critically review the attached article

In the review, be sure to include an analysis of the article. Provide details and evidence to back up your analysis from the article. What are some of the significant points used in the article to support the premise? Why are these points significant to the way communication affects strategic planning? Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The article review should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

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please develop a disucussion

Topic 1: Assessment of the Neonate, Child Abuse and Neglect, Environmental Health, and Complementary Therapies in Pediatrics

This week, there will be a variety of conditions assigned to you by your instructor pertaining to the neonate, child abuse, child neglect, and environmental health conditions. You are expected to present your initial topic including, but not limited to, the following items:

  • Pathophysiology
  • Epidemiology
  • Physical exam findings
  • Differential diagnoses and rationale
  • Management plan to include diagnostic testing, medications if applicable, follow-up plans and referrals if needed

In addition, you are required to follow the Discussion Board grading rubric and respond to at least three of your classmates. Topics may include:

  1. Milia, erythema toxicum, cutis marmorata
  2. Branchial cleft, thyroglossal cyst
  3. Caput succedaneum, cephalhematoma
  4. Cleft lip and palate
  5. Pyloric stenosis
  6. Neonatal jaundice
  7. Sudden infant death syndrome, apparent life-threatening events
  8. Mercury poisoning
  9. Lead poisoning
  10. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure
  11. Carbon monoxide poisoning
  12. Pesticide exposure
  13. Noise pollution
  14. Child neglect
  15. Physical abuse
  16. Sexual abuse
  17. Emotional abuse
  18. Verbal abuse
  19. Mold exposure
  20. Burns

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hr management and leadership

1. Read the article titled “The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change”. Next, analyze the change that was implemented by Daniel Oliveira. Synthesize the change based on Kotter’s eight (8) steps for leading change. Determine if Oliveira followed the Kotter model. Select one (1) of the steps to assess and determine if Oliveira accomplished this step. Why was this an important step? Comment on how following the model may have made his change successful.

2. Read the article entitled “Leadership Excellence: Communicate Your Vision”. Next, assess the consequences of leaders not being able to communicate their change vision. Discuss the outcomes of a change management plan with an under-communicated vision of change. Develop a strategy for avoiding under-communicating the change vision.

3. View the video titled “John Kotter – Communicating a Vision for Change” (4 min 16 s) below. You may also view the video at Next, assess the means of communication that are available to us as leaders. Review Kotter’s comments regarding communication, and efficient and effective communications. As the leader of a large organization implementing a change, develop a strategy for communicating your vision of change. Discuss the tools that the organization would use as well as the frequency of communication.

4. Read the article titled “Habits as Change Levers”. Reflecting on step eight (8), Institutionalize the Change, identify a change that you implemented or was implemented at an organization with which you are familiar. What impact does an organization’s corporate culture have on maintaining and sustaining change? What steps need to be taken to make ensure that a newly implemented change becomes part of the organizational culture?

5. Read the article titled “Sustaining Change in Manufacturing Companies”. Next, review the list of eleven (11) factors which impact the sustainability of change. Reflect on a change that you implemented or was implemented at an organization with which you are familiar that was not sustainable. Comment on the factors of sustaining change that were not included in the change process. How would you address the key factors which the organization missed and ultimately lead to the change being reversed?

6. Go to YouTube, located at, and search for an episode of “UnderCover Boss”. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.

Write a three (3) page paper in which you:

-Compare two (2) job positions from the episode and perform a job analysis of each position.

-Describe your method of collecting the information for the job analysis (i.e., one-on-one, interview, survey, etc.).

-Create a job description from the job analysis.

-Justify your belief that the job analysis and job description are in compliance with state and federal regulations.

-Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

The assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

7. Suggest three (3) ways that diversity can increase the number of opportunities for women in leadership. Next, analyze the significance of three (3) key aspects of the relationship between diversity and business profitability. Support your rationale with two (2) examples of said relationship.

8. Read the document “Feedback Report Prepared for 360 By Design Sample A,” located in the online course shell. You may also view the document at Next, generate a critical analysis that includes at least three (3) leadership competencies used in the assessment. Using your analysis, judge whether these competencies are either gender neutral or biased toward a masculine style of management. Provide a rationale for your response.

9. Compare and contrast the most significant characteristics that an effective manager and leader must possess. Suggest two (2) ways that one can be an effective manager without being an effective leader and vice versa. Justify your response.

