Dollar Tree inc Financial Analysis

Question description

I already did 6 page and started 7 i need help with the rest

i attached my files

no abstract is needed for this paper

  • double spacing is required.The outline is presented in single space for presentation purposes.

Important point: in the appendices you present financial data and your ratio analysis calculations.Within the narrative sections, you are to analyze the data and describe what the data is indicating.What do the numbers mean?What are the trends and how, based on the analysis, is the firm performing for its owners (stockholders) and within its industry.Use the data to prepare financial analysis.

Simply regurgitating the financial numbers in your narrative is not analysis and is not sufficient to receive a passing grade for this project.


Outline of paper

  • Page 2: Description of corporation, major products, industries, markets served, and any significant developments over the past three years.
    • Prepare a concise summary of your company using declarative sentences.The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with basic information on the company.Distilling your company down to one page of essential information should not be easy.Eliminate any extraneous “fluff” and avoid providing any interpretations or analysis.Numerical analysis is not part of this section.It is the only part of the paper that numerical analysis should not be included.This is a factual section.Assume the reader is a business professional.
  • Page 3: Overall descriptive analysis of the financials for the last three years
    • In this section you can now present key financial highlights of your company.At a minimum you should discuss sales and net income performance and any significant financial factors related to your company over the last three years.Use concise $ figures.For example, use $7.8m or $7.8b instead of $7,800,000 or writing $7.8 million.There is more key financial information than one can easily fit into one page so you must determine what is most important for the reader to understand the financial picture of the corporation as of the most recent financials.
    • If your firm has two or more published quarterly statements since the last annual report, be sure to prepare your analysis using the most recent quarterly data.
  • Pages 4-6: Descriptive analysis of the firms financials and ratio analysis
    • In this section the writer now gets into the financial details of the firm.The narrative in this section is based on the financials of the firm (Appendix A) and the ratio analysis (Appendix B).
    • What are the trends in your ratio analysis?What are the trends for the company as a whole and in comparison to key competitors and industry as a whole?
    • Ratios to include are Debt/Equity, ROI, ROE, ROA, current, and asset turnover.Cash coverage ratio is suggested to help prepare the cash flow analysis section.Note:P/E ratio and EPS are to be analyzed in the stock price section.Include this as a separate analysis in Appendix C, not in Appendix B.
  • Page 7: evaluation of firm’s stock price history, earnings, and dividend policy for the last three years
    • A year to year comparison of a firm’s stock price does not provide enough data to sufficiently analyze trends and changes in the firm’s stock price and subsequently P/E ratio and EPS.
    • Prepare a 3-year quarterly analysis of the firm’s stock price and P/E ratio.Present this data in Appendix C.
    • Use a similar format as your ratio analysis presented in Appendix B.
    • Most stock charts that you find online will show the stock price at any given date.You will need to compare the stock price to quarterly earnings to determine the quarterly P/E needed for this section.
  • Page 8: Capital structure analysis and WACC
    • Analyze the firm’s ratio of debt to equity financing including trends in each.
    • Using the examples on the cost of capital, calculate your firm’s current WACC.
    • Include any additional supporting financial analysis for this section in Appendix C.
  • Page 9: Analysis of the firm’s cash flows for the last year (minimum) or up to three years.
    • In this section use the firm’s accounting statement of cash flows to calculate the financial cash flow from assets or free cash flow for the firm.
    • Use the information in chapter 2 on cash flow to guide your analysis.
    • Calculations presented in Appendix C.
    • A 1-year analysis for this section is sufficient.
  • Page 10: Descriptive summary
    • In this section use the analysis in all of the previous sections to write a 1-page summary of your company with respect to its financial health and performance.
    • A brief mention of performance specific to its industry and the current economy is to be included.
    • Predicted future performance is to be informed by the past analysis.
    • This is not meant to be a “buy, sell, or hold” decision analysis.
    • While your opinion as a ‘business analyst’ is necessary, it should be validated and supported by the financial analysis.In other words, use the numbers to tell the financial story.
  • Page 11: Reference page (use a second page if needed and number accordingly)
  • Pages 12 and up: Appendices of supporting financial data and analysis

Heading structure:

In the body of your paper, between the cover page and the reference page, the following is the correct APA style format for headings.You should not need more than 2 levels for this paper.


1Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

2Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading



Correct APA references required.Use this site to ensure you are using correct APA format:

Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)


Appendix A

In Appendix A, you should include either spreadsheets of selected company financials from income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.In this format, you distill the income statement down to key accounts such as sales, cost of goods sold, gross margin, operating expenses, depreciation expenses, EBIT, interest expense, taxes, net income, earnings and dividends per share.In this format be sure to include any and all account values needed to calculate any and all of your selected financial ratios.


Full financial statements inserted from pdfs or spreadsheets for the last three years.

Depending on formatting, this may take multiple pages.However, be cautious of ‘cutting and pasting’ pages upon pages of financial statements.

Regardless of your approach, the information in this appendix should be consistent in format with the rest of this report.Haphazard ‘cutting and pasting’ will reduce the overall professional appearance report scores.


Appendix B

Using the financial data in Appendix A, prepare a financial statement ratio analysis spreadsheet.

The minimum is a three year analysis but a four or five year analysis is preferred and provides a more accurate trend analysis.

