Parenting Styles Cfc

Parenting styles and parenting interventions are very important and often debated. There seems to be a new opinion each year on the best way to help raise responsible and healthy children. It is important then to use scientific data rather than anecdotal evidence to make our decisions and to suggest interventions to others.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the various parenting styles, such as authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved, and various parenting interventions, such as time out/in, loss of privilege, and ignoring. Then, do the following:

  • Choose one of the following situations:
    • Your three-year-old son refuses to eat his dinner and cries at the table for you to feed him.
    • Your six- and seven-year-old stepdaughters have been arguing the last two days and have been unusually quarrelsome with you.
    • Your ten-year-old adopted son had put his head down on the table and refused to do his homework. When you told him he has to complete it, he starts throwing anything he can get his hands on. (You have other children in the room.)
    • Your twelve-year-old daughter has been forgetting things at school and home, and now has begun to forget to do her chores as well.
  • Considering that all behavior has meaning in a larger context, explain what the message might be behind this behavior before implementing a strategy.
  • Select the parenting style that may best suit the situation and apply one or more parenting interventions you discovered in your research to your chosen situation.
  • Explain why this is the best style and technique and what type of result (in the child’s behavior) might occur. Is this the parenting style you would use? Why or why not?

Write your initial response in a minimum of 300–400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources, including use of in-text citations and full references. Incorporate information from at least two academic sources to support your statements or ideas. Academic sources could include your textbook, required readings for this week, or academic journal articles found in the Argosy University online library.

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Literature Review for the Intervention Proposal

Week 3 – Assignment

Literature Review for the Intervention Proposal

In Week One, you created an annotated bibliography. It is now time to take that research and begin working on your Intervention Proposal. One of the main components of an intervention proposal is the literature review. This week you will be drafting a portion of the literature review that you will include in your Week Six Intervention Proposal. For this week, choose three to four articles that include in a mini literature review that you will build on during Week Six to complete your Intervention Proposal. These articles should all be recent (published within the past 10 years). You should also cite other material (e.g., seminal works about the theories) as appropriate.

In your literature review:

  • State your thesis statement that is your professional opinion.
  • Briefly explain the organization of the paper. For example, if there is a major controversy in this literature, briefly describe the controversy and state that you will present research supporting first one side, and then the other. Or, if three methodologies have been used to address the question, briefly describe them and then state that you will compare the results obtained by the three methods.
  • Begin by broadly discussing the literature. Then, narrow your review to the studies that are most related to your research question. Your literature review should resemble a funnel – wide (broad) at the top and narrow (focused) at the bottom.
    • Ensure that at least one article (but no more than two) supports the opposing side to your thesis.
    • Describe studies in enough detail that the reader has a general sense of the study’s hypothesis, methods, and findings.
    • Evaluate the studies. Do not provide article summaries; rather, provide descriptive and scholarly evaluations of the research.
  • Discuss implications of studies (i.e., your judgment of what the studies show and where to go from here). It is common (and often better) to combine the description and evaluation sections. If you do combine them, do not forget to evaluate them.
  • State your conclusion that reaffirms your professional opinion.

The literature review must be four to six pages, excluding title and reference pages, and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment

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Critical Thinkink PART 2 DR DAN ONLY

Assignment 1.2: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part II
Synthesizing and Writing
Due Week 4 and worth 100 points

When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking.

The assignment is divided into two (2) parts.
For Part I of the assignment (due Week 2), you read a book excerpt about critical thinking processes, reviewed the Website in order to gather information, and engaged in prewriting to examine your thoughts.
* Remember that in the Week 2 Discussion, you examined the biases discussed in Chapter 2 of the webtext.

In Part II of the assignment (due Week 4), you will write a paper to synthesize your ideas.
Part II – Writing
Write at three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
1. State your position on the topic you selected for Assignment 1.1.
2. Identify (3) three premises (reasons) from the website that support your position    and explain why you selected these specific reasons.
3. Explain your answers to the “believing” questions about the three (3) premises opposing your position from the website.
4. Examine at least two (2) types of biases that you likely experienced as you evaluated the premises for and against your position.
5. Discuss the effects of your own enculturation or group identification that may have influenced your biases.
6. Discuss whether or not your thinking about the topic has changed after playing the “Believing Game,” even if your position on the issue has stayed the same.

