FNU Physical Assessment In Health Care

FNU Physical Assessment in Health Care Quiz 

Question 1

Which of the following is a relatively benign condition that may occur during pregnancy or labor?

a. Macular degeneration

b. Papilledema

c. Subconjunctival hemorrhage

d. Cupping of the optic disc

Question 2

Which maneuver can be done to reduce the systemic absorption of cycloplegic and mydriatic agents when examining a pregnant woman if the examination is mandatory?

a. Have the woman keep her eyes closed for several minutes.

b. Instill half the usual dosage.

c. Keep the patient supine, with her head turned and flexed.

d. Use nasolacrimal occlusion after instillation

Question 3

When there is an imbalance found with the corneal light test, you should then perform the ___________ test.

a. confrontation

b. accommodation

c. cover–uncover

d. visual acuity

Question 4

White specks scattered in a linear pattern around the entire circumference of the iris are called:

a. drusen bodies.
b. cotton wool spots.
c. rust spots.
d. Brushfield spots.

Question 5

Which of the following may be suggestive of Down syndrome?

a. Drusen bodies
b. Papilledema
c. Narrow palpebral fissures
d. Prominent epicanthal folds

Question 6

You are attempting to examine the eyes of a newborn. To facilitate eye opening, you would first:

a. dim the room lights.
b. elicit pain.
c. place him in the supine position.
d. shine the penlight in his or her eyes.

Question 7

When testing corneal sensitivity controlled by cranial nerve V, you should expect the patient to respond by:

a. brisk blinking.
b. copious tearing.
c. pupil dilation.
d. reflex smiling.

Question 8

Xanthelasma may suggest that the patient has an abnormality of:

a. lipid metabolism.
b. cognitive function.
c. renal metabolism.
d. bone marrow function.

Question 9

You observe pupillary response as the patient looks at a distant object and then at an object held 10 cm from the bridge of the nose.You are assessing for:

a. confrontation reaction.
b. accommodation.
c. pupillary light reflex.
d. nystagmus.

Question 10

Which of the following findings, when seen in the infant, is ominous?

a. Difficulty tracking objects with the eyes
b. Appearing to have better peripheral than central vision
c. Blinking when bright light is directed at the face
d. White pupils on photographs

Question 11

When you ask the patient to identify smells, you are assessing cranial nerve __.

Ans: 1

Question 12

Which risk factor is associated with the highest rate of oral cancers?

a. Women

b. Being younger than 55 years

c. excessive caffeine use

d. Fanconi anemia

Question 13

You are interviewing a parent whose child has a fever, is pulling at her right ear, and is irritable. You ask the parent about the child’s appetite and find that the child has a decreased appetite. This additional finding is more suggestive of:

a. acute otitis media.

b. otitis externa.

c. serous otitis media.

d. middle ear effusion.

Question 14

Which of the following signs and symptoms occur with a sensorineural hearing loss? (Select all that apply.)

a. Air conduction shorter than bone conduction

b. Lateralization to the affected ear

c. Loss of high-frequency sounds

d. Speaks more loudly

e. Disorder of the inner ear

f. Air conduction longer than bone conduction

Question 15

Which variation may be an expected finding in the ear examination of a newborn?

a. Diffuse light reflex

b. Purulent material in the ear canal

c. Redness and swelling of the mastoid process

d. Small perforations of the tympanic membrane

Question 16

White, rounded, or oval ulcerations surrounded by a red halo and found on the oral mucosa are:

a. Fordyce spots.

b. aphthous ulcers.

c. Stensen ducts.

d. leukoedema.

Question 17

You are performing Weber and Rinne hearing tests. For the Weber test, the sound lateralized to the unaffected ear; for the Rinne test, air conduction–to–bone conduction ratio is less than 2:1. You interpret these findings as suggestive of:

a. a defect in the inner ear.

b. a defect in the middle ear.

c. otitis externa.

d. impacted cerumen.

