2 assignments 4

  • Assignment 1: Discussion—Implementing a Data Management System

    With the implementation of business analytics, an organization will also need to implement a good information systems plan in order to collect, manage, and organize all of the data. Not only is an information system needed, but the data has to be organized in a structured way otherwise any queries will produce bad results. This could be catastrophic for an organization because managers would be making decisions based on bad data. To make sure that the query generates good reports, you need to think about how to best organize data for each of the markets you are exploring.Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research ways of optimizing data organization.Respond to the following:

    • An organization does not have a good Management Information System (MIS) in place to help manage all of their data. What are some of the possible problems this could cause for decision makers?
    • Assume you are going to conduct some research in the field of toy making. What are some of the items for which you would want to collect data? For example: market trends in toy making, latest sales nationwide, etc. How would these pieces of data help the company to determine what toy to release for the holiday market?
    • With the implementation of an MIS for decision making, what would be some of the concerns related to ensuring that the organization can support the system? Would you control access to the system? Would there be someone to keep the data structures updated? Be sure to explain your ideas when answering these questions.
    • Why would an organization want to create an implementation plan for the integration of a MIS? Is this something that needs to be well thought out and, if so, why?

    Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.By the due date assinged, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through the end of the module, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Consider the following in your response:

    • Provide a statement of clarification or a point of view with rationale.
    • Challenge a point of discussion or draw a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.

  • M3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 SubmissionsAssignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment

    Due July 4 at 11:59 PM

    Assignment 2: LASA 1—Business Analytics Implementation Plan Part 1

    In learning about BA, you have covered quite a few topics from the manager’s decision-making process to technology integration. The best way to pull all of this knowledge together is to create a BA implementation plan for a hypothetical organization. This is something you would do in a real-life scenario if you came across an organization that does not utilize BA; as a professional, you would create the plan and then present it to management.Description of LASAIn this assignment, you will create a business analytics implementation plan. The plan will consist of explaining business analytics to management, addressing the advantages and disadvantages of business analytics, the challenges of utilizing business analytics, along with a backup plan in case management does not accept the first option.Scenario

    You have been hired as a business analyst for a well-known design firm. Currently, they utilize technology for their day-to-day operations but not to analyze data to help with making business decisions. Your task is to convince management that the usage of business analytics would be a great benefit to the business and it would help the business to make well-informed decisions and thus action plans that would align with the business’s strategic planning.The firm currently has technology in place but does not have any connected systems. The databases are all independent of each other but they do utilize a client/server environment. The firm currently has one location and it is looking to add a second location in another part of the state, but is unsure as to whether it would be beneficial to the firm.

    InstructionsUsing the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research business analytics implementation plans. Select at least 4 scholarly sources for use in this assignment.Write a proposal in which you explain the importance of using business analytics.
    Objectives of proposals:

    1. Describe the business and provide a summary of the business analytics they could apply to their business in multiple scenarios.
    2. Describe the benefits and disadvantages of business analytics, as well as how the organization can be proactive in addressing any disadvantages. Include at least 3 benefits and disadvantages.
    3. Address any challenges the organization may face using business analytics, as well as how the organization can be proactive in addressing the challenges. Be sure to address at least 3 challenges.
    4. Propose three business analytic techniques. Compare them and discuss at least two benefits and disadvantages of each.
    5. Create an implementation plan to integrate business analytics into your organization.
    6. Create a backup proposal in case management does not approve your initial proposal. The backup proposal should have at least 3 changes different from the original plan.

    Write the paper from the perspective that it will be presented to management of the firm and you are trying to persuade them to utilize business analytics for data-driven decision making.The paper has to contain the following:

    • Cover Page
    • Table of Contents (auto-generated by MS Word)
    • Introduction
    • Implementation Plan (5–6 pages of content)
    • Conclusion
    • References

    Utilize at least 4 scholarly sources in support of your recommendations.Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Write a 10–12-page proposal in Word format. This page total should include the Cover Page, Table of Contents, Introduction, Implementation plan, Conclusion, and references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

    Assignment Components Proficient Maximum Points
    Describe the business and provide a summary of business analytics. A clear summary of business analytics and how it is applied towards the business scenario is given. 16
    Describe the benefits and disadvantages of business analytics, as well as how the organization can be proactive in addressing any disadvantages. At least 2 appropriate benefits and disadvantages of business analytics are fully articulated towards the business scenario. Strategies are described to address any disadvantages the organization may encounter 24
    Address any challenges the organization may face using business analytics, as well as how the organization can be proactive in facing the challenges. A full description of at least 3 challenges that may happen while utilizing business analytics and how the organization will address those challenges. 16
    Compare three business analytic techniques. At least two benefits and challenges of each technique are clearly stated. 20
    Create an implementation plan to integrate business analytics into your organization. A clear and concise implementation plan to present to management as to how to implement or integrate business analytics into the organization is created 64
    Create a backup proposal in case management does not approve your initial proposal. A clear and concise backup plan with at least 3 changes from the original plan in case management does not accept first proposal is created. 20
    Academic Writing
    Organization (12)
    Usage and Mechanics (12)
    APA Elements (16)
    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. APA format was used. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements 40
    Total: 200
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