Three Paragraph Essay

Your assignment is to attempt a psychoanalytic interpretation of George Benderman, the protagonist in Kafka’s short story, The Judgment. This must include, but need not be limited to, an analysis of the oedipal issues or themes expressed in the story.

Note: The protagonist of the story is a grown man. Therefore, you will not see a portrayal of the oedipal stage itself. What you are looking for are signs of persisting (unresolved) oedipal issues.

Remember the basic oedipal themes:

  • attachment to the opposite-sex parent – attachment that has erotic overtones or is otherwise ‘passionate’ (libidinal cathexis)
  • rivalry with the same-sex parent (aggressive cathexis)
    • a wish to eliminate and replace said parent, perhaps even murderous impulses
    • intense fear of reprisal/punishment at the hands of said parent
      The “natural” story would involve either the son’s defeat/destruction of the father, followed by intense guilt and self-inflicted punishment, or else the son’s defeat/destruction by the father. Of course, in ordinary life the conflicts are nearly always resolved without coming to such a pass.
      As the original oedipal crisis is (more or less) resolved, these wishes are repressed. If the resolution is successful, then the child relinquishes the craving for the opposite-sex parent and identifies with the same-sex parent. This entails taking on many of that parent’s qualities and values – resulting, among other things, in the “birth” of the superego. The child grows up to be an adult who can express the instinctual drives in appropriate ways – love and work. To the extent that the resolution is incomplete or unsuccessful, oedipal issues persist. However, they are likely to be disguised. These “disguises” may involve elements of primary process thinking (e.g., symbolization, condensation). They will also involve the use of defense mechanisms, protecting the individual against awareness of these anxiety-producing wishes and fears.
      Among the possible signs of unresolved oedipal issues are the following:
  • continued excessive attachment to/dependence on the opposite-sex parent – or possibly a reaction-formation against such attachment (e.g., severing all ties)
  • difficulty forming mature romantic/sexual relationships, including marriage (incomplete displacement of libido onto other love-objects)
  • continued hostility toward the same-sex parent, probably blended with fear – or possibly a reaction-formation against such hostility (e.g., solicitude)
  • problems with authority figures of one’s own gender, especially older ones. Perhaps:
    • excessive subservience (coupled with resentment)
    • self-defeating rebelliousness
  • difficulty taking on adult social roles (e.g., employment), especially if it involves:
    • surpassing parental achievements
    • detaching from one’s parents
  • intense guilt and neurotic anxiety over the expression of desire, produced by a punitive superego (internalized same-sex parent). Perhaps:
    • guilt/anxiety surrounding sexuality (love), which may be rigidly repressed or expressed in impulsive or otherwise self-defeating ways
    • guilt/anxiety surrounding behavior that might be taken as competitive with the same-sex parent (work)
  • inappropriate guilt over signs of weakness, injury, or illness in the same-sex parent (as if one were responsible: as if one’s unconscious infantile aggressive wishes were the cause)
  • Of course, no single individual will express all of these characteristics. One looks for two or three, or perhaps even for one that is very vividly present.

In reading The Judgment, be aware that this is not a realistic depiction of events. Rather, it is a highly subjective, almost dream-like or hallucinatory account – a strange hybrid of objective actuality with personal experiencing. The very first paragraph provides a clue to this, as each successive sentence moves further away from physical reality, further toward the fantastic intrapsychic sphere. Expect to see signs of primary process breaking through the surface story. Try to follow the permutations of the father-son relationship. When something unexpected happens, ask yourself: How might this reflect oedipal dynamics on a primary process level?

This assignment is a good opportunity to use a three paragraph essay format in a coherent fashion.

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Psychology Of Learning Paper-

NO PLAGIARISM!! Do NOT send me papers that have been used or pre-written for anyone else!! These papers will be checked for plagiarism!


Must have access to this book! You are to choose a personal behavior you want to either stop or begin. Using one or more of the learning theories described in the text, you are to create and implement a treatment plan. (Theories of human learning: What the professor said, (6 th edition). Belmont, CA: Thompson. 

Author: Lefrancois, G.)


The paper should be written according to the following guidelines:

1. Section I—a description of the behavior you want to stop or start and the goals you are establishing regarding this behavior. When you describe the behavior make sure to support your point by citing research findings from other sources (research articles). Also, a description is required of the strategy/treatment plan that you are going to implement. This description should include an explanation of why you have chosen the particular learning theory(s) from the textbook and how you anticipate applying them to your situation. Cite research findings wherever applicable.

2. Section II—a report on the results. After completing section I, you need to implement the treatment plan for a minimum of three weeks, after which you will report on the results in terms of whether goals were met, what adjustments you made, and what you learned from this process. Whether it brought any changes in your motivation, cognition or general lifestyle.