The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:

  • Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph.
  • Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences.
  • Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Identify the informal fallacies, assumptions, and biases involved in manipulative appeals and abuses of language.
  • Create written work utilizing the concepts of critical thinking.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in critical thinking skills and informal logic.

Click here to view the grading rubric..

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Design Thinking process: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype

Question description

40 points!!!

Get started now, because it is a lot of work. Due Tuesday AFTER Spring Break. Woo hoo!

For the next two weeks you are going to work on designing and prototyping a device that Michael Johnson, an auto racer who is confined to a wheelchair, can use to shovel snow in his driveway. As I explained in class (and in the video below), you will be using the Design Thinking Process for Innovation to generate a solution.


Complete the four phases below. (we will not be doing phase 5, Test, that is in the diagram above)

Who you are helping: People with limited mobility who need a wheelchair who have trouble putting on pants.

You MUST design your solution with these constraints:

  1. The person does not have any leg mobility.
  2. They use a wheel chair, either manually or motorized, but your solution must benefit both audiences
  3. The person cannot lift or push themselves up with their arms. They don’t have the strength.
  4. They must be able to do this alone, and at a somewhat normal speed, like anyone else.
  5. Your final invention should not cost the user more than $200.
  6. Your final solution can NOT already exist in ANY FORM. For instance, you can’t have them just wiggle into pants while lying on the bed or pay someone to come help you. There are devices that exist, so don’t use those. They don’t meet all the constraints.

Michael Johnson spoke to CAS 110 students about his experience and the difficulties of maneuvering in a wheelchair. Michael broke his back racing motorcycles when he was 12-years-old. Now he races fast cars, thanks to modern technology. (Michael’s cool 🙂

EMPATHY (put yourself in the user’s shoes)

Before you can design a solution for someone, you need to learn about understand them, their lives and the challenges they face.

This requires RESEARCH of all kinds, including:

  • spend time in an ordinary chair and try putting pants on without much arm strength. Use a wheelchair if you can find one.
  • visit the library and ask their expert and helpful librarians for materials surrounding mobility
  • interview someone confined to a wheelchair
  • search the web for answers.

NOTE, EMPATHY IS NOT ABOUT YOUR INTUITION OR IMAGINING WHAT THE PERSON GOES THROUGH, so don’t list what you think about the questions below I won’t count them, although these can be clues that inform your search for real answers.

Write 10 facts total about (5 for Mobility and 5 for Physics)

  1. MobilityWrite and number at least five full sentences describing some of the mobility challenges someone in a wheelchair has, particularly when putting on pants, in or out of the wheelchair. (You can try it yourself and explain what you went through.
  2. PhysicsWrite and number least five full sentences explaining some of the of the physical forces involved that would prevent someone seated from being able to cover their lower body. Don’t make this stuff up. Research it.

UNDER EACH OF THESE TEN FACTS YOU MUST EXPLAIN WHERE PROVIDE THE SOURCE: If you do not include where you got a fact, you will NOT get credit for that entry.

  • Include links, if relevant.
  • Include article or book titles, if relevant.
  • If you interviewed someone, put their name and contact info.
  • If you tried to do the task yourself (highly recommended) in a wheelchair or a chair, explain the circumstances and include a SELFIE photo with you in action.

DEFINE (Write a single “problem statement” in the form of a question. What are you really trying to solve?)


Once you have a general understanding of the needs of the user from Phase 1, Consider the problem you are trying to solve, which was said to be how a person with limited mobility can put on pants.

As yourself questions like:

  • Do they have to wear the same kind of pants others put on?
  • Do they have to be in a wheelchair to put them on?
  • What are you really trying to achieve? What is at the core of what a person in a wheelchair needs? To cover up their legs with what appear to be pants?

