Module 04 Course Project – Annotated Bibliography

Module 04 ContentUse the attached template:Module 4 Course Project_NUR 2214.docxFollow instructions/rubric closelyCourse Competency:Compare the care models for nursing practice specific to the older adult.Transferable Skill:Information Literacy: Discovering information reflectively, understanding how information is produced and valued, and using the information to create new knowledge and participate ethically in communities of learning.Your nursing supervisor likes the topic you chose for the in-service presentation and wants you to start researching! To make sure you get the project on the right track, your supervisor has asked you to do the following:Using the Rasmussen Library, identify at least 2 resources pertaining to your topic.Prepare an annotated bibliography for the resources you identified. Each entry will include:the full APA formatted referencean annotation consisting of the following elements:2 to 4 sentences to summarize the main idea(s) of the source1 or 2 sentences to assess and evaluate the source1 or 2 sentences to reflect on the sourceFor information about making a research appointment with a Rasmussen librarian, evaluating the credibility of a source, or creating an annotated bibliography, consult the resources below.What is an annotated bibliography and how do I do one? Do you have a sample I can see?How can I make a research appointment with a Rasmussen College Librarian?How do I know if a source is credible?Once you receive your graded submission, be sure to review the supervisor’s feedback. You want to make sure that your next submission shows that you made appropriate improvements based on the feedback.

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Assign 2-WK7(G)

Practicum ? Assessing Client Family ProgressLearning ObjectivesStudents will:ú Create progress notesú Create privileged notesú Justify the inclusion or exclusion of information in progress and privileged notes (SEE ATTACHED SAMPLE OF PROGRESS AND PRIVILIGED NOTE)ú Evaluate preceptor notesTo prepare:ú Reflect on the client family you selected for the Week 3 Practicum Assignment (SEE ATTACHED WEEK 3 NOTE),The AssignmentPart 1: Progress NoteUsing the client family from your Week 3 Practicum Assignment address in a progress note (without violating HIPAA regulations) the following:ú Treatment modality used and efficacy of approachú Progress and/or lack of progress toward the mutually agreed-upon client goals(reference the treatment plan for progress toward goals)ú Modification(s) of the treatment plan that were made based on progress/lack ofprogressú Clinical impressions regarding diagnosis and or symptomsú Relevant psychosocial information or changes from original assessment (e.g.,marriage, separation/divorce, new relationships, move to a newhouse/apartment, change of job)ú Safety issuesú Clinical emergencies/actions takenú Medications used by the patient, even if the nurse psychotherapist was not theone prescribing themú Treatment compliance/lack of complianceú Clinical consultationsú Collaboration with other professionals (e.g., phone consultations with physicians,psychiatrists, marriage/family therapists)ú The therapist?s recommendations, including whether the client agreed to therecommendationsú Referrals made/reasons for making referralsú Termination/issues that are relevant to the termination process (e.g., clientinformed of loss of insurance or refusal of insurance company to pay forcontinued sessions)ú Issues related to consent and/or informed consent for treatmentú Information concerning child abuse and/or elder or dependent adult abuse,including documentation as to where the abuse was reportedú Information reflecting the therapist?s exercise of clinical judgmentNote: Be sure to exclude any information that should not be found in a discoverable progress note.Part 2: Privileged Noteú Based on this week?s readings, prepare a privileged psychotherapy note that you would use to document your impressions of therapeutic progress/therapy sessions for your client family from the Week 3 Practicum Assignment. (SEE ATTACHED WEEK 3 NOTE),In your progress note, address the following:ú Include items that you would not typically include in a note as part of the clinical record.ú Explain why the items you included in the privileged note would not be included in the client family?s progress note.ú Explain whether your preceptor uses privileged notes. If so, describe the type of information he or she might include. If not, explain why.

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Jean Watson’s theory of human caring/caring science core principles to APN Practice

Discussion Question 2 – Applying Jean Watson’s Theory on Human Caring/Caring Science Core Principles to APN PracticeDiscussion PromptJean Watson?s Theory of ÿHuman Caring/Caring Science is one theoretical framework used throughout the USU College of Nursing courses. The practice implication of Watson?s Human Caring Theory evolves our thinking and approaches to patient care from a mindset of carative (cure) to one of caritas (care). The core principles/practice are founded on a:Practice of loving-kindness and equanimityAuthentic presence: enabling deep belief of other (patient, colleague, family, etc.)Cultivation of one?s own spiritual practice toward wholeness of mind/body/spirit?beyond ego?Being? the caring-healing environmentAllowing miracles (openness to the unexpected and inexplicable life events)Some individuals are comfortable framing their practice with Watson while other prefer different theories or collection of theories. However, Watson is based on caring which a foundation of nursing. Anyone could use the core principles to guide decision making. Select one of the core principles and discuss ways you might be able to use in guiding your advanced practice nursing practices.Resource:Watson?s Caring Science Institute. (2018). Core concepts of Jean Watson?s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science. Retrieved August 20, 2018 fromÿ Watson?s Philosphy of Nursing -ÿ, J. (2008). Nursing: The philosophy and science of caring (rev. ed.), Boulder: University Press of Colorado.ExpectationsInitial Post:Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including referencesCitations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

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Musculoskeletal disorder

Musculoskeletal Disorder Concept Map. Prepare a concept map for a musculoskeletal disorder from your readings. Use the included template outline to system disorder including the path o physiology, etiology and clinical manif

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Chronic Illness and Rehabilitation Paper

