europe history discussion board analysis essay

Read instructions for Analysis Essay. Follow the instructions carefully. Once you have completed your essay, you will participate in a discussion further with your responses to others.

It is very important for you to comprehend the importance of each discussion to your grade. Discussions are 50% of the course grade. Not meeting minimum words for your essay and responses will result in a substantially lower grade. Not submitting essays and responses that meet the discussion criteria, as per instructions, will also result in a lower grade.

Module # 1 Discussion (scroll to the bottom of this page for complete information)

Critical Thinking in an Online Discussion – Students will:

  • have a meaningful dialogue.
  • develop academic writing skills.
  • develop critical thinking.
  • learn from one another.

Students will be required to participate in all 8 discussions in this course. Your grade will be determined by the standards set in each module.You must post your own analysis essay first before you will be able to read essays posted by others.In this assignment you are asked to write an essay of no less than 300 words and participate in a discussion. Your essay should be referenced by at least two citations from two different sources. You may use the Utube video as a third source.

  1. Read the information I provided in the document ” Proper Example of Essay Presentation.” If you quote something, a number or author’s name must be placed in parenthesis after the quote, then noted at the bottom of the essay in your bibliography. Same for something you paraphrase anything from another author. If you miss these important instructions, your grade will be lowered. Read as many essays written by others as possible in order see some of the better essays posted by others. Ask yourself, did I forget to include something, overlook any requirements, what can I do to make my essay worth total credit due? No WIKI and no encyclopedias allowed for discussion board essay. Use only scholarly references.
  2. Respones must be 200 words minimum and specifically to that which authors have posted, plus your own thoughts. What was the topic they posted? What was it that you liked/disliked or enjoyed reading about? Did you agree with what they posted? You are required to respond to them by name. This is not a copy and paste response. You may choose to do some internet research to support your original answer and responses to others.
  3. Please do not wait until the end of the discussion to participate. Use the college library for scholarly references. You may use GOOGLE for more information for original sources. No WIKI or encyclopedia sources allowed. Do not use either as a source of information.
  4. Failure to meet minimum words requirement for an essay or response will result in a grade of zero for that post.

In every discussion essay for this course, supply your sources. After a sentence or paragraph that you have “borrowed” from any author, use ( page number and author’s name). Then, at the bottom of your essay list your references in a bibliography. You should attempt to use original course for primary information, not WIKI. Using WIKI as you primary source will result in a lower grade. This policy applies to all discussion board postings for your analysis essay.


  • “Choose one of the topics found in the list of Mini-Lectures. Name the video and complete your analysis essay on that topic.

WORD COUNT: Right click on word count, then open in new window” and check the number of words in your analysis essay. Place that number at the top of your essay and responses.

Read all mini lecture and choose one to analyze

III. Chapters 20 and 21 Outlines

IV. Mini-Lectures Right click on each title, then left click on “Open Link in New Window.”

  • Mini-Lecture A – Technology of the Industrial Revolution (An interesting video presentation on the introduction of technology to farming to industry)
  • Mini-Lecture B – England’s Industrial Revolution (A view of England on the eve of the industrial revolution)
  • Mini-Lecture C – 19th Century Population Growth (The Flight to industry’s urban centers)
  • Mini-Lecture D – Children in Industry (A view of conditions endured by children)
  • Mini-Lecture E – Romanticism (Professor Eurgene Weber explains how 19th century romanticism and revolution go hand in had against for forces of the Vienna agreement and in favor of liberty and freedom)
  • Mini-Lecture F – The Great Exhibition of 1851 (Nations for around the world came to Hyde Park for an exhibit of science, technology, art and more)
  • Mini-Lecture G – Congress of Vienna (Events leading up to the defeat of Napoleon and now European representatives attend this historic meeting to determine the future of Europe after Napoleon)
  • Mini-Lecture H – The Chartists (Though the Great Reform Act gave them political democracy, workers protested that nothing had changed for workers in factories, cities families)
  • Mini-Lecture I – 19th Century Musical Masters (Excellent presentation of Vienna, the center of European music, and the explosion of composers and music which reflected their times)
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system architecture u3i

The below needs to be completed in APA format.

The next important step in the process of systems integration is to evaluate your options. It is always recommended that you compare at least 3 potential options to make the best decision. Based on what you determined as the best evaluation method during this week’s Discussion Board, you will apply this evaluation method to the 3 potential system integration options that you are considering.

