Importance Of Theory And Research In Child Development

Importance of Theory and Research in Child Development

Prior to completing this journal assignment, please read Modules 1and 2 in your textbook, view the “Endless Questions” video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. You may want to look specifically at the interactive media tools demonstrating information on theory which are provided in the Section 1.5 (within Module 1) of the textbook.


In a Journal entry of 500-1000 words, begin by reflecting on this anecdotal phrase that one might hear, “I did that with my children and it worked fine for them.”  Describe your own thoughts about this statement and explain why this may be true in some cases, but not in others.  You may use personal experiences or examples to support your evidence-based statements and opinions, if you wish.


Then, watch the “Endless Questions” video analyzing child development research and find one additional scholarly source of your choice (see tips and a link to tutorials below) and use them to reflect on and answer the following questions:


  • Why is it important to utilize developmental theory to explain a foundational knowledge of children’s development?
  • What makes scholarly research different from anecdotal evidence (or personal experience) in explaining child and adolescent development?  [Hint: Consider the methodology of the article you are reading.
  • Identify and briefly describe the key points of one of the major developmental theories and why you feel that theory is applicable to child and/or adolescent development.


Finally, relate the value of continued learning with a concluding reflection on why we should incorporate both personal experience and scholarly research grounded in theory to help support any statements made in this class or any other professional setting.


You are required to utilize at least one additional scholarly source not from this week’s required readings (including, but not limited to, the multimedia in the recommended resources for Week One).  You must cite all of your sources (including the video embedded above) in proper APA style.  If you are unsure how to create an APA style reference page, please visit the Citation and Reference page on the Ashford Writing Center website. Aside from the video embedded in the prompt, you are to find one other scholarly through the Ashford Library website to help support your reflections in Part II.  View this great tutorial provided by the Ashford University Library which will show you how to find scholarly articles and how to assess the scholarly quality of the resource.

NOTE: As you are completing your searches in the library search engines, check the boxes in the search engines of the library for scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. This allows you to find resources that have been evaluated by a number of experts in the field and do not represent just one person’s opinion.

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Approaches To Lifespan Development

Approaches to Lifespan Development


If you have not already done so, complete the studies for this unit. The second study asked you to choose one of the following influential themes in lifespan development theory and read a scholarly resource (journal article or book chapter) that addresses it:

Nature versus nurture.

Critical periods and plasticity.

Continuity and discontinuity.

Universality and specificity.

Qualitative and quantitative change.

Activity and passivity.


For your initial discussion post, address the following:

Clearly summarize the theme you chose and the main issues, oppositions, or controversies in differing approaches to it.

What are the similarities and differences in the contrasting approaches?

Are these approaches appropriate in light of what the researcher seeks to understand or predict? Why or why not?

Describe specific lifespan development theories that are associated with the theme you analyzed.

Evaluate to what extent the scholarly article you used in your analysis met the criteria for credibility, using an appropriate combination of these criteria:

Detailed and clear information.

Accuracy of information.

Support of conclusions.

Relevancy to the field.

Credibility of author or authors.

Publication date (timeliness or current relevancy).



Use your Broderick and Blewitt textbook, The Life Span: Human Development for Helping Professionals, to complete the following:

Read Chapter 1, “Organizing Themes in Development.” This chapter introduces lifespan developmental theorists, including Freud, Erikson, and Piaget; learning theories, such as behaviorism and social learning; multidimensional theories, including Bronfenbrenner’s theory; and the concept of nature–nurture.

Use the Capella library to complete the following:

Read Baltes and Smith’s 2004 article, “Lifespan Psychology: From the Developmental Contextualism to Developmental Biocultural Co-constructivism,” from Research in Human Development, volume 1, issue 3, pages 123—143.

Read Foster’s 2010 article, “Causal Inference and Developmental Psychology,” from Developmental Psychology, volume 46, issue 6, pages 1454–1480.

Audiovisual Media

View the following video from Annenberg Media’s Discovering Psychology series:

Past, Present, and Promise | Transcript.

Running time: 27:00.


Click Human Development Theorists to learn about some of the theories behind human development.

Suggested Readings

You are encouraged, but not required, to complete the following:

Read Kagan’s 2008 article, “In Defense of Qualitative Changes in Development,” from Child Development, volume 79, issue 6, pages 1606–1624.

