Must use the sample template for your soap note.Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.


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Global burden of hypertension in people living with HIV

Summarize the attached article in 1 Page and use APA Format (7th edition) ÿfor the References.

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I need a response to this assignment2 referencesGeneralized Anxiety DisorderExplain the difference between an adjustment disorder and anxiety disorder.The major differentiating factor between the two is that adjustment disorders occur as a response to a stressor whereas anxiety disorders do not have to have a triggering or precipitating event. An example of adjustment disorder would be when a person begins failing school classes after being broken up with by a significant other or after being fired from a job. This goes beyond what would normally be expected after one of these situations occur and is usually associated with a decrease in the person?s ability to function in work, school or relationships (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). The symptoms are similar to acute stress disorders but do not last more than six months.Diagnostic Criteria for Generalized Anxiety DisorderA person meets criteria for diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) when they experience ?excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not for at least six months, about any number of events or activities? and they are unable to control the amount of worrying they do (APA, 2013, GAD section). Three or more of the following six symptoms must also be experienced by the patient. ?Restlessness or feeling on edge, very easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, irritability, muscle tension, and trouble sleeping? (APA, 2013, GAD section) . These symptoms must be so intense that they significantly impair the person?s ability to function in most areas and responsibilities in their lives. There is no medical cause for this excessive worry and drugs and alcohol are not a factor. All other mental disorders are ruled out before this diagnosis is made.Evidenced-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatments for GAD.While there are many psychotherapeutic treatments for GAD, there are also some lifestyle changes that can be helpful. Practicing sleep hygiene for insomnia and exercising can both go a long way in helping to alleviate some anxiety symptoms (Stein & Sareen, 2015). As far as psychopharmacology goes, ?selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI?s) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI?s) are generally considered to be first-line medications for GAD? (Stein & Sareen, 2015, p. 2062). One specific SSRI or SNRI has been shown to be more effective than others. There are some adjunctive treatments available such as buspirone, gabapentin, benzodiazepines and antihistamines. Benzodiazepines should be used with caution due to potential for patients to misuse them or develop a tolerance to them. Most of the time benzos are only used in the early part of treatment until the SSRI or SNRI takes full effect. On occasion, the antipsychotic quetiapine has been used to treat anxious episodes as well. The first-line psychotherapy for GAD is cognitive behavioral therapy, but relaxation therapy, mindfulness therapy, and psychodynamic therapies have also been shown to be effective (Stein & Sareen, 2015).ReferencesAmerican Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.)., E. (2014). Gabbard?s treatments of psychiatric disorders. American Psychiatric Publishing., B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2015). Kaplan & Sadock?s synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. (2015). Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The New England Journal of Medicine, 373(21), 2059?2068.

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Assessing Client Progress

Assignment: Practicum ? Assessing Client ProgressTo prepare:ú Reflect on the client you selected for the Week 3 Practicum Assignment.ú Review the Cameron and Turtle-Song (2002) article in this week?s LearningResources for guidance on writing case notes using the SOAP format.The AssignmentPart 1: Progress NoteUsing the client from your Week 3 Assignment, address the following in a progress note (without violating HIPAA regulations):???THE WEEK 3 ASSIGNMENT IS ATTACHEDú Treatment modality used and efficacy of approachú Progress and/or lack of progress toward the mutually agreed-upon client goals(reference the Treatment plan?progress toward goals)ú Modification(s) of the treatment plan that were made based on progress/lack ofprogressú Clinical impressions regarding diagnosis and/or symptomsú Relevant psychosocial information or changes from original assessment (i.e.,marriage, separation/divorce, new relationships, move to a newhouse/apartment, change of job, etc.)ú Safety issuesú Clinical emergencies/actions takenú Medications used by the patient (even if the nurse psychotherapist was not theone prescribing them)ú Treatment compliance/lack of complianceú Clinical consultationsú Collaboration with other professionals (i.e., phone consultations with physicians,psychiatrists, marriage/family therapists, etc.)ú Therapist?s recommendations, including whether the client agreed to therecommendationsú Referrals made/reasons for making referralsú Termination/issues that are relevant to the termination process (i.e., clientinformed of loss of insurance or refusal of insurance company to pay forcontinued sessions)ú Issues related to consent and/or informed consent for treatmentú Information concerning child abuse, and/or elder or dependent adult abuse,including documentation as to where the abuse was reportedú Information reflecting the therapist?s exercise of clinical judgmentLearning ResourcesRequired ReadingsWheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.Chapter 5, ?Supportive and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy? ÿÿÿÿÿ(pp. 238?242)Chapter ÿÿÿÿÿ9, ?Interpersonal Psychotherapy? (pp. 347?368)American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.Abeles, N., & Koocher, G. P. (2011). Ethics in psychotherapy. In J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, D. K. Freedheim, J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, & D. K. Freedheim (Eds.), History of psychotherapy: Continuity and change (pp. 723?740). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/12353-048Cameron, S., & Turtle-Song, I. (2002). Learning to write case notes using the SOAP format. Journal of Counseling and Development, 80(3), 286?292. Retrieved from the Academic Search Complete database. (Accession No. 7164780)Nicholson, R. (2002). The dilemma of psychotherapy notes and HIPAA. Journal of AHIMA, 73(2), 38?39. Retrieved from Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). HIPAA privacy rule and sharing information related to mental health. Retrieved from MediaSommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2013). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:, S. (2010). Interpersonal psychotherapy: A case of postpartum depression [Video file]. Mill Valley, CA:

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Decision-Making in Nursing LeadershipNursing leadership requires critical thinking and high cognitive ability as one has to make decisions regarding patient care, nurses’ welfare, and team development. Nurse leaders make decisions regarding nursing practice, evidence-based practice, and points of advocacy in my organization.While nurse leaders focus on ensuring nurses perform per the organization’s expectations, they also advocate for nurses’ and patients’ welfare. For instance, nurse leaders had to advocate for nurses’ safety, especially as they handle COVID-19 patients, ensuring they get the necessary personal protective equipment (Majers & Warshawsky, 2020). Ensuring nurses have adequate personal protective equipment further guarantees patients’ safety and improves the quality of care as there is no transmission of the virus from one patient to another.Nurse leadership focuses on issues affecting nurses, patients, and the healthcare organization. As a result, effective leadership among nurse leaders secures their decision-making on healthcare setting issues (Sfantou et al., 2017). Effective leaders identify problems in their space, gather views on how these problems can be solved, and communicate the recommendations with nurses and organizational leaders. As a nurse leader, I can be invited to the table and be an active participant in decision-making by demonstrating effective leadership and being proactive in finding amicable solutions to arising issues.In summary, my organization makes decisions in a centralized manner where leaders decide on the way forward and communicate the recommendations to team members. While this organizational structure appears inclusive for all leaders, only effective leaders take the lead in making critical decisions regarding practice in their areas of practice.ReferencesMajers, J., & Warshawsky, N. (2020). Evidence-based decision-making for nurse leaders. Nurse Leader, 18(5), 471-475., D., Laliotis, A., Patelarou, A., Sifaki- Pistolla, D., Matalliotakis, M., & Patelarou, E. (2017). Importance of leadership style towards quality of care measures inhealthcare settings: A systematic review. Healthcare, 5(4), 73. 2In nursing, proper decision-making is essential because it aids in the collection, storage, and processing of data and the provision of knowledge and information. In carrying out and managing their activities and when working with patients, nurses depend on decisions made across all managerial levels (Namnabati et al., 2017). As one becomes more knowledgeable of the profession’s decision-making process, new responsibilities and tasks emerge in the nursing sector. As a result, nurses will have to choose the right decision that best suits their needs (Ellis, 2017).Because of the scope and variety of nature programs in health care, nursing leaders must first consider the underlying conditions before making any decisions. According to Nammabati et al., (2017) the ability to acquire decision-making skills that are valuable to the profession is dependent on their knowledge of hospital information networks. Decision-makers who play a role in enacting different positions in the hospital hierarchy, such as charge nurses, directors of nursing, and managers, would be able to engage in successful critical decision-making if they are equipped with a thorough understanding of all healthcare processes and structures.Another essential role in nursing is mobilizing the best participants to address sensitive topics in a group setting. In research from Ellis (2017), this role is critical in coordinating data processing and other decision-making in nursing unit communication. Political considerations often influence decisions, and as a result, they may be tainted. Namnabati et al., (2017) found that when employees participate in the decision-making process, a successful method is more likely to develop. For efficient planning and execution, adequate resources such as skills, people, and time must be allocated.Nurses play a critical role in the decision-making process and the appropriate order for communications systems to monitor patient data from the moment of admission until they are discharged by streamlining data processing at each stage of the patient’s hospitalization. Namnabati et al., (2017) argued that the connection between the clinical groups, patients, pharmacists, and physicians, nurses play an essential role in the healthcare setting to collaborate to increase patient outcomes. As members of the hospital’s committee, the nurses are responsible for conducting an audit and making recommendations on the procurement of clinical tools, systems, and essential services (Ellis, 2017). Nurses, in particular, communicate with other practitioners and work with multiple teams of professionals within a hospital. Nurse educators can raise questions about how nurses can gain knowledge and assist in implementing training by supplying valuable resources.In conclusion, decision-making is critical in the area of nursing. By involving nurses in the decision-making process, which are essential resources in streamlining the workflow, some significant opportunities for improving patient safety and patient outcomes improve. As a result, nurses play a crucial role in the executive teams by providing practical options during decision making, which help the healthcare systems efficiently conduct clinical processes and, most importantly, support the nursing staff. They must discuss all of the system’s clinical elements, with a clear understanding of how the system will impact the nurses’ workflow and how the system will improve patient safety while still optimizing the nurses’ productivity.References Ellis, N. (2017). Decision making in practice: influences, management and reflection. British Journal of Nursing, 26(2), 109–112. (Links to an external site.).Nambabati, M., Taleghani, F., Varzeshnejad, M., Yousefi, A., Karjoo, Z., & Safiri, S. (2017). Nursing Care and Documentation Assistant with an Electronic Nursing Management System in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 8(2), 5–12. (Links to an external site.).200 WORD EACH

