primary concepts week 3

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review sections 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 of Chapter 1 in the text.

We have now covered five of the seven major psychological models that serve as frameworks for understanding personality. Each model has several theorists and numerous concepts that describe personality. That is what theories are—collections of related concepts meant to explain development. It is time for you to begin to analyze these concepts to determine which you think are most useful and applicable. For this assignment, you will identify one concept from each of the following models that you think is the best description for personality development from that model (the last three will be addressed in your Final Paper). Be sure to use proper APA headings to separate your conceptual sections. Address the following models:

  • Psychodynamic
  • Neurobiological
  • Trait
  • Cognitive

For each of the concepts chosen:

  • Apply a proper APA heading to separate the section. (For specifications for writing proper headings and other document elements, see the Ashford University Writing Center’s APA Style Elements.)
  • Describe the concept.
  • Identify the theorist associated with the concept.
  • Provide a rationale for why that is the most applicable concept from that model.

Keep in mind that the object of this assignment is to identify and discuss a specific concept from each model and not to focus on just one model or provide overviews of the models per se.

To review examples of the main concept from the psychodynamic model, review the Psychodynamic Institute’s resource on Examples From the Psychodynamic Model.

For each concept, you must use a scholarly source related to the concept from Ashford University Library to support your statements in the paper. Thus, the paper will have a total of four scholarly sources (as noted below) in addition to the textbook. Popular websites and your textbook may be used to augment these scholarly sources, but they will not count toward the minimum number of sources needed for the paper.

To assist you in completing the library research required for this assignment, view this Ashford University Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty tutorial, which introduces the Ashford University Library and the research process and provides some library search tips.

The Primary Concepts paper

  • Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style resource.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

    For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013.

  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
  • Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
    • The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
    • To assist you in completing the library research required for this assignment, view this Ashford University Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty tutorial, which introduces the Ashford University Library and the research process and provides some library search tips.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References Listresource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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3 to 5 page paper outlining the integration of cultural competency in nursing practice

For this assignment, you will construct a 3 to 5 page paper outlining the integration of cultural competency in nursing practice. As in all writing assignments, use APA Style formatting to cite your sources in your paper and provide references for the citations.

1. Provide an overview (introduction) of cultural competence in nursing practice in the first paragraph of the paper.

2. Identify how culturally competent care is fundamental to the practice of nursing.

3. Identify and discuss the relationship between cultural competency and diversity, as well as patient- and family-centered care. Provide an example from your experiences in nursing.

4. Analyze and/or identify a barrier(s) to providing culturally competent care to a diverse population (e.g., health disparities, communication, and environment).

5. Recommendations for providing health promotion activities for a selected population. Include conclusion to the paper.

6. Include minimum of three (3) APA formatted in-text citations and references. The course text may only be used as one (1) reference; two (2) additional credible references must also be included.

7. Writing skills, grammar, spelling, style, and adherence to APA format in a 3-5 page paper (excluding title and reference page).

This assignment will be submitted through Turnitin, which checks the originality of your submission against other sources.

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dating earth

Please thoroughly read the attached material. You can organize your paper in whatever way you would like but please be sure to address all of the points/questions, based on the attached articles.

If you just look up this information online, without thoroughly reading the attachments, you will not meet the requirement of this assignment.

After reading the attached PDF research papers please address the following. Feel free to use any information we covered in class as well.

As an important side note, a sizeable portion of the final exam will come from the material presented in the PDF (in addition to lecture) so it’s a good study resource.

Per the attachments –

What information is presented and why is it significant? What’s the argument within the field of geology and are both perspectives being equally portrayed in the education system? Why or why not?
What is uniformitarianism? Give evidence, if any, for the support of this view.

What is catastrophism? Give evidence, if any, for the support of this view.

Can both really be true?

What are the implications of this question and why does it matter?

Has there been any suppression in the public-policy or scientific community regarding any one of these views as it relates to geology, climatology or any other sciences and why might this be so?

Please include specific examples from the attached articles in your paper as well as any outside information you would like to add (acceptable but not necessary).

This paper should be at least 2 pages typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, regular margins as a Microsoft Word document.

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write a paragraph 15

write a paragraph about each of the following ( separately)

-write about one of the functions of cultural leadership ( communicating with associates) and explain why it is important.

-Is the Continuous Improvement Process explained in Chapter 1 of White a realistic way of doing business in the fast paced and ever-changing world that health care managers face on a daily basis? Why or why not? Why are OFI’s such a key to the successful implementation of the continuous improvement process?

-What is the best way to answer an associate (or physician or senior employee) who says, “We’ve always done it that way. I don’t see why we should change.”

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ansel adams

Paper details:

— I don’t want the writer to be British English, I want American English.

1. Write a 4 page paper about the photographer “Ansel Adams”
2. Talk about the biography, life ,and career of Ansel Adams.
3. Include 5 photographs of that photographer and talk about those photographs
4. Make sure to include photographs of trees, roses, and flowers as part of the five photographs.

– Make sure you don’t make your sentences very complex because I am not a native speaker.

