paragraph 6 5

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

Teenage pregnancy is a worldwide problem bearing serious social and medical implications relating to maternal and child health. Each year, approximately 900000 teenagers become pregnant in the United States, and despite decreasing rates, more than 4 in 10 adolescent girls have been pregnant at least once before 20 years of age. Also the incidence of STD has skyrocketed, and most new infections occur in people between 13 and 21 years of age (National Center for HIV/AIDS, 2010). Teens exhibit high behavioral risk for acquiring most STDs. Teenagers and young adults are more likely than other age groups to have multiple sex partners , to engage and unprotect sex and to choose older partner older than herself (for youngers woman’s) .We as a nurses always must assess sexuality . When discussing the topic of sexuality, take and open, frank, direct, and nonjudgmental approach. There are special risks to a baby when the mother is not fully mature. Because most teenagers are not physically, emotionally, or financially ready to carry and care for a child, their babies tend to have low birth weight and are predisposed to a variety of illnesses.

There are many precursors to adolescent pregnancy like:

Lack of knowledge about sex or contraception

Having sex at a young age

Being the victim of sexual abuse

Dating older guys

Poor parental supervision

Limited communication between parents and teen

Nurses can develop audiovisual aids (diagrams, pictures, Power Point presentations, and videos) to make sex education unforgettable. We must tech our teens that abstinence is a highly positive choice for both sexes until they are ready to deal with the responsibility of being sexually active. The emphasis must be that sexual health promotion is a lifestyle choice and that contraception is useless if not practice consistently. Use of condoms should be encourage for every sexual encounter.

Teen pregnancy prevention is a critical dimension of adolescent health, and strong, effective organizations are best positioned to make a positive impact on policies and programs which affect teens. For this reason, Advocates for Youth created the National Support Center for State Teen Pregnancy Organizations, designed to support and strengthen state organizations’ capacity to address adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


Hunt, R. (2009). Introduction to community-based nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

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corporate strategies 1

Corporate Strategies

Corporate strategy is perhaps the most important strategy covered here, because it sets the metric by which all other strategies are formed within the company. For example, BMW has a focus on quality vehicles that they can sell for a premium. If a business unit of BMW decides to pursue a cost leadership strategy that will not work well with the overall firm strategy, it would be very difficult and could tarnish BMW’s brand image, although that is not to say that it is impossible.

The subject of corporate strategy is vast; however, corporate strategies are usually based around one central goal: growth. It is up to the management to determine the best way to achieve growth. Some firms may want to grow by diversifying. While a firm like GE, which has produced engines, financial products and entertainment programming, can diversify across industries, most diversify with closely-related industries. BMW also makes motorcycles and owns the Mini and Rolls-Royce brands, which cater to different markets than do BMW vehicles. Companies may create subsidiaries, different branches of a major company, in order to cater to these different markets.

This unit focuses on the various methods a firm can use to pursue growth. Growing is not just about buying the competition, because that is not always possible or expeditious. This unit will explore why that is the caseand how to determine the best strategy for growth.

Read California State University – Northridge’s Rex C. Mitchell’s “Formulating Strategy” and Reference for Business’s “Strategy Levels.”

“Formulating Strategy” is available as a Word document. You will need to search the page for the link to the Word file.


Review the material from California State University – Northridge’s Rex C. Mitchell’s “Formulating Strategy” and Reference for Business’s “Strategy Levels.”

Please answer the following questions:

1. What are the most commonly used corporate strategies? Provide an example of one of these strategies.

2. Analyze which strategies are best for creating long term value in the modern firm. Would your answer change if the organization was in an environment with a different pace of technological change?

3. How does a firm measure “long term value?” Consider factors beyond financial measures as well.

Please answer in 200 words or more. Use your own words – please do not copy and paste from a web site. Be sure to use in text citation and provide references for your sources. Wikipedia is not a source.


Pick any corporation you are familiar with and identify one of the competitive tactics it uses from this week’s reading “Formulating Strategy.” Analyze the competitive tactic it uses. Consider its internal and external environment using any of the strategic management tools in the course (SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces). Synthesize (develop a new idea) for a competitive tactic it should attempt.

Prepare a two page (double-spaced) essay. The paper should be 12-point font, Times New Roman, be at least 500 words, and include a final source list.


Consider the following questions for reflection:

Consider “Some troublesome strategies to avoid or use with caution” from the reading for this unit. In your personal life, have you seen any examples of these? What might have been better strategies?

Please write an essay of complete and well composed paragraphs (250 word minimum for the entire essay) Be sure to use in text citation and provide references for your sources. Wikipedia is not a source.

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imc 2 topic questions

TOPIC 1: Go to your local newspaper’s Web site (Washington, D.C.). Once there, assume that you are an advertiser seeking to place an advertisement with the paper. Attempt to find the advertising rates, size restrictions, availability of color, and any other useful information for placing an ad. Evaluate your search experience. Evaluate the attractiveness of the newspaper’s rates.

Be sure to list the rates and identify the newspaper including a link to it.

