Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study Assignment

PurposeThe purpose of the assignment is to guide students in identifying behaviors and interactions that commonly occur during the health history portion of a well-child exam. In doing so, students can develop strategies to improve anticipatory guidance and health education by using effective, non-biased, and non-judgmental communication.Activity Learning OutcomesThrough this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:Synthesize information in which addresses child health promotion, ÿdevelopmental surveillance, observation of parent-child interaction, ÿanticipatory guidance, social determinants of health, and/or cultural competence.As you view the video, observe the parent-child and the parent-provider interactions. Pay particular attention to the parent’s responses to the provider’s questions making note of inappropriate and appropriate responses.Choose five (5) topics from the following categories to complete the assignment:Cognitive Developmental MilestonesPhysical Developmental MilestonesSocial-Emotional Developmental MilestonesSafetyAlcohol/Substance UseEnvironmental Health RisksTemper Tantrums and DisciplineSleep RoutinesCar Seat SafetyHealthy TeethYou will develop and complete a table for each one of the five (5) ÿcategories using the example below as a guide. (Note: There are at least ÿ10 categories addressed in the video, you must choose five (5) and create a separate table for each one).For each of the tables, complete each section:Issue: Category nameNegative interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was inappropriate?Positive interaction/behavior: What did you see that was appropriate?Guidelines/recommendation: What does the research recommend?Scholarly reference: Must be in APA format within the table.Professional/Ethical Communication: How will provide non-judgmental and non-bias education regarding the issue identified? Needs to be at least 3 sentences. Helpful Hints: Acknowledge how they feel, state the facts, and provide education or re-frame the approach.Scholarly references should be peer-reviewed, preferably a Clinical ÿPractice Guideline (CPG), intended for providers (MDs, NPs) and no more than 5 years old (unless it is a clinical practice guideline’s most recent update).Preparing the PaperThe table provided below is an example only. It cannot be used to satisfy the requirements for any part of the assignment.You may format your tables according to your preference, but APA format is required for the reference column.SEE ATTACHMENTS FOR TABLE FORMAT AND SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS (The attachment says week 3 but is the right rubric)VIDEO TRANSCRIPT (SECOND ATTACHMENT) MUST READ IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT

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Healthcare Budget Request ? Estimating Expenses

Part 1: Expense/Revenue/ROI AnalysisPart 2: Summary of Analysis and Interpretation of Results:

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Describe the relationship between theÿvariablesÿin your dataset by interpreting the Scatter Plot that you have created.

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NT w8

Week 8 Discussion #5 Post Due Saturday @ 2359Discussion TopicSection IV: Conceptual Models and Grand Theories in the Unitary Transformative Paradigm Section V: Grand Theories about Care or Caring Chapter 16: Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness Chapter 17: Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality Chapter 18: Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Discussion 5Discussion Question: Our two-part discussion question for this week is the following: How does the theory of expanding consciousness apply to our healthcare society today? How does theory affect nursing profession to provide care to a diverse population of patients? Can you identify with any of these theories in your profession?

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discussion question capstone

SynthesisIdentify 3 “aha’s” as you have progressed through the program.What are your thoughts now regarding the role of the professional nurse?How will your integrate related cultural and/or spiritual aspects into your role as a professional nurse? (Modules 2-7 Discussions must have citations and references)DO NOT FORGET TO ADD A CITATION AND REFERENCE FOR INITIAL POST

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4 Discussion Questions

Discussion question 1List and discuss the six [6] steps to developing an ad campaign.Discussion Question 2Recently, the physician marketing task force at State University Medical Center developed a physician referral directory and advertisement. The target was primary care physicians in the region who could refer patients to State University for tertiary care. A cardiologist who was an undergraduate English major chaired the committee and drafted the materials. Three months after distribution of the advertisement and directory, responses were disappointing. Explain how this process could have been improved to increase likely responseDiscussion Questions 3List and discuss each of the major components of the communications modelDiscussion Questions 4At a local hospital, a decision was made recently to downsize the nursing staff. The local television station sent a reporter and camera crew to interview the administrator regarding the impact of this action on patient care. After spending 20 minutes filming the interview, the reporter left. That evening a 15-second segment of the interview was shown that left an unfavorable impression regarding the impact on quality. The administrator wondered what went wrong. Explain how more control could have been used to send out the message about the downsizing.

