Qualitative Research Critique-Nursing

The research design must include a nursing theory, the theory’s application to nursing, and identify outcomes impacted nursing practice.Assignment Criteria:For this assignment:Search the literature for one qualitative research study related to your area of research interest (i.e. non clinical or clinical practices).Make sure the article has a nursing theory, the theory has been applied to the nursing environment, and has impacted nursing practice.The article must be peer-reviewed articles within the last five years.Identify the study’s methodology (qualitative) to complete the framework grid from Polit & Beck (2017) textbook. ATTACHED TEMPLATEOnly select one article that reflects the methodology required for this assignment.You should be able to find the article’s method under the article’s section entitled “methodology.”You are required to critique one qualitative nursing research study (i.e. refer to Assignment Criteria #13 a).The article will be critiqued using the framework grid from Polit & Beck (2017) textbook-TEMPLATE ATTACHED-YOU MUST USE!Copy and paste the grid into a Word document. This will make it easy for you to add your typed comments into the grid.This is a critique assignment which focuses on the analysis or your scholarly perspective of the publication. Support your scholarly opinion only with references/citations if further explanation is needed. Use the comment section of the grid to write your comments and any additional citation(s). Each comment cited from another source to support your analysis or scholarly perspective of the critiqued article will require a citation (i.e. Campbell, 2016) in the comment section. Each citation must be documented on the reference page of the assignment (i.e. In accordance with the 6thedition APA Manual).Include the citation information associated with the one qualitative article used for this critique. The course faculty will retrieve the article for assignment review and gradingÂWrite a summary of how the research data/findings are related to the researcher’s recommendations. This is a one page summary separate from the framework grid from Polit & Beck (2017) textbook.Use APA format and appropriate level heading(s) (i.e. Level One and/or Level Two).

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epidemiology and communicable disease

1.What are social determinants of health?ÿ Explain how social determinants of health contribute to the development of disease.ÿ Describe the fundamental idea that the communicable disease chain model is designed to represent. Give an example of the steps a nurse can take to break the link within the communicable disease chain.Resources within your text covering international/global health, and the websites in the topic materials, will assist you in answering this discussion question.2. Select a global health issue affecting the international health community. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger public health care systems (i.e., continents, regions, countries, states, and health departments). Discuss how health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns and some of the stakeholders that work on these issues.Resources within your text covering international/global health, and the websites in the topic materials, will assist you in answering this discussion question.

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Congestive Heart Failure case study 6 questions

APA format.One to two paragraphs each question.Cite referencesNo plagiarism.Due Monday October 23rd at 10:00amCase study attached.

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Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions.

Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA format.CASE STUDY: Preschool Child: Ricky Ricky, age 4 years, arrives in the clinic with his mother. Ricky lives with his mother and father, who both work full-time, and his infant sister. Their extended family lives in a different state more than 100 miles away. Both parents are of average height and in good health. Ricky?s mother mentions that Ricky often expresses frustration, particularly in regard to food. Conflict over food occurs every day. Mealtime is a battle to get him to eat, unless his mother feeds him. Ricky?s baby sister seems to tolerate all baby foods but requires her mother to spoon-feed. Ricky?s mother is quite frustrated and concerned that he will become malnourished.Reflective Questions 1. What additional assessment information would you collect? 2. What questions would you ask, and how would you further explore this issue with the mother? 3. In what ways does the distance of the extended family influence this family?s approach to health promotion? 4. What factors would you consider to determine whether malnourishment is a factor in this family?

