substance related addiction disorders paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on substance-related addiction disorders. Include the following:

  • Describe the general characteristics of substance-related addiction disorders.
  • Describe the factors that contribute to addiction.
  • Describe the prevalence of alcohol and drug use in the United States.

Include a minimum of two sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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marketing promotion mix strategies

Push and pull promotion are the two promotion mix strategies that marketers use.

For your assignment, you will need to do the following:

  1. Describe both the push and pull promotion strategies.
  2. Research two companies that are making successful use of both promotion mix strategies (larger companies typically use both).
  3. Describe the activities of the companies and why you believe they are successful with their strategies.

Be sure to put this in APA format and cite all sources.

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no outline needed i just want 150 wirds

Apa format about the drawbacks of using buisness inteligent. It was only easy question. Only one dolar

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accounting question 331

  1. Based on the preceding information and the following attributes list, prepare a UML class model and corresponding table listing describing BBB’s purchases and payments process. List the tables in the following order: resources, events, agents, type images, and linking tables. Identify the primary keys and foreign keys in each table. [optional] Prepare a second UML model that combines the fabric and miscellaneous purchases events and the fabric and miscellaneous vendor agents. Show how you might model a way to differentiate among the types of vendors.
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anthropology writing 1 3 1

Use the following attached file, write at least 300 words summary. Here is the writing requirement:

Directions: Answer the following questions/prompts about this week’s lesson in short essay format (1-2 paragraphs), 300 word minimum. All answers should be your own work and in your own words.

You’ve likely heard the adage ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ at some point in your life. After reviewing Module 9’s materials, discuss why this is not really 100% true.

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political science 80

For your one written peer-review assignment for the course, I would like you to read Sara’s paper.

There is no need to summarize the paper. Please make any specific suggestions you can think of for how to improve the paper.

I would like you to comment specifically on how she develops and explains her hypothesis. Does she explain why she thinks literacy (and the others) might affect maternal mortality? What specific kinds of arguments should she make about these various factors in order to make her thesis more convincing?

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write a well developed descriptive paragraph 8 10 sentences

write a well-developed descriptive paragraph (8-10 sentences) responding to one of the following prompts (p. 168 top of the page):

1. Describe a place that is important to you. It might be a city, a favorite park, a friend’s or relative’s home, or a vacation spot.

2. Describe an outdoor scene from your favorite season.

3. Describe a person who has played a major role in your life. Try to include sensory details that go beyond the person’s appearance.

Submit your paragraph as an attachment in Assignments. This paragraph is worth 100 points and is due before midnight on Sunday (6/18). Make sure that you use sensory details using at least three of the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

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research asu

A 6-8 page research paper is due using a (5) reference (no later than 6 years old) bibliography composed in APA style of writing. Topic: (Dental Care). REMINDER: DO NOT DO A PAPER ON DENTAL CARE. DENTAL CARE IS THE TOPIC. YOU MUST FIND A SUBTOPIC RELATED TO DENTAL CARE(E.G. Tooth Decay, Perionditis Disease, Cavities)..

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how you could best manage the psychological impact of injury

  1. Based on the future career/profession you are interested in, describe how you could best manage the psychological impact of injury on an athlete. What things SHOULD you do? What things should you NOT do? Why? Back up your answer using the book AND outside peer-reviewed article(s).
  2. Should a pregnant woman exercise and compete during pregnancy? Back up your answer using the book and outside peer-reviewed article(s)
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discussion and reflection

It’s interesting to realize, as we have done in Dare to Dream, the hero’s journey can unfold in fiction, as well as non-fiction. From the essays we have read this week, (“The Blind Faith of the One-Eyed Matador” (p.1) and “Mourning Glory” (48), choose one hero in each and identify one aspect of the hero’s journey as explained by Campbell that is obvious in the story. Describe the importance of that stage to the overall point of the essay. Post this initial response by Thursday at 11:59 PM (ET). Be sure to respond to at least two of your classmates by Sunday at 11:59 PM (ET).

Reflecting back on last week’s film, Dare to Dream, consider the entire team as the hero of this story and trace the 12 stages of the hero’s journey, as explained in Joseph Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces. Spend a at least a couple of sentences on each stage, making reference to the specifics of the film where that stage is exemplified Address all twelve stages. if you feel a stage is not presented in the story, present that insight. .

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