complete short discussion for student success course

Scenarios for Week 4 Discussion Forum

Is This Cheating?

Below are 9 mini-scenarios. In each scenario, you will read about a student who is engagin in some type of behavior. Your job is to determine if the students’ actions are cheating, not cheating, or “it depends.”

Create a list from 1 to 9. After each number, write your determination (“cheating,” “not cheating,” “it depends”). If you write “it depends,” you must explain your reasoning. Then select ONE of the mini-scenarios that you deemed “cheating” and explain why it was cheating – what should the student(s) have done differently?

For your follow-up posts, compare your list with two of your peers. If your lists are different, examine the differences and respectfully explain why you had a different answer. If there were no differences, then select a “not cheating” response and explain why the student(s) did not cheat.


1.Ana is taking an online psychology class. The instructions for the exams indicate that the test is “open book/open note.” Yet the exam has a time limit of two hours. She takes her test with two computers open – one has her notes and the book on it, and the other one is used to access the test. Is this cheating?

2.Bob and Brenda discovered through the discussion forum that they are in the same city. They decided that they will go to the local coffee shop to take their economics midterm exam which is “open book/open note.” The exam has a time limit of two hours. On a few of the questions, Bob and Brenda discussed the questions, compared their notes, and agreed upon an answer before submitting their test responses. Is this cheating?

3.Collette wrote a paper in sociology class and wanted to use part of it in her psychology class. She copied and pasted the portion she had written in the sociology paper. She then continued to write more content in the psychology paper around the pasted portion. Is this cheating?

4.Diana is not the best writer, and even though she is working with a tutor every week, there are still times that her written thoughts are not clear to others. When she is writing essay responses on an exam, she calls her mother over to read her responses and edit her paragraphs so that her writing is clear. Is this cheating?

5.Eduardo uses the online library to gather sources for his research paper. The paper requires citations in APA format. There is a button that Eduardo can click that provides the APA citation, so instead of writing the citation himself, he clicks the button and copies/pastes the citation into his paper. Is this cheating?

6.Frank is taking the same business class that his girlfriend took last term. She gave him all her notes and papers. Frank reads her papers and the instructor’s comments before writing his own papers. He uses her notes along with his own notes for the “open book/open note” exams. Is this cheating?

7.George is writing a paper for his environmental science course. While researching fossil fuels, he reads each paragraph in the source (article or webpage), then closes the article and writes down what he remembers without looking back at the source. Because he is working from his own memory, he does not cite the sources. Is this cheating?

8.Howard does not type well – he uses the “hunt and peck” method. The exams in his courses are timed, and they are closed book, closed note. During the midterm exam, he gets through most of the questions, but because of his poor typing skills, he discovers he is running out of time and he still needs to answer two more short-answer questions. With just one minute left, he takes note of the final two questions, and then time expires. He calls the I.T. desk and reports that his computer stopped during the exam period. He gets confirmation of that work ticket for his instructor. Meanwhile, he starts typing answers to the final two questions from the exam so he can also submit those to his professor, along with the I.T. work request ticket. Is this cheating?

9.Iris has no idea what to do for her poetry analysis paper. She doesn’t understand the terms or how they apply to the poem. In fact, she doesn’t understand the message of the poem. She “googles” the poem and finds several places where she can purchase an essay on the topic. She buys one of the papers, and then tries to insert her own words and thoughts into the purchased paper before submitting it. Is this cheating?

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project implementation 4

currently this element is 100% cheat rate.


i want to reformulate the and reduce the fraud rate to less than 5%

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discussion 1 analyzing the results of three research studies

This discussion task is designed to help you analyze some research studies on the topic on which you will be writing WA #3.

To complete this task, Use the three attached articles below. Many scholarly articles are actually reports of the findings of a research study. For this reason, it should not be difficult to find three such articles. For example, if your topic is teleworking (which is a very general topic), you could easily find three studies on teleworking. If your topic is white-collar crime, you could find three studies on the very general topic of white-collar crime.

After you find your three articles, please read over the three articles and complete the following for each one:

Topic: Cloud Computing

  • list the source in APA format
  • list key terms in the article
  • describe the focus of the study
  • describe the methodology the author used
  • summarize the study’s findings
  • write your reflections on the article itself. Comment on whether you found the study difficult to interpret, whether you understood the methodology, or other items that might be of interest to your fellow classmates.

Note: This task will help you become more familiar with finding research studies on your topic, reading them over, gleaning the main points of them, and summarizing their findings. These skills will be helpful as you continue to research for WA#3.

Below links discuss how to approach a literature review (or what we call a “synthesis of sources essay”).

Note: This link will help in the upcoming paper

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how is schindler s list particularly american

2-3 pages rough draft attached. i decided to go with good vs. evil as a theme popular in american film. also thought of the idea of the self-made man and the american dream. need help brainstorming mostly.

