need a 1 page canvas post

You’ve seen lots of evidence of the recent global warming this week, which are signs of climate change. Also, you now know the difference between climate change and global warming. Why do you think some people still believe that the idea of climate change and/or global warming is a hoax?

I need a one page discussion post for my global climate change class.

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childbirth and baby care class pamphlet

Childbirth and Baby Care Class Pamphlet

You are a human services worker meeting with 16-year-old, Kathy who is seven months pregnant. You are trying to educate Kathy on the benefits of attending a series of childbirth and baby care classes that you have arranged for her to take. Baby Audrey will be born in approximately eight weeks, and Kathy has attended only half of one session, which comprised one and a half of the 18 hours of required class time. After you meet with Kathy, she still refuses to attend the classes, so you decide to provide her with a pamphlet that will provide education on pregnancy self-care and newborn care essentials.

Create a pamphlet that you will give to Kathy and other young mothers in similar circumstances, describing information from this week’s textbook readings and other sources that will help mothers through the prenatal stage and facilitate proper knowledge of, and attention to, their care and safety and those of the newborn babies.

This working draft of the pamphlet should be 2-3 pages in length with document and citation formatting per APA Requirements.

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chapter 8 questions

Problem 8-2A (Part Level Submission)

Problem 8-3A (Part Level Submission)

Emotions and Moods: How Do You Feel? (5:13 mins)

Dr. Ratliffe reacts calmly and empathetically to Mr. Mitchell’s agitation at being kept waiting. This is an example of _______.

surface acting

attribution theory

a positivity offset

emotional contagion

deep acting

After her confrontation with Cassandra, Dr. Ratliffe tells herself that she will not let it ruin her day. This is an example of which strategy for emotion regulation?

Social sharing

Cognitive reappraisal


Emotional suppression

Surface acting

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lan wan configuration and troubleshooting guide 1

You have been tasked with creating an overall LAN/WAN Configuration and Troubleshooting Guide for a medium-sized business with locations as follows:

  • Location 1, New York State – 100 users
  • Location 2, Pennsylvania – 200 users, servers that host email, collaboration tools, and the ERP/CRM system
  • Location 3, California – 50 users
  • All with the capability to work from home

You will create a portion of this guide each week with the final documents due in Week Five.

For Week Two, write a 2- to 3-page summary of your WAN configuration using Microsoft® Word. Be sure to include:

  • A list of all the protocols you would recommend. Accurately describe at least three.
  • An accurate description of how using MPLS in a network would be different from traditional network designs
  • Tools you could use to troubleshoot your WAN. Accurately describe at least two that will allow you to troubleshoot efficiently.
  • How you would enable internet connectivity for the organization. Make sure your choices are logical and defensible.
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quot business decisions quot

  • Identify a type of business you would like to own. Next, evaluate two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of buying an existing business compared to those of starting the new business from the ground up. State your decision and explain your rationale.
  • In buying or starting the business above, you determine that you do not need external financing. Discuss why you should write a business plan, and select one (1) element in the plan that you think will be the most difficult for you. Next, identify three (3) techniques you can use to overcome the challenges. Justify your selection of these techniques.
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reply to 2 students discussion board post

heres the topic:

The MMPI-2 is the most widely used objective tests used to measure psychopathology. How was it developed? What are some advantages of using a disorders-based objective personality measure, such as the MMPI-2? How could those advantages affect both diagnosis and treatment? What are some disadvantages? How could the disadvantages affect both diagnosis and treatment?

reply to these 2 students: Jason-

The MMPI-2 is a revision of the original MMPI, which was published in 1943 by Starke Hathaway and J.C. McKinley. According to Pomerantz (2014), they sought an objective way to measure psychopathology. There were multiple other questionnaires that were available at the time, but they sought a test that would have a solid empirical foundation, which elicits different responses from people in normal and abnormal thinking. They achieved this through empirical criterion keying, which involves identifying distinct groups of people, and comparing their answers to recognize differences, and then include the items that received different responses from the different groups. If the groups answered the same, the item is discarded. Each group corresponded to different mental disorders, with one “normal” control group. Eventually the questions were narrowed down to 550 from more than 1000. The items were placed in 10 groups, each corresponding to a particular disorder, which represented a clinical scale. The higher the client scored on each scale, the more likely he or she demonstrated that form of psychopathology.

Disadvantages of this test include the length of the test, which require reading ability and prolonged attention, as well as the test being susceptible to faking by sophisticated clients who can outwit the validity scales. Additionally, the test focuses on their emphasis on the forms of psychopathology as the factors that make up personality, instead of emphasizing other aspects of personality, like normal traits or strengths.

The advantages of the MMPI-2 include its subjective nature, as well as the therapeutic intervention that is sharing the results with the patient. The test can be helpful in forming DSM5 diagnosis, and then treatment plans for the patient. As far as the test itself, it has built in features to detect when the test taker is dishonest, or exaggerating.

According to the results of the test, it may be deemed invalid. Potentially, for the patient that is able to outsmart the test itself, treatment could be given or withheld that is either not needed or needed, but undetectable. This is why this test should not be given exclusively to diagnose the individual, but instead as a part of many tests used in combination.


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 is a list of 567 descriptive sentences that the taker must answer true of false too. It is the most used amongst psychologists and the most psychometrically sound objective personality test (Pomerantz, 2014). In the 1930’s, Starke Hathaway and J.C. McKinley created the first MMPI using empirical criterion keying. This uses empirical data instead of just assumptions. Like for depression, one would assume a depressed person is very pessimistic. The MMPI doesn’t just assume this, it uses empirical data to validate it. The MMPI was later revised into the MMPI-2 and later still, shorted into the MMPI-2 Restructured Form. There’s an adolescent version now called the MMPI-A for those under the age of 18.

