Python 3.6 Assignment

Python 3.6 Assignment


Hope this email finds you well.

I have an important assignment worth 100% of my grade that I really need your help with. Kindly find below the set of questions:

Answer all parts of the following question. Marks allocated to each part in square
Data source for Questions 2 through 5 needs to be the same, and has to be mentioned at
the beginning of your report
1) Many people find it difficult to understand blockchain because it requires the
coordination of many components for it to function, and it’s hard to see the full picture
until all the individual components are fully understood. In brief, please explain the
following from a technological standpoint: What are the basics of interaction of
cryptography and economics? What is your fundamental understanding of blockchain
technology? [10]
2) What were the key events for Cryptocurrencies from January 31, 2018 till January 31,
2019? Create and present a graphical timeline with the key dates and the key events.
What was the reaction in Bitcoin trading (BTC) on these dates? Did the BTC price go up
or down? By how much? What was the mean return on key events dates? What was the
median return? What was the standard deviation? Plot the distribution of the daily
percentage change on key events dates. Create a variable that takes the value 0 on days
without key events and 1 on days with key events. Calculate the correlation matrix on key
events dates and non-key events dates between the behaviour of Bitcoin, Ethereum
(ETH), Ripple (XRP) and Nasdaq. Perform a regression analysis between the previous
variables and briefly comment on the results.
3) Create a function called assess_portfolio() that takes as input an asset allocation of a
cryptocurrency asset portfolio and computes important statistics about the portfolio. You
are given the following inputs for analysing a portfolio:
• A date range to select the historical data to use (specified by a start and end date).
You should consider performance from close of the start date to close of the end
date on a daily basis, if you choose intraday data then please use daily median
• Symbols for each cryptocurrency asset (e.g., BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC).
• Portfolio allocations for each asset at the beginning of the simulation (e.g., 0.2,
0.3, 0.4, 0.1) which should sum to 1.0.
• Total starting value of the portfolio (e.g. $1,000,000)
Your goal is to create a programme to compute and visualise the daily portfolio value
over the given date range within a sample period from: February 15, 2017 to February 15,
2019, and then the following statistics for the overall portfolio:
• Cumulative return for the chosen date range from the sample period
• Plot the average period return (if sampling frequency == 252 trading days then
this is average daily return for the portfolio)
• Calculate the standard deviation of daily returns
• Calculate the annualised Sharpe ratio of the daily returns of the portfolio, given
daily risk-free rate (usually average of overnight LIBOR rate), and yearly
sampling frequency (usually 252 days, the number of trading days in a year)
• Plot the moving historical volatility with a minimum rolling period of 30 days
(i.e. moving historical standard deviation of the log returns)
• Ending value of the portfolio
Are these returns all positive? Or not? What is your explanation for what you observe?
4) Create an event study profile of a specific market event in the Cryptocurrency market,
and compare its impact on two relatively liquid cryptocurrencies. The event is defined as
when the daily median price / daily close price of the cryptocurrency is 10% lower than
the previous day. Evaluate this event for the time period: February 15, 2017 to February
15, 2019. Create and describe your own trading strategy based on the findings, to include
writing the code for your trading strategy and execution of the strategy with relevant
visual output in plots for this sample period. [20]
5) Now that you’ve got your trading strategy at hand, it’s a good idea to also backtest it and
optimise its performance. However, when you’re backtesting, it’s a good idea to keep in
mind that there are some pitfalls. For example, external events such as market regime
shifts, which are regulatory changes or macroeconomic events. Also, liquidity constraints,
could affect your backtesting heavily. Create your own ‘market event’ and experiment
with it using your trading strategy developed in the previous question for a
cryptocurrency portfolio. Consider answering these questions:
? Explain why the event chosen is a relevant ‘market event’ for cryptocurrency assets?
? Is it possible to make money using your event?
? If it is possible, what is your trading strategy? Think about details of entry (buy), exit
(sell) and how many days would you hold?
? Is this a risky strategy?
? How much do you expect to make on each trade?
? How many times do you expect to be able to act on this opportunity each year?
? Is there some way to reduce the risk? [20]
For questions 2, 3, 4 and 5, you will need to write code in Python 3.6 using Python functions, libraries
and classes. You will need to respect the good programming practices such as commenting your code
so that it is clear (to you and other programmers that might read it) as to what it attempts to execute.
Assessment Criteria
Your work will be assessed in terms of how well you have carried out the various parts of the
assignment, in terms of: appropriate understanding of key concepts / principles discussed in class
(programming code, functions, classes, commenting); correctness, clarity, completeness and
relevance of your interpretations and commentaries.
The marks assigned to each part of the assignment are given in square brackets at the end of each part.

Kindly reply to me the soonest if you could help me out.
you need to use   python 3.6

Many thanks

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MatLab Program Project

MatLab Program Project

**Begin with typing in the Live Script:

format Comment by Wadlington, Julie: I do not see this at all. Just copy paste it in the code

format compact


syms x

F = @(x) atan(x) + x – 1

F1 = eval([‘@(x)’ char(diff(F(x)))])


G=@(x) x.^3-x-1

G1=eval([‘@(x)’ char(diff(G(x)))])


Notes: (1) a MATLAB command syms x defines a symbolic variable x;

(2) F and G are the function handles and F1 and G1 are the function handles for the first derivatives of F and G, respectively.



**Next, we create and output 2-D plots of the functions F, G, and y=0 on the interval [-2, 2] in order to visualize the x-intercepts and choose initial approximations. An initial value should be chosen close to the x-intercept which we are approximating. Comment by Wadlington, Julie: I see a graph I see F I do not see G, y=0 [-2,2]

**Type in the Live Script the code given below – it will output the graphs of F and G together with the function y=0 after you Run the section.


yzero=@(x) 0.*x.^(0)

x=linspace(-2,2); Comment by Wadlington, Julie: Copy past this code in after the top code



Note: here we have created another symbolic function yzero.