Question 18

You are performing hearing screening tests. Who would be expected to find difficulty in hearing the highest frequencies?

a. 7

b. 12

c. 20

d. 40

e. 65

Question 19

Which abnormality is common during pregnancy?

a. Eruption of additional molars

b. Hypertrophy of the gums

c. Otitis externa

d. Otitis media

Question 20

You are using a pneumatic attachment on the otoscope while assessing tympanic membrane movement. You gently squeeze the bulb but see no movement of the membrane. Your next action should be to:

a. remove all cerumen from the canal.

b. make sure the speculum is sealed form outside air.

c. squeeze the bulb with more force.

d. insert the speculum to depth of 2 cm.

Question 21

Which of the following is an expected change in the assessment of the thyroid during pregnancy?

a. Palpation of the gland becomes difficult.

b. A bruit is auscultated.

c. Inspection reveals a goiter.

d. The gland is tender on palpation

Question 22

Which type of headache usually occurs at night, is precipitated by alcohol consumption, and occurs more often in men than in women?

a. Classic migraine
b. Temporal arteritis
c. Cluster
d. Hypertensive

Question 23

Which of the following is true regarding caput succedaneum?

a. It is a subperiosteal collection of blood.

b. It is firm and its edges are well defined.

c. It develops several days after delivery.

d. It is seen over the presenting part of thehead

Question 24

You are palpating a patient’s thyroid and find that its broadest dimension measures 4 cm. The right lobe is 25% larger than the left.These data would indicate:

a. a congenital anomaly.

b. a normal thyroid gland.

c. a multinodular goiter.

d. thyroiditis.

Question 25

Which of the following findings would be consistent with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?

a. Corneal clouding

b. Eye slanting

c. Mild ptosis

d. Symmetric, bulging fontanels

Question 26

Which of the following is a chronic autoimmune disorder?

a. tenosynovitis

b. fibromyalgia

c. rhabdomyolysis

d. myasthenia gravis

Question 27

Which cranial nerves innervate the face?

a. II and V

b. III and VI

c. V and VII

d. VIII and IX

Question 28

You are examining Ms. L, age 78 years. You find a sunken appearance of her eyes, cheeks, and temporal areas. Her skin is dry, and her nose appears sharp. This description of Ms. L’s facies is associated with:

a. cutis laxa syndrome.

b. Hurler syndrome.

c. old age.

d. terminal illness.

Question 29

Which of the following is true regarding a cephalohematoma?

a. It is bound by suture lines.

b. The affected part feels soft.

c. It is obvious at birth.

d. The margins are poorly defined

Question 30

Which is the best way to position a patient’s neck for palpation of the thyroid?

a. Flexed away from the side being examined
b. Flexed directly forward
c. Flexed toward the side being examined
d. Hyperextended directly backward

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the first four essays must be strongly supported with proper citations of 2–3 scholarly sources in current APA format and with references at the end. These sources must be less than 7 years old.

DO NOT write opinions, but support your answers to the questions with your readings.

Essay 1 Instructions

Family Systems

1-What’s the relationship between Family Systems and Healthy Development?

2-What are the determining factors that distinguish healthy family systems?

3-What are the effects of an unhealthy family system on development.

4-Give details on family systems and how they affect physical, emotional, spiritual, and social development.

(at least 600 words and at least 2 academic journals from the Liberty Online Database)

Include a subheading per discussion question to keep the paper organized.

Follow the “APA Cheat Sheet” in the course closely!






Essay 2 Instructions

Trauma, Development, and Spirituality

1-Explain how trauma can affect development, most specifically neural development.

2-Discuss how spiritual development can counter the effects of trauma.

3-What elements influence how much trauma will impact a child?

4-Give details on the prevalence of different types of trauma and if they differ among different cultures.

(at least 600 words and at least 2 academic journals from the Liberty Online Database)

Include a subheading per discussion question to keep the paper organized.

Follow the “APA Cheat Sheet” in the course closely!



Essay 3 Instructions

Addiction in Adolescence

1-Explain the relationship between child abuse and addiction in adolescence.

2-How do substances affect the developing brain of an adolescent?

3-How does a healthy spiritual development effect the likelihood of addiction in the adolescent years?

4-Discuss local news coverage of alcohol or drug-related stories to adolescent use in your area.

(at least 600 words and at least 2 academic journals from the Liberty Online Database)

Include a subheading per discussion question to keep the paper organized.

Follow the “APA Cheat Sheet” in the course closely!



Essay 5 Developmental Analysis Instructions

1-Prenatal- Glean information from your mother about her pregnancy with you to see if there were any notable issues during that time. If you don’t have access to this information then state this in your paper.