The grade is based more on the content of the treatment plan and what was learned from the process and whether or not there was success in stopping or starting the behavior.

The length of the paper should be of at least 3 pages (double spaced) plus a reference page. Cite at least 5 findings from external sources (research articles). All cited sources should be listed in the paper and on the reference page. APA formatting.

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Looking For The Entire Course Of Psychology Of Learning An UoP Course

I am looking for the Entire course on Psychology….(well from week 3 on,) below is the curriculum required.


The DQs

 WK 3 DQ 1-Shaping and Chaining, Reinforcement Schedules, and One-Trial Learning

Define and provide a research example of each of the following: shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules, and one-trial learning.

WK 3 DQ 2-Explain the Role of Memory in Learning

Watch the following videos in the Week Three Media Enhancements link: “Memory Processes,” “Storage and Recall,” “Study of Memory,” “Stages of Memory,” “Amnesia and the PDP Model,” and “Memory and Changes in the Brain”. How do theorists in the four major psychological theories explain the role of memory in learning?


WK 4 DQ 1-The Role of Motivation in Learning

How do theorists in the four major psychological theories explain the role of motivation in learning?

WK 4 DQ 2-The Relationship between Motivation and Learning

Which learning theory best explains the relationship between motivation and learning? What are the strengths of that theory that make it more explanatory than the other theories? What are the weaknesses?


WK 5 DQ 1-The Transfer Process

Discuss the transfer process in a workplace of your choosing.

WK 5 DQ 2-Analyze specific factors in the transfer of learning.

Please define the two theories you choose and use examples of the specific factors you analyze.


WK 6 DQ 1-Ethical plans for self-regulation

Transfer of training ethics

Professional psychologists serve their corporate, agency, and individual clients most effectively when they can assist people in directing their own learning. Some critics may argue that transferring training responsibilities from the employer to the employee can create ethical and legal dilemmas; for example, self-trained employees may miss important safety considerations that result in possible injuries to themselves or customers. 

How might ethical plans for self-regulation be constructed by behaviorist, social cognitive, information processing, and constructivist theorists?

WK 6 DQ 2 – Relative effectiveness of each self-regulation theory

Discuss the relative effectiveness of each self-regulation theory.  Make sure to use examples


Week 3 Assignment

Shaping and Chaining, Reinforcement Schedules and One-Trial Learning


Select and complete one of the following assignments:

Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation

Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Literature Review

Option 3: Forensic Psychology Proposal

Option 4: Forensic Psychology Literature Review

Option 5: Health and Sports Psychology Proposal

Option 6: Health and Sports Psychology Literature Review

Option 7: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Proposal

Option 8: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Literature Review


Option 1:Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation


Prepare a 10-minute or 5- 7 page proposal for a research project demonstrating how developmental psychologists can employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules or one-trial learning techniques (only one) to teach a social skill to intellectually challenged youth.


Address the following in your presentation:


·         Hypotheses

·         Methodology

·         Population


Option 2:Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Literature Review


Prepare a 3- to 5-page literature review for a research paper on how developmental psychologists employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules and one-trial learning techniques in teaching new tasks. Provide citations from relevant human and animal research to support your review.


Address the following in your assignment:


·         Theoretical or construct basis for the concepts of shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules and one-trial learning techniques, including historical development

·         Current understanding of effective application of these learning concepts


Option 3:Forensic Psychology Proposal


Prepare a 10-minute or 5- 7 page proposal for a research project demonstrating how prison staff psychologists can employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules or one-trial learning techniques (only one) to improve inmate compliance.


Address the following in your proposal:


·         Hypotheses

·         Methodology

·         Population



Option 4:Forensic Psychology Literature Review


Prepare a 3- to 5-page literature review for a research paper on how prison staff psychologists can teach correctional staff to employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules, and one-trial learning techniques in teaching anger management skills to inmates. Provide citations from relevant human (and animal, if available) research to support your discussion.


Address the following in your review:


·         Theoretical or construct basis for the concepts of shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules, and one-trial learning techniques, including historical development

·         Current understanding of effective application of these learning concepts


Option5Health and Sports Psychology Proposal


Prepare a 10-minute proposal for a research project demonstrating how sports psychologists can teach sport coaches to employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules, or one-trial learning techniques (choose only one) to improve the technical skills of the athletes they coach. Limit your discussion to a single skill in a single sport.