Once you determine the breadth of the problem, ask a question that is open-ended, that could suggest many possible solutions. For instance, if you ask how someone could put on pants while in a wheelchair, then you have already built a part of the solution into the question: 1) you’re defining pants in a conventional way and 2) saying they must do it in a wheelchair. Think of a broader way to ask “define” the problem, the challenge. What is it that a person with limited mobility REALLY NEEDS? Ask a question like that.

Another example, not pants related, if you ask how the city can build a bridge across a river, you can pretty much guarantee they’re going to wind up with a bridge. But if you ask, instead, a broader, more open-ended question, like, “How can we get people and vehicles across the river?”, you would get many other ideas, like tunnels, ferries, slingshots and the like.


What Makes a Good Problem Statement? (from

Define exactly what the problem is that you were trying to solve using the guidelines below.


A problem statement is important to a Design Thinking project, because it will guide you and provides a focus on the specific needs that you have uncovered. It also creates a sense of possibility and optimism that allows you to spark off ideas in the Ideation stage, which is the third and following stage in the Design Thinking process.


A good problem statement should thus have the following traits. It should be:


• Human-centred. This requires you to frame your problem statement according to specific users, their needs and the insights that your team has gained in the Empathise phase. The problem statement should be about the people the team is trying to help, rather than focussing on technology, monetary returns or product specifications.


• Broad enough for creative freedom. This means that the problem statement should not focus too narrowly on a specific method regarding the implementation of the solution (such as, “How can I design a better shovel?” If you ask for a shovel, you’re going to get a shovel. How can you better ask this to allow many other possible solutions?) The problem statement should also not list technical requirements, as this would unnecessarily restrict the team and prevent them from exploring areas that might bring unexpected value and insight to the project.


• Narrow enough to make it manageable. On the other hand, a problem statement such as , “Improve the human condition,” is too broad and will likely cause team members to easily feel daunted. Problem statements should have sufficient constraints to make the project manageable.


As well as the three traits mentioned above, it also helps to begin the problem statement with a verb, such as “Create”, “Define”, and “Adapt”, to make the problem become more action-oriented.



IDEATE (think of ideas)

For this part of the assignment you must generate ideas and then choose one that you will be prototyping next week. To do this you will be making lists, similar to past assignments.


You will be generating ideas two ways:


LIST 1: Think about pants. List ten things about pants.

Think about who, what, why, how, when, where? Do these words spark any thoughts? This will get the idea of pants rolling about in your mind…

LIST 2: Generate 10 ideas where a your solution involves a wheelchair.

List ten (10) ideas involving a wheelchair (as full sentences) that might solve the problem. Be imaginative!


LIST 3: Generate 10 ideas where a your solution DOES NOT involve a wheelchair in any way.
List ten (10) ideas involving a wheelchair (as full sentences) that might solve the problem

Again, if you ask for a wheelchair solution, you’re stuck with only thinking that a person with limited mobility must put on his pants from his wheelchair, but maybe there are other ways to solve this problem that don’t involve a wheelchair. What else might he be able to do? But don’t forget the constraints listed above.


PROTOTYPE (build a physical model of your best idea)

Now it’s time to choose converge on your most workable idea and make a prototype of it.


According to the (Interaction Design Foundation), a prototype is a simple experimental model of a proposed solution used to test or validate ideas, design assumptions and other aspects of its conceptualization quickly and cheaply, so that the designer/s involved can make appropriate refinements or possible changes in direction. Prototypes are not meant to function but rather to let users interact with them so as to provide feedback. Prototyping is a crucial part of iterative design processes, design thinking, and user-centered design.

Prototypes can take many forms (cardboard, printed on a 3D printer, steel, etc.) and about the only thing the various forms have in common is that they are all tangible forms of your ideas. You can physically interact with them.

Choose your best idea and

  1. Make a 3D, physical model (prototype) of it. (see video below)
  2. Write a detailed, 1/2 page explanation of how it would work.
  3. Take photos of it

1. MAKE YOUR MODEL: Your prototype must be ABOUT THE SIZE OF A STANDARD TOASTER (about the size in the video below), something you could carry around, if need be. Don’t make it life-size, or super small. I recommend you use cardboard or boxboard (what cereal boxes are made of). You are welcome to add any other materials you like, but your model must clearly convey the working mechanism of your design. If you like, you may use a 3D drawing software to create your model.



