creating a more human workplace

  1. Review Chapter 13—“Unions” in The Employer’s Legal Handbook.
  2. Review the devotional reading What Principles Should Distinguish a Christian Business?
  3. Download and read SHRM Foundation’s Effective Practice Guidelines Series Creating a More Human Workplace Where Employees and Business Thrive.
  4. Download and review the Business Case Template.
  5. Write a business case using the Business Case Template framework and the instructions as a guide.
    1. Be sure to include four (4) alternative options for how best to implement ways to make the workplace more conducive to human thriving based on the situational context of the organization.
    2. Select one of the four alternatives as the preferred solution. The proposed solution is to be supported by at least two (2) references from scholarly or professional journals.
    3. Include as part of your case study an integration of concepts learned in the devotional reading. (The location of the integration within your business case is up to you.)
    4. For successful completion of the project, first write the business case, then complete the executive summary, and lastly, update the table of contents for correct page numbers.
    5. Write the business case paragraphs in single space, with double spacing between paragraphs.
    6. The body of the business case should be 4-5 pages in length, not including title page, table of contents, references page, or pages located in the appendices.
    7. The references and citations in the body of the paper are to be in APA format.
  6. Answers must be substantive with use of the language of business and employment law. See the Assignment Criteria grading rubric for assignment expectations.
  7. Before submitting this assignment, thoroughly edit the written paper:
    1. Run a Word spelling and grammar check and make corrections as needed.
    2. Run a Grammarly report and make appropriate changes. Click on Grammarly to learn more about the software. Click on the following link for Grammarly sign-up to set up an account.
    3. Check for proper APA 6e Guide formatting, citations, and references.
    4. Checkmark the instructions for this assignment and checkmark the rubric to be sure your paper has fulfilled all requirements.
  8. When you have completed and edited your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox by the end of the workshop.
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jazz discussion 1

For this post, I’d like you to find either a song, concert, or event in jazz that was charged or influenced by race, gender, religion, or another social issue of your choosing. Sharethat in the discussion board. Make sure to include a “who, what, when, where, and why or how” in your post. Use paragraphs and complete sentences.

You will then respond to a classmate’s post, respectfully and thoughtfully.

Classmate post

I feel like there are several songs to choose from in this era because there was so much going on between races and political and social issues. The song I chose is “Fables of Faubus” because during this time, there was not much of a more socially or politically charged song. This song was written and performed by Charles Mingus and his band in the late 1950s. This song was originally written when Orval Faubus, the governor of Arkansas refused to integrate the students at Little Rock, their local school, after the Supreme Court revoked the requirement for schools to be segregated. It got to the point where the government had to step in and force the integration and stay to protect the students. The song was not released by Columbia Records as it was originally created because it was such a forceful song, but later Mingus released it as he first intended, and it very much point blank describes the abuse and terror the African Americans were experiencing at the time. It even goes as far as to call the governor and president ridiculous and accuses them of teaching the country to hate. All in all, it is a very raw, controversial, and thought-provoking song. It is not what one would typically expect to hear in jazz. It is well performed with a catchy melody, but then it creates this hard and intense feeling of anger and unrest. It paints a picture of the struggles that the African American race had to deal with on a regular basis.

Parsons, S. (2018). Mingus Ah Um. Retrieved from…

Waye, S. (2009). The original Fables of Faubus: Charles Mingus and the Civil Rights Movement. Retrieved from…

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socw6111 mentoring and peer support response to 2 students wk9

Respond by Day 5 to at least two colleagues who identified a different article and provide feedback and/or support.

Support your responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.BE sure to be detailed and ask a question to the syudent in the response.

Response to Alecia,

Post an Internet-based intervention used with adolescents.

An Internet-based intervention used with adolescents is behavioral interventions. This help adolescents to actively participate in their recovery from drug abuse and addiction and enhance their ability to resist drug use.

Locate an article on the use of mentoring or peer support programs for adolescents.

The article that I found was Mental Health and Disclosure of HIV Status in Zambian Adolescents With HIV Infection: Implications for Peer-Support Programs (UNPHA, 2006).

Describe the intervention and the underlying theory.

The objective of the intervention is to examine emotional and behavioral difficulties in HIV positive Zambian adolescents and to determine the relationship between disclosure of their HIV status and their mental health. The intervention also aimed to explore the acceptability of a peer group intervention by this population of adolescents. The criteria for this study was HIV-positive status and age ranged from 11 to 15 years. Health care workers had to identify children meeting the criteria from clinic lists and then approach parents or guardians for their consent. The underlying theory is cognitive behavior which focuses on the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Identify the target behaviors that this intervention is used to address.

