Page Autobiography Paper Due Tonight !

Family History Autobiography

Your Autobiography must be 3 typed pages in length.

There are many different types of families, each of which is equally viable as a supportive, caring unit. Identify which type of family unit you grew up in: nuclear, extended, blended or step, single parent, adopted or foster, grandparent, gay/lesbian, or other. Families sometimes change as we are growing up for example, it starts out nuclear and a divorce, death, elderly Grandparent may change the family unit. Trace how your family of origin has evolved citing important facts like heritage, family beliefs, values, religion, and relevant events or experiences in your life. Include your earliest memory, significant events (highs and lows), most memorable moment, any turning points/ life changing “Aha’s”, where you are now, and hopes for your own future family and possible marriage and children.


[ This is my life ]

I am a first generation college student.

Im a singer actor and dancer

I come from a nuclear family mom, dad, sister.

My parents immigrated from Ghana West Africa.

Back in Africa I have many family members and some of them I don’t know.

Because my family in from Ghana west Africa they are very traditional and not really americanized

My family is very religious and we are christian

[ memorable event ]

At the age of 16 I was on a Disney channel show and because of that me and my family traveled a lot that year and it helped us bond.

[ Events that happened in my life ]

I was born in Brooklyn Ny

My family and I moved To NJ at the age of 5

I then went on to elementary school, middle school, high school, and now collage.

[ Future family ]

I hope to oneway have a beautiful wife with two kids and raise them together in a a good town.

I hope to be very financially stable so that my kids don’t worry about money like I did.

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Use of Informatics in Professional Nursing (1)

Question description

Hi everyone,

Informatics and technology in my nursing practice is very important because it allows me to able to access my patient’s electronic health record. Accessing a patient’s electronic health record allows me to see their lab values, vital signs, nursing orders, pass medications using the MAR, and document accordingly. We still use paper methods for certain situations; However, I think that in the future we will continue to steer away from paper methods and have complete electronic access. As electronic access continues to improve within all the different systems used between hospitals, it may ultimately expand globally. Thus, improving the continuity of care.

As stated in our lesson this week, nursing informatics is designed to “improve the health population, communities, families and individuals by optimizing information management and communication” (Massachusetts Action Coalition Future of Nursing, 2016, p. 12). However, ethical issues might arise from the use of technology and informatics. Examples include, but are not limited to a breach in confidentiality, wrongfully accessing information, and losing data that is pertinent to patient care (Hood, 2018, p. 374-375).

Research by Jelec, Sukalic, & Friganovic (2016), states that the greatest challenge that nurses face with modern technology is finding a balance between technology and human interaction (p. 26). I find this statement to be particularly interesting because it something I know I have a hard time balancing. How many times have I been guilty of being caught up with trying to complete my charting, especially on a busy day that I forget to take the time to sit down and have a conversation with my patients? As technology continues to improve, I can see this balance continue to be an issue between patients and healthcare professionals.

One of my greatest challenge when I started nursing was getting use to our data system. I remember it taking my a while to get familiar with the data system and knowing where I could access certain resources, such as our online drug information and policies within the network. I now believe on of my greatest challenges in the use of informatics and technology within my practice is the “unknown”. I want to know how my patient, who may have been transferred to higher level of care, is doing. However, once the patient is no longer in my care I am not allowed to access their medical record because it would violate HIPAA.

To add on to Professor Zeisler’s statement, I too have had the same concerns. I have across charting on a patient and have noted certain things, that are quite noticeable when assessing a patient, but no one has documented accordingly. It makes me wonder, are nurses truly assessing the patient or are you just in a hurry to finish your charting and mistakenly select WDL? In response to all the concerns that nurses have had in regards to our electronic system, we have frequent updates to make our charting more “user friendly”.


Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Jelec, K., Sukalic, S., & Friganovic, A. (2016) Nursing and Implementation of Modern Technology. Signa Vitae, 12(1), 23-27.

