whay are the organization designs that affect employees behaviors give examples

Management has heard rumors that a competitor’s redesign has made it more profitable but has also lead to morale problems. The executive team of Killer App Software has asked you to write a white paper that will inform them of the following:

  • How different organizational designs can impact employee behavior in a positive and productive manner
  • Why new organizational designs are constantly emerging as the world changes
  • How some of the newer organizational designs might improve the organization

The white paper should be appropriate for upper management. You should use at least 3 sources from the literature on organizational design and include both theoretical and practitioner-oriented sources.

Theoretical articles come from sources such as the Academy of Management. Trade associations and journals such as the Harvard Business Review often publish practitioner articles. The paper should be clear and to the point. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Use the APA reference guide for writing the white paper.

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discussion 935

After watching the video, Webcast: Enterprise Networks of the Future with CDW, discuss at least two challenges and trends identified in the video. How would you overcome the challenges, and how will you prepare for the trends?https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kKDSg4bQ5TU&feature=youtu.be

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outline and works cited

Week 5 Peer Review: Outline and Works Cited

James Wilson

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For your peer review this week, post an outline of your term paper in the following format:


Hook: _______

Thesis: _______

Paragraph 1

Topic sentence: _______

Evidence (include quotation or summary and citation): ________

Paragraph 2…. (repeat the format of Paragraph 1 for however many paragraphs you have)


Summary of thesis and main points: ________

So what? ________

Also, include your list of Works Cited, already in MLA format

Your outline must be posted by Thursday July 19th at 11:59 pm.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Once you have been assigned a partner, give them feedback.

  • How strong is the thesis? Is it a level-3 thesis?
  • How strong are the topic sentences?
  • How good is the evidence? Is there any other evidence that might be useful?

The deadline for feedback is Friday July 20th at 11:59 pm

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rfid technology 1

RFID Technology” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, evaluate the use and applicability of Radio Frequency Identification Devises (RFID) in industry today. Choose a company and provide at least two examples of how these devices can be used to improve productivity in its operations. Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) and identify some organizations that you believe are exceptionally innovative. Be prepared to discuss.
  • From the case study, assess the benefits and risks associated with this type of technology that should be considered by Mr. Bracket. Identify at least two possible risks that the company might face and suggest ways to mitigate them.
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paragraph your passion

For this assignment you will select an article of interest from those described in the List of Approved Articles for Writing and consider an idea expressed by the author that captures your attention and speaks to your interests.

For instance, if you have an interest in technology and the Internet, you might choose an article from the list such as:

  • Cathleen A. Cleaver, “The Internet: A Clear and Present Danger?,” page 312.
  • Elizabeth Larsen, “Surfin’ the Louvre,” page 156.

The List of Approved Articles (attached) for Writing contains many exciting articles that appeal to a wide range of interests, so be sure to review it thoroughly. Also take the time to browse in the textbook itself the contents of the articles that seem appealing to you before you make a choice.

To complete this assignment:

  1. Browse the articles from the List of Approved Articles for Writing. Take some time to consider the article you will use for this paragraph as well as for your assignments later in the course. Read through the list several times, noting articles of interest to you.
  2. Locate the articles in your textbook that seem most interesting, skim through several articles to make an informed choice, and select an article that truly appeals to you.
  3. Read your chosen article thoroughly several times, taking notes on the single most interesting idea. Do not continue to the next step until you have located an idea in one of the textbook articles that truly excites you.
  4. Create a document in which you compose a single, well-structured paragraph. Including a viable, attention grabbing topic sentence, 3–5 rich sentences of supporting details, and a comprehensive concluding sentence, paying close attention to grammatical correctness and transitions for good flow. This paragraph should express your passion for the topic at hand and explain how and why the topic from the article is of interest to you, employing strong detail for reader appeal.
  5. Keep in mind that in this paragraph, you are not writing about the article from your textbook itself; you are writing about only the idea that interests you and explaining why and how it interests you. In this particular assignment, you are expressing yourself—your passions—not what others have to say on the topic. For example, if you were to choose Elizabeth Larsen’s “Surfin’ the Louvre,” you would not write your paragraph about what Larsen says. Instead, you will use the concepts in the article to create your own thought in good, rich detail, perhaps writing about why access to famous art online excites you. If you have questions or need help deciding which essay from the list would be best for you, consult your instructor.
  6. In creating your document, remember to include proper APA formatting: title page, 1″ margins, 12-point font, headers, pagination, and double spacing. You will find detailed instruction on these items, as well as an example of an APA-formatted essay, in your textbook A Writer’s Reference, in the APA section under Manuscript Format, Sample Paper. For this assignment you are not using sources, so you will not need citations and references this week. However, you are required to format your document in proper APA style.
  7. When you have finished your paragraph, carefully and very thoroughly read through the Paragraph Your Passion Scoring Guide before submitting your work. Read and comprehend all categories in the scoring guide, asking your instructor if you have any questions about any element of these criteria. Do not finalize and submit this assignment until you have taken this step.
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environment science essay 1

Write an essay that demonstrates the interconnectedness of land use, transportation, sprawling, invasive species and change in life style. Make sure to synthesize well the knowledge you acquired in this class and demonstrate that you can tie them all together in a clear, organized and thoughtful essay. This should not be just a regurgitation of facts; it should read more of a logical reflection that illustrates the core concept of relatedness we now understand from the Environmental Science class.

Make sure to have a title for each essay. There is a minimum two-page limit for each essay. You may use double-spaced.

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need help on this 1

I need help with this! thanks!

