art 2 text questions


Review Questions

  1. What are positive and negative space?
  2. Identify and describe the three different types of balance in artwork.
  3. What is proportion?
  4. What is “hue”? How can hue affect artwork?
  5. What is balance in art work?

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Choose one of the pieces of art from the unit. Identify at least three elements or principles of art that are present. Discuss how these three elements or principles are used in the artwork. Why does the artist include them?
  2. Imagine that you want to create an artwork that creates a sense of peacefulness. How could you use the elements or principles of art to create this?
  3. Choose one type of artwork (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) and describe how you could add texture to this type of artwork.
  4. Choose one piece of artwork from the unit. What type of balance does the artwork have? How does this balance affect the feeling or mood of the artwork?
  5. How can artists create a sense of movement in a piece of artwork?

Discussion Questions

What is one element of art in da Vinci’s The Last Supper? How does da Vinci use this element of art? What effect does it have for the painting?

What is the most important element or principle of art? Why?

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deliverable length 800 1 200 words

Students will use the planning scenario and the Negotiation Strategy Planning Template to guide their research and analysis throughout this course. Each week, students will complete a portion of the Negotiation Strategy Plan using the template provided.

This week, you will continue the training sessions on developing the Negotiation Planning Strategy. Specifically, you will identify and discuss the key elements that would assist you during the negotiation process. In addition, you will discuss the motivations and interests of both parties and their influence on the negotiations.

Click here to download the Negotiation Strategy Planning Template. Use this template to complete this portion of the assignment.

Write a discussion of 800–1,200 words on the following topics:

  • Pertinent information (400–600 words) (Probable negotiation tactics, nature of current relationships)
    • Relationships and interdependence
      • Discuss the importance of relationships in negotiations.
      • Describe at least 2 tactics for managing conflict in negotiations.
  • Interests, desires, and motivations (400–600 words)
    • Strategy and tactics
      • Compare and contrast distributive and integrative negotiations.
      • Based on your research, discuss at least 2 integrative negotiation skills or tactics.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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bank fraud

a guy named Steven Nacim .. I need 3 pages with any clue on him he had a cause in new york for bank fraud and wire fraud

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econ of developing countries homework assignment 1

The assignment needs to make an excel by following steps in Homework 1.

The required and other documents are posted below. The text book file is too big to be uploaded, please let me know if you need.

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homework english 3

Step 1 View the following Video

Step 2 Read the following textbook assignment

Please read Practical Argument pgs 261 – 267.

Step 3 Complete the following activity

Answer all of the checklist questions on page 261 in complete sentences about your Essay


Step 1 Read and view videos

Read and review the ideas set forth about revision in Practical Argument pgs 257 – 267.

Review Week 2 Writing Task 6: Revision Process and Week 3 Essay 2 Step 2 Revision

Step 2 Follow this process for your Essay Project 3 Rough Draft Revision

1. Read the paper

2. Leave in-text comments on the draft:

at least 2 items per paragraph that deal with organization and content

at least 1 item per paragraph that deals with sentence structure and/or grammar

3. Answer all questions on the checklist provided below in complete sentences.

  • Does the author start his or her essay with a catchy hook? Is the hook followed by background into the issue and introduction of the video?
  • Does the author clearly state the speaker’s thesis and audience in his introduction?
  • In the thesis, does the writer argue whether or not the speech/video is convincing to its specified audience?
  • Does the author address at least 5 rhetorical modes to support his or her thesis (including those specific to speeches)?
  • Does the writer support each of his or her claims images/quotes/details from the ad itself?
  • Does the writer explain why he or she chose this particular detail? Does the explanation connect back to the thesis? Does it all connect back to the idea of the video/speech being effective and convincing or not?
  • Does the writer have a conclusion that restates the thesis and gives a final thought?
  • Is the paper formatted in MLA and properly cited?
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discussion 1 94

Please research Blue Ocean Strategy. There is an article titled Value Innovation: a leap into the blue ocean by W. Chan Kim which is a great starting point to begin this discussion topic. There are also numerous websites covering this topic thus plenty of information. please write discussion and write your sources.

Please not less than 500 words and please have references.