Advantages being that the MMPI-2 is extremely reliable and valid, even after thousands of studies. Many clinical psychologists use this for forming diagnoses, treatment, and placement (Pomerantz, 2013). The MMPI-2 is objective and subject based. It might allow the person to be a little more open and thoughtful of their answers in combination with the clinical psychologist’s opinion. Disadvantages might include lengthiness and the ability to fake. Pomerantz (2013), describes the lengthiness issue for those who don’t have a long attention span (like the most of us). It’s also discussed that this requires people to be able to read. Those who get bored with the test might start not caring what they answer or start to trigger the validity scales which are in place to help weed out those who ‘fake good’ or ‘fake bad’, as Pomerantz (2013) described with Tammy, who didn’t want to face the charges she was up against and instead faked being more pathological than she was. This could greatly increase people getting mis-diagnosed and mis-treated for something they don’t actually have.

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business structure and financial statements 5

urpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of the importance of the appropriate legal business categories and financial statements as a key management tool for making decisions.

Assignment Steps

Develop a 1,050-word evaluation describing business structure and financial statements, including the following:

  • Identify and describe the legal categories of a business organization contrasting tax-related advantages and disadvantages.
  • Next, using your entrepreneur skills, consider starting your own business. What business structure would you choose and why?
  • Discuss financial statements for the chosen business structure, then explain with specific examples from the University Library, how these would help you make decisions about your business.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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matlab question 3

RSXI À This assignment is to be completed using MATLAB, and your final results including the corresponding M-files should be submitted as email attachments.

Develop an M-file to determine the minimum of a function with the golden-section search. Use this M-file to find the minimum of

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business reflection unit

Part one: Organzational Charts and Reflection ( see attachments and complete)

Organizational Charts

In this assignment, you will determine the allocation of new employees that you have been authorized to hire in order to carry out the organizational goals identified in the Unit 2 assignment. You will do this for your declared functional area as well as for the human resources area.

Follow these steps to complete this project component (all of the required documents are given in the Resources):

  1. Download the document Executive Department Management Sheet.
    • Read the information to understand your directives and parameters, and then use the information to revise the organizational charts for the human resources area and your declared functional area.
  2. Download the organizational chart for the human resources area.
    • Review the organizational chart to determine where the new resources are to be assigned.
    • Revise the organizational chart to reflect the allocation of resources to be added.
    • Include, at the bottom of the revised organizational chart, a justification for your decisions.
  3. Download the organizational chart for the declared functional area.
    • Review the organizational chart to determine where the new resources are to be assigned.
    • Revise the organizational chart to reflect the allocation of resources to be added.
    • Include, at the bottom of the revised organizational chart, a justification for your decisions.
  4. Prepare a one-page reflection write up on the revised organizational charts you just completed for the human resource area and your declared functional area, which addresses the following questions:
    • How does the chain of command influence or affect your role as manager? How does it affect the organizational functions?
    • What research was used to support your work, in determining the new organizational chart? Use APA style and formatting to cite your sources.
    • What current or past experience did you draw from, if any?

Use Microsoft Office Word, Excel, or PowerPoint to create your revised organizational charts. If you need additional support in using these programs, review the respective Microsoft Office tutorials listed in the Resources.

Prior to submitting your assignment, review the project description and Organizational Charts Scoring Guide to ensure you have met the overall project requirements and all of the criteria for this assignment.

Submit these three items as attachments to the assignment area:

  1. Revised organizational chart for the human resources area.
  2. Revised organizational chart for the functional area you chose (sales and marketing, accounting and finance, or operations and production).
  3. Reflection write up

Part TWo: Discussions!

Discussion one:

Atha Corporation Interview Questions

For this discussion you are to develop ten interview questions. Five questions are for a candidate interviewing for a human resources position and five are for a candidate interviewing for a position in your fictional declared area. Your questions will be used to help the interviewer discover talents of the interviewee. Keep these guidelines in mind as you develop your questions:

  • Do not submit any question that is not related to work. For example, “What do you like to do outside of work?”
  • Do not ask close-ended questions. A close-ended question is one which can be answered in a single word. For example, “Do you like to work in teams?” This type of question is easily answered with a “yes” or “no.” An improvement to this could be “Could you describe a time when you were part of a team?”
  • Do not ask typical surface-level questions. For example, “Please tell me some of your strengths or weaknesses.”

Discussion Two:

Human Resource Management Process

In addition to the functional area you selected to manage, you are also responsible for managing the human resources function. Exhibit 7-1 in Chapter 7 of your text introduces the key components of an organization’s human resource management process. It represents eight activities (the gold boxes) that, if properly executed, will staff an organization with competent, high-performing employees.

Select and discuss two of the activities presented. Why do you find them to be important?

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evaluate senarios

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Week 5 Scenarios found in this week’s Learning Resources and select two of the four scenarios for this Assignment.
  • For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Evaluating P Values and the Skill Builder: Statistical Power, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.

For this Assignment:

Critically evaluate the two scenarios you selected based upon the following points:

  • Critically evaluate the sample size.
  • Critically evaluate the statements for meaningfulness.
  • Critically evaluate the statements for statistical significance.
  • Based on your evaluation, provide an explanation of the implications for social change.

Use proper APA format and citations, and referencing.

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