Below is a sample format that you may use.You may find other formats in your search that you may use.Regardless, be sure your format is concise, easy to understand, and includes the % change in each ratio year to year.In the 4 year analysis below, the % change column for 2009 will use 2008 data to calculate.

At a minimum, choose three ratios for each of the five categories including the indicated ratios in section #3 above.You may choose more, or have unequal numbers of ratios between the categories depending upon what you feel is important to analyze and communicate.

Sample ratio analysis template:

Appendix C

In this appendix include any additional financial data and calculations that are needed to support your analysis but cannot fit into the page limit restrictions.

Include your stock P/E and EPS analysis in this section.

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Psych 100 Exam 3 Version B Student Version (All Correct)

1. During the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle:
a. there is an initial rapid increase in physiological arousal.
b. males are temporarily unable to have an orgasm.
c. males and females experience pleasurable involuntary contractions.
d. the physiological arousal that was initiated in the previous phase continues to build.
2. Often in personality research, ______________ is used to identify clusters of specific behaviors that are so highly associated with one another that they are assumed to be due to a single trait or basic dimension of personality.
a. intuition
b. component analysis
c. factor analysis
d. a theory
3. According to ______________, the global appearance of the Big Five personality factors is due to the fact that these traits increased our chances for survival and reproduction.
a. evolutionary personality theory
b. social cognitive theory
c. social learning theory
d. the cognitive-affective personality system
4. Hans Eysenck’s two-factor model of personality is unique compared to other trait models of personality in that it:
a. is derived from the use of both factor analysis and intuition.
b. has been found to predict specific behaviors even better than more narrow trait measures.
c. postulates a possible biological basis for his traits.
d. is the only model that includes extraversion and neuroticism.
5. Hans Eysenck believes that there are specific biological factors that are responsible for traits.
Specifically, he asserts that people who score high on a measure of ______________ have brains that are chronically over aroused.
a. neuroticism
b. introversion
c. agreeableness
d. openness
6. Which of the following provides the best definition of the concept of reciprocal determinism?
a. A person can impact the environment and the environment can impact the person.
b. The person, a person’s behavior, and the environment can all influence one another.
c. Behavior is motivated and triggered by strong internal psychic forces.
d. Most behavior is determined by the complex interaction of various traits.
7. All of the following concepts are associated with researcher Julian Rotter EXCEPT:
a. expectancy.
b. behavioral signatures.
c. reinforcement value.
d. locus of control.
8. Which of the following concepts is most concerned with the amount of personal power or influence we feel that we can exert in our lives?
a. expectancy
b. self-monitoring
c. reinforcement value
d. locus of control
9. Ralph tends to be a rather passive person. Though he is happy and content with himself, he doesn’t really believe that his actions make much of a difference in the world. For instance, he doesn’t vote because he assumes that most governments are run by a few powerful people and there is very little he can do to change things. Ralph would most accurately be described as having:
a. low self-esteem.
b. an external locus of control.
c. high self-monitoring skills.
d. high self-efficacy.
10. Albert Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy specifically refers to people’s:
a. beliefs about the general amount of control they have in their lives.
b. tendencies to behave in ways consistent with their self-concepts.
c. beliefs about their abilities to perform behaviors needed to achieve specific outcomes.
d. tendencies to want to feel positively about themselves.
11. ______________ social influence involves conforming in order to be accepted by others or to avoid social rejection, whereas ____________ social influence occurs when people conform to the behaviors or opinions of others because they believe that these others have accurate knowledge and know what is “right.”
a. Normative; informational
b. Normative; facilitative
c. Informational; normative
d. Facilitative; informational
12. A young child decides to dress more like his peers in order to avoid their rejection and teasing. This child is best demonstrating the effect of:
a. self-serving bias.
b. normative social influence.
c. stereotype threat.
d. groupthink.
13. In subsequent experiments examining the factors that influence conformity, Solomon Asch determined that:
a. conformity continuously increased as group size increased.
b. conformity increased as group size increased from 1 to about 9 or 10, but further increases in group size did not increase conformity.
c. conformity increased as group size increased from 1 to about 4 or 5, but further increases in group size did not increase conformity.
d. conformity was typically unchanged as group size increased from 1 to about 4 or 5, but further
increases in group size served to increase conformity.
14. Participants in Stanley Milgram’s study on obedience were first told that the study was about the effect of:
a. group size on conformity
b. social roles on behavior
c. punishment on memory
d. shock on obedience
15. In his famous study examining obedience, Stanley Milgram found that the majority of his participants:
a. became uncomfortable early in the experiment and refused to give further shocks to the “Learner.”
b. became uncomfortable midway through the experiment and refused to administer any further
shocks when they learned of the “Learner’s” heart condition.
c. had no trouble administering the maximum 450 volts to the “Learner” because most of them
assumed that the shocks were not real.
d. administered the maximum 450 volts to the “Learner,” even though they were very distressed and upset doing so.
16. A person on campus walks up to you and asks if you would be willing to wear a ribbon to show support for her cause. Though the ribbon is a bit unattractive, it is small so you agree to wear it. After agreeing to this request, the solicitor then asks you if you would be willing to make a donation of $15. This example best demonstrates the persuasion technique called:
a. the door-in-the-face.
b. the foot-in-the-door.
c. the norm of reciprocity.
d. lowballing.
17. The principle of _______________ specifically refers to how the average opinion of groups of likeminded individuals tends to become more extreme when they discuss an issue.
a. group disparity
b. groupthink
c. group polarization
d. group differentiation
18. A phenomenon called ________________ refers to how repeated exposure to a stimulus tends to increase people’s liking for it.
a. the proximity effect
b. redundant attraction
c. the mere exposure effect
d. repetitive affiliation
19. A couple has been together for several years and they are now deciding whether to end their
relationship. Based on John Thibaut and Harold Kelley’s (1967) social exchange theory, one of the primary factors that will affect their decision is:
a. the amount of personal self-disclosure that takes place in their relationship.
b. their mate preference patterns, which are the product of learning and culturally defined roles.
c. the relative rewards and costs that they experience when in the relationship.
d. their mate preference patterns, which have been shaped by evolutionary forces.
20. The text makes an important distinction between ____________, which refers to a negative attitude toward people based on their membership in a group, and ____________, which is concerned with actually treating people unfairly based on their group membership.
a. attribution; stereotype
b. stereotype; prejudice
c. prejudice; discrimination
d. prejudice; stereotype
21. The implicit association test is used specifically to assess:
a. self-reported prejudice.
b. the amount of stereotype threat.
c. the physiological arousal associated with prejudice.
d. covert prejudice
22. The tendency to prefer people in a group to which we belong and to attribute more positive qualities to people in this group is called:
a. groupthink.
b. group polarization.
c. in-group favoritism.
d. stereotyping.
23. An inherited characteristic that produces a particular response when an organism is exposed to a particular stimulus and is common to all members of a species is called a(n):
a. motive.
b. drive.
c. incentive.
d. instinct.
24. According to Clark Hull’s drive theory of motivation, various drives are produced:
