Discussion board

Please answer the following question. 2 paragraphs. APA.3.ÿ Explore average salaries of APRN?s in the United States. Be prepared with statistics and references.

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Discussion reply 2

My clinical interest topic is looking at Healthcare-Acquired Infections (HAIs) in regard to nurse staffing.ÿ HCAIs are infections that patients receive while receiving care in a healthcare facility (Thandar et al., 2021). All settings of healthcare, for example, long-term care facilities, ambulatory clinics, surgical centers, and hospitals, can report HAIs. All hospitalized patients can contract HIAs; however, there are vulnerable populations such as the elderly, young children, and people whose immune system has been weakened. Other factors characterizing HAIs are overuse of antibiotics, failure of healthcare workers to wash their hands, the use of indwelling catheters, and long hospital stays (Thandar et al., 2021).In the United States, at least 1.7 million HAIs are reported each year, with corresponding 99,000 associated deaths. Of the 1.7 million HAIs, 32 percent are urinary tract infections, 22 percent are surgical site infections, 15 percent are pneumonia, and 14 percent are bloodstream infections (Thandar et al., 2021). HIA are also financially stressing. Thandar et al. (2021) report that the general direct cost of HAIs to hospitals in the United States is approximately $35 billion. Lastly, emotional consequences can also impact healthcare providers, patients, and families.In research, PICOT questions are important because they add structure to what is being researched. This saves time and effort as more relevant research is retrieved. Healthcare providers are making great strides towards reducing, and in some cases eliminating, HAIs (Cawthorne & Cooke, 2021). The PICOT question for my focus is: For patients that have acquired HAIs, can proper hand hygiene by healthcare staff, compared to adequate nurse staffing, reduce the infection rates withing 12 months? In this PICOT Question, the population is patients that have acquired HIAs, the intervention is proper hand hygiene, the comparison is adequate nurse stuffing, the outcome is the reduction of HAIs rates, and time- 12 months. This question is an intervention question as it specific and relevant to the specified issue comparing two interventions to see which is most effective.The first database that I used was CINAHL Plus with Full Text.ÿ I searched for ?staffing and healthcare-associated infections.? This only yielded me with 12 articles.ÿ From the resources, I learned that Boolean operators consists of ?AND?, ?OR?, or ?NOT? and can assist with searches by searching combinations of words or phrases.ÿ I then added the Boolean operator ?OR? and put in ?HAIs? and 309 articles came up. I placed limits by clicking on ?peer-reviewed? and my search was reduced to 232 articles.ÿ Then I set limits on the dates and requested research only from 2015-2020.ÿ This took my articles to 118.ÿ The second database I used was MEDLINE with Full Text.ÿ This time I searched one key phrase at a time.ÿ Searching for ?healthcare-associated infections? gave me 5,764 articles. Once I added ?AND staffing?, 44 articles appeared.ÿ Then I added ?OR HAIs? and was given 143 articles.ÿ I set the same limits with dates and ?peer-reviewed? as the previous database.Using Boolean operators, adding limits, and searching multiple databases are a few ways to add rigor and effectiveness to researching PICO(T) questions.ÿ Dias et al. (2021) discuss the spirit of inquiry having an ongoing curiosity about why things are done the way they are.ÿ They state that interventions should pique curiosity about evidence supporting their use.ÿ Evidence-based practice leads to the highest quality of care, better patient outcomes, and lower costs (Dias et al., 2021).

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Critique of Kristen Swanson?s Theory of Caring

Provide a critique Kristen Swanson?s Theory of Caring, making sure to identify benefits, consequences and feasibility of application in clinical practice as a family nurse practitioner. Provide evidence usingÿ2 (two) scholarly articles in order to support your critique.APA Style, three references.

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NI 7

Open the attached files……

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Week 4 Assignment: Course Project Part 2: Research

·  Download the required Week 4: Course Project Part 2 Template below.·  Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR394 Course Project Part 2.docx·  View the Course Project Part 2 tutorial. (Click here to view) (Links to an external site.)·  Use instructor feedback from Week 4: Course Project Part 2 Check-In to improve this assignment.·  Do not stereotype a cultural/ethnic group. Stereotyping will result in point deduction. See rubric.·  Address the questions on the provided template:o  Description of Issue, Indicator, and Focus§  Describe approved transcultural nursing issue from Course Project§  Describe approved Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicator§  Describe approved cultural focuso  References with Permalink§  Provide APA references for two peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal articles related to your nursing issue, cultural focus and/or health indicator.§  Articles must be published within the last five (5) years. If you are unsure whether the article is appropriate, ask your instructor.§  Include the permalink to the article.§  For more information on finding Permalinks in the Chamberlain Library, see Learn the Library and Finding Permalinks (Links to an external site.).o  Summary§  Summarize the key points from each peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal articles selected in one or two paragraphs. Be clear and concise.o  Educational Plan§  Imagine you are educating a group of fellow nurses.§  Clearly describe what key points would you share with them?§  What would you suggest as best practices?§  What ethical issues or conflict of care could potentially exist?·  Please reach out to your instructor with any questions or concerns.TemplateWeek 4: Course Project Part 2 Template (Download here) (Links to an external site.)Best Practices·  Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.·  Use the template provided. If the template is not used, a deduction will be applied. See rubric below.·  Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.·  Use the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is clearly addressedScholarly Source and Citations·  Scholarly sources are required·  Cite all sources in APA format**Academic Integrity**Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

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public health informatics assignment

find the question in attached filethe key answer in attached book chapter 18

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Reply to my peers

Peers discussions attached

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organ donation

Topic: organ donation and transplantation.outline already made.

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theory to Guide Nursing Practice help with assignment

Deliverable 1 – Theory to Guide Nursing Practice AssignmentAssignment ContentCompetencyDescribe theory development in nursing.Student Success CriteriaView the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.ScenarioAs a BSN prepared nurse, it is an expectation that you incorporate theory into your daily practice. As a new graduate, you are interviewing for a position as a registered nurse in a large academic medical center. When scheduling the interview, the Human Resource department provided some possible interview topics and suggested that you be prepared to discuss these topics. One topic included, “Discuss one nursing theorist that will guide your clinical practice.”InstructionsAs a means of organizing the information, you decide to prepare an Infographic that includes the following information:Select one nursing theorist and summarize the theory.Identify the concepts and relational statements of the selected nursing theory.Discuss the contributions of that theory to nursing practice.Submit a share URL that links to the Infographic.ResourcesOption for Infographic templatesI need to make an infographic for my nursing course. Help

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2 page reflection of chapter 10 in the attached text book

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