It is obvious from the properties of the function F(x) that it has only one real zero, which we will approximate. Concerning the function G, which is a polynomial of the third degree (we will denote it p), we are going to verify that it has only one real zero. In order to do that, we find all zeros of the polynomial p using MATLAB built-in functions sym2poly and roots: the function sym2poly(p) outputs the vector of the coefficients of the polynomial p (in descending order according to the degree), and the composition of two functions roots(sym2poly(p))outputs all zeros of the polynomial p. Comment by Wadlington, Julie: I don’t see this

**Type in the Live Script:

syms x




After you Run Section, this part of the code will output the three zeros of the polynomial p – two of them are complex conjugate numbers and one is a real zero that we will approximate.


Next, we proceed with constructing a function in the file that approximates a real zero.

**Create a function called newtons. It begins with: Comment by Wadlington, Julie: Or this

function root=newtons(fun,dfun,x0)

format long

The inputs fun and dfun are the function and its first derivative, respectively, and x0 is the initial approximation. The output root will be our approximation of the real zero of a function. We will program consecutive iterations according to the Newton’s method, and we will assign to root the iteration which will be the first one falling within a margin of 10^(-12) from the MATLAB approximation x of that zero – the last is delivered by a built-in MATLAB function fzero. The details are below:

**Type the line

x=fzero(fun,x0) Comment by Wadlington, Julie: I do not see this

in your function newtons and output x with a message that it is a MATLAB approximation of the real zero of the function.


**Then, your function newtons will calculate consecutive iterations , using Newton’s Method (see Theory above). You can employ a “while loop” here. The loop will terminate when, for the first time, abs(-x)<10^(-12) for some consecutive iteration . Output with a corresponding message the number of iterations N, and assign the last iteration, , to the output root. This will be the end of your function newtons. Comment by Wadlington, Julie: Or this


**Print the function newtons in your Live Script.

**Next, proceed with the following tasks in the Live Script:

Part (a)

You will work with the function F in this part. Using the graph of the function F, choose three different values of the initial approximation x0 of the zero of F.

**Then, input the function handles:



and run the function root=newtons(fun,dfun,x0) for each of your three choices of x0 – one at a time.


Part (b)

You will work with the function G in this part.

**First, input the corresponding function handles.

**Then, run root=newtons(fun,dfun,x0) for each of the initial approximations (1)-(8) of the real zero of G:

(1) x0=1.3;

(2) x0=1;

(3) x0=0.6;

(4) x0=0.577351;

(5) Pick the initial value x0 to be the positive zero of the derivative of G(x). Type


(display x0) and run the function root=newtons(fun,dfun,x0).

(6) x0=0.577;

(7) x0=0.4;

(8) x0=0.1;

















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Payroll | Excel Chapter 2 ML1 Payroll Assignment Help 

Payroll | Excel Chapter 2 ML1 Payroll Assignment Help

Exp19_Excel_Ch02_ML1_Payroll | Excel Chapter 2 ML1 Payroll


Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch02_ML1_Payroll.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.

2  Use IF functions to calculate the regular pay and overtime pay based on a regular 40-hour workweek in cells E5 and F5. Pay overtime only for overtime hours. In cell G5, calculate the gross pay based on the regular and overtime pay. Abram’s regular pay is $398. With 8 overtime hours, Abram’s overtime pay is $119.40.

3.  Create a formula in cell H5 to calculate the taxable pay. Multiply the number of dependents (column B) by the deduction per dependent (B24) and subtract that from the gross pay. With two dependents, Abram’s taxable pay is $417.40.

4. Use a VLOOKUP function in cell I5 to identify and calculate the federal withholding tax. Use the tax rates from the range D21:E25. The VLOOKUP function returns the applicable tax rate, which you must then multiply by the taxable pay.

5. Calculate FICA in cell J5 based on gross pay and the FICA rate (cell B23), and calculate the net pay in cell K5. Copy all formulas down their respective columns to row 16.

6. With the range E5:K16 selected, use Quick Analysis tools to calculate the total regular pay, overtime pay, gross pay, taxable pay, withholding tax, FICA, and net pay on row 17.

Note, Mac users, with the range selected, on the Home tab, in the Editing group, click AutoSum.

7. Apply Accounting Number Format to the range C5:C16. Apply Accounting Number Format to the first row of monetary data and to the total row. Apply the Comma style to the monetary values for the other employees. Apply the Total cell styles format to the range E17:K17.

8. Insert appropriate functions to calculate the average, highest, and lowest values in the Summary Statistics area (the range I21:K23) of the worksheet. Format the # of hours calculations as Number format with one decimal and the remaining calculations with Accounting number format.

9. Insert a footer with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side of the worksheet.

10. Save and close the workbook. Submit the file as directed.

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Question 1
1. Main memory is called ____.

read only memory

random access memory

read and write memory

random read only memory

3 points
Question 2
1. The ____ is the brain of the computer and the single most expensive piece of hardware in your personal computer.





3 points
Question 3
1. The ____ carries out all arithmetic and logical operations.





3 points
Question 4
1. The ____ holds the instruction currently being executed.





3 points
Question 5
1. When the power is switched off, everything in ____ is lost.

main memory

secondary storage

hard disks

floppy disks

3 points
Question 6
1. ____ programs perform a specific task.





3 points
Question 7
1. The ____ monitors the overall activity of the computer and provides services.

Central Processing Unit

operating system

arithmetic logic unit

control unit

3 points
Question 8
1. Which of the following is NOT an output device?




secondary storage

3 points
Question 9
1. ____ represent information with a sequence of 0s and 1s.

Analog signals

Application programs

Digital signals

System programs

3 points
Question 10
1. A sequence of eight bits is called a ____.

binary digit




3 points
Question 11
1. The digit 0 or 1 is called a binary digit, or ____.





3 points
Question 12
1. The term GB refers to ____.

giant byte


group byte

great byte

3 points
Question 13
1. ____ consists of 65,536 characters.





3 points
Question 14
1. A program called a(n) ____ translates instructions written in high-level languages into machine code.