Boxboard or cardboard: Using scissors, tape and boxboard (the kind of cereal boxes are made of; it’s easy to cut) or any type of cardboard, Boxboard is used by in almost all packaging and you can find it at any recycling center…or you can pour out a box of cereal…Be careful cutting thicker cardboard with knives or other razor-sharp tools.

Bendable or rigid materials: Using bendable materials, like pipe cleaners, straws, coffee stirrers and thin rigid materials (like toothpicks, Q-Tips, wooden stirrers and the like).You can glue and tape these materials.


3. TAKE PHOTOS: When finished, TAKE THREE PHOTOS of your model with a clear background (for example, a blank wall behind it, not a busy living room) and good lighting.

  1. One photo from the top
  2. One from the side
  3. One from an an angle that that shows three sides (top, two sides). See 3/4 photo.



Combine all of your phases into ONE, four-page document.

SUBMIT AS A PDF FILE! IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS SEARCH IT ON GOOGLE. If you are having trouble uploading it, call the D2L helpline. They’re awesome there, and always there!

PAGE 1 of your document:








Upload your SINGLE document to the dropbox, “Design thinking assignment

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Regulatory Compliance


Appraise the relationship between a heightened regulatory environment and corporate governance.


ABC Bank officials view compliance with regulations as a necessity for the very survival of their business. The leadership team at ABC also understands the impact that banks have on the aggregate economy, particularly the ramifications of mismanaged risks within banks. ABC’s leadership team believes that a holistic understanding of the intricacies of risk management within banks as well as the impact of risk on the economy is necessary to drive the desired behavior. As a result, you have been hired to facilitate a presentation for ABC’s new hires. Your presentation should be composed in PowerPoint or Prezi and must be submitted to ABC’s HR department for approval by the end of the week. Along with the slides, you must also submit notes on what you will say during the presentation. You should use the Note feature at the bottom of the PowerPoint slide to submit the notes.

Your presentation and notes should include the following: minimum of 11 slides

  • Identify three ways that banks impact the economy. Include clear examples and well-defined reasons.
  • Identify two regulations and describe their origin and role in managing risks within banks.
  • What risk management standards did the banks employ as a result of the regulations?
  • What are the consequences of failing to meet the standards outlined by the regulators?
  • Would a firm be prudent to properly manage its leverage and liquidity levels if they are not regulated? Why or why not? What tools can organizations employ to manage the risks caused by inadequate levels?
  •  1-Three ways that banks can impact the economy are described, and all include clear examples, well-defined reasons, and a thorough explanation of the economic impact.
  • 2- Two applicable regulations are identified, and the origin and role in managing risks within banks are correctly described with a high level of detail for each.
  • 3- For each regulation mentioned, appropriate risk management standards that were a result are listed and described.
  • 4- Consequences of failure to meet the standards outlined by regulators are thoroughly described.
  • 5- A response with specific examples and with appropriate reasoning on why a firm would or would not want to manage its level of leverage and liquidity if it were not regulated is given.
  • 6- Appropriate tools for managing each risk associated with leverage and liquidity that is mentioned are included.
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Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Planning and Topic

Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:

1. Bioterrorism/Disaster

2. Environmental Issues

3. Primary Prevention/Health Promotion

4. Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population

Planning Before Teaching:


Name and Credentials of   Teacher:


Estimated Time Teaching   Will Last:

Location of Teaching:


Supplies, Material,   Equipment Needed:

Estimated Cost:


Community and Target   Aggregate:



Identification of Focus for Community Teaching (Topic Selection):

Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (Statistics Related to Topic):


Teaching Plan Criteria

Your teaching plan will be graded based on its effectiveness and relevance to the population selected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nursing Diagnosis:

Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn.

Learning Theory to Be Utilized: Explain how the theory will be applied.

Goal: Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) objective(s) utilized as the goal for the teaching. Include the appropriate objective number and rationale for using the selected HP2020 objective (use at least one objective from one of the 24 focus areas). If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of the two overarching HP2020 goals.