10. Assuming you have had both male and female managers, evaluate the impact of three (3) similarities and three (3) differences in their management styles. If you have not had both male and female managers, speculate on possible major differences in their management styles based on what you have learned so far in this course. Next, select the two (2) management styles that you believe are the most important for managers to utilize. Justify your response.

11. Compare and contrast the structured interview, situational interview, and behavioral interview. Determine which type of interview would be more beneficial when interviewing applicants. Support your selection.

12. In the selection of the candidate, determine if the manager should make the final choice or if others should be included in the final decision. Support your position.

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revise my proposal

I have almost finish my proposal ,but I need a tutor to help me modify proposal. it don’t need to spend more time

it is my requirement:

1. you need to add the letter content at first page in my proposal . like first page of proposal example. the letter need to relation about my local county in Michigan.

2. You need to modify my proposal. need to add more evidence to support my proposal on paragraph. it need to add more reference. need to write more words in my proposal. total word:2000-3000

Here are some notes about what my professor told me about my first request:

My professor talk me some below notices for me about this need to follow this notices.Thanks you!

It’s okay to analyze some of these problems (such as the opioid epidemic or health problem associated with industrial agriculture) on a broad, national level.

However, when you develop your proposed solution, you need to focus on solving the problem in a specific local community. In addition, you need to identify a partner organization with whom you can work in implementing the solution. The partner organization can help you in many ways–perhaps by providing funding to implement the solution, by providing volunteers or experts to carry out the solution, or by helping you reach and communicate with a broader audience who is affected by the problem or who can help solve it.

As I stated in the instructions, you need to focus on a specific local community–such as Saginaw, another local city, or your hometown–and identify a partner organization with whom you can work to implement the solution. For example, those of you proposing solutions for the opioid epidemic could partner with Covenant’s hospital in Saginaw. You could seek funding from the hospital to bring in an expert on the opioid epidemic (perhaps a medical researcher from the CDC) to train the doctors on proper procedures and policies for prescribing opioid drugs, monitoring patients, checking prescription drug databases to make sure that patients aren’t getting multiple opioid prescriptions from different doctors or pharmacies, and withdrawing opioid medication at the appropriate time or substituting less addictive drugs for opioids.

Or, you could partner with Saginaw High School and bring in an expert to present to the students and faculty at an assembly and teach them about the dangers and consequences of opioid addiction.

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discussion board 300 words apa 3

Should chain stores imitate the packaging of leading brands? (Store brands will frequently have the look of a well-known brand). Why or why not?

At least one reference

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1 equipment and system failure and 2 identifying technology assets

Hope you are doing well,

I need answers for 2 Assignments, each assignment should be 3 to 4 pages with APA format and need 3 references for each Assignments.

Assignment 1:(Equipment and system failure)

Q 1.1> Search for information on system and equipment failure on your favorite search engine.

Q 1.2> List what might be done to provide fault tolerance for a single system.

Q 1.3> List what might be done to provide fault tolerance at a data center level.

Assignment 2:(Identifying technology assets)

Q 2.1> You are part of a disaster recovery team charged with completing the asset inventory at a small business that primarily sells a small selection of products to the public.

Q 2.2> Establish a sample hardware asset list for this company and classify those assets as tier 1, 2, or 3 assets.

Q 2.3> Develop a list of the software needed to restore operations of the small business.

Note: Please write each Assignment in a different word document.

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guilt or fear appeal

Bring to mind pictures of sad puppy eyes and scrawny cats in dirty cages. Or think of images of impoverished children and messages about how a small gift can make a huge difference in their lives. Or recall public service announcements that feature frightening images of the effects of drug use and smoking. Consider how these and similar types of appeals use guilt or fear to try to persuade you to take action.

What are the ethical issues around using persuasive techniques that are intended to make recipients feel uncomfortable but for beneficial reasons? That is one of the issues you will explore this week through this Discussion. You will respond to a scenario in which you, as a professional in the line of work you currently do or would like to do, are tasked with designing a strong message using either the guilt or the fear appeal. As you create your messages, consider the relationship between the outcome you hope to achieve and the ethics of how you choose to get there.

To prepare:

  • Review the Week 5 Learning Resources.
  • Develop the scenario by incorporating the following details. You may make up these details or base them on your workplace experiences. Include:
  • Name and type of agency or organization
  • Its purpose or mission
  • Purpose of the message you are creating and what issue(s) it aims to address
  • Target audience for the message
  • Consider whether the fear or guilt appeal will be more effective for the target audience and to achieve the message goals.
  • Create the text of the message, to include in your Discussion post.
  • Check your message for ethical compliance using the code of ethics associated with the type of professional organization you chose.