The target behavior is to reduce the prevalence of HIV in young people aged 11-15 years globally. Although these global commitments, goals, and targets are relevant for adolescents, the consequences and accountabilities are hardly specific to just this age group.

Assess the intervention and then compare and contrast these interventions.

Compared with infants and adults, less is known about the burden of HIV and AIDS among adolescents and progress to date in addressing their needs for HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. To address this gap, this article provides an overview of the global epidemiology of HIV and AIDS among adolescents and examines progress in their admittance to key selected, HIV-related high-impact interventions that reduce HIV risk, disease, and mortality.

Finally, describe the strengths and weaknesses of each intervention.

The data that was presented in this article shows a percent of differences in selected outcomes by age and sex and do not control for the interactive effects of different variables, like education level of respondent, their household wealth, if it’s a rural or urban residence or their ethnicity.


UNAIDS/WHO AIDS Epidemic Update: December 2006. Geneva, Switzerland: UNAIDS; 2006.


Response to Michael

Post an Internet-based intervention used with adolescents and locate an article on the use of mentoring or peer support programs for adolescents.

The internet-based intervention that I found is called Joyable. An article I found that addresses the use of mentoring or peer support programs for adolescents is: Weymouth, B. B., & Buehler, C. (2018). Early adolescents’ relationships with parents, teachers, and peers and increases in social anxiety symptoms. Journal Of Family Psychology, 32(4), 496-506. doi:10.1037/fam0000396. The article sought to understand the precipitating factors that caused adolescent social anxiety symptoms. Also, specific behavioral factors (poor academic performance, lower quality relationships functioning, substance misuse, and suicide) and their correlation with social anxiety was assessed. “The results reveal that nuanced social processes involving social behaviors and relationships with parents and teachers have important and potentially unique implications for changes in early adolescent social anxiety symptoms” (Weymouth, & Buehler, 2018, p. 496)

Describe the intervention and the underlying theory.

The underlying theory used in the “Joyable” internet-based intervention is the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) orientation. According to LeCroy, & Williams (2013), there are four fundamental aspects when using CBT: “The approach focused on four fundamental aspects: having access to information on which to base decisions, understanding the information to make decisions, personalizing the information to maximize decision making, and applying behavioral skills to implement decisions in social situations” (p. 104).

The Joyable program consist of 6 six stages. Each client has a coach which helps them through each stage. There is no specified time limit as to how fast a client needs to go through each program because each stage is tailored to the needs of the client. Clients start the program with an optional 30-minute call with their coach or they can interact via text messaging. Clients usually communicate their fears, anxiety and/or what makes them angry during certain situations. The coach helps them to identify what triggers their anxiety and how to control it. Clients work towards their goals of controlling their anxiety at their pace. Typically, clients are exposed or challenged with mild situations that cause them anxiety. Gradually, clients are exposed to situations that might cause them a moderate anxiety. Through the entire process, their coach supports them and helps them to identify their (the client) thinking errors and how to overcome them.

Identify the target behaviors that this intervention is used to address.

The targeted behaviors for the internet-based therapy (Joyable) and the article is social anxiety disorder. CBT helps clients identify thinking distortions that are used in specific situations. By understanding the underlying cause for the thinking distortions, clients are enabled to generate different emotions that might produce different outcomes.

Assess the intervention and then compare and contrast these interventions.

When comparing the internet-based CBT with the convention or agency delivered CBT, the internet version appears to be cheaper. According to Zhou (2015), “Joyable offers human interaction primarily via text, email and optionally phone is one of our clients’ favorite parts of Joyable. People with social anxiety often report that they don’t visit a therapist precisely because their social anxiety prevents them from wanting to see someone in person” (para. 13).

Finally, describe the strengths and weaknesses of each intervention.

A strength of this orientation is that it focuses on the problems at a micro level. A client’s anxiety to a specific situation can be assessed and mitigate by understanding the distortion. I feel a weakness to this intervention is that it tends not to focus on the contextual or macro level to a problem. Helping a bullied child overcome their fear of reprisal when reporting another child does not assess the problem of bulling in a school.