a. by specific instincts that are common to both humans and animals.
b. when our growth needs are not being met.
c. when we value a goal and expect that certain behaviors will lead to its accomplishment.
d. when there is a physiological disruption of homeostasis.
25. One potential criticism of Abraham Maslow’s need hierarchy is that people may still pursue their need for ___________, even when presumably lower needs, such as the need for _____________, have not yet been satisfied or met.
a. security; love and affiliation
b. esteem and the respect of others; self-actualization
c. food and water; security
d. love and affiliation; security
26. If you were to give hungry animals an injection of _________, they would most likely stop feeding or reduce the size of their meals.
a. androgen
b. cholecystokinin (CCK)
c. glucose
d. estrogen
27. Scientists learned about how leptin regulates food intake and weight by studying:
a. people with bulimia.
b. people with anorexia.
c. people who have had their stomachs removed.
d. genetically obese mice.
28. Research conducted by April Fallon and Paul Rozin (1985) demonstrated that college women
____________ how thin they should be to conform to men’s preferences, and that men _____________ how bulky they should be to conform to women’s preferences.
a. overestimated; overestimated
b. underestimated; overestimated
c. overestimated; underestimated
d. underestimated; underestimated
29. Which of the following correctly lists the “Big Five” personality traits?
a. Outgoingness, conscientiousness, excitability, agreeableness, and nervousness
b. Openness, candidness, excitability, apprehensiveness, and nervousness
c. Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism
d. Outgoingness, candidness, extraversion, affability, and neuroticism
30. When treating people with conversion hysteria, Sigmund Freud noticed that people with this disorder often appeared to improve when:
a. they sublimated their sexual and aggressive energies.
b. their superegos were strengthened.
c. their defense mechanisms became more balanced.
d. they re-experienced traumatic memories and feelings.
31. Having an authority figure who is physically close and who is perceived as legitimate are factors that are both most strongly associated with:
a. conformity.
b. obedience.
c. minority influence.
d. social facilitation.
32. The ego functions primarily at the ___________ level of mind and operates according to the
a. conscious; reality principle
b. preconscious; pleasure principle
c. preconscious; reality principle
d. conscious; unconscious mind
33. During a conversation with a friend, Al starts to get angry, but this is an emotion that he considers inappropriate and childish. As a result, instead of noticing his own anger, he unknowingly starts to believe that his friend is becoming angry and excited, even though she is doing no such thing. This example best demonstrates the defense mechanism of:
a. reaction formation.
b. sublimation.
c. projection.
d. displacement.
34. The humanistic concept of self-actualization refers to the process of:
a. gaining and preserving a positive self-image.
b. believing that you can take the steps needed to achieve desired outcomes.
c. realizing our full human potential.
d. maintaining self-identity through self-consistency and congruence.
35. Research on Playboy magazine centerfolds and Miss America contestants between the 1950s and 1980s has revealed a trend for a _______________ “ideal” body shape for women.
a. thinner and more realistic
b. thinner and increasingly unrealistic
c. larger and increasingly unrealistic
d. larger and more realistic
36. People with the eating disorder called ____________ have an intense fear of being fat and severely restrict their food intake, often to the point of starvation.
a. anorexia nervosa
b. bulimia
c. digestive deficiency
d. obesity phobia
37. Julie frequently eats a great deal of food when she gets emotionally upset. The last time she started to feel depressed, she ate two large bags of potato chips, a half-gallon of ice cream, and several slices of pizza, all in one sitting. After she eats this way, she usually takes several laxatives to help her purge all this food. Despite this eating behavior, Julie’s weight is about average for someone of her height and age. Julie would most likely be diagnosed:
a. with anorexia nervosa.
b. as being dangerously underweight.
c. with both anorexia and bulimia.
d. with bulimia.
38. The area of the cortex that appears to be heavily involved in the process of emotion regulation is:
a. the parietal lobe.
b. the prefrontal cortex.
c. the right hemisphere.
d. the occipital lobe.
39. The fight-or-flight response in both animals and humans is produced in part by the:
a. sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
b. parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
c. somatic nervous system.
d. central nervous system.
40. According to the _____________ theory of emotion, people infer their emotional states by observing their bodily reactions.
a. facial feedback
b. fundamental emotional patterns
c. James-Lange
d. Cannon-Bard
41. The ___________ theory of emotion asserts that the thalamus sends messages directly to the cortex and that these messages determine the experience of emotion. The physiological arousal that accompanies the emotion is determined by separate messages sent from the thalamus to the body’s internal organs.
a. Cannon-Bard
b. James-Lange
c. facial feedback
d. somatic
42. Research testing the facial feedback hypothesis has found that when people hold a pen in their teeth, presumably activating the muscles involved in __________, they later rate themselves as feeling ________ happy than people who have been asked to hold a pen with their lips.
a. surprise; more
b. anger; less
c. sadness; less
d. smiling; more
43. According to the expectancy value theory of motivation, the worth that an individual places on a goal is often called the _________ value.
a. deficiency
b. incentive
c. growth
d. reinforcement
44. In the cognitive-affective personality system (CAPS), concepts such as self-efficacy and locus of control would most likely be placed in which of the following categories?
a. encoding strategies
b. expectancies and beliefs
c. goals and values
d. affects
45. The NEO-PI measure of personality was developed using what is called the ____________ approach to personality scale construction.
a. trait
b. rational-theoretical
c. behavioral
d. empirical
46. Cross-cultural research has found that people who live in _____________ cultures typically view their personalities as being relatively stable and assume that the environment is changeable. In contrast, people  from _____________ cultures tend to view the environment as fixed and believe that their personalities are alterable.
a. tight; complex
b. individualistic; collectivistic
c. complex; simple
d. collectivistic; tight
47. Hans Eysenck’s theory of personality is most similar to which of the following approaches to
a. Big Five personality theorists
b. Raymond Cattell’s 16-factor theory
c. Carl Rogers’ humanistic theory
d. Albert Bandura’s social learning theory
48. According to the _______________, people tend to underestimate the impact of situational factors and overestimate the impact of personal factors when explaining other people’s behaviors.
a. self-serving bias
b. fundamental attribution error
c. self-perception theory
d. self-fulfilling prophecy
49. When explaining our own behavior, _____________ occurs when we make more personal attributions for successes and more situational attributions for failures.
a. the self-serving bias
b. social facilitation
c. attributional polarization
d. the fundamental attribution error
50. Norman Triplett accurately predicted that bicycle-racing times would be faster when individuals raced ____________. This effect is currently explained by the modern construct called _______________.
a. separately; the primacy effect
b. separately; cognitive dissonance
c. in groups; social facilitation
d. in groups; group polarization
51. According to the text, _________ are sets of norms that specify how people in a particular social position are expected to behave.
a. social norms
b. social standards
c. social roles
d. social rules
52. The Behavioral Activation System:
a. is activated in response to potential rewards.
b. releases endorphins that limit our experience of physiological pain.
c. becomes active when we pursue a medium-difficulty challenge, but not easy or impossible
d. is involved in the avoidance of stimuli that elicit pain.
53. The tendency for members of a group to suspend critical thinking because they are striving for agreement is specifically called:
a. normative social influence.
b. the norm of reciprocity.
c. groupthink.
d. group polarization.
54. Fat cells in the body actively regulate the processes of food intake and weight regulation by secreting the hormone ____________, which is known to decrease appetite.
a. leptin
b. estrogen
c. androgen
d. glucose