Read Kimble’s 1993 article, “Evolution of the Nature–Nurture Issue in the History of Psychology,” from Nature, Nurture & Psychology, pages 3–25.

Read Manstead and Fischer’s 2002 article, “Beyond the Universality-Specificity Dichotomy,” from Cognition & Emotion, volume 16, issue 1, pages 1–9.

Development Issues Article Search

During this first week, you will establish a base of knowledge regarding lifespan development. The major themes embedded in development theory are:

Nature versus nurture.

Critical periods and plasticity.

Universality and specificity.

Continuity and discontinuity.

Qualitative and quantitative change.

Activity and passivity.

Choose one of the above, then find and read a scholarly resource (journal article or book chapter) that addresses it.

Research Guides

Several different activities in this course require you to locate scholarly resources in the Capella library. The following guides and tutorials can help you understand where to begin your search.

Summon is a tool that enables you to easily search across the Capella University Library collection. Experiment with using this tool as you conduct your research for this unit.

Examine the Research Guide – Psychology. This guide provides a range of research-related information, including advice on how to find articles in the library, links to statistical Web sites and professional organizations (in the Staying Current section), and specific tabs related to the various specializations within psychology. You can access the information and links by clicking the tabs near the top of the page.

Visit the Library Research and Information Literacy Skills (RAILS) page. This online handbook helps you develop your research skills. Be sure to go through the following sections:

Identifying Scholarly Resources.

Defining Your Topic.

Searching Effectively.

Evaluating Source Quality.

Examine the Databases A–Z: Psychology Web page, which lists databases for general research and by specialization area. A few of the databases are highlighted here:

PsycINFO – A comprehensive database from the American Psychological Association (APA), covering psychology and related disciplines. It contains over 2.6 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the early 1800s. Ninety-eight percent of the material is peer-reviewed.

PsycARTICLES – A psychology database containing more than 140,000 articles from over 60 journals published by the APA, the Educational Publishing Foundation, and allied organizations. This database includes coverage of applied psychology, health, theory, research, social/personality, and more.

Proquest Psychology Journals – Full-text articles from nearly 600 top journals and related publications for coverage of psychology, organizational behavior, counseling, communications, and related fields.

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Organizations for helping Senior Citizen

Question description

General Education Capstone – Week 1 Assignment

Serving Learning Organization

Case Study Scenario:

You have been hired by XYZ University as a consultant. The University leadership is thinking about requiring students to participate in a service learning project in order to graduate. As a case study, the leadership of the University has hired you to evaluate an organization to see if a service learning opportunity would benefit future students and the community. Your initial recommendation is due in week 5 and will be based on the research you collect over the next four weeks.

Week 1 Assignment:

  • You should have chosen your social issue in the week 1 discussion. If not, be sure to do so before you begin this assignment.
  • Your task is to find a national or international organization that is currently working to effect positive change for the issue you have chosen. For example, if you chose an environmental issue, you might decide to evaluate Greenpeace. Example social issues and organizations.
  • XYZ University has required you to find and read the following peer-reviewed article in the EBSCO library. EBSCO Quick Guide.

Vizenor, N., Souza, T., & Ertmer, J. (2016). Benefits of participating in service-learning, business-related classes: Assessing the impact on community partners. Journal for Research in Business Education, 58(1), 1-15. (Note: please be sure to check the Business Source Complete database for this article).

  • You are required to cite the above article to support at least one claim you make in your week 1 assignment. Reference and Citation Quick Guide.
  • Turn in a minimum of a 2-3 pages paper following APA guidelines. Click here for the web version of the APA sample paper. Click here for a downloadable version of the APA sample paper.

Paper Requirements:

Complete the following steps.

Step 1: Introduction – Introduce the social issue you have selected. Explain to your reader why this issue is important and why they should be interested. What are the benefits of service learning in causing positive change for this issue? Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 2: Community Organization – Introduce the organization you have selected. Briefly describe the organization’s historical background. What is the primary focus of the organization? How does the organization meet the communities’ needs? Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 3: Conclusion – Provide a summary of the social issue and how the organization addresses the social issue. Summarize the benefits for students and the community of performing service learning at this organization. Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.

Step 4: References – On a separate reference page, list all the references you have cited in your paper to support your claims.