Address the following in your proposal:


·         Hypotheses

·         Methodology

·         Population


Option6Health and Sports Psychology Literature Review


Prepare a 3- to 5-page literature review for a research paper on how sports psychologists employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules, and one-trial learning techniques in teaching new technical skills among athletes. Provide citations from relevant human and animal (for example, dressage, steeplechase) research to support your review.


Address the following in your paper:


·         Theoretical or construct basis for the concepts of shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules and one-trial learning techniques, including historical development

·         Current understanding of effective application of these learning concepts


Option7Industrial/Organizational Psychology Proposal


Prepare a 10-minute proposal for a research project demonstrating how engineering psychologists can employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules or one-trial learning techniques (choose only one) to teach equipment operators how to operate a new piece of equipment—for example, pilots transitioning from an analog cockpit to a digital cockpit.


Address the following in your proposal:


·         Hypotheses

·         Methodology

·         Population


Option8Industrial/Organizational Psychology Literature Review


Prepare a 3- to 5-page literature review for a research paper on how engineering psychologists employ shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules, and one-trial learning techniques in designing the transition from one situation to a new one—for example, production assemblers learning to assemble a new computer that is similar to the previous model but has subtle but important differences. Provide citations from relevant human and animal research to support your assertions.


Address the following in your paper:


·         Theoretical or construct basis for the concepts of shaping and chaining, reinforcement schedules and one-trial learning techniques, including historical development.

·         Current understanding of effective application of these learning concepts


Week 4 Assignment

Applications of Motivational Learning Theory


Select and complete one of the following assignments:

Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Transcript

Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Brochure

Option 3: Forensic Psychology Transcript

Option 4: Forensic Psychology Literature Handout

Option 5: Health and Sports Psychology Plan

Option 6: Health and Sports Psychology Literature Chapter

Option 7: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Presentation

Option 8: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Handout



Option 1:Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Transcript


Prepare a 10-minute talk or a 5- 7 page transcript for national park visitors, explaining the psychological benefits of spending time in nature and with animals. Support your points with information from peer-reviewed research studies.


Address the following in your presentation:


·         Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for learning to change behavior

·         Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in spending time in nature and/or with animals


Option 2:Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Brochure


Prepare a motivational brochure for national park visitors, explaining the psychological benefits of spending time in nature and/or with animals. Support your points with information from peer-reviewed research studies.


Address the following in your brochure:


·         Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for learning to change behavior

·Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in spending time in nature and/or with animals


Option 3:Forensic Psychology Transcript


Select an infamous serial killer and perform an analysis of this individual’s motivation, in terms of at least two of the four learning theories.


Prepare a 10-minute talk or 5- 7 page transcript for police officers, explaining the behavior of serial killers in terms of established learning theories and theories of motivation.


Address the following in your talk:


·         Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in the killers’ behaviors.

·         Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for how serial killers may have been motivated to learn such violent behavior


Option 4:Forensic Psychology Literature Handout


Select an infamous serial killer and perform an analysis of this individual’s motivation, in terms of at least two of the four learning theories.


Prepare a 3- to 5-page handout for police officers, explaining the behavior of serial killers in terms of established learning theories and theories of motivation.


Address the following in your handout:


·         Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in the killers’ behaviors

·         Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for how serial killers may have been motivated to learn such violent behavior


Option5Health and Sports Psychology Plan


Use elements of each of the four learning theories to develop a motivation plan for Olympic athletes in a sport of your choice.


Address the following in your plan:


·         Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in developing and practicing Olympic competitor-level athletic and sport skills

·         Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, Social comparison, and so forth) for motivating athletes to push themselves to their highest competitive levels


Option6Health and Sports Psychology Literature Chapter


Write a chapter on motivation for a book on coaching Olympic athletes in a sport of your choice. Use (and identify) each of the four learning theories in your exposition.


Address the following in your chapter:


·         Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in developing and practicing Olympic competitor-level athletic and/or sport skills

·         Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forht) for motivating athletes to push themselves to their highest competitive levels


Option7Industrial/Organizational Psychology Presentation


Typical first-line supervisors are unaware of the long-term effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation.


Use elements of each of the four learning theories (and identify them) to develop an improved intrinsic motivational system for employees of a metal furniture manufacturing plant.


Develop a 10- 12 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for first-line supervisors, explaining your improved intrinsic motivational system: how to implement it and why it will be more effective in the long term than extrinsic rewards.


Address the following in your presentation:


·         Nontechnical explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with examples from the workplace

·         Research support for the relative effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation in the long term

·         Practical methods (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) of implementing intrinsic motivation to build expertise in the workplace


Option8Industrial/Organizational Psychology Handout


Typical first-line supervisors are unaware of the long-term effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation.


