private sector and preparedness for attack avoidance

Do you think the private sector should be proactively involved in all phases of preparedness for attack avoidance( either physical or cyber based ) or should the private sector act solely as a resource when called upon by the public/government sector? Why?

Must be at least 200 words no references or citations are necessary

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journal raising capital through equities 1


There are many approaches a corporation or company can use to raise capital. Based on the resources for this module, explain how a company can raise capital through the issuance of equities. Include the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.

Think about the Fortune 500 company you will be making recommendations for in the final project. As the CFO of the company, would you recommend the issuance of equities to raise capital? Explain why or why not.

For additional details, refer to the rubric document.

The company I selected is AT&T. Please do focus on the every points in the rubric and follow the requirement about the word, APA style and everything in rubric. Thanks.

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examine the relationship between incarnation and atonement 1

Examine the relationship between incarnation and atonement, focusing especially on Anselm’s idea of satisfaction

Research Paper Guidelines: When preparing and writing the research papers, students must be attentive to the following basic requirements. There is a Research Paper Guideline Document in Doc Sharing. It is imperative that students read and follow these guidelines to ensure a good grade. Included in Doc Sharing is a Research Paper Self-Assessment Checklist to assist students in evaluating the quality of the paper before submitting it for grading. When preparing and writing the research papers, students must be attentive to the following basic requirements. It is imperative that students read and follow these guidelines to ensure a good grade. 1) A research paper involves both the gathering of information and developing a student’s own interpretation of that information. The student must stay focused on his or her chosen topic and rely upon his or her sources for information about that topic. While a student’s own opinions about a topic are an important part of any research process, the student must be able to support his or her conclusions by direct reference to sources. 2) The writing must be clear, logical, and as free of spelling and grammatical errors as possible. A student should never submit a paper without rereading and proofing it. It may even be necessary to get someone to assist in this process by having him or her read the paper and check for mistakes. The student should not fail to run spell-check on his or her writing. Please remember that easily correctable spelling and grammatical mistakes left uncorrected will result in significant loss of points. 3) This paper requires MLA formatting that includes: a. 12-point font b. double-spaced sentences c. title and personal identification d. a separate works cited page properly formatted e. specific bibliographical form for print and electronic sources in your works cited f. a specific form for parenthetical (in-text) citations of the sources listed in your works cited The student will be graded on how well his or her style conforms to the above basic requirements in MLA. 4) The works cited must include no less than four sources. Those sources must be relevant to the topic and meet minimum academic qualifications. The acceptable types of sources include the following: a. class text b. print or electronic book c. electronic, peer-reviewed journal article d. website with a .edu address 5) Certain sources do not qualify for works cited. You will be penalized if you use them. These are: a. Wikipedia b. standard dictionary or encyclopedia (Web or paper) c. any website not .edu The student should remember that any source listed in your works cited that does not meet the above criteria will not count towards the minimum number of required sources. 6) For every source listed in the works cited, a student must have at least one corresponding parenthetical (in-text) reference. This will demonstrate how a student has used the source. The student should remember that any source not accompanied by at least one parenthetical reference (and any parenthetical reference not associated with a source in your works cited) will not count towards the minimum number of required sources.

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stress mental health functioning and stress management interventions

Assignment 2: Stress, Mental Health Functioning, and Stress Management Interventions

This assignment will focus on some of the stressors encountered by law enforcement officers. You will explore how these stressors affect police officers. Learning about the incidence and prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among police officers is one of the goals of this assignment. You will also develop a stress management curriculum that could be utilized for officers in need of stress management and stress reduction services.

Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research the various aspects of stress in the life of a police officer.

Part 1: Stress and Mental Health Functioning

Create a 5- to 6-page paper in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:

  • How might stress be different for male versus female officers?
  • How are stressors for law enforcement personnel different from those for other individuals living in the community?
  • What are some of the unique stressors encountered in law enforcement?
  • Is PTSD more prevalent in law enforcement? If so, why?
  • How much do past life events impact current mental health functioning?

Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Part 2: Stress Management Curriculum

Using the module’s readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research sources of stress and stress management methods.

In this part, you will develop a stress management curriculum to be taught at a weekly in-service training for law enforcement officers. This will be a 4-hour instructional presentation.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation addressing the following:

  • Outline the topics you will include in the presentation.
  • Include relevant research and statistics related to stressors in law enforcement work.
  • Include practical exercises and handouts for helping officers to understand and address the effects of stress related to their employment.

