developmental milestones 2

The purpose of this assignment is to creatively demonstrate an understanding of infant developmental milestones as they pertain to cognition, motor skills, sensation, and perception. Using information from Chapter 5 of your text, write a short story about a child’s journey from birth to age 1. This can be a fictional child, or can be based on a real child. The story should be three to five pages in addition to the title page and the reference page. Use at least one reference in addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

a. Describe the child’s sensory experiences at birth (e.g. sight, hearing, movement).

b. Analyze how these senses develop and become more evolved? At the age of 6 months, identify what this same child can hear, see, and do?

c. Describe what a day in this child’s life might look like by age 1. Include pictures in your Word document

Include the following developmental milestones in your story:

    1. Social and Emotional
      • Enjoys imitating people in his play.
      • Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys.
      • Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings.
      • Tests parental responses to his behavior.
      • Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others.
      • Repeats sounds or gestures for attention.
      • Finger-feeds himself.
      • Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed.
    1. Cognitive
      • Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping).
      • Finds hidden objects easily.
      • Looks at correct picture when the image is named.
      • Imitates gestures.
      • Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver).
    1. Language
      • Pays increasing attention to speech.
      • Responds to simple verbal requests.
      • Responds to “no.”
      • Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no.
      • Babbles with inflection (changes in tone).
      • Says “dada” and “mama.”
      • Uses exclamations, such as “Oh-oh!”
      • Tries to imitate words.
    1. Motor
      • Reaches sitting position without assistance.
      • Crawls forward on belly.
      • Assumes hands-and-knees position.
      • Creeps on hands and knees.
      • Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position.
      • Pulls self up to stand.
      • Walks holding on to furniture.
      • Stands momentarily without support.
      • May walk two or three steps without support.
    1. Hand and Finger Skills
      • Uses pincer grasp.
      • Bangs two objects together.
      • Puts objects into container.
      • Takes objects out of container.
      • Lets objects go voluntarily.
      • Pokes with index finger.
      • Tries to imitate scribbling.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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recognizing the threat of a targeted attack 1


For this assignment, complete the following

  • Analyze the indicators of potential school violence portrayed in the simulation. What do you see in each scene that can be interpreted as an indicator of a possible targeted attack? How likely do you think it is that an incident of targeted school violence will take place in the case of the simulated situation? Support your work with credible resources.
  • Determine how early warning systems could be put into play pre-event in this simulation in ways that would be beneficial in mitigating the possible event.
  • Evaluate the usefulness of threat assessment in pre- and post-secondary education. Do you think that threat assessment teams should be present at all grade levels


  • Length of paper: 3
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healthcare laws and policies discussion 3

Public Health Ethics

Can ethical principles and policies that serve as the bases for public health laws mutually and simultaneously co-exist? Please discuss. 1 page, 3 cited sources from required reading.

Required Reading

Wing, K. R., & Gilbert, B. (2007). The law and the public’s health. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Ethical Theories and Principles. (2011).

Baum, N., Gollust, S., Goold, S., & Jacobson, P. (2007). Looking ahead: Addressing ethical challenges in public health practice:1. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 35(4), 657-667.

Burris, S., Wagenaar, A. C., Swanson, J., Ibrahim, J. K., Wood, J., & Mello, M. M. (2010). Making the case for laws that improve health: A framework for public health law research. The Milbank Quarterly 88(2) 169–210.

Cassatly, M. G. (2012). The four critical drivers of healthcare reform. The Journal of Medical Practice Management: MPM, 28(3), 162-3.

Clemans-Cope, L., Kenney, G. M., Buettgens, M., Carroll, C., & Blavin, F. (2012). The Affordable Care Act’s coverage expansions will reduce differences in uninsurance rates by race and ethnicity. Health Affairs, 31(5), 920-30.

Selgelid, M. J. (2009). A moderate pluralist approach to public health policy and ethics. Public Health Ethics, 2(2), 195-205. Available via EBSCO.

Assignment: Can ethical principles and policies that serve as the bases for public health laws mutually and simultaneously co-exist?