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cardiovascular Fred O. MacIntyre

I-human case study help

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Benchmark – Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Benchmark – Effective Approaches in Leadership and ManagementIn this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation.Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs.Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue.Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting.Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles other than those presented in your text or provided in the course.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:RN to BSN1.1:ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.1.3:ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Exercise professional nursing leadership and management roles in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.3.4:ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Demonstrate professional standards of practice.RUBRICAttempt Start Date: 05-Aug-2019 at 12:00:00 AMDue Date: 11-Aug-2019 at 11:59:59 PMMaximum Points: 150.0Benchmark ? Effective Approaches for Leadership and ManagementNo of Criteria: 10 Achievement Levels: 5CriteriaAchievement LevelsDescriptionPercentageUnsatisfactory0.00 %Less Than Satisfactory75.00 %Satisfactory79.00 %Good89.00 %Excellent100.00 %Content80.0 ÿÿÿÿSelected Issue, Setting, and Impact on Patient Safety15.0The issue described does not meet the assignment criteria. The description of the issue and its impact to quality of care and patient safety is omitted.A partial summary of the issue is presented. How it impacts quality of care and patient safety is unclear. There are omissions of key information.A general description of the issue is presented. A summary of how it impacts quality of care and patient safety is presented; more information is needed. There are some inaccuracies.A description of the issue is presented. How the issue impacts quality of care and patient safety is presented. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy.A clear description of the issue is presented. How the issue impacts quality of care and patient safety is detailed and accurate.Professional Standards of Practice to Rectify Issue or Maintain Professional Conduct (D3.4)15.0How professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct is not discussed.A summary of how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct is presented. The summary is incomplete. More information is needed. There are significant inaccuracies.A general discussion of how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct is presented. There are some gaps in the discussion; some information is needed. There are minor inaccuracies. Rationale is needed for support.A discussion of how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct is presented. Minor detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. Rationale provides adequate support.A through discussion of how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct is presented. An understanding of the importance of professional standards of practice in resolving issues and maintaining professional conduct is demonstrated. Strong rationale supports discussion.Differing Roles and Approaches of Nursing Leaders and Nursing Managers (C1.3)15.0Explanation of the differing roles and approaches for nursing leaders and nursing managers is omitted.A partial explanation of the differing roles and approaches for nursing leaders and nursing managers is presented. It is unclear how the roles and approaches relate to the selected issue, or how they would promote patient safety and quality care. Rationale using theories, principles, skills, and nursing manger or nursing leader roles is not used.A general explanation of the differing roles and approaches for nursing leaders and nursing managers is presented. A general summary of how the roles and approaches relate to the selected issue, and how they would promote patient safety and quality care, is provided. Some rationale using theories, principles, skills, and nursing manger or nursing leader roles is used.An explanation of the differing roles and approaches for nursing leaders and nursing managers is presented. An explanation of how the roles and approaches relate to the selected issue, and how they would promote patient safety and quality care, is provided. Rationale using theories, principles, skills, and nursing manger or nursing leader roles is used. Some detail is needed for accuracy or clarity. More rationale is needed in some areas. The explanation demonstrates a general understanding of the of nursing leadership and management roles in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.A detailed explanation of the differing roles and approaches for nursing leaders and nursing managers is presented. A well-developed explanation of how the roles and approaches relate to the selected issue, and how they would promote patient safety and quality care, is provided. Rationale using theories, principles, skills, and nursing manger or nursing leader roles is used. The explanation demonstrates insight into exercising the roles of professional nursing leadership and management in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.Ensuring Professionalism Through Diverse Health Care Settings (C1.1)20.0Discussion on what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue is omitted. The discussion fails to meet the assignment criteria.A partial summary on what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue is presented. The summary contains significant omissions. There are inaccuracies.A general discussion on what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue is presented. It is unclear how some of the aspects continue to address the selected issue, or the aspects do not appear to relate to a diverse health care setting.A discussion on what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue is presented. Overall, the aspects presented address the selected issue and relate to a diverse health care setting. The items proposed in the discussion generally support professionalism in diverse health care settings.A detailed discussion on what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue is presented. The aspects presented clearly continue to address the selected issue and relate to a diverse health care setting. The items proposed in the discussion support the exemplification of professionalism in diverse health care settings.Leadership Style to Address Issue15.0A leadership style to address the chosen issue is omitted. The proposed item is not a leadership style.A leadership style to address the chosen issue is partially summarized. The characteristics of the leadership style are vaguely presented. It is unclear why this style could be successful in this setting.The characteristics of the identified leadership style are described. A general explanation of why this style could be successful in this setting is presented. There are some gaps in the explanation. More information or rationale is needed.The characteristics of the identified leadership style are described. An explanation of why this style could be successful in this setting is presented. Some rationale is needed for support.The characteristics of the identified leadership style are clearly described. A detailed explanation of why this style could be successful in this setting is presented. Strong rationale is provided for support.Organization, Effectiveness, and Format20.0 ÿÿÿÿThesis Development and Purpose5.0Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.Argument Logic and Construction5.0Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.Argument is orderly but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.Argument shows logical progression. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)5.0Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied.Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed.Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech.Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)2.0Template is not used appropriately, or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.All format elements are correct.Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)3.0Sources are not documented.Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.Total Percentage ÿ100

