requirements:

Education is very important to optimizing health for the older adult.

You should write the information for older adults using layman terms. Avoid medical jargon. It should be creative and informative, using pictures, graphs, charts, etc. or anything that will help your intended audience. You should use at least 2 credible websites AND at least 2 professional articles. You should also relay research findings somewhere in the presentation. It could be on risks, diagnostic tests, therapies, etc. The reference page should then contain at least 2 websites, at least 2 professional articles and at least 1 research article. All articles should be published within the last 5 years. The reference page should be in APA format and attached to the paper or your project.

The content areas to be covered are:

Definition of the disease/disorder and brief description

Symptoms or manifestations.What the older adult with this condition would experience.

Causes of the condition.Sometimes, the cause is unknown.Is it genetic, environmental, immune related? (for instance:cigarette smoking, high fat diet)

Risk Factors for development (for instance:age, ethnicity, gender)

Complications of the disorder.A complication of cancer can be the effects of the chemotherapy to treat it.

Tests and diagnosis – how does the health professional discover the problem?X-ray, CAT scan, blood test, biopsy?

Treatment (including drug categories and complementary and alternative medicine, if any, along with surgery). You do not have to know the in-depth information here.Just an overview of treatments.

Preventive strategies – for instance abstaining from smoking, vaccinations, screenings, etc. If there is no way to prevent the problem, you need to tell your audience this.

Support services (including websites, publications, associations, referrals, support groups)

If you have one slide/area/heading for each of these areas, it will ensure you have covered all the necessary information.

The presentation of this information can be in the form of:


PowerPoint presentation





Website creation (ie free website creation at www.weebly.com)

10 page paper (not including references) but it must contain pictures, etc. to help in getting your information across.

The content is the most important point to this assignment but points are awarded for creativity. I know you are not all nurses and I don’t expect that it be written as if you are. Perhaps your parent or grandparent have been affected. Perhaps a friend or neighbor. What would you tell them that would help them? So, I am looking for general information.

*****REMEMBER>>>>This teaching should be geared to the older adult, so keep this in mind in your presentation!!!

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Strategies and tactics of the Kmart

Strategies and tactics of the Kmart/Sears Corporation

(Strategies and tactics of the Kmart)

Question description

With prior topics’ discussion of the evolution of industries and core competencies as a background, you will now begin to explore a variety of tools and options related to the design of the organization, beginning with strategies and tactics, and how innovation can be applied to make an organization more competitive within an industry.

Beyond the Fluid Phase of its industry, an organization emphasizes innovation in its organizational processes and this necessitates an examination of organizational structure. In industries beyond the Fluid Phase of the Abernathy model, organizational structures are increasingly mechanistic and less conducive to change. And yet, the long-term survival of these companies is dependent upon change. Effective operation of an enterprise requires both a long-term strategic and a short-term tactical plan.

Activity: Strategies and Tactics Paper

You will examine strategies and tactics to familiarize yourself with their purpose, function, and the role they play when organizations seek to advance by being innovative. Writing this will help you understand the selected company’s strategies and tactics and how they affect the company’s planning and operations.

Task Description

  • Continue to research the web, various publications, and any other relevant sources for information on either the Walt Disney Company’s expansion into Euro Disney or Kmart/Sears’ strategies and tactics.
  • Prepare a six- to eight-page paper.

The paper should contain three sections identified below.

Background (choose one or the other)

  • Background on either Disney’s move into Europe.
  • The history of Kmart or Sears pre-merger.


  • Defines strategies and tactics.
  • Identifies two critical actions performed that strategically and tactically had a positive effect on the company.
  • Identifies two critical actions performed that strategically and tactically had a negative effect on the company.
  • Provides support for your decisions.
  • Includes a bibliography (set of references) of the research (not included in page count).


Your personal thoughts on:

  • The importance of strategies and tactics.
  • The strategies and tactics applied by the company you researched.
  • The knowledge gained from doing this assignment.
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Skills 108- 2

Skills 108- 2

(Skills 108- 2)

For this Assignment, review this week’s Resources. Then, select a population with which you might like to build a group. Consider the needs of the population and the type of group you might build to benefit the population. Think about how you might structure this group and what role you, the social worker, might need to assume in order to support the group members. Finally, reflect on what intervention skills this group might require and the potential group dynamics of which you should be aware while running the group.

Assignment: (3- to 4-page paper in APA format).

Your paper should include:

  • A description of the population with which you might like to build a group and an explanation of the type of group you might build with this population.
  • An explanation of the concerns that might be addressed for this population in that group and a description of which cultural structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, create, or enhance privilege and power for this group.
  • A description of the details you must consider when planning the group. For example, composition of the group, recruitment strategies, format (open or closed), time frame, and use of screening interviews for members.
  • An explanation of the intervention skills needed for working with this group and an explanation of the potential professional roles the social worker might need to take on as the leader.
  • An explanation of the potential dynamics to be aware of when running this particular group.

POPULATION: fostered kids and foster families

Group: a support group for different foster families and kids to come together



Kirst-Ashman, K. K., &  Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018). Understanding generalist practice (8th  ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 1, “Introducing Generalist Practice: The Generalist Intervention Model” (pp. 1–58)
  • Chapter 3, “Practice Skills for Working with Groups”(pp. 102-137)
  • Chapter 6, “Planning in Generalist Practice” (pp. 224-254)
  • Chapter 7, “Examples of Implementation in Generalist Practice” (pp. 255-306)
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