Yellow 4

Homework is due on MondayPlease choose a nursing article and the Article should not be less than 2017.The articles you use should be things that genuinely interest you because they will probably be interesting to your peers as well.APA format with referenceDiscuss and summarize the article and state how the class can benefit from itShould be one pagePls attach the PDF of the article you useDo not write aboutCancerPalliative careGeriatric nursingBuilding Capacity in Health Professionals to Conduct Quality ImprovementA Unified Approach to Quality from the Bedside to C-Suite and Back AgainPls do not write about the same topic you wrote on before.

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Project Milestone One: Malpractice Case

For this milestone, you will start working on the case for Final Project I: Malpractice. Below is is a link to the case you will investigate. This link is also provided in the Final Project I Guidelines and Rubric document.Surgery: Iturralde v. Hilo Medical Center USAPrompt: In this milestone, you will complete part of your analysis of the malpractice case. Using this analysis of the case, you will address the facts pertaining tothe medical standard of care, breach of care, and causation. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:I. Introduction:A. Summarize the case, including information on the stakeholders involved, the problem, and the time period the incident occurred.II. Medical Malpractice Component: In this section, you will evaluate the case to address the legal components, the malpractice policies similar to this case, and the standard of care given to the patient and how it was breached. Then, you will draw connections to how this malpractice case impacted stakeholders and healthcare consumers outside of the case.Explain the key legal components of the case, including the nature of the issue and the rules that applied.Determine relevant malpractice policies in place for addressing the issues within the case.Analyze the malpractice case for the standard of care provided to the victim. Be sure to apply what the law states about standard of care tosupport whether or not it was breached in the case.Analyze how the malpractice case would impact healthcare consumers from different cultural backgrounds. For example, would this case have asimilar impact on a person from a culture different from the one in the case? How could this incident change the views of these healthcareconsumers toward the healthcare system?Assess the malpractice case for accountability based on its severity. To what extent was the healthcare provider held accountable?Case below is what the paper needs to be answered.LINK TO CASE –> ÿ below is Rubric with further instructions!!

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Literature review

? Critique quality of the literature reviews conducted for two different types of studies- a quantitative and qualitative research.? Identify and discuss the research questions, sampling and sampling sizes, research designs (qualitative vs. quantitative), hypothesis, data collection methods, and research findings.? Discuss the credibility of the sources and the research/researchers findings.? 400-word minimum/550-word maximum without the references.? Minimum of 3 references (the course textbook must be one of the references) in APA format, must have been published within last 3-5 years.

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Bullying Prevention

Bullying prevention is a growing research field that investigates the complexities and consequences of bullying.ÿ There is also a complex relationship between bullying and suicide.Visitÿÿand identify resources for preventing bullyingÿand assisting children who have been bullied.Instructions:Post your discussion to the Discussion Forum.ÿÿWord limit 500 words.ÿÿSupport your answers with the literature and provide citations and references in APA format.

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Case study: Social Media in Education and Healthcare

Assignment Details:Perform the following tasks:ú Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment.ú Read the case study located in the Assignment Worksheet section below and answer the questions that followú Ensure that your responses are free of spelling and grammar errors.ú Cite all sources used to support your responses in APA format.Assignment Worksheet:? Case StudyRead the following case study and answer the questions that follow:Grace Speak is a fourth-year student at Best University. She and her fellow classmates are working hard in their final courses and preparing for exams. Inspired by the teamwork that the healthcare profession espouses, Grace gets an idea for a study group. She thinks it will really help to share case experiences, course notes, and study tips. Unfortunately, several members of her peer group live out of town, which makes it difficult for them to participate fully. Grace is torn, as she does not want to exclude them from the study group. When she voices her concerns to a classmate, her friend suggests using social media tools as the primary medium for sharing information.Questions1. Two required elements that a single social media site must have to meet the needs of her study group are the ability to share ideas and experiences (chat), and share information (store documents). Research several social media sites that meetbothof the required elements for Grace?s group. Select one social media tool, include its website, and explain your rationale for selecting that tool.Selected Social Media Tool (and website)[Write your response here.]Rationale[Write your response here.]2. Grace discovers that not all of the members of the group use the social media tool she selected. In your own words, create a set of simple instructions that other members of the group could follow to ensure full group participation.[Write your response here.]3. Grace decides to establish a set of ?ground rules? from the outset when she forms the study group. Create a set of ?ground rules? that will help to create a group with full participation by all members and that will not place members of the group at risk, for either privacy or academic (plagiarism) concerns. Provide your reasoning for the ?ground rules? you established.Ground Rules[Write your response here.]Rationale[Write your response here.]4. In a specific week, the assignment is particularly challenging. One of the students in the study group offers to post the ?answers? he received from a student who completed this same assignment last year from the same instructor. Grace knows that one of her close friends in the study group is at risk of failing if she does not do well on this assignment. Describe how Grace might handle this situation to reduce the academic risk of plagiarism for herself, her friend, and other members of the study group.[Write your response here.]