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Health Care Insurance

Step 1 Do some research on the Affordable Care Act.  You can start with the government sponsored website,Health and Human Services Website (Links to an external site.), but find an additional resource as well.Step 2 After reading about payment sources in this week’s lesson, and conducting your research, address the following:Where does the Affordable Care Act fit into the overall U.S. health care payment system?How has it affected private insurance and Medicaid?Did it go far enough in providing access to health care for all U.S. citizens?  Too far?  Explain your position.

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nursing healthcare wk4/dis/

JesHow do you judge Palin?s quote? [?And who will suffer the most when they ration care? Effective strategy to oppose Democrats? plans for health care reform or unethical scaremongering?Palin?s quote was not only inaccurate, it could be said it was a scare tactic.ÿ For those relying on politicians to define changes, especially as they relate to a lengthy new health care act, I view it as a scare tactic to sway voters against the ACA.ÿ Nowhere in the ACA or AHCA does it enforce a ?death panel? (Mason et. al., 2016). This quote from a politician is why it is so important for nurses to understand politics in health care and provide accurate, unbiased, and honest information.Reflect on what informs your judgment: commitment to advance care planning, analysis of facts, and/or political party loyalties?When it comes to my judgement, research and understanding of the facts are key.ÿ Had I simply listened to Palin, I would not have understood the changes in health care the ACA implemented.ÿ Although far from perfect, this act did increase the number of Americans with health coverage to 20 million people and seeks to provide better health promotion, allowing nurses to practice to the full extent of their education and licensure (Collins, 2018).Is it right for nurses to endorse health reform legislation even if the legislation is not perfect? Does this apply to the recently failed American Health Care Act?Few things in life are truly perfect.ÿ As a nurse, I have learned you simply cannot make everyone happy and that applies to healthcare.ÿ Nurses should seek to endorse healthcare policies that allow them to practice as nurses; teaching patients to be as independently healthy as possible.ÿ This certainly applies to the failed AHCA.ÿ Again, the debate is not over universal health coverage, but as to who should pay for it.ÿ Nurses have identified the need for access to health care since the beginning of time.ÿ Advocating and endorsing legislative that is supportive of this idea should be the nurses priority.

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Culturally Competent Nursing

For this assignment, you will interview a person from a cultural background that is different from your own. Using the twelve domains of culture from the Purnell Model, discuss the health practices of that culture and compose a scholarly paper in a Microsoft Word document of 5?6 pages formatted in APA style.In your paper, you should include the following:Select a person from a cultural group different from your own. You may choose a patient, friend, or work colleague. For the sake of confidentiality, do not reveal the name of the person you interview; use only initials.For the person you select, complete the cultural assessment using questions 1 through 12 from the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence in your textbook,ÿTranscultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach.On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.Use thisÿAPA Citation Helperÿas a convenient reference for properly citing resources.This handout will provide you the details ofÿformatting your essay using APA style.You may create your essay in thisÿAPA-formatted template.Submission Details:Name the document SU_NSG4074_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.Submit it to theÿSubmissions Areaÿbyÿthe due date assigned.