Use elements of each of the four learning theories (and identify them) to develop an improved intrinsic motivational system for employees of a metal furniture manufacturing plant.


Develop a 3- to 5-page handout for first-line supervisors, explaining your improved intrinsic motivational system: how to implement it and why it will be more effective in the long term than extrinsic rewards.


Address the following in your handout:


·         Nontechnical explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with examples from the workplace

·         Research support for the relative effectiveness of intrinsic motivation compared with extrinsic motivation in the long term

·         Practical methods of implementing intrinsic motivation to build expertise in the workplace


Week 5 Assignment

Analysis of Factors in the Transfer Process


Watch the “The Learning Machine” video available on the student website.


Select and complete one of the following assignments:

Option 1:Transfer of Learning Presentation


Select specific detailed examples of learning theories (behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing and constructivism) in the video that demonstrate ways to apply transfer of learning concepts in a specific workplace of your choosing.


Prepare a 10-12 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for your classmates on your ideas.


Address the following in your presentation:


·         Relate the example to one or more of the explanations of transfer of learning included in one of the learning theories.

·         Provide a description of how this example can be generalized to the workplace.


Option 2:Transfer of Learning Paper


Select specific detailed examples of learning theories (behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing and constructivism) in the video that demonstrate methods to apply transfer of learning concepts in a specific workplace of your choosing.


Prepare a 3- to 5-page essay on your ideas. Share this essay with your classmates by posting on the student website or providing paper copies.


Address the following in your essay:


·         Relate the example to one or more of the explanations of transfer of learning included in one of the learning theories.

·Provide a description of how this example can be generalized to the workplace.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Week 6 Assignment

Self-Regulation of Learning


Use published human and animal research and behaviorist, social cognitive, information processing and constructivist theory to develop an outline of a research proposal to measure self-regulation in one of the following fields:


·         Environmental or evolutionary psychology

·         Forensic psychology

·         Health or sports psychology

·         Industrial/organizational or engineering psychology


Select and complete one of the following assignments:


Option 1:Self-Regulation Presentation


Prepare this outline of a research proposal as a 10-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes as if your audience were members of a foundation grant screening committee.


Address the following in your presentation:


·         A description of how you are proposing to measure self-regulation

·         The operational definitions, limitations, assumptions, hypotheses, and data analysis plans

·         The deficiencies a critic might identify in your statement of limitations and assumptions


Option 2:Self-Regulation Outline


Prepare a 3- to 5-page annotated or expanded outline for review by members of a foundation grant screening committee.


Address the following in your outline:


·         A description of how you are proposing to measure self-regulation

·         The operational definitions, limitations, assumptions, hypotheses, and data analysis plans

·         The deficiencies a critic might identify in your statement of limitations and assumptions

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Practicum Proposal for MSN – leadership student.

Question description


This is a case study of a student who is in the last semester of her master’s in nursing in nursing leadership. In order to proceed with the practicum, she must present a “practicum proposal”. The practicum proposal is a scholarly paper that must be written in APA format with perfect grammar, as it will be presented to her professor and preceptor. The entire paper should have a tone that constantly refers to the importance of EBP in nursing leadership. Please have a title page and a reference page, and include at least 5 references that have been written within the last 5 years.

Practicum details:

Student: 30 year old female BSN/RN, finishing her master’s degree in health systems leadership.

Preceptor: COO with an MBA, MSN (nursing), and has held several nursing leadership positions.

Setting: The setting of this practicum is in the Hospice/Palliative care/Home health. The agency provides all those services.

Required sections of the paper & details:

SECTION 1 – Introduction. I finished the first paragraph of the introduction. Please complete the second paragraph of the introduction, and describe the reason why the essay is being written. Below is the first section that I completed:

The growth of the nursing profession over the last several decades can be described as impressive. The nurse’s expanding and developing role in the complex healthcare environment is awe inspiring to say the least. Nurses’ have gone from providing bedside care in the trenches of society, to clinical specialist, and now regarded as proven leaders in the board room. Due to this growth and rapid development, the nurse’s role continues to be pioneered, developed, and refined. Most recently, and most notably, nurses with advanced degrees and clinical specialties are continuously pioneering the restructuring of their role within healthcare systems. For this reason, the practical aspect of a nurse’s education continues to be essential in the process of bridging the gap between theoretical education and its implementation at the point-of-care. The practical aspect of nursing education has historically relied on the nurse-preceptor to assist the student-nurse in the processes of synthesizing the learned theoretical principles into their practice. As a result of this vital role filled by the nurse-preceptor, the preceptor-student interaction must continue to develop within the principles of Evidence Based Practice (EBP), and held to the same standards as that of theoretical nursing education.