Massachusetts Action Coalition Future of Nursing (2016). The Massachusetts Nursing Core Competencies: A toolkit for implementation in education and practice settings. (2nd ed.). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Answer To A Peer With Two Paragraph



The reply post should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be supported with evidenced based peer reviewed journals.

Support answers with two cited peer reviewed journals no older than 5 years.

Peer: Sany:

Nurse practitioners play an important role in patient education. Having advanced practice nurses on staff has documented positive effects on patients and staffing. Advanced practice nurses can help avoid cursory patient-doctor interactions that could result in confusion and adverse drug reactions.

Healthcare facilities are often overstaffed, and this can cause nurses or doctors to rush from patient to patient, which can result in patients not fully understanding medication directions. Having more highly educated nurses at a hospital or healthcare facility means that the staff can devote more time to patients across the board, so all staff can spend more time with patients explaining medication and what adverse side effects are possible. A qualitative study of interpersonal roles among healthcare workers and nurse practitioners revealed that the most significant effect other staff members perceive when a nurse practitioner joins their team is that their workload is eased and this allows them the opportunity to provide better quality care (Hurlock-Chorostecki, Forchuk, Orchard, Reeves, &Van Soeren, 2013).

In a qualitative study of nurse practitioner’s attitudes toward their roles, many participants expressed a desire to fill gaps in existing programs and stressed the importance of coming up with creative solutions to fill these gaps. The majority of participants also

stressed the importance of direct patient care. The results indicate that advanced practice nurses want to be involved at the staff level and want to use their knowledge to make their interactions with patients more meaningful, improving overall care (Hurlock-

Chorostecki et al., 2014). Direct patient interaction with staff member who are focused on quality outcomes and willing to spend more time with patients one-on-one could result in better understanding of medication instructions and adverse effects which could in turn

reduce instances of adverse reactions

Hurlock-Chorostecki, C., Forchuk, C., Orchard, C., Reeves, S., and Van Soeren, M. (2013). The value of the hospital-based nurse practitioner role: development of a team perspective framework. Journal of Interpersonal Care, 27 (6), 501-508. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2013.796915

Hurlock-Chorostecki, C., Forchuk, C., Orchard, C., Van Soeren, M., and Reeves, S. (2014). Labour saver or building a cohesive interprofessional team? The role of the nurse practitioner within hospitals. Journal of Interpersonal Care, 28 (3), 260-266. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2013.867838

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Death Dying Grief

Please follow directions or wil disput!!!

400 words minimum for original post

respond to each student with a minimum of 200 words

page 1- Original forum and references

page 2- Response to student and references if used

page3- Response to studen and references if used

Original Forum

when you think about death, dying and grief, what do those words trigger for you?  Are you able to set your feelings and emotions aside when you need to, is this something you are actively working on, or have you yet had experience separating yourself from grief in a professional role?  Any answer is the right answer….part of the experience of this class is to figure out where we are with our comfort levels and our abilities to separate ourselves from our work.  Be honest, and don’t be afraid to explore whatever thoughts come to mind when you think about working with children experiencing grief!

Student posts


My name is Chelsea Conover.  I am from New Jersey and looking to pursue a career as a Child Life Specialist.  I have always had a love for children and knew I wanted to work with them.  I received my bachelors in psychology in 2016.  I then when onto a master’s program in clinical mental health counseling.  I aspired to become a child and adolescent counselor.  Unfortunately, that was not completely for me.  While I was in my masters program, I also worked as a pre-school teacher.  I absolutely loved it.  I learned a lot of great skills to meet children’s social, emotional, and cognitive needs.  It also assured my love for working with children.  While I knew I wanted to work with children, I was still unsure of what path I wanted to take.  After extensive research, I learned about the Child Life position.  It felt ‘right’ for me.  Learning about it got me excited.  In the beginning of August I began volunteering at Cooper University Hospital in the Child Life unit.  I absolutely love it and cannot wait to continue this journey!