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Informatics Competencies

Informatics CompetenciesNursing informatics is a discipline that is still evolving. Yet, there is a set of core skills and knowledge that applies to all individuals who work as nurse informaticists and many competencies that are specific to informatics roles, positions, tasks, and responsibilities. For example, a nurse informaticist who works as a consultant for a health care technology company and a nurse informaticist who works as a professor at a university will share much of the same expertise and knowledge. However, they will also have distinct competencies specific to their unique roles.In this Discussion, you explore informatics competencies within the informatics functional area you selected for the Week 1 Assignment.To prepare:Review nursing informatics competencies such as those outlined by the American Nurses Association (ANA), the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER), and the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).Review this week?s media presentation Competencies for Nurse Informaticists, and reflect on the competencies outlined by the presenters.Recall the informatics functional area you identified in the Week 1 Assignment. With this in mind, what competencies would be most important for you to master? How might you go about developing these competencies?Create a list of competencies you would like to master.Post on Tuesday 06/21/16 a minimum of 550 words in APA format with 3 references addressing the level one headings below:1) ÿA brief description of the informatics functional area in which you are interested2) Then, identify at least four ANA, TIGER and/or QSEN competencies that you believe to be vital for success in this functional area, and justify your choices.3) Explain how you might successfully develop and master each of these competenciesRequired ResourcesReadingsAmerican Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing informatics: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.Read the following chapter:?Informatics Competencies: Spanning Careers and Roles ?In this section, the authors explain the competencies necessary for nurse informaticists to be successful. The section also highlights which competencies are applicable for various informatics roles and functional areas.Saba, V. K., & McCormick, K. A. (2015).ÿEssentials of nursing informaticsÿ(6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.Chapter 2, ?Computer Hardware?This chapter discusses introduces the basics of computer hardware used for nursing informatics.Chapter 4, “Computer Software”This chapter introduces computer software, as well as the programs that are most relevant to nursing informatics.Chapter 11, System Life Cycle: A Framework?In this chapter, the authors introduce the systems life cycle (SDLC) and its stages. These stages are often used by organizations for large-scale projects, such as implementing or upgrading health information technology.Chapter 13, ?System Life Cycle Tools”Chapter 13 focuses on the tools needed to assist with each phase of the System Life Cycle. Successful implementation projects require clinical expertise as well as technical knowledge from nurse informaticists.Chapter 9, ?Computer Interaction ?This chapter explains the need for nurses to be informed about human-machine interactions to prevent unintended consequences. Increased awareness of these factors can result in improved performance and outcomes in nursing informatics and other technologies.Preheim, G. J., Armstrong, G. E., & Barton, A. J. (2009). The new fundamentals in nursing: Introducing beginning quality and safety education for nurses’ competencies. The Journal of Nursing Education, 48(12), 694?697.Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.This article discusses the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative and its six competencies, including informatics, that are essential for nursing practice. The authors emphasize that nursing education should shift from task-training and development to more current skills and competencies for informatics and patient-centered care.Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. (2012). Informatics. Retrieved from http://qsen.org/competencies/graduate-ksas/#informaticsAccess this website to explore the knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected of informatics graduates.Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society. (2015). Informatics competencies for every practicing nurse: Recommendations from the TIGER Collaborative. Retrieved from http://www.thetigerinitiative.org/docs/TigerReport_InformaticsCompetencies.pdfThis comprehensive report provides you with an overview of the TIGER collaborative as well as informatics competencies.MediaLaureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012a). Competencies for nurse informaticists. Baltimore: Author.Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 10 minutes.In this week?s media presentation, Gail Latimer, Dr. Patricia Button, and Dr. Roy Simpson overview the progress that the ANA and the TIGER initiative have made in outlining key informatics competencies. In addition, each presenter identifies competencies that he or she believes to be vital to working in the informatics field.

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