55. Which of the following conclusions regarding the results from obedience studies is most accurate?
a. Contrary to popular beliefs, most people are followers who are inherently obedient.
b. Contrary to popular beliefs, most people appear to be very apathetic and cruel.
c. Obedience behavior appears to be more a product of personal characteristics than of situational
d. Obedience behavior appears to be more a product of situational factors than of personal
56. Initial research found that when the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) of rats was destroyed, the rats:
a. refused to eat, often to the point of starvation.
b. became gluttons and their body weights frequently doubled or tripled.
c. experienced the normal signals of satiety.
d. began eating normally.
57. Which of the following lists the four phases of sexual response, in correct order?
a. excitement, plateau, resolution, orgasm
b. excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution
c. excitement, orgasm, plateau, resolution
d. plateau, excitement, resolution, orgasm
58. The concept called _______________ specifically asserts that prejudicial attitudes create fear and self consciousness among stereotyped group members that they will confirm other people’s negative attitudes.
a. deindividuation
b. the self-fulfilling prophecy
c. stereotype threat
d. the out-group homogeneity bias
59. Which of the following is one of the two primary ways that the bystander effect can inhibit people from helping others?
a. reciprocal apathy
b. the self-fulfilling prophecy
c. diffusion of responsibility
d. the fundamental attribution error
60.According to the text, bystanders are most likely to help individuals who are:
a. judged as being responsible for their problems.
b. attractive.
c. perceived as being similar.
d. in a good mood.