When I think about death, I think of the words shock, numbness, confusion, and sadness.  These words are specific to me because that is what I felt when I lost my best friend.  Just under two years ago, my best friend since childhood was struck by a driver who ran a red light while she was crossing the cross walk.  It was abrupt and tragic.  My mind could not completely comprehend it for a while.  When the sadness started kicking in I began to run (as I was a collegiate runner) and it really helped me cope.  I ran a half marathon in her favorite city (Philly) for her.  I still visit her mom and we talk about her.  I also do a ‘the donor dash’ every year with her other close friends and family.  Keeping her name/memory a live has really helped me cope and I do not feel in will affect me professionally.  As a child life specialist I must keep in mind the way I coped and responded to my personal loss may be way different from the way a patient and their family may deal and respond to death.  People respond to loss in different ways, and no two people grieve in the same way (Grief and Bereavement Education and Support, n.d).

The only thing that may be difficult for me is working with the parents who lost/ or have a terminally ill child.  Losing a child is frequently called the ultimate tragedy.  I have personally witnessed the awful pain and despair parents go through when losing a child after seeing my best friend’s parents go through it.  However, I am excited to learn skills that can help me help families better cope with their child’s death.  Additionally, I am excited to develop skills on how to respond to families who have different views and religious backgrounds.  My best friend’s parents have agnostic views, as I come from a Christian background.  I always have to remain mindful and considerate of their views and not push my own onto them.  At times it is difficult as I find peace in believing she is in happy and in heaven and they believe she is just gone.  As I respect their views, I sometimes find it difficult in what to say and provide comfort.  However, I found talking about fun memories we had with her is what helps them cope best.

Grief and Bereavement Education and Support. (n.d). Retrieved October, 2018, from


I’m Courtney, and I’m from Denver, CO. My road to Child Life has kind of been a weird one. I graduated from Colorado State University with a B.A. in Journalism and a B.A. in Spanish. I moved to Spain right after graduating to teach English at an elementary school in Barcelona – the most incredible experience in my lifetime thus far. After I moved back, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life (we’ve all been there, right?). I was working for the Make A Wish Foundation and had a blast. I then switched gears and got a job at Children’s Hospital Colorado working as a Patient Advocate, which leads me to today. I work with families/patients who have issues or concerns with the way treatment is going or has gone. I’m also the Assistant Director of a summer camp for kids that have cancer. I started this program around the same time I started working at the hospital. It didn’t take me long to figure out I want to work with and around children for the rest of my life. It’s been tricky figuring out in what way, though.

Working in Child Life, I hope to comfort and lift the spirits of children as they’ve done for me so many times. Kids can teach us more about life than any adult if you ask me. I hope to provide efficient and meaningful family-centered care that opens up families’ minds to the healthcare setting and how to navigate it. A medical setting is nerve-wracking for almost anyone, let alone a child or the mother/father of that child. I’m excited to gain expertise in siblings and how another child’s illness can permanently affect the life of their family members.

My current job and working in the summer camp have enhanced my skill to separate grief from my professional work. I’ve worked with a lot of families who have lost or are expecting to lose a child. I’ve learned to set emotions aside and comfort them to my strongest professional ability – it’s times like these when families need every person around them to be on their A game. That isn’t to say I don’t bring work home with me, though. I’m confident in my ability to handle grief and emotion appropriately while in the situation, but it does affect me when I get home sometimes. I think that makes me human! I am proud of my connection to my work, but I’m excited for this class to teach me about how others process grief, how grief rolls through support systems, and how I can help facilitate that grief in any way as a CCLS.

Cheers, folks!