By Day 3

Post responses to the following:

  • Present the text of your message and the relevant contextual details, including the sponsoring agency/organization, message purpose, and target audience. Explain how your message demonstrates the fear or the guilt appeal and your assessment of the message’s compliance with ethical standards.
  • Justify your choice of appeal and why it should be effective for the target audience and issue(s).

Only the textbook and links attached below should be used and cited. Provide proper citations and references in APA.

750 words min.

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). (2000). Code of ethics. Retrieved from

American Psychological Association (APA). (2010).
Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct: Including 2010 amendments. Retrieved from

NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals. (2013).
Code of ethics. Retrieved from

National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (2008).
Code of ethics. Retrieved from…

National Organization for Human Services (NOHS). (2015).
Ethical standards for human service professionals. Retrieved from…

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complete social work discussion response for 2 classmates

Respond with at least 2 paragraphs each, NO PLAGIARISM, CITE ALL REFERENCES IN REPLIES



The one limitation in this study would have to be sample size. This study was extremely limited to the participants who were able to be a part of it. In the criteria for the study it stated that they women who were able to participate needed to be having trauma related stress, have experience in the Christian traditions, could not be in psychotherapy or be having any suicidal issues. This really limited the amount of people who were eligible to participate in the study which in turn limited the sample size. Also, they limited the study to one community which isn’t that big to begin with. This study was about spirituality, and not a lot of people are open to using religion or even discussing religion for treatment.

If I were to replicate this study, I would try to open the sample size up to a broader range of women. I could defiantly open the study to other communities in the area to try to get more participants who would want to be in the study. Opening the study to any kind of women having trauma related stress could make it easier to get a better result and therefore make the intervention for the study more successful. I think that I would say that any women who is spiritual can join, not limiting it to just the Christianity faith. In the article it states that a lot of the practitioners were scared that they would not give the correct intervention because they had a diverse religious background. This is also another limitation to the study, they should have had non-bias individual’s conducting the interventions so that no one felt left out or scared they wouldn’t be treated equally.

If I were to conduct a study at my job site, which is at a methadone clinic, I would address the needs of my clients. for example, our jobs as counselors are responsible for making sure the clients have transportation or resources available to them to begin a normal life again. I would use the outcome evaluation to see how the counselor and the programs are working for the clients. This type of evaluation would fit at the center because we are constantly testing and trying to research the efficiency of our programs.

Three protentional research questions:

  1. Did the program help and aid the clients in finding resources that could help them live a better daily life?
  2. What aspects of the counseling program did the clients find most helpful?
  3. Did the clients who were just starting respond better then clients who are more established?


Bowland, S., Edmond, T., & Fallot, R. D. (2012). Evaluation of a spiritually focused intervention with older trauma survivors. Social Work, 57(1), 73-82. Retrieved from

Grinnell, R. M., Gabor, P. A., & Unrau, Y. A. (2015). Program evaluation for social workers: foundations of evidence-based programs. Retrieved from


Based off the article read, one limitation identified would be the sample size. According to the article if there were a larger sample, results would have been more accurate in measurement of the effects from treatment (Bowland, Edmond, & Fallot, 2012). If I were to replicate this study, I would address this limitation by reducing the restraints that caused those other women who did want to be apart of the study from participating (Bowland, Edmond, & Fallot, 2012). Due to some not being eligible and others not being spiritual, placed a damper on the number of women that could conduct and help enhance the intervention methods. By me opening the qualifications needed for a woman to be apart of the process, will also enable them a larger sample size (Bowland, Edmond, & Fallot, 2012). This larger sample size could also result in a more reliable intervention method. Also, if there were more women allotted the chance to become apart of the study, they could split off into groups and come together to raise funds to support the intervention methods or tools needed. Based off what this article displays, perhaps it is needed to not just allow any researcher to intervene with these women, but instead get insight from an individual who is pastoral and a minister, prophetess, or an evangelist. To make the women feel better, I would even suggest a woman who is a pastor, minister, prophetess, and or evangelist because if they were to conduct this study, results could have been more efficient.

The questions that I have about this intervention would be how they went about finding the person used to recruit the women? Have they considered themselves, asking more Christians, than just spiritual individuals? If they had an all women team who were actively involved in the church could this have helped the results? What other methods could be used to ensure the intervention methods? Using prayer, fasting, and reading God’s word is a sure way to receive the answers they need, would they be willing to do? Have they themselves committed their own lives to Christ? Is this the reason why the study is not concrete because they are unable to relate to what the participants are going through? How could they bring comfort to these women through religious views (social work, 2018)?