2-Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Adolescence, Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood – Cover your development in each of these stages (depending on your age). If you’re in early adulthood then obviously you can’t cover your development for middle adulthood because you haven’t experienced it yet. What has your development been like in each of these stages? Integrate your source information to support some of your statements in each section.


3-Spiritual- What has your spiritual development been like in your life so far?


4-Lifestyle Behaviors. What current lifestyle behaviors may be influencing your aging process? Some examples are exercise, nutrition, stress, and rest. How do you plan on improving your habits moving forward to maximize your longevity?


At least 8 pages (also include cover, abstract, and reference page)

At least 8 sources with 7 being from academic journals from the Liberty online database

Include a subheading per discussion question above to keep your paper organized

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BUS 499 – Level and Corporate – Level Strategies, business and finance homework help

Question description

Assignment 3: Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

(Worth 300 points – Due AUG 11, 2017)

Reference/Textbook: Strategic Management: Concept and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization (10th Edition)

Author/s: Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2013) – Mason, OH; South-Western Centage Learning.

Choose an industry you have not yet written about in this course, and one publicly traded corporation within that industry. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml), in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.

Write an eight (8) page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
  2. Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
  3. Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.
  4. Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.
  5. Use at least six (6) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration.
  • Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 300 Assignment 3: Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies
Criteria Unacceptable

Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.

Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Did not submit or incompletely justified your opinion. Insufficiently analyzed the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Insufficiently justified your opinion. Partially analyzed the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Partially justified your opinion. Satisfactorily analyzed the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Satisfactorily justified your opinion. Thoroughly analyzed the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Thoroughly justified your opinion.
2. Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.

Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Did not submit or incompletely justified your opinion. Insufficiently analyzed the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Insufficiently justified your opinion. Partially analyzed the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Partially justified your opinion. Satisfactorily analyzed the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Satisfactorily justified your opinion. Thoroughly analyzed the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Thoroughly justified your opinion.
3. Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Did not submit or incompletely justified your choice. Insufficiently analyzed the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Insufficiently justified your choice. Partially analyzed the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Partially justified your choice. Satisfactorily analyzed the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Satisfactorily justified your choice. Thoroughly analyzed the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Thoroughly justified your choice.
4. Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.

Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely determined whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Insufficiently determined whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Partially determined whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Satisfactorily determined whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Thoroughly determined whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.
5. 3 references

Weight: 5%

No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements

Weight: 10%

More than 8 errors present 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present
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Personality analysis paper:

Personality analysis paper:

We often watch others and quickly develop an intuitive sense of their personalities.  These assessments are important because they affect the way we think of, and act towards, others.  As we will see in class, these assessments also affect the way others behave towards us.  Unfortunately, our assessments are generally done spontaneously, without much thought or analysis of others’ behavior, begging the question, “how accurate are these assessments?”

This assignment is meant to help you learn to think carefully about how and why you evaluate others’ personalities, leading to an improved ability (by the end of the course) to answer the questions: What criteria do I use to evaluate others’ personalities?  Is the evidence adequate?  Are behaviors consistent enough to warrant my conclusion?


There are TWO parts to this assignment.  Be sure to complete both.  For the 1st part of the assignment, watch the move “Shrek 1” and describe the personality of Shrek, Fiona, Donkey or Lord Farquaad using one of the theories discussed in class. You may use your text and any additional sources you feel are appropriate.  The second part of the assignment is identical to the first, but you should pick a second character and use a different theory to analyze his/her personality.  The completed paper should be approximately 6 pages in length.



In your analyses you should 1) use specific concepts from the theories and 2) describe specific scenes from the film to demonstrate that you understand the theory and can apply the theory to real-life situations.  For example, if you use a learning theory approach, you should discuss concepts such as classical conditioning, operant conditioning, conditioned and unconditioned response, conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, etc.  If you choose a Freudian approach, your paper should include topics such as id, ego and superego, psycho-sexual stages, conscious, unconscious, defense mechanisms, etc. It is NOT enough to write that your character “learned from experience” to act this way, or that your character had “unconscious motivations” that caused him/her to say something in particular.