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principles of economics 9

4. How might government impact this industry’s market prices, output, and/or market structure? (Government intervention through price controls, industry regulations, and antitrust enforcement is covered in Weeks 2 and 4.) 5. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different compared to other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. (Note: You’ll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these standards.) o Your brief should include a cover page. o Your brief should be two to three (2-3) pages in length (not including the cover page), double-spaced, 12-point font. o Your brief should include a minimum of one (1) reference/citation in the text.

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principles of investment 9

Principles of Investment.

Read the following article Financial Statements Explained.pdf which describes the basics of the three primary financial statements used in accounting. This article does a good job of explaining and reinforcing the application of these important financial tools.


Read the article and then select, which of the three financial statements you believe is the most important to an investor. Explain in 250 words or less, why you selected this financial statement, and how you might apply it to selecting an investment. There is a quiz at the end of the article, which you ARE NOT required to take, but it might be good practice for you to take this brief quiz and test your knowledge about financial statements.

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anthropology essay 2 1

Word count 750, not outside resources needed. Make clear citation


This paper will offer your reflection on Edith Turner’s There Are No Peripheries to Humanity(post in file) and the concept of “framing process” discussed on p. 355 of Essentials of Cultural Anthropology.

Throughout her article, Turner describes how Inupiat people sought recognition that their disproportionately high rates of cancer and cancer deaths were due to radioactive dumping and poisoning of their land and water. Turner started her research with the Inupiat with one goal: to study healing. In that process, the ravages of cancer became an overwhelming reality not only for the Inupiat people of Point Hope, but for Turner as well. This led her to join in their fight for justice, and to question the role of the anthropologist and anthropological research.

Throughout, we are offered different frames for understanding cancer in Point Hope and the role of the anthropologist. These frames include those of U.S. government agencies, the people of Point Hope, and Turner herself. While Guest’s definition describes a “framing process” as the “creation of shared meanings and definitions that motivate and justify collective action by social movements” (Guest, 355), anthropologists often encounter framing processes among government officials and others in power, as well. These are often similar to what Tett describes in the excerpt from her book “Fool’s Gold”: that those in power also frame issues in way that may serve their interests, such as by acting on shared ideologies and assumptions that permit one set of facts to be public, but keep another set of facts quiet or hidden. In relation to cancer in Point Hope, at least three groups, U.S. government agencies, Point Hope residents, and the anthropologist, Edith Turner, were engaged in framing the issue and their role in it.

First, using the expanded discussion of a “framing process” above, write 750 words describing how:

  1. U.S. government agencies initially framed the high cancer rates in Point Hope (or what justification they offered for not exploring the possibility of radioactive pollution);
  2. The people of Point Hope framed their position vis-a-vis the government and their high cancer rates (or what shared understandings did they create that motivated action);
  3. Edith Turner framed her role as an anthropologist, and how that changed over time. Did she come to accept the frame offered by the U.S. government or that offered by the people of Point Hope? Why?

4. Finally, describe how the balance of power shifted over time, that is how the people of Point Hope were able to convince U.S. government agencies to pay attention to their frame and clean up the pollution.

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sociology 1 2

Total words count: 350

Reading article You May Ask Yourself reading link:

login name:

Password: Doudou0539

Chapter four (4) (pages 117 – 151 in You May Ask Yourself) deals with socialization and how society works. We learn about the ways in which we internalize social norms and the creation of the generalize other. William Shakespeare, (and Irvin Goffman) frame the social world as a play with everyone as actors on the “metaphysical social stage … struggling to make a good impression” (YMAY page 140).

For this prompt, I would like you to violate a norm – a breaching experiment.

Note: This norm violation experiment is also the Essay #2 assignment due on Thursday of this week. I want everyone to be able to process the experience with one another. Please use this prompt as a way to describe your findings to your peers before writing up your experience in your short essay for Thursday.

Here are the directions of the assignment (below).

Breaching a Social Norm

This exercise demonstrates the way in which our interactions with others are often guided by an unwritten script. By violating that script students will illuminate the content of the script. This activity also illustrates how interactions with others shape our social behavior, encouraging us to abide by, rather than challenge, the unwritten rules contained in the script.

You will conduct an exercise that violates social norms. This exercise may be performed alone or in a group (of your choice) of four or fewer participants. The norm violation must exclude illegal activities or those that might risk someone’s safety, health or well-being. If conducting your experiment as a group, each group member will perform the breach once. When not performing the breach, the other group members should observe the interaction and write an observation log documenting people’s reaction to the breach. The group member performing the breach should write a small paragraph afterwards about how it felt to break social norms.

