homework questions 11

This week’s readings had you read select national strategies and other strategic documents that serve to establish homeland security goals and enabling objectives. Applying and analyzing the information you gathered from those readings, as well as your personal/professional experiences, please respond to the following:

1. What are the desired characteristics of a national strategy document?

2. What is meant by a strategy hierarchy?

Articles for this week’s assignment:

National Strategy for Counterterrorism: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default…

National Security Strategy: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017…

The National Military Strategy of the United States of America: http://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Publicatio…

Department of Homeland Security Strategic Plan: Fiscal years 2014-2018 https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publicatio…

Be sure to support your responses with information from the assigned and available readings.

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words.

Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words to each student and include direct questions.

Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the APA writing style by providing a general parenthetical citation (reference the author, year and page number) within your post. Refer to grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria.

Student #1 Andrew

Hello Class,

Means, ways, ends and risk sounds like a statistics class to me. A solid national security strategy has a focus on being proactive with a clear end goal. That means that the end must be clearly defined so the plan can has a goal to combat against. A way to test a strategy is called suitability. To reach the end you must have ways. Ways are the roads that connect the means to the end. Means is where you get your resources to fuel your strategy. (Bartolomees, J. B. 2012) The last note about a strategy is the risk. Risks must be taken into account when developing your strategy. Without the understanding of risk your plan will have giant gaps and holes that will be prone to make your strategy fail and cause you to react. (Bartolomees, J. B. 2012)

An example is the end is to have secure border, the ways is to have a Border Patrol Agent every 100 yards and a border wall, the means is the Border Patrol academy and border construction sites. There are many risks to name some would be too many agents creates greater chance of corruption as standards are lowered, the construction crew could be in danger and would require its own security, and the cost of all this creates a risk of bankruptcy and political turmoil as that party would be increasing the budget deficit. This is just an example off the top of my head so I know it may be off a bit as my head is off a bit, but these are the types of strategies that top pentagon officials are faced with.

Strategy hierarchy was a little confusing at first, but quickly became clear. Basically at the top is what is most important and grand on the scale. Within the plan there are smaller strategies that pertain to homeland security. For example within a border security strategy the top may be actual border security and airport security. Immigration deportation and detention offices within the states, although important, may not be on the top priority when it comes to border security hierarchy. You can see a difference in the hierarchy of plans with different presidents as President Obama emphasized counterterrorism as the highest concern with homeland security and also wants to keep US core values specifically civil rights and privacy rights. (Obama, B. 2015) While President Trump is focused more on America first and border security. (Trump, D. 2017)


Bartolomees, J. B. (2012). U. S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues Volume 1: Theory and Strategy 5th Edition. 5th Edition ed. Carlisle Barracks,PA: Strategic Studies Institute.

Obama, B. (2015). National Strategy for Counterterrorism. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Trump, D. (2017). National Security Strategy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Student #2 John

1.What are the desired characteristics of a national strategy document?

In order to answer this question I must first review the various strategy documents from our lessons. I have chosen to review the following:

In Obama’s National Strategy for Counterterrorism (2011) he clearly defines al-Qa’ida as the threat. He states that to defeat them, we must define with precision and clarity who we are fighting and setting concrete and realistic goals that is consistent with our core values and as a nation (NSC, 2011). In his strategy, the principals that guide its counterterrorism efforts are outlined. These principals adhere to U.S. core values, build security partnerships, apply counterterrorism tools and capabilities appropriately and build a culture of resilience (NSC, 2011). Also, in his strategy, there is a clear area of focus and attention: the homeland, Asia, Arabian Peninsula, East Africa, Europe, Iraq, Maghreb and Sahel (NSC, 2011). He concludes that this plan of action to achieve the defeat of al-Qu’ida and its affiliates (NSC, 2011).