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case study

Mr. Kasich is a 77-year old who was recently taken to the emergency room after he fell when trying to get out of bed. There, he was found to have a blood glucose level of 35 milligrams per deciliter and was diagnosed with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia despite many years of well-maintained the blood glucose levels. After further assessment, Mr. Kasich was transferred to a medical room in the hospital. His background includes diagnosed with type two diabetes mellitus, advanced congestive heart failure and lung cancer. Has Medicare parts A and B. Lives with wife in a remote area that is 40 miles from the closest healthcare provider. Is proficient using his home computer. Mr. Lane is a 42-year old who was admitted for exacerbation of heart failure. His background includes has diabetes mellitus type two. Is a long-haul truck driver with a large trucking company. Is privately insured. Is single and primarily lives in his truck. Both Mr. Kasich and Mr. Lane are going home with telehealth consisting of a telemonitoring device that transmits weight, blood pressure, blood glucose levels and pulse oximetry to a remote telehealth nurse. Even though the use of telehealth does not often include hands on interaction, the goal of keeping patients out of a hospital is consistent with quality nursing practice. Telehealth applications are designed to enhance the patient experience and improve clinical outcomes while providing care for patients in their home environment rather than an institutional setting. Telehealth supports self-care by empowering patients, which is a central tenet of nursing practice.Review the case scenario above and address the following.Discuss how telehealth can assist to address equality of health care resource distribution. What barriers must be removed to achieve well-being, sufficiency, and health care access for all?In your discussion, consider concepts such as equity, respect, self-determinism, health literacy, cyclic disadvantage, and health care disparities among marginalized populations or groups.Compare and contrast how each patient may benefit from telehealth services and the ethical considerations from the viewpoint of the nurse.Instructions:Use anAPA 7 style and a minimum of 200 words. Provide support from a minimum of at least three (3) scholarly sources. The scholarly source needs to be: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) Sources should be no more than five years old (published within the last 5 years), and 4) an in-text citation.citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in whichAPA stylestandards apply.? Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources.? Wikipedia, Wikis, .com website or blogs should not be used.

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Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section E: Implementation Plan