I’ve also attached a sample paper below. the paper needs to look some what like this. Font 12, double spaced, and citated

5 page paper

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Implications of Early Attachment for Later Relationship Quality

Implications of Early Attachment for Later Relationship Quality

Research in developmental psychology suggests that there is a vivid and conspicuous relationship between early attachment and later relationships. The majority agree that attachment massively affects the quality of future relationships. Nonetheless, there are some, which protests that attachment is not unanimously predictive of later relationship quality.

Practically, infant-caregiver attachment affects later adult-sibling relationships both positively and negatively.  For a case in point, in “Early Attachment and Later Developments: Familiar Questions New Answers,” Thompson (2015) finds out that mothers of securely attached children are also more sensitive and helpful toward their offspring in the follow-up assessments. Their behavior is also found to support the positive behavior of their children. In the words of one researcher, “secure dyads ‘work’ better” together (Slade, 1987, p. 83), suggesting that the consistency between attachment security and later parent-child interaction is dyadic.

However, sometimes early attachment does not influence future relationships in any way. In one of his studies, Lewis (1997) established that insecurely attached infants did not necessarily show the same attachment classification at the age of 18. According to them, various intervention factors may arise and modify the attachment classification of an infant. Among these interventions are parental divorces and increases or other transformations in the responsiveness of caregivers in childhood. Infants—the victims of a divorce—are more likely to protect their children in the future from the same fate. On the other hand, suffering from the effects of reduced responsiveness of the caregivers, the victim infants may protect their children from the same fate by giving them their full attention afterward.

ReferencesLewis, M. (1997). Altering fate: Why the past does not predict the future. New York: Guilford Press.

Thompson, R., A., (2015). Early Attachment and Later Development: Familiar Questions, New Answers. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232522122_Early_Attachment_and_Later_Development_Familiar_Questions_New_Answers


RE: Week 4 Discussion 1


Top of Form

Hi Paula,In your post, you wrote: ” Practically, infant-caregiver attachment affects later adult-sibling relationships both positively and negatively.  For a case in point, in “Early Attachment and Later Developments: Familiar Questions New Answers,” Thompson (2015) finds out that mothers of securely attached children are also more sensitive and helpful toward their offspring in the follow-up assessments. Their behavior is also found to support the positive behavior of their children. In the words of one researcher, “secure dyads ‘work’ better” together (Slade, 1987, p. 83), suggesting that the consistency between attachment security and later parent-child interaction is dyadic. ”

I’m hoping you can expand upon your argument here. How does the Thompson article have implications for relationship quality in adulthood?

I’m not sure how the Slade piece ties in.

Can you go into more detail in your arguments?

I look forward to your response.

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Learning To Communicate Globally Through The Platform Of Social Media


When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and in their networking and relationships.

This assignment has two parts to it.

Part 1:

Locate and study social media pages of businesses that are making an effort to market their product globally.  You can use any social media platform you choose. Examine what you believe the companies are doing well and what can be improved. Look for ways in which their communication are clear to a large number of people, breaking through language and cultural barriers. Also look for ways in which the pages could be improved due to the limitations and challenges of global communication.

After you have studied several pages that are seeking to reach a large number of people, choose three of them.

1A. Choose the page that you feel does the best job overall.

Describe why you feel like this social media page was the best one that you viewed. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1B. Choose one that needs improvement.

Describe what you see that needs improvement in their effort to reach people globally. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1C. Choose one that most closely represents the type of page that you might create in the future. If you have no interest or potential need for ever creating a social media page that is intended to reach the masses globally, then choose one that you are interested in and like.

Describe why you chose this social media page as the one that you can best relate to or like the best. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

Note: Do not use the same social media page for more than one of these three choices. For example, do not say that one social media page was the best and also the one that you would be most likely to create a similar page as.  In other words, do not use one social media page for both 1A and 1C. You need to choose three separate pages in total.

Part 2:

Now you will use what you have learned to create your own social media page with the intent of reaching the masses. You will not need to actually create a page on a social media platform. Creating a fake company or organization online could obviously cause problems. Instead, emulate the formatting of a social media page, and create it so that you can submit it to your instructor.

Take what you learned from Part 1 to create the best fake social media page you can on an imaginary company or organization of your choice. Your company or organization can be anything you want, just ensure that it is class-appropriate. Describe what you learned in this assignment and how you incorporated that knowledge into your social media page.