In Trump’s National Security Strategy (2017) he clearly identifies the various domestic and foreign threats plaguing the nation and the world from before his presidency. These threats include: rogue regimes developing nuclear weapons, radical Islamist terror groups, rival powers undermining American interests, unenforced immigration along U.S. borders, criminal cartels and unfair trade practices (NSS, 2017). His strategy lays out a clear strategic vision that is broken down into four pillars: protecting the American people, our homeland and way of life; promote American prosperity; preserve peace through strength and advance American influence (NSS, 2017). His strategy is further broken down by regional context: Indo-Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Western Hemisphere and Africa (NSS, 2017). He concludes that this strategy sets a positive strategic direction for the U.S. that will reassert America’s advantages on the world stage and build on the countries strengths.

In the chairman’s National Military Strategy (2011), it clearly describes its purpose on how we will employ our military forces to protect and advance our national interests. This strategy clearly identifies the strategic environment, military environment, and outlines an integrated military strategy (NMS, 2011). This integrated approach will achieve the following: deter, deny and defeat state adversaries; disrupt, degrade; and defeat violent extremist organizations (VEO); strengthen global network of allies, advance global integrated operations; and resourcing strategy (NMS, 2011). It concludes the strategic challenges and details how to employ the Joint Force (NMS, 2011).

These national strategy documents clearly define its threat(s), clearly describes its purpose, have a clear strategic vision, clear area of focus, a clear blueprint towards that end, and a clear end-state conclusion. I believe these are the desired characteristics that make these documents important to the security of America. My only experience with something like this, is when I had to look over my platoons leaders OPORD or WARNO. This is usually a 5 paragraph order format, used to issue an order in a clear and concise manner by a thorough orientation of the area of operations. This 5 paragraph order gives subordinates the essential information to carry out the operation.

2.What is meant by strategy hierarchy?

Strategy hierarchy describes a layout and the relationship of an overall strategy and sub-strategies of a plan or strategy-document. The individual strategies are arranged hierarchically and logically consistent at the level of vision, mission, goals and metrics (HoS, 2015). As this pertains to Homeland Security, a clearly defined strategy plan from top to bottom will effectively determine its purpose and how it will be implemented.


Obama, B. (2015) National Strategy for Counterterrorism. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Trump, D. (2017) National Security Strategy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Retrieved on 6/18/2018, Hierarchy of strategies (2015), https://managemania.com/en/hierarchy-of-strategies

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to implement a few sorting algorithms

For this micro assignment, you must implement the following sorting algorithms:

Insertion Sort



The sorts you implement each reside in their own files: instrumentedInsertionSort.h, instrumentedMergeSort.h. and instrumentedQuickSort.h. You’ll note that the interface provided takes both the vector to be sorted and a pointer to a stats structure. Please look at the bubblesort implementation carefully to see how the stats structure is used. The reason this is an instrumented sort assignment is the primary focus centers around counting how many times the different sorting algorithms compare values in the vectors and how many moves/swaps happen during the sort.

In the BS algorithm, I put a ++stats.compares before the actual comparison in the for loop. This will count the number of times we do comparisons. If you postincrement in that code you’ll get bugs in your algorithms, mostly due to off by one errors and possible div/0 instances. Preincrement is the right way to go here.

Then, since BS does swaps, I count the number of swaps. You could argue that I should count each stage of the swap (a->tmp, b->a, tmp->b), but a single count for the whole swap is reasonable. The other algorithms should all be counting moves, but BS still comes out way slow no matter which way you do it.

I have tested this code on the EECS SSH servers. I used the command line:

g++ -g -Wall -std=c++11 main.cpp

You can run this with ‘make’, ‘make test’, and ‘make run’ as per usual

There’s an additional test ‘make bigtest’ that’ll do arrays of 30,000 elements. It takes about a minute on my desktop machine and 47 seconds on SSH3 to run and gives some nice big numbers to mull over. 30,000 elements isn’t really that many in a data set, but have a look at the quantity of compares BS does vs. the other sorts! I’ve put a screenshot of the results from my implementation at the end of this assignment description, so you can see the rough numbers you’ll get. Depending upon your implementations, these numbers might vary, so don’t assume you’ll get exactly the same values.

