negative organizational behavior

Regarding your research topic selected in unit 1 and your research question, hypothesis and five survey questions created in Unit 2, write a narrative 800-1,000-word paper describing your proposed research.

Creating the Research Paper Introduction, Purpose of the Study, and Methodology

The required information for this Individual Project includes the following:


  • Business, organizational problem, or topic
  • Problem statement

Purpose of the Study

  • One research question
  • Hypothesis regarding the research question
  • Rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy utilizing your two articles identified in unit 1 for support


  • Research strategy that you will use to explore the problem
  • Method for securing the sample population
  • Method for delivery of the survey instrument
  • Research instrument to collect data
    • Include a copy of the actual survey, complete with the introduction to the study (including all of the ethical considerations that should be included in the survey introduction. See Ethical Concerns: Informed Consent in the Unit 2 M.U.S.E.).

The following information MUST be included:

  • The business, organizational problem, or topic
  • The problem statement
  • The research strategy that you will use to explore the problem
  • 1 research question
  • Your rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy
  • 1 research instrument that you will use to collect data
  • A questionnaire or survey with at least 5 research questions for the study
    • Survey example:
      • What do you know about Brand X?
      • Would you be willing to try Brand X if a free sample was available?
      • If you answered yes to Question 2, please explain why.
      • What is one of the most important features of a product for you?
      • How do you decide what product to buy?

After creating your survey, complete the following steps:

  • Send your research survey to at least 5 people (via e-mail, survey monkey, or another option).
  • You will interpret the results of this survey/questionnaire in Unit 5’s assignment.

Please submit your assignment.

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concert report 2 page essay

Write a 2 page report giving a review of a concert you attended. Your review must include the following:

What kind of listener were you at the concert? why?

What pieces were were performed?

What was the style of each of the pieces performed?

What was the instrumentation of the orchestra?

Draw out the seating arrangement of the instruments in the orchestra.

Analyze 3-4 pieces played during the concert using the following criteria:

unity and variety

Structure of the music

purpose of the music







historical period

Did you enjoy the concert? why or why not?

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anthropology writing 2 10

Each question 100 words.

1 . Using Craig’s Portrait of a Himalayan Healer, describe three ways her research conforms to Guest’s definition of ethnographic fieldwork.

2. Answer ONE of the following:

Based on Ortner’s analysis of the three films in Too Soon for Post-Feminism? choose one film description and show how it demonstrates gender stratification as defined by Guest.


Using the definition of intersectionality in Guest, explain how the experiences of one woman in Davis’s study (Non-Violent Survival Strategies in the Face of Intimate Partner Violence and Economic Discrimination) demonstrate how race, gender, and class interact to shape her life chances.

3. What are three ways that people can be considered related to each other (kin), according to anthropologists. (Use both Guest and Lecture). Give a brief definition of each.

Guest reading:…

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risk categories

Risk Categories

Consider some of the risks faced by people in different careers. A firefighter, for instance, faces a very different set of risks than someone who works in an office environment. What risks or uncertainties have you personally encountered in your career? How were these risks connected to the field or industry in which you work or worked? The nature of the product or service that an organization offers will also influence the categories of risk it may incur. What are some categories of risk that you think might affect many different types of organizations? What are some types of risks that are industry-specific? Your ability to categorize risks and to understand how particular organizations generate particular risks will be the basis of this week’s Discussion.

Some risks are quantitative (objective), while others are more qualitative (subjective) in nature. Although quantifiable risks are often preferred as they provide certain data to support their impact, frequently leaders must accept qualitative data as risk, by definition, describes uncertainty.

Another discussion where you get to utilize your experience in your industry. Although all projects are managed using the same framework (as defined by PMI in the PMBOK Guide, 5th edition), every industry has its own project life cycle that is unique to that industry.

Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a common phrase due to the expanse of technological projects, but construction, healthcare, research, manufacturing, aerospace, defense, etc. all have their own lifecycles that their projects typically follow. Likewise, each industry has its own set of industry-specific risks that are unique, or at least more prevalent, within that industry.

As an example, healthcare has patient safety risks that are unique to what they do – they treat patients. They also have compliance risks surrounding the regulatory bodies that regulate the healthcare industry, 3rd party payer risks concerning reimbursement contracts with insurance companies, uninsurance risks due to EMTALA (which requires hospitals to treat all patients in an emergency, regardless of ability to pay), and government payer risks due to the downward financial pressure the US federal government is putting on Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements, just to name a few.

Although other industries may have some risk categories that are similar to healthcare, they would differ more than they would be the same. So how does healthcare approach risk management? Most healthcare providers have multiple layers of risk protection, including insurance for medical mishaps and catastrophes, internal risk management departments, strict policies involving patient care, clearly defined protocols for the delivery of care, tightly controlled medication administration (and storage), probing background checks on new hires, licensing requirements for all clinicians, internal and external auditors to verify compliance with policies and protocols, strict conflict of interest rules, mandatory annual training for all staff, etc.

These are all ways in which we improve quality and reduce risks within the healthcare industries, and they all cost money to implement but hopefully improve patient care and reduce costs long term.

The above is not example of what your post would look, as it should discuss how your industry approaches risk management differently due to the risk categories that most affect your industry. I simply listed out some ways that healthcare providers manage risk, and I did not go into any detail on the approach that we use. That detail may include workflows, processes, and step-by-step descriptions of how healthcare would go about managing risks, and not just a listing of things that we do.

