need the assignment with the details above in the description

Ad Campaign Copy Platform and Image
Due: Jul 27, 2018 at 11:59 PM

For your Advertising assignment, you will be creating your own ad.You can create your own product or create a new twist for an existing product, cause, or campaign. You can create your ad in any format that you want. You can draw, cut and paste or use a publishing program (InDesign, etc. ). Make sure that you create your image (no stick figures). Once you have created your ad you should convert it to a PDF document via scan, export, or “print to PDF” command.

Your ad should have the following elements: (1) Illustration, (2) Headline, (3) Subheads, (4) Body Copy, and (5) Closings. Your book discusses these elements beginning on page 179. Your ad should be letter sized (8 1/2 X 11).

You MUST also include a Copy Platform (10.7, page 175) as a Word document. A copy platform is a way of gathering information about a product and matching it with the advertising situation. Use the example in the book as your guide. You should use bullet points as needed and sentences when needed. You must include the following elements:

  1. Ad Subject
  2. Ad Problem
  3. Product Characteristics
  4. Advertising Objective
  5. Target Market
  6. Competition
  7. Statement of benefit or appeal
  8. Creative theme
  9. Supportive selling points


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scenario assignment 1

Resource: Jeemp Template.

Mr. Beridon received your requests for information and returned data which you have compiled in an Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet (see document template). He also said, “We grow sod and trees at Jeemp Farms. We sell the sod mainly to home builders in the area, although we sell to some individuals who are purchasing square footages to re-sod their yard. Many home builders will purchase to sod an entire subdivision. They then may come back to us to purchase trees for the yards. It really is a package deal. For builders like that, we are a one-stop-shop. In most cases, however, we sell the trees to orchards and some individuals. The purchaser is responsible for all shipping costs related to their product.”

“Our production process is different for each product. For sod, we plant the seed, irrigate, cut, and roll the sod and then transport it. For the trees, we plant the root stock, graft the tree, water until a particular maturity and then dig it up and sell it. We inspect the plants as needed to make sure we are producing a quality product that is disease-free.”

“We have delayed purchasing some machinery that reduces time for the planting of the trees because it is a large up-front cost and we don’t want to have a huge outlay of cash if our profits keep going down.”

“The grass does not require as much irrigation as the trees, as it is at a lower elevation than the tree acres and is closer to the creek; it gets a lot of the run off.”

“Historically, we have always been able to sell everything we produce. Hopefully, that will continue since Houston is expanding rapidly.”

Include the following, min of 150 words each

1.Describe any factors that could skew your results. In other words, explain if there is one method of costing that could make a product look more favorable than it really is.

2.Describe other methods of analysis you could use to help you come to a decision.

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writing after action report and improvment plan

You can see all data in the EEG file in the attachment and from that data I waan you to write the After Action Report

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complete 1 page paper on sexual assault laws


Complete page paper on sexual assault laws…please view the picture and follow the instructions VERY CLOSEY. Don’t worry about the reference to the book chapter.

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discussion on comic v for vendetta

1. Read the book:

Title: V for Vendetta

Author: Alan Moore

Publisher: DC

ISBN 10: 140120841X / 1-4012-0841-X ISBN 13: 9781401208417

(I also have some documents post by the professor are helpful! Attached below)

2. Answer the following two discussion question:

(this is not a professional journal or paper. it is just simple discussion question. i do not need any format for this assignment. i just need some paragraphs for one discussion question. thank you!)

(the assignment is not based on the film and it is based on the book!!)

Discussion#7a: Thematic Analysis-Anarchy

(100 words – 250 words)

Directions: please review the Power Point Lesson titled “Thematic Analysis: Anarchy.” Respond to the questions contained therein and post your responses here.

Remember: Please provide a rationale for why you feel the way you do.

Please refer to direct instances in the text when the question pertains to particular characters/incidents in the story.

Quotes are recommended.

Discussion #7b: Thematic Analysis-The Mask

(100 words – 250 words)

Please Review Lesson V Pt II – The Mask. The final slide features several questions you must answer for this discussion board. The lesson itself guides you through these questions, providing resources to help you navigate and reflect upon them.

Discussion #8: Psychological Approach

(100 words – 250 words)

Directions: Answer the following questions (you may review the Culminating Lesson in the Week I folder to refresh your memory about the Psychological Approach)

1. If we view the entire cast of characters in V for Vendetta as entities within a single human mind, which character would most likely be

a. id

b. ego

c. superego

Please provide a rationale for your position (just explain why you feel the characters you choose would represent these parts of the mind).

Discussion #9a: Feminism and Comics

I’d like you folks to take a look at a few articles relating to feminism and comic books, then weigh in on this business. What do you think? Are these folks justifiably concerned or do they need to get a grip? Why or why not? Where do we draw the line on censorship and PC?

200 words minimum.

Discussion #9b: Feminist Analysis

(100 words – 250 words)

Directions: Review V for Vendetta. Pay close attention to how Evey is portrayed in the text. Do you believe Evey is a strong character, or a weak character? Give us several examples to support your assertion. If you think she is a strong character, provide us with page #’s, panels, circumstances in which she exhibits that strength.