It currently builds and runs properly, but Insertion, Merge, and Quick sort all fail their tests because they’re stubbed in code. I would encourage you to see how I’m generating the testVectors. They’re classes that inherit from vector. The shuffled ones allow you to set the random seed, so you can get the same results each time, or get truly shuffled sets if you don’t set the seed when you instantiate the object. I also use a templated *function* in main for the testing. You can use templates to define the variable types within a function as well as a class. I use it to pick the type of sorted data I want to run the tests on. Lastly, each sorting algorithm has code to time how long the actual sorting takes to complete. Your sort should go between these two clock() calls, be it a function or just the full sorting code for the given algorithm.

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technology case study 1


Objective: Demonstrate your mastery of Course Goals 1 and 2 by:

  • Accurately and effectively communicating ideas, information, arguments, and messages to present material in a historical context.
  • Investigating and evaluating historical information from global, social and ethical perspectives to guide decision making.

Instructions: Compose a 1000 word essay citing your sources (which may come from the required course readings, Discussions, and credible outside sources) in your choice of Chicago Style, APA, or MLA, including a Bibliography or Works Cited Section. You may always write beyond this minimum guideline. State which citation style you are using. The 1000 words do not include the Bibliography. The 1000 words are to be your analysis.

Choose 1 group (women, laborers, farmers, believers, scientists and scholars, the middle class, the aristocracy, artisans, merchants, military people, entrepreneurs, religious authorities, heretics, artists, patients, builders and architects, physicians, musicians, entrepreneurs, etc.) and trace them in the readings from the ancient world through the 20th century. For the ancient world, prehistory will certainly work, but beginning with the eras of Egypt or classical Greece and Rome will suffice. You may choose another group; simply ask me for approval first.

With your chosen group, trace the technological transformations in their lives and the changes in how they see the universe.

You may wish to use one of the following quotes to guide your essay.

  • “At any time in the past, people have held a view of the way the universe works which was for them … definitive, whether it was based on myths or research. And at any time, that view they held was sooner or later altered by changes in the body of knowledge.” – James Burke
  • “Necessity is the mother of all invention.” – This quote is attributed to numerous people.

Be sure to address all of the following in the essay. These points and questions overlap and may seem a bit redundant; they are designed to ensure that you explore the power of shifts in knowledge:

  • How did your group view the working of the universe, and did how that view change because of changes in the body of knowledge.
  • At what points did the universe change for your chosen group of people? How did it change?
  • How did changes in knowledge or technology transform their truths?
  • How were they affected by the creation of major institutions or changes in their ways of life or the ways others now lived? Did social structures change? If so, how?
  • What was now possible (by the end of the readings) for them that had not been before, or conversely what was no longer possible for them as a result of changes in technology and / or knowledge? Trace these changes back to shifts in technology or advances in knowledge.
  • Finally and perhaps most importantly, how did technological change affect this group differently from other groups?

Your essay must have a thesis statement and be organized into paragraphs including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Support your response with historical detail (names, dates, and events), and not merely generalizations. Including additional relevant and substantive content beyond the minimum word count will help your grade.

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english composition 25

Step 1 Research the writing styles.

Using course materials and in the Internet, research three or more articles that exhibit different writing styles. Use the following to guide your research:

Identify articles that represent the three different disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied and Natural Science.

How does the author’s writing style shift depending on their subject matter and audience?

Step 2 Respond to the following questions and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:

Q1 – Compare and contrast the three disciplines. Are they interested in the same topics? Do they value the same types of evidence?

Q2 – Are the articles organized in similar ways? Are there any distinctions in the length or complexity of sentences and paragraphs?

Q3 – Do the articles use images, charts, graphs, and other visual elements?

*Please use APA form, no plagiarism and each point in separate document. Thanks,

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assignment 2 67

Accountants evaluate and use various tools in documenting the AIS and activities within the AIS. Complete the requirement for Chapter 12, Case Analysis 12-23: “Big Fun Toys,” on p. 392 – 393 of the textbook and submit via the course Dropbox by the final day of the unit (i.e., Tuesday midnight). Your deliverable needs to clearly identify each of the diagrams using an appropriate software application such as Word, Visio®, SmartDraw®, etc. However, you will submit a Word document or PDF® file for grading regardless of the application used.