Support your responses giving reasons and examples from scholarly resources.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • A title slide
  • A reference slide
  • Headings for each section
  • Speaker notes to support the contents of each slide

Submission Details:

  • Save your paper as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and your presentation as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.ppt. By the due date assigned, post them to the Submissions Area.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Described how stress might be different for male versus female officers.


Described how stressors for law enforcement personnel are different from those for other individuals living in the community.


Described some of the unique stressors encountered in law enforcement.


Discussed the incidence and prevalence of PTSD among law enforcement officers.


Explained how past life events can have an impact on current mental health functioning.


Created a Power Point Outlining the topics for the stress management curriculum.


Included relevant research and statistics related to stressors in law enforcement work.


Included practical exercises and handouts for helping officers to address the effects of stress related to their employment.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.





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federal prison comparison matrix 7

Create a 525- to 700-word matrix in which you describe the prisons where the following individuals were incarcerated:

  • Martha Stewart
  • Ivan Boesky
  • Michael Milken
  • Manuel Noriega
  • Timothy McVeigh
  • Terry Nichols
  • Al Capone
  • John Gotti

Describe the problems associated with the prisons used to incarcerate these individuals.

Explain the security levels of the prisons.

Use images or graphics if desired. Reference any information or images used in the matrix.

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benchmark assignment comprehensive assessment outcomes and reflection


The DNP comprehensive assessment provides learners the opportunity to demonstrate their achievement of core and specialty DNP competencies. It is also an appraisal of learners’ ability to integrate and synthesize knowledge within the context of their scholarly and practice interests and their readiness to complete the DPI project. The two-part comprehensive assessment includes evaluation of work completed throughout the program and a final synthesis and self-reflection demonstrating achievement of programmatic outcomes. In Part One of the assessment, learners were required to collect and review coursework deliverables and practice immersion hours completed in the program thus far. In Part Two, learners are required to synthesize and reflect on their learning and prioritize work for their DPI project.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


To complete Part Two of the DNP comprehensive assessment:

Use the information collected in the competency matrix from Comprehensive Assessment Part One to address the following prompts as directed. Each response should be 500-750 words. Your responses should concisely demonstrate synthesis of knowledge gained in the program and the relevant application of knowledge into your practice. You are further required to cite relevant and specific evidence from your coursework to demonstrate your achievement of these programmatic outcomes and corresponding competencies. Review the rubric for this assignment prior to responding to the prompts. Your responses should specifically address the competencies included on the rubric.

Outcome 1:

A DNP must integrate and apply appropriate nursing and science-based theories to evaluate and analyze health and health care phenomena and develop and implement innovative practice approaches.

In what ways have you integrated and applied nursing and science-based theories in your coursework and practice during your DNP course of study? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.

Outcome 2:

A DNP must provide the leadership to develop and implement health care and organizational policy based on regulatory and other external and internal factors and drive effective change within organizations.

In what ways have you demonstrated leadership in the development and implementation of policy or policy change and contributed to quality improvement during your DNP studies? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.

Outcome 3:

A DNP must be able use information systems to mine, analyze, and apply data for the purpose of improving information systems as well as patient and organizational outcomes.

In what ways have you successfully applied data analysis to the improvement of information systems, patient care, and organizational outcomes during your course of study? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.

Outcome 4:

A DNP must be able to articulate and implement strategy and to advocate for the ethical and equitable deployment of care delivery models for improvement of individual, aggregate, and population health management.

In what ways have you articulated, deployed, or advocated for such strategies in your coursework and practice immersion hours? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.

Outcome 5:

A DNP must be able to evaluate practice outcomes and use research, national benchmarks, and other relevant findings from evidence-based practice to design, direct, utilize, and evaluate quality improvement methodologies that lead to improved patient-centered care.

In what ways have you evaluated practice outcomes and participated in quality improvement initiatives in your coursework and practice immersion hours? How will you apply what you have learned to your DPI project? Cite specific evidence from your coursework and practice immersion hours in your response.


Based on an evaluation of your learning to date, assess your readiness for undertaking your DPI project. How has what you learned in your coursework and practice immersion hours and application of learning in your practice informed your approach to your project? What do you need to revise in your 10 Strategic Points document and/or your Draft Prospectus to successfully implement your project? Reflect on your progress to this point and outline the steps necessary to successfully complete your DPI Project Proposal for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) in DNP-955.