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Assignment 3: The Mozart Effect

*ORIGINAL WORK, Will be checking with TURNITIN Report*** Intext citations needed APA format references. 5-6 pages please.




In this assignment, you will read an article about the Mozart effect and identify various parts of the research process. This exercise will help you learn how to read a research article and to understand the research process.

Read the following article:


In your article summary, respond to the following questions:

  • State the research hypothesis in your own words. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
  • What were some variables the researchers controlled in their study? Why was this necessary?
  • What evidence do the researchers offer as a test of their hypothesis? Is this evidence empirical (observable)? Is it valid?
  • What explanation do the researchers offer for their findings? Does the evidence justify this explanation?

Read the following article:

Jenkins, J.S. (2001). The Mozart effect. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 94, 170-172.

Based on your readings, respond to the following:


  • Do you think there is any merit in the study (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993)? Give three reasons for your position.
  • Does the study take individual differences in spatial ability into account? Explain your answer.
  • What are two ways in which the experiment could be modified to make the results more generalizable?

Write a 5–6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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In 18 month old children, does receiving the MMR vaccine increase the risk of developing autism?

Question description

This project is to be done in a group to develop an evidence based research project, based on an approved PICO question. Utilizing the PICO question, evaluate the evidence that supports the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of this intervention for this individual patient’s needs and preferences. The hierarchy of evidence must be used to support the strength of evidence for your intervention. Based on the evidence, a clinical decision must be made. Students will be assigned to a group at the beginning of the semester. Refer to grading rubric below. The project will be discussed throughout the semester. Poster Presentations will be at the end of the semester and will be evaluated according to the presentation grading rubric provided by your professor

Case Study: Ms. Smith has been asked to schedule an appointment for her baby’s 18 month needle (MMR). She is very concerned about this as she has heard reports that the MMR needle causes autism. She asks you whether or not there is a link between the MMR vaccine and an increased risk of autism in children?
P – 18 month old child
I – MMR vaccine
C – no MMR vaccine
O – autism / autistic spectrum disorder

Please follow guidelines

Evidence Based Practice Project Evaluation Criteria

A. Presentation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….90%

1. Introduction of the case study………………………………………………………………………………..5

2. PICO question Formatting Fit between PICO and case study……………………………………………………5

3. Identify Proposed Nursing Intervention…………………………………………………….……………….10

4. Strength of Evidence…………………………………………………………………………………………30

a. Levels of Hierarchy of Evidence discussed (level 1-7) (see page 58 in text)

5. Clinical decision making ……………………………………………………………………………………30

a. Decision supported by evidence discussed

b. Decision answers the PICO question and addresses case study description

6. Poster and handout quality and detail……………………………………………………………………….10

B. Reference citations as per APA 6th edition guidelines provided……………………………………………10%

Evidence Based Practice Project


1. To critically appraise nursing research that supports nursing practice.

2. To provide the opportunity to use group process skills to identify and investigate the empirical practice of clinical problem.

3. To integrate research findings into evidence-based practice.

4. To utilize teaching-learning principles in the presentation of this empirical data to classmates and other nursing colleagues.

As nurses, the ability to critically appraise and disseminate information is necessary to assure nursing practice that is scientifically sound.

General Guidelines

1. Students will work in groups.

2. Identify a patient that has been cared for in a clinical setting. Do not provide any identifying information.

3. Focus on a clinical problem this person has, e.g., hypertension, dyspnea, etc.

4. Identify a proposed nursing intervention for this problem for this individual patient.

5. Using a PICO question, evaluate the evidence that supports the effectiveness or lack of effectiveness of this intervention for this individual patient’s needs and preferences.

6. The Hierarchy of Evidence must be used to support the strength of evidence for your intervention.

7. Based on the evidence, what clinical decision should be made?

8. Grades will be assigned according to the Evidence-Based Project Evaluation Criteria.

9. Presentations will include the components listed in the Evidence-Based Project Evaluation Criteria.

10. Students are expected to work collaboratively and as a team with each other. Each student will complete peer evaluations for the other members in their group. Individual grades for this portion of the overall grade will be the average of the ratings given by the other group members

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Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign

Question description

week 9 by day 3 is the one that is due tomorrow



Application: Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign

To be an effective advocate and to develop a successful health advocacy campaign, you must have a clear idea of the goals of your campaign program and be able to communicate those goals to others. In addition, it is the nature of nurses to want to help, but it is important to make sure that the vision you develop is manageable in size and scope. By researching what others have done, you will better appreciate what can realistically be accomplished. It is also wise to determine if others have similar goals and to work with these people to form strategic partnerships. If you begin your planning with a strong idea of your resources, assets, and capabilities, you will be much more likely to succeed and truly make a difference with those you hope to help.

Over the next 3 weeks, you will develop a 9- to 12-page paper that outlines a health advocacy campaign designed to promote policies to improve the health of a population of your choice. This week, you will establish the framework for your campaign by identifying a population health concern of interest to you. You will then provide an overview of how you would approach advocating for this issue. In Week 9, you will consider legal and regulatory factors that have an impact on the issue and finally, in Week 10, you will identify ethical concerns that you could face as an advocate. Specific details for each aspect of this paper are provided each week. The Final Paper will be due in Week 10. This paper will serve as the Portfolio Application for the course.