The type of evaluation that I would use at my volunteer site (after school program) in working with kids would be the needs evaluation. Based on the text, the needs evaluation detects the program’s and population’s level of funding needed to progress (Grinnell, Gabor, & Unrau, 2015). This type of evaluation will/can be used because it shows the needs of the children and could help potentially gather data that the program and population could use based off program monitoring (7 types of evaluation you need to know, 2018). During my volunteer site it is going to be extremely necessary to collect data from the children, to determine their needs (7 types of evaluation you need to know, 2018). This type of evaluation shows the areas needed to be improved before the program starts and what the programs focus should be (in which in this case possibly getting funding for the youth to stay out of trouble/ stay out of the streets. This type of evaluation can be used to give sample surveys to help us get on one accord (my supervisor, the youth, and myself) (7 types of evaluation you need to know, 2018). Focus group discussions can also be conducted amongst the population being focused on to determine if they need, understand, or accept the program’s elements (7 types of evaluation you need to know, 2018). Therefore getting insight from the youth to show if the program is even worth continuing and if it is beneficial. Before anything else can transpire or continue, these questions must be addressed.

Three potential research questions include: Do middle aged children become a product of their environment if they are unable to occupy their free time with positive intervention strategies? If positive intervention strategies are incorporated then kids would not be on the streets as much. If the positive intervention relates to a child’s outcome, then I could incorporate those positive interventions with a child’s needs by gaining their trust. Did youth report the desired change after the implementation of the program? Lastly, what are some characteristics shown from the youth whom have already suffered from behavioural issues and what kind of change would they be willing to incorporate and successfully integrate with activities into their daily lives outside of the after school program (Writing for physiotherapy, 1998)?


Bowland, S., Edmond, T., & Fallot, R. D. (2012). Evaluation of a spiritually focused intervention with older trauma survivors. Social Work, 57(1), 73-82. Retrieved from…

Grinnell, R. M., Gabor, P. A., & Unrau, Y. A. (2015). Program evaluation for social workers: foundations of evidence-based programs. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.library.capella….

Social Work. (2018). Retrieved July 19, 2018, from…

The 7 Types of Evaluation You Need to Know. (2018, March 12). Retrieved July 19, 2018, from…

Writing for Physiotherapy: Information for authors. (1998). Physiotherapy, 84(5), 206. Retrieved July 19, 2018.

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weekly activity 4

You have recently been appointed as the chief of police of a large urban police department. One of the primary problems your department is facing is the increasing gang and drug activity in the downtown area. Citizens have complained that the gangs have vandalized the buildings and taken over abandoned houses in the neighborhood for drug activity and prostitution. There also has been an increase in violent crimes including assaults, drive-by shootings, robberies, and homicides. As the chief, you have to decide how to address these issues. Your response should be at least 500 words in length.

1. What are some indications that this neighborhood is suffering from social disorganization?

2. Describe in detail a plan to “take back the neighborhood.” Your plan should describe the role of the police chief, the police officers, the community (people living in the community and community leaders), and the mayor.

3. How can you try to ensure your plan will be effective? Be specific.


Schram, P. & S. Tibbetts (2017). Introduction to Criminology: Why do they do it? (2nd ed.).

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individual case study assignment of safaricom

The case is Safaricom, case no 14. Students will:

1. Write a brief summary about the company (location, size, number of employees, products/services, industry, how many years in business)

2. SWOT Analysis

A. List and explain the “barriers” and “opportunities” in the external environment (general and industry environments)

B. List and explain the strengths and weaknesses of the company

3. What is the competitive advantage of the company?

4. How does the national culture play a role in the company’s strategy?

5. What are the main strategies the company pursues? Explain.

6. Discuss what types of entrepreneurial pursuits, innovation, and strategic attempts the company applies to minimize threats and explore opportunities.

All papers should be written in WORD in Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font with one inch margins, double spaced. Remember if you are using direct quotes, you must use quotation marks and cite the page number as well as the author & text. If the quote is longer than 3 lines, don’t use the quote marks, but indent it on both sides and single space the quote, and then cite the page number, etc. Ideas and theoretical concepts should be attributed to their originator and cited by author and text. Follow APA format for cites and references. If you have any questions or wish for clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Your work may be submitted to an on-line plagiarism detection service. Cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University constitutes academic misconduct, and disciplinary procedures specified in the Student Handbook will be followed.

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