This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case.

Details:This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles of principlism.Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” and other required topic study materials, you will complete the “Applying the Four Principles: Case Study” document that includes the following:Part 1: ChartThis chart will formalize principlism and the four-boxes approach by organizing the data from the case study according to the relevant principles of biomedical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.Part 2: EvaluationThis part includes questions, to be answered in a total of 500 words, that describe how principalism would be applied according to the Christian worldview.Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.PHI-413V-RS-T3ApplyingFourPrinciplesCaseStudy.docx

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Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following:In 250-300      words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and      ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within      health care.In 250-300      words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments      against it.In 750-1,000      words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own      personal perspective and worldview: (a) What is ultimate reality? (b) What      is the nature of the universe? (c) What is a human being? (d) What is      knowledge? (e) What is your basis of ethics? (f) What is the purpose of      your existence?Remember to support your reflection with the topic study materials. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.Rubric· Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism is clear, detailed, and demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject. Explanation is supported by topic study materials.· Explanation of scientism is clear and accurate. Explanations of two main arguments against scientism are clear and insightful. Details are clearly supported by topic study materials.· Each of the worldview questions is answered clearly and with deep personal insight.· Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.· Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.· Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.· All format elements are correct.· Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

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Identify a vulnerable population or a community health issue and use what you have learned during this course using EBPÿto guide health technology, community resources, screening, outreach, referral and follow up to improve health outcomes in the community.Must address all of the topics.At least 200 words minimum 300 words maximum.APA format, including a minimum of two references within a 5 year span.

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Due tomorrow 7/14/2021at 11 PM EST original work a must follow instructions carefully

To prepare for this Assignment:Review this week?s Learning Resources, including the Medication Resources indicated for this week.Reflect on the psychopharmacologic treatments you might recommend for the assessment and treatment of patients with schizophrenia-related psychoses.The Assignment: 5 pagesExamineÿCase Study: Pakistani Woman With Delusional Thought Processes.ÿYou will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this patient. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the patient?s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes.At each decision point, you should evaluate all options before selecting your decision and moving throughout the exercise. Before you make your decision, make sure that you have researched each option and that you evaluate the decision that you will select. Be sure to research each option using the primary literature.Introduction to the case (1 page)Briefly explain and summarize the case for this Assignment. Be sure to include the specific patient factors that may impact your decision making when prescribing medication for this patient.Decision #1 (1 page)Which decision did you select?Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.Decision #2 (1 page)Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.Decision #3 (1 page)Why did you select this decision? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.Why did you not select the other two options provided in the exercise? Be specific and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature.What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources (including the primary literature).Explain how ethical considerations may impact your treatment plan and communication with patients. Be specific and provide examples.Conclusion (1 page)Summarize your recommendations on the treatment options you selected for this patient. Be sure to justify your recommendations and support your response with clinically relevant and patient-specific resources, including the primary literature

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nursing research discussion board

Can someone reply to this post please?A question that I am interested in investigating is what is the task that most nurses find difficulty working on in the ICU unit?There areÿ four major types of qualitative research: phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and historical (Mauk, 2019) Phenomenology consists of qualitative research that describes the lived experience to acquire understanding of an experience from the perspective of the participants (Mauk, 2019). On the other hand, grounded theory is a type of qualitative research that examines the process of a phenomenon and concludes in the generation of a theory. A question that can describe this design is ?What is the process of recovery following breast cancer?? (Mauk, 2019). In addition, Ethnography emphasizes on the basis of culture such as different practices for different cultures (Mauk, 2019). Lastly, Historical design examines events or people to explain and understand the past to guide the present and future, for example they ask questions about ancient beliefs about diseases and the impact it has had on the medical field.Grounded theory is the most appropriate for my qualitative research question because this method is most commonly used in areas where there is little or no previous research (Mauk, 2019). Grounded theory can be used by nurses to explore a phenomenon about which little is known.

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Discussion 03: Subacute Care

HA4120D – Management of Continuum Care ServicesDiscussion 03: Subacute CareContrast the needs of a person leaving the hospital after admission for an acute illness to the needs of a person leaving the hospital after admission due to a flare-up of a chronic condition.Long-Term Care–Vitalsource [emailÿprotected]#magicMAN61

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HRMT 330 IP3

750 words APA 6 format, in-text citation, Use at least two (2) scholarly references to substantiate your work. Please provide a copy of all references used.Assignment Details:Today,ÿGreen Branch Coffee’sÿemployees began the process of forming a union. The Director of Human Resourcesÿwants youÿto discuss a fewÿimportantÿfacts about unions so that the coffee shop managers are equipped with detailed information. In a Word document of at least 750 words, answer the following questions:What is the process that employees will use to unionize?How can collective bargaining deliver improvements for workers in the organization?What does a union have to consider regarding a state’s right-to-work laws?