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Project Closure and Presentation, management homework help

Question description

This week, you are planning for project closure. This may be just as important as project initiation. You will also provide detail and a status update for the activities that you have performed to date on your network integration project. As part of the status and requirements update, you will produce a final network infrastructure diagram that represents the requirements and new network configuration or topology for the capstone project. You are tasked with creating a final presentation to communicate to your constituents on what the project is and summarize all of the major areas already captured in your Word document.

The deliverables for Week 5 are as follows:

•Project Closure Plan ◦List at least 5 major closeout categories.

◦Identify the activities that are needed to complete each of these closeout categories in a plan format.

◦Describe how each activity will assist in closing out the project?

◦Include an analysis of whether the project was successful or not.

◦Provide a list of lessons learned and what can be done differently in a future, similar project.

•Project Status and Requirements Updates ◦Include a final status update of your actual project status.

◦Update any final challenges, risks, and change requests. ◾Describe how they have been handled.

◦Draw a network infrastructure diagram to represent the network integration project requirements, and describe each major component in the diagram. (Visio is a good choice for creating this diagram.)

Final Project Word Document

•Title Page ◦Course number and name

◦Project name

◦Student name


•Table of Contents ◦Use autogenerated TOC ◾Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before you submit your project.

◦Placed on a separate page

•Section Headings ◦Project Information (Week 1)

◦Capstone Project Milestone Plan (Week 1)

◦Requirements Specifications (Week 1)

◦Statement of Work (Week 2)

◦Project Plan (Week 2)

◦Project Resources (Week 2)

◦Communications Plan (Week 2)

◦Project Monitoring Reports (Week 3)

◦Project Control Process (Week 3)

◦Risk Assessment (Week 4)

◦Change Management Process (Week 4)

◦Project Closure Plan (Week 5)

◦Project Status Updates (Weeks 2–5)

Name your document “yourname_IT495_IP5.doc.”

Then, develop a PowerPoint presentation of at least 10–15 slides that summarizes the following:

•The goals of the project

•The project requirements

•The project plan

•The communications plan

•The project monitoring and control processes

•The risk assessment

•The change control process

•The network infrastructure diagram

•The closure plan

•The status update, what was been accomplished to date, and what is next

Add speaker notes to provide a narrative for each slide, or record a presentation of the slides and imbed it with the PowerPoint slides.

Deliverable Length: 3–5 pages of new content; 10–15 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes

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Pediatric Teaching Project profile Fatimao84 Main Similar Questions Home Nursing homework help Report Issue The pediatric teaching project is designed to allow the nursing student to demonstrate their ability and proficiency in developing and implementing an educational program for children on a specific health related topic. Groups must consist of 3-5 students. Each group will be assigned a topic along with a corresponding grade level. The topics offered are as follows: – Stranger Safety and Street safety (bicycle, outdoor play, traffic)-4th Grade Level When completing the teaching plan, students should consider the age and developmental level of the group they will be teaching. What is their attention span estimated to be? What activities will you do to make the teaching interactive and get the kids involved? What level of language will you use to explain things at the child’s level of understanding? After the project is completed, the group must submit a final summary paper (maximum 5 pages, excluding references and cover page) in APA format with a minimum of 3 peer reviewed references. This paper should cover the following topics, which are recommended as headings in the document. o Project description (Who was your target population? What topic did you choose? Why? What developmental consideration were included? What teaching strategies were used? o Evaluation of learning (Were the learning objectives achieved? How did you know? What method of evaluation was used?) **Use a hypothetical scenario** o Summary of overall experience (Do you feel it was helpful to the children? What were the strengths or weaknesses of the teaching methods used? Would you do anything differently. Were there any other health care issues observed that could be identified as areas for further instruction?) **Use a hypothetical scenario** o References NOTE : VERY IMPORTANT, Please I need a plagiarism report include. Posted: 2 Months AgoDue: 31/07/2018Budget: $25 ANSWERS 1 profile Phyllis Young 480 In Field Chat Not rated 2 months ago Purchase the answer to view it blurred-text attachment order_46938_99638.pdf BIDS 68 OTHER QUESTIONS 10 Blog ArchiveCopyright © 2018 HomeworkMarket.com Read More

The pediatric teaching project is designed to allow the nursing student to demonstrate their ability and proficiency in developing and implementing an educational program for children on a specific health related topic. Groups must consist of 3-5 students. Each group will be assigned a topic along with a corresponding grade level. The topics offered are as follows:

Stranger Safety and Street safety (bicycle, outdoor play, traffic)-4th Grade Level 

When completing the teaching plan, students should consider the age and developmental level of the group they will be teaching. What is their attention span estimated to be? What activities will you do to make the teaching interactive and get the kids involved? What level of language will you use to explain things at the child’s level of understanding?

