option 1 springdale shopping survey 3

i have an assignment due on Wednesday,in statistics critical thinking.All the required information is uploaded and the file name option 1 has all the information which explains everything.Also attached to it will be probability ,coding and option 1.option 1 fie expresses the requirement on how the word documnet should be like and if you look way at the bottom of option 1it shout tell you everything.

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anthropology writing 2 3 3

Each question 150 words. Use the resources i post for question 2&3, can use outside resources. make full citation

1. Explain why origin myths and ethnic boundary markers are important for establishing and maintaining ethnicity.

2. According to both Guest and lecture how have the origins of the global economy shaped modern day inequality? Give 2 examples for full points.

3. Why are anthropologists more convinced that poverty is a result of the structure of society rather than the behaviors of poor people? Use one of Tett’s Fool’s Gold or Perry’s “If We Didn’t Have Water” to explain your response.

Guest reading: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17MlSKbrH0pHNwcLpz…

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a visual introductory speech

attached are three documents for the visual introductory speech assignment.

  • Assignment 1: Outline 1.Create an outline in Word. Click below to use an outline template or use your own.

  • Assignment 1: Introductory Speech

    Attached Files:
    After you’ve created an outline and practiced your speech, it’s time to record and upload a video of yourself delivering your speech. Instructions are available.

Assignment 1: Self Review

The self review helps you step back and take a second look at your work, with an eye on improvement and highlighting your achievements!


1. Review the rubric for the introductory speech

2. Watch the video of your speech. Complete the questionnaire based on how well you met the criteria listed in the rubric, and remember to save the file in your preferred location.

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marketing strategies 14

Select three fast food chains such as, McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Burger King. Go online, visit the company websites, and compare the marketing strategies of the three restaurants that you select. In 1-2 pages, discuss the following:

  1. Who is their target market (think about demographic, cultural, and social factors)?
  2. What are some of the differences (if any) in the companies’ target market?
  3. In your opinion, what are some of the strategies implemented by each company to help them to successfully reach their target audience?

Be sure to use APA format and include a reference page.

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econ of developing countries 4

  • Instructions:
    1. You have one hour to finish this exam from the time of accessing the folder. Please keep track of time so you don’t fall behind
    2. You will answer the exam on Excel. Open a new excel file and save it with your name. There are three questions and should be answered as follows:
      1. Rename the first sheet to “Question 1”. You will answer the first question on this sheet. The first question is true or false. Insert a “T” for True and “F” for false in the appropriate row. Row 1 indicates sub-question 1, row 2 indicates the second question and so on. Do NOT restate the question. Very simply, enter a T or an F in the appropriate row. That’s it.
      2. Rename the second sheet to “Question 2” and answer Question 2 entirely on it. Show all your work on excel. Rename the third sheet as “Question 2 Continued”. Part 5 of question 2 requires answering in a completely different sheet.
      3. Create a new sheet call it “Question 3”. Answer Question 3 entirely on it.
    3. Submission: After you provide your answers in the four sheets, upload your excel sheet near where you downloaded the midterm on MyCourses. Do NOT email it to me unless you have technical difficulties.
    4. Technical Difficulties: If for whatever reason, your MyCourses goes offline unexpectedly or does not allow you to submit then please feel free to email me your midterm. You still have only one hour. For your information, MyCourses provides me with a time-log of all your log-ins and log-outs and so I have a clear record of when you downloaded the midterm.
    5. Late Submissions: Late submissions will NOT be accepted. Your MyCourses session will terminate after one hour. If you experience technical difficulties, then you must email me with your excel midterm within one hour as well. In a situation where you neglect submission on time and you’re late five – ten minutes after the hour then you will be counted as having missed the midterm. Your grade will be imputed using the second midterm as indicated on the Syllabus.
    6. Questions during the midterm will be accepted via email. This is not a classroom; however, and so keep in-mind that email is not as fast as face-to-face interaction.
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the industrial revolution 6

The Industrial Revolution” Please respond to the following:(Note: Please respond to one [1] of the following two [2] bulleted items in a primary posting of at least 125 words.

  • The Industrial Revolution created many changes in American society. Identify at least two (2) ways in which the industrial economy impacted the types of occupations which workers chose. Support your response with at least two (2) examples and connect the to examples in America today.
  • OR
  • Identify at least two (2) harmful business practices that arose from the increased industrialization of American society. Compare these harmful business practices with similarly harmful practices in the banking, mining, or petroleum industries today. Provide a rationale for your response and connect these two practices to two examples of harmful business practices in America today.
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marketing concepts 1

How should Ford Motor Company market differently to Millennials, Generation X, and baby boomers?

Write 3 pages please.

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Attached you will find the Class 6 Summary document. Make sure you read the Class Summary document, it contains all the instructions you will need and details the postings that you are required to make in the Discussion Forum. In the Discussion Forum you should write at least 3 sentences in response to the questions by 6/17. Make sure you respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. ill attach readings and links make sure you include them to the response while answering the questions. show good understanding – try to refer more to the course materials when responding.


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performance appraisals 2

Respond to the following in approximately 750 words.

  • In narrative format describe what type of appraisal tool and process is used in your organization. Or, if you are not with an organization currently, what tool and process have you experienced? What are two pros and two cons of the tool and process? How would you suggest either the tool or the process be improved?
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compare and contrast 1500 words

Your report will compare and contrast each organization, addressing the following topics:

1 The organization’s business model

2 The organization’ vision and values

3 The organization’s mission statement

4 The organization’s ownership structure and corporate governance

5 The organization’s location and facilities

6 The organization’s management team

7. The organization’s structure

8. The organization’s financial profile (Revenue and expenses; assets and liabilities)

9. Briefly discuss each organization’s history and describe important stages in their organizational growth and the major challenges confronted in each of those stages

10 Describe the management practices employed by each organization during each growth stage and discuss how appropriate they were in facilitating positive transition between each stage

11Provide a brief summary of each organization’s current growth strategy

12 Suggest possible new intrapreneurship opportunities and strategies for each organization (that have not been mentioned above)

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