3 points
Question 15
1. A program called a(n) ____ combines the object program with the programs from libraries.





3 points
Question 16
1. Consider the following C++ program.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
cout << “Hello World ”
return 0;

In the cout statement, the missing semicolon in the code above will be caught by the ____.




control unit

3 points
Question 17
1. A program that loads an executable program into main memory is called a(n) ____.





3 points
Question 18
1. A step-by-step problem-solving process in which a solution is arrived at in a finite amount of time is called a(n) ____.





3 points
Question 19
1. To develop a program to solve a problem, you start by ____.

analyzing the problem

implementing the solution in C++

designing the algorithm

entering the solution into a computer system

3 points
Question 20
1. In C++, the mechanism that allows you to combine data and operations on the data into a single unit is called a(n) ____.





3 points
Question 21
1. Which of the following is a legal identifier?




program 1

3 points
Question 22
1. All of the following are examples of integral data types EXCEPT ____.





3 points
Question 23
1. Which of the following is a valid char value?





3 points
Question 24
1. The value of the expression 17 % 7 is ____.





3 points
Question 25
1. The expression static_cast<int>(9.9) evaluates to ____.





3 points
Question 26
1. The length of the string “computer science” is ____.





3 points
Question 27
1. Suppose that count is an int variable and count = 1. After the statement count++; executes, the value of count is ____.





3 points
Question 28
1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = –beta; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____.

alpha = 1 – beta;

alpha = beta – 1;

beta = beta – 1;
alpha = beta;

alpha = beta;
beta = beta – 1;

3 points
Question 29
1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = beta++; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____.

alpha = 1 + beta;

alpha = alpha + beta;

alpha = beta;
beta = beta + 1;

beta = beta + 1;
alpha = beta;

3 points
Question 30
1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = ++beta; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____.

beta = beta + 1;
alpha = beta;

alpha = beta;
beta = beta + 1;

alpha = alpha + beta;

alpha = beta + 1;

3 points
Question 31
1. Choose the output of the following C++ statement:
cout << “Sunny ” << ‘\n’ << “Day ” << endl;

Sunny \nDay

Sunny \nDay endl


Sunny \n

3 points
Question 32
1. Which of the following is the new line character?





3 points
Question 33
1. Consider the following code.

// Insertion Point 1

using namespace std;
const float PI = 3.14;

int main()
//Insertion Point 2

float r = 2.0;
float area;
area = PI * r * r;

cout << “Area = ” << area <<endl;
return 0;
// Insertion Point 3

In this code, where does the include statement belong?

Insertion Point 1

Insertion Point 2

Insertion Point 3

Anywhere in the program

3 points
Question 34
1. ____ are executable statements that inform the user what to do.


Prompt lines

Named constants


3 points
Question 35
1. The declaration int a, b, c; is equivalent to which of the following?

inta , b, c;

int a,b,c;

int abc;

int a b c;

3 points
Question 36
1. Suppose that sum and num are int variables and sum = 5 and num = 10. After the statement sum += num executes, ____.

sum = 0

sum = 5

sum = 10

sum = 15

3 points
Question 37
1. Suppose that alpha is an int variable and ch is a char variable and the input is:

17 A

What are the values after the following statements execute?

cin >> alpha;
cin >> ch;

alpha = 17, ch = ‘ ‘

alpha = 1, ch = 7

alpha = 17, ch = ‘A’

alpha = 17, ch = ‘a’

3 points
Question 38
1. Suppose that x is an int variable, y is a double variable, z is an int variable, and the input is:

15 76.3 14

Choose the values after the following statement executes:

cin >> x >> y >> z;

x = 15, y = 76, z = 14

x = 15, y = 76, z = 0

x = 15, y = 76.3, z = 14

x = 15.0, y = 76.3, z = 14.0

3 points
Question 39
1. Suppose that x and y are int variables, ch is a char variable, and the input is:

4 2 A 12

Choose the values of x, y, and ch after the following statement executes:

cin >> x >> ch >> y;

x = 4, ch = 2, y = 12

x = 4, ch = A, y = 12

x = 4, ch = ‘ ‘, y = 2

This statement results in input failure

3 points
Question 40
1. Suppose that ch1, ch2, and ch3 are variables of the type char and the input is:


Choose the value of ch3 after the following statement executes:

cin >> ch1 >> ch2 >> ch3;





3 points
Question 41
1. Suppose that ch1 and ch2 are char variables, alpha is an int variable, and the input is:

A 18

What are the values after the following statement executes?

cin >> alpha;

ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘ ‘, alpha = 18

ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘1’, alpha = 8

ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘ ‘, alpha = 1

ch1 = ‘A’, ch2 = ‘\n’, alpha = 1

3 points
Question 42
1. Suppose that ch1, ch2, and ch3 are variables of the type char and the input is:


What is the value of ch3 after the following statements execute?






3 points
Question 43
1. When you want to process only partial data, you can use the stream function ____ to discard a portion of the input.





3 points
Question 44
1. Suppose that alpha, beta, and gamma are int variables and the input is:

100 110 120
200 210 220
300 310 320

What is the value of gamma after the following statements execute?

cin >> alpha;
cin.ignore(100, ‘\n’);
cin >> beta;
cin >> gamma;





3 points
Question 45
1. Suppose that ch1 and ch2 are char variables and the input is:


What is the value of ch2 after the following statements execute?

cin >> ch2;





3 points
Question 46
1. Suppose that ch1 and ch2 are char variables and the input is:


What is the value of ch2 after the following statements execute?

cin >> ch1;
ch2 = cin.peek();
cin >> ch2;





3 points
Question 47
1. In C++, the dot is an operator called the ____ operator.

dot access

member access

data access


3 points
Question 48
1. Suppose that x = 25.67, y = 356.876, and z = 7623.9674. What is the output of the following statements?

cout << fixed << showpoint;
cout << setprecision(2);
cout << x << ‘ ‘ << y << ‘ ‘ << z << endl;

