reflective journal 40

Day 1: Even average, everyday people occasionally have thoughts of harming others. Think back to the last time you purposefully wanted to harm another person. Write a brief description of the episode. Consider the following:

a. Was the person you wanted to harm male or female?

b. had the person insulted you in some way?

c. Did you feel you had to protect yourself or others in this situation?

d. What violent actions did you consider?

e. Were your violent actions based on something you read or watched. If yes, what?

f. Did you act on your impulses?

Day 2: Reflect on actions or steps that you can take to help yourself feel less angry. Make a list of realistic options.

Day 3. Write about your experiences with bullying. Were you the victim, perpetrator or merely a witness? How did this situation impact you? How did you handle the situation?

Day 4. Discuss the ways that parents teach aggression to their children.

Day 5. List the situational factors that you feel contribute to road rage. What are some of the ways that city planners, the police and the community can work to reduce road rage & create friendlier driving behaviors?

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write a investigative research essay 1

The instructions is in the document I upload.

Here are some samples essays.

Example 1:…

Example 2:…

Example 3:…

Example 4:…

And I already find an article:…

Or you can choose difference articles from the website from below, but you need to let me know.

  1. The news story must come from one of the following sources below.

Before you start the essay, please let me know the topic and thesis statement.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for helping me!

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introduction to humanities 29


What were the major stages in the historical development of ancient Israel?


How do written and material evidence combine to reveal the history of Israel?


What were the central teachings of Christianity?


How do written and material evidence reveal Christianity’s relationship to classical culture?


Compare the traditions of religion in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and Israel (include Jewish and Christian traditions).

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visual literacy in business 8

Wk 5 Discussion 1:

Social Media

Social media can have a significant impact on a company’s success (both positive and negative). What are the pros of social media, and how do you think they can be harnessed to promote effective communication? What are the cons, and how do you think they can be avoided, to prevent a communication disaster? Identify one example that illustrates effective use of social media, and one example that illustrates ineffective use of social media

Wk 5 Discussion 2:

Reflecting on Visual Literacy in Business

Review the concepts we’ve covered in the past few weeks of this course, and list five take-away’s. Explain why the five take-away’s are relevant to you. Then, describe at least one concept that is either still unclear to you, or one you’d like to explore further.

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post war transitions to democracy

Relevant files attached

Assignment 6: Post-Cold War Transitions to Democracy

Submit the assignment to Brightspace


This assignment is to be completed after you have finished the readings on “Democratization.” In addition, it is important that you start gathering outside resources to conduct research on your two African countries. This can include books from the library and online materials (journal articles, databases, credited news sources). Wikipedia is not a credible source, but can be used as starting point to springboard your research. A great place to start your search is Google scholar.

As always, please use full sentences in your answers and include full citations of where your answers are coming from. When the assignment is completed, submit a word document, before the beginning of class, to the proper Brightspace assignment folder. The name of the file should include your last name (e.g. Assignment5_Osorio.docx). Be prepared to discuss your findings during the class discussion.


Q1. Using Chapter 1 of Bratton and van de Walle, name two characteristics and two limitations for the following approaches to explaining democratization:

  • Structural approaches
  • Contingent approaches
  • International approaches
  • Domestic approaches
  • Economic approaches
  • Political approaches
  • Politico-institutional approaches

Q2. Using Chapter 3 of Bratton and van de Walle, describe the path of regime transition in your two countries. According the classifications on page 119, what path did your countries take to regime transition in the period ending in 1994? Make use of Figure 6 on page 117 and outside resources to describe the different factors that happened in each country’s transition (political protests, liberalization reforms, democratic elections, constitutional reforms, political reforms).

*Table 4 on page 120 might be helpful.

Q3. Did the regime type switch at all between the Cold War end and the present (e.g. a democracy to a dictatorship or vice versa)? Were there ever periods where one regime did not rule the whole country (e.g. civil war/warlordism) for the time period 1989-current?

Use the website and create a country graph for each of your two countries (two graphs in total) that plots the 5 indices of democracy: deliberative, egalitarian, electoral, liberal, and participatory. Using your knowledge on each country explain what might be driving the dips and rises you see in the graphs.