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Choosing A Theory Or Model For Program Planning

Choosing a Theory or Model for Program Planning

Selecting an appropriate theory or model for program planning is an important part of the process. As you examine the theories and models presented in the Learning Resources, bear in mind that some theories/models may not be appropriate given the problem you have selected. How will you determine which one is most relevant for your problem and target population? You are encouraged to use this Discussion forum as a venue for deliberation with your colleagues.
To prepare:

  • Bring      to mind the problem you identified in Week 2.
  • Review      the information in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the various      theories and models that are used in program planning. Which one(s) do you      think might be appropriate for your problem? Why? Be prepared to support      your response.
  • What      field developed this theory or model? Examine the literature and consider      how it has been applied in fields other than nursing.

By tomorrow Monday 12/10/18 17:oo, write a 550 words essays in APA format with a minimum of 3 scholarly references, At least one of the references must come from the course textbook (see attached file). Include the headers as numbered below

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

1) Describe the theory or model most appropriate to your problem (Breast Cancer in African American Women in the USA). Justify the choice of your theory/model as it relates to your problem. (see attached file)

2) What field developed this theory or model? Briefly describe how it has been applied in fields other than nursing and explain how it has been appropriately applied within nursing. Provide at least one example from the literature to support your response.

Required Readings

Hodges, B. C., & Videto, D. M. (2011). Assessment and planning in health programs (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 6, “The Importance and Use of Theories in Health Education and Health Promotion” (See attached file).

The authors describe various theories, noting that theories are not universally applicable to every program.

Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R. M., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: An effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Chapter 2, “The Contribution of Theory to Program Planning” (See attached file).

This chapter examines the application of theory in program planning.

Berhane, A., Biadgilign, S., Berhane, A., & Memiah, P. (2015). Male involvement in family planning program in Northern Ethiopia: An application of the Transtheoretical model. Patient Education and Counseling 98, 469–475

Kroelinger, C.D., Rankin, K. M., Chamgers, D.A., Diez Roux, A.V., Huges, K., & Grigorescu, V. (2014). Using the principles of complex systems thinking and implementation sceice to enhance maternal and child health program planning and delivery. Maternal Child Health Journal, 18, 1560–1564. doi 10.1007/s10995-014-1586-9

Silverman, B., Champney, J., Steber, S., & Zubritsky, C. (2015). Collaborating for consensus: Considerations for convening Coalition stakeholders to promote a gender-based approach to addressing the health needs of sex workers. Evaluation and Program Planning 51,17–26

Smith, T.L., Barlow, P.b., Peters, J.M., & Skolits, G.J. (2015). Demystifying reflective practice: Using the DATA model to enhance evaluators’ professional activities. Evaluation and Program Planning, 52, 142–147.

Optional Resources

Hulton, L. J. (2007). An evaluation of a school-based teenage pregnancy prevention program using a logic model framework. Journal of School Nursing, 23(2), 104–110.

This article describes the use of the logic model to develop, implement, and evaluate a nursing intervention in a school setting.

Johnson, S. S., Driskell, M., Johnson, J. L., Prochaska, J. M., Zwick, W., & Prochaska, J. O. (2006). Efficacy of a transtheoretical model-based expert system for antihypertensive adherence. Disease Management, 9(5), 291–301.

This article introduces the use of the transtheoretical model and stages of change as applied to interventions aimed at medication adherence for patients with hypertension.

Rogers, L. Q., Shah, P., Dunnington, G., Greive, A., Shanmugham, A., Dawson, B., & Courneya, K. S. (2005). Social cognitive theory and physical activity during breast cancer treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(4), 807–815.

The social cognitive theory is utilized to examine associations with physical activity in breast cancer patients. This article posits that the social cognitive theory can be used as a mediator for intervention evaluation with this population.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation. (2004). Using logic models to bring together planning, evaluation, and action: Logic model development guide. Battle Creek, MI: W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Retrieved from

This report offers a guide for the use of the logic model in program planning and outcome-oriented evaluation for nonprofit projects.

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Unit 4:This is also in 2 Parts- A Discussion & A Project

Unit 4:This is also in 2 Parts- A Discussion & A Project

Due 08/22/17

Heuristic approaches to thinking about thinking involve employing rules of thumb to arrive at conclusions. These starting points are the inductive process, but deduction is also involved in reasoning on a topic. Dewey called this the “double movement of reflection.” If Dewey is correct, what are the difficulties in isolating either induction or deduction within scientific reasoning? What are the benefits of such isolation? What are some alternatives that we have not yet explored?