Apply Rubrics

Benchmark Assignment – Comprehensive Assessment Part Two: Outcomes and Reflection

No Submission

Incomplete Submission

Nominal Submission

Satisfactory Submission

Exemplary Submission

9.0 %Outcome 1

5.0 %Apply Science-Based Theories and Concepts to Determine the Nature and Significance of Health and Health Care Delivery Phenomena. Benchmark (C: 1.2)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

4.0 %Employ Science-Based Theories and Concepts to Describe the Actions and Advanced Strategies to Enhance, Alleviate, and Ameliorate Health and Health Care Delivery Phenomena as Appropriate. Benchmark (C: 1.3)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

9.0 %Outcome 2

3.0 %Employ Principles of Business, Finance, Economics, and Health Policy to Develop and Implement Effective Plans for Practice-Level or System-Wide Practice Initiatives That Will Improve the Quality of Health Care Delivery. Benchmark (C: 2.1)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

3.0 %Demonstrate Leadership, Influence, and Advocacy in the Development and Implementation of Institutional, Local, State, Federal, or International Health Policy. Benchmark (C: 2.2)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

3.0 %Provide Leadership in the Evaluation and Resolution of Policy, Ethical, and Legal Issues Within Health Care Systems. Benchmark (C: 2.4)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

9.0 %Outcome 3

2.0 %Demonstrate the Conceptual Ability and Technical Skills to Develop and Execute an Evaluation Plan Involving Data Extraction From Practice Information Systems and Databases. Benchmark (C: 3.1)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

2.0 %Evaluate Current Consumer Health Information Sources for Accuracy, Timeliness, and Appropriateness.Benchmark (C: 3.2)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

2.0 %Analyze and communicate critical elements necessary to the selection, use, and evaluation of health information systems and patient care technology. Benchmark (C: 3.3)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

3.0 %Design, Select, Use, and Evaluate Programs That Monitor Outcomes of Care, Care Systems, and Quality Improvement, Including Consumer Use of Health Care Information Systems. Benchmark (C: 3.4)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

9.0 %Outcome 4

5.0 %Analyze Epidemiological, Biostatistical, Environmental, and Other Appropriate Scientific Data Related to Individual, Aggregate, and Population Health. Benchmark (C: 4.1)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

4.0 %Advocate for Social Justice, Equity, and Ethical Policies Within All Health Care Arenas. Benchmark (C: 4.4)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

9.0 %Outcome 5

5.0 %Design and Implement Processes/Strategies That Evaluate Outcomes of Practice, Practice Patterns, and Systems of Care For Individual, Aggregate, and Populations Against National Benchmarks. Benchmark (C: 5.2)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

4.0 %Design, Direct, and Evaluate Quality Improvement Methodologies to Promote Safe, Timely, Effective, Efficient, Equitable, and Patient-Centered Care. Benchmark (C: 5.3)

No submission.

Submission includes insufficient incorporation of the required criteria.

Submission includes minimal evidence of the required outcome criteria. Support is vague or incomplete.

Submission includes adequate evidence of the required outcome criteria. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes comprehensive and convincing evidence of the required outcome criteria. The submission further provides analysis of supporting evidence insightfully and provides specific examples with relevance. Level of detail is appropriate.

25.0 %Self-Reflection

25.0 %Assessment of Readiness to Undertake the DPI Project Based on Self-Evaluation of Program Content Learning

No submission.

Submission includes a partial or incomplete assessment of the readiness of learner to undertake the DPI project, or the submission does not incorporate self-evaluation of program content learning.

Submission includes minimal assessment of the readiness of learner to undertake the DPI project and insufficient self-evaluation of program content learning.

Submission includes an adequate assessment of the readiness of learner to undertake the DPI project which incorporates a sufficient self-evaluation of program content learning. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but is not as complete as expected.

Submission includes a comprehensive and thorough assessment of the readiness of learner to undertake the DPI project. The self-evaluation of program content learning component is robust. The submission provides insightful analysis of supporting evidence with specific, relevant examples. Level of detail is appropriate.

20.0 %Organization and Effectiveness

7.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose

No submission.

Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear.

Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

8.0 %Argument Logic and Construction

No submission.

Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.

Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.

Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.

Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

No submission.

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

10.0 %Format

5.0 %Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and the assignment)

No submission.

Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.

Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

All format elements are correct.

5.0 %APA Format

No submission.

Required format is attempted, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent. Some sources are not scholarly research or topic-related. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used.