Develop a realistic case and Identify a chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Could be from a previous experience on your career.Identify chronic illness and its relationship to rehabilitation. Choose from one: COPD, CHF, Stroke, Hip fractureCreate interventions that support an older adult’s adaptation to the chronic illness or disability.Describe the nurse’s role in assisting older adults in managing chronic conditions.From your readings and knowledge which opportunities do you think can be change in the health care system to improve care for older adults with chronic illness and disability.The paper is to be 4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style. NO WEBSITE REFERENCE

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Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.Pharmacokinetics describes what the body does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body.hen selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient?s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. These patient factors include genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking, alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.For this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient?s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes may alter his or her response to a drug.To PrepareReview the Resources for this module and consider the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practices from the last 5 years and think about how pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug.Consider factors that might have influenced the patient?s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes, such as genetics (including pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible pathophysiological changes due to disease.Think about a personalized plan of care based on these influencing factors and patient history in your case study.Post a description of the patient case from your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practice from the last 5 years. Then, describe factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patient you identified. Finally, explain details of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing factors and patient history in your case. Be specific and provide examples.Rubric:Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.Supported by at least three current, credible sources.Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.References:Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2018). Lehne?s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice providers. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.Chapter 1, ?Prescriptive Authority? (pp. 1?3)Chapter 2, ?Rational Drug Selection and Prescription Writing? (pp. 5?9)Chapter 3, ?Promoting Positive Outcomes of Drug Therapy? (pp. 11?16)Chapter 4, ?Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Interactions? (pp. 17?40)Chapter 5, ?Adverse Drug Reactions and Medical Errors? (pp. 41?49)Chapter 6, ?Individual Variation in Drug Response? (pp. 51?56)

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Capstone – Topic 2 DQ 1

During your practicum, determine what clinical problem or issue the ÿÿorganization is facing. Discuss two implications for nursing.The biggest problem or issue is staffing. The turn-over rate is incredibly high and there is never enough staff to provide satisfactory patient care.

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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Discussion: Posttraumatic Stress DisorderIt is estimated that more than 6% of the U.S. population will experience posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their lifetime (National Center for PTSD, 2010). This debilitating disorder often interferes with an individual?s ability to function in daily life. Common symptoms of anxiousness and depression frequently lead to substance abuse issues and even physical ailments. For this Discussion, as you examine the Thompson Family Case Study in this week?s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat clients presenting with PTSD.ú Review this week?s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide.ú View the media Academic Year in Residence: Thompson Family Case Study, and assess the client in the case study.ú For guidance on assessing the client, refer to pages 137?142 of the Wheeler text in this week?s Learning Resources.Note: To complete this Discussion, you must assess the client, but you are not required to submit a formal Comprehensive Client Assessment.Post an explanation of your observations of the client in Thompson Family Case Study, including behaviors that align to the PTSD criteria in DSM-5. Then, explain therapeutic approaches you might use with this client, including psychotropic medications if appropriate. Finally, explain expected outcomes for the client based on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.N:B REMEMBER TO INCLUDE THE INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION AND REFERENCES LESS THAN 7 YEARS OLDRequired ReadingsWheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.Chapter 13, ?Stabilization for Trauma and ÿÿÿÿÿDissociation? (pp. 469?508)American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.Required MediaLaureate Education (Producer). (2012a). Academic year in residence: Thompson family case study [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.Ochberg, F. (2012). Psychotherapy for chronic PTSD [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:

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How can a crisis situation make collaboration and trust stronger in a group? Why does this happen? How can staff development improve rapport among colleagues and build trust across departments?

Max Points: 5.0How can a crisis situation make collaboration and trust stronger in a group? Why does this happen? How can staff development improve rapport among colleagues and build trust across departments?It needs to be at least 500 words and ÿwith 2- 3 references, apa format

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Individual project 2

Continue to use the scenario to assist you with this assignment.Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburban community outside of a large city with two competing large academic medical centers. Both Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical centers have a long history of service to the region, but their business and fundamental practices are different. Your manager, Ms. Woods, Healing Hands’ Chief Operating Officer, is part of the Task Force working on the strategic plan for the hospital and needs to understand the fundamental practices of these academic medical centers.You have been asked to research the differences between the services that your organization offers and those of at least one of these academic medical centers. For the purposes of this assignment, use the Web to research community hospitals and academic medical centers and select one community hospital and one academic medical center located in the same city or area to represent these two healthcare organizations for the purpose of working on this assignment. You will use the information that you find about these two healthcare organizations for the Individual Project assignments in the remaining weeks of the course culminating in your final project in Week 5. Use the acute-care community hospital to represent Healing Hands Hospital. Thislinkprovides a list of example community hospitals. Choose one and then find an academic medical center located in the same geographic region.  Review the Web information on these facilities to complete this assignment.1. Describe the similarities and differences of these organizations in terms of the following:MissionGoalsObjectivesManagement structureReimbursement modelsStaffingPoliciesProceduresResearch and clinical trials2.  Based on your analysis of the data that you present, provide your opinion on what would be the main areas of concern if the two organizations were to merge and how they could be overcome.You may include a table for the comparison, but you must describe your evaluation of where there are and are not similarities between the two healthcare organizations and your opinion. Your research should be at least 2-pages, not including the title page and reference page.Be sure to document your references using APA format. This includes the websites for the two hospitals that you are using for the assignment.This paper will be a part of the final project to be submitted in Unit 4 and 5.  Label this week’s paper as “Report on the Future of Healing Hands”.Reference:Dyrda L., Rosen T., Wood, M., and Hoefner, M.. (2017). 100 Great community Hospitals Becker’s Hospital Review. Retrieved from submit your assignment.

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