writing and discussion 1

Below are the quesitons:


Describe a well-known example or personal experience of repudiation (please do not include specific names of organizations or people).

Writing Assignment:

In approximately 300 words, answer the question below.

Follow APA guidelines. Which of the following do you prefer most and why?


• STRIDE-per-Element

• STRIDE-per-Interaction


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federal vs republican government which is better

What is the difference between a Federal and Republican government? Explain the good and bad sides of each, and please provide examples of countries where these two government systems are implemented. Answer needs to be at least 500 words. Cite references please.

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week 5 final paper 6

Week 5 – Final Paper

Final Paper

For your Final Paper, choose one of the following health care organizations:

  • Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)
  • Tenet Health System
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Henry Ford Health System
  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Children’s Miracle Network
  • Deborah Heart and Lung Center
  • Medtronic
  • Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Planned Parenthood
  • Indian Health Service (IHS)
  • Health Markets

Conduct an evaluation of the organization based on strategic planning analysis, which includes the strengths and/or weaknesses that are internal to the organization and opportunities and/or threats external to the organization. Your strategic plan analysis must include at least three strengths and three weaknesses that are internal to the organization and at least three opportunities and three threats that are external to the organization. You must utilize at least five valid sources in your analysis. Examples of valid sources include organizational websites, annual reports, personal interviews with organizational leadership, investigative reports, government reports, and conference transcripts. Your Final Paper must address at least five key areas, concepts, and strategies that are outlined in the course text. These include:

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hca 421 week 4 discussion 1 and 2

Week 4 – Discussion 1

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Implementing Strategy

Which is more important: the formulation of a strategy or the implementation of a strategy?

What are the challenges associated with your choice?

Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used. Format your post according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Week 4 – Discussion 2

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Strategic Alternatives

Read the “Staying on Course with Strategic Metrics” article. As a future health care administrator, you will be required to evaluate the strategies, efficiency, efficacy, and outcomes of your department or strategic business unit (SBU). After examining the article, analyze the strategic alternatives that result from monitoring strategic metrics pertaining to your in the role of a department or SBU manager. List at least two strengths and weaknesses of basing strategic alternatives solely on strategic metrics. Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used. Format your post according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

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women leading 1

This unit focuses on contemporary concerns of women’s rights activists, especially in the context of globalization. Charts in the MAPS folder illustrate global migration patterns of women, including both the movement of women laborers toward sources of employment and the enforced migration of women through trafficking.

Other readings highlight concerns about Western feminist activists and media sources confronting women in conservative religious countries and contexts – particularly those in the Middle East.

  • analyzing the tensions & organizational dynamics of contemporary feminist movements &
  • being able to describe how women organize around “feminism” in order to combat human trafficking, poverty and violence.

All the readings, and chart links are given on the file. From the Google Book read “The Nanny Dilemma” and “Maid to Order”.

2 pages, single space, APA citation.

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quot what makes the best place to work and why quot 3

Choose one (1) company that you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions, salary, opportunity for advancement and work involved. Use the Internet to research.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Evaluate the fundamental driving forces that shape the organizational environment of the selected company. Be sure to address the following: competing in a global marketplace, workforce diversity, ethics and morality, and technological innovation.
  2. Examine the selected company’s specific practices or policies. Speculate on the major influences that these practices or policies have on individual and organizational outcomes.
  3. Determine which practices related to work attitudes in U.S. organizations are most strongly affected by diversity and suggest a strategy to address the effects.
  4. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Evaluate human behavior in organizations and the forces shaping the behavior.
  • Analyze individual differences within organizations and their impact on organizational behavior.
  • Use technology to research issues affecting organizational behavior in order to deliver assignments which are clear, concise and have proper writing mechanics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about operations management using proper writing mechanics.
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case study 3 9

For this module, you are required to submit Case Study 3, Discussion Case: Intel and Conflict Minerals, at the end of Chapter 4.

Keep in mind to integrate the core values of Saint Leo University that you believe should apply to this issue. Responses for each case discussion question should be in paragraph form and be approximately 250-300 words in length.

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reflective journal 36

Day 1: Describe a time when you were the victim of or witnessed discrimination or racism. How did it make you feel? How did you choose to handle the situation?

Day 2: Find someone of a different race or religious belief than yourself. Try to focus on a group that you have previously held very strong stereotypes or attitudes regarding. What are the similarities and differences between you and this person.

Day 3: Describe a time when you advocated for or stood up against stereotypes, discrimination or racism towards a group or person. What made you decide to get involved? If you did not get involve, then explain why you decided to not intervene?

Day 4: Describe or list stereotypes that you previously held in common with your parents or family members but that as you have matured or grown older that you have changed. What things contributed to this change in opinion?

Day 5: In your opinion, will racism or discrimination ever end? Why or why not? What do you think needs to happen to help blatant racism and discrimination come to an end?