Assignment Guidelines

For this week’s assignment, you will be providing detail on 3 potential options for pursuing the system integration project, the evaluation method you will use to compare each, and the overall quality assurance considerations that must be met.

  • New Content (Week 3)
    • Enterprise System Integration Analysis
      • Refine and describe in detail the list of quality assurance considerations that you determined in the Discussion Board to be ranked highest.
      • Thoroughly describe 3 potential options that you are considering for moving forward with the Systems Integration Project.
    • Systems Integration Approach Evaluation and Selection
      • Select and describe in detail the evaluation method that you plan to use to compare and contrast the 3 options.
      • Design a table or matrix to perform your evaluation comparison. The evaluation criteria should include quality objectives and organizational capabilities and considerations and should use some type of weighted priority scheme for ranking.
      • Fill in the table, and use ranking criteria to determine which is the best option for you to proceed with for the system integration project.
      • Summarize by discussing which is the best option based on the results from the previous step.
  • Make sure that the document is in APA format.
  • Submit the document for grading.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Grading Rubric

Project Criteria Exceeds: 90%–100% Very Good: 80%–89% Meets: 70%–79% Needs Improvement: Below 70%


Response covers all topics indicated in the assignment and adds additional content. Response covers most topics indicated in the assignment. Response covers many of the topics indicated in the assignment. Response covers none to some of the topics indicated in the assignment.

Effective Communication

Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates outstanding expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is addressed appropriately. Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are minimal. Organization is clear. Format is consistently appropriate to assignment. Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable). The writing was of collegiate level with no errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates very good written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates sound expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is usually addressed appropriately. Language does not interfere with the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are present, but do not distract from the message. Organization is apparent and mostly clear. Format is appropriate to assignment, but not entirely consistent. The writing was of collegiate level with two or less errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates acceptable written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates reasonable expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Sometimes, audience is addressed appropriately. Language does not interfere with the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are present and may distract from the message. Organization is a bit unclear. Format is inconsistent. The writing was of collegiate level with several errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates inadequate or partially proficient application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates inadequate or partial expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is often not addressed appropriately. Language often impedes the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are frequent and often distract from meaning or presentation. Organization is inadequate, confusing, and distracting. The format is inadequate and obscures meaning. The writing was less than collegiate level with numerous errors in spelling or grammar.

Supporting Analysis

Analysis exceeds minimum requirements. Sources are used to support analysis, are appropriate, and are properly referenced. Basic analysis provided to support assertions. Sources are cited, appropriate, and properly referenced. Limited analysis provided to support assertions. Some sources are cited, appropriate, and properly referenced. No or inaccurate analysis, no sources are cited when needed, analysis and/or sources are not appropriate. When sources are used, they are not properly referenced.
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healthy people 2020 13

From Leading cause of death to Leading Health Indicators

The SLP assignment for this course will entail becoming familiar with Healthy People initiative. To the end, you will be asked to view a series of videos presenting the key components of Healthy People 2020, illustrating how these are being implemented, noting data sources available to monitor progress toward achievement of Healthy People goals objectives, and recommending strategies for incorporating Healthy People into the work we do as health educators.

View the second of these videos. After watching the video, address the following questions:

  1. What are the “interagency workgroups” to which the speaker refers, and what is their role?
  2. Where can one go to find a complete overview of each Healthy People 2020 objective?
  3. What type on information on leading health indicators is provided by the National Center for Health Statistics?
  4. How is progress toward Healthy People 2020 targets measured?


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved May 1, 2012, from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014). Public Health Learning Modules-Module 1: Using Healthy People 2020 to Improve Population Health. Part Three: Healthy People and the National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from…

