Discussion Post – HIV/AIDS Epidemiology

Discussion Question:Write a paragraph summary about the history and epidemiology of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Include the origin, spread, introduction into the United States and its current state in our society.****Discussion Forum Guidelines****The weekly discussion forums are designed to enhance your understanding of the weekly topic as well as promote a robust discussion. Follow the guidelines in order to obtain full points for your participation.Discussion posts must be a minimum ofÿ250 wordsÿin length, not including citationsUse at least 1 citation from the peer-reviewed literature other than the textbooks from our class.Use APA format for all citations.Discussion posts must be insightful, unique, and in relation to the weekly content.***Discussion Forum Grading***All of the following will result in anÿautomatic zeroÿfor your discussion postLate WorkUnoriginal Work (Refer to the academic guidelines)Posts less than 250 wordsAll of the following will result inÿpoint deductionsÿfor your discussion postIncorrect use of APA formatted citationsNot addressing the promptFailure to add original content or thoughts to the discussion

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C228-Task 2

A.  Select one of the following communicable diseases that has had an outbreak across international borders:•  influenza•  measles•  respiratory syndrome coronavirus•  meningococcal disease•  HIV/AIDS•  Ebola virus•  hepatitis B•  hepatitis C•  tuberculosis•  Zika virusB.  Describe the outbreak of the disease selected in part A, including each of the following:•  name of the disease•  the countries involved•  the date the outbreak was discovered•  the dates the disease reached each involved country1.  Analyze the epidemiological determinants and risk factors associated with the outbreak.2.  Discuss the route of transmission of the selected disease.3.  Discuss how an outbreak of the selected disease would impact your community at a systems level (e.g., the functioning of schools, local government, businesses, hospitals).4.  Explain what the reporting protocol would be if an outbreak of the selected disease were to occur in your community.5.  Discuss two strategies (e.g., patient education strategies, community education strategies) that you would recommend to prevent an outbreak of the selected disease in your community.C.  Submit a PDF of your score summary from Bentonville that includes each of the following completed activities:•  Influenza in Bentonville•  Community Advocacy•  Emergency Response•  Communicable DiseaseNote: For an example of how your score sheet should look, refer to the attached “Sample Final Results Report: Influenza in Bentonville.”D.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.File RestrictionsFile name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )File size limit: 200 MBFile types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

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Policy Brief

Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” or “Topics and Issues” pages of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. Investigate a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.Write a 750-1,000-word policy brief that summarizes the issue, explains the effect on the population, and proposes a solution to the issue.Follow this outline when writing the policy brief:Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.Create a problem statement.Provide suggestions for addressing the health issue caused by the current policy. Describe what steps are required to initiate policy change. Include necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator) and budget or funding considerations, if applicable.Discuss the impact on the health care delivery system.Include three peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.Benchmark InformationRegistered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in NursingThe benchmark assesses the following competencies:1.4 Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.

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According to your worldview, what value does a human person have?

According to your worldview, what value does a human person have? How does your position affect your stance on controversial bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research?

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Anesthesia coding

As a new medical coder for an Anesthesiologist group, it is important that you practice calculating service payments by assigning the appropriate anesthesia code(s) and modifier(s), as well as determining the base and time unit values, any modifying circumstances, and the conversion factor to arrive at your anesthesia service payment.Apply your knowledge of Anesthesia coding.Include the following aspects in the assignment:Ø  Use the data in the tables belowØ  Be creative and create two different scenariosØ  Time should be in 15 minute incrementsØ  Describe how to calculate anesthesia base and time unitsØ  Distinguish anesthesia service payments by using and describing the approved formulaØ  Arrive at the correct reimbursement and coding responses for each scenarioØ  Assign physical status and qualifying circumstance codes to your CPT anesthesia codes in each of the two scenarios.