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2 4 hr simulation


  1. Access the HRManagement simulation using your ID and password via the Interpretive Simulation – HR Management by clicking here.
  2. Reference the

    : The Human Resource Management Simulation [Student Guide]
    as needed.
  3. Quarter 1 of Year One in the Simulation.
    1. Download the HRManagement Staffing


      You will need two copies of the Staffing Worksheet. The Staffing Worksheet is to be completed for each quarter: Quarter 1 and Quarter 2. Note: Complete the worksheet PRIOR to inputting your staffing decisions in the HR simulation. (Refer to the Staffing instructions below.) Your staffing worksheets are to be submitted as part of the complete Dropbox assignment for this workshop.
    2. Download the HRManagement Budget Planning


      You will need two copies of the Budget Planning Form. The Budget Planning Form is to be completed for each quarter: Quarter 1 and Quarter 2. Your budget forms are to be submitted as part of the complete Dropbox assignment for this workshop.
    3. Analyze your company’s current situation by reviewing the case study. Note that while instructions are provided here to help guide your quarterly progress in the simulation, the case study instructions are the best source for particular details of the program elements not fully disclosed here due to space limitations.
    4. Review your goals for your hotel in light of the information provided in each of the reports in the Reports menu located on the left side of the screen in the simulation (i.e., Dashboard, Staffing, Demographics, Compensation, Production, Performance, and Budget sections).
    5. Review the Environment menu >>Newsletter section (located on the left side of the screen in the simulation) to obtain the most recent newsletter highlighting the internal and external environmental scanning updates (e.g., internal production projections and external industry wage averages).
    6. Review the details in the Reports menu >> Budget section (located in the Reports menu on the left side of the screen in the simulation) and plan accordingly—noting there are four quarters in the year and that some decisions made in one quarter will have a carryover effect in future quarters. Refer to the case study details in the Student Guide for how decisions impact your budget in the current and future periods (quarters and years).
    7. IMPORTANT: For each of the following decision areas (Staffing, Wages, Benefits, Training, Programs, and Special) DO NOT FINALIZE your decisions until ALL your input has been completed for the quarter and you have verified and are satisfied with the impact of your decisions as reflected in the Decision Summary and the analysis reports.
    8. Staffing. Determine your hotel’s projected staffing needs for the quarter.
      1. Download the HRManagement Staffing


        if you have not already done so.
      2. Complete the Staffing Worksheet based on information in the case, the established company goals, and the information provided in the Analysis menu>>Staffing Analysis section (located on the left side of the screen in the simulation) in the simulation.
      3. Save a copy of the completed worksheet which is to be submitted as part of the Dropbox assignment for this workshop.
      4. In the Decisions menu >>Staffing Input section (located on the left side of the screen in the simulation) in the simulation, input your decisions for each of the five levels of staff: (a) the number of employees you plan to hire and/or (b) the number of employees you plan to promote.
      5. Adjust the target percentage of females and/or the target percentage for minorities based on your demographic goals for the hotel.
      6. Submit the decision by clicking on the Submit Decision button. IMPORTANT REMINDER: For each of the decision areas (Staffing, Wages, Benefits, Training, Programs, and Special) DO NOT FINALIZE your decisions until ALL your input has been completed for the quarter and you have verified and are satisfied with the impact of your decisions as reflected in the analysis reports.
      7. Check the Analysis menu >>Staffing Analysis section (located on the left side of the screen in the simulation) to verify the impact of your staffing decisions (hiring, promotion, and percentage of females and minorities) in the analysis report.
    9. Wages. Determine, enter, and submit the wages decisions for the quarter, if any, in the Decisions menu >> Wages section located on the left side of the screen in the simulation. Check the Analysis menu >>Wage Rate Analysis section (located on the left side of the screen in the simulation) to verify the impact of your decisions in the analysis report.
    10. Benefits. Determine, enter, and submit the benefits decisions for the quarter, if any, in the Decisions menu >>Benefits section located on the left side of the screen in the simulation. Check the Analysis menu >>Wage Rate Analysis section (located on the left side of the screen in the simulation) to verify the impact of your decisions in the analysis report.
    11. Training. Determine, enter, and submit the training decisions for the quarter, if any, in the Decisions menu >>Training section located on the left side of the screen in the simulation. Be sure to consider the report found in Analysis menu >>Training Cost Analysis section (located on the left side of the screen in the simulation) if you wish to make adjustments to the default costs for new hires and promotions (by system default automatically populated in the Training Cost Analysis from the decisions you make in the Wages section).
    12. Programs. Determine, enter, and submit the program’s decisions for the quarter, if any in the Decisions menu >>Programs section located on the left side of the screen in the simulation.
    13. Special Incident. Click on the Decisions menu >> Special section to access the video, brief incident report, and decision submission windows in the simulation.
      1. Watch the Special Incident video for the quarter.
      2. Read the Special Incident report.
      3. Determine, enter, and submit the incident decision(s) for the quarter in the Decisions menu>>Special Incident section located on the left side of the screen in the simulation.
    14. Special Incident Journal Entry. Make a journal entry using the title Quarter 1 Special Incident: Job Analysis, responding to the following questions:
        1. What risks are faced by an employer when creating formalized job descriptions?
        2. How might job descriptions prove to be unbeneficial?
        3. Which job(s) do you believe most need job descriptions?
        4. What choice did you make? Why?
      1. After