25.67 356.87 7623.96

25.67 356.87 7623.97

25.67 356.88 7623.97

25.67 356.876 7623.967

3 points
Question 49
1. Suppose that x = 1565.683, y = 85.78, and z = 123.982. What is the output of the following statements?
cout << fixed << showpoint;
cout << setprecision(3) << x << ‘ ‘;
cout << setprecision(4) << y << ‘ ‘ << setprecision(2) << z << endl;

1565.683 85.8000 123.98

1565.680 85.8000 123.98

1565.683 85.7800 123.98

1565.683 85.780 123.980

3 points
Question 50
1. What is the output of the following statements?
cout << setfill(‘*’);
cout << “12345678901234567890” << endl
cout << setw(5) << “18” << setw(7) << “Happy”
<< setw(8) << “Sleepy” << endl;

***18  Happy  Sleepy


***18**Happy  Sleepy

***18**Happy  Sleepy**

3 points
Question 51
1. What is the output of the above statements?
cout << “123456789012345678901234567890” << endl
cout << setfill(‘#’) << setw(10) << “Mickey”
<< setfill(‘ ‘) << setw(10) << “Donald”
<< setfill(‘*’) << setw(10) << “Goofy” << endl;

####Mickey    Donald*****Goofy




3 points
Question 52
1. Consider the following program segment.
ifstream inFile;        //Line 1
int x, y;              //Line 2

…                    //Line 3
inFile >> x >> y;        //Line 4

Which of the following statements at Line 3 can be used to open the file progdata.dat and input data from this file into x and y at Line 4?“progdata.dat”);




3 points
Question 53
1. In a ____ control structure, the computer executes particular statements depending on some condition(s).





3 points
Question 54
1. What does <= mean?

less than

greater than

less than or equal to

greater than or equal to

3 points
Question 55
1. Which of the following is a relational operator?





3 points
Question 56
1. Which of the following is the “not equal to” relational operator?





3 points
Question 57
1. Suppose x is 5 and y is 7. Choose the value of the following expression:

(x != 7) && (x <= y)





3 points
Question 58
1. The expression in an if statement is sometimes called a(n) ____.

selection statement

action statement

decision maker

action maker

3 points
Question 59
1. What is the output of the following C++ code?
int x = 35;
int y = 45;
int z;

if (x > y)
z = x + y;
z = y – x;

cout << x << ” ” << y << ” ” << z << endl;

35 45 80

35 45 10

35 45 –10

35 45 0

3 points
Question 60
1. When one control statement is located within another, it is said to be ____.





3 points
Question 61
1. What is the output of the following code?

if (6 > 8)
cout << ” ** ” << endl ;
cout << “****” << endl;
else if (9 == 4)
cout << “***” << endl;
cout << “*” << endl;





3 points
Question 62
1. The conditional operator ?: takes ____ arguments.





3 points
Question 63
1. What is the value of x after the following statements execute?

int x;
x = (5 <= 3 && ‘A’ < ‘F’) ? 3 : 4





3 points
Question 64
1. Assume you have three int variables: x = 2, y = 6, and z. Choose the value of z in the following expression: z = (y / x > 0) ? x : y;.





3 points
Question 65
1. What is the output of the following code?

char lastInitial = ‘S’;

switch (lastInitial)
case ‘A’:
cout << “section 1” <<endl;
case ‘B’:
cout << “section 2” <<endl;
case ‘C’:
cout << “section 3” <<endl;
case ‘D’:
cout << “section 4” <<endl;
cout << “section 5” <<endl;

section 2

section 3

section 4

section 5

3 points
Question 66
1. What is the output of the following code?

char lastInitial = ‘A’;

switch (lastInitial)
case ‘A’:
cout << “section 1” <<endl;
case ‘B’:
cout << “section 2” <<endl;
case ‘C’:
cout << “section 3” <<endl;
case ‘D’:
cout << “section 4” <<endl;
cout << “section 5” <<endl;

section 1

section 2

section 3

section 5

3 points
Question 67
1. What is the output of the following code fragment if the input value is 4?
int num;
int alpha = 10;
cin >> num;
switch (num)
case 3:
case 4:
case 6:
alpha = alpha + 3;
case 8:
alpha = alpha + 4;
alpha = alpha + 5;
cout << alpha << endl;





3 points
Question 68
1. What is the output of the following C++ code?
int x = 55;
int y = 5;

switch (x % 7)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
y = y + 2;
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
y = y – 3;
cout << y << endl;





3 points
Question 69
1. A(n) ____-controlled while loop uses a bool variable to control the loop.





3 points
Question 70
1. Consider the following code. (Assume that all variables are properly declared.)

cin >> ch;

while (cin)
cout << ch;
cin >> ch;

This code is an example of a(n) ____ loop.





3 points
Question 71
1. What is the next Fibonacci number in the following sequence?

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …





3 points
Question 72
1. Which of the following is the initial statement in the following for loop? (Assume that all variables are properly declared.)

int i;
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++)
cout << “Hello World”;
cout << “!” << endl;

i = 1;

i < 20;


cout << “Hello World”;

3 points
Question 73
1. What is the output of the following C++ code?
int j;
for (j = 10; j <= 10; j++)
cout << j << ” “;
cout << j << endl;


10 10

10 11

11 11

3 points
Question 74
1. Suppose sum, num, and j are int variables, and the input is 4 7 12 9 -1. What is the output of the following code?

cin >> sum;
cin >> num;
for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
cin >> num;
sum = sum + num;
cout << sum << endl;





3 points
Question 75
1. Suppose j, sum, and num are int variables, and the input is 26 34 61 4 -1. What is the output of the code?

sum = 0;
cin >> num;
for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
sum = sum + num;
cin >> num;
cout << sum << endl;





3 points
Question 76
1. Which executes first in a do…while loop?


loop condition

initial statement

update statement

3 points
Question 77
1. What is the value of x after the following statements execute?

int x = 5;
int y = 30;

x = x * 2;
while (x < y);





3 points
Question 78
1. What is the output of the following loop?

count = 5;
cout << ‘St’;
cout << ‘o’;
while (count <= 5);




This is an infinite loop.

