physical security 50

APA formatting write 4-6 pages on the following as they relate to physical security.

  • Describe the two basic methods of attacking locks.
  • Describe the four general categories of manipulation.
  • What do you think should dictate the physical nature of a vault?
  • Name some advantages and disadvantages of using numbers with significance (such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) for lock combination access?


  • Please use the IP title page provided in the course material folder.
  • Your SA score should not be more than 30%.
  • If your last posted assignment is more that 30% you will get a zero score.
  • In-text citations and a reference list are also a requirement.
  • You need to have at least 10 cited sources this assignment.
  • Please ensure that all cited sources are credible
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informative speech writing 1

Select an INFORMATIVE SPEECH from Vital speeches then Analyze the speech to see if it adheres to the guidelines:- here are six guidelines mentioned:

Don’t overestimate what the audience knows

Relate the subject directly to the audience

Don’t be too technical

Avoid abstractions

Personalize your idea’s

Be creative

First, give the speech information (who was speaking, where, when, link to video if available).

Next, use the following labels, putting them in bold, as is done below:

I. Dont’ Overestimate What the Audience Knows

II. Relate the Subject Directly to the Audience

III. Don’t Be Too Technical

IV. Avoid Abstractions

V. Personalize Your Ideas

VI. Be Creative

Double-space your work. Save your assignment as a .doc

How to navigate the VITAL SPEECHES website, if you choose to use this website:

Go to the VITAL SPEECHES of the day website ( ) and click on BROWSE near the top right of the page. Click on one of the broad speech topics categories. Occasionally you may select a category that brings up the following message:

Sorry, there were no matches for your query. Click here to search for more content related to Technology.

Click on the “click here” link within the vsotd website and you should be routed to a place within the vsotd website that contains speeches under your selected topic.

If you cannot locate a speech without being asked to pay a subscription, then go ahead and look for a speech on the internet instead.

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case collaboration meeting

APA format and No plargism

a 1- to 2-page paper in which you describe your team meeting. In your write-up, make sure to address the following:

  • Describe the quality of your working relationship with your colleague.
    • Identify at least two specific things that you colleague does well and two areas for improvement.
    • Identify at least two specific things you did well in your teamwork and two areas where you could improve.
  • Describe your case in 100–150 words.
  • Explain which conditions were ruled out easily for your case and why.
  • Identify which four disorders you and your partner are investigating as the strongest diagnostic possibilities for your case.
  • Outline your and your partner’s plan for further research and consultation, identifying specific tasks that you are each doing in this regard.
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finding sources

Find at least two academic and/or peer-reviewed sources.

Answer any of the following questions with APA format/citations:

  • What search terms did you use?
  • Have you ever used Boolean Operators before? How did using Boolean Operators help your search?
  • How long did you spend searching?
  • How many sources did you review before you found the sources you wanted?
  • What sources did you look at? How did you determine they were reliable?
  • What surprised you about the research process?
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write my question in full

  1. Critically evaluate any three popular fat loss programs or diet programs. How do they stack up against each other relative to their nutritional profile, ability to support intense training, and ability to provide lasting results? Considering what you have learned in this course, what would you change about the program and why?
  2. This week’s assignment will require outside research. You can evaluate three fad diets that you are familiar with, or you can research into fad diets that you don’t know much about. Use this assignment to help further your knowledge on possible diets that your potential clients might be using or looking to try. Get creative. Make sure to talk about the premise of the diet and why the diet could or could not work. Refer back to what was taught in the text this week. No one should have a problem meeting the 250-word minimum on this assignment. Remember, the assignment asks you to CRITICALLY EVALUATE three programs. I expect everyone to have well over 500 words for this assignment. Include important information such as the nutritional profiles, macronutrient breakdowns and how this all relates to the body’s physiology and how it will affect certain training endeavors. PROPER GRAMMER AND SYNTAX is required!! Check your work before you submit it for a final grade! Side Note: Think about what was taught this week! I want SPECIFIC diets. If you are at a loss, search “fad diets” in your browser and then pick 3 that you like. Do not forget to cite your work, as outside research is expected for this assignment. I posted a link for MLA citation in the first News Forum post for the class, so please review if you are unsure.
    100 percent original
  3. mla format
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ethics and legal citations 1

Find your Florida’s Supreme Court Rule on Legal Citations and Florida’s ethical rule for attorneys on Candor to the Court. Cite each rule in accord with Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute Citation Guide found in the Rasmussen Online Library>>School of Justice Studies>>Legal Citation. After locating and citing each rule, then discuss (i) the reason for having such an ethical rule; (ii) why the ethical rule should apply to paralegals; and (iii) what the ethical rule requires a paralegal to do when (a) researching and (b) performing citation checking.

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need the below paper put into correvt apa format

I need this paper put into APA format and if you could add to it all to make it a little longer and stronger let me know what you think. I have attached the writing assignment details as well as rubric

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1 2 paragrahs on misconduct and norms for science 1

1-2 Paragraphs on Misconduct and Norms for Science with a source. Please see attached for more detailed information. Thank you

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software development 13

1.Using a Library Resources, locate a good reference about Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) methodologies and discuss briefly how it can help database development.

2. Briefly explain the meaning of the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties and some concurrency issues with respect to a database project.

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museum exhibition 2

• This project will require some outside research

• Chose two artworks from each chapter that we have covered this semester images to include in your show.

• Do not repeat artists. (ie. you will have 10 different artworks from 10 different artists)

o Keep in mind you are dealing with the EARLY RENAISSANCE. 14th to the middle of the 15th century. (ie, no daVinci, Michelangelo, Raphael)

• After you compile the 30 artworks for your show you will create museum labels to accompany each artwork.

o These are generally 225-350 word summaries of the subject matter, important stylistic elements, and any information about the artist or time period that allows the viewer to fully understand the artwork.

o Create a contact sheet for each image that includes:

â–ª 1 image of the artwork. Make it large enough to see but not large enough that all of the info does not fit on the page.

â–ª Under the image create a tombstone. A tombstone is the important information your viewer needs to know. Artist, title, year, medium and size (if important)

â–ª Your label (Single Spaced)

â–ª Contact pages should be no longer than 1 page

o These labels are different than your journals, you want to avoid a lot of facts and statistics and focus on the key ideas that will help the reader understand the work. Pretend you are presenting this information to people who have very little knowledge on art. Make it thorough but not too complex, not too simplistic. You also will want to stay away from your own likes and dislikes. See the examples posted on elearning.

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