SECTION 2- Goals of the practicum. Described the goals of the practicum. AKA what will the graduate student nursing leader learn from the practicum (paragraph 1). Goals should be written from the perspective of the student, clearly stated and relate to the practicum objective and specialty track outcomes.

Please describe at least 5 goals of the practicum in a table with the SMART goals format.

SECTION 3- Anticipated activities to meet goals should be described. (See provided information in the last section as reference point).

SECTION 4 – Describe the role of the preceptor during the practicum. Including practicum project and activities.

SECTION 5 – Describe the setting. Please infer from provided information.

SECTION 6 – Project proposal: The student in this case study is required to conduct a project. The student in this case study has been assigned by her preceptor to work with the director of the home health division of the organization. The project will be for the student to assist the director of the home health division of the organization in the process of being a nursing leader which includes all of the daily aspects of nursing leadership like budget development, managing staff, marketing, scheduling, billing, etc.

SECTION 5 – Discussion/conclusion.

Important information to use in the above relevant sections:

  • Purpose: To prepare a written description of the practicum experience.
  • write a proposal that includes: The scope of the project, goals, activities, setting and preceptor
  • Fieldwork Activities: Health Systems Leadership Track
  1. Goals should be written from the perspective of the student, clearly stated and relate to the practicum objective and specialty track outcomes.
  2. Anticipated activities to meet goals should be described.
  3. The setting should be described.
  4. The qualifications of the preceptor(s) and their title, and the role of the preceptor in assisting the student to meet the goals should be included.
  • Observe nursing leadership council meeting
  • Participate in strategic planning
  • Observe hospital leadership meeting

Governance/Resource Management

  • Observe a nursing council meeting
  • Observe meetings related to staffing/staff budget issues
  • Observe hiring interview
  • Observe transfer interview
  • Work with nurse recruiter on issues of recruitment/retention


  • Observe budget/productivity meeting
  • Reconcile a budget
  • Meet with fiscal management department


  • Conduct a one hour presentation on information from HSL courses to a group of nurses
  • Analyze data for trends and determine potential actions
  • Follow a staff driven issue to its completion
  • Spend one day with 3 of these departments:
  • Risk Management
  • Case Management
  • Infection Control
  • Budget Officer
  • Nursing Education
  • Human Resources
  • Decision Support
  • Information Management
  • Key Interdisciplinary Departments (i.e. Pharmacy, Radiology, etc.)
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Module 2 Case: Issues In Healthcare

Required Reading

ACHE. (2016). ACHE code of ethics. Retrieved from

Flite, C. A., & Harman, L. B. (2013). Code of ethics: Principles for ethical leadership. Perspectives in Health Information Management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, 10(Winter), 1d. Retrieved from

NAHQ. (2011). NAHQ Code of ethics and standards of practice for healthcare professionals. Retrieved from

Airth-Kindree, N., & Kirkhorn, L. C. (2016). Ethical grand rounds: Teaching ethics at the point of care. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(1), 48-50. doi:

Benson, Michael D,M.D., F.A.C.O.G., Benson, Jordan B,C.P.A., J.D., & Stein, Mark S,J.D., PhD. (2016). Hospital quality improvement: Are peer review immunity, privilege, and confidentiality in the public interest? Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, 11(1), 1-27.

Brothers, K. B., & Rothstein, M. A. (2015). Ethical, legal and social implications of incorporating personalized medicine into healthcare. Personalized Medicine, 12(1), 43-51. doi:

Denecke, K., Bamidis, P., Bond, C., Gabarron, E., Househ, M., Lau, A. Y. S., … Hansen, M. (2015). Ethical Issues of Social Media Usage in Healthcare. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 10(1), 137–147. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Fiscella, K., Tobin, J. N., Carroll, J. K., He, H., & Ogedegbe, G. (2015). Ethical oversight in quality improvement and quality improvement research: New approaches to promote a learning health care system. BMC Medical Ethics, 16(63). doi: 10.1186/s12910-015-0056-2. Accessed from

Ghosh, K. (2015). Benevolent leadership in not-for-profit organizations. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(5), 592-611.

Gillon, R. (2015). Defending the four principles approach as a good basis for good medical practice and therefore for good medical ethics. Journal of medical ethics41(1), 111-116.

Healthcare Financial Management Association [HFMA]. (2016). HFMA’s code of ethics. Accessed from

Kostkova, Patty P. (2016). Who owns the fata? Open fata for healthcare. Frontiers in Public Health, 4(4), 7. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00007

Kulshreshtha, P. (2015). Ethical leadership and contemporary organizational ethics: Principles and cases. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 12(1), 94-97.
Mascone, C. F. (2015). Navigating ethical dilemmas. Chemical Engineering Progress, 111(2), 3.