3 points
Question 79
1. Which of the following loops does not have an entry condition?

EOF-controlled while loop

sentinel-controlled while loop

do…while loop

for loop

3 points
Question 80
1. Which of the following is a repetition structure in C++?





3 points
Question 81
1. Which of the following is true about a do…while loop?

The body of the loop is executed at least once.

The logical expression controlling the loop is evaluated before the loop is entered.

The body of the loop may not execute at all.

It cannot contain a break statement.

3 points
Question 82
1. Which of the following is not a function of the break statement?

To exit early from a loop

To skip the remainder of a switch structure

To eliminate the use of certain bool variables in a loop

To ignore certain values for variables and continue with the next iteration of a loop

3 points
Question 83
1. Which executes immediately after a continue statement in a while and do-while loop?

loop-continue test

update statement

loop condition

the body of the loop

3 points
Question 84
1. When a continue statement is executed in a ____, the update statement always executes.

while loop

for loop

switch structure

do…while loop

3 points
Question 85
1. The heading of the function is also called the ____.


function signature

function head

function header

3 points
Question 86
1. Given the following function prototype: int test(float, char); which of the following statements is valid?

cout << test(12, &);

cout << test(“12.0”, ‘&’);

int u = test(5.0, ‘*’);

cout << test(’12’, ‘&’);

3 points
Question 87
1. A variable or expression listed in a call to a function is called the ____.

formal parameter

actual parameter

data type

type of the function

3 points
Question 88
1. A variable listed in a function call is known as a(n) ____ parameter.  A variable list in a header is known as a(n) ____ parameter.

actual; actual

formal; formal

actual; formal

formal; actual

3 points
Question 89
1. What value is returned by the following return statement?
int x = 5;

return x + 1;





3 points
Question 90
1. Given the following function
int strange(int x, int y)
if (x > y)
return x + y;
return x – y;

what is the output of the following statement:?

cout << strange(4, 5) << endl;





3 points
Question 91
1. Given the following function

int next(int x)
return (x + 1);

what is the output of the following statement?

cout << next(next(5)) << endl;





3 points
Question 92
1. Given the function prototype:

float test(int, int, int);

which of the following statements is legal?

cout << test(7, test(14, 23));

cout << test(test(7, 14), 23);

cout << test(14, 23);

cout << test(7, 14, 23);

3 points
Question 93
1. Given the following function prototype: double tryMe(double, double);, which of the following statements is valid? Assume that all variables are properly declared.

cin >> tryMe(x);

cout << tryMe(2.0, 3.0);

cout << tryMe(tryMe(double, double), double);

cout << tryMe(tryMe(float, float), float);

3 points
Question 94
1. Given the function prototype: double testAlpha(int u, char v, double t); which of the following statements is legal?

cout << testAlpha(5, ‘A’, 2);

cout << testAlpha( int 5, char ‘A’, int 2);

cout << testAlpha(‘5.0’, ‘A’, ‘2.0’);

cout << testAlpha(5.0, “65”, 2.0);

3 points
Question 95
1. Which of the following function prototypes is valid?

int funcTest(int x, int y, float z){}

funcTest(int x, int y, float){};

int funcTest(int, int y, float z)

int funcTest(int, int, float);

3 points
Question 96
1. Which of the following function prototypes is valid?

int funcExp(int x, float v);

funcExp(int x, float v){};


int funcExp(x);

3 points
Question 97
1. Given the following function prototype: int myFunc(int, int); which of the following statements is valid? Assume that all variables are properly declared.

cin >> myFunc(y);

cout << myFunc(myFunc(7, 8), 15);

cin >> myFunc(‘2’, ‘3’);

cout << myFunc(myFunc(7), 15);

3 points
Question 98
1. The statement: return 8, 10; returns the value ____.





3 points
Question 99
1. The statement: return 37, y, 2 * 3; returns the value ____.





3 points
Question 100
1. The statement: return 2 * 3 + 1, 1 + 5; returns the value ____.






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FXT Task 1 , Turnitin Originality Checking Assignment Help

FXT Task 1 , Turnitin Originality Checking Assignment Help

FXT Task 1

University’s Disaster Recovery Plan(DRP)/Enterprise Continuity Plan (ECP)



Student name:







Presentation Summary :

The Presentation is created for University DRP ( Disaster Recovery Plan) / ECP ( Enterprise Continuity Plan) and it includes different areas of coverage.


DRP/ECP members Roles

Six resilience layers

Type of training a DRP team will need

How university should choose outside expertise

Best method for developing awareness campaign

Best way for implementing the awareness campaign

Area to improve Resilience to Catastrophic Evens

Employee awareness Campaign


Presenter Notes:





What The Presentation Is About?

Below are several areas which will benefit the university to be prepared for emergency and catastrophic event by applying for a national security agency’s center of academic excellence


Areas covered:

Disaster Recovery and Emergency Continuity Plan personal roles.

Area to properly address resilience to operational disturbance

DRP/ECP training

Emergency plan to improve inputs by outside vendors.

Employee awareness training and their roles in DRP/ECP Plan

Best methods of implementing the awareness campaign

Presenter Notes:





Q1: Roles of DRP/ECP Members


Below Teams are responsible for the Role of DRP/ECP members.

Damage Assessment Team

Restoration Team

Operation Team

Customer Support Team

Salvage/Reclamation Team

Administrative Support Team

Emergency Management Team (EMT)


Presenter Notes:





Answer: Roles of DRP/ECP Members

Emergency Management Team (EMT) : Is responsible to coordinate with series of other teams in university and make sure all Emergency Team Members know their responsibilities

EMT Leader: Should communicate with Senior management to report status , Request for Decisions and problem resolution. EMT will have to declare Emergency , Coordinate EMT activities and contact University EMT Members. They will also be responsible to maintain documentations for DRP/ECP and keep them up to date. Once documentation is in place they will have to make a Plan of Action for all new emergency situations they have faced and was new.