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Reflecting On General Education

This is 4 separate assignments. Please do not combine them



For this discussion

  • Define, describe, and explain the principles of critical thinking.
  • Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library, and find an example of good, careful (critical) thinking, and explain why you think it exemplifies strong critical thinking skills. Post a link or reference information for that source, describe the content, and explain how it is a good example of critical thinking.
  • Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library and find an example that lacks good, careful (critical thinking). Post a link or reference information for that source, describe the content, and explain why you think it demonstrates poor critical thinking skills.
  • Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references.
  • Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length



Share your progress on the Final Research Project, including the following:

  • Identify the Final Research Project topic. What influenced you to make this choice?
  • Describe your rationale for selecting that topic in relation to your academic and career pursuits.
  • Provide your thesis statement.
  • Discuss interesting finds and/or frustrations that you have encountered in your research.
  • Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.



Explain what you have learned about the principles guiding general education from this course and the courses you have taken in the past:

  • What are the most important concepts you have learned (a) from this course and (b) throughout your time as a university student?
  • Why do you think obtaining knowledge from general education courses is important?
  • What are your plans for putting your education to use within your community?
  • How might your newly acquired knowledge and skills shape your personal and professional development?
  • Support your claims with examples from required material(s) or at least two scholarly sources, and properly cite any references.
  • Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length




The topic of your project needs to be a contemporary societal problem, such as healthcare reform, immigration reform, privacy rights, euthanasia, First Amendment Rights, stem cell research, capital punishment, corporate prisons, legalizing drugs, ageism, animal rights, cloning, prayer in schools, racial profiling, recycling/conservation, sexism, outsourcing jobs, workplace bullying, etc. The topic must focus on a single aspect, as in “How far do corporations intrude into the private lives of their employers?” or “The social costs of financing the distribution of custom-designed drugs.” You may suggest another topic to use, but the instructor must approve the topic during the Week Two Discussion.

The Final Research Project will present research relating the responsibilities of a critical thinker to contemporary society. In this assignment, you will do the following:

  • Research one aspect of a contemporary social problem.
  • Define the problem.
  • Propose a possible solution for the problem.
  • Create an argument that supports your thesis position. You should take on the perspective of a critically thinking researcher. The argument must present a thesis statement and evidence to support the thesis statement.
  • Evaluate the ethical outcomes that result from the position you take on the issue and explain how those outcomes would influence society and culture.
  • Interpret statistical data from at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources.
  • Evaluate evidence using the following standards: validity, reliability, and bias related to the chosen topic and accurately identify strengths and weaknesses.

Research and Define the Problem
You must take on the perspective of your major field of study and explain in your paper what that perspective is and how it informs your view of the topic. The topics listed above are far too broad to write about in 10–12 pages (3,300–3,900 words). Instead, you must choose a narrowly defined thesis and approach it from the perspective of your field.

Example: If you are an economics major, and you are interested in immigration reform, you should approach a very specific aspect of immigration reform through the lens of economic theory and practice. A specific thesis question would not be, “How does illegal immigration influence the U.S. economy?” One could write thousands of pages on such a topic. Instead, a better question would be, “How do illegal immigrant hotel workers in Chicago impact the economy of Northern Illinois?” You would then want to do the research and determine the positive and negative impacts they have, ultimately trying to conclude how illegal immigration in this area should be approached ethically.

How to Hone Your Thesis: It is important that you start your research early in this course. Try to find the most important contemporary questions and theories in your field of study and then align the most important questions with a very specific aspect of the general topics above. For example, if you are a psychology major, you might want to start thinking within the realm of healthcare reform or aspects of mental health and criminality in the prison system.

Your Argument
You must present a complete argument, including a major claim with at least five points of evidence, information, or data that will prove the claim.

  • The thesis statement must be
    • A clear, simple declarative sentence as the first or last sentence in the opening paragraph of the essay.
    • Of such a nature that it can be substantiated, corroborated, verified, and proved through appeal to primary or secondary academic research source materials.
  • The introductory paragraph must
    • Present the thesis statement, an explanation for the importance of the topic, and its relation to the student’s field of study.
  • Beliefs, opinions, and personal opinions must not be introduced at any point in the essay.
  • All beliefs and opinions should be supported with academic evidence. Sweeping generalizations with no supporting academicevidence do not reflect adequate critical thinking skills.
  • Do not include rhetorical questions in your essays. All the questions that are pertinent to your project need to be answered in your essay and your answers again need to be supported with evidence from peer-reviewed journal articles and academically published books.