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Please Rephrase Answers And Answer 1 Question.

1) Cultural competence and diversity are often considered to have the same meaning in healthcare facilities. What is the difference between these two terms and their applicability in terms of healthcare professionals in various healthcare settings?Although cultural competence and diversity are often considered to have the same meaning in healthcare facilities they are different. Diversity is in fact a component of cultural competency. This includes ethnic and racial backgrounds, age, physical and cognitive abilities, family status, religion, sexual orientation, etc… cultural competency wouldnt exist without diversity . It is important for healthcare professionals to be culturally competent for the sake of the patient’s comfort in receiving services. Lack of cultural competence can lead to noncompliance, missed appointments, and patients seeking care from non-professionals. In the cultural compliance training video an older Hispanic women spoke on how her physician said they’d schedule her a new appointment and she basically said that she wouldn’t show up because it would be the same thing that happened to her at her current appointment; a miscommunication and nothing being resolved. Health professionals who are diverse tend to have a better work ethic and connection with their patients because they’re most likely to be understand certain cultural distinctions, treatment seeking behaviors, etc… (cultural ÿcompentency for the health professional)2) Explain the unique circumstances under which the ancestors of most Black/African American people arrived in the Americas. Why is it important for health service professionals to understand this history?The first Africans in the New World arrived with Spanish and Portuguese explorers and settlers. By 1600 an estimated 275,000 Africans, both free and slave, were in Central and South America and the Caribbean area. Africans first arrived in the area that became the United States in 1619, when a handful of captives were sold by the captain of a Dutch man-of-war to settlers at Jamestown. Others were brought in increasing numbers to fill the desire for labor in a country where land was plentiful and labor scarce. By the end of the 17th century, approximately 1,300,000 Africans had landed in the New World. From 1701 to 1810 the number reached 6,000,000, with another 1,800,000 arriving after 1810. Some Africans were brought directly to the English colonies in North America. Others landed as slaves in the West Indies and were later resold and shipped to the mainland. (African ÿAmerican History: Scholastic , n.d.) However many “black” colored individuals rather identify themselves with their family-related nationality rather than where they were born or raised. Some rather the term black when being identified and some rather be identified as African American. This is very complex. I know, myself, I do not like to identified as Black I prefer to identify myself and Haitian/Bahamian because I consider the Black culture as people who only speak English and are just Americans with darker colored skin, who eat American meals and have American traditions. I speak English and Creole, I eat Haitian meals and follow Haitian traditions. I was born in America but my parents and older sisters were born in Bahamas and had the Haitian culture bestowed in them so I identify as that. It is important for health service professionals to understand the history of how most Black/African Americans were brought to the Americas so they’d be able to establish a positive relationship with their patients. The best way to approach patients on the matter would be to just humbly ask the person how they identify themselves.ÿ(cultural compentency for the ÿhealth professional)3) Is Hispanic a racial or ethnic category? Explain. How might this impact the status of the African/Black group, for example, in terms of whether it is the largest or second largest minority group?Many people confuse racial and ethnic categories when it comes to the Hispanic group. But that is because many people do not know the difference between one’s race and one’s ethnicity. Unlike with ethnicity, one can only belong to one race. See, race is your biologically engineered features. It can include skin color, skin tone, eye and hair color, as well as a tendency toward developing certain diseases. It is not something that can be changed or disguised. People can however change or impersonate ethnicities through choice and principles. Ethnicity is about tradition, learned behavior and customs. It is about learning where you come from, and celebrating the traditions and ideas that are part of that region.(difference ÿbetween ethnicity and race, n.d.). Thus, Hispanic would fall more into the ethnic category because the Hispanic group has no permanent physical characteristics, language or cultural norms. So a person of Hispanic decent can be Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Since Hispanic is not a racial group but an ethnic group, the Hispanic group comprise the largest minority group and the African/Black group comes in second as the second largest minority group.ÿ(cultural competency for the ÿhealth professional)4) List the racial categories based on the OMB classification in the United States. Explain the geographic origins of the people designated for each of the categories. Why is it important for health professionals to understand cultural differences among and between groups?The racial categories based on the OMB classification in the United States are as follows:?ú Native Americans or Alaskan Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliations or community recognition.?ú Asian/Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands.?ú African American/Black: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.?ú White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.ÿ(cultural ÿcompetency for the health professional)In the healthcare setting it is very important for health professionals to understand cultural differences among and between groups. In health care settings, cultural alertness, compassion, and competence conducts are essential because even such concepts as health, illness, suffering, and care mean different things to different people. Being knowledgeable of cultural customs enables health care providers to provide better service and help avoid misconstructions among staff, residents/patients, and families. Health care providers trained in cultural competency:- Demonstrate greater understanding of the central role of culture in healthcare-Recognize common barriers to cultural understanding among providers, staff, and residents/patients-Identify characteristics of cultural competence in health care settings-Interpret and respond effectively to diverse older adults’ verbal and nonverbal communication cues- Assess and respond to differences in values, beliefs, and health behaviors among diverse populations and older adults-Demonstrate commitment to culturally and linguistically appropriate services-Work more effectively with diverse health care staff.-Act as leaders, mentors, and role models for other health care providersÿ(Dawn Lehman, Paula Fenza, & ÿand Linda Hollinger-Smith)5. A physical therapy office in ?Little Haiti? in Miami, Florida is ÿclosed due to lack of funds. All patients? appointments are routed to a ÿnearby hospital?s physical therapy department in which the predominant ÿpopulation served is Cuban. List and describe a minimum some steps you ÿbelieve the department has to take to meet the needs of the patients ÿfrom a culturally competent prospective.THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE TODAY AT 6PM. ALL BUT ONE QUESTION HAS BEEN ANSWERED. YOU ONLY NEED TO REPHRASE ANSWERS AND ANSWER 1 QUESTION