Operations Team: Operations Manager notifies business Continuity Team (BCP) Leaders in university that Emergency has been declared. Operations Manager will have to communicate with university BCP team leaders to request/status reports to EMT, Co-ordinate all BCP team activities and handle personnel issues.

Communication Team: University Communication Manager will have to take responsibility for Media and external communications. Communication Team will also be responsible for internal communications. Security Team: Security Team will be responsible to maintain physical security of university and make sure the property is safe during the emergency.



Presenter Notes:





Answer: Roles of DRP/ECP Continued

IT Infrastructure Team: IT Infrastructure team will fall in to different other teams each of the team member will be responsible based on their roles.


Infrastructure Technical Support Team: Will be responsible to maintain all information stored in university systems. The must define operational procedures to create preparedness for an emergency and make sure all information in still in right and safe place during emergency. Technical Support team will also make sure backups are working properly and they have healthy restoration point. They must also make sure that there is an alternative recovery in case if disaster happens at university Datacenter.

Infrastructure IT Security Team: Will be responsible to make sure all information is accessed in secure environment and will coordinate with all other departments to maintain physical security and safe access to all important data during their operation.

Executive Management Team: Will be responsible to prepare and coordinate procedures and processes that all employees and vendors should use during Emergency.

Presenter Notes:





Answer: Roles of DRP/ECP Continued

Training Team: Will be responsible to provide awareness trainings to all employees on what do they need to do in Emergency situations and what will be their role within the DRP/ECP.

Presenter Notes:





Q2: Resilience Layers

Resilience layers will address all area and help prepare university for emergency and catastrophic events. The Six Resilience layers includes.







Facilities and Security


Strategy: The first resilience layer is strategy. The layer will help university accomplish their goals as an entity, the objective directing its operation and the standards it must abide by. This layer, the below components will assessed and examined.



Competitive Edge

Baseline organizational culture

Example of Strategy: Unauthorized Student tried to hack and accessed university exam papers to pass the exam with better marks.

Presenter Notes:





Q2: Resilience Layers Continued

University immediately took action and created a strategic plan to implement its DRP/ECP as well as maintaining the baseline objective of continuing to secure data systems.


Organization: The second resilience layers deals with the structure of university. The role of DRP/ECP is generated in this layer, for example who will be responsible for managing personnel when there is emergency. The second example is who will be responsible to take control and manage data access during a catastrophic event and role’s responsibilities. Another example in this layer will be the rules that will govern communication during an emergency, for example how each member will communicate with other employees in university and what technologies will be used for these communications; and finally what skills are required to comply with DRP/ECP defined goals.


Processes: The third layer is important to continue operating during an emergency. For example all employees will need access to vital information during emergency and this layer will help us to create plans. The emergency team management will be generating processes for ECP/DRP. There will be a need for processes update to reflect changes or new information such as changing personnel links within a department.

Presenter Notes:





Q2: Resilience Layers Continued

In this layer alternative process is needed so if the primary process fails there is alternative processes in place. A good example can be if university Wide Area Network connection fails satellite communication can take over university primary W.A.N connection.


Data / Application: The fourth layer is to examine data and applications for university. This layer include things such as testing emergency solutions from the initial creation to the point of post deployment reviewing. DRCP/ECP plans such as using two types of data links to ensure connectivity. Determining fault tolerance, to what degree failures may occur before operation cease. Last is Providing reliable data to emergency and executive management team members to create a consensus in DRP/ECP program.


Technology: The fifth resilience layer is technology which addresses several points. First the university databases administration team will determine which hardware and software are critical to DRP/ECP. An example would be a server that must be constantly powered to provide access to the company’s database. The next thing to consider is alternative site which will help include site selection, preparation and arranging for maintenance. Once the plan is in place then emergency management team would identify single point of failure that could cause DRP/ECP.



Presenter Notes:





Q2: Resilience Layers Continued

Failures in this layer is both technical resources such a server to personnel such as a member of upper management needed to provide consents for emergency deployments. The other steps will be that Information Technology team members must evaluate and align I.T investments to the objective outlined within the DRP/ECP to optimize the use of financial resources. Technology with in the DRP/ECP must be flexible in providing more then one function or service helping to create failsafe solution. At last upper management and emergency team members should agree to standards of resiliency.


Physical Layer: The last layer is Physical layer where university will have to build a plan to secure all areas and limit access. Anyone entering university should have ID or should have permission to enter and in order to access company servers they should be authorized and have access permission. One other important concern is to ensure adequate heating/cooling as well as steady power source for equipment. Then a testing of all systems at the operating location is performed to ensure readiness. Keeping precautionary measures in mind such as arranging alternative backup power should with the DRP/ECP is started within documentation.











































Presenter Notes:





Q2(a): Provide one example for each of the six resilience layers related to this enterprise.

Six resilience layers Example:


Strategy: The university is going to define protocols that will allow it to continue during the catastrophic event.

Organization: The university created roles for all personnel and defines the responsibilities of each role with in ERP/DRP program.

Rules that will govern emergency communication once ERP/DRP deploys is also defined.


Processes: the university defines processes within DRP/ECP and steps to consider when reflecting future conditions during the event.


Data/Application: The university provides data access stored on server rack through satellite communication. The university also design a secondary means of accessing the data if primary link is down.











































Presenter Notes:





Q2(a): Provide one example for each of the six resilience layers related to this enterprise Continued.

Technology: The university defines technologies/equipment required during DRP/ECP. It then selects a recovery site for operations in case of failure according to DRP/ECP outline.


Physical Security: University limits the access permission physically when entering to site thru the control of gates and doors and restrict permission to access racked servers and also making sure cooling and heating system is on correct temperature.


Q3. Outline the type of training a DRP team will need.

The first step is to determine and evaluate skills that Information Technology department have which will help emergency team for the selection and roles to be assigned to each employee. The best way is going to take an online training through test engine which will save time rather then interviewing or taking tests on paper. There will be a testing score 300 to 1000. The personnel who score in the higher will then be given more prominent role with in the ECP/DRP.





