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biology questions 18

1.) Agriculture in Developing Countries

In our discussion this week, we will explore, by way of a computer simulation, some of the challenges of farming in the conditions of rural poverty typical of most developing countries today. To begin, go to The website operates on a lean budget, so you will have to endure a brief ad before the game loads. Spend about an hour playing the game, and then answer these questions:

  1. How did you fare in the game? Were you able to win? What does “winning” in the game mean? What does “losing” mean?
  2. What were some of the hardships that you experienced in the game? How can they be overcome?
  3. How did playing the game affect your perception of what farming is like in conditions of rural poverty typical of developing countries?
  4. How is subsistence farming in a developing country, as you experienced in 3rd World Farmer, different from farming in the United States? How is it similar?
  5. What changes are needed to make agriculture more successful and life easier for farmers in developing countries? To aid you in answering this question, please review this 4-page report on sustainable agriculture for the 21st century.
  6. How might the game be modified to include the changes you propose in question 5?

In responses to classmates, compare and contrast your experience of the game with those of others. How many of your classmates won the game? What are some of the ways classmates have proposed for modifying the game to include sustainable agriculture techniques?

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words with a credible source

2.)Energy Analysis

Where does the energy that powers your home originate? Let’s find out.

Go to the following website:
Complete the Power Profiler information. You will be provided with a report showing a breakdown of where your household energy comes from, and how this compares to national averages. It will look like this:

In your initial post, address the following:

  1. Report the region you are in, and the percentages of: non-hydroelectric renewable, hydroelectric, nuclear, oil, gas, and coal-derived energy that are in use.
  2. How do these values compare to the national averages?
  3. Discuss the differences and similarities between your regional and national values. Factors to consider: Is your area windy? Sunny? On a coast? Does your state have legislature or incentives to increase energy independence? The example above is from the Pittsburgh region, which is a major coal producer. This is reflected in the fact that this area uses far more coal for energy than the national average.

In your comments, discuss how your areas compare in terms of energy usage, and share your observations about why certain areas get energy from the sources that they do. Were you surprised by any of the findings?
Non-U.S. residents: You may either choose a region of the United States to analyze for your post, or discuss the energy sources for your region based on your own research.

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words with a credible source

3.)What’s Your Ecoregion?

For this week’s discussion, we will be learning about the various ecoregions of the United States. Ecoregions are large ecosystems that have a distinctive geography, share common organisms and have the same climate. The United States Geological Survey has classified the United States into four different levels of ecoregion, from the most broad-brush (Level I) to highly specific and detailed (Level IV). For the purpose of this project, we will be looking up our Level III bioregions, using this map to locate and identify our bioregion, and this web resource to obtain a brief description of our bioregion’s characteristics. Finally, to get a more detailed picture of your bioregion, use Google to search “[your bioregion name] bioregion” which will reveal considerable information about both the characteristics of your bioregion and the issues threatening it. Finally, answer these questions:

  1. What is the name of your Level III bioregion?
  2. What are the geographic characteristics of your bioregion?
  3. What is the climate like in your bioregion?
  4. What are some of the plants and animals that inhabit your bioregion?
  5. What are some of the threats to your bioregion? If there are several threats, rank them by severity and explain your ranking. For instance, your bioregion may be heavily logged as the greatest threat, but also threatened by urban development in two cities in one part of the bioregion.
  6. What stands out to you about your bioregion? What might motivate others to care about it and want to protect it from further harm?

In our discussion this week, explore the diverse bioregions shared by your classmates. How are they similar, and how are they different from each other? What are some common threats to the different bioregions?

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words with a credible source

4.)Letter to the Editor or a Legislator

In our lab this week, we will explore individual behaviors at home and work that we might change in order to live more sustainably and with less impact upon the environment; this is one excellent way we can all take greater responsibility for our environment. Another means of doing this is to write a letter to someone influential or someone who can get your ideas out to lots of other people. Our final class discussion will involve a letter that you write to a newspaper editor or to a legislator, concerning an environmental issue related to one of the concepts we have covered in this course. Once you have selected your topic and target audience, formulate a rationale for a statement about the topic or proposed legislation. Keep the rationale of your argument grounded in evidence-based thinking — this is not an emotional appeal. (You are expected to cite and reference at least two credible or scholarly sources in your letter.)

Example topics may include: persuade others (in your community or industry) to adopt one of the sustainable practices we have discussed, describe a proposal for reducing pollution, write an argument for or against a practice or piece of legislation being considered (at any level of government), or write a letter of support (or criticism) about a particular group’s research or conservation efforts.

  1. Write a letter addressed to the editor of a newspaper or one of your legislators, expressing your opinion and persuading others to accept your ideas.
  2. Include references to at least two sources supporting your ideas.

In our discussion this week, explore the different ideas and opinions about environmental topics shared by your classmates. Are there particular concerns common to many students? Also, feel free to offer other students recommendations for ways to make their letter more effective. Is there perhaps an additional line of reasoning that they might put forward, or another source that would enhance the strength of their argument?