Before you begin, review the complete Assignment.

This week, begin developing your health advocacy campaign by focusing on the following:

Week 10 Application

To prepare for this final portion of your paper:

  • Review provisions 7, 8, and 9 of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to advocacy for population health.
  • Reflect on the ethical considerations you may need to take into account in your advocacy campaign.
  • Research the ethical considerations and lobbying laws relevant to the location where your advocacy campaign will occur.
  • Consider potential ethical dilemmas you might face in your campaign.

To complete: Revise and combine parts one and two of you previous papers and add the following:

  • Explain any ethical dilemmas that could arise during your advocacy campaign, and how you would resolve them.
  • Describe the ethics and lobbying laws that are applicable to your advocacy campaign.
  • Evaluate the special ethical challenges that are unique to the population you are addressing.
  • Provide a cohesive summary for your paper.

Reminder: You will submit one cogent paper that combines the previous applications (Parts One and Two) plus the new material.

Your paper should be about 10 pages of content, not including the title page and references. Be sure to paste the rubric at the end of your paper.


This Assignment is due.

—————————————BELOW IS WHAT IS DUE FOR THIS WEEK —————————————–

Learning Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


Milstead, J. A. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

  • Chapter 4, “Government Response: Regulation” (pp. 56-81)This chapter explains the major concepts of the regulation of health professionals, with emphasis on advanced practice nurses (APN) and the process of licensure and credentialing.

ANA’s Foundation of Nursing Package – (Access this resource from the Walden Library databases through your NURS 6050 Course Readings List)

  • Guide to the Code of Ethics: Interpretation and ApplicationThis guide details the history, purpose and theory, application, and case studies of this must-have Code of Ethics.
  • Nursing Social Policy StatementThe Nursing Social Policy Statement provides an understanding of the social framework and obligations of the nursing profession.
  • Nursing: Scope & Standards of PracticeThis book contains several national standards of practice that can be used to inform the decision-making process, development, implementation, and evaluation of several functions and aspects of advanced practice nursing.

Gallagher, T. H. (2009). A 62-year-old woman with skin cancer who experienced wrong-site surgery: Review of medical error. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 302(6), 669–677.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
The article showcases the different sides of medical error, from a 62-year-old patient who suffered and the components of the medical error’s impact and aftermath.

Reinhardt, U. E. (2010, Jan 30). Repercussions of simplicity. New York Times, p. A14.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This article determines that the government should take low-income families into account when determining mandatory health insurance because many Americans choose to go without insurance despite preexisting conditions presumably no longer being an issue.

Board on Health Care Services. (2007). Preventing medication errors: Quality Chasm Series. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from

  • Part 1, “Understanding the Causes and Costs of Medication Errors” (pp. 43–49)

This article discusses the multilayered nature of medication error as a system of failures due to individual behaviors and conditions.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2012f). Legal and ethical aspects of healthcare delivery. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.

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Comment For This

There are many databases the GCU Library offers for research and   continues education.   In evidence based practices, a nurse   makes nursing judgement based on newer research and use of critical   thinking abilities. The CINAHL database is one of the most popular and   widely used by most researchers of nursing and health sector. The   database has thousands of journals and titles and covers issues and   topics on specialties in nursing mostly evidence bases research work.   It has structured course outlines for continuous education and   worksheets. The articles and journals found are mostly peer-reviewed (GCU,2017).

Another database is the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), is well known   for conducting nursing research. It contains articles in their   thousands which have been strewn across seven different publication.   These types include Evidence Summaries, Evidence-Based Recommended   Practices, Best Practice Information Sheets, Systematic Reviews,   Consumer Information Sheets, Systematic Review Protocols, &   Technical Reports. (GCU, 2017) Newer trends in nursing are constantly   being reviewed and researches for evidence based practice.I find these   database more helpful than the Google and other Internet search   engines because a lot of  articles can be found in one place,   more like a one stop shop, all related to health.

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Discussion response

Question description

Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”

Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response

Response posts: Minimum 100 words excluding references

Discusion 1

Today I will be discussing community health/public health nursing. The purpose of this post is to compare and contrast community/public health nursing with hospital base nursing practice in regards to core functions and essential services. Health promotion is a vital component to the overall health and wellbeing to individuals (Nies & McEwen, 2015). There are many different ways that nurses are able to promote health and wellness in different settings.

There are many similarities and differences to nursing in the community and nursing in the hospital setting, but one of the main goals for nursing overall is to promote healthy living (Nies & McEwen, 2015). The way these two areas of nursing work toward this goal often differ, but depend on each other. Discharge planning in the acute hospital setting begins at the time of admission (Graham, Gallagher, & Bothe, 2013). The nurse in the acute care setting is responsible for assessing the patient and identifying potential outpatient needs throughout the duration of their stay (Graham et al., 2013). Discharge planning can be an arduous task at times, and nurses are not always able to adequately prepare a patient and their support system, for an impending discharge (Graham et al., 2013). Acute care nurses are tasked with addressing a patient’s immediate issues, educating them during their stay, and arranging the appropriate outpatient resources (Graham et al., 2013). The unit I work on often has readmissions of patients who are noncompliant outpatient. Community nurses are a vital resource that assist patients with continuing their outpatient care in the hopes of decreasing readmissions (Cramm, Hoeijmakers, & Nieboer, 2014). An essential service of the community health nurse is to reaffirm and expand upon the education the patient received while in the inpatient setting.