Required format is used correctly, although some minor errors may be present. Scholarly research sources are present and topic-related, but the source and quality of some references is questionable. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present.

Required format is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting. Scholarly research accounts for the majority of sources presented and is topic-related and obtained from reputable professional sources. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and citation style is usually correct.

The document is correctly formatted to publication standards. All research presented is scholarly, topic-related, and obtained from highly respected, professional, original sources. In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

100 %Total Weightage

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complete original persuasive essay for english course

MY TOPIC: Using Cloth diapers instead of using disposable diapers

Persuasive Essay Rough Draft

This essay explores the persuasive mode, one of the more common kinds of writing you’ll experience throughout your college and professional career. Your goal is to persuade your audience to consider your position on a controversial, two-sided subject.

This five paragraph persuasive essay (introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion) is made up of the following:

A clear persuasive thesis statement in the first paragraph after the topic is introduced and the importance of the issue is clear to the reader

Logical transitions between the into, the body, and the conclusion

Body paragraphs that support the persuasive thesis with evidence as well as address the opposing viewpoints

A conclusion that wraps up all the information presented in the body

Utilize your pre-writing and outlining strategies from week two to help you organize and plan your essay. It is not required to have research and source material for this essay, though it can greatly help support your argument. Using sources shows how your ideas build upon the ideas of previous writers and why your claims merit consideration — because they are supported by credible experts in their field. If you do use source material from the EBSCO library, please give credit to the author with in-text citations and a references page using APA formatting.


The rough draft of your essay should contain the following basic features:

A well-defined issue that is controversial by nature

A clear thesis statement that demonstrates the position you will be taking throughout the essay

A counter argument with at least one credible source defending the opposing viewpoint

A refutation to or compromise with the counter argument

In addition to the above, the rough draft of your essay should be:

From 500 to 700 words in length, typed in Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-spaced, with one inch margins

Written primarily in third person

Edited for spelling, mechanical, grammatical, and typing errors

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business communications powerpoint 1

For this assignment, you will create a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation on a topic of professional communication. To help put this in perspective, the scenario is that your supervisor has assigned you the task of presenting a 45 to 60-minute training session on some aspect of professional communication. You need to research your topic and prepare an engaging PowerPoint that would be used to guide your presentation.

Topic Ideas

The course textbook will be a great resource when looking for a topic that relates to some aspect of professional communication. Some examples of topics include (but are not limited to):

  • How to be an Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communicator;
  • How to Give an Effective Presentation;
  • Effective Communication Within Teams;
  • Overcoming Communication Barriers

It is recommended that you pick a topic of interest and then do some research to make sure you can find 5 credible sources. Once you are certain you can locate five credible sources, begin creating your PowerPoint presentation.

PowerPoint Requirements:

I. Title Slide

  • This will be the first slide of your PowerPoint (and is not considered a content slide).
  • This slide will include the following: title of your presentation; your full name; class name and section number; & your institution (Liberty University).

II. Content Slides

  • A minimum of 15 content slides must be included.
  • All content slides should contain speaker notes (which should be included in the “Click to add notes” section under each slide). Remember, a PowerPoint is meant to be an engaging visual aid that helps guide the presenter and the audience; it is not meant to be the presentation. Therefore, speaker notes served to expand up and offer further clarification regarding all the points on a slide.

III. Reference Slide

  • This slide will be the last slide(s) of your PowerPoint (and is not considered a content slide).
  • This slide will contain all used sources.
  • Sources must be formatted according to current APA formatting guidelines.

A minimum of 5 credible sources must be used within your presentation.

  • Must be created in Microsoft PowerPoint and uploaded through the assignment link as a .ppt or .pptx file.
  • Appropriate and relevant images should be used.
  • Individual slides and the overall design of your presentation must be professional and engaging.
  • A running header or page #s are not required.
  • An abstract is not required.
  • A PowerPoint is meant to be an engaging visual aid that enhances and guides a presenter in a presentation; it is not meant to be the presentation.
  • Look over the grading rubric for this assignment before you begin creating your PowerPoint.
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international marketing 45

Define price escalation. Discuss at least three factors that affect price escalation in a foreign country and how international marketers can overcome each of those factors.

APA Format

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crimson tide movie watch and write 1 5 page deep analysis

watch movie Crimson tide and write 1.5 page own words deep analysis about film, what did you learn from it and why it is important. What film tech us. Everything must be own words, no research or no plagiarism!!!!!!!!!!!!

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