LeCroy, C. W., & Williams, L. R. (2013). Intervention with adolescents. In M. Holosko, C. Dulmus, & K. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 97–124). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Weymouth, B. B., & Buehler, C. (2018). Early adolescents’ relationships with parents, teachers, and peers and increases in social anxiety symptoms. Journal Of Family Psychology, 32(4), 496-506. doi:10.1037/fam0000396

Ziou, L. (2015). Li Ziou: There is Now a 12-Week Online Program for Overcoming Social Anxiety. Retrieved from:…

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need help answering symbolic logic questions just the last few my last tutor bailed on me help

I have worked on the assignment so far and I’ve gotten down to question category 4, but I really want to make sure that I am answering everything correctly. The questions are all supposed to be in my book but they weren’t all there, and I don’t know how to proceed with the questions asked from question 4 on. There are 6 categories of questions, but they all pretty much revolve around the same introductory steps to predicate symbolic logic. The file attached has all of the questions in PDF format

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module 3 course project diversity and special needs

Now that you have an understanding of how to conduct quality research, you will use those skills to complete this module’s course project assignment. This project consists of three parts. In the first part, you will create an annotated bibliography of resources to use in this assignment. In the second part, you will choose and discuss a culture or custom using the guidelines provided. And in the third part, you will choose and discuss a special need or disability using the guidelines provided.

The three parts will be combineda single document. The entire document should be a minimum of five pages in length.

Part 1: Annotated Bibliography

In this part of the assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography that will help you complete the remaining parts of this project assignment.

To complete this, do the following:

  1. Identify five credible resources pertaining to a culture or cultural custom that you would like to know more about.
  2. Identify five credible resources pertaining to a special need or disability you may encounter in your program.
  3. Use the tips, videos, and links located in the Quality Research and Best Practices lecture to create an APA-formatted annotated bibliography. In your bibliography, summarize, evaluate, and reflect on each of the resources you found and how they pertain to early childhood education.
  4. Identify (list) the two or three resources you will use in Part 2 of this assignment when discussing the culture or custom you chose.
  5. Identify (list) the two or three resources you will use in Part 3 of this assignment when discussing the special need or disability you chose.

Note: Your annotated bibliography will serve as your reference list for this assignment.

Part 2: Embracing Culture and Customs

In this part of the assignment, you will explore a culture or custom that you may see in your program or would like to know more about (for example, celebrations or holidays, dances, music, daily customs, language, or clothing).

To complete this part of the project, do the following:

  1. Research the culture or custom you would like to know more about using at least two resources from your annotated bibliography. Cite those resources to support your writing.
  2. In a minimum of two pages, address the following:
    1. Describe the custom or cultural difference.
      1. How might this child and family’s culture differ from what you are used to? In what ways is it similar to your own lifestyle?
      2. What are the benefits of cultural diversity in an early childhood education setting?
      3. What could you do to support or embrace this cultural difference in your program?
      4. What else would you like to know about this culture that you didn’t find in your research?
    2. Be detailed in your writing using specific facts and examples. Be sure to utilize supportive information from the resources you listed in your Annotated Bibliography. Cite each source as it is used.Part 3: Supporting Special Needs and DisabilitiesIn this part of the assignment, you will explore a special need or disability that you may encounter in your program or would like to know more about.To complete this part of the project, do the following:

      1. Research the special need or disability you would like to know more about using at least two resources from your annotated bibliography. Cite those resources to support your writing.
      2. In a minimum of two pages, address the following:
        1. Describe the special need or disability.
        2. How might the needs of this child differ from the needs of others in your program? How are they similar to the other children?What are the benefits of inclusion in an early childhood education setting?
          1. What could you do to support or accommodate this child in your program?
          2. Include information about how you will collaborate with other parties (parents, therapeutic service providers, etc.) to provide environmental and curriculum modifications, support, and help with goal achievement.
          3. Describe any personal experiences, insights, and biases you had prior to researching this topic. Describe how your research in this module has changed or reinforced your beliefs or perspectives.
        3. Be detailed in your writing using specific facts and examples. Be sure to utilize supportive information from the resources you listed in your Annotated Bibliography. Cite each source as it is used.

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do you believe people are born with the ability to persuade

Do you believe people are born with the ability to persuade or influence others, or can people learn and improve in their ability to persuade others? Which category do you fit into more and why? Use a real-life example in your discussion.