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reply db 2 apa reference

Reply amandaQuestion #2There are so many health indicators and concerns for a teen or woman who is a victim of sexual exploitation.ÿ ?In a systematic review of the impact of IPV on sexual health, IPV was consistently associated with sexual risk taking, inconsistent condom use, partner non-monogamy, unplanned pregnancies, induced abortions, sexually transmitted infections and sexual dysfunction?(Chamberlin & Levenson, 2011)ÿ These are just some of the physical health concerns they may have.ÿ There are so many emotional concerns that would be linked to sexual exploitation also.ÿ ÿPost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts, Depression, including prolonged sadness, feelings of hopelessness, unexplained crying, weight loss or gain, loss of energy or interest in activities previously enjoyed?(Joyful Heart Foundation, 2019).Georgia specifically has a state wide domestic violence hotline. ?Educational videos on temporary protective orders were distributed to Nurse Mangers in all 159 Georgia Counties and 19 Health Districts to utilize in trainings and seminars.ÿ The tapes, obtained from the Georgia Commission on Family Violence, were designed to increase the nurses? knowledge of services available to victims of domestic and sexual assault, and to enable them to direct these women to alternatives that can help reduce their exposure to violence.ÿ Designed and developed a tri-fold pocket card (inEnglishÿ(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.andSpanishÿ(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), in collaboration with the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (GCADV),ÿ that contains information on the signs of domestic violence, safety plans, options available to survivors of domestic violence, and a list community organizations that work with survivors of domestic violence?(DPH, 2018).In my county specifically I know there is an organization called Community Welcome House, Inc.ÿ This organization helps domestic violence victims.ÿ It provides, ?Emergency housing sanctuary in the time of crisis Residents receive assistance with medical care, child care, counseling, financial assistance, vocational training, employment and permanent housing?(Domesticshelters.org, 2019).Chamberlin, Linda & Levenson, Rebecca. (2011). Guidelines for Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Reproductive and Sexual Coercion For Obstetric, Gynecologic, Reproductive Health Care Settings. American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Retrieved on March 17, 2019 from https://www.acog.org/-/media/Departments/Violence-Against-Women/Guidelines-for-Addressing-Intimate-Partner-Violence.pdf?dmc=1&ts=20190317T1155502488Joyful Heart Foundation. (2019). Effects of Sexual Assault and Rape.ÿ Retrieved on March 17, 2019 from http://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/learn/sexual-assault-rape/effects-sexual-assault-and-rapeDepartment of Public Health. (2018). Violence against Women Prevention. Retrieved on March 17, 2019 from https://dph.georgia.gov/violence-against-women-preventionDomestic Shelters, (2019). Retrieved on March 17, 2019 from https://www.domesticshelters.org/help/ga/newnan/30263/community-welcome-houseReply hollieQuestion 1?Domestic ViolenceDomestic violence can come in many shapes and forms. In some cases, physical injury can occur, while in other cases psychological abuse, deprivation, intimidation or other types of harm can occur (ACOG, 2012). The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recognizes that routine visits and prenatal visits are an ideal time to assess for domestic violence (ACOG, 2012). Assessing for domestic violence can be done by using simple screening questions. These questions should not be asked in front of the abuser or other individuals. ACOG (2012) recommends using a framing statement and confidentiality statement before asking any questions. The framing statement lets the patient know that questions are being asked because relationships play a large role in health and the confidentiality statement lets the patient know that what she states today will not be told to anyone else unless reporting is required (ACOG, 2012).Risk FactorsTwo risk factors for domestic violence include: low education levels and drug and/or alcohol abuse (Huecker & Smock, 2018). Studies have shown that there is an inverse relationship between education levels and rates of domestic violence (Huecker & Smock, 2018). Men are more likely to perpetrate violence if they have low education and women are more likely to experience intimate partner violence (IPV) if they have a low education level (WHO, 2017). Alcohol and drug use are also risk factors for IPV. Alcohol and drug abuse is associated with an increase in the incidence of domestic violence, likely due to the inability of an impaired person to control violent impulses (Huecker & Smock, 2018).Clinical SignsObtaining a history, screening for IPV, and performing a physical exam can help point to IPV. Huecker and Smock (2018) state the most common injuries involved in IPV are on the head, neck, and face. Defensive injuries may also be present on the forearms (Huecker & Smock, 2018). A full physical exam should also evaluate the skin in areas covered by clothing (Huecker & Smock, 2018). Sexual abuse may be harder to identify physically, depending on the nature of the abuse (Huecker & Smock, 2018). Psychological complaints may include: anxiety, depression, and fatigue (Huecker & Smock, 2018). The patient may also have vague complaints, such as chronic pain, headaches, or chest pain (Huecker & Smock, 2018).ReferencesACOG. (2012). Intimate Partner Violence. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 518(1), 1-6. Retrieved from https://www.acog.org/-/media/Committee-Opinions/Committee-on-Health-Care-for-Underserved-Women/co518.pdf?dmc=1&ts=20190318T0127216097Huecker, M., & Smock, W. (2018). Domestic violence. Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499891/WHO. (2017). Violence against women. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women