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motivating your people

There has been an increase in employee dissatisfaction in the company. Your supervisor has asked you to develop a plan to increase motivation for two employees in your department. You have surveyed the employees to learn more about what they value and what is important to them in the workplace.

Below are the lists of their workplace priorities. Items are listed in order, with the items at the top of the list being more important than the items further down on the list. You have also made a few notes based on your observations of their work history and performance.

Discuss the following points in a report (Microsoft Word) to your supervisor:

  1. Discuss the leadership style you have used with each employee. (Use the two leadership style articles in the readings.)
  2. From the readings, choose the theory of motivation that you feel would be most effective to use with each employee and explain your reasons.
  3. Describe how each of these employees would relate to that motivation theory. For example, if you used Maslow’s theory, on which level would you place each employee and why?
  4. Determine two ways that you might motivate each employee. Your existing budget does not allow you to offer raises, and there are no open positions above these employees’ positions at this time, so promotions would not be an option. Discuss your motivation ideas for each employee, and explain why you think your motivators would be effective.

Robert M.

Top Motivators

  • Improved salary/wages
  • Safe work environment
  • Job security
  • Health and life insurance
  • Good relationship with supervisor(s)

Performance Notes

  • Robert has worked in your department for the past 5 years.
  • He usually only misses one or two days per year, but this past year, he has missed 6 days.
  • Robert had received above average annual evaluations for the first three years, but those evaluations have slipped in the past two years.
  • He appears to like his job and gets along well with his co-workers and management. Robert tends to shy away from leadership roles, but has taken part in a few team projects where he seemed to enjoy some success.

Juanita R.

Top Motivators

  • Challenging work
  • Opportunities to learn new skills and gain knowledge
  • More authority and independence
  • Increased chances for advancement/promotions
  • Good relationship with supervisor(s)

Performance Notes

  • Juanita has worked in the department for 3 years.
  • She has missed no days since she was hired for this position.
  • She continues to receive exceptional annual evaluations.
  • She shows enthusiasm, drive, and a passion for her work. She gets along well with everyone and has been asked to lead three successful team projects
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discussion starbucks case study 1

Complete the Starbucks Case Study (found in attachment)

How has Starbucks structured its organization to have a social and environmental focus?Go to a Starbucks and sit and observe for at least an hour. Take notes about what you notice about:

1 How the customers are treated?

2 How the employees dress, act, interact?

3 How the facilities are laid out?

4 Analyze the organizational culture of Starbucks from your observations and case study analysis.

5 Why did Starbucks choose the organizational culture?

6 What facets of the culture make for effective employee engagement?

7 What facets affect sales?

8 What leadership qualities make the Starbucks model effective?

***this a discussion should be own opinion****

***please must be original work (no copy and paste)***

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please answer as detailed as possible 14

Traditionally Polynesians used their navigation for thousands of years to make long voyages across hundreds of miles at the open Pacific Ocean. it took a lot of courage to migrate across the ocean during a time of no GPS navigation.

What do you think motivated these migrations?

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qualitative research 12

Consider a potential quantitative research problem you might choose for your Signature Assignment involving a fictitious research proposal. This topic can be one you have examined in previous courses or one you have recently become interested in exploring further for your capstone project or dissertation research study.

Consider the general problems or issues currently existing within your professional area of interest in education. Remember that at the graduate-level, a problem from practice must also be situated within the peer-reviewed scholarly literature. As you continue to explore and learn more about your identified problems or issues of research interest, you will be able to more naturally narrow your research topic to one you will truly find interest and inspiration to research.

Once you have identified a fairly broad yet well-supported research problem, determine the three best peer-reviewed quantitative research articles using the Northcentral Library that have noted this problem. (Note. Ensure the articles incorporated a quantitative research design and not a meta-analysis or critical review of previously conducted quantitative research findings.)

For each article, discuss the following elements:

  • Identify the research problem of inquiry.
  • Explain the purpose or intent of the research.
  • Summarize the research questions(s) or areas of inquiry.
  • Identify the specific quantitative design utilized.
  • Describe the sample/participants and target population.
  • Summarize how the ethical treatment of the human subjects was ensured.
  • Explain the quantitative data collection method.
  • Explain the quantitative data analysis method.
  • Describe how the proper design identification and implementation to ensure validity in the results was supported.
  • Briefly reflect on the overall strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed qualitative research.

Support your assignment with the three articles reviewed and other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

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politics term paper

Terrorism is a complex topic. In this essay define and discuss terrorism and the key issues you have learned in class for a reader who does not know about this subject. In your essay make sure you discuss the following topics:

The general activities undertaken by terrorist organizations using historical examples discussed in class or our readings.

The role of the media in terrorism.

The Palestine Question.

A terrorist group from the A List.

Remember this essay may be thought of as a term paper exercise. Take your time. Use examples from the academic literature and events discussed in class lectures or our other readings to support your answer. Your essays should be at 1200 words in length. I’m looking for you to break this question down and build it into a coherent response that demonstrates your knowledge of this topic.

No plagiarism! need high quality work before you send to me , thanks for helping,

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