Due 08/22/17

A good hypothesis starts with a clear research question. What is the role of abduction in arriving at clear research questions? Are there any inherent dangers in using this approach, strategic guessing, to explore research questions for inquiry? What are the main assumptions behind abductive reasoning?


Individual Project

Topic: Scientific Reasoning, Reflecting on Heuristics and Developing Hypotheses

10 Strategic Points Quantitative Study Extraction #3

Due Date: Aug 28, 2017


In the prospectus, proposal, and dissertation there are 10 strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the research is doable, valuable, and credible. These points, which provide a guide or vision for the research, are present in almost any research study. The ability to identify these points is one of the first skills required in the creation of a viable doctoral dissertation. In this assignment, you will identify and evaluate 10 strategic points in a published quantitative research study.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Review the Wallace, Johnson, Mathe, and Paul article.
  • Locate and download “Modified 10 Points Template.”
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • APA style is required for this assignment.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.


Using the “Modified 10 Points Template,” identify each of the 10 strategic points in this quantitative research study.

Complete the “Evaluation” section of the template by addressing the following questions (250-500 words) with regard to the 10 strategic points in the study:

  1. Discuss the key points in the literature review and how the author used this section to identify the gap or problem addressed in the study.
  2. Describe the variables under study and how they are a key component in this quantitative research study. You are not expected to understand the differences between variables at this point, but should be able to identify how they inform the problem, purpose, research questions and data collection instruments.
  3. Describe the problem and how it informed the research questions under study.
  4. Describe the quantitative design used and why it is appropriate for the identified problem and research questions. Support your response with a peer-reviewed citation from a research source.
  5. Assess the appropriateness of the instruments used to collect data and answer the research questions as well as to address the stated problem.
  6. Discuss how the problem statement informed the development of the purpose statement in this study.



1. From Ugly Duckling to Swan: C. S. Peirce, Abduction, and the Pursuit of Scientific Theories

McKaughan, D. J. (2008). From ugly duckling to swan: C. S. Peirce, abduction, and the pursuit of scientific theories. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 44(3), 446-468.


2. Structural and Psychological Empowerment Climates, Performance, and the Moderating Role of Shared Felt Accountability: A Managerial Perspective

Wallace, J. C., Johnson, P. D., Mathe, K., & Paul, J. (2011). Structural and psychological empowerment climates, performance, and the moderating role of shared felt accountability: A managerial perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology96(4), 840-850. doi:10.1037/a0022227


3. Systematic Inference: Induction and Deduction

Dewey, J. (1910). Systematic inference: Induction and deduction. In How we think (pp. 79-100). Lexington, MA: D C Heath. doi:10.1037/10903-007


4. Testing the Null Hypothesis: The Forgotten Legacy of Karl Popper?

Wilkinson, M. (2013). Testing the null hypothesis: The forgotten legacy of Karl Popper? Journal of Sports Sciences, 31(9), 919-920.


5. The Meaning of Ecologically Oriented Inquiry in Contemporary Psychology

Gibbs, J. C. (1979). The meaning of ecologically oriented inquiry in contemporary psychology. American Psychologist, 34(2), 127-140. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.34.2.127

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application sofTware integration

