short answer 31

Now that we have discussed the stages of the relational model it may be helpful to see how they stages play out in a media example (in the TV show Scrubs)

For this assignment you will watch Season 1, Episode 15 (available here: Scrubs (Season 1, Episode 15).) Please watch the entire episode (approximately 28 minutes). In this episode you will see most of the10 stages of the model present.

Once you have watched this episode answer the following questions. Focus on Eliot (played by Sarah Chalke) and JD’s (played by Zach Braff) ONLY:

  1. Identify at least two of the coming together stages present in the episode. What happens in the episode that signals the presence of each stage? Be specific, including detail from the episode.
  2. Identify at least two of the coming apart stages present in the episode. What happens in the episode that signals the presence of each stage? Be specific, including detail from the episode.
  3. Identify at least one turning point that occurs in the episode. What happened? What type of turning point is it? What stage does the relationship move from and what stage does the relationship move to because of the turning point? Format: FSWs must be typed, double – spaced, with one-inch margins in a twelve-point, Times New Roman
    font. APA (American Psychological Association) style must be used to cite the text and any supplemental
    research resources. Basic guidelines for this style are available on Blackboard. PLEASE NOTE: Only .doc and
    .docx file formats will be accepted.
    Length: As the name suggests, these are focused writings; no introduction or conclusion paragraphs are needed.
    Instead, your FSW should contain 2 – 3 paragraphs that will include a conscientious, detailed response. Each
    FSW should begin with a Title Page and include a properly formatted header
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chemicals of concern in the environment

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your research. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Chemicals of Concern in the Environment

As scientists and engineers work to produce products that make people’s lives easier and safer, there is the possibility that these new products could have negative consequences on individuals and the environment. Select 1 of the chemicals listed below, and discuss its role in improving lives as well as the potential unintended consequences that it may have. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Chemicals of Concern (Select 1)

  • Regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
    • Brominated flame retardants: These are added to plastics and fabrics to make them more flame-resistant.
    • Cadmium: This is an element that is known as a heavy metal. It is used in batteries, paints, and plastics.
  • Regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
    • Phthalates: These are chemicals that are added to plastics to make them more flexible.
    • Bisphenol-A (BPA): This is a chemical that is added to plastics to harden them while keeping them light.

Discuss the following for this assignment:

  • What role does the chemical you selected play in the modern world?
  • What are some possible detrimental health effects that are associated with this chemical?
  • Explain the position of the FDA or EPA regarding your selected chemical. What is the position of your state government regarding your selected chemical?
  • Do you feel that your chemical should be more tightly regulated in the United States? Why or why not?
  • Would label requirements be enough? Explain why or why not
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research paper 2500 words

Objective: To learn how to compose an analytical essay with an evolving thesis with multiple sources and at least one application of your idea to your own evidence. You will learn how to create your paper by being able to revise one of the 3 essays that you have written about the books that you have read this quarter, using the revised essay as one of two chapters for your research paper.


The required parts of your research paper are as follows:

  1. An introduction.
  2. One chapter (at least 750 words, the length of a 3 page essay).
  3. One chapter comprised of a revised version of your essay about Gladwell, Robinson, or Kolbert (at least 750 words, the length of a 3 page essay).
  4. A conclusion
  5. A Works Cited Section (MLA in-text citation format)
  6. A 250 word reflection and explanation, describing what you attempted to do in your research paper and how you incorporated the techniques that you learned over the course of the quarter.

Your research paper should be at least 2500 words (at least a 10 page essay) including all of the above.

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implementation of global strategies 4

Primary Task Response: Write 600–800 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Your team attends a trade conference on the subject of globalization. They have attended several seminars both advocating and dismissing implementing a global strategy. You return to the office and share some of what you have learned with the team.

“Globalization is a very interesting topic and can get very heated,” you explain. “There are some countries and companies who are fiercely loyal to their homes and would not consider going global. Others see it as a benefit to the company and their customers. Some people here in the states believe that American-made is best because we are contributing to our home country. But, is it? Is it always best to stay domestic? How does this impact pricing? Are you truly helping?”

As your team ponders these questions, you start to think about your position on the topic. Complete the following:

  • Are you for or against globalization?
  • Is your recommendation for your company to go global? Why or why not?
  • How does globalization impact the marketplace as a whole?
  • Has your opinion changed from the beginning of the course to now?
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multiple choices of western civilization

Italy’s geography helps explain the Romans’ focus on

Under Augustus, Rome

Which statement best describes ancient Sparta?

In ancient Greece, a tryant was

The political history of the Hellenistic period was dominated by Greek leagues and

Which of the following was true of the Roman consuls?

Why did non-Christians distrust Christianity?

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discussion board question 38

3. What are the complexities you are likely to encounter as you build an HVA based on the Liberty County information provided?

here an example of one of my classmate answer but pls come up with new answer rather than this one.

3. What are the complexities you are likely to encounter as you build an HVA based on the Liberty County information provided?

The complexities encountered for building a Hazard/Vulnerability Analysis for Liberty County would be similar to those for many other communities. The HVA is built using information about the region based on past experiences. It also tries to forecast what other hazards have a potential for occuring. As the risks change, so does the HVA.