Attributes of Good Critical Thinking in Papers

  • Your paper should include academic sources that explain multiple sides of the issue.
  • The evidence that you use should come from high-level researchers engaged in your field of study.
  • Your interpretations of the evidence should be objective and state the conclusions and theses presented in the evidence clearly and fairly.
  • Your paper should place the various forms of evidence in relation to one another and demonstrate why one form or perspective is stronger than the other positions that one could take on the issue.
  • Your paper should point out the limitations of current evidence and attempt to indicate areas for future research.

Ethical Outcomes of the Position You Take
After you have defined the problem and created an argument about how one ought to respond to the issue, you need to explain the ethical outcomes of the position you have taken. This should again be in relation to the field of study in which you are working. There might be different ethical outcomes that result from your analysis. For example, going back to the example issue above, from an economic standpoint, illegal immigrants might contribute positively to the economy of Northern Illinois in a specific number of ways. Thus, an economist who believes that positive impact to the economy is the greatest good would say that one should promote the use of illegal immigrants. However, because these workers are often paid less than others and eliminate jobs that could be done by residents of Chicago, there could be other negative ethical outcomes that would outweigh the positive impacts to the economy. It is your goal to draw out the ethical implications of your thesis and explain the underlying rationale that is the foundation for your claim that one action is better than another.

  • Critical thinkers are those who can outline the positive and negative ethical impacts of their positions. In addition, they are able to provide a rationale for why they believe a specific position is the right position, even when it leads to negative outcomes.
  • Critical thinkers are also able to be honest and objective about the limitations and gray areas that pertain to their theses.

Final Research Project Requirements
The Final Research Project may be presented as a formal research paper (essay format), a PowerPoint presentation, a video, or a podcast equivalent to a minimum of 10 – 12 pages in APA format (approximately 3,300 – 3,900 typewritten words, excluding title page and reference pages). Written essays must adhere to all APA formatting standards and requirements, as outlined in PowerPoint presentations must include the full text (at least 3,300 words) in the speaker notes portion of the slides, with appropriate citations, and full reference pages. PowerPoint presentations must adhere to the basic principles of PowerPoint presentation design and must include citations and references according to APA standards and requirements.

Videos and podcasts must include a full transcript, in APA format, including appropriate in-text citations and a references page.

There must be no more than 15% quoted content in the body of your essay. All quoted material must bear quotation marks and a full quotation citation.

Source Documents:

  • There must be 10 or more source documents used, cited, and referenced.
  • Multimedia sources (such as videos) may be used, but no more than two such sources may be used. If multimedia sources are used, then they must be authored and distributed by credible sources, such as universities, law schools, medical schools, or professors, or found in the Ashford University Library.
  • Where print documents are used for source materials, those must be peer-reviewed, scholarly journal articles, and academically published books. Popular media sources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television and radio shows, etc.) may not be used. Materials from advocacy groups (e.g., Greenpeace, Human Rights Campaign, National Organization for Women, etc.) may not be used.
  • Two of the peer-reviewed scholarly sources used must include statistical evidence, which must be accurately interpreted.
  • Sites such as and Wikipedia should not be used.
  • Religious texts are neither peer-reviewed nor scholarly and so may not be used in any way.

Summary Conclusion:
You must have a summary conclusion as the last paragraph(s) of the project, presenting the major point of the essay and the evidence supporting that point.

Word Count:
The content body of the project must be 3,300 words or more. The word count does not include anything in the title page, running header, or reference list. It is expected that you meet all logistical requirements of this paper.

Reference List:

  • The list of references must include only those source documents that are cited within the body of the project.
  • The project must fully comply with APA formatting standards


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Read carefully and answer ALL questions, Rubric attached along with graph excel. NO PLAGARISM: Turnitin will be checking.