McLean, S. A. M. & Campbell, T.D. (Ed.). (2006). Applied legal philosophy: First do no harm: Law, ethics and healthcare. Abingdon, GB: Routledge.

Assignment Overview

There have been many cases of violations of ethical principles in medical and public health history. It is important to study these and understand not only what went wrong, but the implications of a failure to follow ethical principles, to ensure that these things do not happen again.

**Case Assignment

For this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation. Three cases are listed below. For each case, you will provide a background and then apply at least the 4 basic ethical principles reviewed thus far in the course; you may research and apply additional ones. For each principle, explain why it was violated in this case. If you do not believe that the principle was violated, explain why. This should not be opinion, but should be your analysis of the cases and the principles; do not use first person.

*Your slides should be in presentation format and your text should be in your speaker’s notes. You must include speaker’s notes. Remember to cite your sources.

*You will need to research the cases below. Be sure that you are using reliable sources for your information; peer-reviewed articles, academic books, government web pages and documents. You may use newspaper articles, but these should not be your principle and only source to discuss an individual case.

  • The Tuskegee Experiment
  • Henrietta Lacks and the development of the HeLa cell line
  • Nazi Medical Experiments

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.
  2. Your presentation should have at least 6 slides, as well as a cover slide and reference slide.
  3. Support your presentation with peer-reviewed articles, and use at least 6 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see
  4. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:
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Case Study Analysis: Adulthood

Case Study Analysis: Adulthood

For this assignment, you will complete an analysis of a case study that deals with one of the following stages of lifespan development: middle adulthood or later adulthood.

Select one of the following case studies from your Broderick and Blewitt textbook to complete an analysis of the developmental and contextual issues related to the selected case:

  • David, page 554.
  • Lupe, page 524.

Each of the case studies includes a set of questions that can guide your analysis of the pertinent issues for the particular case.


Address the following in your case study analysis:

  • Analyze lifespan development theories to determine the most appropriate theory or theories to apply to the case study.
  • Apply the appropriate lifespan development theory to support an identified intervention process.
  • Describe the potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study.
  • Write in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for graduate-level composition and expression.


The case study analysis should be a maximum of 5 pages in length, including the introduction and conclusion, each of which should be approximately a half page in length. The body of the paper should not exceed 4 pages.

Provide the following content in your paper:

  • An introduction that includes an overview of the paper contents, including a brief summary and background information regarding the case study.
  • The body of the case study, including:
    • The presenting challenge or challenges and primary issue or issues.
    • The appropriate lifespan development theory and research-based alternatives that explain the presenting challenges.
    • The potential impact of individual and cultural differences on development for the current age and context described in the case study.
    • Evidence-based support from lifespan development theory and current scholarly research to support appropriate interventions.
  • A conclusion that summarizes what was introduced in the body of the paper, with respect to the case study context, challenges, and interventions.


Submit a professional document, in APA style, that includes the following required elements identified with headings and subheadings:

  • Title page.
  • Introduction (half page).
  • Case study analysis (4 pages).
  • Conclusion (half page).
  • Reference page: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources from current peer-reviewed journals as references, in addition to referencing the textbook in which the case study is embedded.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.


David is a 52-year-old White male who has spent the last 24 years in the human resource field. Most recently, he held the position of supervisor in the billing department of a midsized hospital in a rural state. He worked hard to obtain a master’s degree while on the job at the hospital and always had high aspirations for himself professionally David has three children from his first marriage, which ended in divorce. His first wife Anne, who is 50, works as a preschool teacher in another part of the state. Their children’s ages are 16, 20, and 22. Both older children started to attend college but may have to drop out temporarily due to financial difficulties. David feels that it is his responsibility to support his children’s education, and he has been paying as much of their tuition as he can afford. David and his second wife live in a new, but modest home in a community on the outskirts of the state capital close to David’s job. David’s second wife, Sandy, has twin 14-year-old boys. One of the twins has a serious learning disability and needs extra tutoring and a great deal of parent support to keep up academically. Sandy works part time in a department store to be home to help her sons. David and Sandy have a good relationship. Sandy’s widowed mother lives nearby and helps with the twins on a regular basis.