Liberty County’s HVA addresses many potential hazards. The one they seem to be the most concerned with is terrorism, as it is listed first and they state that they put their hazards in order of highest to lowest risk. There is a degree of complexity with having terrorism as the the highest risk. Liberty County has to consider all of the sports venues, the Liberty Coliseum and their Convention Center. It also has SARA Title III sites and a nuclear power station. Also complicating the preparation for a terrorist attack are the many educational facilities in the area – two universities and six different school districts (elementary and high school). In addition, there are several highways that bisect the county.

Even with the elevated concern with terrorism, the document does not state that they have ever been attacked. This is contrary to most of the other hazards that follow Terrorism which have dates and statistics to back up their claim for an elevated risk to the community. This complicates the preparation because it means there will be a lesser amount of actual first-hand experience by emergency managers and those involved in preparations.

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eng125 essay aristotle sophocles and sigmund freud 1

I want you to write three to four pages. No plagiarism. It should be your own original work. I attach the essay instruction below.

Kennedy, X.J., and Gioa, Dana, eds. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry,

Drama, and Writing, 8th Compact ed. Pearson Longman, 2016.

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login and complete sociology test

Login and complete Sociology Test… I really need an A on this final test! You will have access to the course lesson before taking the exam.

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nee question

Assignment 3: RA Working Ahead

Case Scenario:

You work for a large corporate business. One of the managers at the company receives an anonymous e-mail message claiming that a certain employee, Bob, has been acting strangely and muttering threats to get even with others. The manager calls the police, who, after obtaining Bob’s permission, search his car and workstation but find no evidence of any weapons. Bob denies ever making any sort of threat and says he was just having a bad day.

The manager asks you to conduct a threat assessment on Bob. The manager says that the company has the right to conduct a threat assessment, but Bob is liable to sue if he is fired as a consequence of your findings, so the threat assessment has to stand up to scrutiny in court. In addition, Bob must be determined by you to have “fully cooperated” with the assessment in order to avoid termination. Therefore, you can expect him to participate in any form of assessment you choose even though he may lie or misrepresent his answers. If you state Bob lied during the assessment, he will be fired. This, too, must stand up to scrutiny in court.

You review Bob’s personnel record. He has been late to work several times and has even come to work drunk. He missed one week of work three years ago while jailed on a drunk and disorderly charge. He took personal leave to cover the missed time, and the arrest was discovered only by a report in the newspaper.

At the time of his arrest, he had a gun in his possession, for which he had a permit and which he could carry as a concealed weapon. Bob has been divorced twice and has no children. He currently lives alone. He has completed the eleventh grade but not his General Educational Development (GED). School records reveal he was often truant and was suspended three times for fighting. He served two years in the military and was honorably discharged after being found to have a “severe personality disorder that made him unsuitable for duty.”

Part 1: Planning


On the basis of the case scenario, create a 3- to 5-page plan in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of the specialized interview?
  • How will you plan the assessment?
  • Whom will you interview and why?
  • What will you tell Bob about the nature and purpose of the evaluation and its potential consequences? Why?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a telephone interview?

In addition, answer the following:

  • What assessment instruments will you administer to Bob? Why?
  • How will you evaluate the truthfulness of his responses?
  • What methods will you use to deal with Bob’s defensive posture in interviews?

Part 2: Client Statement

In Part 1, you created a broad plan of action to investigate the threat Bob poses to the company. To conduct the risk assessment for Bob, in this part of the assignment, you will explore the existing risk assessment questionnaires you can administer to him.


Create a 1- to 2-page reference paper (below the plan you created in Part 1) addressing the following:

  • Identify a single risk assessment questionnaire or instrument used by psychologists. Find four references—web-based references or published scientific reports—on the instrument or on the process of risk assessment.
  • Your list of references should include at least two articles for and two articles against the risk assessment questionnaire or instrument in general (write a 1-paragraph summary of each reference you provide).

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, save your compiled document as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Described the purpose of the interview and prepared a well-articulated plan to conduct the assessment.


Identified the assessment instruments and methods you would use with Bob and justified their use.


Identified the methods you would use to evaluate the truthfulness of Bob’s responses.


Provided the information you would disclose to Bob before conducting the investigation and justified it.


Stated the advantages and disadvantages of a telephone interview.


Submitted a well-structured report providing an appropriate rationale for your choices..


Identified a risk assessment questionnaire used by psychologists that you can use for your investigation.


Listed at least two articles for and two articles against the risk assessment questionnaire or risk assessment in general..


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




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write a 2 3 page essay addressing the following questions

1. What is a dead zone? What causes dead zones? What are the effects?

2. What are the leading causes of death for people in the U.S. today?

3. In what ways do the leading causes of death for people in the U.S. relate to the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico?

4. What are some health problems that are largely caused by diet?

5. How are political/government, food/industrial agriculture and health care related to each other and connected to dead zones? (hint: consider the growing of monocrops, concentrated animal feeding operations or CAFOs and the effects of processed foods as part of an unhealthy diet)

6. Choose one of the following strategies below designed to promote a sustainable food system and conduct your own independent research.

Organic agriculture

How can the strategy you chose help achieve a sustainable food system and improve our health?

What are some of the challenges to the strategy you chose?

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