Length: 3 pages

APA Format

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case study 657

A Shift for Lieutenant Colonel Adams Lt. Col. John Adams was an aeronautical engineer in the Air Force who was recognized as an accomplished officer; he rose quickly through the ranks of lieutenant, captain, and major. In addition, he successfully completed a number of professional development courses in the Air Force and received a master’s degree in engineering. In the earlier part of his service, his career assignments required overseeing 15-to 20-person shifts that were responsible for routine maintenance schedules for squadron and base aircraft. As he progressed in rank, he moved to engineering projects, which were supported by small technical staffs. Based on his strong performance, Major Adams was promoted to lieutenant colonel earlier than his peers. Instead of moving him into another engineering position, the personnel bureau and his assignment officer decided that Lieutenant Colonel Adams would benefit from a tour in which he could expand his professional background and experience. Consequently, he was assigned to Base X as the commanding officer of the administration branch. Base X was an airbase with approximately 5,000 military and civilian personnel. As the administration officer, Adams was the senior human resource officer and the principal adviser to the base commander on all human resource issues. Adams and his staff of 135 civilian and military personnel were responsible for personnel issues, food services, recreation, family support, and medical services. In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Adams was assigned to chair the Labor–Management Relations Committee for the base. At the end of the Cold War, as part of the declared peace dividend, the government decided to reduce its defense budget. In February, barely 6 months after Adams took over command of the administration branch, the federal government announced a significant reduction in the size of the military and the closure of many bases. Base X was to be closed as an air base and reassigned to the Army. The closure was to take place within 1 year, and the base was to be prepared for the arrival of the first Army troops in 2 years. As part of the reduction program, the federal government initiated voluntary retirement programs for civilian and military personnel. Those wanting to retire had until April 1 to decide. Orders for the conversion of the airbase included the following:

The base will continue normal operations for 6 months.

The squadrons—complete with aircrews, equipment, and families (1,000)—must be relocated to their new bases and operational by August 1. The remaining base personnel strength, both civilian and military, must be reduced by 30%. The base must continue to provide personnel for operational missions.

The reduction of personnel must be consistent with federal voluntary early-retirement programs.

The base must be prepared with a support structure to accept 2,000 new soldiers, expected to arrive in 2 years.

Adams was assigned to develop a human resource plan that would meet the imposed staff levels for the entire base while ensuring that the base was still able to perform the operational tasks it had been given. Faced with this daunting task, Adams conducted an extensive review of all of the relevant orders concerning the base transformation, and he familiarized himself with all of the rules concerning the earlyretirement program. After a series of initial meetings with the other base branch chiefs, he laid out a plan that could be accomplished by the established deadlines. At the same time, he chaired a number of meetings with his own staff about how to meet the mandated reductions within his own branch. After considering the target figures for the early-retirement program, it was clear that the mandated numbers could not be reached. Simply allowing everyone who had applied for early retirement to leave was not considered an option because doing so would devastate entire sections of the base. More job cuts were required, and choices had to be made as to who would stay, why, and in what areas. Adams met stiff resistance in the meetings to determine what sections would bear the brunt of the additional cutbacks. Adams conducted his own independent analysis of his own branch before consulting with his staff. Based on his thorough examination of the data, he mandated further reductions in his sections. Specifically targeted were personnel in base housing, single-person accommodations, family services, and recreational sections. He also mandated a further 10% cut of military positions in his sections. After meeting the mandated reduction targets, Lieutenant Colonel Adams was informed that the federal government would accept all personnel who applied for early retirement, which was an unexpected decision. When superimposed on the already mandated reductions, this move caused critical shortages in key areas. Within weeks of implementation of the plan, the base commander was receiving mounting complaints from both civilian and military members over the implementation of the plan. Incidents of stress, frustration, and discontent rose dramatically. Families trying to move found support services cut back or nonexistent. Members of the transition staff were forced to work evenings and weekends. Family support services were swamped and asking for additional help. Despite spending a large amount of overtime trying to address the diverse issues both base-wide and within his branch, Adams found himself struggling to keep his head above water. To make matters worse, the base was having difficulty meeting its operational mission, and vital sections were critically understaffed. The base commander wanted answers. When pressed, Adams stated that his plan met all of the required deadlines and targets, and the plan conformed to all of the guidelines of the early retirement programs. “Maybe so,” replied the base commander, “but you forgot about the bigger picture.”


1. Based on the skills model, how would you assess Lt. Col. John Adams’s ability to meet the challenges of the base administration position? 2. How would you assess his ability to meet the additional tasks he faced regarding the conversion of the base? 3. If you were to coach Adams on how he could improve his leadership, what would you tell him?

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community assessment 1

APA format and no Plagiarism

a 4-6 page paper. The paper needs to be well-researched and written using APA guidelines. Data should come from at least five sources.