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words with a credible source

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complete assignments


  • Develop copy for two billboards for a client (one billboard per client, choose two clients from the options below).
  • You should use the basic principles of a billboard (fewer than 7 words, 3 or fewer elements), because people are often moving when they are viewed.
  • Your DO NOT need to layout this document. Simply list your copy for each one in your CB, and indicate which background image you are choosing to correspond with your message.
  • Aside from a logo, do not use slogans your client or copy from existing campaigns. All copy should be completely original.
  • also create creative Brief

Potential Clients:

  • Glaceau Sparkling Fruit Water
  • Carnival Cruise Lines
  • Nature Made Vitamins
  • Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser

Image source credits:

Rural highway:

Starry night:…

Dominican Republic Beach:

Citrus Splash:

Four Berries:…

Sunny Field:…

Blue Abstract:…


  • Develop copy for a digital ad for a client (choose one from the options below). Minimally, you should have a headline and some body copy (up to 35 words).
  • You should select one of the ad sizes from the image below, and explain your choice to me in your assignment with your copy.
  • Explain the accompanying images that you would choose for your ad (be descriptive and specific so I can envision your ideas!)
  • You may also want to explain if you plan to add digital extras (music, movement/motion, video, voice over by an announcer, links). These extras can spill beyond your template size, but they should be able to be closed by the viewer, disappear with a mouse movement/swipe, or be very short in duration. Explain your choices and how they support your brand/product.
  • Your DO NOT need to layout this document, simply list your headline and body copy. And, you should indicate to me what you call to action is for your ad.
  • Aside from a logo, do not use slogans your client or copy from existing campaigns. All copy should be completely original.
  • Must have Creative Brief also

Potential Clients:

  • Lenscrafters Stores
  • Numi Organic Tea
  • Bear Naked Bagged Granolas
  • Coleman Large Wheeled Coolers

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assignment 757

The program bmptool contains a number of exploitable bugs. Reverse engineer the program to locate the vulnerabilities, and hand in the following:

  1. A commented dissassembly of a function which contains a stack based vulnerability (stack buffer overflow or format string vulnerability). Include enough details to demonstrate that you know why the function is vulnerable, and how this vulnerability can be exploited.
  2. A drawing of the stack layout of the function from (1), describing the layout at the time of exploitation.
  3. A self-contained (i.e., if it needs files on disk, it must write the files first) exploit for the vulnerability from (1). You are free to choose any (publicly documented) programming language for your exploit. You may use shellcode from the previous assignments, or write a new one. Document your code well.
  4. A commented dissassembly of a function which contains a heap vulnerability (heap buffer overflow, use after free, write-what-where or similar). Include enough details to demonstrate that you know why the function is vulnerable, and how this vulnerability can be exploited.
  5. A drawing of the heap layout of the relevant chunks from (4), describing the layout at the time of exploitation.
  6. A self-contained (i.e., if it needs files on disk, it must write the files first) exploit for the vulnerability from (4). You are free to choose any (publicly documented) programming language for your exploit. You may use shellcode from the previous assignments, or write a new one. Document your code well.

If your code from (3) and (6) needs a build step, you should include a Makefile or

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hrm strategies and change management

Part 1

You are now the senior vice president of HR for CapraTek and the board of directors has promoted a new chief executive officer who has a background in human resources. She wants to integrate HR into mainstream organizational decision making and leverage its programs to influence a broad set of organizational goals and objectives. The plan is ambitious and will demand many changes and initiatives. For this assignment, you will consider all the materials in the course and select topic areas that can support the framework for CapraTek’s new goals and objectives. Please note:not all objectives will be part of the HR function, but they may influence the topics and tools you apply from the course.

Assignment Description

While not all of the objectives and goals set by CapraTek’s new CEO relate to human resources, HR will be influential in establishing the following:

o 80% of all promotions are to occur from within the organization.

o Employees who can make major contributions must be identified.

o Supervisors and HR must work together to retain valuable employees, including technical experts.

o Create developmental growth opportunities for leadership and employees.

o A ready response should be in place for programmed resignations, unprogrammed resignations, separations, and retirements.

o At all costs, the ability to respond to unexpected HR-related issues with in-depth plans of execution.

Include the following in your plan,

o Analyze how a human capital model supports HRM and organizational strategies.

o Evaluate how HRM strategies support organizational goals and objectives. How can human resources help drive CapraTek’sorganizational success to meet its goals?

o Examine how economic and demographic shifts impact HRM strategies for this organization. Your response should include internal and external changing conditions.

o Provide HRM recommendations linked to CapraTek’sorganizational goals and objectives. Consider how you might use a dashboard.

Your plan should be written coherently to support a central idea, in appropriate APA format, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.

Part 2

Regarding change management tell a story from your life when change was occurring and explain the change dynamics.

Part 3

Provide some thoughts and reflections about your experience with the change management. Comment on things you have learned about change management and about yourself as a facilitator.

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about vector and linear algebra easy questions

about vector and linear algebra easy questions

about vector and linear algebra easy questions

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writing essay 51

Writing instruction is pot in file, and there are two readings, need to use at least one citation. Word count: 300

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