In conclusion, the goal of nursing is the same for the community health nurse and the acute care nurse. Both areas of nursing rely on each other to identify a need, and to then continue the patient’s plan of care. Coordination of care is an important aspect across all areas of nursing, and by utilizing different skills, their mutual goals are achieved.


Cramm, J. M., Hoeijmakers, M., & Nieboer, A. P. (2014). Relational coordination between community health nurses and other professionals in delivering care to community-dwelling frail people. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(2), 170-176. doi:10.1111/JONM.1204

Graham, J., Gallagher, R., & Bothe, J. (2013). Nurses’ discharge planning and risk assessment: Behaviours, understanding and barriers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(15-16), 2338-2346. doi:10.1111/JOCN.12179

Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015). Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Discussion 2

Being the daughter of a nurse who did home health, I got to hear a little bit of how community/public health worked. It is very different from hospital nursing. Community/public health nursing focus on helping the patients thrive at home. The goal of community/public health nursing is to help individuals maintain their health at home and improve the health of the community they serve (Nies & McEwen, 2014). The hospital nursing I am used to is to get them in and out because our ED is overcrowded and we need beds for those patients. I feel that hospital nursing has moved away from being able to actually care for our patient to getting them in and out as fast as they can so that we can help the next person, it feels like an assembly line.

Just the other week at work, we had severe overcrowding in our emergency department. That morning our manage came out and said that anyone that is potentially or is discharged needs to be out by noon, mind you she tells us this at 10 in the morning and we are taking more patients that we are supposed to have. Needless to say, that was such a busy day and eating lunch was out of the question. Since our patients are living longer with chronic conditions, it has resulted in increased needs from the nursing staff (Vallés et al, 2018).

Community/public health nursing on the other hand is designed to be there to help the public when they are needing advice their health (Nies & McEwen, 2014). Health promotion is defined as a combination of education, related organization, economic, and environmental support for individuals or communities on their health (Nies & McEwen, 2014). Community/public health nurses are the nurses that do the booths to help the public become aware of certain diseases and provide the community ways to either prevent it or help manage the symptoms.

Hospital nursing and community/public health nurses focus on very different things in their day to day tasks. Hospital nurses focus on getting the acute illness fixed while community/public health nurses work on helping the patient’s manage their long term illnesses. While both types of nurses do very different things they are both as important to the healthcare system and we couldn’t help our patients the way we do without one another.


Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015). Community/public health nursing: promoting the health of populations. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Vallés, S., Valdavida, E., Menéndez, C., & Natal, C. (2018, January 10). [Impact of chronic illness on hospital nursing workloads]. Retrieved January 15, 2018, from

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eporting and Interpreting Liabilities

Question description

eporting and Interpreting Liabilities


Businesses finance the acquisition of their assets from three sources: profits generated through operations of the business, funds supplied by creditors (debt), or funds provided by owners (equity). The mixture of debt and equity that a business uses is called its capital structure. In this module, we will examine the basic concepts that affect liabilities.


Liabilities are the debts and obligations of an entity, which will require the probable future sacrifice of assets (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, 2009). Liabilities are classified on the balance sheet as either current or long term, depending upon when they are due. Current liabilities are the obligations of the organizations that are reasonably expected to be paid within 1 year of the balance sheet date or the operating cycle, whichever is longer. All liabilities not classified as current are considered to be long-term liabilities.

Current Liabilities

Typical current liabilities include accounts payable, accrued expenses, short-term notes payable, the current portion of long-term debt, salaries and wages payable, unearned revenues, interest payable, and taxes payable.

Long-Term Liabilities

Long-term liabilities are all obligations that are not classified as current and include notes payable, bonds payable, and other long-term debt instruments. Long-term liabilities that are maturing within one year are classified as current liabilities unless the maturing debt will be satisfied by incurring additional long-term debt. Accountants use present value concepts to determine the reported amounts of long-term liabilities. The liability is not reported at the amount of the total future payments but the amount of the present value of the future payments.

Notes payable may be included in current or long-term liabilities depending upon the nature of the note. A note payable is a formal written debt instrument that specifies the amount borrowed, when it must be repaid, and the interest rate associated with the debt. Notes payable will be classified as either current or long-term depending upon when they mature. Some types of notes, such as installment notes or mortgages, may have current portions and long-term portions shown on the balance sheet. Accountants must report the debt when it is incurred and the related interest expense as it accrues. Interest payable on a note is accounted for in a separate account from the note itself; the note payable should not be affected as interest expense accrues.

Time Value of Money

Long-term liabilities will be paid more than one year in the future and are generally subject to interest based upon the time value of money. The concept of the time value of money is that a dollar to be received in the future is worth less than a dollar available today (present value) and a dollar invested today will grow to a larger amount in the future (future value). To determine the future value of a known present amount, interest is added to the present value. To determine the present value of a known future amount, interest is backed out of a future amount. These concepts are applied either to a single payment or multiple recurring payments called annuities. Either tables or calculators can be used to determine present and future values. Bonds payable and some notes payable take into account the time value of money. Current liabilities are so short term in nature that the time value of money is not generally recognized when reporting current liabilities.