Part I: Understanding your Community
  • Analyze how your community has changed over the past 20 years. Use policy and community concepts and theories from the learning resources to support your analysis.
  • Describe your community, using research and statistics to describe socio-demographic make-up. (For example: How many persons live in the city and/or in the town? What were/are their cultural/racial characteristics? What were/are their incomes, ages, political affiliations, etc.?)
Part II: Community Assessment
  • Describe a problem that the community is currently experiencing.
    • Assess the duration, intensity, and frequency of the problem.
    • Analyze the probable etiology of the problem, supporting your analysis with resources.
  • Analyze the key elements and characteristics of the community that make it vulnerable to this problem.
  • Analyze the key strengths of the community that give the community resilience and the potential for overcoming the problem.
  • Identify major institutions (e.g., schools, factories, churches, attraction sites, etc.) and explain how these institutions contribute to or inhibit the community’s ability to address the problem?
  • Explain which groups are most affected by the problem.
Part III: Community & Policy Action Plan
  • Describe your proposed plan for community change.
  • Explain the strategies and tactics you would you use to bring about change. Consider if you would need multiple strategies, and if so, explain which strategy would be used for each target.
  • Explain any policies that may influence the ability, either supportive or prohibitive, to influence proposed community change.
  • Explain what policies would need to be in place to ensure proposed plans are sustainable.
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complete 2 page assignment on release mechanism for criminal law week 6

Correction Systems and Practices

Release Mechanisms

At some point almost every inmate will be eligible to be released from prison. As the authors point out in Chapter 15 there are a number of release mechanisms that are available. Research these release mechanisms and discuss which ones may be more effective and how they can best serve the inmate and society in general.

1. discretionary release

2. madatory release

3. probtation release

4. other condition release

5. expireation relation

Instructions for Writing Your Paper

Write a 2 page APA style paper. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement (title page and references are in addition to the 2 pages)

In your paper, cite at least 2-3 references using the APA style guide format for in-text citation.

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what is a socratic method

explain the Socratic approach to philosophy and Illustrate your understanding of dialectic with a contemporary example of a belief that might be examined via the Socratic method. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures

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unfairness and inequality 1

  • Overview

    Write a 1–2-page incident report describing an instance of unfairness or inequality that you have witnessed (or heard or read about) in the workplace and its implications for human resource management.Applying legal facts or principles to a real-life situation aids in the understanding of complex issues.SHOW LESSBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Develop a foundational understanding of employment law and labor law.
      • Describe an instance of unfairness or inequality in the workplace.
    • Competency 2: Analyze the application of legal thinking strategies to human resource management (HRM) law.
      • Analyze how the instance of unfairness or inequality violates fair employment practices.
    • Competency 3: Apply legal thought to human resource (HM) practices in the workplace.
      • Explain the duties and responsibilities of a human resource professional and the duties and responsibilities of an attorney representing the organization.
      • Compare and contrast the duties and responsibilities of a human resource professional with that of an attorney representing the organization.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and professional.
      • Communicate in a professional manner, using scholarly resources that support the analysis through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing that incorporates appropriate APA style conventions.
    Competency Map

    CHECK YOUR PROGRESSUse this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.

  • Toggle Drawer


    “People talk about human capital, for instance, which is what labor accumulates through education and work experience. Human capital differs from the classic kind in that you can’t inherit it, and it can only be rented, not bought or sold” (Robinson, 1994, p. 77).SHOW LESSThe employment relationship is predicated on the exchange of power and authority for compliance and reward. As a result, employees voluntarily relinquish control of their time, effort, and industry. When employees determine that their employers inadequately compensate them for their work and seem to control their lives, conflict can result. This transforms a viable transactional relationship into a crucible of conflict and strife.When people come together in a workplace, they bring with them their values, opinions, prejudices, and sensitivities. Frequently, conflict occurs from within the employer-employee relationship as a result of these differences. Controls, policies, and procedures must thus be created to address conflict and enable organizations to operate effectively. Employers predominantly control the workplace, so most laws and regulations restrict, inhibit, or guide the behavior and authority of employers with respect to employees. Employment law guidelines provide the philosophical, legal, and moral foundations for conflict resolution in the workplace. They embody a vital component of our system of government.Read the Assessment 1 Context document, which contains additional information about regulation of the workplace, covering the following topics:

    • Constitutional Law.
    • Statutory Regulation.

    Robinson, K. S. (1994). Green mars. New York, NY: Random House.