How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for All Global Initiatives


Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:


Behavioral   Objective
  and Domain

Example – Third-grade   students will name one healthy food choice in each of the five food groups by   the end of the presentation. (Cognitive Domain)

(be specific)

Example – The Food Pyramid   has five food groups which are….

Healthy foods from each   group are….
Unhealthy foods containing a lot of sugar or fat are….


(label and describe)

Example – Interactive   poster presentation of the Food Pyramid. After an explanation of the poster and each food category,   allow students to place pictures of foods on the correct spot on the pyramid.   Also, have the class analyze what a child had for lunch by putting names of   foods on the poster and discussing what food group still needs to be eaten   throughout day.

















Creativity: How was creativity applied in the teaching methods/strategies?


Planned Evaluation of Objectives (Outcome Evaluation): Describe what you will measure for each objective and how.





Planned Evaluation of Goal: Describe how and when you could evaluate the overall effectiveness of your teaching plan.

Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher (Process Evaluation):

Barriers: What are potential barriers that may arise during teaching and how will those be handled?

Therapeutic Communication

4.2 Communicate therapeutically with patients.

How will you begin your presentation and capture the interest of your audience? Describe the type of activity will you use with your audience to exhibit active listening? Describe how you applied active listening in tailoring your presentation to your audience? How will you conclude your presentation? What nonverbal communication techniques will you employ?

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Duscussion Week Two Epidemiology

Discussion Question

When reviewing the goals of Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) on its website, it becomes apparent there are implications of the use of epidemiological data when designing policies and measuring success in achieving public health goals. Evaluate the following overarching HP2020 goals:

  • Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death.
  • Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups.
  • Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all.
  • Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.

Discuss how epidemiological practices and methods have been used to explore and advance the progress toward achieving these goals. Justify your response with appropriate language from the HP2020 website. Use the keyword HP2020 to search the HP2020 website.

Justify your response using examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings of at least two classmates, explaining whether you agree or disagree with their views.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Discussed how epidemiologic practices and methods have been used to explore and advance the progress toward achieving overarching HP2020 goals.
  • Justified answers with appropriate research and reasoning by using examples and references from textbooks, the South University Online Library, and other acceptable ref
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Erickson's Psychosocial Theory

In this assignment, you will gain an understanding of the crises that occur in development based on Erickson’s theory and utilize this understanding to apply this theory to your own development.

Erickson’s theory looks at development throughout life in a series of stages, and each stage identifies a crisis that occurs in life.

Based on your age, which stage of development does the theory predict you are currently facing? It is important to note that everyone’s everyone development is unique and may not fall into this stage theory. You may feel that the previous stage or the next stage better explains your developmental process.

Write a 700 word paper discussing the stage of pyschosocial development you are currently experiencing. Use the following questions to help direct you:

Where does the theory place you in the life stages?

Is this stage an accurate reflection of your current  life stage? Do you believe that there is congruence between the developmental tasks and psychosocial crisis and your current life circumstances?

If so, briefly discuss the developmental tasks and the psychsocial crisis with which you are currently engaged. If not, which stage better addresses your life stage? What is the crisis being worked through in this stage?

Looking at your own career development and job satisfaction at your current or previous places of employment, analyze elements that have contributed to your current status based on your gender and cultural background.

APA format

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Psychology Homework

Complete the following assignment using the source listed below for citations:

Wade, C., & Tavris, C. (2017). Psychology [VitalSource Bookshelf version] (12th ed.). Retrieved from