Recently, the hospital system that employs David merged with a large network of medical providers to cut costs and use resources more efficiently. David’s job at the hospital is becoming more complicated, requiring more and more processing of information that involves advanced computer technology. At a recent professional meeting, David learned from others in his network that many jobs were being cut and many tasks redistributed to the employees that remained. David feels that this has already happened in his workplace. He has noted a dramatic increase in the amount of paperwork required and a distinct decrease in the time allotted to meet deadlines. His supervisory responsibilities have expanded to include workers from another unit that merged with his own in a major departmental realignment. David’s direct supervisor will be retiring soon, and David will be a candidate for that position. He knows that this promotion would mean more income, but it would also mean even more work responsibility. David now spends his weekends going to the office to catch up on tasks. He is not as available as he once was to spend time with his children, and this has caused some problems in his relationship with his wife. He is starting to feel that all the paperwork his job requires is not meaningful in ways that are important to him.

David has recently begun to suffer from significant pain in his lower back that he believes might be related to a traffic accident that happened when he was younger. The pain keeps him from sleeping well and has contributed to his feeling more “on edge” during the day. David’s physician prescribes two medications to help him sleep better and to reduce anxiety. David has started to drink a few beers when he comes home at night to “calm himself down” as well. The sleep medication he has been taking helps him fall asleep, but now he wakes up at 3:00 am with his mind racing. He’s recently learned that his 16-year-old son has been cutting classes and failing tests. His ex-wife, who has custody of their teenage son, has been pressuring him to help her with this problem situation.

Discussion Questions


Identify the risks and protective factors that are present in David’s life story. What information, not presented here, would be helpful to know if you were to make a more comprehensive list of risks and protections?


How do you conceptualize David’s situation? What aspects are relate to his midlife stage?


What treatment approach would you take if he were to come to you for help? What other behavioral changes might you suggest?

(Broderick 554)

Broderick, Patricia C., Pamela Blewitt. Life Span, The: Human Development for Helping Professionals, 4th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 01/2014. VitalBook file.

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Module 2 Assignment 2 The Relationship Between Faith And Doubt

Assignment 2: Unless I See, I Will Not Believe: The Relationship between Faith and Doubt

The words faith and doubt are easy to define, but they are much more difficult to live with. Faith is the belief in what is unseen or unsubstantiated in the physical sense as if it were in fact reality. Doubt is a particularly difficult concept for organized religions to handle—the doubts of a handful of believers, or even a single believer, can lead to a major change in a religion. Thus, as humans are we destined to doubt by human nature?

In an essay of 700 to 800 words, discuss the relationship between doubt and faith.

In your essay, address the following questions:

    • What do the terms faith and doubt mean to religious philosophers?


    • How do you define faith and doubt in the context of your life?


    • What is the difference between saying, “I believe that,” and “I believe in”?


    • Is faith, in the religious sense, a matter of opinion or of trust?


    • Are faith and doubt incompatible? Are they opposite or complementary?


  • Discuss the religious tradition (of the five options) where faith is most prevalent. Where doubt is the most prevalent. Do these religions offer insight into your own faith/doubt equation?

Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M2_A2. doc.

By Wednesday, April 13, 2016 deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Examined the religious philosophic and personal definition of faith and doubt.
Performed significant critical analysis of faith as it relates to trust and belief systems.
Assessed the prevalence of faith in at least one religious tradition.
Explored the compatibility of faith and doubt.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references, including correct APA format.
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Identify nursing care models – English homework help

Question description


The purpose of this assignment is to identify nursing care models utilized in today’s various health care settings and enhance your knowledge of how models impact the management of care and may influence delegation. You will assess the effectiveness of models and determine how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to identify opportunities for improvement to ensure quality, safety and staff satisfaction.



Read your text, Finkelman (2012), pp- 118- 127.

Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability.

Identify the model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model.

Write a 5-7 page paper that includes the following:


Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.

Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting.

Discuss your observations about how the current nursing care model is being implemented. Be specific.

Recommend a different nursing care model that could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.

Provide a summary/conclusion about this experience/assignment and what you learned about nursing care models.

Grading Criteria: Nursing Care Models Paper

dentify Nursing Care Model in practice including specifics about who, what when, where, etc.


Identifies Nursing Care Model for delivery of nursing care.  Provides specifics. Besides Finkelman, locate scholarly resources related to Nursing Care Models


In addition to Finkelman, locates four scholarly resources related to Nursing Care Models. Summarizes all resources in body of paper.Implementation and Recommendations


Describe implementation of current Nursing Care Model and recommend a different model that could be utilized to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction.



Summarize what you learned about this experience including new knowledge about nursing care models.Clarity of writing


Content is organized, logical, and with correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure are correct.  APA formatting is apparent and CCN template is utilized. References are properly cited within the paper; reference page includes all citations; proper title page and introduction are present and evidence of spell and grammar check is obvious.