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mendel s law essay

I need expeet in knows Mendel’s Law. I need 6 pages ..Apa format without any plagiarism. I only have one day but i am willing to extend if needed.

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discussing poetry

In her blog post, Pam Allyn writes, “Poetry is how we say to the world, and to each other, ‘I am here.’ Some of my most beloved poets — Walt Whitman, Langston Hughes, Billy Collins and Naomi Shihab Nye — talk about poetry as a way to document the world and our common experiences, to say what needs to be said in a direct, powerful and beautiful way.”

This week in discussion, I’d like us to explore this question: What is the importance of poetry?

Some questions you might consider include why does poetry matter? What are the different functions of poetry? What makes a poem “good”? Who are some of your favorite poets or what are some of your favorite poems? How is poetry different from other forms of literature? That is, you could read or write a newspaper article, short story, or poem focusing on a particular event or experience and each would capture something different; what is that difference? These are just some of the many questions you could consider and discuss about the importance of poetry. Develop your response considering various aspects of the question, incorporating at least two outside sources, and expressing your own opinions and experiences. Your initial response should be at least 250 words.

Allyn, P. (2014, April 21). Why poetry matters. [Blog post]. Retrieved from…

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the american promise

Please read Chapter 5 in the textbook: The American Promise. After you have read the material, answer the question below. Please write your answer in standard English and in paragraph form. Also, do not plagiarize. Each person should click on “Add new thread” before beginning your response. Do not simply refer to a previous answer and say , “I agree with what so and so said.” If you want credit for participation, put some thought into your answer. Also for full credit respond to at least TWO of your classmates’ comments, but do so in a courteous manner. Respect one another’s thoughts and answers. No answers to this question will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. on June 22. No response to another’s posting will be accepted after 11:59 p.m. on June 24.

Question: A common saying among Scots-Irish and Germans during the eighteenth century was “Pennsylvania is heaven for farmers [and] paradise for artisans.” Explain the attraction Pennsylvania held for immigrants. Include an analysis of the extent to which immigrants(Scots-Irish, Germans and Quakers) achieved success in this region. Also what was life like for African Americans in Pennsylvania?

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core marketing 1

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages;

  1. Describe the core marketing functions within an organization.
  2. Discuss the goals and expected outcomes of this organizational function.
  3. Explain how companies create customer-centered businesses.
  4. Describe how customer-centered businesses impact the consumer decision-making process.
  5. Describe what tools are used to make effective marketing decisions
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communication paper 4


You have been working on a group project with several other students. The project has generally been going well, but one person on the project has not been pulling his or her weight, relying on everyone else in the group to complete the project. The group has discussed this problem, and you have elected as the person to communicate with the student who has not been helping on the project.

Using Microsoft Word or a similar program, draft an email to your fellow student discussing the issue and what you think can or should be done to resolve it. You will want to communicate carefully, being clear on the problem as you see it without being aggressive or angry. Proper language and tone will be extremely important.

On the same document, in 2-3 paragraphs, discuss how you came to the solution for this issue. In this discussion, include what would constitute a good resolution for the problem in your opinion and what actions (or non-action) by the offending student would cause you to contact the instructor for additional help in resolving the problem.

Grading Rubric











Not Submitted

No Pass




Not Submitted

Email is unclear in addressing the problem or does not offer specifics regarding the issue.

Email discusses the problem, but is brief and does not provide a clear, unambiguous statement of the problem.

Email discusses the problem clearly and with detail regarding the missing work/effort.

Email is clear and direct, and discusses the problem with significant detail.

Not Submitted

Email is overly aggressive or hostile in tone.

Email attempts to be measured, but some aggression/anger is evident.

Email is generally measured in tone with one or two lapses.

Email is carefully moderated in tone and discusses the problem calmly and clearly.

Not Submitted

Discussion does not include steps taken to find a resolution to the problem or steps taken are unclear/ineffective.

Discussion offers a clear path of problem resolution, but with little or insufficient detail.

Discussion offers a clear path to resolution with some detail on each step in the process.

Discussion is clear and offers not just detail on the steps of reaching a resolution, but also offers clear rationale for why these steps were taken.

Not Submitted

Discussion does not offer a clear point to involve someone with more authority in the solution.

Discussion suggests a time to involve more authority, but with some ambiguity or lack of clarity.

Discussion gives a clear delineation of when more authority should be brought in to resolve the problem.

Discussion is clear in bringing in more authority and also offers a rationale for how and why more authority may be needed to resolve the issue.

Not Submitted

Email and response are unprofessional in tone, language, grammar, syntax, spelling and/or other aspects of communication.

Email and response make a real attempt at professionalism. Tone, language, spelling, syntax and other aspects of communication contain some errors that may affect understanding or meaning in places.

Email and response are professional overall. Tone, language, spelling, syntax and other aspects of communication contain some errors that do not affect understanding or meaning.

Email and response are professional throughout. Tone, language, spelling, syntax and other aspects of communication are accurate and effective.

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