This essay should include:

1) A description of the norm you violated. Was it a folkway or a more? (Remember, you cannot break a law).

2) A description of the violation.

3) A description of the most general way people responded as the violation was enacted.

4) A description of how you felt enacting the norm violation.

5) An analytic discussion of the sociological significance of the breach.

Note: Examples of the norm breach includes, but is not limited to:

Saying hello to everyone, violating people’s personal space, standing right next to someone on the elevator, walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk, whispering/yelling when you talk, talking to yourself in public, eat with your hands, saying “goodbye” when answering the phone, etc.

Note: Again, you may not do anything illegal, or that might risk someone’s safety, health or well-being when you are conducting your norm violation experiment.

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law and public health

Review Nutritional Health Alliance v. Food and Drug Administration, and answer the following:

  1. Who are the parties in the case and what are their respective interests?
  2. Why was the lawsuit filed?
  3. What is the role of the FDA and what were the policy considerations for the regulation that served as the central focus of the NHA case?
  4. What was/is the proper resolution of the ultimate issue/question?
  5. Length of assignment should be from 3 to 4 pages (750 to 1000 words in length)

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lab week 2

Lab 2 – Water Quality and Contamination

Experiment 1: Drinking Water Quality

Bottled water is a billion dollar industry in the United States. Still, few people know the health benefits, if any, that come from drinking bottled water as opposed to tap water. This experiment will look at the levels of a variety of different chemical compounds in both tap and bottled water to determine if there are health benefits in drinking bottled water.


1.Develop a hypothesis regarding which water sources you believe will contain the most and least contaminants, and state why you believe this. Be sure to clearly rank all three sources from most to least contaminants.

Hypothesis =

Table 1: Ammonia Test Results

Water Sample

Test Results (mg/L)

Tap Water

Dasani®Bottled Water

Fiji®Bottled Water

Table 2: Chloride Test Results

Water Sample

Test Results (mg/L)

Tap Water

Dasani®Bottled Water

Fiji®Bottled Water

Table 3: 4 in 1 Test Results

Water Sample

Total Alkalinity


Total Chlorine


Total Hardness


Tap Water

Dasani®Bottled Water

Fiji®Bottled Water

Table 4: Phosphate Test Results

Water Sample

Test Results (ppm)

Tap Water

Dasani®Bottled Water

Fiji®Bottled Water

Table 5: Iron Test Results

Water Sample

Test Results (ppm)

Tap Water

Dasani®Bottled Water

Fiji®Bottled Water

Table 6: pH Results

Water Sample

Test Results

Tap Water

Dasani®Bottled Water

Fiji®Bottled Water

2.Based on the results of your experiment, would accept or reject the hypothesis you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.

Accept/reject =

3.Based on the results of your experiment, what specific differences do you notice among the Dasani®, Fiji®, and Tap Water?

Answer =

4.Based upon the fact sheets provided (links at the end of this document), do any of these samples pose a health concern? Use evidence from the lab to support your answer.

Answer =

5.Based on your results, do you believe that bottled water is worth the price? Use evidence from the lab to support your opinion.

Answer =

**NOTE: Be sure to complete steps 1 – 32 of Lab 3, Experiment 1 (the next lab) beforethe end of this week. Lab 3 involves planting seeds, and if the work is not started this week, your plants will not have time to grow and the lab will not be finished on time.**

FACT SHEETS: Please refer to these to answer Question 3. If you use information from any of these, don’t forget to cite and reference it in APA format in your lab. You are also welcome to use additional or alternative credible resources that you locate online if you wish.










Any sources utilized should be listed here in APA format.

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answer the following question don t forget to draw a graph regarding to what you are writing

President Trump started the ‘Buy American’ campaign to promote American made products and save jobs in US. He imposed an import quota on cars from Japan. Using an open economy macroeconomic model, explain how an import quota on cars from Japan would impact the interest rates, NCO, exchange rate and Net Exports in US. Is this a good policy to reduce trade deficit and save jobs? Show it both graphically and in words.

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