Question description

this is just the rubric once I find a tutor then I give you the lohin info on the file you suppose to work on. it not allowing me to upload because the it says the file is too large Assignment Instructions •Instructions: You will complete the following 2 Capstones: 1.Capstone Case Three: Integrating Access, PowerPoint, and Publisher 2.Capstone Case Four: Integrating Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint Upload the completed assignment files in the Assignment area. •Special Instructions: Use the Supporting Materials below to complete the project. •Grading: Please review the rubrics for particulars. Grading Rubrics Project: 3CC Cooking Show Performance Level Exemplary Proficient Developing Performance Element You consistently applied the relevant skills. (5 points) You sometimes, but not always, applied the relevant skills. (3 points) You rarely or never applied the relevant skills. (0 or 1 point) Add default value property A default value and an input mask are added appropriately Either a default value or an input mask is not added appropriately Neither a default value nor an input mask is added appropriately Create SmartArt graphics Two SmartArt graphics are created and display appropriate information One SmartArt graphic is not created or does not display appropriate information No SmartArt graphics are created Insert a note on a slide The note is inserted on the appropriate slide and does not contain spelling or grammar errors The note is not inserted on the appropriate slide or the note contains spelling or grammar errors The note is not inserted Create and format a postcard The postcard contains appropriate text and objects and is formatted to create a professional appearance Some text is inappropriate, at least one object is missing, or the formatting does not create a professional appearance The postcard is not created Insert merge fields from a filtered data source The merge fields are inserted and the data source is filtered using the correct field Not all merge fields are inserted or the data source is not filtered using the correct field No merge fields are inserted and the data source is not filtered Grading Rubrics Project: 4CC Advertising Letter Performance Level Exemplary Proficient Developing Performance Element You consistently applied the relevant skills. (5 points) You sometimes, but not always, applied the relevant skills. (3 points) You rarely or never applied the relevant skills. (0 or 1 point) Import Excel data into an Access database All data is imported to an Access table and displays appropriately Some data is not imported to the Access table or the data does not display appropriately No data is imported to the Access table Create a report The report is created and all data is grouped and sorted appropriately The report is created but either the data is not grouped or it is not sorted The report is not created Create PivotTable and PivotChart reports All PivotTable and PivotChart reports are created and display appropriately At least one PivotTable or PivotChart report is not created or does not display appropriately No PivotTable or PivotChart reports are created Filter the data source for mail merge (Access table) The table is filtered using the correct field and value The table is filtered but does not use the correct field or does not use the correct value The table is not filtered Insert text and merge fields in a letter and in an envelope Text and merge fields are inserted appropriately At least one item is not inserted appropriately No merge fields are inserted Link a PivotChart report in a slide A PivotChart report is linked in a slide and displays appropriately A PivotChart report is linked in a slide but does not display appropriately A PivotChart report is not linked in a slide Supporting Materials i04cc_HVAC_Savings.xlsx (11 KB) i04cc_HVAC_Customers.xlsx (10 KB) i03cc_Cooks_Data.accdb (440 KB) i04cc_Advertising_Letter.docx (12 KB) i04cc_Maintenance_Presentation.pptx (105 KB) i03cc_Cavazos_Logo.bmp (37 KB) Submission

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Assignment 3: Course Project Task I




HI Sherry,
I’m not sure which of these topics you are considering, but I would consider using the first one.

The not having “experienced” direct bodily harm is part of the criteria for PTSD, but you could research a few different aspects. Perhaps you could examine something like “PTSD will occur in individuals who did not experience bodily harm vs those that did more frequently. ” This is just an example but let me know which area you would like to measure? Our hypothesis should be measurable and something we can gather data on.
Dr. P


Specific problem:

“Post-traumatic stress disorder” may expand after a terrifying suffering involving physical injury or the risk of physical injury. You don’t have to be bodily hurt to acquire PTSD. You can acquire it after you observe others—a friend, a relative’s associate, even a stranger—harmed and threatened.

“The evidence of the problem:”

·         Re-experiencing symptoms: potential symptoms of post traumatic reliving the trauma again and again, counting physical symptoms like a sweating. This is a general incidence in citizens who have sadness as well as other nervousness disorders. Various confirmations recommend that PTSD might relate to enlarged likelihood of expanding therapeutic disorders.

·         Avoidance symptoms: potential symptoms of post traumatic happen because staying away a person from places, occasions that are reminders of the occurrence. Avoidance symptoms are attempts citizens create to avoid the traumatic occasion.  Avoidance symptoms creating an effort to evade trauma-connected reminders

“Causing the problem:”

PTSD is a psychiatric confusion that can happen following the occurrence and also observing of life-threatening occurrences like as military combat, terrorist incidents and etc. Some citizens will have trauma effects that may even get bad over instance.

“Yes, research question obviously expressed devoid of being too common and also too narrow because” Particular psychological interventions that is a type of trauma that have been considered for the avoidance of mature PTSD aim to teach victims regarding usual reactions to trauma as well as to promote them to share their understandings and touching responses to the occurrence. Debriefing is normally offered in a gathering inside days behind the occurrence to one and all exposed to the occurrence. (Raskind, 2014)

“Yes, the question connects to the recognized problem” Prolonged Exposure treatment forces a long-suffering to vividly keep in mind every aspect of a distressing experience as well as express the memories. Prolonged Exposure healing is assisting him to defeat his survivor’s blame, which is a structure chunk to him for a subsequently step in existence.