Use qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the effectiveness of behavior analytic programs.

You have another Assignment in your role as an intern at Acme Behavior Consultation.

Pathways is an alternative high school. Pathways allows students with behavior challenges to complete their high school experience with a more flexible and positive approach. Their mission is to create an environment that allows students to consistently exceed expectations, maintain high levels of student and family satisfaction, and meet cost effectiveness standards. They strive to provide the highest education possible to students from a variety of communities and cultural backgrounds.

Acme, Inc., assisted Pathways with the creation of individual behavior intervention plans (BIP) for students displaying high levels of inappropriate behaviors. In addition, ACME used a behaviorally based training procedure to train all staff on the basics of ABA and how to implement each BIP.

A behavior management division headed by a full time behavior specialist at the school is responsible for implementing the plans that were originally created in collaboration with Pathways’ staff. In addition, Acme isresponsible for ongoing staff training and monitoring the effectiveness of each plan.

You are asked to do a follow up to determine the success of the procedures that were put inplace. In addition, you were asked to conduct some Inter-observer Agreement(IOA) probes and determine whetherthe staff has maintained the skills taught during training.

You are provided with a variety of data to analyze and will need to use the data to determine the effectiveness of the current interventions.

The behavior specialist has been collecting and compiling data and presents them in the figures that are located in the attachment.

Below is a list of the figures contained in the Document:(See attachment)

Figure 1: Summary of comments from staff questionnaires related to the success of the intervention and satisfaction with training.

Figure 2: Line graph of the frequency of aggressive behaviors incidents for the entire school reported before(Baseline) and after (Treatment) the program began

Figure 3: Frequency data from an observation session with two different teachers and one student’s behavior. Figure 3 reflects the frequency of physical aggression during the sessions.

Figure 4: Data from Staff Integrity Checklist.

You must now review the data and present a summary of your findings to your supervisor at ACME, Inc., as well as the school. You should include the following in your summary:

  1. For all Figures:
    1. Determine the purpose and importance of the data above by discussing how it can be used in the program evaluation process. Discuss the importance of data collection and analysis in program design and evaluation.
    2. Identify the data collected as either “quantitative” or “qualitative.” Discuss whether the type of data is appropriate for the context of the evaluation.
  2. For Figure 1:
    1. Discuss the overall purpose of this data and how it should be used in analyzing the effectiveness of the program.
    2. Using the data contained in this figure, discuss the implications with regard to the effectiveness of the program.
  3. For Figure 2:
    1. Use visual analysis and discuss the level, trend, and variability of the challenging behavior incidents reported during baseline (before) and treatment (after the intervention).
    2. Using the data, describe the effect that the intervention had on the frequency of behavior incidents within Pathways.
    3. Considering the level of data, as well as any trends in the data, discuss the effectiveness of the program.
  4. For Figure 3:
    1. Calculate the total frequency of physical aggression for each observer.
    2. Using the total count method of IOA, calculate the percentage of Inter-observer Agreement.
    3. Discuss the result of IOA.
      1. Is the IOA percentage within the acceptable range?
      2. Discuss what changes should be considered in relation to increase the IOA percentage. If changes are not necessary discuss what factors contribute to high percentage of Inter-observer agreement.
    4. Discuss how IOA measures can be used to assist with determining the effectiveness of the program.
  5. For Figure 4:
    1. Calculate the percent correct results of the treatment integrity checklist before intervention, one day after intervention, and at the 3-month follow up.
      • This is the total factors with a “Yes” out of the total number of factors, multiplied by 100.
    2. Relate these treatment integrity measures to the effectiveness of the program.
    3. Discuss the importance of treatment integrity in relation to the success of behavior management programs.

You should not create an intervention or suggestions for intervention. Focus on discussing the effectiveness of the program based on the data provided. You can comment on whether or not additional interventions are needed. You can also indicate if you feel something specific needs to be evaluated in relation to that area.