After the project is completed, the group must submit a final summary paper (maximum 5 pages, excluding references and cover page) in APA format with a minimum of 3 peer reviewed references.  This paper should cover the following topics, which are recommended as headings in the document.

o Project description (Who was your target population? What topic did you choose? Why? What developmental consideration were included? What teaching strategies were used?

o Evaluation of learning (Were the learning objectives achieved? How did you know? What method of evaluation was used?) **Use a hypothetical scenario**

o Summary of overall experience (Do you feel it was helpful to the children? What were the strengths or weaknesses of the teaching methods used? Would you do anything differently. Were there any other health care issues observed that could be identified as areas for further instruction?) **Use a hypothetical scenario**

o References

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Behavioral and Cognitive approaches

Behavioral and Cognitive approaches

There are two primary theoretical perspectives that you will be examining throughout this course—the behavioral approach and the cognitive approach. As you begin this course, it is important to understand the foundation for each of these theories and how they differ from each other. As you come to understand these two perspectives, consider which of these is a good fit for your perspective on learning and behavior. Alternatively, you may find that you prefer a combination of the two, which is the basis for the cognitive-behavioral theory of learning.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the behavioral approach and cognitive approach. Conduct two searches using the following phrases:

  • Behavioral theory of learning
  • Cognitive theory of learning

Place quotation marks around the phrase you are searching for so your search engine is more effective in locating relevant results.

Then, address the following:

  • Describe the foundational principles of each approach.
  • Compare and contrast the two approaches, specifically detailing where they differ from each other.
  • State which of the two approaches you most identify with. Give reasons for your answers.

Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Be sure to include a title page and a reference page.

By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points

Provided a detailed explanation of the foundational principles of each approach.24

Listed the similarities and specific differences between the two approaches showing in-depth analysis of the two approaches32

Provided relevant reasons for identifying with a particular approach.24

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20


GR1 Provided a detailed explanation of the foundational principles of each approach.24 points

GR2 Listed the similarities and specific differences between the two approaches showing in-depth analysis of the two approaches32 points

GR3 Provided relevant reasons for identifying with a particular approach.24 points

GR4 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20 points

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What Is Abnormal?

Consider the following situations.

Most people would consider at least some of the actions of the people involved to be abnormal. What do you think?

Think about each one as you read through the list and then, talk with your class mates about your judgments.

Clearly describe why you did or did not consider each situation to be abnormal and give your reasoning for your response.

1. Your uncle consumes a quart of whiskey per day; he has trouble remembering the names of those around him.

2. Your grandmother believes that part of her body is missing and cries out about this missing part all day long. You show her that the part she thinks is missing actually is not, but she refuses to acknowledge this contradictory information.

3. Your neighbor has vague physical complaints and sees two or three doctors weekly.

4. Your neighbor sweeps, washes, and scrubs his driveway daily.

5. Your cousin is pregnant, and is dieting (800 calories per day) so that she will not get “too fat” with the pregnancy. She has had this type of behavioral response since she was 13 years old.

6. A woman’s husband died within the past year. The widow appears to talk to herself in the yard, doesn’t wash herself or dress in clean clothes, and has evidently lost a lot of weight.

7. A 10-year-old wants to have his entire body tattooed.

8. A 23-year-old female smokes up to five marijuana joints a day, is a straight-A student in college, has a successful job, and is in a solid long-term relationship.

9. A person experiences several unexpected panic attacks each week, but is otherwise happily married, functions well at work, and leads an active recreational lifestyle.

10. A 35-year-old happily married man enjoys wearing women’s clothes and underwear on the weekends when he and his wife go out on the town.

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