“Yes, the research, related on the study question, feasible because” Fighting veterans brought the main PTSD to public concentration. But PTSD that can stem from distressing incidents, like as mugging, and rape, being kidnapped as well as also held captive, kid abuse, car misfortunes, train wrecks, aeroplane crashes, violence’s, or natural tragedies such as floods and earthquakes. The common of citizens exposed to such occurrences experience various symptoms of suffering (sleep difficulties, jumpiness). Most completely get better in a few weeks and months. PTSD is presently the subject of numerous researches learning that are funded through the National organization of Mental Health.

“Yes, the research, related on the study question, include to the body of information in the forensic psychology area because” HYPERAROUSAL potential symptoms of post traumatic occur because complexity sleeping, being simply as well as tense vigilance worried, bad temper, annoyance, panic,  (Matthew, 2014) Discussion through the suffering will assist you get extra manage of your considerations and feelings regarding the trauma.

Furthermore, this may be difficult at first as well as it might seem odd to believe about worrying things on reason. Many citizens feel superior over time, while, as they do imaginable coverage.



Matthew. (2014). Avoidance Symptoms. Retrieved from


Raskind. (2014). Interventions for the Prevention of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Adults After Exposure to Psychological Trauma. Retrieved from



After reading the feedback on your proposed quantitative research question in M1 Assignment 2, provide your revised quantitative research question. Next, develop a hypothesis for the research question (Include a null and an alternative hypothesis for your question.).


Keep in mind that a hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. A hypothesis describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in your study. It should be testable and often mirrors the research question in the way that it is written.


For example, there is a positive correlation between having an alcoholic parent and alcoholism in adulthood.


Once you have clearly stated your research question and hypothesis, discuss the following (in 1–2 pages):


  • Why is a null hypothesis required in research? How is the null hypothesis used when drawing conclusions from the collected data?
  • What is the relationship of your hypothesis to the identified problem?
  • How is your hypothesis feasible?
  • How is your hypothesis measurable and testable?

Submission Details:

  • By Wednesday, September 6, 2017, save your hypothesis and supporting discussion as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M1 Assignment 3 Dropbox.


Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Clearly stated the quantitative research question and the hypothesis (both alternative and null). 20
Explained the need for the null hypothesis in research as well as its role in drawing conclusions from the collected data. 12
Identified and described the relationship of the hypothesis to the identified problem. 16
Explained the feasibility of the hypothesis. 16
Identified how your hypothesis is measurable and testable. 12
Used scientific terminology in writing the hypothesis. 8
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 16
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Examine Experimental Research

One of the ways that you will likely use this information in your future career and life is to analyze and examine experimental research.
In this assignment, you will locate two journal articles that use the experimental method and are connected to the topic of your final project. The articles should not be correlational studies or review articles; you should only find articles that use the experimental method for this assignment. Also, these articles should not have been used in other assignments related to the final project. Next, you will provide a brief answer to each of the following questions for each of the articles.

1. How were the participants selected? Were the participants representative of the larger population?

2. How were the participants assigned to groups? Did the groups start out the same? Was there any bias in how the participants were assigned to groups?

3. What did the researchers do to ensure the experimental procedures were equal across the groups? If they did not ensure the procedures were equal, what should the researchers have done? Did the researchers follow APA ethical guidelines in conducting the research?

4. What were the independent and dependent variables of the experiment?

5. What was the outcome of the experiment?

6. How can you use the results of the research in your final paper?

For additional details, please refer to the Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.

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LASA: Etiology and Treatment

LASA: Etiology and Treatment

In M3 Assignment 2 RA, you reviewed a  case study about Jessica, made primary and secondary diagnoses, and  identified differential diagnoses for each principal and secondary  diagnosis. The skills you developed and the feedback you received after  completing this required assignment, will significantly help you in  completing the following LASA. For example, both assignments (RA and  LASA), require you to complete similar tasks such as identifying the  principal and secondary diagnoses, providing rationale for the  diagnoses, and offering differential (alternative) diagnoses.

In this assignment, you will discuss the etiology and  treatment of your principal and secondary diagnoses for the following  case study using a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on etiology and  a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on treatment. Your paper should  have separate sections for the etiology of each principal and secondary  diagnosis, therapeutic modalities for each principal and secondary  diagnosis, justification of the selected therapeutic modalities for the  disorders, application of the treatment for the disorders, and a  reference page for your sources. Your citations and references should be  in APA style, and your paper should be 8–10 pages in length.

Click here to read the second case study (Psychological Evaluation for Homer Brine).

