Res/3 Path

Instructions: Respond by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance. Response must be in current APA format, must be grammatically correct and must be at least 200 words.Clinical Manifestations of Acute Kidney InjuryThe possible types of Acute Kidney Injury as per M.r J.R clinical manifestation are perenal injury and intrinsic injury. In perenal injury, the kidney may normally be functioning, but renal perfusion linked to vomiting or diarrhea results in a decreased arterial filtration rate. Some symptoms of perenal injury include nausea, fatigue, and vomiting. And as from the presented case, M.r J.R has shown these symptoms. Besides, there are clinical manifestations of gastroenteritis and possible renal injury. These are possible signs of perenal injury type of Acute Kidney Injury.The intrinsic injury happens when there is injury to the kidney, resulting to loss in kidney function. A common type of intrinsic injury is acute tubular necrosis, with the usual cause such as nephrotoxic (toxic agents to the tubular cells) (Rahman,ÿShad & Smith,ÿ2012). Some of these toxic agents may include medicine. They are more severe when the patient has an existing condition that increases risk of having acute kidney disease. As from the presented case, M.r J.R has been using pain-relieving medicines such Pepto-Bismol, which can be harmful if overused with existing kidney disease. Toxic medicines may limit the normal homeostatic responses to volume depletion, thus resulting in the decline of renal functions. This type of acute kidney has symptoms such as nausea and fatigue, which were presented by M.r J.R. A clinical manifestation of possible renal injury is linked to this type of acute kidney injury.Risk FactorsThere are various risk factors for acute kidney injury. From the given case, Mr. J.R might have the following risk factors.Age: Mr. J.R is 73 years old, and people older than 65 years are susceptible to developing acute kidney injury; this is due to the functional deterioration of the kidney due to the aging process and a reduced renal reverse (American nurse, 2015).Sepsis: Sepsis can be a risk factor in Mr. J.R’s case, mainly because he has infections such as diarrhea and inflammatory response during this process can lead to the adaptive response of the tubular epithelial cells, which reduces functions of the cells to minimize energy demand, and can result in reduced kidney function.Toxic medications can also be a risk factor for kidney disease since they limit the normal homeostatic responses to volume depletion, resulting in the decline of renal functions.Complications On Hematologic System (Coagulopathy and Anemia) and the Pathophysiologic Mechanisms InvolvedIn this case, hematologic system functions will reduce significantly. This is because damaged kidneys generate fewer erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone responsible for indicating bone marrow to create red blood cells. With reduced EPO, the body will make fewer red blood cells signifying less oxygen is supplied to other body tissues. Besides, chronic kidney disease can lead to low levels of nutrients such as vitamin B12 and folate to make red blood cells (, 2014). The case of fewer red blood cells leads to anemia. Besides, chronic kidney disease can lead to venous thromboembolism, making it easier for the body to form blood clots; this is mainly seen with kidney problems causing welling or higher levels of proteins in the urine.Ms. P.C. Case Study QuestionsClinical Manifestations and Microscopic Examination of the Vaginal DischargeThe most possible diagnosis for Ms. P.C is a pelvic inflammatory disease. This disease mainly happens when sexually transmitted bacteria extends from the vagina and affects the uterus, fallopian tube, or ovaries. Ms. P.C has presented clinical manifestations such as abdominal pain, nausea, emesis, and vaginal discharge, which is thick, greenish-yellow in color, and very smelly; these are all symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease (Higuera,ÿ2019). Besides, the positive high white blood cells count in her microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge is a positive sign for pelvic inflammatory disease.Microorganism InvolvedThe microorganism involved is bacteria. Greenish-yellow in color, smelly vaginal discharge, and abnormal white blood cells, as seen in the case of Ms. P.C, are signs of bacterial infection (Higuera,ÿ2019). This bacteria travels from vagina to womb or fallopian tubes, causing an infection. Several types of bacteria can cause pelvic inflammatory disease; however, the common types are gonorrhea or chlamydia infections. They are mainly acquired during unprotected sex (Higuera,ÿ2019). Besides, someone can get bacteria when they gets into the reproductive region when the usual barrier, which is formed by the cervix, is disrupted; this happens mostly during menstruation (Mayo clinic, 2019). As from the Ms. P.C case, she admits to having unprotected sex once in a while, and her LMP also ended three days ago. These can be one of the causes of the bacteria.Criteria to Recommend HospitalizationTreatment of pelvic inflammatory disease is essential since it helps relieve acute symptoms, exterminate the current infection, or minimize the disease’s long-term effect. This as well helps in the reduction of the transmission of the infection to a sexual partner. A patient can be urgently admitted to the hospital if they have severe symptoms such as the ones shown by Ms. P.C., such as nausea and vomiting. Another factor is when the patient has signs of pelvic peritonitis.The criteria I will use to recommend hospitalization to Ms. P.C include administering antibiotics. The first treatment line is to prescribe antibiotics immediately to Ms. P.C after receiving the lab test. The recommended antibiotics are penicillin, cefoxitin, metronidazole, ceftriaxone, and doxycycline (Das, Ronda & Trent, 2016). They help in stopping the growth of the bacteria or kills it. The patient should then be checked after three days of taking the antibiotics to monitor and ensure the treatment is working. It is also imperative to advise the patient to continue taking the antibiotics to finish the dose even if the condition improves. If the oral antibiotics do not work or in the cases of severe symptoms, the patient will continue in the hospital, where the intravenous medication will be recommended (Das, Ronda & Trent, 2016). Surgery can also be considered when the patient shows signs of scarring on the fallopian tubes. One or both of the fallopian tubes can be removed. Treating Ms. P.C’s sexual partner will also be recommended to avoid the bacteria’s reinfection. While out of the hospital, Ms. P.C will be advised to refrain from any sexual activities until the treatment is completed.ReferencesRahman,ÿM., Shad,ÿF., & Smith,ÿM. (2012). Acute kidney injury: A guide to diagnosis and management.ÿAmerican Family Physician,ÿ86(7), 631-639.American nurse. (2015, July 13).ÿAmerican nurse: The official Journal of the American Nurses Association (ANA). American Nurse.ÿ, B. B., Ronda, J., & Trent, M. (2016). Pelvic inflammatory disease: improving awareness, prevention, and treatment.ÿInfection and Drug Resistance,ÿ9, 191?197.,ÿV. (2019).ÿPelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Healthline.ÿ clinic. (2019, October 18).ÿIron deficiency anemia – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic – Mayo Clinic.ÿ (2014, July 16).ÿAnemia in chronic kidney disease. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.ÿ(Links to an external site.)