Presenter Notes:






Q3. Outline the type of a typical DRP team will need continued.

IT databases team are trained for emergency steps to ensure safety, security and functionality or company servers. As the database are more important to university the training for database team completes through classes, training materials and hand on labs. All personnel receive training on ECP/DRP regarding infrastructure such as location of emergency. Personnel receive training when they are hired through live mentor or training application with animated examples. Later, once individual team assignment are complete, each person will train via online simulation software tailored to their team responsibilities.


Q4. Outline how the university should go about choosing outside expertise to assist with the development of a DRP.

There are chances where university may use outside expertise if Internal staffs are not capable to full fill ECP/DRP requirements.

A consultant that would create long lasting solution, act as a facilitator when needed, act to further university missions and help train personnel where appropriate.



































Presenter Notes:






Q4. Outline how the university should go about choosing outside expertise to assist with the development of a DRP continued.


The outside vendors are experts and have experience to deal with such situations. They are familiar with the scope of DRP/ECP project from initial design to final implementation. Vendors will receive evaluation score during the phase of determination. Vendors with more experience in DRP/ECP are assigned. As a next step then the vendor is assigned based on cost estimates.

The university must be careful when choosing vendor and weigh cost benefits to return on investment with DRP/ECP. It should not exceed 10 percent of their select budget for DRP/ECP.

Qualification for outside vendor includes familiarity with complex databases, experience with database security and server environment, deploying systems during emergency events, experience with project budget and timeline and awareness campaign.

































Presenter Notes:






Q5.Best method for developing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.


The best method would be to collect, develop and use experience of all personnel to contribute to a rough DRP/ECP outline. This way the emergency response team will be able to develop strong DRP/ECP. Once the DRP/ECP is in place testing it thru real life simulations of the solution proposed. The tested solution that are successful when executed made a part of the final ECP/DRP.


Q5(a). Evaluate one best method for implementing a DRP/ECP awareness campaign.


Best method that will help all employees and students understand their role with DRP/ECP is fire drill where it will bring stark attention to the DRP/ECP plan by creating a situation in which every one should perform their roles learned via ECP/DRP training.




























Presenter Notes:





































Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity – Resilient Infrastructure. (n.d) Retrieved Jan 12, 2016 from

Risk Management and Business Continuity: Improving Business Resiliency . (n.d) Retrieved Jan

12, 2016 from -management-and-business-


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Operations Security Quiz

Operations Security Quiz

1) Employee behavior in an organization is

a)usally far from optional

b)prone to create secure work environments

c)not subject to policies and guidance

d)similar to machines

2)Which of the following statements is true regarding organizational policy and security awareness training?

a)Employee attitudes toward security awareness training can range from indifferent to eager.

b)Employees’ willingness to work and learn is universal across different organization.

c)Employees’ adherence to security policy is solely dependent upon the organization’s structure.

d)You can only create an organizational policy framework to define policies in flat organizations.

3)Executive management, IT security policy enforcement monitoring, and human resources, all must have a unified front regarding the:

a)size and structure of the organization.

b)management structure and advancement opportunities.

c)issuance of executive orders within the organization.

d)disciplinary treatment of policy violations.

4)Which of the following areas of the organization is responsible for establishing the policy commitment and implementation for the entire organization?

a)Executive Management

b)Supervisory-Level Management

c)Human Resources

d)IT Security Policy Enforcement Monitoring

5)Which of the following areas of the organization conducts system logging, content filtering logging, and e-mail filtering logging with automated reporting for monthly or quarterly policy compliance reviews?

a)Executive Management

b)Supervisory-Level Management

c)Human Resources

d)IT Security Policy Enforcement Monitoring

Question 6

Which of the following areas of the organization is responsible for ensuring that employees, contractors, and consultants conform to all organizational policies?

a)Executive Management

b)Supervisory-Level Management

c)Human Resources

d)IT Security Policy Enforcement Monitoring

7)Violations of security policies are considered to be a(n) __________ issue upon which proper disciplinary actions must be taken.

a)law enforcement




8)Depending on the violation’s severity, repeat or continued violations of organization-wide policies might be grounds for:

a)refusing to pay earned wages.

b)denying overtime assignments.

c)termination of employment.

d)limiting an employee’s Internet access.

9)Flat organizational structures are characterized by a management structure that:

a)is cross-functional and more open to employee input.

b)places all decision making at the executive management level.

c)provides limited access and connectivity to employees.

d)considers employee contributions to be of no value.

10)Hierarchical organizational structures are characterized by departments that are separated by:

a)creativity level.

b)salary level, creating animosity between departments.

c)teams, creating competitiveness between departments.

d)function, creating multiple functional silos.

11)In hierarchical organizational structures, communication between employees tends to:

a)be very difficult to achieve at all.

b)occur across organizational functions.

c)be more “top-down.”

d)be more “bottom-up.”

12)In flat organizational structures, employees tend to be:

a)more open and communicative.

b)more interested in financial rewards.

c)constrained within their role or function.

d)less likely to interact across the organization.

13)Employees in organizations with flat organizational structures tend to be more:

a)creative and involved in business decisions.

b)dissatisfied and apathetic.

c)financially successful.

d)concerned about job security.

14) Hierarchical organizations are more likely than flat organizations to have a:

a)security policy.

b)formal chain of command.

c)profitable business model.

d)chief executive officer.

15)Which of the following can affect an employee’s sense of job security, purpose, and potential to contribute to the company’s success, all of which can make an employee feel dissatisfied or apathetic?

a)The U.S economy

b)A company’s IT policies

c)A company’s size

d)A company’s board of directors

16)Conducting annual audits and security assessments for policy compliance are critical security operations and management functions because:

a)people constantly change (they grow on the job, move to new jobs, etc.).

b)people tend to shy away from repetition and repetitive inputs.

c)employees never discover new risks and threats.

d)security awareness training is most often ineffective.