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Assignment 2: LASA 1: Legal And Ethical Leadership And Management

Mathis, Inc. is a designer and manufacturer of women’s clothing and specializes in high-end women’s winter fashions. Normandale, a retailer, sells high-end products in malls throughout the country. With Mathis’s high costs, Normandale is unable to make a profit from the sale of Mathis’s products.

Countess Lori-Ann (CLA) is a Mathis competitor. Normandale sends photographs and samples of the Mathis line to CLA and instructs them to make an identical line at a lower price. Mathis labels are easily discernable in the photographs and the samples have the Mathis label attached. CLA copies the Mathis line for Normandale.

CLA sells the clothing to Normandale at a low price allowing Normandale to sell the products for a total gross profit of nearly $3 million, an increase of nearly 50% over its sale of Mathis products. Mathis discovers that Normandale is selling counterfeit products, and sends several cease-and-desist letters to them—to no avail. Mathis then sues Normandale alleging Normandale has engaged in illegal conduct. Normandale counters that it did nothing wrong.

Research business law in regard to protection of intellectual property using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Based on the facts of the case and research, write an analytical paper. In the paper, respond to the following questions:

  • Was it ethical for Normandale to sell the alleged knock-off products at a lower price? Explain.
  • What federal or state laws protect owners of intellectual property?  How do they apply here? Explain.
  • What damages, if any, has Mathis suffered because of Normandale’s conduct? Explain.
  • What are the differing views on the social responsibility of corporations like Normandale?
  • What ethical code could Normandale implement to prevent similar incidents in the future?
  • Do the owners of Normandale have personal liability to Mathis for damages?  Explain.
  • Do the owners of Normandale have personal criminal liability for their conduct and that of the business?  Explain.

Write a five-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work.

Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M3_A2.doc.

By Wednesday, October 21, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Explained the ethical question of Normandale’s actions to copy and sell the knock-off products
Detailed the Federal and or State intellectual property laws and their application to this situation.
Listed and explained what damages, if any, that Mathis suffered as a result of Normandale’s actions.
Compared and contrasted the various viewpoints regarding social responsibility of corporations such as Normandale.
Recommended an ethical code for Normandale that would prevent a reoccurrence of a similar situation.
Determined and explained any consequences to Normandale’s owners in terms of personal liability toward Mathis.
Determined and explained any consequences to Normandale’s owners in terms of criminal liability toward Mathis.
Writing Components (20% of LASA 1 grade)

Organization (12 points): Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, and Conclusion.

Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence structure.

APA Elements (16 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, and Quotations.

Style (4 points): Audience, and Word Choice.

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Devotion and Scripture, writing assignment help

Question description

Hello, please read the SHRM Research publication: Work Life/Balance: Challenges and Solutions.

Review the 5.1 Devotion and Scripture reading for integration in this assignment.

In this workshop, for the Dropbox written assignment, you will complete a written paper with inclusion of a section for each of the following steps, using similar headings in your paper:


Defining Work/Life Balance. A number of definitions have been proffered for work/life balance. What are some of the key characteristics found in the work/life definitions you have found in your research? Based on your findings and other criteria, write your own definition of work/life balance and provide an explanation for it.

Identifying the Need. Why is there a need for work/life balance and flexible working?

Different Kinds of Flexible Working. What are the different kinds of flexible working, and what are their advantages and disadvantages? (This may be placed in table format with a brief introduction narrative.) Note: If the table is larger than a half page, locate the table in the appendices section of the paper but be sure to provide two paragraphs in your paper detailing your research findings.

Steps to Developing a Flex Work Policy. What are the steps for developing a flexible working policy in the workplace?

Flexible Working and the Law. Identify in a table format (to be placed in the appendices section of the paper) those laws having implications with a flexible work policy. Provide an overview paragraph in your paper with inclusion of a reference to the table located in the appendices of the paper.

Work/Life Balance: Making It Personal. In light of the 5.1 Devotion and Scripture reading, answer the following questions as listed in the textbox in the devotional:

How is your own work/life balance?

In what areas do you need more balance?

Do you have a ministry-life imbalance?

What one change could you make in your life that would result in a better work/life or ministry/life balance? (Fully develop your response, addressing each of the aspects of a SMART goal: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timeframe.)


Your paper should be 800-1000 words in length, not including the title page, reference page, or the laws table in the Appendix of the paper.

Use APA format. Cite two reference sources, at a minimum, which are to be different than the source used for your previous annotated bibliography entry, although it can be used beyond this minimum. For this assignment, fulfillment of one of the two required references can be the SHRM Research publication: Work Life/Balance: Challenges and Solutions used to write the paper. Each reference should be at least 3-5 pages and published within the last 3-5 years.

Please use this article as a reference:…

The Flexibility Paradox

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