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3 questions below

Question 1

The British secret service agency MI5 has determined that al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups may be devising a method of implanting IED(s) within the body of a suicide bomber, such as breast implants in female suicide bombers. This is in contrast to the previous method of relying on a person wearing a suicide vest. What moral and ethical considerations must be given to the use of a human as a WMD against other innocent people?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 2

An international terrorist organization is plotting to attack the U.S. Federal Building in Dallas, Texas. The terrorist organization has infiltrated the federal building maintenance and planning department, which has given those personnel access to evacuation plans as well as access to storage areas and transportation inaccessible by the public. The plan is to plant numerous improvised explosive devices (IEDs) throughout the building to not only kill and maim existing personnel and citizenry within the structure, but to encourage a full evacuation of the building. Secondary and tertiary devices have been located not only along the escape routes outside the building, but also in the typical first responder staging areas.

You are a member of the strategic/contingency planning committee for the city of Dallas. Should the plan succeed, what impact will this attack have against the economy as well as federal, state, and local government operations? Based on predictive collateral damages such as exploding gas lines, open sewer mains, and similar damage, what is the probable environmental impact from such an attack?

Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

Question 3

Terrorist organizations rely heavily on high explosives as a method of attack. What is a BBIED, and what is the delivery method for this form of attack? How can we mitigate such attacks and develop strategies to prevent such attacks?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

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write story in essage form 750 words minimum

Write a story in essay form, minimum 750 words, about a moment in time that has impacted you greatly, or changed you, especially in terms of choosing the healthcare

Think about the story that you’re choosing to tell, and why it is meaningful. For example, maybe you wish to share the story of a relative’s heroic battle with cancer, and the nurse who did everything in his or her power to comfort and care for not only your relative, but the family members as well. The meaning of this story may be that it inspired you to become a nurse.

Note that you are not writing in pure short story format, but rather in Academic Essay Format, as we have learned about in week 3, with an introduction (to provide context for the story and its meaning, and the central idea of the story or the thesis statement); a body (to develop the main points of the story and present the emotional high point); and a conclusion (to tie the narrative back to that central idea presented in the introduction and offer the wisdom found it the story).

Grading rubric is attached.

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exercise on nominal vs real gdp 1


This exercise deals with the difference between nominal and real GDP, and also explores the characteristics of the components of GDP over time.


– Go to and in the U.S. Economic Accounts find Table 1.1.5 (nominal GDP) and Table 1.1.6 (real GDP) and download them for the period 1960 to the latest available year in annual frequency (yearly).

– What is the base year in table 1.1.6? (25 points)

– In Excel plot line 1 of both tables within a single graph. Where do they cross? Explain what is the relationship between real and nominal GDP before and after the crossing point? Why? (25 points)

– In Excel, using the formula “=ln( )” take the natural log of real GDP (line 1) and plot the change in GDP from one year to the next measured by ln(GDP(t)) – ln(GDP(t-1)). (If you multiply by 100, it will be a percentage.) (25 points)

– In Excel using nominal GDP (table 1.1.5) calculate and plot the GDP shares of Consumption (line 2), Investment (line 7), Government (line 22), and Net Exports (line 15). For example, the consumption share is C/Y or line 2 / line 1. (25 points)

All the charts should have a title and have the axis labeled (with time in the x-axis, and the label of the variable(s) and units in the y-axis).

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how fluctuating exchange rates can be beneficial to mncs and how they can affect mncs negatively

Please review the lecture notes for chapter 19 and give a qualitative example of each of the following: How fluctuating exchange rates can be beneficial to MNCs and how they can affect MNCs negatively. You must give one example of each scenario in order to receive full credit for this question. Furthermore, your answer must be purely qualitative. In other words, you should not use any numerical data to answer this question.

(The question from Ch. 19, pertaining to fluctuating exchange rates, is somewhat subjective and so you may not be able to find the answer to that question in either the lecture notes or the textbook. You might need to do an Internet search on the topic in order to answer it. Anybody who has ever traveled internationally has dealt with exchange rate fluctuations. If you have a personal story to share regarding fluctuating exchange rates, you may feel free to do so. Finally, please note that your answer to this question must be strictly qualitative; you are not required to show any calculations.)

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