Once you read the case, complete the following tasks:

  • Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis.
  • Describe multiple elements of the etiology  for the principal and secondary diagnoses. Explain how the etiology  contributed to each (principal and secondary) diagnosis.
  • Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnosis.
  • Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study.
  • Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the principal and secondary diagnoses.
  • Discuss key cultural factors that may influence diagnosis and treatment.

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner;  demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and  attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and  punctuation. Include citations in text and at the end of the document in  the correct APA format.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, save your diagnoses as M5_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit the document to the Submissions Area.

LASA is worth 300 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

Because this assignment is worth 30% of your overall  grade in the course, it is particularly important to view the rubric for  additional clarity on the requirements and point values for each  component of the assignment.

Assignment Component   Proficient   Maximum Points    Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis. Identifies  at least one principal and one secondary diagnosis that are rationally  linked to the case provided. Provides detailed information about how  diagnoses were reached and how the client’s symptoms fit the diagnostic  criteria. Evidence is presented in a logical manner that builds a solid  case which supports diagnostic impressions.  48    Describe  multiple elements of the etiology for the principal and secondary  diagnoses. Explain how the etiology contributed to each (principal &  secondary) diagnosis. Presents  a clear understanding of the possible origins of the principal and  secondary diagnoses. Demonstrates ability to integrate and conceptualize  all of the information presented. Clearly states how the diagnoses/  presenting issue began (ETIOLOGY) and what may be maintaining them.  48    Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnoses. Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client.  48    Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study. Demonstrates  a clear application of the selected therapeutic modality for treatment  of the principal and secondary diagnoses of the person in the vignette.  48    Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the primary and secondary diagnosis. Clearly  discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were ruled-out  as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses.  32    Discussed key cultural factors that may influence diagnosis and treatment. Describes  cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and identifies  cultural issues that may require additional exploration. Outlines how  the cultural factors influence treatment options.  48    Academic Writing   Writing  is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical  scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and  generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are  few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.
Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format. Writing  is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical  scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and  generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are  few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.
Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.  28    Total:    300       Due DateOct 8, 2018 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics

Rubric Name: FP6005_M5A2_Grading_Rubric

This  table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The  first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a  numeric scoring method.CriteriaMaximum PointsGR1 Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis.48 points/ 48GR2  Describe multiple elements of the etiology for the principal and  secondary diagnoses. Explain how the etiology contributed to each  (principal & secondary) diagnosis.48 points/ 48GR3 Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnoses.48 points/ 48GR4 Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study.48 points/ 48GR5  Clearly discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were  ruled-out as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses.32 points/ 32GR6  Describes cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and  identifies cultural issues that may require additional exploration.  Outlines how the cultural factors influence treatment options.48 points/ 48GR7  Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical  scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources;  and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.28 points/ 28Total— / 300

Rubric Name: FP6005_M5A2_LASA Rubric

This  table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The  first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a  numeric scoring method.MAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeLevel 1 UnsatisfactoryLevel 2 EmergingLevel 3 ProficientLevel 4 ExemplaryC1 Principal & Secondary Diagnosis (PO1).

Neglects to identify a principal or secondary diagnosis and neglects to rationally link the diagnosis to the case study.

Neglects to identify a principal or secondary diagnosis or neglects to rationally link the diagnosis to the case study.

Identifies  at least one principal and one secondary diagnosis that are rationally  linked to the case provided. Provides detailed information about how  diagnoses were reached and how the client’s symptoms fit the diagnostic  criteria. Evidence is presented in a logical manner that builds a solid  case which supports diagnostic impressions.

Identifies  one or more principal and secondary diagnoses that are rationally  linked to the case provided and supported by references. Provides  detailed information about how diagnoses were reached and how the  client’s symptoms fit the diagnostic criteria. Evidence is presented in a  logical manner that builds a solid case which supports diagnostic  impressions.

C2 Etiology of Diagnoses (PO1).

Either lacks a description of elements of etiology of one or more diagnoses or description is inaccurate and incomplete.

Provides  a description of elements of etiology of one or more diagnoses but at  least one of the descriptions is inaccurate and incomplete.

Presents  a clear understanding of the possible origins of the principal and  secondary diagnoses. Demonstrates ability to integrate and conceptualize  all of the information presented. Clearly states how the diagnoses/  presenting issue began (ETIOLOGY) and what may be maintaining them.