        decisions have been entered and submitted for staffing, wages, benefits, training, programs, and special incidents, review the Decisions menu >> Decision Summary section and the budget reports. Once you are satisfied with the results of your decisions as determined by the analyses and budget, and only then, finalize all decisions. To finalize your decisions, enter into each of the decision windows—staffing, wages, benefits, training, programs, and special decision windows—to click and save on the final decision tab.
      2. Complete the Budget Planning Form for the quarter if you did not complete it as you progressively made each HR decision. Save a copy

        submission to the Dropbox for this workshop.
      3. CAUTION: As a precautionary measure before you advance to the next quarter in the simulation, always verify that each decision window (i.e., staffing, wages, benefits, training, programs, and special) displays the following message to designate the decision has been locked in the present quarter: This decision has been locked.
      4. Informational Note: You may immediately continue on to the next quarter in the simulation or, if you choose, elect to close the simulation and return at a later time to complete the next quarter for this workshop.
    15. Quarter 2 of Year One in the Simulation.
      1. Advance the simulation to the next quarter—Quarter 2—after having verified that all required prior quarter decisions have been finalized and locked.
      2. Have readily available the additional downloaded copies of the HRManagement Staffing Worksheet and Budget Planning Form to be completed for this quarter.
      3. As in the prior quarter, the first steps are to review detailed reports in the Reports menu (Dashboard, Staffing, Demographics, Compensation, Production, Performance, and Budget) as well as the newsletter (e.g., Environment menu >> Newsletter section)—ahead of any decision making in this new quarter. Note: The various reports and newsletter are updated upon advancement to a new quarter and accessible in the menu listing on the left side of the screen in the simulation.
      4. Consider the present situation of the company in light of the goals and strategies originally identified on the Goals and Strategies worksheet in Workshop One.
      5. Progress through the simulation decision-making process for Quarter 2, guided by the steps listed for the prior quarter (as shown above) and as detailed in the Student Guide. Begin with Staffing and progress through each of the decision sections: Wages, Benefits, Training, Programs, and Special Incident.
      6. Special Incident Journal Entry. After reviewing the video, reading the report, and submitting the decision for the Special Incident, complete the journal entry using the title Quarter 2 Special Incident: Selection of Employee, responding to the following questions:
        1. What risks might an employer face in hiring someone without supervisory experience?
        2. What risks might an employer face in hiring someone based on affirmative action concerns?
        3. What risks does an employer face by ignoring affirmative action concerns?
        4. Is it difficult for you to weigh affirmative action concerns with experience and proven abilities? How would you balance these concerns?
        5. What choice did you make? Why?
      7. Complete the remaining simulation activities for the quarter, including finalization of all decisions in the quarter. DO NOT ADVANCE to the next quarter before completing and submitting the Dropbox assignment for this workshop.
    16. After all decisions for Quarter 2 have been reviewed and finalized, ready the following documents for submission to the Dropbox for this workshop (4 attachments total):
      1. Quarter 1 Staffing Worksheet
      2. Quarter 1 Budget Planning Form
      3. Quarter 2 Staffing Worksheet
      4. Quarter 2 Budget Planning Form
    17. Save a copy for yourself and submit a copy of the 4 one-page documents to your instructor using a single Dropbox submission by the end of the workshop.
    18. Be sure to complete the two journal entries by the end of the workshop. Use a separate journal entry with appropriate journal title for each of the two special incidences.

    Click here to access the Dropbox.

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    writing final project

    This exercise is valuable because the better you get at editing your papers, the better your writing will become. An initial draft is just that. A final draft is one that has been revisited, revised, edited, cut, pasted, rewritten, torn apart and stitched back together. It doesn’t matter how messy the process gets. What matters is that the final piece of writing that you submit is solid. Do not be afraid to revise your paper so much that it no longer resembles your initial essay.

    Your final essay will be graded using the 6+1 Writing Traits rubric found in the introductory material of this course.

    You may access a copy of your original diagnostic essay by going to your grade book and clicking on the score there.

    In case you have forgotten the topic for the diagnostic essay, the details can be found in Section Two of the Introduction Unit of the course.

    When you have finished revising your essay, please submit this assignment. Please be sure to document your sources.

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