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Assessing Musculoskeletal Pain

PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION BELOW:5 REFERENCES NOT MORE THAN 5 YEARSZERO PLAGIARISMPLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED RUBRIC DETAILS AND EPISODIC/FOCUSED NOTE TEMPLATEPLEASE FOLLOW THE APA 7 FORMATE/STYLE.The body is constantly sending signals about its health. One of the most easily recognized signals is pain. Musculoskeletal conditions comprise one of the leading causes of severe long-term pain in patients. The musculoskeletal system is an elaborate system of interconnected levers that provides the body with support and mobility. Because of the interconnectedness of the musculoskeletal system, identifying the causes of pain can be challenging. Accurately interpreting the cause of musculoskeletal pain requires an assessment process informed by patient history and physical exams.In this Discussion, you will consider case studies that describe abnormal findings in patients seen in a clinical setting.To prepare:By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to one of the following specific case studies for this Discussion. Please see the ?Course Announcements? section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.Your Discussion post should be in the Episodic/Focused SOAP Note format rather than the traditional narrative style Discussion posting format. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template in the Week 5 Learning Resources for guidance. Remember that all Episodic/Focused SOAP notes have specific data included in every patient case.Review the following case studies:STUDY CASE:A 46-year-old female reports pain in both of her ankles, but she is more concerned about her right ankle. She was playing soccer over the weekend and heard a “pop.” She is able to bear weight, but it is uncomfortable. In determining the cause of the ankle pain, based on your knowledge of anatomy, what foot structures are likely involved? What other symptoms need to be explored? What are your differential diagnoses for ankle pain? What physical examination will you perform? What special maneuvers will you perform? Should you apply the Ottawa ankle rules to determine if you need additional testing?With regard to the case study you were assigned:Review this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights they provide about the case study.Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient in the case study you were assigned.Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis?Identifyÿat least fiveÿpossible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient.Postÿan episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis, and justify why you selected each.

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WC 13-14

Identify a personal learning need you discovered while assessing or managing a specific diagnosis. What steps will you take to improve your understanding or skills?What insights did you gain during your experience this week that will prove most helpful for future encounters?PLEASE ANSWER THE 2 QUESTION ABOVE IN 2 DIFFERENT PARAGRAPH IN ONE PAGE,NO PLAGIARISM2 DIFFERENTS REFERENCES FOR EACH QUESTION

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Reading Reflection 250 WORDS. two references

Chapter 23:ÿPamela Reed’s Theory of Self-TranscendenceChapter 24: Patricia Liehr and Mary Jane Smith’s Story TheoryNola J. Pender’s HealthPromotion Model: (click on the following link for readings on this model)https://www.nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/pender-health-promotion-model.php

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Nursing?s Role in Decision Making

What is and/or should be nursing?s role in decision making regarding selecting information systems?500 words, 2 ACADEMIC REFERENCE, NO WEBSITE REFERENCE!

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