  • Click on “Country Graph”
  • Click on “Search Countries” and select your country
  • Click on “V-Dem Indices” and select the 5 indices of democracy: deliberative, egalitarian, electoral, liberal, and participatory.
  • Make sure the scale of the graph is set to “Original Scale”
  • Make sure confidence rating is NOT showing
  • Click generate graph
  • Click the export button at the top right of the graph (next to print button)
  • Attach the graphs to your assignment word document
  • Repeat these instructions for your second country

Q4. Using V-Dem data, construct a graph comparing the “Clean Elections Index,” in your two countries for the time period 1989-current. Explain what you see on this graph. Using your knowledge on each country explain what might be driving the dips and rises you see in the graphs.



Click on this link to the V-Dem Website:

Click on the analysis (online analysis tab)

Click variable graph

  • Select your countries
  • Click V-Dem Indices
  • Search for “Clean Elections Index”
  • Make sure the scale of the graph is set to “Original Scale”
  • Make sure confidence rating is NOT showing
  • Make sure you change the date range to 1989-current
  • Click generate graph
  • Click the export button at the top right of the graph (next to print button)
  • Attach the graphs to your assignment word document
  • Repeat these instructions for both countries

Q5. Using the Afrobarometer’s Round 6 data, explore the public opinion regarding democracy. Write a paragraph for each of your countries (you don’t need to attach a graph, but to report the statistics) describing the opinions of the citizens of your countries, current and their evolution over time, regarding:

  1. rejecting one-party rule
  2. rejecting military rule
  3. rejecting one-man rule
  4. support for democracy


    • Click on this link to the Afrobarometer’s online data analysis Website:
    • Click on Round 6 (R6 2014/2015). To check if your countries’ information is available, type the name of your country on the “Search questions” box. If one or both of their countries is not included in R6, please explore the data available for Africa as a whole in R6.
    • Click on the “Democracy and politics” tab. There you will find the variables regarding rejecting one-party rule, rejecting military rule, rejecting one-man rule and support for democracy
    • Click on your country.
    • To filter by urban/rural, click on “Add filter” and choose “Urban or rural”
    • Repeat the instructions to explore every variable for both of your countries.
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revise paper 9

revise effects of abortion paper based off the professors feedback

please see attached paper

Professor feedback

Body 1: Needed: focus on 3 reasons why your thesis is right

Body 2: Research to support. Add! Good logical reasoning

Body 3: Well stated ideas. Further evidence to support! Add

Conclusion: How does your topic tie into this idea? Make that more clear in last body paragraph

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what is a server and what is a ms server 2012 r2

You are the new Server Administrator for a small company called Toys4Us. Your company provides toys for kids for their birthdays and the holidays. Your boss, Michael Scott, is not very IT savvy. When he hired you, he told you “just make it work”. Recently friends donated two Servers with MS Server 2012 R2.

Mr Scott asks you, “What is a server and what is a MS Server 2012 R2”? Using both the video and article in this week’s lesson, please answer his question. Please justify your answer by making some assumptions about the environment, users and technology in the organization. Are there any situations where these features are less important?

oBe sure to use APA Format and Style

oPost your work as a Word Document to Moodle.

oWe will use this scenario throughout the course.…

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john d rockefeller and the standard oil trust

Read the Standard Oil case study beginning on page 75 of the textbook as well as pp. 145–150 of Exxon and the Control of Oil. Please support the position of the pluralist theory of business power.

From the perspective of the pluralist theory, consider the following prompts in your initial post:

  • With reference to the seven levels of corporate power addressed in the text, how did the power of Standard Oil change society?
  • Was the power exercised in keeping with the social contract of Rockefeller’s era?
  • Does the story support the position of either the pluralist or dominance theory of business power?

Also in your post, state which theory (pluralist or dominance) you personally ascribe to. Did the arguments you read on this discussion topic change your perspective?

Provide 2 critique conclusions regarding the social contract from the perspective (pluralist theory or dominance theory) that you have been assigned. Explain your concurrence or disagreement in detail. Support with scholarly research cited in APA style.

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hca 421 week 5 discussion

Week 5 – Discussion

1 1 unread reply. 1 1 reply.

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Describe the ethical and legal considerations of a professional strategic financial management function in an organization. What would you do if faced with a legal or ethical dilemma related to financial management in a health care organization? How might that legal or ethical dilemma impact strategic planning? Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used. Format your post according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

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theory summary

Using the concept summary in Chapter 2 of the required text, fill in the blanks for each of the developmental theories in the table provided. Provide examples from your own experience or the textbook in the last column. These examples can be written or can be an image, illustration, or case scenario. In the last row, describe your ideal theory of child development, combining the elements that you believe would encapsulate your own beliefs and experiences.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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