Presents  a clear understanding of the possible origins of the principal and  secondary diagnoses based on empirical research. Demonstrates ability to  integrate and conceptualize all of the information presented. Clearly  states how the diagnoses/ presenting issue began (ETIOLOGY) and what may  be maintaining them.

C3 Therapeutic Modality (PO1).

Neglects to identify an appropriate therapeutic modality.

Identifies a specific therapeutic modality but neglects to articulate how it was appropriate for the diagnoses identified.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client and supported  by research literature.

C4 Therapeutic Modality Txt Application (PO1).

Neglects to apply or erroneously applies a therapeutic modality to treat the diagnosis.

Identifies a specific therapeutic modality but neglects to articulate how it was appropriate for the diagnoses identified.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client.

Chooses  a viable therapeutic modality that has applications to the principal  and secondary diagnoses and is appropriate for the client and supported  by research literature.

C5 Differential Diagnosis (PO1).

Neglects to identify any alternative diagnosis for either the primary or secondary diagnosis.

Identifies one alternative diagnosis, but neglects to articulate rationale for the diagnosis and why it was ruled out.

Clearly  discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were ruled-out  as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses.

Clearly  discusses other diagnoses (differential diagnoses) that were ruled-out  as well as specific reasons for eliminating these diagnoses. Articulates  any assessments or additional information to rule out and alternative  diagnosis.

This  table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The  first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a  numeric scoring method.MAFP_PO5_Multicultural CompetenceLevel 1 UnsatisfactoryLevel 2 EmergingLevel 3 ProficientLevel 4 ExemplaryC6 Cultural Factors (PO5).

There was no opinion provided on the defendant’s risk of dangerousness or insanity.

The opinion provided was vague and not well connected to the case vignette.

Describes  cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and identifies  cultural issues that may require additional exploration. Outlines how  the cultural factors influence treatment options.

Describes  cultural factors that may influence the diagnoses and identifies  cultural issues that may require additional exploration. Outlines how  the cultural factors influence treatment options supported by  appropriate research literature.

Associated Learning ObjectivesLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C1 Principal & Secondary Diagnosis (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C2 Etiology of Diagnoses (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C3 Therapeutic Modality (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C5 Differential Diagnosis (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO1_Psychological Theory & PracticeAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C4 Therapeutic Modality Txt Application (PO1).Required Performance:  Level 3 ProficientLearning ObjectiveMAFP_PO5_Multicultural CompetenceAssessment Method:  Score on Criteria – C6 Cultural Factors (PO5).Required Performance:  Level 3 Proficient

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Assignment 3: Twin Behavior: Intervening

    • Amee and Aaron are 6-year-old twins of Josh and Lacy. Josh is an alcoholic and unemployed, and Lacy works two jobs to feed the family. When Lacy arrives home late from work, Josh is drunk after spending the day managing the children. Josh picks a fight with Lacy over petty issues and starts hitting her. Amee and Aaron try to protect their mother. As they tug on their father’s leg, he stops hitting Lacy, falls to the floor, and begins to cry. This has been a nightly ritual since Josh lost his job six weeks ago. Before losing his job, Josh used to hit Lacy on a sporadic basis, usually when he had too much to drink. The children have developed a morbid fear of their father, and they are extra careful not to annoy him.At a parent/teacher conference, Lacy is told that her twins’ aggressive behavior on the playground at recess is becoming an issue. Their teacher expresses concern and suggests that Lacy might want to investigate early intervention for her children. Without discussing the violence being experienced in the family, Lacy agrees with the teacher to pursue intervention for the twins’ behavioral issues.


    • Identify and integrate various psychoeducational or supportive approaches that might be used at the community level, such as at community centers, schools, and social service agencies, to assist children like Amee and Aaron, who are at risk from family violence, to more effectively cope and develop resiliency.


    • Be sure to address whether there may be differences between the responses seen for Amee and Aaron and provide your reasoning.


  • Explore issues of gender, diversity, and ethics within the intervention approaches.

Submit your response to the W1: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Wednesday, June 24, 2015. Your response should be at least 2 pages long, and include a cover page and reference list.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Discussed the psychoeducational or supportive approaches for children witnessing family violence and are at risk of experiencing multiple problems at the cognitive, behavioral, developmental, and/or emotional levels.
Determined that although both children have been exposed to the family violence, there is no clear determinant of how they will respond to the situation due to mitigating internal processes.
Explored the issues of gender, diversity, and ethics within the intervention approaches.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


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