  • Toggle Drawer

    Questions to Consider

    As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

  • Toggle Drawer


    Suggested Resources

    The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MBA-FP6249 – Organizations, Governance, and the Law Library Guidecan help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

    Capella Resources


    Capella Multimedia
    • Employment Law Governing Bodies | Transcript.
      • Employment law guidelines provide the philosophical, legal, and moral foundations for conflict resolution in the workplace. They embody a vital component of our system of government.
    • Employment and Labor Law Timelines | Transcript.
      • This interactive offers a selective look at U.S. employment and labor legislation. Use this presentation to help familiarize yourself with some of the major events and trends of the past century in U.S. employment and labor law.
    • Law Terms Flashcards | Transcript.
      • Quiz yourself on these select labor and employment law terms.
    Capella University Library Resources

    Unlike law school, which immerses students in legal writings, this course invites you to sample cases and written decisions, to be exposed to and develop legal reasoning skills, and to become adept at identifying key legal principles and concepts. The following are court cases. A focus area note has been placed after each reading to assist your understanding of the legal cases and written decisions.

    Internet Resources
  • Assessment Instructions


    While it is not necessary to follow a specific incident report template, you may want to review online resources and use headings and subheadings to help organize the key points in your report.


    Write a 1–2-page incident report describing an instance of unfairness or inequality that you have witnessed (or heard or read about) in the workplace and its implications for human resource management. Address the following:

    • Describe the instance of unfairness or inequality in the workplace.
    • Analyze how the instance of unfairness or inequality violates fair employment practices.
    • Explain the duties and responsibilities of a human resource professional and the duties and responsibilities of an attorney representing the organization.
    • Compare and contrast the duties and responsibilities of a human resource professional with that of an attorney representing the organization.

    Communicate in a professional manner, using scholarly resources that support the analysis through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing that incorporates appropriate APA style conventions.

    Additional Requirements

    • References: Support your assertions with citations from the suggested materials in the Resources, workplace examples, and any relevant additional research.
    • Format: Use proper APA style and format for in-text citations and references.
    • Length: 1–2 double-spaced, typed pages, in addition to the references page.
    • Written communication: Demonstrate graduate-level writing skills through accurate communication of thoughts that convey the overall goals of the assessment and do not detract from the message.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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the daycare assessment

Read the scenario below to inform the assignment:

  • You are working in an early childhood program at your local daycare. One day you are approached by a mother who has a 6-month-old baby girl named Kaylee. The mother is concerned that she does not know how and when her baby should be developing. She is seeking your advice about developmental milestones that her child should experience from now until entering kindergarten and what she can do to assist her baby in reaching these milestones in the areas of nutrition, health, and safety.

Write a 750-1,000 word narrative informing the mother the different developmental milestones, including brain development, which her child should go through from ages 6 months to 5 years. Include guidance on how she can promote development successfully, especially focusing on the areas of nutrition, health, and safety.

In addition, include 3-5 resources for the mother that depict both typical and atypical development and help to explain how nutrition, health, and safety can promote healthy brain development, for future reference.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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need help with this questions about location based computing and dangerous data

Please see the attached doc, no plagiarism please for those questions, they should be answered on your own words exactly as request on the doc (If you really are able to do this work for me accept the work)

Here the Questions:

Question 1

  • a.Imagine that you have been asked to propose a strategy for tracking competitors in an orienteering race across Dartmoor. What location determining approach would be most appropriate?
  • b.Briefly describe how location is determined using this approach.
  • c.The correct approach in answer to part a of this question would not work in a taster event in a shopping centre held indoors. Why not? What alternative approach to determining location might you suggest in that case? (You do not need to describe how location is determined in this case.)

Hint: You may want to look ahead at part c of this question. Part c provides further information about the location determining approach expected in answer to the current part (i.e. Part a).

Question 2

  • a.In the summer of 2015, the organizing body for the American Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was targeted by hackers believed to be working for the Russian government. The attack began when certain DNC employees were targeted by emails containing links to malicious software. At least one of these email messages was opened and the malware activated. This malware then spread on Committee’s internal network where it remained undetected for many months.
    • i.What name is given to this type of campaign of soliciting information from particular individuals?
    • ii.What term is given to a hack where an attacker uses a series of attacks to gain access to a system and remains undetected for a long time?
    • iii.Explain which, if any, of the CIA principles were threatened in the attack. For each of the CIA principles explain why it was or was not threatened.
  • b.How might email users protect themselves against such attacks by criminals and state actors? Use an internet search to provide two or three simple guidelines suitable for a relative novice email user. Your answer should be no more than 300 words and you must provide your sources as references (using the OU Harvard style) at the end of your answer. The references do not count towards the word limit. Your use of English, spelling and grammar will all be marked as well as technical content of your answer.

During this time, it stole data from the DNC, including highly-confidential political campaign information, which was then distributed to media outlets hostile to the Democratic Party. It is thought that this attack may have contributed to the Democrats losing the general election in November 2016.

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