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Reaching out a Solution

Reaching out a SolutionThis assignment is designed to assist you in developing a thoughtful process for advocating about an issue as a nurse, from identifying a problem that needs to be solved through articulating a process for doing so.This assignment consists of answering each of the questions listed below from the ?Political Analysis and Strategies? chapter of your course textbook. Write each question as a new topic area; then follow with a paragraph or two to answer the question. Be sure to use APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources, if any used. This project should be no longer than 4 pages.Let us assume that you are a school nurse in a high school. At a recent school athletic event, a spectator suffered a cardiac arrest in the stands. A coach of the home team went into the high school to fetch the automatic emergency defibrillator (AED) only to find out that it was not readily available. In the meantime, an emergency squad arrived and resuscitated the spectator. On Monday morning, you learn of the absence of the AED only to find out that it had been locked in the custodian?s closet. Reflect on the following questions outlined in the ?Political Analysis and Strategies? chapter:What is the issue?Is it my issue, and can I solve it?Is this the real issue or merely a symptom of a larger one?Does it need an immediate solution, or can it wait?Is it likely to go away by itself?Can I risk ignoring it?What are the possible solutions? Are there risks to these solutions?What steps would you need to take in order to solve the issue?Does anyone else at the school need to be involved in the solution?Where is the power leverage in the school to reach the preferred solution?Reaching a solution requires the use of power vested in the nurse. Review Box 9-1 (Sources of Power) and determine which type(s) of power the school nurse has in this situation. State your reasons for your answer.

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Explain the role media has had in shaping our culture and society.Explain the importance of being a critical receiver of mass media messaging.

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(1) Outline the process for the development of nursing standards of practice for your state, including discussion of the entities involved in developing the standards of practice and how the standards of practice influence the nursing process for your areas of specialty.(2) ÿOutline the concept of professional accountability as it pertains to nursing. Provide examples of how a nurse demonstrates professional accountability in clinical expertise, the nursing process, and evidence-based practice.(3)Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN?prepared nurses.Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health?illness continuum.Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.

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Present a typical patient with this disease process (Otitis Media)and how they would present to the office and how you would work up, diagnose, and treat.

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