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ethc445 reflective assessment

You began this session considering a moral-ethical dilemma you yourself faced that you either resolved or failed to resolve, but hopefully learned from. You may never have given much thought to ethical theory nor what ethical premises/paradigms you have unconsciously held.

Now that you’ve had an opportunity to explore ethics formally, create a reflective assessment. Revisit your ethical memoir: what ethical theory best applies to your experience? Which significant author you have studied most speaks to your own ethical paradigm as you are (re)forming it now? If you didn’t resolve your ethical dilemma when you experienced it, what would you do now and why?

Additionally, explore your process of transformation in this course. Discuss your experiences of the course, your beginnings, and where you are at now with your team or partners and create an oral presentation that reflectively assesses your learning experience and the collaborations you engaged in throughout this session. Are we a society of learners who greatly benefit from interactions? Or are we islands, whose individual systems and beliefs are exclusive to ourselves? [Note: You may find it useful to write your thoughts out in an essay form, but the essay is not required in the drop box. Instead, focus on visual and audio quality, poise, and grace in the execution of this assignment. Let your content and stylistic choices reign creatively, and let your message be compelling, persuasive, and convincing.]

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principles of macroeconomics 7

Explain/discuss the following concepts. (Approx. 100 words each)

1. Money

2. Wealth and income

3. Types of Money

4. Central Bank

5. Money Market

6. Principle Agent Problems

7. Gini Coefficient

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assignment help 100

This paper will discuss and focus on (bank Muscat) financial organizations in Sultan of Oman, so based on the this organization you should write about it.

Choose to approach this assessment in a variety of ways. For example, should focus on issues in the organisation or challenges faced by organisations in starting KM initiatives, which could be resolved with appropriate process improvement or support people learning with the involvement of technology based tools like intranet portals, groupware, data mining and so on in knowledge management and take an overall overview of knowledge management as a whole. For this, could consider using a research tool to support like an information management questionnaire. And alternatively choose to focus on one aspect of knowledge management, such as:

  • Knowledge capturing and creation
  • knowledge sharing and dissemination or
  • knowledge acquisition and application
  • And use this as basis for analysis. Plus, study the application of a framework as a solution and provide the necessary research study towards the same. Additionally, also need to provide the supporting link between systems thinking and knowledge management.

    And provide an appropriate background of the concepts of knowledge management, using literature in the proper manner, with accurate and complete references. Provide a brief description of the situation you will be using for your critical appraisal. These are both necessary conditions but are not sufficient. And then link the concepts to the situation that are appraising and use the concepts to provide the appropriate appraisal.

    Appropriate research methods could be employed leading towards recommendations and conclusions. Whatever you choose, must justify the choices.

    The Assignment Structure:

    1. Introduction:

    a. Introduce organization/core functions/your focus

    b. Discuss the intellectual capital of the organization/department to Identify challenges/issues:

    i. Conceptual discussion

    ii. Present intellectual capital – all categories

    iii. Brief comments/summary

    2. Intellectual capital management strategies (KMLC) – Focus should be more on literature review:

    a. Identify/create => sources/Capture

    b. Codify/presentation/store=> Medium(storage)/conversion

    c. Sharing/apply/use=> accessibility techniques/adopt/changes in practice

    d. Comments/Summary:

    i. Overall performance

    ii. Effect on performance

    iii. Competitiveness

    3. Analysis of organizational knowledge health (intellectual capital):

    a. Analysis organizational goals/future plan/SWOT/K.Audit

    b. Compare and contrast KM Open Source tools

    c. Comments and recommendations

    4. Conclusion:

    a. Summarizing the findings

    b. Citation / References

    c. Report Layout

    d. Presentation

    *** Words count = 2000 words

    *** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.

    *** I’ve attached proposal named “Work Proposal for KM” for knowing the chosen organnization.


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    community health 9

    Imagine you are creating a community health promotion resource that addresses a cardiovascular subject of your choosing. You are creating this tool for a segmented population of health care consumers.

    Create an informational tool (350 to 700 words) in the form of one of the following:

    • Podcast
    • Summary
    • News transcript
    • Brochure/pamphlet
    • Video
    • Interview
    • Other option approved by your instructor

    Include the following in your resource:

    • Identify the disease or subject of focus.
    • Identify the population.
    • Focus your information on the specific cultural beliefs of the population that you have chosen and how treatment and management of the disease might be affected by these aspects.
    • Explain how this disease and the management of it affect resources in society.
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