TOPIC 2: As indicated in your reading in week 6, the overall effectiveness of an ad is a combination of three variables.

List and describe these three variables.

Pick a print ad and demonstrate how these three variables can be used to determine the effectiveness of the ad.

Explain your assumptions and conclusions. Discuss the ad and your evaluation.

Use a minimum of two (2) references used and interact with at least one (1) classmate.

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short reading assignment 1

Assignment 5

SRA (short readings assignment) 1 – Read in book, “Bowie State Commencement Speech,” pages 285-294, by Michelle Obama. Write a one page paper (one page not including the space for your name and class and such information), double spaced, that summarizes the main ideas of this essay. You will be graded for this. Do a good job — as usual.

You can be simple in this assignment and you may start in this way: “Bowie State Commencement Speech” is the speech Michelle Obama delivered to the Bowie State graduating class of (you fill in the year). It is about…(and you will tell me what it is about). Obama talks about people who graduated in the past and they are important because… (Of course, don’t use…marks. I just did that to say where you will fill in detail).

You can start this way, too: “Bowie Commencement Speech,” by Michelle Obama, is about… (Make sure the comma after Speech goes inside the quote).

In your summary, please do NOT summarize the beginning of the speech where Obama gives thanks to so many people. Please do not write about that part, although you can say, After giving thanks to many people, Obama talks about…

For this assignment, when you write it, I’m looking to see from your writing that you read the speech (of course you may have to read it more than once) and that you can tell me what it is about. And when I say what it is about, I mean at some point in your summary you must say what Obama’s message is or messages are (in summaries, we use the person’s last name and not the first name, Michelle). To do this assignment you do not have to know every single thing about the speech. Just tell me what Obama is talking about, what her meaning or message is. Use examples from the text but please do not quote her words extensively, since your paper is only one page. In other words, in your one-page summary don’t use a quote that takes up half a paragraph (or a third of the page) but certainly you can quote her. I want to see your writing most of all in this assignment. When you are ready, submit it.

Assignment 15

1) SRA (short reading assignment 2) – Read in book, “Escape from the Western Diet,” by Michael Pollan, pages 420-427. You may start your summary simply in this way: “Escape from the Western Diet,” by Michael Pollan, is about…

2) Write a one page paper, double-spaced, that summarizes the main ideas of this essay (like you did in Assignment 5). I want to see, most of all, if you can summarize this essay and say what the writer of the essay has to say. What does Pollan say is wrong with the Western diet (just for reference, the USA is a Western country, as opposed to Eastern countries such as those in Asia)? What does he suggest we should eat? You don’t have to express your opinion at all in your summary, in fact, but you may give your opinion at the end of the essay in a couple of sentences at most. First, and above all, your job is to summarize the facts of the essay. Again, you do not have to understand every single thing Pollan talks about for you to do this assignment.

Finally, your one page does not include the space for your name and class and such things. Do a good, complete job here — you are almost finished! You can do it. Take time.

SUBMIT your summary.

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1 in your own words describe how to find the union of two sets

1. In your own words, describe how to find the union of two sets. 2. In your own words, describe how to find the intersection of two sets.

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i need information for presentation

1. Defining blockchain – make the audience understand what it is

2. Give real world example of companies utilizing block chain

3. How HR is adapting blockchain technology

4. Pros and cons of blockchain and HR

you did this abstract for me . I have presentation on it this friday and i need from you to make slides and get some information to discuss them this monday

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stages of a team 1

Reflect on a team that you have worked with, either personally or professionally. Address the following in a paper, based on your experiences of working in a group/team:

  • Describe how the group/team went through the five stages of team life, or the five steps of Cog’s ladder. If the team did not arrive at the later stages/steps, explain why.
  • Provide an example for each stage/step.
  • Compare and contrast positive and negative team behaviors in the different stages/steps.

Assignment Requirements:

  • Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the required title and references pages.
  • Format your paper according to the the guide to writing and APA
  • Cite a minimum of four scholarly sources to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to the textbook, three of which should be academic, peer-reviewed sources. (You may not use the required and recommended readings for this course.)
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final paper week 5 1

Below is a list from which you will select one topic for the Week Two assignment, another topic for the Week Three assignment, and a third topic for both the Outline of the Final Paper and the Final Paper. The topic you select for your Outline of the Final Paper and this Final Paper must be different from the topics you select for the Week Two and Week Three assignments.
The topics include:

  • What do twin and adoption studies tell us about the effects of nature (i.e., genetic influences) and nurture (i.e., environmental influences) on human development? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (physical, cognitive, or social-emotional) for your answer.
  • How much credit or blame do parents deserve for the way we are? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (physical, cognitive, or social-emotional) for your answer.
  • To what extent are the lives of adolescents and young adults shaped by parental and peer influences?
  • Why do we have a need to belong (to affiliate with others)?
  • How do our bodies and minds change from early to late adulthood?
  • What are the factors that affect our well-being as middle aged and older adults?
  • Why are some people attracted to members of their own sex whereas others are attracted to members of the opposite sex?
  • How do memory and intelligence change as we age?
  • Does an infant’s temperament shape his/her cognitive and socio-emotional development?
  • Are babies pre-wired for survival?
  • Are adolescents more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior than older adults?
  • Can physical exercise affect cognitive performance in old age? Consider the time of occurrence of physical exercise (i.e., earlier in life or during old age) in your answer.
  • Are there personality traits related to longevity?
  • Does bilingualism improve brain functioning?
  • Why do students in the United States tend to under-perform in math and science?