Bonds are debt instruments that corporations and government units issue when they borrow large amounts of money. After bonds have been issued, some bonds can be traded on established exchanges such as the New York Bond Exchange. The ability to sell a bond on the bond exchange is a significant advantage for creditors because it provides them with liquidity or the ability to convert their investments into cash.

Three types of events must be recorded over the life of a typical bond: (1) the receipt of cash when the bond is first sold, (2) the periodic payment of cash interest, and (3) the repayment of principal upon the maturity of the bond.

Bonds are sold at a discount whenever the coupon interest rate (stated rate) is less than the market rate of interest. A discount is the dollar amount of the difference between the par value of the bond and its selling price. The discount is recorded as a contra-liability when the bond is sold and is amortized over the life of the bond as an adjustment to interest expense.

Bonds are sold at a premium whenever the coupon interest rate is more than the market rate of interest. A premium is the dollar amount of the difference between the selling price of the bond and its par value. The premium is recorded as a liability when the bond is sold and is amortized over the life of the bond as an adjustment to interest expense. Bond discounts and premiums can be amortized using either the straight-line method or the effective-interest method. Under the straight-line method, a consistent amount of interest expense is incurred each period from the bond’s issuance until maturity in order to amortize the discount or premium to zero by the maturity date. Under the effective-interest method, interest expense is computed each period by multiplying the current amount of the bond liability by the market rate of interest when the bond was issued. Thus, the interest expense will change each period that the discount or premium is amortized.


Review the available materials for the chapters covered this week, including the lecture, reading, publisher materials, demonstration problems and exercises at the end of the chapters. After reviewing these materials and attempting the assignment for the week, what challenges did you face? Do you have any questions on the material?Analysts use various tools to assess the financial health of corporations. One such tool is the debt-to-equity ratio. The debt-to-equity ratio (total liabilities divided by owners’ equity) compares the amount of capital supplied by creditors to the amount supplied by owners. It is a measure of a company’s debt capacity. Horngren’s Accounting, The Financial Chapters Read chapters 11 and 14.

Liabilities and the Statement of Cash Flows

Cash flows associated with transactions involving long-term creditors are reported in the financing activities section of the statement of cash flows. Interest expense is reported in the operating activities section.


The sources of funds for a corporation are classified as either debt funding or equity funding. An understanding of a company’s capital structure provides insight into the company’s strategy, needs, and solvency. Prior to investing in a company or lending to a company, investors and creditors will review the capital structure of a company and do a ratio analysis to compare the company to similar investments or credit opportunities.


Kieso, D., Weygandt, J., & Warfield, T. (2009). Intermediate accounting (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Kimmel, P., Weygandt, J., & Kieso, D. (2009). Accounting: Tools for business decision making (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Libby, R., Libby, P., & Short, D. (2004). Financial accounting (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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Assignment 2: RA: Annotated Bibliography On PTSD

The foundation of a research study comes from an understanding of the theory and from knowledge that is set forth by the literature in the field. Before a researcher can develop a sound and needed research design, he or she must first determine what is already known, how the topic has previously been studied, and where there are gaps in the knowledge and/or techniques that have been used to study the research problem.

In this module, you will further explore the research topic that you chose in M1 Assignment 2. Additionally, this will be the time to make any needed changes to your research question before you submit your proposal in M5 Assignment 2 RA 2. For this assignment, you will create a 3- to 4-page document following the directions given below.

Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, locate 6 peer-reviewed articles that could be used for the literature review portion of the research proposal in M5 Assignment 2 RA 2. The articles should fall into the following categories:

  • 2 quantitative studies
  • 2 qualitative studies
  • 1 mixed-methods study
  • 1 theoretical or research      design of your choice

For each article, cover the following points in 250–350 words:

  • The problem to be studied
  • The rationale for the study
  • The type of research that was      conducted (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods)
  • The data collection strategy
  • The data analysis tools that      were used
  • A summary of the findings
  • A statement of how this article      will support your proposed study

Present your work in a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document that follows the following format:

  • Reference the source in APA      format.
  • Follow the reference with a      single block paragraph of 250–350 words comprising your annotation      (summary, evaluation, and reflection).
  • The whole block should be      double-spaced and indented.
  • Repeat for the next      article—don’t forget that your articles should be listed in alphabetical      order just as you would on a standard APA reference page.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • By Wednesday, September      20, 2017, save your document as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and      submit it to the M3 Assignment 2 RA Dropbox.

RA is worth 200 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

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Substance Abuse And Dependant

For this task, you will prepare a brief reaction paper that addresses the following questions:

What is meant by the statement that substance abuse occurs on a continuum? Do you accept this idea, or do you think that there are fundamentally different characteristics which separate substance use from substance abuse or addiction?

The costs of substance use disorders in our society are significant. What are some of the specific contributing factors that are behind some of these costs?

Do you think that the problem of substance abuse is blown out of proportion by the media, or perhaps underreported? Explain your position.

Use at least three articles from peer-reviewed journals published in the past 5 years to support your points of view. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Note any ways that the critical thinking module helped clarify your thoughts.

Length: 5-7 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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