For this Discussion, consider the various risk categories (financial, operational, hazard, regulatory, technical/engineering, etc.) as well as any that are industry-specific.

I work for the School Construction as a project manager

Answer the following:

  • Briefly describe an organization where you currently work or one with which you are familiar.
  • Describe the risk categories that you believe most affect that industry or business.
  • Discuss whether the risk categories that you described lend themselves better toward using qualitative risk analysis (PMBOK, section 11.3) or quantitative risk analysis (PMBOK, section 11.4).


Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Sixth edition. Newtown Square, PA: Author.

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essay instruction

Write an essay presenting to your reader a well-defined problem in education today. Describe in detail the causes and consequences, and convince your audience that this is a problem worth solving. Address your presentation of your problem to your audience: one or more members of the education board, its leadership, or to outsiders who may be able to contribute to solving the problem.

Note: you should not (yet) propose a solution to this problem

requirement: MLA format

no copy paste, please

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opportunities and impacts of quality organizations 1

You have been tasked by the CEO of your company to assess the need for a quality program.

Choose a company not used in previous weeks of the course.

Write a 1,400 to 1750 word paper that includes the following:

  • Give a brief overview of this company’s product offering (manufacturing or service).
  • Describe in detail why a quality program would benefit the company.
  • How would the Voice of the Customer and Voice of the Market drive the program?
  • Describe how you would implement this quality program.
  • What tools and metrics would you use to ensure success?
  • How would external quality organizations aid in determining your company’s quality program?

Note: Make sure you support your paper with course concepts and illustrate your mastery of the concepts with real life examples from your company.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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pedagogical content knowledge pck

Search the web to build your personal repertoire of PCK. Find one website that addresses PCK in your content area. Please provide a link to the site, a 2-4 sentence summary of what you learned from it, and a list of academic language vocabulary related to your content area and named in the identified resource.

Video –…

Resource –

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needed diversity at nte

Introduction: You read about and practiced with some concepts related to Equal Employment Opportunity in the workplace. Now you will apply some of these concepts to a scenario. Read the following scenario and respond in a business memo to the checklist items.

Scenario:NTE is a large accounting firm that has client’s all over the world but is based in the U.S. Recently NTE has been experiencing an upsurge in discrimination lawsuits by women and minorities since they grew from 100 employees in 2016 to have 500 employees by the fourth quarter of 2017. A demand for their accounting services exploded with expansion of some of their increasing roster of high technology clients since they pride themselves on their technology expertise. Their employees currently are 480 U.S. employees from the Northeastern U.S., 20 employees from other countries.

The lawsuits claim that women and minorities are not being hired due to a discriminatory hiring system. NTE has an automated hiring system on its hiring website. Applicants first submit their resumes which are scanned for certain educational requirements (including certain top 10 university degrees), key phrases, and words the employer is looking for. Then for those applicants that pass the initial screening, they take an online accounting test that is timed to see how many answers they get correct within a short time frame. From those that pass this test, they then are contacted for a group online interview using Google Hangoutsâ„¢ and are asked a series of questions from one of five possible question lists. After this third screening, they are contacted by HR to have an individual interview and subsequently a group interview by several managers during the day of their interview. Finally the Managers make a decision and submit it to the HR department that then makes an offer of employment to the selected candidate.

You have been newly hired away from another Accounting firm’s HR department and are tasked with:

Checklist: Write a minimum 1–2 pagebusiness memo (i.e., minimum of 250–500 words) to the HR Director regarding the following:

  • Describe the problems with the company’s hiring practices and the laws that have been violated.
  • Explain how the firm can increase employee diversity by changing the hiring practices.
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using strengths to increase motivation 6

Complete the “What is My Level of PsyCap” self-assessment.

Write a 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Explain why you agree or disagree with your results.
  • Develop strategies to advance your career using your strengths.
  • How can you use goal-setting to increase motivation and improve job performance?
  • How might your engagement as an employee and job satisfaction influence job performance?
  • Discuss at least 5 of the following motivational theories and explain how these can aid in job performance:
    • Extrinsic motivation
    • Intrinsic motivation
    • McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
    • Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy
    • Acquired needs theory
    • Self-determination theory
    • Herzberg’s theory of motivation
    • Equity theory
    • Expectancy theory

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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assignment apples to apples major elements of cultural patterns 1

People are surrounded by multiple cultures in family units, organizations, communities, and nations. Although complex in nature, cultures share similar characteristics that can be identified and evaluated. You may have heard the saying apples to apples when referring to a process of comparing similar items. The categories of orientation explained in your text give you an “apples to apples” framework that can be used to compare similar characteristics of different cultures.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review your Discussion posts from Week 1 about how your beliefs, values, and norms are derived from your culture.
  • Review the major elements of cultural patterns in Chapter 4 of your course text:
    • Activity orientation
    • Social relations orientation
    • Self-orientation
    • World orientation
    • Time orientation
  • Use the Cultural Patterns Continuum document to analyze your orientations and those of your national culture for each of the five orientation categories.
  • Review the optional Walden Writing Center resource on effective PowerPoint presentations.

By Day 7

Submit a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  • Compare your preferences in each dimension to those of your culture (I’m African American Female).
  • For the places where you marked yourself differently from your culture, explain what you believe accounts for these differences.
  • Explain why cultural patterns are effective for thinking about people from other cultures and understanding cultural differences.
  • Predict how knowledge of cultural patterns can be applied to interaction with people from a culture you select.
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