In 1,000-1,500 words, provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Include the following:Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Although you will not be submitting the consent or approval forms in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the consent or approval forms in the appendices for the final paper.Describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. Although you will not be submitting the timeline in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the timeline in the appendices for the final paper.Describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Provide a resource list. Although you will not be submitting the resource list in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the resource list in the appendices for the final paper.Describe the methods and instruments, such as a questionnaire, scale, or test to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Develop the instruments. Although you will not be submitting the individual instruments in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the instruments in the appendices for the final paper.Explain the process for delivering the (intervention) solution and indicate if any training will be needed.Provide an outline of the data collection plan. Describe how data management will be maintained and by whom. Furthermore, provide an explanation of how the data analysis and interpretation process will be conducted. Develop the data collection tools that will be needed. Although you will not be submitting the data collection tools in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the data collection tools in the appendices for the final paper.Describe the strategies to deal with the management of any barriers, facilitators, and challenges.Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan. Address the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer-related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Make sure to provide a brief rationale for each. Develop a budget plan. Although you will not be submitting the budget plan in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the budget plan in the appendices for the final paper.Describe the plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation.You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.The attached is what my essay needs to be about.Social Economic Status and Diabetes MellitusDiane BollGrand Canyon University: NUR 59012-16-2020Social Economic Status and Diabetes MellitusEvidence-Based Practice can be defined as the systems, procedures, and processes that are applied in implementing quality research findings on decision making in the clinical setting. However, EBP has been adopted on a limited scope contributing to a significant gap in the best available clinical practices and those implemented in the actual clinical setting. EBP is essential to delivering health services because it eliminates the errors associated with obsolete information, the impact of subjective errors, and clinical practices resulting from unsubstantiated experiences. Due to rapid advances in medical knowledge about advancements in the treatments of Diabetes mellitus patients, suitable change models are required to implement rising changes and improvements in clinical practice. Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Model is an appropriate model for implementing desired changes for Diabetes Mellitus patients because it is effective across multiple clinical settings.The first phase in the implementation of the Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Model is knowledge. In this phase, employees or associated personnel are educated about the functions and mechanisms involved in adopting innovative systems. Persuasion is the second phase, which entails creating individual perceptions about innovations’ attributes about the complexity and relative advantage of specific systems. For instance, in a hospital setting, if nurses perceive a new patient-records management system that a hospital is planning on adopting as complex, they are likely to prefer older systems over new systems (Pashaeypoor et al., 2016). Decision is the third phase of this model. Individuals make the final decisions on whether to dismiss or embrace an innovative system in this phase. The final step involves either adoption or dismissal (Mohammadi et al., 2018). If employees consider innovation as advantageous, they’ll accept its integration into clinical systems. In contrast, if they feel a system to be too expensive or too complicated, the possibilities of dismissing its application are high.Proposed changes for improving people’s social experiences suffering from diabetes Mellitus in various clinical settings are increasing funding for lower socioeconomic areas, increasing the number of healthcare providers in remote areas, and promoting health services concerning recommended healthy dietary lifestyles (Butler, 2017). These changes will improve access for individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus to essential care in their moments of need. Using Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Model will involve five phases. In the first phase, the community and members of the healthcare system will be educated on the proposed solutions’ reasons and benefits.The second phase will involve persuading people in the community and the healthcare system to participate in implementing these solutions. In the third phase, records will be taken on the willing participants of the model. The final phase is the decision or dismissal. Cooperation will be encouraged between healthcare givers and the community who have accepted the implementation of these solutions. For instance, hospital caregivers will be encouraged to conduct home visits, and the individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus will be asked to consider receiving treatment at home. The decisions of nurses and type 2 patients who chose not to participate in the program will also be respected.Implementing the Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Model in these proposed solutions to treat diabetes mellitus patients is expected to produce favorable outcomes. For instance, the prevalence of diabetes type 2 in rural areas is expected to reduce due to improved access to nutritional practices, good education on healthcare, and better healthcare access. Reduced type 2 diabetes cases are also expected to decrease due to the efforts to achieve healthcare equity in remote populations (Greenwood et al., 2017). This process’s common barriers include limited training for nurses on providing care to people in remote areas, especially in their homes, and bad time of making consultations from evidence-based research on the most suitable methods of implementing solutions aimed at reducing adverse diabetes mellitus outcomes (Avil‚s-Santa, 2020). However, appropriate systems will be designed to handle these challenges.ReferencesAvil‚s-Santa, M. L., Monroig-Rivera, A., Soto-Soto, A., & Lindberg, N. M. (2020). Current State of Diabetes Mellitus Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control in Latin America: Challenges and Innovative Solutions to Improve Health Outcomes Across the Continent. Current diabetes reports, 20(11), 1-44.Butler, A. M. (2017). Social determinants of health and racial/ethnic disparities in type 2 diabetes in youth. Current diabetes reports, 17(8), 60.Greenwood, D. A., Gee, P. M., Fatkin, K. J., & Peeples, M. (2017). A systematic review of reviews evaluating technology-enabled diabetes self-management education and support. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 11(5), 1015-1027.Mohammadi, M. M., Poursaberi, R., & Salahshoor, M. R. (2018). Evaluating the adoption of evidence-based practice using Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory: a model testing study. Health promotion perspectives, 8(1), 25.Pashaeypoor, S., Negarandeh, R., & Borumandnia, N. (2016). Factors affecting nurses’ adoption of evidence-based practice based on Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Model: A path analysis approach. Journal of hayat, 21(4), 103-112.Attached is the rubric for the assignment, needs to be on Diabetes and Socioeconomic status, there needs to be at ÿleast 10 references that is 2015 or less. I have attached last weeks assignment that was completed, this is a weekly assignment. ÿIt is 1000 to 1500 words. I need it by Monday, no exceptions.

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Module 04 Discussion – Puberty

This module introduces the topic of puberty and explores how children develop physically, psychosocially, and cognitively during this time. Often, parents/caregivers are not comfortable talking with children about the changes they experience during puberty and, consequently, leave children to figure things out on their own.As a parent/guardian, what do you think would be important to tell a child about puberty? Describe at least one thing you would explain from each of the following categories:physical changespsychosocial changescognitive changeplease follow instructions

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Evidence based practice

Would your problem identified in the Week 2 discussion question lend itself to a qualitative or quantitative design? What level of evidence (research design) would best address the problem? Explain your answer.

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Family Centered Health Promotion

Minimum of 100 words each, with one reference each?1) On Healthy People 2030 what is a topic or objective that you see that is a current issue? A topic, or objective that has changed over time?2) Do you think dental care falls into health promotion? How about your own area, are there dental clinics?3)

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