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Orders #11357 Subject or discipline: Film & Theater studies Title: Eisenstein, Bazin, Cavell Number of sources: 3 Paper instructions: ATTACHED Answer the questions below using the assigned readings. Make sure you are specific and answer all aspects of each question comprehensively. You need to show that you understand the reading and also show that you understand the applicability of the readings to the films we have seen in class—i.e. each answer should include at least one reference to one of the films we have seen to this point. Each answer should be more than 50 words and include direct references or quotes. 1. Dir. Fritz Lang, M: A City Seeks a Murderer (1931) 2. Dir. Orson Welles, Citizen Kane (1941) 3. Dir. Billy Wilder, Sunset Boulevard (1950) 4. Dir. Yasojiro Ozu, Floating Weeds (1959) 1. Describe the different methods of ‘montage’ according to André Bazin. 2. What is the importance of depth of field as described by Bazin? 3. How does Stanley Cavell distinguish between the stage actor and the film actor and to what effect?

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