Within Unit VIII, you have learned about various psychological disorders and the complexities involved with proper diagnoses and treatment efforts. Now it is time to put your skills to the test. Choose ONE of the cases listed below and create a mental health assessment for your chosen case. In the assessment, you should address the following: a. Why is your client coming for treatment? b. What are his or her current symptoms? PSY 1010, General Psychology 4 c. Does he or she have a history with this problem? If so, please describe it. d. How could the issue affect his or her daily life functions? e. What is your client’s specific diagnosis? f. What is the general class(es) of disorders to which this disorder belongs? g. What are your recommendations? What specific treatment plan will you prescribe for this patient? You should use your textbook as a reference to substantiate your plan. h. How could you get his or her family involved? Chose ONE of these cases to analyze. 1. Tony sometimes seems very wound up. At those times, he seems full of energy, talks very rapidly, and makes very grandiose plans. Once, he gave away all of his belongings and was planning to move to Washington, D.C., so that he could advise the President. At these times, he also seems to need almost no sleep. During other periods of time Tony seems very down. During these times, he does not take care of himself. He seems to want to sleep all the time, and he often makes thinly veiled references to wanting to commit suicide.

In your case study, you must incorporate research from the textbook to substantiate your diagnosis. You may also use the Waldorf Online Library for additional reference material if needed, but this is not required. Your response should be at least two pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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Neuroscience PowerPoint With Audio

I need this turned into a powerpresentation with notes that I can make into an audio presentation.  Due in 8 hours.


This presentation gives the overview of the research conducted in finding out the relationship between sleep apnea syndrome and decision-making capability. The journal highlights that people with OSA syndrome are characterized by sleepiness, moodiness as well as well as executed deficits. The paper further suggests as results of these symptoms an individual is exposed to poor decision making. This explains why most accidents that occurs involve people suffering from OSA syndrome. The study used 20 patients suffering from OSA in the study to substantiate the proposed claims while ability to make decisions in an individual was assessed using Iowa Gambling Task. The paper further suggests that ability to make decisions is determined by the nature of orbitofrontal cortex. People who have their orbitofrontal cortex damaged make irrational decisions since they mostly consider the present rather than the future.

In diagnosing the 20 patients the paper employed various studies to critically determine various aspects in the study. First the patients were subjected to overnight polysomnographic assessment to determine their baccal airflow, nasal pressure and respiratory capacity. These aspects were measured using standard methods such as electroencephalogram. To offer comparisons in data, a sample of 20 individuals who had no sleep disturbances were adopted. The patients were also assessed to ensure they were free from OSA syndrome. Also, to generate reliable comparisons other aspects such as age, education, gender and intelligence levels were also taken into considerations to create reliable comparisons.

The dependent variable in this study is the case under study which is decision making capability. This dependent variable is affected by independent variables such as gender, age. Air flow, nasal pressure, respiratory capacity, sleepiness, verbal frequency, education level, body mass index (weight), verbal frequency and level of anxiety in individual. The overall impact on decision making was adopted as the ability to make decisions. This variable was used to explain the extent to which one suffered OSA syndrome.

The study design is a cohort study in nature involving twenty subjects in each case. One major characteristic of a cohort study is that there are select individuals who are using as a sample experiment in the study and another sample which bears different and distinct characteristics. Also, digital substitution was conducted to standard neuropsychological assessment.

The study results indicate that, just like in previous studies where patients with OSR syndrome selected cards that represented severe disadvantages patients in this study too selected similar cards. 50% of the patients choose disadvantageously while 25% of the results indicated that the patient behaves normally. This implies that conscious knowledge of risk was not directed by IGT performance just like previous studies suggested. A variable such emotions indicate that experience determined the nature of choice an individual was making. Tests indicate that anticipatory responses are absent in OFC patients. This means that damage in this region affect the ability to make advantageous decisions. People who had REM sleep characteristics were found to be highly rated on the IGT scale suggesting that decision making is influenced by damages in these regions

The major weakness in this study is that it is difficult to establish whether the patients has undergone any neuroanatomical changes in the process of the study. Neither it is impossible to establish whether impaired decision making was part of their lives. The study should therefore consider using a more improved version of the cohort study such as the use of randomized control trial in the study. This minimizes possible occurrence of biases in the study by assigning one group of patients to an intervention and another to a non-intervention thus providing a basis for proper comparisons. The RCT method also reduces chances of cofounding in data collection process.



Daurat, A., Ricarrere, M., & Tiberge, M. (2013). Decision making is affected in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Journal of Neuropsychology, 7(1), 139-144. doi:10.1111/j.17486653.2012.02039.x


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