Your paper should be a minimum of 4–5 pages in length, include proper APA formatting (including properly formatted headings for each section of your plan), and include at least two academic references (including references from: Johnson C.M., Mawhinney, T. C., & Redmon, W.K. (2001). Handbook of organizational performance: Behavior analysis and management.

Your Assignment should include:

  • Title Page
  • Reference Page
  • Main body of the paper (3–4 pages)
  • Properly formatted headings for each section of your plan
  • At least two academic references (including your course text)
  • Correct APA Style formatting for in-paper cites
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Disseminating The EBP Project

Disseminating EBP Projects

Many factors influence how successfully an EBP Project is implemented and evaluated. As noted in this week’s Learning Resources, using a translation framework can facilitate effective implementation and the evaluation of outcomes.
For this assignment you will prepare a scholarly product that reports the results and implications of your project to designed audience.  The scholarly product for dissemination reports the results and implications of your project to a specified audience. Your scholarly product may be in the form of a project summary and evaluation report, poster presentation, program evaluation report, or a media or technology-based deliverable.

To prepare for this week’s section of Application 5:

  • Reflect      on the definitions and criteria for scholarship presented in the Learning      Resources and in your weekly discussions.
  • Consider      AACN’s definition of scholarship and their vision of the role of the      DNP-prepared nurse in furthering nursing scholarship.

The full Application 5 is due by Tuesday 11/06/18 of this week. Instructions for how to prepare for previous sections of this Application have been provided in Weeks 9 and 10

To complete:

Assignment 5: Disseminating the EBP Project

For this assignment you will prepare a scholarly product that reports the results and implications of your project to designed audience.  The scholarly product for dissemination reports the results and implications of your project to a specified audience. Your scholarly product may be in the form of a project summary and evaluation report,  poster presentation, program evaluation report, or a media or technology-based deliverable, Your scholarly product must include the following:

  • Background,      Purpose, and Nature of the Project (2 points)
    Describe the larger problem or issue you explored in your DNP Project.      Identify your practice-focused question. Explain how this problem or issue      affects nursing practice and the overall health care system, and describe      how your DNP Project explored possible strategies for addressing the      problem or issue.
  • Evidence      (2 points)

Identify the practice setting and context in which you conducted your project, a summary of the evidence supporting the project, and the process for implementation and evaluation.

  • Presentation      of Results (2 points)

Explain the results of your DNP Project and recommendations for change that you made to the organization

Required Readings

White, K. M., Dudley-Brown, S. & Terhan, M.F. (2016). Translation of evidence into nursing and health care practice (2nd ed.) New York, NY: Springer.

Chapter 18, Dissemination of Evidence (SEE ATTACHED FILE).

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (1999). Defining scholarship for the discipline of nursing. Retrieved from

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from

Boyer, E. L. (1992). Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate. Issues in Accounting Education, 7(1), 87-91.

Carina, K., Chan, Y., Oldenburg, B., & Kasisomayajula, V. (2015). Advancing the science of dissemination and implementation in behavioral medicine: Evidence and progress. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 22, 277-282 doi 10.1007/s12529-015-9490-2

Glassick, C. E. (2000). Boyer’s expanded definitions of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship, and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching. Academic Medicine, 75(9), 877-880. Retrieved from article.pdf

Lane, J.P. & Stone, V.J. (2015). Comparing three knowledge communication strategies – diffusion, dissemination and translation – through randomized controlled studies. Assistive Technology doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-566-1-92

Leeman, J., Myers, A.E.,Ribisl, K.M.,& Ammerman, A.S. (2015). Disseminating policy and environmental change interventions: Insights from obesity prevention and tobacco control. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 22:301–311 doi 10.1007/s12529-014-9427-1

Rieger, K. & Schultz, A.S. (2014). Exploring arts-based knowledge translation: Sharing research findings through performing the patterns, rehearsing the results, staging the synthesis. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(2), 133–139.