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soap 1

Select a patient that you examined during the last three weeks. With this patient in mind, address the following in a SOAP Note:Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding her personal and medical history?Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment?Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan.Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation?Patient Information:Chief Complaintvaginal discharge and odorHistory of Present Illness21 yo presents with c/o vaginal discharge. she did have positive chlamydia  on 1/5/17 and states that she and her partner were treated. She denies having intercourse since that time.. she has not had a TOC. describes discharge as being light and being present for 1 week. There is an odor but it is not a fishy odor.. She also wants to know if she is able to use represh products to prevent vaginal discharge. She denies any abdominal pain, feverReview of SystemsConstitutional: Denies fevers chillsGastrointestinal: Denies nausea vomiting diarrhea, abdominal painGenitourinary: NegativeGynecological: see HPINeurologic: NegativePsychiatric: Denies anxiety and depressionPhysical ExamVitals & MeasurementsHR: 77 (Peripheral)  BP: 116/71HT: 64.5 in  WT: 175.8 lb  BMI: 29.71Gen.: Alert and oriented, not acute distressAbdominal: Nontender nondistended, bowel sounds present, incisions clean dry and intactGenitourinary:Vagina: Scant white discharge in the posterior fornixCervix: Cervical mucus and Mirena IUD strings noted at the osNeurologic: Alert and orientedAssessment/Plan1. Acute Chlamydia trachomatis infection of genitourinary siteGCC obtained. encouraged condoms consistently. no signs of PID.****pt contacted and informed of positive Chlamydia results. pt informed that medication has been sent her pharmacy. pt informed that she was given 500mg dosage so this time she will take two pills PO at the same time. pt informed that her partner can go to the health department for treatment. pt informed that the third party needs to be treated as well. pt educated on the importance of all parties being treated to reduced exposure and reinfection. pt verbalized understanding, no further questions at this time.99214 office outpatient visit 25 minutes (Charge), Quantity: 1, Acute Chlamydia trachomatis infection of genitourinary site | Vaginal discharge2. Vaginal dischargeAffirm collected. treat per results.

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Discuss the aspects of your chosen vulnerable population.Discuss the reason why is this group considered vulnerable.Discuss what are the most common communicable diseases in this population, and why.Discuss barriers to healthcare and access to care for your vulnerable population.Discuss how the issues this group is facing relates to the community/public health nursing.Examine evidence-based practices that improve health outcomes of the vulnerable population.Use information technology to identify resources that will improve health outcomes of the vulnerable population.3 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) pages without title page and References.References: 4 references, the text book has to be one of the references

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levels of evidence

Topic 4 DQ 2The ‘levels of evidence’ are assigned to studies based on the methodological quality of their design, validity, and applicability to patient care. These decisions give the “grade (or strength) of recommendation” (Nova, 2019). The key is that when doing a search for evidence-based literature, it is important to select the highest level of evidence that is available. Systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and critically-appraised topics/articles have all gone through an evaluation process: they have been “filtered”. Choosing topics that have been filtered versus unfiltered describes the critical appraisal of that topic. Also, not every clinical question can be answered using the same types of research.Level I is experimental study with randomized controls with or without meta-analysis and could result in changes in therapy. Level II is quasi-experimental study with or without meta-analysis and can lead to etiology changes. Level III is non-experimental study with or without meta-analysis and can lead to changes of the meaning. Level IV is the opinion of respected authorities and/or nationally recognized expert committees/consensus panels based on scientific evidence which include clinical practice guidelines and/or consensus panels. This level of evidence describes the Clinical Consensus Statement on Tracheostomy care which in my experience, has led to changes in practice. Level V is based on experiential and non-research evidence and includes literature reviews, quality improvement, program or financial evaluation, case reports or the opinion of nationally recognized expert(s) based on experiential evidence and can lead to changes revolving around cost.Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references and should not be over five years old to support this discussionDescribe the “levels of evidence” and provide an example of the type of practice change that could result from each.

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