Once you have chosen your topic, examine the various theories of human development learned in the course and choose one or two that best assist you in understanding the issues involved in your topic. In your assignment address the following:

  • Identify some of the major domains of human development and how they are impacted.
  • Examine the physical, biological, emotional, cognitive, and/or social factors that are affected.
  • Identify the stages of development that are affected and describe the cultural and historical perspectives of partitioning the lifespan that influence the interpretations of the available data on the topic.
  • Describe the influences of family, culture, and environment and the roles they play.

Be sure to examine the available research in human development before completing this assignment.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
    1. You may use the introduction you developed during the Week Four assignment or a revised version if changes are deemed necessary.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
    1. Conclude with an answer to the selected question. Did the evidence you surveyed answer the question satisfactorily?
    2. Include an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence.
    3. Illustrate how each source fits specific sections of your Final Paper. The goal is to demonstrate that supporting evidence exists for statements that are made in the paper.
    4. If possible, suggest the course that future research should take if answers to the selected question are deemed less than conclusive.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources, all of which must come from the Ashford University Library or Google Scholar.
  7. Must include an annotated bibliography which briefly summarizes each article including the purpose of the investigation, its methodology, and results.
    1. Rely on the brief summaries of the articles (including the purpose of each investigation, its methodology and results) that you developed during Week Four to construct an organized summary of the scientific evidence that answers the question you selected.
    2. If possible, select peer-reviewed articles that summarize the evidence available in a given field of study (e.g., meta-analysis combines the findings of different studies to uncover trends, commonalities and differences).
    3. Order the articles in the way you think you will discuss them in your paper. Then develop a summary of the scientific evidence that answers the question you selected.
    4. You may reference your textbook and other required materials from the course; however, these will not fulfill the resource requirement.
  8. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  9. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    1. You may use the reference section you developed in the Week Four assignment as the final page of the paper.
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complete american government assignment no plagiarism 3

Reflection on Your Proposed Amendment to the Constitution

In at least 250 words reflect on your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that you presented to your peers in the discussion board.. This assignment is about creating and communicating a fully developed argument.

  • First, describe your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (this is a thesis statement)
  • Second, present and describe three (3) arguments in support of your Amendment. Think especially about the ideas, themes, and nature of our nation’s founding and political institutions. For example, do our founders ideas of what liberty means support you proposed amendment?
  • Third, address at least two 2 counter arguments that could be made by those that might oppose your proposed amendment. Describe those counter arguments fully and discuss why those counter arguments do not sufficiently counter your proposed amendment to the Constitution.
  • Finally, write a conclusion paragraph that restates your proposed change to the Constitution and reviews what you believe to be the most compelling argument in support of your proposed amendment.

Be sure to include a reference list for any outside sources you use in completing your paper.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.


I chose that the Constitutional Amendment should enlisted that all disable to receive free medical coverage on all disable individual. The reason so is, because the individual that is disable are limited by their income each moth. I feel this change should be made, because this would allow people who can’t afford to spend out of pocket on medical expensive. Overall, this needs to be affordable for people who are disable. Also, the elderly people really needs to be taken into consideration or at least some type of discounts.

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coca cola and pepsico presentation

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation that addresses each question within the Comparative Analysis Case, pp. 824-825.

The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, Inc.

The financial statements of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are presented in Appendices C and D, respectively. The companies’ complete annual reports, including the notes to the financial statements, are available online. Stock price data can be found in the company’s annual 10K, filed at the SEC.


Use the companies’ financial information to answer the following questions.

(a)What is the par or stated value of Coca-Cola’s and PepsiCo’s common or capital stock?

(b)What percentage of authorized shares was issued by Coca-Cola at December 31, 2014, and by PepsiCo at December 31, 2014?

(c)How many shares are held as treasury stock by Coca-Cola at December 31, 2014, and by PepsiCo at December 31, 2014?

(d)How many Coca-Cola common shares are outstanding at December 31, 2014? How many PepsiCo shares of capital stock are outstanding at December 31, 2014?

(e)What amounts of cash dividends per share were declared by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in 2014? What were the dollar amount effects of the cash dividends on each company’s stockholders’ equity?

(f)What are Coca-Cola’s and PepsiCo’s return on common/capital stockholders’ equity for 2014 and 2013? Which company gets the higher return on the equity of its shareholders?

(g)What are Coca-Cola’s and PepsiCo’s payout ratios for 2014?

(h)What was the market price range (high/low) for Coca-Cola’s common stock and PepsiCo’s capital stock during the fourth quarter of 2014? Which company’s (Coca-Cola’s or PepsiCo’s) stock price increased more (%) during 2014?

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