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Module 07 Assignment ? Sensory Perception Disorder Care Map

Module 07 ContentClickÿhere to open a word document with the assignment instructions and rubric.NUR2356_Module 07 Assignment_1220.docxSubmit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check theÿCourse Calendarÿfor specific due dates.Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:Jstudent_exampleproblem_101504

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Week 5

STEP 2 ? Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question.PICOt question from Step 1: An Effective Plan to Reduce Polypharmacy in a State PrisonProvide a title that conveys or describes the assignment.Project Purpose Statement ? Provide a declarative sentence or two which summarizes the specific topic and goals of the project.Background and Significance ? State the importance of the problem and emphasize what is innovative about your proposed project. Discuss the potential impact of your project on your anticipated results to the betterment of health and/or health outcomes.PICOt formatted Clinical Project Questions ? Provide the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Expected Outcomes and timeframe for the proposed project.References ? Cite references using APA 7th ed format.

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Literature Review

Please use the article attached and fill out the Literature review table that is also attached. Thank you. APA citing.

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For Expert_Researcher ONLY! Assignment 2-5

Assessment details are attached. Thank you!

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Gynecologic HealthSelect a patient that you examined as a nurse practitioner student during the last three weeks of clinical on OB/GYN Issue. With this patient in mind, address the following in a SOAP Note 1 OR 2 PAGES :Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding her personal and medical history?Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment?Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters for this patient , as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan.Very Important:  Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation?ReferenceGagan, M. J. (2009). The SOAP format enhances communication. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 15(5), 15.Tharpe, N. L., Farley, C., & Jordan, R. G. (2013). Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery & Women’s health (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.Chapter 6, “Care of the Well Woman Across the Life Span” ,“Care of the Woman Interested in Barrier Methods of Birth Control” (pp. 275–278)Chapter 7, “Care of the Woman with Reproductive Health Problems”“Care of the Woman with Dysmenorrhea” (pp. 366–368)“Care of the Woman with Premenstrual Symptoms, Syndrome (PMS), or Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)” (pp. 414–418)

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Looking for anyone that have NURS 6630

Let me know if someone have the ÿquestions and answeredÿfor NURS 6630 Midterm and Final ExamPsychopharmacologic Approaches to Treatment of Psychopathology

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