My daughter spent three weeks in an eating disorder medical stabilization unit in Phoenix, Arizona, for restrictive purging anorexia. She deteriorated physically as she intractably vomited everything she was encouraged to eat. She was refusing fluids as well. She fainted frequently with a resting heart rate between 35 and 45; they told me they could not help her. They would not place a life-sustaining NG-tube for fear of aspiration from her vomiting.

After my daughter spent almost two weeks in another hospital in Sacramento, vomiting NG-tubes out 7 or 8 times, the very desperate decision was made to surgically place a gastrostomy tube for life-saving nutrition. I was terrified at this aggressive measure, but I was also aware of the fact that my daughter was slipping away. The G-tube was placed and nutrition was given completely via the G-tube for 4 days.

Guess what? It broke the cycle of vomiting. She began to eat 100 percent without vomiting. The tube was used for a total of 5 days. Next, we began the hard work of refeeding together, FBT style. With the support of the doctors, nurses, aides, clerks, and therapists, we nursed my daughter back to physical stability. After almost 6 weeks, her G-tube was removed. She is weight restored and is fighting for her life now. She continues eating 100 percent of her three meals and her snack, and she shares more and more about how her anxiety rules her life.

  • What are your thoughts on the treatment approach taken with the patient? What are the pros and cons of this approach? Explain.
  • As a follow-up to this treatment, you are assigned to work with the patient and her family. What behavior modification techniques would you use and why?

Use evidence from one scholarly source other than your textbook to support your answer. Use APA format to cite your source.

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essay questions on information operations

Directions: 1000 words for each question and need references in app format. These answers should be written as a single essay with inter-related points rather than a series of distinct answers to parts of the questions.


Explain the essential nature of propaganda that makes it unique from strategic communication and other IO efforts. Who or what agency has been defined as the source of propaganda in the definition for this class? Why? What categories of propaganda exist? Provide an example for each and explain one or more psychological reasons that these examples work. Support your work with information from course readings and discussion. Other material may also be used, but use course info first.


How do strategic communication and public diplomacy efforts fulfill the demands of soft power projection for the United States? What role does information operations in general play in furthering U.S. national objectives? Why is OPSEC essential in all of these endeavors? Support your work with information from course readings and discussion Other material may also be used, but use course info first.


Select two of the following areas of IO: PSYOPS/MISO, MILDEC, or EW, and compare and contrast them. Identify at least three points for each. Also, identify how they might work together in an information operations campaign. Support your work with information from course readings and discussion . Other material may also be used, but use course info first.

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final project sas statistic as a word file a pdf file and sas file worksheets

Final Goup Project Due 6/25

Form a group of 3-4 students. Indicate clearly the name of the student next to the part he or she worked on. The final copy should be typed with the list of all names and submitted as a word file, a pdf file and SAS file worksheets

Each student in the group should submit the same final group written project through his or her link. Submit a word file, a pdf file and a Sas extension file. Failing to do so will results on a zero for your grade.


General Description

For the data analysis project, you address some questions that interest you with the statistical methodology we learn in Statistics MATH 331. You choose the question; you decide how to collect data; you do the analyses. The questions can address almost any topic including topics in engineering, economics, sports, psychology, sociology, natural science, medicine, public policy, sports, law.

The project requires you to synthesize all the material from the course. Hence, it’s one of the best ways to solidify your understanding of statistical methods. Plus, you get answers to issues that pique your intellectual curiosity. By the end of this session, you will have learned many statistical techniques, such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals. These techniques will help you address your question of interest. You should work in groups of three or four people on the project. Each group should spread the work among members so that everyone shares in the project to be submitted in a very short time.

You are permitted to collect data from any source including off the web; however, you must be the ones who decides on the analyses and puts the analysis and the data set together.

Good projects begin with very clear and well-defined hypotheses. You should think of questions that interest you first and then provide an adequate description of the methods and design of the study. You should make use of the concepts and methods learned in this course, and not just general knowledge, in planning and completing this type of project.

Project Submission

Each member of the same group should submit an exact copy of the final PROJECT with all group members’ names listed on the top by the due date. Your project should include the following:

  • What are the main issues or problems you planned to address?
  • What were your plans for obtaining background information (if needed) about your project?
  • Describe the data that you planned on using or collecting, including the variables measured.
  • What questions and/or concerns did you have about your project?

You will be graded for the following characteristics:

  1. Consistency: Did you answer your question of interest?
  2. Clarity: Is it easy for your reader to understand what you did and the arguments you made?
  3. Relevancy: Did you use statistical techniques wisely to address your question?
  4. Interest: Did you tackle a challenging, interesting question (good), or did you just collect descriptive statistics (bad)?

Your project should address the following points:

  1. Statement of the problem: Describe the questions you address and any key issues surrounding the questions.
  2. Data collection: Explain how you collect data. Include any questions you asked. Also, include response rates.
  3. Analyses: Describe the analyses you did. Be ready to explain why you believe these methods are justified.
  4. Results: Present relevant descriptive statistics. Include tables or graphs that support your analyses.
  5. Conclusions: Answer your question of interest.
  6. Discussion: What implications do your results have for the population you sampled from? What could be done to improve the study if it was done again? What types of biases might exist?
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human resource roles mind map

This is a two-part assignment.

Part 1:

Identify four potential roles of human resources representatives within an organization.

Create a Mind Map or infographic that summarizes 7 to 10 characteristics or responsibilities of those individuals.

Part 2:

Select one of the HR roles listed in your Mind Map, and research potential job requirements.

Write a 225- to 525-word job description for the HR role that you have selected.

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