17)Which of the following statements is true regarding the scenario in the lab in which the Specialty Medical Clinic was being acquired by a larger parent organization?

a)Both the medical clinic and the larger parent organization had a hierarchical structure with multiple departments and clinics.

b)Both the medical clinic and the larger parent organization had a flat organizational structure.

c)The medical clinic had a hierarchical structure with multiple departments and clinics, while the larger parent organization had a flat organizational structure.

d)The larger parent organization had a hierarchical structure with multiple departments and clinics, while the medical clinic had a flat organizational structure.

18)Security awareness training can include special all-hands meetings called __________ meetings that are held between team or departmental leaders, with those leaders then sharing the information they’ve gained from those meetings with employees.

a)Town Hall

b)Task Force


d)Security Reminders

19)Which of the following statements is true regarding ongoing security policy management?

a)New policy and procedures always negatively impact a business process or create unintended challenges in a particular department.

b)When users find that a policy is going to make their jobs harder, they’re much more likely to try to circumvent that policy.

c)Employee feedback is not helpful in determining how a policy might impose unintended challenges on an employee.

d)Be certain to communicate, to leaders and employees alike, that there may be adverse repercussions for providing feedback.

20)Which of the following statements is true regarding security awareness training?

a)Employees typically look forward to and enjoy mandatory security awareness training.

b)Security awareness training can be more effective if made unconventional or interactive.

c)The training should be uniform across all employees and departments.

d)The rationale behind the security training should be withheld from the employees.

Total 20 questions i have .

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Introduction To High Performance Computing Assignment Help

Introduction To High Performance Computing Assignment Help

COMP-5520 & 4900

Introduction to High Performance Computing

Assignment-1 (Due 2/8/2017)


1. Please read the first chapter from your book and answer questions 1.3, 1.5 and 1.8. (20 points each)

2. Write a research paper on High Performance Computing (40 points). Address the items

given below: a. How can you use High Performance Computing in your research or life? Give

two examples. b. Why do we need to write parallel programs? (read pages 1-3 from your book) c. Discuss the local and global impact of high performance computing on

individuals, organizations, and society. d. Attach this cover page to your paper and submit your paper on the due date

given above.

Submit your assignment through Elearn/Dropbox. Do not forget to put your name on your assignment. Any different form of submission except ELEARN will not be considered.

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Term Paper: Planning An IT Infrastructure Audit For Compliance homework help

Term Paper: Planning An IT Infrastructure Audit For Compliance homework help

Note: Chapter 5 of the required textbook may be helpful in the completion of the assignment.

The audit planning process directly affects the quality of the  outcome. A proper plan ensures that resources are focused on the right  areas and that potential problems are identified early. A successful  audit first outlines the objectives of the audit, the procedures that  will be followed, and the required resources.

Choose an organization you are familiar with and develop an eight to  ten page IT infrastructure audit for compliance in which you:

  1. Define the following items for an organization you are familiar with:
    1. Scope
    2. Goals and objectives
    3. Frequency of the audit
    4. Duration of the audit
  2. Identify the critical requirements of the audit for your chosen  organization and explain why you consider them to be critical  requirements.
  3. Choose privacy laws that apply to the organization, and suggest who is responsible for privacy within the organization.
  4. Develop a plan for assessing IT security for your chosen organization by conducting the following:
    1. Risk management
    2. Threat analysis
    3. Vulnerability analysis
    4. Risk assessment analysis
  5. Explain how to obtain information, documentation, and resources for the audit.
  6. Analyze how each of the seven (7) domains aligns within your chosen organization.
  7. Align the appropriate goals and objectives from the audit plan to each domain and provide a rationale for your alignment.
  8. Develop a plan that:
    1. Examines the existence of relevant and appropriate security policies and procedures.
    2. Verifies the existence of controls supporting the policies.
    3. Verifies the effective implementation and ongoing monitoring of the controls.
  9. Identify the critical security control points that must be verified  throughout the IT infrastructure, and develop a plan that includes  adequate controls to meet high-level defined control objectives within  this organization.
  10. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with  one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA  or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional  instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the  student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.  The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required  assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the parameters required to conduct and report on IT infrastructure audit for organizational compliance.
  • Describe the components and basic requirements for creating an audit plan to support business and system considerations
  • Develop IT compliance audit plans
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in security strategy and policy formation.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to information  technology audit and control using proper writing mechanics and  technical style conventions.
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Peters Company Assignment help

Peters Company Assignment Help

The case study below offers an excellent perspective on how projects are often initiated under less than ideal circumstances—which often lays the ground work for project failure.

Companies that provide a service for another company usually respond to a bid document from a company that needs help.  This case study is a good example of this situation.  The bid document can be as simple as an email from the buyer to the seller or as complicated as a request for proposal (RFP) outlining the objectives of the project and asking a seller to develop a proposal that provides a solution.

Each company (seller and buyer) will have a business case for doing the project. The Peter’s Company is outsourcing for a reason.  The Corwin Corporation is taking on the project for a different set of reasons.  One of the reasons the Corwin Corporation is taking on the work is the looming, potentially very lucrative production contract if they are successful.  There are no guarantees in research and development project that there will be success.

Part 1 (20 points)–Prepare a requirements management plan (RMP) that addresses the five components described in Section, PMBOK 6e.  The plan should be at least 3 but not exceed 4 pages and does not need to conform to APA guidelines (except for citing and referencing sources).

Some things to think about – how is the role of the in-house rep dealt with in the RMP as it relates to activities for planning, tracking and reporting requirements?   Configuration management is not just about software and versioning.  What processes will be used for configuration management activities as they relate to changes in the product requirements?  How and who will authorize/approve changes?   The traceability structure should be tailored to the type of project and should ensure that each requirement adds business value.

Part 5 (15 points)– Create Scope Validation Process.  Using the cast of characters from the case study (and any additional people needed), prepare a process for validating the work packages and higher-level components of the WBS.   For each part of the process flow diagram, explain in a separate page who from the case study is involved and what is to be done.


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Executive Program Practical Connection Assignment

Executive Program Practical Connection Assignment

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course(please refer attached document for Course content) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

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