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Week 2 focuses on healthcare information systems (HIS), architecture and infrastructure, selection, contract management, acquisition, and implementation. In addition, take a closer look on management, administrative, and financial applications. As the business of healthcare becomes more complex and challenging, the role of information systems becomes more important in achieving sustainability and financial stability. Lessons learned from Week 2 will assist you in navigating complexities in health information system implementation in your future endeavor.Your Learning Objectives for the Week:Define system acquisition, implementation, lifecycle, replacement planning, and electronic data interchange in relation to the evolution of healthcare information systems.Assess the efficiency, effectiveness, and current software applications of an IT department.Examine the design, management, and maintenance of clinical information systems to maintain healthcare data security, enhance quality, decrease costs, and improve patient safety in various healthcare settings.

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CPG (clinical practice guidelines) powerpoint with speaker notes

Slides should be professional in appearance and easy to readdisease & backgroundIdentify the disease condition and give a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the U.S. Discuss the pathophysiology of the disease and typical clinical presentation seen in patients with the condition.Publication & Applicability in Primary CareIdentify the author, organization or group that developed the CPG along with the year of the original guideline publication. ÿDiscuss why the CPG is applicable in the primary care setting.Key Action statements and Body of EvidenceProvide each of the CPG?s ?Key Action? or ?Guideline Statements? up to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations. Identify the evidence strength for each recommendation. If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones.article to be usedKapur, V.K., Auckley, D.H., Chowdhuri, S., Kuhlmann, D.C., Mehra, R., et al. (2017). Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnostic Testing for Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 13(3).RubricDisease & BackgroundStudent: 1) ÿIdentifies the disease condition 2) Gives a brief statement of incidence and prevalence in the US 3) The student briefly summarizes the disease pathophysiology and 4) Identifies the typical clinical presentation seen in a patient with the disease (4 critical elements).Publication & Applicability in Primary CareThe student: 1) Identifies the author, organization or group that developed the CPG, 2) Student denotes the year of the original guideline publication, 3) Student identifies ÿany subsequent revisions (student?s reference should be the most recent version), and 4) Student discusses the applicability for use of this CPG in the primary care setting (4 critical elements).Key Action Statements & Body of EvidenceThe student: 1)Provides each of the CPG?s ?Key Action? or ?Guideline Statements? ÿup to a maximum of 5 relevant recommendations, 2) ÿProvides the body of evidence strength for each, and 3) If the statement has applicability to other groups, only discuss the relevant primary care ones (3 critical elements).

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Collaboration Cafe

With new information continually emerging, professional nurses must be equipped to critique scholarly literature and discern its value for practice.Select one current, qualitative or mixed methods scholarly nursing article related to your PICOT question and determine its strengths, limitations, and potential application.Complete theJohns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice Appendix E Evidence Appraisal Tool. Once you’ve completed the tool, use your own words to summarize your appraisal of the article. Include the following:Description of the purposeExplanation of research designDiscussion of sampleDescription of data collection methodsSummary of findingsStrengths of the study (minimum of 1)Limitations of the study (minimum of 1)Recommendations regarding potential application for future practice that are insightful and appropriate.Attach the article to your post, in addition to including the full reference for the article in your post.During the week, read a minimum of two articles posted by peers and add your thoughts about whether you feel their article would support an EBP change.

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Nursing Budget

Follow the outline of the article and construct a Nursing Budget.also write a 2 page reflection of the attached article

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