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complete 2 assignments for sociology and business negotiations



Think back to the stereotypes that you have seen in the past. For the assignment this week, write a 750 (or more) word, APA style paper that addresses the following:

  1. List a few of the stereotypes or types of stereotypes.
  2. In what ways do they exaggerate the group?
  3. What aspects do you believe are true?
  4. Why do you believe they are true?
  5. Think back to the stereotypes that you have seen over the past.
  6. What is your perspective of people who used those stereotypes?


Final Exam

The following exam is a final comprehensive exam, which consists of five essay questions. This exam is designed to test your critical and analytical skills, and your overall understanding of the negotiation process.

APA formatting is NOT required.

  1. Compare and contrast the distributive bargaining and integrative negotiation situation. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each method, and how they affect the negotiation process. (A minimum of 300 words is required for this essay).
  2. Identify and explain the kinds of tactics in negotiation that might be considered as ethically questionable. Why do negotiators use these tactics? What are the motives and consequences of using such tactics? (Be as detailed as possible. A minimum of 300 words is required for this essay).
  3. Discuss the role of mood and emotion in negotiation process, and examine the effects of positive and negative emotions in negotiation. (Be specific, and provide a minimum of 300 words this essay).
  4. Analyze the influence of culture on negotiation from the research perspectives. What are the effects of culture on negotiation outcomes, on the process and information flow, and the effects of culture on negotiator ethics and tactics? (Be specific, and provide a minimum of 300 words).
  5. Evaluate why power is important to negotiators, and how to best deal with negotiators who have more power. (Be detailed, and provide a minimum of 300 words).
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cloud solutions 1

Finalize a proposal for a cloud-based solution for Good Foods, a local grocery store that is creating an online webstore. The solution you present must address the client’s need for availability, scalability, security, ease of maintenance, statistical reporting options, and optimal performance. The solution should also include research accumulated throughout the course.

The final report should be at least 8 pages in length (not counting title page and references page) and include the following:

  • Executive Summary
  • Minimal Client Requirements
  • Current Compatible Cloud-Based Solutions
  • Performance Benchmarks
  • Security Services
  • Service Level Agreements
  • Solution Drawbacks
  • Project Recommendation Synopsis

Justify your recommendations with reputable industry-based and academic sources on service alignments to client-specific needs and the needs of an e-Commerce provider.

Use APA formatting style (title page, references page, and in-text citations).

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need assistance on a paper

In this benchmark assignment you will research a law or regulation and discuss the impact the law or regulation has on the health care industry. As a manager, it is important to understand the requirements of laws and regulations as well as the role accreditation and regulatory agencies play in the health care industry.

Research the following health care regulations and select one law or regulation to focus on for this assignment:

  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
  • HIPAA Privacy Rule
  • HITECH Act
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
  • False Claims Act
  • Anti-Kickback Statute
  • Stark Law (Physician Self-Referral Law)
  • Human Subject Research

Complete the Laws and Regulations in Health Care worksheet to address the following:

  • Evaluate the impact the law or regulation selected has on the health care industry.
  • Evaluate what impact the legal and regulatory requirements of the law or regulation you selected has on the health care industry.
  • Analyze the role accreditation and regulatory agencies play in the law or regulation you selected.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Format your references according to APA guidelines.

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java data structures question 3

In this lab you will complete an application that uses the Abstract Data Type (ADT) stack. The word documents are Java files (I cannot upload .java files)

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anthropology essay 1 1 1

Word count: 350

Directions: Answer the following questions/prompts about this week’s lesson in short essay format (1-2 paragraphs), 300 word minimum. All answers should be your own work and in your own words.

Using what you have learned from Module 7, construct an argument for or against the hypothesis that humans are ‘naturally’ monogamous.

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