Tricco, a.C., Ashoor, H.M., Cardoso, R., MacDonald, H., Cogo, E., Kastner, M., Perrier, L., McKibbon, A., Grimshaw, J.M. & Straus, S.E. (2016). Sustainability of knowledge translation interventions in healthcare decision making: a scoping review. Implementation Science, 11(55) doi 10.1186/s13012-016-0421-7

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My Capstone Practicum Topic Is Childhood Obesity.

My Capstone Practicum topic is childhood obesity. 

In collaboration with your approved course mentor, you will identify a specific evidence-based practice proposal topic for the capstone project. Consider the clinical environment in which you are currently working or have recently worked. The capstone project topic can be a clinical practice problem, an organizational issue, a quality improvement suggestion, a leadership initiative, or an educational need appropriate to your area of interest as well as your practice immersion (practicum) setting. Examples of the integration of community health, leadership, and an EBP can be found on the “Educational and Community-Based Programs” page of the Healthy People 2020 website.

Write a 500-750-word description of your proposed capstone project topic. Make sure to include the following:

1. The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project

2. The setting or context in which the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need can be observed.

3. A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.

4. Impact of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes.

5. Significance of the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need and its implications to nursing.

6. A proposed solution to the identified project topic

You are required to retrieve and assess a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles.  An abstract is not required.

This is also a useful website, navigate for each scholar article:

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Health Information Technology

Background and Reference Material

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) sets standards for the United States, and especially for the Federal government. The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (“FISMA”) required risk-based management of security for Federal information systems. NIST produced a Guide for Conducting Risk Assessmentsin 2002 that was revised in 2012.

You will find the revised guide here:

Although the PDF document is about 100 pages, there are only 38 pages in the guide proper. You will need to review at least a few of the appendices for this assignment in addition to reading the Guide.

You can find more background material with Google and especially Good Scholar. Please note that you can set a date range with Google Scholar, and so get only material published after the rule changes were announced. Try to find at least one publication that is a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Questions to answer:

  1. What was the target audience of this document, and how does it apply to health care institutions? To vendors of health care information technology? [25 point]
  2. What are the key concepts of risk, risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication? [25 point]
  3. What are the essential elements of a risk assessment reports? [25 point]
  4. Appendix D of the Guide divides threat sources into categories of adversarial, accidental, structural, and environmental. Based on your reading to date, which category to you believe represents the biggest danger to health information technology? Support your choice with arguments from the Guide and at least one other source. [25 point]

Submission requirements:

  1. Times New Roman, 12 font size, Double-space, Margin 1″. No more than 4 pages not counting the “Works Cited” page.
  2. Be sure to have in-text citation, and Works Cited page. You can use Google Scholar or other online citation generation tools to generate citation in MLA format.
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Stereotypes Set By Culture And Society

Sociology came into existence in the 19th century to explain the enormous changes occasioned by the Industrial Revolution, urbanization, and an individualistic mind-set. Unlike agrarian communities, the emerging urban populations were large, numbering in the tens of thousands.

These city dwellers neither grew their own food nor knew each other. In characterizing individuals, they found it convenient to speak in categories or stereotypes. According to the structural-functional perspective, stereotypes served an important communication function, helping them to compare and contrast groups.

The social-conflict perspective, on the other hand, argues that stereotypes serve the needs of those groups and categories benefitting from social inequality. Stereotypes help dominant groups to contrast social categories and to justify subordinating the less powerful. Furthermore, by lumping subordinate groups into faceless statistical categories, members of the dominant group dissipate the guilt they would have felt were they dealing with the subordinate categories as individuals.

Based on your readings, the online lectures, and your understanding of the above-noted issues, prepare a response to the following question:


Is it possible to speak of ethnic groups in America in terms other than stereotypes?

Create a response in 3 paragraphs to the discussion question. Cite sources and include references in your response.

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